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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1962, p. 4

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4 Tho-- aenadiart Stateman, gowmanvflle, Aug. 22.1.2 EDITORIAL COMMENT Dobbin Nearly Obsolete LAs 0IsA TME TO GIVE SOME THOUGHT... TO OL1~ ~ WAV OFLIYE... AND BEARGIJ. 6d ?Jounginan ý's Co/uui for aur factories, and power for our farrns ail was provided b,, the horse. And long and hot as the controversv waged in some corners, it was neyer completely resolved whether the horse or the dog was man's best friend. For that particular breed of men who spent day and night in and out of the saddle, the horse was favored by over- whelming majoritv. Artists of that day and age painted the horse in ahl manner of setting; in ice sled racing, escaping a forest fire, drinking from troughs at the edge of a field and often, so oflen, a pair stand- ing head to head under a tree, tails swishing at flies and a hind leg relaxed. This was perhaps the favorite setting and rarely did one enter a home that one of these pictures was flot on dis- playv. Rarelv now does one sce a horse at work ini the fields. And with their passing also is passing a more tranquil time of human-animal relationship. Toda -v the pony is kept as a pet, the race horse is finely bred for the track. It will not be long before big, bard- working, docile Dobbin is no longer. And regret that, many of us will. A MacDuff Ottawa Report Ottaiwa C heckm a!e OTTAWA - Prime M\,inister John ]iJefenbaker has used tbe same old kings and qtîeens and knights and bishops on his political chess board but nne or two astute moves have put himn in an immeasuî'ably beter position to face bis opponents. By last, week's Cabinet shifts he has gone as far as any' man can ta wipe the siate dlean of the Government's pre-electian sins. Finance Minister Donald Fleming, the scapegoat of more than one incident that \vent saut-, in- cluding tbe firing of G.'overnor James Cayne of the Bank of Canada, is safely tucked away in a comfortable berth in the Department of Justice wherc few peop]e ever get into trouble. Not that Mr Fleming xvas remnoved forciblv; he %vanted a change and had been asking for it foi' months. Il was only the dlollar cî'isis that kept him in the part- folio of finanîce for tbc election and immediate posb-elcction pcriod. But Mr. Diefenbaker- has uscd palitical ittd gement equalling that of MVackenzie King in the choice of a suc- c:essor- Nova Scotia's George Nowlan iste man most likelv ta make the c pposition forget. if they can't forgive the past. H-is handling of the Depart- ment of National Revenue bas seldom heen qucstioned. As spokesman for the Canadian Broacasting Corporation bis skill in warding off ticklish questions etnd curiositv bas kcpt bath CBC and Government out of trouble. In fact, George Nowlan above any other memn- ber of the Government is rated a top Parliamentarian. In tbc rough and tumble of debate tlîat he loves, be seldom takes as mucb as he gives. He is neveu- corncred, neyer loses bis temper and more oftcn exasperates his opponients wibh bis unruffled smile. This is the mati wha will prescrnt a new budget ta the House of Commons if, indeed, the 25th Parliament gets as far as a budget speech. It will be a tough budget. He is detcrmined to hiew ho theclune and let the political chips fail wherc they may and flot even a Prime Minister is going ta shake bim. In fact Mr. Nowlan enjoys the unique position of being Mr. Diefenbaker's closest Cabinet adviser ini spite of the fact that he openly opposcd bis election as Conservative leader at tbc conven- tion of 1948 and campaigncd for George flrew. Another Drcw supporter- of that day bas at last been forgiveri. Richard Bell, then Nationtal Directot' of bbe Conseu'vative partv and since 1957 xnember for' thi Ottawa suburban rid- ing of Carleton,. is starting bis Cabinet career