Benefits of Electrical 'Feature Hydro (NE 1 A prehîstor c fami v iha, uuu -and cl Uitr 'vpi-s c corne to Toronto for the 1962 cloctrinal equipoient availabiE Canadian Natuonai Exhibition.tfor'lieprsi'-c home. The paleolutoun' noup, hucf- A zecond large dspiay u dling Pround a fixe in a Stone id!ix'v llustmates Natures meth- Agu' cave. formo pDart off a od off repienishing the x rd series of tabteatux ihat gu aph. xc sie 'ne oclces and theie rn icaliv poctruax TFho Stot off portance off Outarin's Hx dru' Light and fleai, one (ot the noie 1 n bau îes5iong xx u.empoxx e major featuro- 'orf Outanunî for the prodîuctionu cf electnuc Hydro's exbubit in the socîth energ'. Othe.-r methuods offelI wving off Ibe ne\,v "Bo3tter Liv- (,(truc- powxer gencration anr ing Ce-ntre". This modemn demonsîrat.ed by' realistic scale Ptructure, on the sie off the niodels off a coal-ffuned thermal- former Mancifacîurer'.s Build- electrue station and Canada's ing, opens ils donu t o CNE irst tuil-scale uuclei' clectn:c patrons for the ffunsh lime lOiis plant. iioxi' unclrcr onstruction yean. at Douglas Pontuîoui Lake Hcmri Hydros LigOl. and 1li i di<- on. W Vail dsplaYs anîd a series PlaY depicts five stagues un 0nu(colon' photographescîupple- MTan's ('oftinuîung seamch for mntuth im nformatuon proxid- licIter methuods off pnoxiding ed Ox' oral descriptions off the illuminatiuonmanîd warniîh <ni. ,Powxer station repiuias. Prehistoric times, anîd leads We'coiuonng gcîcsts aI a stuen' the Exhibition viion to the al pî'ex cxx of *the 1962 exhibit Gold Medialiom Hlom-e --hiie todax'. Ontario Hydros Fimat lltimale in modemn leiînical\'n - Chaurmnmu. George E, liviniz Inthlt section off 1he Gathercole, said thal the Coro' e'xtibit, attractive 'oi:ng lady mission s celebi'ating 50 years' Rttendants ar'e on baud ita s'sociatin mwtb the Canadîauî tde-monstratpte cnurmerous ap- National Ex.hibition ho s ear WE SERVETH -AT- Olympia Restaurant KING ST. EROIVNMANVILLE, Drop i whilp shopping... or after a lateinlov'iC. Yo v iII cnjov'N the hornie v atiosphere in air-cfonIditioned eonifort TAKE THE HEAT OFF YOUR BUDGE 6 2-fi-om 64 Re.Pre 2 ufisa37c-SAVE 19e eA&E OF' 24 TINS $3,96 - SAVE 46a ALL PRICES IN THIS GUARAN THROI SATURE AUGUST 2! SAVE 258c Off 0eal AN EXTRA 8 TIDE DETI SAVE Evaporated 5~CARNATI( SA V E 12Csoc Qual;ty 'New Paci SAVE 12 A&P PE Canada's Finest Quai STEAKS (o; WING STEAK or RO SIRLOIN STEAK BONELESS RUMP oi POINT SIRLOIN RO, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables CALIFORNIA, GIROLED, BEEDLESS, NO. 1 GRADE Grapes 2129C NEW CROP ONTARIO APPLES WeaKtlY. Geod Entnmg, C"e Grade DiclSt-et for Cmok-g. Cf-prde 34 celicb.ng35c 6-uri aske69c New Crop, Vrfgin,.. Wasiied and Waxed, No. 1 Grade ~SWEET POTATOES 3 ib 29c Pascal. Bradford '.rwii Wask.d und Trimmed, Conada No. 1 Grade CELERY STALKS 21-f25c P.%"et, Ontario Gr'.."Lti re. Canada Ne, 1 Grad.