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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1962, p. 13

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CLASSIFIED 1 WESLEY VILLE 11*t a e o r Third Game Thursday The Canadian Statesmn! omnilAg 2 92 1 Summer holidays are draw- LAdUýI u i ik nu. h rvl n vrundo Il , - e4LAs jing to a close and most larn-., M a gIIL e 2___ e L ea d ils h ieo i lls - _ 1iies are trying for a few days' Pnypo grgeenrtr In iýNTJOY, Robert John- holiday. Carroll Nichais andi HeId i Bowmanville wsfo nue.Teacdn Stlddenly, on Sunday, Au qSt familv Il ___ asxnvstoate by Cnstbl 19, 1962, et St. Joseph's ]vos-re o ona -ýu DNme . .Daadsn Oy Pital, Torornto, Robert John night of last week after a Tuesday, Autust 21, 1962 fobtain an Ontario license toe Ross Johns, 20, 603 Athol i i rI I' Nt f 11 1 1 i t eO audya :5am Mountjoy, praprietor of berb- weekend trip around Lake On- ý drive after the period of sus-r St. E., Oshawa, was placed on i n T o w n Sv,, il i na ls r asatocr olso er shop at Bloor and Winder- taioby ayof orwal, ee Douglas John Cruickshenk, pesin s vei usene sentence for oneinTreonCutyRdN. Ocent Lo Ae.N. 346, .R.ithpe Cay ad.Vllfeon'5 4 rspeigo K .Eingd.E KenehKen,29,o p year by Megistrate R. I. Moore Ken'u Men's Wear came upiborne ran into control diffi-I "Bun" Weish hadtobe.Thdrerofheeice C.), of 61 Princeton Rd. for- TeHwrhso1etnanJl 9h typool, was also fined $0 of Lindsay. He had pleaded with a 4-2 win in a game that culties'. It laoked as thaugh iholding iosing pitcherObreCncsinSvnDrigo inerly of 323 Winderniere and Harold Austins have beenî Archibald Wayne Battams, 'plus casts of $3 on a similar guilty ta assaulting two girls W s shortened by rein lestt then the ramn came daown ýadalteKr Ave.)>* beloved husband af the.having an exchange of visitars; , 26, 322 King St. W., Oshawa, 2îst e o m9ie n ugust tteCutc re nJl Thursday evening, and con- t dampen their hapes. iscared on passed bisadTyoas fCneso lae~ih Anna Hunt; dear Valerie Austin spent the pasti was arrested by P. C. Phillip 1st.H pleaded guilty. When3r.tiud hi winn ng ways on; On Tuesday evening thewl ice.We h i eeDriga.Ec a father of Mrs. Ronald Turnerlweek in Weston and Ronnie an August lsth and chargedad by thcurtwhaie t he Jon rs ldteor t tanhandTuesdaoy he venin ther MnsWarby etunterule a n a a 1sstie bu $5 aae (Jn) n rs rnl ob'oarhhee ohnfTfuit maie erig O1aln by ad e 20 ledin he esifahapyuehind!'troublewt h bald (Merian); grandfether of ford went to the same home day he pîeaded guiîty to this ýwered "I went tea fnealln a younger byadh2- e itebs our-aut-1 wlrning pitcher John James,'but base-runners kil'e ae~teivsiaigofcr Ronald John, Cetharine June, in \Vestan this weekend, and, offense and 'wes fined $100 yesterdav." Commented the dragged Grace Turcotte ta the of-seven Town League softball randi showed no respect for the chances. andCarl Ane;unce 0 Perl pen th weked a pls cstsof 3. e ws gv1 court, "It must have been an bridge over the Courtice creek 1finals, cvel Bowmanville He- 1hrdhitting Hotelers. Once'1 The calibre of bel lee Fxjxices, Grace and Lawrence. the Howerth cottage in Lake-! en two weeks te pay. Crown idfsind ae. and pushed her in. In the tel aan1nssoedabgfrt #1 Irtà"d et the Yorke Ch h eune oeAtrnyHryR DajDnld cQigescuffle he bit Shelia Thamp hrdyngt"e"Cor- inning mKer, anord althgough 50 far in the