as MVlnistcî' of Citi7enshîip and Immigr-ationi. If an 'vone can keep bbe Deparlrueî ti Ut 01' tr-ouble, xvlicli seems doubtl'ul, lue cati. I lamiiltuîîî'.s El len Fairl'COturil w lui> i cas ueasoîîablc- a Job on Ibat score as ani ' Miuîster lias, taken shelter- in thie muchb less v'ulner-- able por'tfolioî of the Postmastea' Gen- eral. That change is sigîiificant. Thle Puro- vince of Quebec turned downî Mm Dief- enhaker ini veu -v decided fashioîn on June 18. Now Mr-. Diefenbaker bias turned dovvn Qtuebec. Ini place of SiN ministers from the Province. includir the former postmaster, there are noý four. The only newcomer ta replac the three cabinet casualties is PaL Martineau, the new Minister of Mine who would otherwise have succeede ta the Speakership. This bas given Mi Diefenbaker another chance toada minister a slap in the face ta the re calcitrani. voteî's of Quebec. Traditior ally the post goes altcrnatively ta Eng lish and French speaking incttmbent tbough Speakers tn al cases rnust bi bilingual. The Prime Minister almos certainly xill stay witb tradition. Il will appoint a French Speaker but bi will not be from Quebec. Tbe manil( is likely ta faîl on Marcel Lambert fror Edmonton, a Rhodes scholar with brilliant record. Ernest Halpenny. tbe quiet, mild, mannered mnember for London, ha, been given bis first portfolio out oi last week's shuffle. He bas taken ovei as Sccretary of State. But ib is not th( nice sinecure that it bas been in tht past. M\r. Halpenn 'v becomes tht spokesman for the bad boy cf Crowu Corporations, the Canadian Broadcast. ing Corporation. But of course the enigma of the iiew Cabinet appointees is the totîgh shrewd Torounto financier, M. Wallace McCutcbeon. Why he is in the Cab- inet as minister witbout portfolio no anc really knows. He is no fricnd ou confidant of tbc Prime Minister. The mnost lîkely story is that he was pickec bv someone at Queen's Park wbere he is much better known. He is the concession ta big business that had quite obviously soured on the Diefen- baker regime as election resuits in Toronto and Montreal showed Why Mr. McCutcheon is in the Senate is much more easily explained. There is na doubb about bis business ability. He bas been E. P. Taylor's rigbt band man and vice-president of bbc octopus-like Argus Corporation in Toronto. But it takes only thc ex- cbange of a few clipped words ta show that he is na politician in the papular sense. It is doubtful if he could get elected dog catcher. But, aIl in ail, tbc new lineup is infinibely stronger than the aid and can present a solid front ta an opposition iliat will be bard ta crack. If bbc Gov- ernment. survives tbis session of P'arliament, last week's Cabinet shuffle wilI be a major reason. ul ts c. s le le le 'n is )f r Capital Hill Capsule Mr. Justice Craig Munroe of Brit- ish Columbia may go down in bistory as the father of labor peace in an ag'c'e of automation. Not onlv bas be suc- ceeded in buinging railway, labor and mnauagcuiîent toIgetber. somehbinlg that bas nul beeui cucecmpl ished I-)*', a Conr- ciliationi Boardl since the xvar- but e bas produccd an ingeniotus schcme for job security. There will be a labor- management cammittee in each rail- Nvay to admiîîister a compensation fund for those laid off because of changes cf tecbtîologv. It could well set the pat- tierri four industry as a xvbole. ~bt ez4lban tafteinanl Durham County's Great Farnily Journal Established 108 years aga in 1854 Alao lncorporating s & The Bowmnanville News b q The Newcastle Independent * The Orono News 'Authorized as Second Class Mail by thé Pot Otce Dept.. Otawa, and fer payrrent 0f postage in css Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 62-66 Kinq St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES EDITOR-PUBLISIfER GEO. P. MORRIS BusNoEss MGit. SUBSORIPTION RATES 4O0a Year, strictly in advance $550 a Year in the United Statea -IN TgE SPIRIT CF' ..RUIT MOST r FAL TT'S *I4AT GR!