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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1962, p. 10

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Lady Sharthorn Breeders ai O.A.C. T h i s vear*s International for District 5, Ontario Ploxv. ture for Ontario, officiatincI PlOwing Match, to be held in mens Association fror'the past with Floyd A. Lashley, the Derby Township, four miles four years. The district corn- O.P.A.'s key man, R o b e r t' South of Owen Sound, on Oc- prises Grey, Bruce and Huron Campbe]l, President of theE tober 10 to 13 has two features counties and Gordon McGaviný O.P.A., Warden Henry Lantzi which make the event unique. of Walton, well known Jn of Grey assisting. This Is the vear when it plowing circies, is his fello'w Thée Warden's challengeý might be said that lightning director ta represent District match takes place in the af- strikes twice Ln the same à.' ternoon and to date, nineý place. October 10 to 13, 1933 The other feature of this cou.ntv wardens have i1dicat- 1 was the date of the last Inter- year's match is that a rmal ef- ed they will compete againsti national Plowing Match held fort has been made to make[Mr. Lantz who farmed for, in Grev County and the site the event. the agricultural many vears in Carrick Town-l wasexatlvth sae a pln-showcase of Ontario, more at- ship In Bruce and more lat-' ned for 1962. tractive to womeri. terly at Neustadt in Grey. Noma are. wero More than ever before, w- Ech day has many "spe- Nhe maarm awhermost eof em a fjyavst~tecas to highlight the pro-~ the armwher mot ofthematch for there are a varietv gram which include champ-ý events will take place was of attractions which are bon i onship classes, safety demon- only six years old when his boitrs n lae ound: strat ions, historclehbt, father, the late Vernon Barber, ing school, fashion show' and industileupment exhibitsý was hast to the I.P.M. in 1933.: 1 . and events for women andi 'Tady, e i th sucesfuihair-styling demonstration, a furniture show, films, parades muse.AadBnut ob operator of the 250 acre farr' n da optint am of he Awa rdanquet t t e with a fine herd ofAyrshire an a nofmpetlio o ame a hl cattle and has been a director Ouenoftheurow rea ond rida night te, major part of the over-ali plan Qe on rnwl e to have women come. in effect, the wind-up for, The Owen Sound business- ants. An estîmated 1,200 peo- More than 200 Shorthorn Cattie Breeders gathered at the Ontario Agri- imen have arran.ged for freeipie will be the guests of the cultural Col1ctge reccntly at the Annuai Judging Conference of the Ontario bus service during the day City Council at the banquet S from the plowing match site, Stores in the city wiîî r'ý Shorthorn Club. The object of the meeting was to encourage uniform standards -ta the city's shopping area. main open in the evening un- in the judging of Shorthorn cattie, and to emphasize the most desirable Short- - As, and if, women tire of the tiI 9 p.m. and various organi- horn type. One of the classes was judged by a group of lady Shorthorn breed- - farmn scene and tented city, itzations have planned variety r ý> ilbe a simple matter toehw' addncsfr e . They are scen in the photo with the winner of the competition, Mrs. ord a bus, spend a couple of nih. opoid ute n Charles Bosman, lef t, of Bluevale, who outjudged her maie competitors. The1 l~hours in modemn stores. then tertainment for the visitors ta judges panel was, ef t to right: Mrs. C harles