- GREEN PEPPERS 6 1- 29c Mr ndMr~ Carle ohs.I ~ ~ -!A@d nl b sec the fi rst zrme The Canadian Statestrian, Bowrn Li inarFy . a'lngseong, Di- 1 ru N i of 1 the Playoffs hetween Ken- Livi g l~r~.~nd!vt~. Dugls De- Srah (Mrs. fromn London. The visitors A n S c Ka it . M elîng sp n F . n d&s DualsDe-Tykahi e s and a tos bt ke Ieam qu r o . Saiemn. cil, North Bay, visited with'James, Elizabeth (who mar-wr h itr u ol MNr. and Mrs. Rov Graham Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neals ried Richard Kidd, first. Rich- make slips in the field as xwel! and familv with Mr. and Mrs. during the past week. ard Smith. second), Mary as, our team did. 'Muh eer- Display ~~~W. Rahmyat their cottage at 'Mr. and Mrs. Sidnev Way (Mus. Samuel Grandv), Rich - 11g occurred when wvee JîrmmvH s E ty a heFour- Mile Lake, on Sunday. 'and family are on threle weeks ard, Jane <Mrs. Wm. Swain). Stacev carne to bat and Entryia Vemadeo ur dophiif t he Ms nhrRed n eylVCtO t their summer cot- As far as can be ascertajned ,aged to cet around to ilione e Prouess Buiding al the 1912 and L,.nne, and Mrs. Bert tage near Apsle.-. the first inember off the falm plate.' Keep yu cî p hds Exiitio Exhibition," Mr Gathercole A:h ton and Lea and Eddie Miss Lynda Hall, Whitby, uv to corne to Canada was r.a i id :l Paul Mercer staed 'ndwit te xcp-enjoved a holidae a kesPent the past week with Mýr. Jamsi h ae u n11,off Guelph suent a ffexxdays 1wBwnnvleadDs -lion off the vears xvhen the Simcne. and Mrs. Carl Smith. a carpenter by trade. H's %ihhrpretM.adMs .i!Auru oit i'( 'CNE lemnpoti ail. - sspended -Mrs. W. Martin returnedi Mr. and Douglas Smelt good account off the couniti- Fredi Warren. 'erAugust rmeting at Il -operations. xx e h continîîed home on Saturda.v, having are holidaying for the next brought out his brother Ricb- Mr. and d Mrs. Miltonx Bo cd Lions Coniiitnîtîv C'en 1r ,to sponsor dîspla ' vîhivisited relatives, at Oshawa.' two weeks at a cottage near ard and his viffe and familY Thed-Brian off Toronto tic,rha%-e reflected the remarkahle Mrl. and 1_. . Tilley and Burnt River. the following yean. With Rich- j guests Sundav with M i ssITev ecoied seraiîcxx icýadvarces bv te Canadin familvaccompanbroMr.erdiMr.lan HelenPestondNand arredrBoxhi.,Hileembersn regd ia\d,.cmberrs advancs bv te Candian farnîl' accopanie Mr. ad Mr.and Mr. Preton Nels ardcame is mos o g obaccois kep and and aitimbei off isitor ffro - ciectrical nmanufacturers ;niMrs. .Bertrim Io Sharbot and their children Douglas William Sxvain and his Pnmi tecomulî' uv oît oe riden'Oh ýe the electrical appliance field Lake on Sundax-. and Lynda have moved to and familv and these two set;lsofhecmuibvPrt ,wa He, socilehspand l eand the great. contribution Ave Thompsou, Bowman- their new home in Peterbor- tled on adjoining lots 14anMr and i. Haod r 1 w hich elcctriciIx as bee n l le, Linda Thom pson, Les- ough. T w s ip\uhalont .B w ay -lle xi briin i i the o lî making tb