ÂT DMT. According to the latest figures fromn the Bureau of Statistics, the horse is graduallv following the buggy into oblivion. Last vear's census show,ýs Dobbin's numbers have dwindled to a mnere 512,002 from well o\'er 3,000,000 only 30 years ago -- or to littie more than a third what the,. were in 1951. And with the decrease cornes a certain riostalgia for things as once they were, says The Txbridge Times-Jou tna]. It is flot so long ago that everv farm famil 'v prided itself on a spart of sleek, heavy work horses. And if the farm was a large one, il was flot un- cOmmon to sec a double hiitch for the lheavier work. In addition a single pair of driver's stood read v in the bar'n for shopping trips lu towý,n or clîurch on Sundav. The ad-vent of a new foal w'vas an anticipated blessing as \vas hîs gangling frisking in the pastures later on, a thing of pleasture aîîd of beautv. So much of Canada's carlier vears revolved around horse power' that it is sometimes difficuit tb believ'e that noble beast bas been almost completel 'v .replaced hy tractors and other heavY mnachiner,\% Logs for aur milis, lumber Orillia, R.R. 2, 1 couid not do wihhout thi August 14, 1962 paper as it brings me ail th( ýThe Canadiian Shatesman, hm es 'Bowmanville. Ont. ortuy D e a r S i r o r M a d a : aY o u r t r u l y , Please find enciosed a Mrs. George Winn, cheque for $4.00 for the re-lOiiaR.2,n newat of the Statesman for another ->ear____ Box No. 147.5, Bowmanvilic, Ontario, lieu.Saturday, Aug. 18, 1962 Negect i~iis Dear Editor:- ýNegect illsTwo occurrences this pasi nnn itiz ns eek have prornpted me t 1,0 0 itze s wJt to you - the end of thE period ef supervision Of tlb Nearly 1,000 Canadians died varinus parks by the staff cf last yeir becaruse they neg- the Bowmanvilie Recreahion 1er-ted simple rulos of waîe(_r'Departrment, and the current sfy.According tr iceAil-1"Sugar and Spice" coiumn of Canada Iîirauic Fedieîation Bill Smilcy. most of these drownings or- Bill Smiley, writiîîg of the cur- duîruýn- Jurle, July and "good oid days," says, "Fora Acigiist ind more than one smali boyv in those days . - third of thern a re cauILsed there were no erganizeî tbrocîgl hoatinge mislîaps. sxximming classes, ne organiz- The Fedleîation. which re- ed libtle icagues, no organizet presents, more than 220 Can- anybhlng. Everyhhing w as aidian-ifro. iautomobilt- and!beaî.îbifilv disorganized': and rasustil., insuruiice compan-!lie conocuides (at the beginning ies, sliggests tue-se nules for of bis coliîmn), "«A tremcindour safc boatiîg- change bas taken place ir 1. Do unni oxerload vyour stummer living in the Cana- boat. Leave plentY of free- - dian small town dcîring theî board., past 20) or 30 years. And, 2. If xxeather is îhîreatening, ]ooking back, T'm flot at aIl stay close to shore. sure it's been a change for the 3. Beware of canocs. Fish- bebter." ung from cannes or 1-îsing them Tf we cotilc turn liack the as sailing craft is hazardous. dlock in all respects, I'm sure 4. Kcep approveci ife-pre- many of us would agree witl' servers in yocîr boat. Non-! Mr. Srniiey that our childrer swimrncrs shocuid wear these -ocuid stanîd to lie 'beauhifuiiv ah aul] tîrnes. ýdisorganized' dcuring the suoi* 5 Do not tise v-otir boat mer. Tbirty years ago, noilîl xvithi a noor of excess power. of us wahched TV, not eVeii 63. Keep your speeh downx'ui dren; -none of uis coid af-ý Speodiiig iniiotr -bcîats cari forci to do nîucb loy-iding. be jus! as dangerotîs as in cars. and the roads were flot ilat' 7. Stav away frorn ar-cas ýgood anywýýav; somne of us did xx-ýherc, people ar'e swimmng. not even have Hx-di-o. au-d 8. Do flot attcmpt long trips1 many of ris were withoýit îa- arss open xvater in smrall Idio. -once, nîest adults s:av-ei boots. ptutIlienîseives c t tic he 9. If your boat ox'ertrurns, summ-er, and the cQ ilu ciic do nottry to sxvin ho sho:re. no recouirse bu-t bdo ]iku,-isc ýStay xvith the boat. We t'oust conctucle thuut itie I We nniow bave builft the new upon the c)Id, The futurp looks hleak indeed. T can see il.aill twr Froua The Statesnîan FilIe' Fouuîdatîoos xx-bcbi are strong, are sujre In iîold, old eî'anks, insensible to one anothe-r's sufferings, hurlung - Sn that the futurer still max- hope ln spe. ahrse, pei'hap.s even eoffee- and burnt toast, at one another 25 YEARS AGO 49 YEARS AGO Jt shil icps, lifting hîgb tbe common goond of 1ove-r thie breakfast table: tediocîsix pacufyîng one enotliier (Auîgust 26. 