series hsbe 'hpehurst punedhoe;teone erryR.Dini ontdhe .ge lexcellent, and "at lnnig arthean alarge ecelecrowdshela ofTurner and Porter, 235iit er brother Ray, Ron Q.C., told the court that Bat-' net guilty tea acharge of 741 ok is nd.hae wes sohe ry pleely d te coteraI untilt ecrte~ners sk e tee ta attbendedispotedh Àl Bloor St. W. from Mondey!Dinner and Bud Elliott who tams did not have an Ontario e 60 on aout he ha l e thnan ram nte ened Inr n tithe! haveethe wgamearl well t'net gaee is Tsa y even O'coc Wdnsdy ftrnoniter. edieo! f oron-' ed here from B.C. lest Octo-liPolice failed ta produce the realized he shouldn't have tek- ita give Ken's the win. Ken's under control allthe way. Best ing et 6:30 et the HihScol IntementParkawn emetry. o spnt te pat1weknetHereer ad we sti drvingwnevdenc thechare wa disaentte w ito bs ow hans.'gtmawy tathetheatnfiemad n th fied Tusdaynig andndpromo essaes eatdady, 34 11 Asîn bndMe n rs. isBC.andsse.Telldiens ne missc ed. carge dige-, Johns wes told by tie court quick start, scoring one in the was Ken's first-sacker Deveýas there seems ta e b io ___ ____Fred White and twa children was taken by the court for a "I was born on Friday the 13th1 that this was serlous. He now first, and three in the second Werry wlth two bits and some1 rivalry developing been H-elp \Varted cul of days. re Tufrefordai andatytams was ntucte arn n thbe n l a hdais fo lreco dbecause when iosing pitcher Bill Os- real nice defen.sive work. 1these two teems. PoeMA334 Mr and Mrs. Geo. TNoury, iciHamilton, are spending Darlngtn _______________ APPRENTICE Johny and Rae ite Fort hswe with Rev. and Mrs. igo C ucl________ SNANTED for a couple of days a weeký k chen is expected Tuesdy fore agor a few days before she ani We a~e looklIng for A young Hi-C membersefro this N e w s Miss Mary Romeril return aA è n s C r t k mnan about 1.5-16-17 years of icburch supported by several Norway House. ppoCe ak rR DRAS aie who woaild like to Iearn ýother mernbers o! the coin-,C We weicome and congratu- thcreatngta. mnd offeepale anthe cvl rs. Jm s iicad .udior late Mr. and Mrs. Bob DeJong theprrîtngtra. mn ok p at M ter- a es(nec Hazel McCoy) who were m > o o d D m2 ls 5 A pplicants should apply at irish last Friday night. m a ried rec ntly and ave P _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ THE STATESMAN OFFICE The storms this summer Mr. and Mrs. Marshell Chat- ida, visited Miss Sadie Brown. 1Orono wvbo paîd their respects, moved into the home in the seem ta have more eîectricity terton, Mn. and Mrs. Orville Mr. and Mrs, Anchie Watson, were Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Blew- village ocni by Mr. Norman Darlington Township Council The caunicil deciddo aLA for an Interview. Grade 9 than usual. There have heen Chatterton attended the Gold- Betty Ann and Larry of Wat- 'ett, Mrs. Jack Cowen, Mr. and,1 Green, or better kIow as thoe at its meeting beld in the1 motion by Councîllaorns Se k or ettr eucaionpreerrd. eveal ase ofdamge en Wedding Annivensary of erdown spent a few days last Mrs. W. B. Hoar, Mn. Ervan h oo the late Mrs. FrediTownship Hall, Hampton, onlseconded by CouncilloSmt * .. 