4îildreri. Peterborough. spebnt' familv. Oqhiw the weekend with Mr. and, da'v supper guE Mrq. Boy Langmaid. Mrs. Robt. Cam Mfr. C. Wilkins, South Por- nesdlay. evening 41/e/V wccU2 9e eui4~t / cupine. vigited his daughter. visited at Mr. Mrs. R. Fraser and famil\, Davis. Thursc and with themn visited rela-' thev were -sur i~tivex at Cornwall, LAC Irin Mr. and Mrs.? Gordon Agnew, Edilor Poe 61 Wilkin[ al, ttawa, an1d ený etville. On F Phon 362 îrote o hi hom viitedre- hevvisitedlatives at Manitoulin Island MNrs. J. West ar and Sudbury. D. Oke. Oshawi Mrs. Gertie Ferguson, oý.h spending a rem- O awa, Mr. Roy Hunter, Mrs. G. îhRarnn Lions End H lidaMePherson. Mrs. Bert Hunter, Mrs. D. Robe iL vcastleGrand Valley, visited Mr. and Texas. hier dari Vi th Steak Barbecue lmrs rce\1goe~ ivr.Gertie Ferguson visited \Vith Mr. and cSÇ,atic Wes Montgomery, Lind- SOil. Mr. and 1IV S ce l a d g )r o i l Nwcastle -The local Lions The weatherrnan :ooea-Sav no and far Club brought its annual vaca- ed perfectly, until everyone Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cr-vder- xvere Stindax,-e lion period to an end on was seated at the table, then mani and Jo Ann attendeAl the Off tire R. GibsO Tpn girls from the village and daughter Donna and Miss Thursday evening, when the the Storm broke and eXerY -Sano aivpei tte M.adMs ,11e recently rpturned fromn Marlpne Birch of Schrieber members gathered for their thing was moved inside H* Cream off Barlev Camp. kard, and Miý Cba at the United Church spent the weekend visiting annual steak barbeque at. the ever the rain was off short M n r.Rg tra.Wibwr CapQuin-Mo-Lac. In the with Mr. and Mrq. Gordon farm oof Rod Carveth on the duration and didn't dampen vsited Mr . urand htvwr Junior Camp were Janice Agnexw. Fourth Line. the spirits off the members Prs.inc Alb ert, .vîsitors, and M Rîckard, Edith Schmidt, Glen- 1Àeekcnd visitors Ait1h Mrs. When the miembers ar2lvi\ed xwho did justice to the deliclous MrWK t rdra.\right and fai dla Johnson, Jean Kimbaîl, Pearl Hutchinson were Mr. on the scene they found tables meal. M.adMs .Cyemn eeTusa Mrs. Harvev Yellowlees wer tors off Mr. and K~aren Lee Parker, Elizabeth and Mrs. Garfield Hutchinson had been set up on the spacious Folloving the meal, the atth oaFuelPros Peare ad Jdîî Poell Atand son Gary and Mrs. Lind- lawn and everything in readi- cleanup crew, composed ot at the Hogal Funraylo Parv__ teItreitCapwere svo iioo udyt a SayItemeiaeoam Toronto and Mr. and ness. prepared by Lions Bren- Lions Don Lake, Trumantheir la st respects to therr p ev er 1le- v Rickard, Janet Mrs F'red Bvers and Mrs. ton Rikrd rnkHar ra k'ro ndRy od Grahm ad Bth owel. ickrdFrak HarJr-Henersn ad Rv Godecousin, the late George Bou- C;A mandw elpatnthoefor Howson of CavLan. Garyv isit- win Colwili and Rod Carveth went ta work with the tUiler. o a faricoir Parts i hetd o Wal ed for a few daYs with his whc> made the preparations assistance of Mrs. Carveth in r n r.MurvVc  or penc as el i Wl-grandmother. and cooked and served the the kitchen, while the re-an Mr and Mrs. Bo rr x - PVic toina P'ark aon Siinday for Spr. M an r.amnado mMr.h< a(mosdof andro temmbr