1937) (August 28, 1913) aIt brumaci*y\. a fter bî-eakfast, and going throrîgh the sarne dreary pe-- Tuedayexerungabot 5 M. Hye Twcde ar! Nri! ,ilîv frnm xx thînuit. ut front xx-ibrî. formancle affer theur afiernoon rap. Not Io mention the friends gatbered at the home faiy hae ben xiitn -\ uInbe past. so i the future max' tlihe, xvotinded feelings a nIIbtof double insomnia would arnuse.. for a surprise party anud mis-. cellaneocîs shoxver un hionor cfý Mr. C. A. Johnsbon and 0f merr-v, arnd of JoY 10 orur CommIinuux-. tbing but, yocîr -esearch on dernon steep. Make it turgent, ýMrs. Alfred Mlilîson (riaec Mary daugbter Dorotby are boiidax-- Mai jorite Crîr'nnghîam. iiutnost priorit\ - Al buines-. Lv le) -SholBar sfae ng wihh friends in Port Hope.! - - - - - - - - - - - - HighiSho or sfcd Misses Edith and Dorotbiv__ xxith possibilutx- of iiaving to Greenaway, Port Hop e,'a e- erect a nexv addition. x'siting their aunt, Mrs. J. 0. I'.ake Tbcîrsday xvbcn a vear-: Mrs. John 13cacou-k andiLm r S rnr Sft Co tetoLgtigletdabnisLBleSgo hi nild colt. the property cf A. D. gra:-îcdaughter Mor-ion Pickarrîd.. Kean, feoature vritcr-farmer, are xisitcîîg at1\tr. Vi.c. fI x orst ele trica t sto îm s this M s. J s Ca i , h a ods r c li s w l e ed t s Ti, is 'i t ng b r o h r, <w s kc a ldu in oo d fA ndFer us n', ia kst i- . E*R Pgl M u 4* g?' season 11-. o- rwh eif F. H. 'Major" Boruisal cele- adMrsoysclier - xvlîo feu b r a t d i s i 7 0 1 h b i - t h d a y - T u e s - , a d b o e b r t c g a i x e k day. Arîgust 24thî. xhen ý Mm. and fxlrs. G. . VBi-ucxx-n, nuimber of citizens cailec Ito Detroit; M r. and! M -- 1. off'-r besi xx îsuîcs. Rch-der aîîd drcher aih- Mms. J. Th-ickqon lias been leen, Paris, spent last xx cbi 11 visitin« lier fathier in Peter- xtî Mr. C. Reiîder. ciI bororîgh. Mr. W. H. Williarns, hi0ck tl uckRive is en-jo ' îng oa ncithilbas been nursirg a liolicla\-*vhi, Bruffalo, gtlest (cf froctrîrecl nb.j I Mr. Kc-en Asc.Bruffalo Bscus. Mr. Harvxey Mingeacid, Royal Thi s the hast qf my Sum-( Mlr. anid Mn:. 1 'avx-r-C-ycor_ Baick, Saclt Ste. MarieiC, mer Sofety Contest', The. man arc', iiolidayicg wi t h luolidaying at home. I picture is about my rule relatives i n Boston, Mass. Mrs. F. H. Baunsali and -Where ther. are no side- Mr. Fred Wokelin, Scinder- daugbter Marjorie are visîting i%'alks, walk on the left sida lan, hs beî x'sitngMiss hiecrsister, Mis. A. MacKay, of the. road facing toffuc *'.' Ex-a andc Mr. Hiember t Wakelin. Liuîden Valley. 1 hope you hod fun doung ' M iss L e n a la clct, T o r o n to , M r T . H . 1IM u rtr , W i e i e e c n e t n h t t e specît Srîiicav .vith ber aunt, W ite hs otss n htte Mu-s. H-. 1W. Foster. 'hcad,* N.H., is visiting his helped remind you of My Mms. A. Tait lias rehumned brother, Mm. John McMurtry, *af.ty rules. c from a pleasant holiday xithb and other old friends here. Pleos. send a note with your '« friendrs ;it Sterex' Labir .oel Rirhardson, Behayj ntry and tell me if you M mý and irg, . S. H-alman fell doxn stairs w ie movng would ike nether conest 4 MNI Ruissell and Mis lleen a hieavy trîunk and broke his i next summer. Good Luck. Halîrnan x-sted relatix-es in leg and received other injuries. Kitchener. MVrs. William Mitchell, De- --t AuleenWig t eN attmted-moitherai c ie isn herI t . ta~oel of Bll Mc-Nutt, lias