Bosman, Mrs. W. H. Merry, Mil- -,~~ return to the site in lots of';Grey County. ton; Mrs. John Riekard, Newcastle, and Mrs. T. Beardmore, Mono Milis. The -Itime to "collect" their hus- An estimated 100.000 at- Shorthorn cow is bein g held bv Miss Jean Currie, of Ariss, Ontario, the ~q~bands. tended the International Plow-" orhn isc'f192 ~~ ~ Jj ~ Wagon tours through tented ing Match sponsored byHs-- ~-&Z ~ ..jcity and around the site areings County iast year near th - a feature each day, along with jBelleville and Elgin County provide casterru niarkc.ts with£ bands, majorettes, machinery' had almost that number at St. potential finished beef. ManyA nflnounce vvlflfers of parade and a hast of other ac- Thomas in 1960. Truly a producers feel thiat a beef co w-1 L ta U O d The officiai opening, Wed-both rural and urban centres cal but are ioatîi to proccc1 a tu e Cm p t t o t h e P u Mu p h i g !, nesday, October 10, will seec, should plan to attend the 196 on their own initiative. Inforrt - the Honorable Wila .,I.P.M. in Grey County near mation about brecding and' The winner in the Durham 7R.R 1, Campbeilcroft; Lamne AVING TIME . REDUC. Stewart, Minister of Agmicul- Owen Sound. i feeding practices Io produco onvPsucCmeîin emutRRINwovle S N AO ..ICRA-bte ef.tehnft fthis year is Mr. Edward Foiev, This year pie were given ING PRODUCTION. DURO tested sires and the develo R >Bw .1 h oth he hw Pumps, designed for Farni duty, ~a a ~ a ment of crossbrccds woiîld l ** 2.Bomanvie. h fol-i h he contestants so- suply rFU RRmer hwr anndeeotemeyiiefu wotaecîowing winnems are in ordcrling the most rgesima- sup ly re h w ter wh re nd w v be xtm mev u efu 1 th se of stan ding, Richard Van agem ent since 1961. They are ' wbn o nedi. . i tehome * Ufres n hsncw Pro- CapRRt 2,Nestîcton R. B. 1asfollows: Mr. R.B. Brown; *.barn. poultry yard gram could provide that kind ampw, R. R , . avll;. GrldBonadMr.. tukgre rvdsreserveby Fairbairn of knowlcdge, povdein or rownR. R 3 ,BoRicha IVrd VeadBn a ndrs fo iepoetoLIt could lopvienfr Port Hope; Gerald Bon!Mr. Clarence Sims, Caro- Sec your Plumber or- DURO Ontario beef producers, whoE Associatioxn, which has bena mation about the kind of beef:R.R. 2, Newcastle; Wesley Yel- eron, Ontario, was the judge dealer for full informationo onybefpouesa about have been trying to develop aýsomewhat loose organizatinon consumers pro fer-the amountllo*wîeeès R.R. 1, Enniskilien; of the pasture competition thetyp o DUO halowor aretig lantht cui ofcontybef podcer a- of fat, possibilit\y of dc-fatting Harve0y Malcolm, R.R. 2, this year. LDeeP WelI Pump you necd, or dertake an information ancain h eatviisadhwt edt produce' JanEtville; Harvey Malcolm, orrite for folder, "Running Wate, promotion progrmn, were of-iulte yeohbe ht com-1 R.R. 2, Janetviiie: OrviliePstrMein the Farm Neceààity". fered a helping hand lastjgrants from the Ontario De- mands the best pirice. That re-i Hindman, R.R. 1 , Hampton; On Wednesday, September Thurdayby te povinialparmrent of Agriculture. The quimes assembling the Iatest Francis Jose, Newcastle; JohnI ministed a griultu reonln approach envisages a developrnents in feed effici-, Bonsma, R.R. 3, Burketon;D ST C m. ASte w fartuhehe .provincial organization similar ency, feed additives and com- BueTalr RR , ni- .AD S OC miniterals hapensta e ata the Ontario Soul and Crop pamative values of various kiIIen; Larmer Biraos., R.ER. 2,SE VC beief r oc er islthîs aImpoeet As at1ontpso edscha iaesete :Mlod Wie E VC beflotfaoducritissnefatist which would be caiied a beef hay, pasture, pellets and s0 on. ucaeacodnt sz notfavurtis sicealmstimprovement association. The Studies ta determine the Costl weekend with Mm. and Mrs.'anid condition. every other commodity group ODA wouid supply a secre- of production of beef at dif-jEarl Thompson, Bowmanvilie. SmalI animals removed free ba hd el o smekidtary-manager and funds ta ferent ages rnighit bec nder-ýOn Sunday the Thompsan1 Phone Collect, Peterborough from the Ontario Department help arganize active county taken and the information me-! families enjayed a pienie at rie282 offer o isr. tan e wld srups to tie in practical beef layed ta producers as xveli as Waltona Park in honor of RIl.verie28 7 pfr o astne onilete pc dcrs, pure bred breeders the mast up-to-date informa- their mother's birthday, Mrs.1 NICK PECONI, Proprietor proelatspom, inclui n d tah department. The On- tion on gradin g and shipping'W. Thompson. rlation procamp acluig ýt:sociatef Inipovemnent As- ta bheip fammners provide tap! Miss Linda Thompson, Les-t Licence No. 117-C-61 prmtinl pai o oiaincould recommend ta quality cattie for the market! ad n isAaTopa, stimulate tesale ofbeef, that the ODA research activities in Beeaprourer reogniesEat B ach, Bo manvii , r rod uers have been o sid - h n titoaned, d veo - that they feed m ore than visiting their grandmothem, erig, ut t wuldproideanment of a beef-cow-and-caîf twice as much grain for everyi Mrs. W. Thompson. office and a secretary-mana-1 herd policy, investigation of pudo ana oput ger or te asocitio andthethe feasibility of community and hog producers. They fe *fMs uyRam seta _ 3ACK IBBOUCIEmeans of providing an infor- pastures and any measures this can be iînproved. Manyl ew days with Beth Ashton. PLUMBING and HEAING rnation program for producers that wuindsrmfeprov ine .~thehe pr ca- sokbet M oLugln a it-A N ta keep themn abreast of bath catteiewoudiravef the bvnef also feet that impmoved quali- RbetMcaghnNlak Divisio Stree South podu tos nd m rktng de as the Soul and Crop Improve- ita cnsumption of beef in G en Ashton. Linda McLaugh- MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE epets ment Association has done in Canada whîch naw stands at'lin is spending a few days The Minister is suggesting!the area of field crops. The about 70 pounds per year. I, with Beth Ashton. a completely new set-up for 'work of the latter organiza- Australia, which is noted for! Sunday cailers with Mr. and tion in pasture and forage sheep but is also a beef pro- Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and Mm.1 crop imiprovement, as weil as' ducing country, people cat'Milton Siemon were Mm. and' increasing the use of better about 80 paunds of beef per Mrs. Everett Mountjoy, Sask- grain and corn varieties is yeam. atchewan, Mms. MeLean, Bow- Ther isconiderblecoh art hop es that bis suggested niskilien, Mr. and Mrs. Char- LA OU D Ycern in Ontario about the programn for Ontario beef p:ro-ý lie Garrard. LAB UR AY availabilityofedr cattle tO ducers wiil stimulate their in- Shemyl and Barbara Ashtoni the Ontario Beef Producers' terest in impraving quality!are holidaying with Donna,1 - and in developing a progmam iDennis and Debbie McLaugh- M o d y e t. 3 dM ON E fbeing frced on them --thy Mr.and Mrs lÂoyd Sleron1 tfassisptnemsil elve. t ntliNetetn HORSE SHOW LIVESTOCIC AVAILABLE FOR asitne!llhl hmMm. and Mms. Charlie Bmîggs,' achieve what thev want. They, Nestleton. can