the provincial econ- kard, have returnied home a -Mrs. Charles Reynolds 15.Tonsion urhm off ax-n nland aofBersmarvilyn Exhibition intItle Canadli ciom -v and *tne (omfort and con- ter holida 'vin g with their home again from Civic Hos- In 1822, John. the old«est were Sunday' guests with Mr. bei-e xýVas a talk on1 the Fish nvenionce off clil lifr-,ini On- grandmother, Mrs. W. Thomp- pital, Peterborough. Tn brother, came out with bisan Mr.Cs. a. tarin " Miss Sandra Mi ren, Tr-wiffe and sex'eral chîldren. ITeRlhGahadJc idapi \vas aucliolned '1n Diu'ectin.- attention to oibor Miss Gail Thompson and on to, has been visiting with!John finst bougaht lot 5 in thie CThae faînea tteandJckul K an aiktonofBo a- Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jack- Shco.9btonx vd h r Dcation Dam'Sies Sn- x Kime 'li ckm D o ia Da sections off tbe 1962 exhibit, friend, Toronto, with hen sotahewconbts whlen he uehtday at ontx'poolS eetry vas wou byBob .>îThemcL -inchudig disnla.vs illi îratirg gnandmothen MnsW. Thomp- son. adMa own Sottewffrm oth hele fthoff Rih wee rs cRb-oifrn Dol lar Dr. ethe bcnlefits o ff leutrticitv iin ail Son.'Mr.indsay; Mn. a d PntMrs. Don-ws \*nbvBb s. ie phases off indîistrial, comnier- Mn. and Mrs. W. BIacbun, aid Mr Cd r.Do.ardr, lot 14 in the lOth con. erts are nterredlehv ee nje * uiai and farming operaîo ale, Nil and Dougie, Shinlex alaten dNalCt-off Cavan. In the spring off 1823 Mr. and Mis. Harry- Mer- 'n iePr oeAuru Mn. Gahcrcol predited evn Tabband Mr. K. Cwing art Springville, were Sunday [ Thomas and the resi off[bis cen xyere Sunda\ eyeiigSotsmtingnSet- tmore draniatîn changes in Ille tended the Cowling picnic a withMr. and Mrs. Wal- cide n rncidcgissxîbMs ay ne'sigtl a appevlcon,;en thffnex eecrial-uDantn rvnca ar n Staples Memorial ffortY-four in number, arrived Mn. and Mns. George Mac- bîe x- an o Bistron l S\v,. * pliaiosii henxthîf una'.T d t of h ahînd settled mostly in Cavaîi. Donald, Rvnyaîd Treasa spent vvnb\ aioBcsrn r cenur. r.'ad Ms.M'ltr ove Te esenant o te h Uiig the voyage over'. Tho- î~xekn tOee. on how to prepare fond for- century. Mrige n îd rn. aier Lovte-unma sStaples familv held a nias' \vitfe, Jane Bell died at Mrs. NeeydaLt Oremla e- vu il nth icesL '11Is iiirek îîkiv îîc nige îmdffaîii atendd te MrnoualandDecratonSer- isea. Samuel, the third son sel- turnied froni a visit xitb IVtîr-gyos p aluan dncdmî o x'sionu ie NE50y arsSt ai .pnratS ea ofvice at St. John's Church tled somewhere near Baiti- andgvoikDoaNoiotlinTbabntfond from noxv xili ffind that nin'Ba x ar.o tndav. CmtrybdOn,<aorbbnvJmshd fonodn î'.DnLite i rno off the modern qpplign(c(.1 n l We are enjoying the heauti- andd emThrIs a s, n)noewervicems wasa in i.Mu.and Mrs. Aylad itle, mav be ted 10 o\-ui' cnuui dslY' eeîda r iso-ftfoxv's in the chiîncb eachu - off homaSta-nl-owex'er somne yeans Iater be are on a trip to Chicago. Miil ihs vt în