n d r.Rs;C v V in Pr App. Neil Voutt who is re - M.adSUWm _ra fmhwig uhw ario abeed o cd a vostheamong e- derman had a pleasant motoit Stir~ nFiay( h RC 1ling visited with Mr. and bgmit -wl.igareudJY avs mo them- trip ta Upper Canada Village S.M.E4 onFrCamp a hellwac. . . George Wallon on Mon- steaks. r'oasted potatoos, coro selves until ail was cleaned upls eknd I S'.C ampfor his carafe daY. and tomatnes and pie with after xvhich a card game was ls ekn.I N i p.C frding a eonh's eav er t isTarn ameo fc ra.enirvedi. aEllen Cryderman holida.ved spedin a ont's rav lxth is Laratp Jmieon f " cram-atMr. and Mrs. C. J. Wra s, )A.K.N~a his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bowmianville, Miss Ano Mr.-Osa . Voutt. Those aIttending the Nevin of Oshawa and Mr. and oe cieatr e-ofOsaasple h r saa I? -Larrv Cryderman holidaved '< RsCî1 picnic in addition to Neil and Mrs, Gordon Batchelor were onded hv Porter. that the fol- cream. Genial Mr. Srîowden ataacl CrtelJ his parents wcre Mr. and Mrs. weekend visitors wîth Nîrs. lowing acenits be Paid: hrouîght his v.qn with assorted at . .1. Wray's and H. Fr î a(it\ 0f tenol SidneyVoutt.Mr. an Mrs.Stanlev Brown, Bob and Road VoLicher No. 8, flavoured. delectablp cream.s. t~,Ohw..tRR o Sidne Vout, Mr andMrsMr. and Mrs. George Ham- agairi xx-oo top John Stemp, Mrs. Brian Ken- Bed Road Acci $5,207.08 Congratulations,; I this enter- lin., sav.Ms ehecsso gse nedy and son Dpnnv and Mrs. Friends ofMrs. E. R. Love- Douglas Smelt, xwork 80prîning group off Welcome Hi- Doug and Helen Decherl, Tor- Ctaa aî Jae ala]o xrde i ilb or alearro that on Dump .n*s ontotviiteddurng lsI iek and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur she is seriouslv Ill and is a Ont. Hydro, Hall 10.12 Mr. Shirlee lsaac off Mer- end with Mr. and Mrs. George He won ilhu y Ramsden, Toront.o; Miss Jo- patient ni Memorial Hospital Clifford Curtis. sherp don, Man., is visitiog ffriend5 Knox and familv. and one second ânne Sale off Scarboro; Mr. in Bowmanville. claim 6.0)0 ini and arotind Morrish. We are glad ici report Mis. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard, Miss M.adMs ereBaeJh hms he Mrs. William MlcHolni ha& S. E. Wcrry is improving sat- Mr. Nowak Jackie Garrod and Mr. Sierd of Greenhank visiterd on Sun- claim 151 )1hee keeping Mrs. M. J. Os- isfactorilv in Bowmallvilie grades eggs oi DeJong off Newcastle. day witb Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marmora and 1,ake, borne cnmpaniv dcîrîng the ah-'H-ospital, also that Mr. Werrv faim uLnderi Cali Mr. and Mrs. Sidnex ' v er- Coiiîh ,and familv. Township'. Re 1 i e 1 seoce off Mrs. D. Haines who' s feeling better again. ai nment Suipervisi, guson and ffamilv lfft on Sat vMr. and Mrs. K rnith Dean charge-hack '-4.93 is on holiday wvith a ffricnd. home. his eggs aI whol urday for a two ,w-ieks' holi- speot a couple (if daY s lasi Village of Omempe, Miss Ireece is still a Mr. and Mrs. N. Fiee, Taiîni d eateringi Clay in Prince Edw,\ard .and week in Ottaw a and visiter] Relief charge-back 30. 