returned'sister-in-laxv, Mrs. Thomas 10 her home at Norbam after: Hamlyn, af ter an absence from an enjoyabie xisît withhlber Bowmanville of 25 years. Mr. and Mrs. Wallon Pascoe ors lay assistant of Euclid ~ E S W A O O are bolidaying at Noland. Axe. Methodist Church, 7651 I E E S H T YO 0 Miss V. Spargo, Mrs. W. C. Queen St. W., Toronto, was mn; Ives, Misses Thelnia Schlieverh îown, Saturday visiting bis, ing thie Training Schoot for dotted bines and co o the rIct ?e.Or ilmer he Satety Elophant and connotr2 ]A EG BC C E Leaders beung beld at Ontario Mrs. Marxin Burk and Miss draw a picture iÎR-at ooks lkm 1his Fe rclurred. Ladies' Callege, Whitby- Ex-a Burk left Wednesday for anid cor it.6. Ch; dren of o pemo o: f 1hi -rý. " boy'& and one sirl's. Mr. and Mrs. Neii 'ellow- Buffalo ta attend the w'edding2.Lsonsprt haofipercrhOtro ft oguan lee an Rx'.S. orey rox'n ofa fieci.- the see 1h ogs wrorgIn the pIcture.Poli* h Cycle Industries <Canada) Ltd .f~* A L le- n e.S olyBovo red icontest ad 1ttmocode% May lot enter. 25 IOO LIE MisF enGlrih, Xin y F r m. aD odd intf7 . I f i de Richmond, Quîe., spent the Ms .Jaya]rih Nounître Fa mnd t tt es l b . t n iof th. rontest w lluhaCombeetion bicycle Horn and light weekend xx-th the former's'Glox-ersx'ille, IN.Y., is hoiay- 4. Any ch Id of etementary school aga t o ffc sofety outhdrtts. ha judges' dacghter. Mrs. C. C. Cook, ng at her father's, Mr. Daniel uny ntr ecsi on is final.YN W YEA H W E Brantford. Galbraith. 11j ,Coy nter. GV NÂW4E CHW E Ml1rs. F. A. Foster andi Dr.' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Deyman .aAtstNo Doris C. Faster. Hamilhon, and son, Rny Edgar, Toronto, M i eoe u;9ht have rehurneci from a trip are guests at bis father's Mr. NAME ...................................................... M ilb foSAu e rh o tlîrough Quebec and along the James Deyrnan, Queen Street.1 Arnerican shore. Dr. Foster Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Sandersi ADDRESS ..................................................................ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE bas rebumned Ito Hamilton. and Mr. Eci. Sanders, Winni-1 Hampton:- Mrs. Gen. Farn- peg, Man., are visuhung theirý 208 KING ST. W. been spending the scîmmer at Sanders, Prospect St. TORONTO 1, ONTARIO their cottage at Newcastle en! Pleased ta see Mr. Peteri the Lake are visibing friends' Werry, Tyrone, in town lasti L.- - Um- - -11-111-10-110-Umm- -. --- -1 in London. iweek after his long ilinesa, corne out debarked. the inrreased flow nf waterq Then we jogged to the fire sînce surroundîng hilîs have tower -where we were told Ofbeen retorestetd. Ouir final ts usefulness in detectiîîg fires -point of interest was the Boydi in their incipiency-. and whatGully which is a prime ex- procedcîre followed a reported ample of how nîcîch damaging srnoke". We then arnblederosion can be caused liv south-east. along Ihe Fred nature on a rampage. and ho%%w Winn road o view the newl1yrlt can lie greatix- belped liv created fiî'e protection pond, inîtelligent lise of the proper on that prnperty. ire species. We- hope our Another stop was al thr'vistors fotioc thir brif stav '.Del]". north of McLvan's pleasant and intellecttually Sehool.-- --sho--t-- -i-itors-profitable. i Last Friday, your scribe er. joyed a refresher course ir reforestation, soit conserv'atior - and fire protection when hE was invited to, tag along ona /toaur of the forest area up or the old Pine Ridge, witha group of high school vocation- ;a teachers, ait present 'oi ~-1ourse" at the University cl ,Toronto. Their teacher, Pro- fessor Eric Jnrgenson, arrang- ..Irtto1w WICKcd the tour w~ith Bert Haas, ~.>~LOWIi1GWRIC-t. Timber Forester, Lindsay Dist- rict, Dept. of Lands and For- Y sts. It was an intellectual YouKI s G treat to hear these two clever 0 TScIOL chaps answer te mn besicdes their own proffereci ex- r .