34-itr dcain r fer in.sebou sesodenamarge ,1eiM. and Mrs. John Chatterton week with Mrs. Alex Watson.Rainey, Mr. end Mrs. Chas.1 Beiley. Mny eeng apotdta detse eultnsr VIii ______________ aniBety nn s seyinsths 'aylr, n.nLoydTayorMn.Mrs. Phyllis Sinclair and Albert Crawford canetaker o! ganding tbe Townsbî Dmp pinetee xAustinfruckoancheM.aocoSn d r.a ewek ih ber gnandmotber.!Earl Taylor, Mrs. Milton Wan- Beverley are visiting Mr. and lthe Preston Raad Garbege'in the press. o! the Austin fathur and thean. and MnM.rClanence week wi fFrQAIYCr orce o! the ligbtning shatten- Allin ettended the Gilbank- Mn.Atu teradsnnn M.adMs pniMs Tom Humphries end Dumnp. A By-Law ta make an agreement witb EmePa- "ForQUAITY ars ed the centre of the tree se Taylor picnic in Orillia an Sat- il !EtaSs iite bt.cbiîdnen, Li.ndsay. Ithis appointment wa gven lard be prepened wbeey n n1' and Service" Ithet wood was scattered for 20 urday. ber brother, Mn. Ab. West, Fire Hits Oat Field Mn1n r.HaodRi hr edn s esd ind olrdwudb8eundt -SEE lfeet on all sides, there seemed Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Taib-,Mns. West and famiiy Whle omingrndville, Har ld isiting Mneed, adnumbenaed 22i. d posiardwum o! rnoeywt ta be a sufficient quantity o! lyn, daugbten Diane and son iweek. Whl iniigOagvle r iiigM.saeadnmee 21 eoi u fm wood smashed in stove size, to'Mark of Santa Ana. Cali-1 Visitons with Mrs. John Mer- On Wednesday afternoconedMsjCa.Sih ad D e ty-he . L. Blancb- the onsbp sffin acn make a cord. fornia, enived lest Thursday ris wene Mn. and Mns. Alvin August 15, fine fnom tbe motor1 Oliver. erdmovited tha th Pnoerty t 6 nt3the aod fte n LtEXRccA M Q E N:for a twa weeks' visit withiýJone~s, PartHoe Mrs. R. ýof e combine started a fiin Mr. and Mrs. Russel Fletcher hv a building placed on the expenses, subject tae a- M T R S L S the Bible Class at Sunday ton Tamblyn. This weeklEverett Stapleton, Mrs. O.Iclose ta one-quenter of the wekn usso r n This wes seconded by Couneil.. tendent, R. lb.ho ýMs .Ree atSundayMontreal visiting e mothen;:ton. farm o! Mr. Horace eta Miss Florence McLaughlin, Ona motion also by Deputy-r5econded b CouncillorSîh LIMITED - r morning church service here end sister. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Seymourltbe north o! the village. Miss Mary Ellen Downey and Reeve Blanchard, seconded byand cannied. ol EarI McQueen, Pres. iwas conducted by' the U.C.W.1 Congratulations ta Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Suggitt,ý At the time o! the incident Miss Bannie Beveridge, Ton- Councilior Muir, the caunicil' l 21 IG T, Berniece Best conducted the! Heben Souch wbo celebrated Toronto, visited Mrs. Wm. Sey- Mn. Best was combining a field onto, spent the weekend with decided that starting on Oct. I 219tKo NG ST.DEae fo opening part o! the senviceher 87th birthday on August mour an Sunday,. of aats, north and west af i Mn. and Mrs. George Wolfe lst the Prestan Raad GarbegeenLOA GRW BOWMANVILLE land led in the respansive:l2th. Mn. Gea. Wilson neturned lbouse. The motor an the camn- and boys. Dump will be open ta the c ie P1elm Mr. and Mns. Don Oke andi home lest week f rom Memonial, bine appanently caugbt fine Autorze Dalr or The theme fan the service family a! Las Angeles, Cali f.; Hospital, Bowmanville. :and flames dropped ta the Mn. end Mrs. John Bonsme public on Sundays from 8 a.m. MG SPORTS CARS wes prayer and the scripture Mn. James Hoy and son Benny,i Mrs. D. N. Myles spent a ý dried oat stnaw an the gnound. are holideying near Brece- t T 12 d Flh Round-UpanO R!N MORS-RMBE a ead by Mns. A. Austin Kendal, were dinner guests of 1lang weekend with Mr. end'A breeze fanned the fine which brideti ekWensaThray F- Rod L who. also led in prayer and Mn. and Mrs. Keith Wood Mnýs. Henry Smith and sons, spread quîckly in the field de- Mn. and Mrs. Geneld Arun- days P.end Satunedays from MA 3-356 receied te o!fning Mrsand femîly on Tuesdey of last.Gravenhurst. ýstraying e number o! acres o! del-Eva.ns, Montreal, are bh-li a.m. ta8pmonTesa vnn w MA3336ie ie teofeig.Ms Murray Payne told the childJweek. 