30 s -B'invle end Nova 5-otla. %vth Mr. and Mrs. StRnle'Y Cîîv off Peterborougýh. patient in Port Hope Hospital.,ton, Mr. and Mrs. Percv WEst oxnavil Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. Silsier PartridpcRlifchre-al Worshlip servicee was tîcld lake visited Mrq. Frank West- 'aks fone off Rle hrpac-lake Sr. egg prodîîcrs ir and Nursinig Home , atf 10 a n1i. on Sundav, Atîgusîi Miss Patricia Knox sprilt who s i'O5' jIFair Weathec Ntrsin, 191h, and \&as; n charge off the, the weekend on Toronto with, and provincial IHome, niîrsîng home 19(1.5o) U.C.V. off 7ion and Morrishl eItI M n e s C u c lMater Feecds, rate There was a large congrega- iMiss Mabel Huggins and Ka- t0 Prodcea Th A go l eein n e io ppoiseuonii 1t î, 7 tion. B askets and a e f thy S I m on. grade eggs 1hil plci Miss Barbara Miller, Broii- Canadiati standla Manvrs uniipa Coinci arngeffora harig fthe Listoff Transfers : aI the ffront Off the chuirch and Koxadfml Manvr5 uniipa Coincl aa.nc fo an witgif pel easng . Koxand fMrs . Ko n Wals held on Augiist 71h wîth Town tvah10plrocee(d w United Cotîotics off N. i h idw ihpesn r n r.J nxad aIl mebes pesnia d ntrvew.Carîd.& D , re indigent rfffect1. Mis. Helen McHolm 1- ehildren visited Mrs. Vîm.ý al] ebers M. . a d n tpresid- M vd Calcolo. sîidHffîneral pîorgaoist, and a nîixed choir< Kuox and Mr. and Mrs. 11.1- Pdb . E.P. C.,stî-cet light fqs.2thuinlg te miseMadledm Boghm ec y McGîll that a B a~ hulbs 92 h înig aclm ruhm The, minujtes off theJuiv preparedt bv the l-lelthf Uni! , Mrs. Harrv Beckett, presi- Mieeting wce r'ari and ap- ta eliminate *Shaî-ks" and ex- ',îoved hv NMacolm~, secono_ dent off Morrish U.C.W. co1 L NG S iL tprnved on motion off Porter tremelv dangeroîs ,tructîuîrý, cd h\ MeGilI that the meeting don- thLsevic. Te sri endi MeMastcr. Carcied. be întrodîuced ffor the ffir.t1 adjouritoa1 September 4 th, ture was read bv Mrs. Lloyd The ffnlowing communica-,rcadîng. Affler th1e said hb - 1962. ai 1:310 p m. D.S.T.C avnpre h Ms. Car-Mran ç.L DBun fions %rre nd ead:laW recivec th rpqLi cii Irll iii. The offferings xverc; and ffamilv , Sunderland. werfe ]Baker &' Williams, T'oconto, three ieadings. h\vasdîilY taken up liv Mcs. Normian!Sujnda\, callers off Mr. Robert re danger off rire (rom Befli- passcd. ignrd. sealed and , Gerowv and Mrs. Morton lien- Sim. qnv Dump: Town off Lindsav Ioumhered r 13 92. Cotîtîcillo'. 1vRIunr. derson. The siorv, for child-' Club 501 will mccl ai the re I Mill payo. rcn. 'qLicStiiig MeMaster IeOqL](Sted that a ccii was bld hbv Mrs ilimhome off Mî-. Sandra DaviesI n-eting; Crvstals, Suimmer note be made off his; negaiive On Fridalv e' coing, Acig ,,t McHolm. Thrce chapters fromn with Mrs. Jane WoodlcY andi Resort r-e closing for 196,,: vote re the passing off bhe hv- 17 th, starting ait 8 p. m., the the book "The Coîintr-v Par-I Miss G. Smith as program IAA N. & D. Medical Officer offla\-\. Hi-C gi'oup off Wlcome lîeld son" were îead respectiveiy1 con venors. NA A H-eath re the condition offrie Moved bh' Porte1r. seundcd an Ice Crcam Social in Mor- b.v Mrs. Fd Rcthven, 1. M. n Ms.H up Rethanv Dunîp: Dept. off Mui- hv MeGilI' thatiîinformation i îis h Sunda\- School whichI Harold Osborne and Mrs. P-ar- ad ffamilv visited Mrs. Fred f nicipal Affairs re avso be