2 Married ai Maple Grove Pethick that his problemha ,nothing to do with the Town-I Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Michael Dowson ai ship Council. "The matter is bv tte eeto oloîgterm ýbetween you and Building In-iaoea h eeto olwn hi a 'spector Varcoe," he pointeci Maple Grove United Church on Saturday, out. 1962, at 2:30 o'clock. The bride is the forrr A paymont of $10 will ho Elizabeth Cooney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. collected by Michael Panas,ý Cooney, Maple Grove, and the groom is the sc Solina Road, who on the in- struction of the Dog Control and Mrs. Alvin K. Dowson of Boxvmanville. Lieutenant ancd Mrs. Jack Lambert Eggens, Officer, James A. Hoskin, shotl -Photo by Robertj above, were married in Ail Saints Church, Palo Alt, vd o th at . aashed be-1 Calif., on Saturdav, July 7, 1962, at il o'clock. The îowing day Dr. Ivan J. Wool- WE DN bride is the former Patricia Rosemarie Conway,ifsey, the Fedorai Department, daugter otf Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Conway of ýof Agriculture representative,' DOSON - COONEY Bowmanville, removed the! Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and dogs hoad and had it sent Pink gladioli and shasta - for analysis. The examinabioni United Church for the mnar- §3/ M r s J h n E ~ g n s o f O s g o Sa ti o Ot.a w ythe e s o w th o f a l t h e a o r a o r ' u m e n hS a n c d ap J le G r o v e WEDDJNG Given in marriage by hcrihad had distemper and was 962, at 2:30o clock, of ai EGGES -(ONI.NY fathcr, the bride wore an in- 'fot rabid. ! Elizabeth Cooney, daughter of, fo-rmal gown of white slký The Darlington Township Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Coon- Whie aic no ~-îcîoî dc-peau de soie fashioned wi!h Counicil diseussed the value of ey, Maple Grove, and Mr. oratcd Ail S;îii fs('liiiruhl, Pl batteau neckline. short sleevce, havîng a survey made of nar-'Anl Mcaliosn o Alt, Cliffarticmaria-e ad btto trm o th boicerowroads in and near Ennis- of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin K. Dow- on Saturda\-, î. 7. 19612, t front. A narrow sash accent2'iln n nohrprt f o fBwavlc Il o'clock in the mioroing, of ed the waistline and she wore the township with a view to!' The officiating clergyman PatrciaRo -o re ouxava sran ofculure perîsdetermining the expense that! was Rev. John Romeril. Mrg., daughter of M~r. aoc! Mss with matching earrings. Herwoî oinovdinwdn;W. Laird played the weddingý Maurice Conu\n, B owmIan_ fingertip veil was held by a'ing such thoroughfares. f music, and the soloist was Mrs.I ville, and u~î:rt,;c crown of seed pearis and tinyý It was decided to ask the: S. Black.i Lambert FX.ýeson.o of Mr. crystal beads, and she carrjcd former United Counties Eng- The bride, given in marriag";1 and Mrs. .lihui of o t s- a cascade of white roses. mcccr, George Totten, who '5f bv her father, wore a fuI1! goode Station, Offl The bride's sister, Mrs. Ro- now conducting bis own eng-1 î'gh ono!wie lace Rev. h rr i. <Oa-brt Love of Palo Alto, Calif. ineering practice, to give an oer taffea, sonwith ed and the rlîr- 'r .u-',-\vas hec attendant In a striecî1 estimate of the cost of rnaking scaIlp, inclie ti medi playesi l i\lr utv ngth bliie frock, white pill- such a survey'. li viîi pearls and sequins, ani __________box hat a.nd white accessories. long lilv-pointed