1 Mn. George Richard Bau- unhanvested grain. daying et the summen home Cauincillor Sidney Cornishicars wene involvedina ren's story which she had de- r Sandra Lunn, Oshawa, vis- tiliier. husband of Mrs. Ive. A caîl was placed ta the (the for-mer Greer home). seconded by Councillor Fred"accident et 7:30 cloc to yadz 1960Che. Co ch ve]oped from the childhood ited hen grandiperents, Mn. and Blcwett Boutillier, Newv Toron- Orono Fire Department which Mr. end Mrs. T. G. Smlo ith, muaoed tha the fl- the coreTempenca n prayer of "Now I lay me dlown Mrs. Archie Lunn. ita, passed eway et St. Joseph's answered the caîl and along Orange, New Jersey, called on1 ta the Preston Road GarbaenyMs. ElizabethNemn 6-yl, tadrdshft ii ta sleep". For the sermnoni Mriday,'witeb Hooey OniiDump: Picking and burninglPetrolia, Ont., ran inta nte inaculate condition. periad Mrs. Harold Best, Mrs.j Lanen and childnen are on a August l7th in b is 72nd year !ber from the village and area Wednesdey. aepoiie xetb h nvnb r.LlinLrtaW LOSL Clarence Nicholîs and Mrs. treilen trip ta visit relatives in Funenal was an Monday a!ten- were able te bring the finear ohbtdecpthiy;FnkLsngMc 1959 Chev. Sedan George Tuffard gave pepenspthe Sudbury and Massey dis- noon. Interment in Glendai e1 unden control. In places flemes Mn. Tom Jenkins, London, ceretaker on an bis authnty r ane snMc.Bt 6-cl. sanardshft ~ whicb they had prepared. Lady! tnict.l Memoriel Garden. lwere ieaping as higb as 10 feet and Mr. Ralph Winslade, sbaoting, dumping of deed an- vebicles were damage.Te M LKFD V A members o!antaedreguftchairs'M. John Patton, Mr. end: Among the relatives framlinto the air. Maunt Forest, coUlege !niends imals, and tresspessing ereýcollision was învestigae yA- ult above. average condition. and rofthe r gu.C.W. membrs ýMrs. Roy Patton visited in, -o! O.A.C., Guelph, spent the prohibited, alsa the disposeliCorporel K. Freethy. ,adote UCW.mmerwekn-wt Mr. Lawrence from septic tanks is farbiddeni A cen dniven yM 1958 Vcxuxhal providd en spciaianhM,'i Mr.ias. Woday. visitedti B L*À& CK *S TICO C KMcLughlin and bis parents, uniess on the autbority o! the Wiîîis, 21 John by rMenia oeniel npce Sedan ~ ~ ~ ~ týM.end Mns. Harold Saiter, iWMn. and Mns. Harny McLeugh. ceretaker. This motion waspolsutne prxnalyLge aleyf Hour o! Prayr", and Mrs. Haptnand ettended te! t onsW .mti h aitnpeie.Atrtelin. cannied. l$600 damage in an accieto Heater, radio, gond ' I ihi G Wood ppicnic on Saturday. ' Hl uute ghm eieMrs. Harold Kyte is pn- Councillar Smith, secanded!Tuesday a!ternaon et35 condition. erra sang "neen rParish Hl lgs 6t, wîtb'openn y ,"eieThy'spn-C L ME S Posunes. Mrs.L ad y M. 