secured in coiînection wuî-jh proved 10 bc' a highlv suLccesýs- old Caswell. The specialse-Bok in Haliburton Hospi___ that Couineil lias authoritv to the land thal, the Dept. off fofl affair tîotwithstanding se',- ection stîng b *v the choir was taI. Mrs, Brooks rcceivcd sex r -~(e h iaial placedi Highways xish (oa hur back eral uoIiter attractions. "A Charge 1 have to keep.' ere cuts in ber legs ffolîowing P The service conclcîded with a serionIs accident while hol] : Pdump: Malgistrate Bax- ta the Towxnship and ta ec The interior offthie ceornthvmn 589,This is mnv Fath-idaving with lier hcîsband and elosing Maux crs shaîe ite information as ta what 'u-ddte oif <,., - xa rrîgda nu-odt ~ rd(i fines for hinue in the te be uone with the old stacCrestaurnt. Sdl Iatblesirieh enedic-1son at Cameron. l fl amnount off $17.35; Dept. of piles on old 35, Highbway. Car- fanc- tutio v Mis. BeckettM. .J. Mclaggan and P A T-ighavs re the approach fient r-ied. vs oes ihacnr This was the first worsýhiplMuýrrav--ejyd heedv road south off Velverton ta 7A Mvdb acon.scn-aseoffziunnias, w\er~e sL.attered srietknetrl vw- ripaeonjoyed a theB-av MV bvscn-aioiînd the rount wh'ic(h wa sevc tancnrmvl ri aoud G rgn Ba HiighwAa 'v: Dcpt. off Agi. cecd lv McMaster, tbat the b'- gaîly deceî ated. Ilandptd men off this district. It was! Honey Harbour anîd Pmnetang. 0RA Warblc. Grant ini the amoila1w he intcoduccd lu set the~ advecîiscments, scttiiîg forth well arranged and, although Mc. and Mcs. Bob Jackson' off $46945: United Couiies ofTwsi iIrtsfr16.Imqîît off tms-rvd it was with cetuctance the and ffamilv, Gaît, spent Thurs- l. ' e FEqulali,.ation off As- Afte, the said bv-law received acin d the walîs, giviog tcpoiet aecag f hsdywt the McLggns ressr ,it Rv-law for 1963 lev.v; the reqcîirced iimbcc off read- ceont a bcsinessîike air. M11iss ,,,e aise given, shotild o- Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson flept. off 1-lghwaxs c; e partionis ings i. was dclv paSScd, Sigîî- Bonnie Austin off Wcslcvville casion iseagain there will visited with the McLaggans tIo the Township; Peterbor*- Commercial rate 43 mifls: Mis- Jean Marvîn, president, Mc. Harrv Baker started ta Av~Inier F'an( oîugh Civie Hospital ce a Pat- Farm. and Resident rate 40 anîd Miss Kathei'ine MeHoîn ok noeof h ffcs1 lent, for the CoLint 'v Home: milîs on the dollar: Street off Wclcome attended 10th le SOIITiAL Generat Motors, Oshawa, Moni Sevecal shccp dlaimsr and ac- Lights 3 milîs. ind the Pont- seating off the gucýsts and took, dayv morning. T confq.tvpolFice Area 3 mills. ot-ders fcrn the attractive Mr. and Mis. Ralph Davisa Cathy Hleal. Emhroe, spent T m Mo01hease ec nMotion off Portjer ald menti cards. GcieStsý paid foi' wcrc gcests at the wedding off oncle, Mc. and Mrs. G. Ko- AynImer Choi crnded hv Malcolm that e Re- MeGîli, the liv-laxx' 'as in- ail orders requcstcd. ceceiving the formers nephcw, Peter vc xolution he directpd to the trodîîccd to set the Ili]li rate, a bill foir pavntcnt xvhen leav- Davis and Svlvia BilousinMr 10 E. CciILnge Ii Municipal Engineer reqîuestine in the vaciocîs 18 sciioni sec- if"g. -lot eofffee 10c a c'11P Oshawa on Satcîcdav affter- M.adMc.CilLnîe a s si s a n c e n t h e m a t t e o ý, lio n s i, bh e u o \ v n s h î p . A f i e , L' d b b a li t , a n d c h i" d rSndalo li y s c îp p e r g u i e st s o ff t h eF r assitanc n tîc mtteroff ~ ' cc1idbe ad9cîuldcn Patricia Dais a ndfamiv BwFarulweeit rnaintaining the road frontI the said bv-law iecce d the i-ccived fiee cold freshie. a bridesmuaid. 