sîcevesq. Thej lier flowers were white roses., othc ieo h k r *1s M r . R b e rt L o v e b r o h e -1sc o o p e d u p a n d xvas ac ce nte di ý r* n-lw o te bide ws bst newith permanent, pleats. Heri si. inla o t ebrde 's B dc ,S ho finger-tip veil fell from a A recption fllowed al the;*oum 'sofpearl, and homec of Mr. aondMrs. Robert. d T u ls 1andi ;hc carrier! a sprayh oil-, S Ei o~ in California. For thr (FROM PAGE ONE) quel, of piok roses, stephanotis; %vore a green and white dresthe same figure, lb was furth-ocaintebrdsmohisfes Babr00gesws 011 with matching jacket, %vhite er reported of the 10 students' is lrbr1H0e0xa wriingat illroo, eghhad: maid off honor aond the brides- acccssories and corsage of'rtîî atMîbooegt maids, ail sisters off the bride,ý white gardenias.! passed. weee Miss Marion Coone. KITCHEN PRINTS lo.wn h eeto te nrgr otebstan-M.sCrlCne n il 36" Sai Cloghcouple left on a wedding tripiportabion, cspecially to Port JudIy Cooney. They7 were in 36" aîl 'bIhhy motor through S' ra-Hope High Sebool, for the ietclsre-eghfois Reg. 98ecisco, across the SouthernflVocationai Wing, it was sug-1 of blue organza over taffeta.i 49c yd. States, thon nocth bo Canada,1gested that bhe bus routes hbc shoe /2 rceFor travelling tebride wr advertised in the thre es-ýie hrtxvit rond neck-' athrce-piee white ad hlackîpapers, in Orono, Oshawa andîfesotsee adbu- pce a Bwmnvll fant skirts. Their accessories! linen suit, whtitie a Bwavl advising parentswr bt ndtccbw acesoriesîd suensof bbc tentativewce hieadtirb and corsage of white garde-rue ftebss ata shaped bate matcbed their C H RISTr4A.SOnt . e il rsd t h~tere will ho as little con-fdresses. Al carried nosea'vý; fistonnOnt possible on the day' of miatching bîuie and white APRON PRINTS 'A 'registered nurse. thelschnol opens. The Boardapumso for Bazars and (;ifts bride is a gcadjiate of ,ow-,eBada manvile HighSehooland kproved off this idea and thel The groom's brother, Mc.G' Justtrr%-((l te Shoo ofNursngOttwa'ads will be appearing nextî Dowson of Oshawa, was best' Jus a ri e d ! h e S e o ol of N u si g, O t a 1 w e k . m a ri a n d th c u sh e rs w e re a ' * I Chic 1-ld optl h goma- s far as the academic sbu- cousin of the groom, Mr. Allun ti ndc Roalnd s Vduti-ents for al bhc other sehools' Cole. I3owmanville. bbc bride's ý ~ LOTS 0F f te Roal iliacvColînge ýare eoncerned, bbe buses wîîî brother, Mr. H. Cooney Jr.,ý lKinIgstoo. lie is w~ith the Ca'run the samo route as foc last'Maple Grave, and Mr. Roy. REMNANTS nacîlan Army n ssttoeiyear, at least for bbc beginning,[ Cordon off Bowmanville. at Camp Borden. bemdea Following the wedding, a * * * Out-of-town guests attended toocso rss reception was held in Mapice from Bowmanviîle, Ottawa1 The ncxt meeting will ho in'Grove Cburch Hall. For bbc * Saniples of New~ Lines Quebc. Saskatchewan, Ham-! Millbrook, Wednesday, Sept.: occasion thc bride's motfier' ilton, Texas, Louisiana, Maine! l9th at 8:00 p.m.i wore a beige dress with pump- f 45" COTTON nd Rontucky. i - ki oordacesresa- _________ fcorsage o purrpkin shadel DRAPERY--W DNG Pinoceblo pom 'mums. The1 grooms mother chose yellowý $ 1.49 yd. P laon to McKAY - GODDARD fe. ih mtcigjcc, A protty outdoor weddina beige accessories and corsage C onstruct lýtook place on Saturday, Au- ?of ' llow Pinocchio porn GOO BR N'FROM PAGE ONE g 9It 1, 1962, at 2:30> o'clock, mium5r. GUUUDKAN