accept or rejeet it. Mmj ndMs Rs1Aho RACING îNr.andMrGAossAsto NOITGAGE- and family, Mm. and Mrs., 'Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Rayî MIDWAY - BAND - SOFTBALL 1O E G E R IZionl (Hope Township) I were Sunday dinner guests of LADIES' WO K Service was held ai Morrish'ton, Enniskillen.G Preidet.RALPH S. JONES lChurch Sunda.v, Auiist l9thý Several from Haydon at- o rl Dr. . C.ChritieF. Lmb,130 Ring St. E. Msaa Zon congregations. Service sponsored by Branch 178 of G o in g Prsdn.Secretary. 728-6246 Ohw this Sunday was in charge of Royal Canadian Legion held the U.C.W. Menbers of bath at the Legion Hall, Bowman- the Mormish andi Zion U.C.W ville, on Satumday. Mr. Don assisted with the various parts' Camemon received several first Ride on the bus an of the service and took up the prizes an bis showing of glad- offering. Moirrish choir pro- ioli. TREW HAVEN '-livided the music. There was a Sna eolwl ohi FOR XAMLE:Mr. and Mrs. Ron Momison, charge of Mrs. Alfred Garrard Ruthie and Dougie, Oshawa, whîch eonsisted of a reading William Edward, Schomberg, sentis twvins hy Pabst Walker Olli. Mm. and Mrs. George Bertrim by Mrs. C. Garrard, "The Con- out of V.G. 18,000 IL, daughter of Lifloc re Echo Voyager. and family, Taunton. visited tagiaus Smile."A Ray Mattson, Tottenham, sends a son of Citation R out cf a good fMmi. adMs.M hrrm and rolt wasm od heandsone i plus daughter of Pabst Walker Ollie proving 13,000 lbs. 3.88, three years Mms. M. Smilexý. Hamnilton, manth be answeed bysome at 05das.spent a few days w;th ~Mm. and thing for aur bazaar. A pic- Full brother of lst Senior Caif, Simicoe County Black & White '61. iMrs. Roy Graham and famiiy. ture contest by Mms. A. Gar- ýMiss Lily Tabb spent the ard and two other contests E tabswl ACCREDITED - VACCINATED - BLOOD TESTED lweekend with Miss Rena Gra- by Mms. Cowling. Etab swl Th »Jrtyae ed frInndit epr. Ucate ete rham. Sept. U.C.W. meeting will Th m jo ity ar tee y fr Iis edor tiate e do r Ai a tie s tedorM r. and M rs, G . R Thom p- ho in charge of M rs. J, Potis elig bie te nte Il ted or c rtl led are he ds.son, L ynn , W ayn e and S andra, and w il l be held at M rs. A l- NÇEXT SALE WILL BE HELI) SEPTEMBER 24th ýCarleton Place, Mm. and Mms. fred Garrard's homne. MeetingFO Sale Manated by: ýE. R. Thompson and Cynda, closed and lunch was semvedFO TREWBVEN ARM TD. uctineerBowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. R. by Mms. Alfred Gamards RR. 1. Burketon, Ont. D. Tbompsan. Dawn and Hea- group and hostess. Phone Blaekstock 986-4057 HOWARD TREWIN, Blackstock. ther. Hampton. were visitors There was a faim attendanceý of Mrs. W. Thamipson on at the chumch service on Sun-p Thursdav of last ,veck. day evening to hear Rev. C.p i M. W. '1hompson spent the, Dugan. 10 The Canadian Statesnian. 13ownanvll1e, Aug. 22, 1962 Exciting Tîme Ahead ut International Plowing Match in Derby Township BLACKSTOCK FAIR August ISth OPENING PARADE AT 1 O'CLOCK' Band in Attendlance Races and Special Attractions! DANCE AT NIGHT 50-50 Draw Supper Served in United Church WDIAN 1111DM CHARTERS er Travel Service )aully from Augiust l7th ad avoid worrying about driving in £eavy traffic, park- ing or crowding for street cars. gers into Exhibition Grounds and remain there for the ýssengers until 15 minutes after evening grandstand, perf ormance. )AILY FROM BOWMANVILLE BUS TERMINAL t17ti' to September 3rd 9 A.M. st 18-m25 and Sat., September 1 Leave C.N.E. grounds for Bowmanville at 6:30 p.m. INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS HONE MA 3-3265 r 2th at 7:30 p.m. a pasue Meting will be held at theI farm of this year's winneýr A.mmpe*j*~.