Sundavaexcning. ff'omYnhnvrmembrancemoved 10 Leskard in Claî'k: Last Sunday' we had Ille retc. cnd ta h exae e eupe im a ldOl r-r r.DnC les who was born in Wexfford Townsh~ip xxith bis seven boysý igcmetr bitfi repacnt x quipmntof ~ laiol goxerMn D na-,Coun.ty, Ireland, in 1748 and d'.pleaSurie t10 hear Mn. Doîit g(omiir bu b diraI dcsign andt oxen greater ernn. I nCaan My a n le daughter. Thomas had iWbitbread off give a different habits and featlues Iidi aa inMy182'5, ten cimbdren and sevent-thnee fn skn Wa saCrs-uttesl xtrfsm~ efficicc," he said. Mn ýand ixW. Blackburn and xvas bUried in St ..Jobhn g'a. dh-1Id Ie fho ha e an'atou on rning seCricest- le ie'sof Ileuai a e ian hox aîfrnilx ii d a mn ton iAnglican Cemeterx. Thomas wo apn lOi onn evc. llewneso h I spe ndhs ierend nul nx'er Canada and Sunday' againu xe Weue fac- uccue--Junfiorýs: Fish of ftic rp o iu od n aTVaîsan Iffe v.Janp hIe L'nited States and il is es- ourcd 'in bax ing Mn. Met Month, Betty' Ash: Open Egg- HAYDON ad soil re e 'nn nated vamly off t'Iltimated there are in the neigb- Smitîî off Oshawa xxho ieads lavers, i st Gar'fietd Webb, 2nd, angeiil e niu n t children---Johni, Thomas, Sam- borhood off 10.000t descendants fihe "Stindax' Scliont off the Tauino Backstrom Jr., 3nd Bet- Mr and Mrs. Eani l'bnmp- i'hurcb on Satuitda\v evening. nl n Ms ae anatgte.Air-" oven the Oshawa radio i.v Ash: Open Live-bearens, Son and Cx nîthua xxere Tes- Mn. George- Tabb retUrnnd Between four- and fix'e huri- ;station each Sunîdav moimninig. 2'nd Bett' Ash, 3rd Lee Lein- dav visiîou-s ai MiS. MW.from MtmnnIial spi , NET .T Mdied gatbered al. the church B-e made a verv stroîîg plea on. Senior's: Open Egg-lax'ers. Thompson's. Thuiiirsda\ Pex on-' Boxxmanville, un Moîudav. for the Memorial Serx'ice for Sundca' Scbool teachei'S S I Tauino Backsîrnrn Sr., im ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~hc wiioswr i îdM. Snx1 eu n n n. 'ivradSao eb~wîbxas conducted by Rev. anîd parents in see that the ireue Sedgwick; Openl.x- FakOmnRoxynvilIe 'ainuerou (hiesen off Oshawva e FE G. Smiîh nof Knox Presbv- children couile Io Slndav bear istlucilie Sedgwik Finak Osmnnd, cîVr R-vvreina a acien n x'oed a xveek's holiday al eiîiChurch, Bnbcax'geo'n. School and are earlY tatight,2nd Tauno Baekstrnm Sr. T[ho, T mSunixonsndveen. Rn vLe- iii a n acir itdt 0pont Credît xxitb the Gordon Ris sermon was a challenge 10 10 seck Christ and uîphold ountlank and filter raffle was won Tbnp n .uud enï~ l. Sinax 'bn her uIl du-Heaslip ffamilv. When the:îlive uIp 10 the standards set, Christian faith. Il is the child- hv Tatîno Backstrom Si'.. and k a rd , iM . D n al th n.s ol)ot e rwaidill'i'h n m p so no rdn.H a slhie ro u gtvaemsvkt eiled .y of C a m eC hro n. reG othdo nm llHe a slip s be d ornc îg h tb v Gtth e m b xe K e m Dcbbie aîîd Vaici e. East xxas a liax cou box' . Svnîmpatiîx'home Debbie Heasîîp -rmain-; te fail' ffJeusChis. e th Com tunists w fil ie /dn i/sb etueKm BecDaxx n ;s rxirnded to thie familv x. Smith, witîe not a din- Io i'ec. Nx cna ach nxTiianx li. 1 hirhSrieSitca-P ed for a holiday. Debbie and:ect descendant off Thomas Sta- Rlev. A. S. McGratili(nom the and Heaho. Th ounp sn . (huii' Se xireSuumdx e -Sharoni bolida.ved xitb theïr pIes iýý married 10 Lois Whvte L 1Oi'd's Dax' Alliane wiil be Hanmptn,îAir. anci Mrs. Elie nuiug i at 7:30. 