ithbe summer collage off tbbc Ater the reception bb'thEeUNF bbcRoa Sperntedet mclbride's parents, Catchacoma cou ole lefft on a wedding tnpr. under-puffed witl FABRICS a! ae ln frbcim- Lake, in the Northern Kawar- t0 Florida. For travelling bbc handles for easy mediate repair of bbc Nintlh thas, uniting in marria-P bride wore a two-piece beiae 28 King St. %V. 31A 35551 Concession Road providin g Tanya Elizabeth Goad da rîdlnnsi-ihbieacesr' mtrs rcm that an agreement is reached Iiesutwtbeg csor m tesorop with bbc adjacent property daîighter off Mr. and Mr. les and corsage off pumpkino bargain..... -iholdr and subjeet ti> the Laurence D. Goddard, Bow-!Pinocchio pom 'mums. The% rs, manville, and Mr. Nelsoný ilrsd tZoRR ýAlexander MeK-,ay, Fort Wîl- Ha!iiptuii. baiam. Mr. McKay is tbc soný The bride aitended Mapleý ____ off Mr. and Mes.«Nelsan John Grave Public Sehool and the'~ A MM ~ MU ~VcKay off Fort William. Rev., groom Bowmanville P u bli ci7 A IF~ 11 ~G. A. Beatty offficiated. iSchool. Bath wcre students att A UUTThe bride, wbo was givon ýBowmarlvillo Hi.-h Sebool and .. in marriage by ber father,ibath are employed at General, worea flaar-length gown of Motors, Oshawa. Tie bride at I white siîk organza ovor ta f. one time lived in Trenton. S P E imC IA~.L S! a na fthhionwh chosefualban---- skit, nd! a asisedbv thegros appîiqued floxvors. The ap- colared dress and coat en-,- pliqued flowors wore repeated'semble. Bath woro corsagesi on the skirt, and a miniature roff Talisman rases. ro IiFL E C K S crown of seed pearis arciweek honevmoon motor rp bustle lent ackt erewst A: apbbCcouplte bieff n WaS 31ULTICOLOUR PAINT ;Iength white tulle veil, and \veaeing a navy and whibe ber bridai bouquet was off dress wibh matching jacket, pink and wbite roses and;white Breton bat, white ac- stephanotis.i cessories and corsage. Tboyj SP R D S tinMaid off honor, Miss Joycoý',,ill reside at 19 Lasceles was in azalea pmnk silk or- bura. rmatching sateen, ganza aver taffeta designedi The bride attended Bow- Simmons coils, 4 wý with a scoop necklîne and manville Central Publie and shrrd krtrSewoe -igShol:-ndQoe's cnsrMton Ti The Canadian Statesrnan, Bowmanville, Aug. 22, 1982 approval of the Department of __Highways. This was second-ý ed by Deputy-Reeve A. L.ý Blanchard. W ed In California Couneillor Cornish requested a recorded vote on the MO< tion. Councillor H. C. Muiri as chairman of the Road Com-ý Mittee ased permission to re-i train from voting, and this was accorded him. The recorded vote was unanimous1y ln favor of the motion, with Councillor Muir' fabstaining, as follows: for' the motion, Councillor Corn-! ish, Councillor Smith, Deputy-! 'Reeve Blanchard and Reeve' Rickard. A request was received from Bruce Clark that he be releas- led from an agreement that ifî he sold his property on the I Fifth Concession he would have to pay a $400 frontage tax. Some time ago such a1 frontage tax payment wasý obligatory in the township on ail land sales, but the munici pality has stopped collecting this fee. Therefore it was f greed to accede to Mr. Clark's x . . .. .request. Clifford Pethick, Enniskillen, informed the Township Counc- f ,.Il that he had received a leter frim the Building Inspector, E. A. Varcoe, which told hlm to tear down a building, which Mr. Pethick contended he has flot yet completed construct- ing. "It Is just a shelter. Tt does! not even have a roof," Mr.f * Pethick stated. He added that' the Building Inspector's letter,ï had ordered hlm to remove this building within 30 daysý or face prosecution. 