'Kovacq. BallyduIff to Lotuis anîd thé, requircd thcee i'eadings it was Bisincss, was bi.k ailI v- Harold Yellowlees, xv 1,h Ms Jh ack n cs Green Giant r Cartwright Boiiiidamx due t) dulv passed, signed, sealcd e!liing. McîiC liveîîed things up, other 4-H members, en.Ieyed tophrsitehn ae gcandfathrs the excesýs irarffir due to bhc and IlLimbered 1391. and aftec ail expenses wece a bis trip te Montreall aFt, tohervW. dlier, Millbrookr cntuton an7A Highwav. Mc. 1 .N .krMlbro- Carried.Moved hv MeMa.-tie. sec-- paid thcîi-crmains a vcrx' sat- ween.SLndav. l Carrieri. ondcd bv McGill, that the On- isfactorv balanîce. A ocîmber Mrs. H. Pascoe and Mcs. T. Mm. and Mrs. WY. Cari anîd N b On motion off Ma1coliîand tarie Hydr-o, Pctcrhborouîgh Di- z)f Hi-C inembmrs wece bisv Scott. Columnbuîs, xvere Wedl- ml eeStra u,, Robin Hond Di Porter the Clemk was instrcîcît- viio.he reqiusted tl'O ok a' ini the kitchen, and the tcen- îucsdav afteriîeei visitors with oraMil' wr audvge ed tao%\write the Town off Lind- a tcec on Wilson St., iii the age hov s cait quialiffy iow as Mlrs. J. Yellowlees and Miss off Mc and Mrs. GosIex\-, Bec- .- Av n dieta aîe~VlaeofBtav1 osdreîctdswsesGay elwes i.T nt n i v. and Mcc. E, Spires e- vijted Mr. and Mcc.Ae-1U y Ir vlisitcd Mn. and Mcs. Rex', Be- McLaggan, Port Pecrvn, ony DODD S KIDNEY PILLS ---Re'g. 79e - 64C .11 n i .,Os h awa. Kn eT Mc. sand'i. PVacvOUn ji,îI Mi. and rK n Bn, M .adM sP Rekan Jl ayelle and Davidi,' familv, Tvrotn, wep.rp Wedprnt--TH Oslîaxva, visiiedi at Mr. F. daY cvcoing visitons off the H liDRISTAN TABLETS Reg. 31.84 Sies.MLagn. ifoc.M. onV Ilar'Spir-e. and Bull Heui- Mc. and Mus.,. Wm. Johnson I GILLETTE Super Blue BLADES -Reg. $1.10o--84c '1 i ha aplasn otrtrandc<lLifrM-.Jh ifq ecrn States. day visihens off Mr. and Mrs liiHAO HAM OORc. 9es4c on50and DnniB v. Ber ohM- nd. Mcs. F. O. L 4ih HALO SHA POO eg.69c 4 xisîted Mc. and Mrs. R. Vice Miss Gloria Smith. Bowman- jiiLITEIN ANISPTC Re. 8eO 1 and Mc . . ice. ville, Mc. and Mccr. Lloyd Ha: - LISTERNE ANISEPTI 'lI-Bcv98r84cv1aid Brian Pascoe nier and Beth, Salent, weme lit" holidaved with 'heir grand- Suinday eveoing xisitocs off parent's. NIm and Mrx. MW. J. the Sntiths. OL PIEAte haeLtin Rez zi194jýDv. Oi- shaxx-a Mr. Allan Baker andl Ken- 1" liéPC fe uv oio e.~.3 19 l Miss Jean Baker speuit the neth. Stephensville. w p r p H P wcckcuid with Mr. and Mrc, Sundav evening visitorg off the HO J.S le andi familv, 0-h- Bakers. PHILLIP'S MiIk of Magnesia Reg. 69e 64c "i 'va.Gleo upv vop WATCHFOR TIS ADEAC HWEEKfamnilv. O-haxva, Mc. and Trevor Murph'.R WATC FORTHISAD ACH EEK . Oris!n, Eeiipp-,vis:i-'-\Irand MrsH i.uriiph, cd Mc/I. and Mcc. Torn Baker andl familv visitetci Mcc. Fred M and eantih Brooks. Orhawa, un HIbiýr BOWINIANVILLE EWCASTLE 'Ilj