0cr pastor. raiidpaients, the G e o r g e x'iîo is oneoff tie Clan. 'fhe1îaking the' service. sud~"" 'Lui i a^o ju- oono Rx h îiaîxfolbeHeaslips. Oi'gaiiist xvas William Staples' Mn. aîd Mrs. Ralpi: Geaci, NOICE TO UWNI Mi. aund Mu i-s ux ld SIe-inniî n 1anlmu, . ehpefr a Visiîimg xx ith Mn. and Mu'5. offToronto, wxvimo s in his aîmd faimiiix nolnred ho Kuîgs- T xx re im i îipei,,icd îî gnd tmodaceCharles Briggs and Mn. and eigbtv-ffirst ceai. The choir Iton a dav'iast xveek. Tbey en- INTU ... Mrs. Lorenzo Motîntjov n"e- off foîînteem c oîsisted off repre-ijoyed th.1e cruise thirouigb the cently were: Mr. and Mrs. Ev-1isentâ off rîîîe off the tien Thousand Islands and alsoTO N H P F 1 E T JI T H A -P's LOW, LOW PR IC ES erett Mouîtoxr off Saskalche- rachsoffthie original faml- îoured Old Fort Henry'.T WN HP 0 wan, Mus. G. McLean off Bow- i, lv ',stapeffTn Congr-atulations to MI-.aîmd manville, Mn. and Mrs, Lloo nito aîîd tus daugbten oxx'Mrs-. Staîmley\ Ellis, nee Scîsan - *Siemon and Mus. F. Toms Off Mrus. Howard Cox sang two miller. ixho wene maî'nîed hy' Enniskilten. diiots and Mns. Cox sang c ýRev. R. C. White nt Newton- Mn and Mns q.Wiiex'M- solo. Richand Matchett off ville Satîunday afficinoon. The N TC O O N * Keown of Monio Rod w oiP R. . Fraserville. ouri n appy pain leffI for a honex OT C T W xisitî's xxilb Mi'. and Mr.s 1872?xa the oldest meoiheur n moton tnp. IN TE BueHeaslîp. also calliung on off the choir. Mn. and Mrs . er nc Bx 015 ' ber brother, Mn. Melville Jr- The tîshers wene Iwxo more weneScna guests w'îlb Mn. Ciy of Oshawa, the1 vinle off Liidsac. voff tie Staples descendants, C. anld MnS. Hatcher Fosten aand Mn. John Dox' le Sm. is quiteRodveîMî,'Faidden off Branît- boys. ilan h o illiin Pont Penî'v Hospital and fond aumd William HoneY off Mn. and Mrs. Jack Fonk vle n h o friends trcust ito learn soon Drfxv Ot ere us Sna evin thth s mrvn.At Itle service ail ten brani- w'ith Mî'. and Mus.. Ross Ga'x h i y, artwright5 Mn. aîud Mrs. Robert Midg- ciles off the Staples Clan ,ver'e Aïri. and Mrs. Garth Bates n CHOCE ED ITEO NEWPAC" lev are gix'iug thei' lhomie, the mepi'cs eited anîd tliese iîclcud off Nortb Bac spentth week- Clarkce, whose lands CHoIE RE PITED "EW PCK- PresýbYtenian manîse, a niuch eclja, toast foIu, focîrtli geîîcr- enîd xvitl Mi andMIS Jack needed coat off paint. aîicîi Staples'. Clark Staples Foiik'.o nsi o r M. and Mua. Lunmîie Cbap- off Oshaxu a: jumlîu Staples Mn., amduMrs. A 'vai'd Lit- Tw si mai Pu.Jiiniia e -Liis:.