6-pce. 011 Walnut1 Reg. $289.50. 6-pce. Satin Walnut by Hendrich. - 3 95 6-pce. Arborite, wood grain. Reg, $269.50. NO ------ .... 229.50 7-pce. Colonial Antique Walnut, coin- plete with hutch. Reg. $349.50 2 95 NOW ---- 2 95 KITCHEN SETS by Kaufnîan. Sec the A Real 5-pce. Liberty Suite of the month. Special. 89 5 Other Sets. Dîscontinued lunes. Ranging from $ 139.50 to $39.50 1(HESTERFIELD 2-pce. Modern, steel construction. Life tîme guarantee, heavy nylon cover. 1 Only . Ret. $299.50 NOW ý ---- 239.50 2-pce. Modern by Kroehler. 4 seater, nylon cover. 1 Only - Reg. $319.50 Now --------- -- 239.50 Early American by Kroehler, coil sprint construction. plllowed back, ail wool cover. Normaily sold for $399.50.339 5 NOW---- 339 2-pce. Modern by Kroehler. Coil spring construction. 100% nylon cover. 1 Only - Reg* $289 '50 2-pce. Tradîtional, hlgh back, solid foam cushion, wcb bottom with coul sprlng construction ln heavy matalaise. Reg. $369.50. rier Maien: Juiy 28,! F A t M VV~IfUIU ~ L V sHarold Mor ;on of Mr. i £vany Mr Bargains in Furniture and Home Furnishings p :woth 137 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-7071 BEDROOM DINING ROOM SUITES 7-pce. Andrew M3alcolm French Pro- vincial in cherry. Reg. $599.50. 595 %~ND NEW! Ion Puff TRESSES -BV VIMONS NYLON covers ouff cd with CELACLOUD SS Quilted, ail-nylon fabric in a ,h Celacloud. 253 couls, 4 white cord turning, 8 vents. Twin or fuil-size (anion box spring. An outstanding ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beautiful print, $5995 Quilted, ail-nylon floral, beautifully bordered with under-puffed with Celacloud. 312 ,'hite cord handies, famous Simmons in or fuil-size mattress or matchin $6 9 95 THE DUCHESS Quilted, ail-nylon cover in soft boudoir blue, under-puffed with Celacloud acetate. Precision auto-lock coils, 8 vents, 4 white cord handies. Twin or fuli-size mattress or companio -n box$4 9 srn.A spectacular value, only ...$4995.. Lowest prices in years- for comparable quality Yes, these excitingly new, wonderfully beautiful fash- ions in sleep from Simmo ns are priced arnazingly low for bedding so finely made. It's been made to look well and sleep welI for night after night of new-found comfort. So corne in today, make your selection rrm these 3 nylon puif mattresses. There's one taior-made to fit your budget. AIso-Specially Priced AS LOW AS1 9 A Simmons quilted mattress in colourful decorator print cover, Simmons famous iock-stitched "«Micro-Quit", exclusive Auto- Lock construction for more lasting comfort. Mafrhing box stprinq, $3995 ýKramp Furniture Ltd. MA 3-7071 3-pce. Bedroom Suite ln nmodern iwal- nul finish, consistng of double dress- er, chest, bookease bed. Complete wth box spring and mattress. 5-piece. ON Y -----------------1 9 9 *5 0 1 3-pce. Italian Provincial. Double dresser, plate mirror, chest and plain bed. Reg. $279. 19905 3-pce. Andrew Malcolm Itallan Pro- vincial. Large double dresser, plate mirror, dust-proof construction chest and plain bed. Reg. $399.50. Now -------- __29 e5 3-pc. Vlas antique %vanut, slightly damagcd. Double dresser, chest and plain bed. Reg. $329.50. 2 9 5 BOWMANVI LLE SUITES SUITES MA 3.7071