'and Mns. Ron Rollinsi1 ebr n n iie okOLr r.T eg in this wek et Whitby Le- by Councillor Cornish, moved'o'clack. Mns. Williswsdrv- pnonued tMs..he endictionand family o! e12il pntpeeres ad e siJonterid ck0 od,"ted The evLang-l1 es'Cohlege, a delegaete tathethttePbiPrptyo-inwstbnsecaevnSames-L er rt 1 ~u Vokswaeriprayer and Mrs. H. Berrow-IFriday with Mn. and Mrs. Tmjeîd eot !tesce School for Leaders. ýmittee be eutbanized ta place a bill on the 4th Concesino pcdBe clough and Mrs. Harold Austin Hardy and family. * sgn t tbisrstonMenertrudnhipHonemil 195 Sudecder ILacted as ushers. There were Mïf. and Mrs. Ivison Tamb- i-treasuner, Sunshine sec- MissGrrueHnyand Raad Garbage Dump, and ta east a! Highway 35.Sokd eeEc 195 Sudecà r bou 6 prset.lyn, Judy and Bryen, returnedIin th 1Reun iQflrotai-y and bake sales were Doris Gniffin, Toronto, are place anather et the, Tynane Wben the car reecedtb Reater, radio, overdrive. aotpesn. home lest week from Middle- received. It was agreed the home for twa weeks' bolide s, ump ta advise the pblic f smmit o! the bilI Mns illsOE HR.adF local one-owner car, ln Visitons et the home of Mr. town, Penn. -,JJ .,, committee should proceed Mn. end Mrs. Everett Mount- the negulations thet paply. sew e tracton headedes IHSUTL9pm A-i condition. and Mrs. Roy Lazier for the Mr. Alex Watson wes mnv- Ild b. 1/ with framing the pictune of ioyFraude, Sask., are visit- This Motion was passd cutting gness. Sheepld past week bave been: Mrs. ed fnam Memnoniel Haspital, ReCtors, eccording ta Mrs. ing relatives in this district. Councillon Muin moved thber brekes, ber carshdo 1 95R Chev. Coach Cnossett and Linde Louise ,Bawmanville, ta the Osbawa. ' E Ashare's report. A gift was on-we a n Hamel o! Gaît, motben and Hospital, lest week. Goh e r anh presented ta Miss Doneen Van OHW W O RDCSOHW ab(Loe v ercr ndto. niece o! Mrs. Lazier; Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Win. Mitchell 'Camp before she le! t far In-OS WA OO PRDCSSH A WOD RDCT abov' aerae coditon. Zetta. Mitchell o! Kitchener. and ber sisten Mrs. T. M. Buî The ninth annual Gobeen dia. Ro!l cali fan next meet- Il E.MK. NndmMnsofWmt.Reunioniswasdher. andgust.l9th ing is ta be e donation ta the 1957 RambLler Re,.RE. K.normen o! St.pitt visi'edbale. A box will be placed in 5 Heaer rdi, vedrve i Jhns, Newfoundlend, ceiled Clarke, Cenrying Place, on j, at Woodland Park near Mark- the vestibule for canned goods Hetr aioedie nin the neigbbourhood on Set- Sundey. iaVit M1 pcncdinefor rthee tio n fc*r y oAn invita- excellent condition. udy __ ___Mn. and Mrs. hem.tfoerMapicnicdinne, the eaneryoAn inita-G r aubeBech a with inspinational music aven inws eevd ianth A WE HAVE A VERY GOOD ' a-nngenS a l spenacekthe P.A. system, e program ,O.N.O. ta attend the showing U VARIETY 0F 1957's AN» ~On Sunday Mrs. Ch as. Wood uldoth himasi f a film an Cancer, Sept. 14. ýD DOWN IN VARIOUS wt n n r.R .P resident Fernl (Gben) It was decided ta not bave Fenaenadd Vl e f r yu oe MAKES AND) MODELS - Loga visited Mrs. Fred Brooks Mdbai-o Leeîews na booth et the fair, Aug. 25th. 0 Oe a u o o o! Oshawa who is a patient in e yai.iMns. Hamilton closed the = Most o! these cens have Haliburton Hospital as the i-e-i Rev. Elmer Goheen of Bar-' meeting with prayer, a!ten 04 been thonoughly checked sl facracdn hc uc a evd thraugh aur shop and carry rsult ol a naccidet, ie xou.,ht umssage brwie!,darn wî lnc wsQeneW aur own Quality Used Cenasril botLnsy oplmssgwieGint In the United Chrh Suwith Guerantee. Mn. nd Mrs. Cetan oes, lGobeen of Bowmanville gave' O onig r.HaodM.N visited Mrs. Eocu Poes a lrigMs aod c .an interesting eccount o! bis Port Hope, visited Mn. and jet plane trip ta Californie.