Anne cm spent several Hzia audverig CG WLING S D GSTR ONO' U TRE davs xx 1h hem cousein, Cacoîo l rc 1. NMumjphx - Toronto. DRU STRE OHNON' DRG SORE.eqWcc, Oshaa. and Mcc4. Edith Micpbx, Tv. hii h!h;v at theio- off Mr andi Mcc. K. Hobdc'î. . ~ k Ama ri 7Ki'usail. Mr. and Mirs. 0, Lunn and, Mr. and Mrs. D. Oka and 'e. werf Tues.;1 jests of Mr. and mecon. On Wed- gthe Camnerons 7and Mrs. N. sdax' evening Dper guests off M. Keliet. Jan- Fridax-v exening xv ,tbVr. andrs ;a. c erts ip Mi Mq [mil ons .L. ss Sur vr. ami E S pxi mal 'e ad or les; ins rea t h in by d le .l 1'1 Deug 0km hs The bîggcst conuvention ever Neyer before in huiman hisîor 'v layvs' h oli d a.-s Iieîd iin Hamilton eoncîudmd bas there been such a ceaI 'aneron. recently as an audience off threat te continued existenuce sonHouson,14,151 at the Courag-eous Min- on this planet. This is a nuosi oHosoishens Disztrict .Asscmblv off disordered world. Mankiîîd hter Mc. and Jhvhs Minseý hadhsnvrbfr nw h son and faro- Jeioxmanspeiakercs.lD.Rdbas e erbefOe tkng e the pent Tlis arnioff Torotuto, delîver the fore. that God's Kingdem xxill ns. R\ e Gib- lmctcîu'e, "Take Couirage -God's mnean te alI ntankind is wuiiver- S. J. R. Park- Kiîîgdonu Is at Hand.'- cal peace and gond orden, Itie lv. Couctice, Mi'. Rosani explaincd te his removal off wild con iiusion. nung \'usitocs Jlisiciiers. 'There is a great God's tioue for pernuitting need forc uokirage in ocîr tîntes. nman's %va' off rcînniîug the Hiardy. Les- earth is near Isq end. Hi$ tinîc A.. Visser, j.-R i at hand to set uip Ibm Kin-- ridav evening SAiiLEM ±dem-- God has a perfect cm- and Mcc. J. cord off ail the dead and caoi lx, Bethanx-, Mc. and Mu.- W ilIard L.ock- reproduice thent bere on tbiq ?venungxi- hart, Niagara Falls, N.Y., xvmne earhh. Those resucrected n,\ilI Irs. N. Davis. xxeekcnd vijsitons xitb Mr. and cnjoy living in Paradise. undcr - Mcc,. Saini Buitecv. the moon, not wanting to go Mm. and Mcc. MI. Craig. Miss to the moono." Mildncd Phîlips .%-ere Safcurdax' Delegates were on liatni E iippen guests off Mn. and Mi'. front eight Canadian pîexîuî- lg s acobson, Wbitbv. ces and fine states off the U.S. thocîgh the ntajority xvere zes Mc. and Mrs. Fred Baker. front Ontario, Quebec aîîd Richacdd Eveixon. Oakville, New Yonrk State. The con', ci- h v.cccSiinda\x vi.sitons xvith Mc. tion ias a ffamily affaut wulu Sho and Mmc, Bob Collacotî Rîch- children, teenagers and older, aid remaincd for holidavs. folks sitting in Ibhehot sîi pi-eprietor etf Mi-. and Mis. F a cr e l eacnestly concentratiog on thic Farm wiîb Blackburn and Briaus are en- addresses. jov'ing a -xvcek's holiday n iear During the thi-ce-day gath- ioisand hetîs, Halibîintunn. eî'inp, Iwenty-seven di ffcreîît anville, lias, Misses VMaciotu Buttcrv anud ministers addressed thie auud- res oii focur Margaaret Shiackletoni, Mns. ..icte. Thc.y discussed -<icli îbitcd al Ibm Coonîlbes, Messrs Gleti Black- diverse subjects as fantilî- ufe. bcucîî.Ei c Slîatkleîoîu. Don. duties off par'ents and î-htld- il Exhibition. Roi, anîd Larrx WMelsh accon- 'co, and the rcsponsibilitv off ffinst prizes panied thie bics oad off Junuior a Christian te