\ VMrs. WlîrRox- lie aid lfaîmîulx' xvere Scuîday' 1 A Pr C Il b R~ I E S frev etcirîîed 10 tîmebu'hum-e iniland (hFElla Staptesi, Bel lia ix' guiests xilh Mnis.Nev'a Little. NTC 4 Northi Ba v aftem beiîîg ilmlFletcher Staul e s, 'Tcronuto. Aiiotlier accidenmt occirreuld ..N"C 'hage off lime Boxver's eslcb- xx e presinu. fi'iiiiat AllIen Fosiei 's nirner Sun- THE ONTA.RIO ) MM 15 -fi-oz ia d Mis. George Boxeers en- Cariecale, Sask.: Doîx\,al, Quue.:N TIE-N S SHOWN tins L 10 ~~joed a [rip 10 Sacili Ste. Ma- Sania, Kîchiier. Branitford, CfTTT~l70 H L~ IS AD tins re and boume v'in, Michigani. Hamniltonî, Oakviile, Brace- UDITUAflI 'VrEEDf Congratculations lu) M i s s bridge, Liîîdsa', PelerborocIgh, DAY, Reg. Prc. 2 tins 43c- SAVE 9e Sirlev Prosseî' aîd Mr'. Ken- Feîîelouî Faits. Bobcaygeoîî, 1MRS. HARRY C. L.XNIER 'lAKE NOTICE that the tAneth Hudson ,,xho wene mal- Port Hope, Cobourg, and tion of the Tow'nship of Darlii 5*II, 1962 CASE OF 24 TINS 14.tS-SAVIE 41e nied Salcîndav in St. John's manyr olier smaller places in In failing lîeallh for lime past Ontario Municipal Board pursu ____-- Anglican ChLiînch. A necepiion Ille United Cocunties. Th e -'e a ' Mus. Harîv C. Laîîdeu', Section 30 of The Planning xxas hel1d in Fonnester's Hait, Familx' 'î'ee inlue nine foi'meri' off 205 Dearboro etitdAe ylw22 Req. Priet- box $1.27 Ne ;loton. Thie voîuuîg couple geiei'atioiîs. Avenuie, Oshawa, died at the etit d9?Arte full t2223of 1xx I lice in their îîice home, Dcîiîg the service.,'1T Chris- Bow'maîîvilie Mernorial Hospu- Augst 162 e fiteeteio!l kinj iz 9x te î'enovaîed S, S. No 5topheu' Staptes off Baltimore laI on Satundav, Augiist i8tii, afte 'h paersof isntef i E u u i secentlv from Clarence Mount- fendied a sicere wecomp in0 om in Oshawa, the . de-' Township or Darlington notic Reg Pr. ;a11 Ihose preseot and e-xpres.q- ceased was a daîîghiter off Ille approval of the said hy-law tn Rn. rie 3 ins 4 .Mrand MrS. Pey Preston ed tbank Io al] xx'ho had help- lte Mn. aîîd Mns. John Houl- of the' grounds of such objectic off I.iniîdx wore ecetv -ddt aete eoitn -don Sue xvas predec&ased bv The Ontario Municipal 16 fi o:! tins loisnr witb Mn. and mus. Gog union a suiccess. ber husband un Max' 1947. She, the' sait] hy-law but hefore doi )N M ILK 7 9 7 \v~ 0 Dd las a off eroff Simcoc Urne and place when any ohjec ýk Cae of 24 tins $3.96--SAVE «c Re. Prie. 2 tins 37e nsen oll iewiîh h wsIl ls fh familx. DA'IEI) at Toronto this 2t s on Johnî Doxxding and faîmu- ae t os A Sl\-.Xcton. Jack aînd Glenîn Lanider off 20-9-o tinsM Staîker, Toronto, Boxvmai'ile, and six grand- BA 69 9 John Grande] is homne tubse osi isC W hlrn At preserit the zoninz I xxek, baving scîffered a Soin last weekpnd 'hie fuîuîerai service was o!fI)arlington dops not permit _________________________________________ Straiîmed slioilder al bis Tom- Mi's. Ray Hughes and Gloria heldi at the MclIntosb-Aiîder- Io d-wellings. unless