* Iu~~ui Ted Foiey, Bowmanville. Mr. g ic lu l C al n e Foley's farm is located wvest on number 2 highway ta the Wednesday. August 29th - Club exhibits must be in ,à Fina Station, then south ta the Professor Hunt of the Pouitry 14-H section at Omono Fair JUr first place on the west, just Dept. O.A.C. wiil tour the area' their Achievement Days. before the CPÎR railway tracks. ta score the fiocks of the Dur-i Monday, September lOth - Mr. Clarence Sims, judge of ham 4-H Poultrv Club. 8:00 North Durham Grain Club the campetition xiii be pro- p.m. There will he a Poultry meeting at a Seed Cleaning sent ta, discuss his views on Club meeting at the' Agmicul- Plant. The programn at this past ur e management. Mr. turai Office, Bowman villI . meeting xviii consist of judg- Foley wili lead in a tour of Prof. Hunt wili ho the guest ing and a quiz an the voar's the fammn and discuss bis own speaker on poultmv housing. work. pasture pmogmam. A series Of There will ho a quîz an youm usarSpebrlt 40 slides on the subject "Suc- Year's work. Hopes4H aî Clutebewillmth cessfui Alfalfa" wil ho shown.Hoe4i afCuwl mt Anyneinerste i ps- Thumsda, August 3th. 7:30 at the farm af Mm. Edgar Eiey Anyo e i ter sted in as-p.m. - There will be a Patato of Port Hope. At this meet- ture management is welcom-e Club meeting in the Millhrook ing there wili be judging, a ta attend. area. Place and programme! talk an fitting and showing -ta ho announced.1 and a quiz an the year's wark. î F ida , A gus 31t, :00' S tur aySeptember 1 t eq Ho ag Choiera :ua uno DayrJugn forCfClb A ta b e Torotio E hbiin Pak' September lth -Port Hope ppearsTuesdav , September 4th, 8.00Fam U d r C nr ip.m. - Local 7,Ontario Far: jctoer 0t1th - Inter. ýý n e o to ,mors no on Hall.t Ty wen Souind in Grev' County, Ottawa, August 13, 1962 -,_ _ ýW ith no hog choera cases e- S tid y e t m e m s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ported since Fiday evening, ilbokCaf Club Achiee- à 0 ithe epidemie in Ontario and ment DaW V i -Aà ýQuebec appears ta ho definite-' Tuesda.v, September 4th, 7:30!' ly on the wane, veterinarians p.m. - There xiii ho a meeting of the Heath of Animas Di- of the Durham 4-H Silage vision, Canada Dpa rtmnt of Corn Club. Place ta ho an- .IF A ,6u,4ANrEEàD Agriculture, reported taday. nucd u'teewl oa usYU IIE E The cases reported Fridav'talk on prparation for shaw, A STAFF 0F EXPERTS eveinginolvd to rems-and a quiz an the year's work. MREFOR HIRE es - one on Russell County, Wodnesday, September Sth,i Ontario, and the second in 7:30 p.m. - There wili ho a ' I Terrebonne County, Quebec. meeting of the Durhami 4-H! Eleven hogs wee involved iniDairy Club. Place ta be an-ý the first case and about 250 nounced, but the pogami in the second. wili cnsist of udgng, a talk' The two cases brought the a d d m ntai n o h wn inumber for the week ta eightýand a quiz. -throo in Ontario and five in'j Thusday, September6t Quebec. ;Durham 4-H Club Graintan] To date, some 17,700 hogs, Silage Corn exhibts ta o beii have been destroyed an 78 in- at Orono Faim. UNESRVC fected promises. 'Hog cholema September 6, 7 and 8th cases have been found in eight Orano Faim. counties in Ontario and 17 in F r i d a y, September 7th- ! NATIONAL

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