the state un tlîîs uî'îse.Farineis o Montreîal and cdus- offi n ent-l a odtices and Mc. aod Mrs. W. Craig l'adl these gatlîmîings is the ce, his fantulv'\7a uîcînhet- off xisitocs river tlie markable mass - ffeedin ai - ian Govero'- wvekend te cillox, a v-isit witli rangement that has heco dc- . H-e se!ls hec brother and ffantil '\, Mn.' veloped bv (lue Witnesses. sae tr stoes anîd Mmc. Gordon Philips, Port Their temporary cafeteria secr- tîtufi oîu :î Altbcuc. x'ed over 25,000 ni'ats i a. Mc. No- Mc. anîd Mrcc. Bob Daxies lîce days. more than ait' e veri-V ffew arce pii*joviuig a canoe (ripiother restaurant iin Hanltouu. the prov-ince aroîuoid Algonuiiun Park this'A ffew items front the groc'ecx% ýthe fedlerai week. hlist hîelp demonstrate tbm map- gexen.nmeîîts Mr. anti Mis. Leslie Wels;h-nitudce off the task: :3,291 lb-i. grade A-] were Sujndav- eveoing visitons off meat, 1,125 Ibs. of fish,' 4-'l bighesýt. io with Mr. aîîd Mcc. FElgin Sav- lbs. off eggs and 4,140 libsroff ds. miv, Oshawva. potatees. Leonard Katznl*tier Over 14,000 Attend h Witness- Con ference tece - 15-oz. Tins11112- Utr il,1 - 14-z. Tinsfo O L ,ts(Corn 2 33c IPROLLShrpnCu )eue-1-z'pMixes 3 or69 c Legs or Breast rieeca"anager had orver sceî lîuuîîdmed voiun t e e r xîrestoe îclp wîh this fea- tturec, f iheassenibl v. Tht iv1)a ptis nia 1 srccexaq lin id Sato rda'nu111t1,1in1 at the M'.unuicip~a l Sxx nimtng Pool a t Kîng aîîd -Nîcîrose.v -Baptîsm xalix tulaI xvaber m ncrsion aîud 2901 xvee apîizcd NI' 'Thonlias lunes, district nuiii.ster aîid u'ontvention sup- crvtoc laic "ilîeoliect of lui uu:x ittotuand Itue Bible iuustruuet'ctinn eus iîx'Ontr Ieild- c1 !ii 'uli io spite Cf is Chao- tic aiutnic ' uta, Io h(lu1)p o"'cîult tii lu 'vt ho Gcd bas things in 11u11)d aundlias a great -utuce, for lituntaiiîud despîte Ibhreati off anihilaioitnmade lIv nuili - t arimts. tbu'g omoiloff thiq faibli ixtl] lue au anchlor in tc v- îngý limes lu cone.Those aI- teuîdinEtui tuecolui lion havm hewi'i ieutiie and eticocur- a ged. 'i, peopIe anîd lie offic- iaIs cf, Ilanilton hlupceheern voi v ktind I lets." Mr. Totneq -udd anid xxe xxant Ir)cx- pmre(,,;s tur a prmcei a tîonn for tliei- losituu!tu.luIlihas been uuîtii lclei-.aIiI Ite clie ure antd xxc lo<ok tuîrxxa cd Inc t-rt'nii uin lue nut -loo-d isi auub fltuira PEA IEi' hOcOlate MOCha. HOnPY tSpin, Orange, Golden or ILemon lI - h . P wft's IE seu w eet iR i d l ic ed~i< << iarine g£ 2or45 SIDE BACON rnpare 0Prices vith Others NILL FIND EY ARE U LOW!j "H"-OSPITALITY" APPLE PIES each39C Thurs., Fri., Sat. only PEANUT BUTTER SULNBEAM COOKIES package3 5c (,OODNESS MF. 1"ROZ EN FRENCH FRIES 8 9 oz pkgs $ rRICES EFFEC'TJN'F EXTi A 'Total oif With Free S6.00 B MAZOLA OIL IGA POTATO CHIPS With F'ree S 1.00(131 CLOVER LEAF TUNA With Fi-'i, 82.oo 1 bi DUZ DETERGENT CHERRY HILL CHEES FROZEN CHINESE FOC CARROTS COKE MAT &ND SAVE AT.. owmanville IGA Marký Bowmanville, Ontario 5' IGA MARKET Newcastle, 5e9 5s Ib.55c os Ib.45c lb. 79c R A ln IGA ]Ronuî B<î< ter rapeq ;olus Taipe 7 , , n <inti%, lapp q S%. li. c. h E t'à Ontrio~e 1 1 The Cammdian Statesman, Aur. 211, 1962 CURED LEAN. MILD i ivi ul Tablerite Wiener OW!