the additio Mis leid[îx'v\isited in Keuidal last Wed- son Funerai Chape], Oshiaxxa. area w~hieh meets mini mum nec ;If y R ed? boln d B eef i ug: holdays ffom ber xxoi'k. esda.L . aninli p nt on TI sd x,1 uî.1, a1 r. in hih te b idn s lrt A igood. S mk d. Sliced, Rindiets lh.a t iinru a t J ýe............i o A N I) W IIERE:1 S the .j M.J. Mc Aiden xvas bos- EUh e cxbcre lue xx as i'ngagî'nlin the Corporation of t he 'mv SIE B C N ~~6 9C e fr the Aigust meeting off amm ug e i tî liîtu rnwu u deemis it adv'isa hie tbfu rther IlEBA O f rgNesltnPnesbyîerian Ladies 1x5 eau s icge xx ,he omox'ed as amiended; Aid Aon Tuesdax' afflemnoon. back Io tox inihî ug c'ip e_ NIr and Mis. Gord'on Laxcll dnie et .m Lac Ina Siroot. 0ui NOW 'IIF'REFOltE Wiliamns Point calied ouiluic 6, 1911, ho mannird tlmc- Planning Ac't R.S.O. 1961), C2 Marvonanîd Elmer NeFbitt on J $ former ChailotteMcrin cipal Cotincil of the ('orporat SA E Y F T R SSunx' evening. offo Lavngonetaus st.lo BA ERY EA UR SY. .J. Basiabie and to M. e Jane Parker Reg. Pric. each 59c-SAVE lu Deboî na off Toronito are spend- o lIoe neuiu' te- >. I)aîStion 4abs a iili CHERRY A ecD wit Nff i' . adMandirlas well kuiown ffor hi-to subsection (q) as ol CHERR 1 DwIes.r; 1FX act w tinh a ehc. N 88of(q) Building Extensior r cLARGE 24-OZ NE5! v ion Hvland off Omemnee w as al1s o afffiliated wxiîb 10e Nothiflg in this B PIE ___49___ eld a x'eu'x much enjoy.ed pic Canadian Order off Forre<teî. an extension or I ic at Cartwright Commun GIM, BDIfe .ied Wesýtmun <1er Pi o-uMade to a sing Jane Pa-ker Large Reg. Prie. 59e-SAVE 20c 'Park o uui cndav, Aciguist26 th I I OcteucriChui th .ý1, SltiilIi-deln hc ~~ I Members off the famix- pue- ALE" Fallssî71 .-ais ago anîd for deln he ,ci x Jean and Bdni v uman': ceai s fauuhfof-pr l passing of this Cai r and cbildren Debbîe -*orsflavor his dU'iîes as an eldeu has a ground floor C K_ _Barbara and Patricia: Lorai îe -more sparkle in h:ai chîcîch. re<îuired hy this BE C Kh3:and De] Creed anmd ion Bob- -more for Be ides bhi:fe, e iS in etnio ra ___ ______ h l~aei ud oitBug n your monsy vived b'. txxo xu~ Dr. A. Vra- Poua rneand dauglmuen Lisa: Mn. and son Mekenzue. Oronon, x'an A. pliance with all Poua rnaMrs. Ross Hx land înee Aileen MeKenzie off Whuîb%-, anîd tlxvith ifellxx<r-:h Kuim and Kathie: dauughtenx-, Mi ý. George 'd 2 Th n - (lu/i of X'eunahiad Mu -Iaw shall corne C GA E T S clii o,200 O 5 aso Doonie. Glenn and Helen (re)o Vinaan Mr, HvCnIGndARETTES . H.birFe uni(Fouuuo da.% il is approved hy the bii-P Olhers present at the - ff Fa 1onY Crnt' A datigil- BRoard. 1Io 0»wdM 1àPCpt opvc. picnic weu'e Mn, and Mrs. Ar- . u M. Heatuior MrKen-THSB- WRE> 1 hur Hvtand off Nestleton. MnI. 711'.CNA. îof f Peeuonoîmgii., N THIRD TIMA E AO il * and M.