ý Laughlin, Mrs. Harold Kyte ~I. D D Il . ~ D D 24-Hour 811110/MGflyA «P/IIM E?é Mrs. Cecil Jones and attend- 'The wehl rendered and mucb n r.La-eTopan(N4l Tom. Srie MEOPT14é ed Orono Street Feur lest! applauded music and . gigsang a trio, "The Beautiful< ±o îg Sevc WcWC0T/ALI nedayevening. Hardy ob raer. Rev. Ro- Service Station - MA 3-3401 £tU£/NWMn. and Mrs. TamRlp Goheen ofPart Hope, bssron Cnwecs u Afier il p.m-. -MA 3-64 F and cbildren visitedi Mr. ad2~trndd mauth argen; Shîr xiunden g u UE Tp; ibbub- en letwe et.,*nday nearest Nov. 18, (Ilistor- ivirs. Arnoldi Tayiar's cottage ~(eueM dl loAalbe îan's birthday), Stephen Go.'on GuUl Lake, and taured van- (eueM iheen, Stroud: Cousins fi-rn ious points n-ortb. at ~ ~geatest distance, Harvey and 1Mn. and Mrs. Keaneth Gil- Lw D at Mebel Bradley, Russell's Point,., banks and family, Mn. and (102 miles). ýMrs. Ray Gilbanks and !am- Veterans Under v. L. A. Lw Dw amn Twvo speciel prizes donated ily and Mrs. Ernest Lai-mer A NO BUL A THE CANADIAN 9bvGarnet G:heen:of Bo\4. attended the Gilbank femily CNNW UL Low Montl ay et TH AN D Aeimn vilile: The youngest grand-! pîcaic et Couchiching Park, ~LI ~ (ff GohenHop T.; nd heMn. and Mrs. ap Turner, udrnwgvmetA SCHOOL 0F BUSINESS m therwhmost cidrn Vld'Or, Qeaeguests o!fnenwgvrmn S ~O V SCH OL OF BUSNE S resnt Ms. ilia Goee, Mn. and Mrs. RyTre n onregulations. PEIIN.UL AAEgvsyt 52 IMO S.N.OHAA Peterborough.r girls and Mn. Turner Sr. PEIINB 52 ICES.N SAAThe Secretery-His t oni ean,'Mn. and Mrs. Jim Marlow p - CALL US FOR INFORMATION. Beauty (blendswihorhme iRay mond W. Goheen o! New- end Anne, nd Heether Dan- C uaiy ýcastle, gave reports on a Flan-; reli are away with a treiler Q aiy -..Eoo y StrigM naAgs 7hia Goheen neunion lest Feb- on e tnip ta points niorth and O Starting onday, Auust 27thruary, a Kentucky Gobeen ne- 'in U.S.A.O ACI ft lO unnlatJue aMchgn r adMrs. Ross MIAfE Through Friday August 3lst Goheen reunion in AugustrGnham and Marilyn speatnïfRV A v u u K U (T i ie jan som vial setisicso!' lest week et a cottage et West ir' th e Gobeen femilv. Guilfard on Pine Lake. 1TLPOE T EV O f rom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. In l the business'meeting, tifeiMn. and Mrs. Milliard Fellis,1 EPHNSTSRVYO following wene elected: Vice- Oakville, vishted Mn. and Mns . Oshawa Office and Showroom Mai fieadSoro Demonstration cf latest office equipnient. il President, Allen R. Goheen'J. A. Jabnston and other re- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE jI o! Toronta: the !ollowing were letives Thursdey and Friday. r Explanation of the courses: k added ta the Managing Com- Mr. and Mrs. Everard Sen- Phone: 728-1617CORCE-7811 CLERKTYPIT, SENOGAPHE, SERETAY, Jmi ttee, Donald R. Goheen ons CEKTPSSEORPESCEAY'Peterborough (neappomnted), ýderan, Gait, called on friends BOWMANVILLE - 728-1611 AA Eih290 ACCOUNTANTS ASS'T., BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONî Hanvev. E. Gaheen o! Bewd- tevlaeo audy iloy, Mrs. Mode (Goheen) Ste- Mn. and Mrs. Ray Lai-mer, - efreshments Served - wart of Willawdale (neap- Pickering, were Sundey sup- ~if poînted). and Robent Black o! per guests o! Mrs. G. Fowlen. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWAWODROCT i Protoa Station._____ Mr. and Mru. Edwin Le.

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