-z Austin Bearock of predvceaýee. biro on Jlly1t41h R 1arR ock, . Mrý n ad M:s ýoff thiý':eau Thene are ,;cvcn ON THE 2nd flAY OF' AUGI .Aýdelbert Ru'acoc'k. Mn\Ir. Allan QUARTS - l1<, 2 FOR 33nenihlru GRE . IKR 13eark and rhildnen. MnIr six 12 oz. BOTTLS 41C bleument TaB.' MpPReeI' and Mu-s, Floyd Dowrier, Cam- PU13PSI G.~ Vale Cemnetery. imiths ïa1Il-, of O'.bama, Mn. W. Ronke pf Cobouirg, Mn. Kelly' Wigbht andi NIns. treme Sediz,'ick off Bov- mianv'il .c. .\ii i;(î.ý on 'f.ia pretty fish, anmd plants wal limon iîeld. N\ îlh tbauîks 10MNi. Ash for Auing as acîcl ineen. .Sex oral menifhers ofit bh Box miunv il le anîd D i s t n i c t .Aqiua ruull' Societ ' x\\x.inii ' Hamilton. oui SuniPux' to attrnid 1lic mothlv meeting of tilç Cuuuidin As"uiiatun off .'q"m- ruturo Cluubs, xx'beeil xxas au: - ruouuuced îuîaî tue Si. Calbhé- inres A\quariumn Socitx xxor lime Aquiar',in Reauti fîu 1 a, ,, ah Ille(' N-E We hope to ha' ej a botter euînv' nexi ycar. Fn!. iowxin thgelme inug, Nin r. ri Mrs. Tacun Backsti'om anîd Mnr. anud Mns. Fuaci Sedz- w' en îc x Iot St. Cathanes io v /t oneoff tuir-soi'ictv mciii - bers auîd fouînd itiem o 1o(i) v env fi ioudic anîd utpuLO. Foi' thme conmg ycanut il estumated liat federal gox'eui. nient speuîding xx Ili averacq FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND S TA FF0 R! BROS. I.TI ki~) Stafford Brothei LIMITED Monuments Box 133 318 J>undas St. E. lVIi Phone Whlth.y MOhawvk 8-3552 [ERS 0F LAND 'HlE DARLINGTON [ERS 0F LAND 'HE T'own of Bowman. iwnships of East 1,Manvers, and iabu lIands in the Darlinglon P.F.N. 4004-6 NICIPAL BOARI tSECTION 30 1NING ACT (e oicil of the Coi-Dora ington has applied to t>' uant to the provisionso Act for approval of Ii Passed on the 2nd day ni ,vhich 1% given hercander ray, within fnîîrtren dayi file wvith the clerk of tii ice of hi% objection tr tgether with a statemeni Âor. Bnard nMay approve ni oinz sO Il May appointa petions to the' hy-lamw mIl 1 2nd day of Auziist, 196, B. VICKERS, S ecreta ry. F-lwof the' Tow'nship iadditions or extensins in prov'îdes a total flour equirenientç for the zone d. additions to hoines w~h Ich even though the additin area as required for iiew ments are <omplied with. 1effect over the entire )ARLINGTON ) il a I .1 i E 4 'E wLu r '1 r Il Il a Il p s r ,Y1ieýn Dea iw 2111, as amended 126, 2132, 2136, 2159, yBy-law 2204, 2209, icipal Council of the p of l)arlington duly on the fifth da*y of sequentl v passed an :ning By-law on the No. 2126, hoth <of the il hY an order of the mted the seventh day .Muînicipal ('<ilncil of wnship of Darhington r aniend RY - aw 2111, piursuaîît to the 2q6 Sec. :10, the NMuni- ti>n of the Township Ie(I hy Adding there- ows: n ~vIwshall prevent ain addition heing ~ie-fanîi1y debaced existed at the lime is By-Iaw but which r aî'ea Icss than that iy-Iaw prov'ided sueh ddibion 1s in com-. eiito effect on t he ie Ontario Municipal FIJNAUXY PASSED uUST A.D. 1962. W. E. RUNDLE (llerk S'ch'neder'%, Cotintry Style PORK SAUSAGE b3 Grade -A". 4 to 6-lbs FOW L READY TO COOK b3 1 OfIk OF rs it if m, 5 3c rb43c