~pert. information. The tour- ists were flot only good listen- ercis but keen questioners as tiiev dug rigit in tn find out 4' ~4 <<i~what made various things tick. î ~At our f irst stop, Rnv Ô4 Thompson of Leskard, obigeî Swith a bob-tailed Iogging 4 course bh*y selecting. feiling, skidding and loading a fairly large, rougi- white pine that hiad suffered damiage fron blister rust as well as porcu- em ndo bre'M1- Smi anooîof lumber, aod reveoue e ic y is in,ts\- about iS tflf it would produce. change in Iihe whole social On Lookotît Hilli,1 had thi structure of xx estern civilizri- unexpected pleastîre of mneet- lion ovcr the past thrce do- ing Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kiecka, I. cades and flot ij5;st the change of Toronto, wbo were enjov- in cbildren's stimmer, activi- ing a picnic, just a slicrt lies. We mav depi1o re the distance from Pete's old home, change, but we rnîîst accent now owned by the Ganaraska it 'for hetter or wcorsc, 'tii! Authoritv. death do uts part'. Therefore Another surprise, on Look- let us flot ton hastjlY condemo ouîtHilli, w-as one of the teach- sithe children for being tort or- ers, from London, telling us toiganized in a heavilv-organized that be haci bcen a school- ie social structure, nor the plan- 1Mate of Pilot Officer Les]ie ieners of their summoi-' ati- Banner, at North Bay. Leslie f tics for organizing the c'blid. Batner vis killeci in a jet tr ren. plane crash, on Lookout Hill, t Tn fact, I, a parent of four Sept. 1948, and! a white wood- ,,healthy, extlrbeî at pre-teen- en cross marks Ilie spot. agers, thank Heavun Ifor the A preît.t waitress inIi he [e1Bowrnanvilie, Recreation ne- Mospori Restaurant gave our alpatmen, iu cx(cut, ai-id grouîp ammuitio<n I 0 e a its not-too-xx cii paid s'a fiof' me when she lbld of rmceting dpark supervisors prccie for Me on iwno occasions at anoth- the tbing MINr. Srmilcx îs dcît- er vweli known eating spot. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~N fu, abu lsfn î-ai-- vbshes macle the teacher-' i no o u nî e c \ti - x O u rîSIîs usp u cious of nîy pro- s, o f su m rM tcstations of innocence. -After ilifamiiy bas mnovecl1 abouit q lite lunich, we galloped tcs Aubrey. cl it.a iioth ai tBiicnYa.rvbiie cin's tri inspect a <attle-graz- ý i t h a s f o i n d t a i o w r a n v i l p ri x o o d l o t , w h e r e w e l e a r n e d hn wfa rbeis : u o that cattie (-an don a lot of x'oiu~i' ire. nt ni!v .11 harrn to a woodiol bv biting e the tji(i-ier ut rcigh off the nicuregeneration and -1, tb w1hole xeai IniInacting ý,the soi] so that a Aguî,bioff or) ouîr Rer. piîîarv action is aim-ost non- cprmcî sc aseca existent, buît that pigs, if flot vote of 111111<5Inshoti var eft in Ion long, caoi be of park su perv ior..' Aoc!tri 0U Otiecfit as thic- wili scarify, 'MNr. Sirilcx - 1 sggrs-î a liberai ai-id aerate the."soi] bv their -s prinkin . of suîar' and ]P45z rooting" and t hus promote of 'pîce. germinationîa.d gro th of Ronad Sctt.Our next stop w-as ,vhere wofiîad 'clear-c-ut' 25 acres of FOR SMILlEY READERS pooî- quaitx' Scotch Pine which had yieldcd 300) cords of pulp.ý (opy for Bill Smiley's Besides being told whv it was Sugar and Spie colaimn had aIl c-ut oiff: 'chat it had yield-. not arrived on Tuesday. itCd in irevecnue and what species 1 %iII Ie seen on anotlier page xxouid be used foi' replanting. if it is received in trne for aire shoved right through and this wveeks edition. tie xisitors were able to watch a c ccxx of four meni nia nipulat-' And ow ongis he ongsling a povwer driveîî pulp peeler, Arc! box'.Jion i the 'iinge't ued ai-d operated by the' î-hnîîs ir r hewo .ld1Il Wagner' Puiip Goof Tilson- (tht girl fcor ]PO inea] biirg aidiciosting about eigh-' 1 cet. 'ibat *s bxv lonig the teen thotisand bucks on the Ionge tchorus hue r ý IiI th ie hoof. These liard - workingý xvorldids long. Thicse figures chaps ordinarilY peel between ýone( from iJack Arthuir, dur- six and eighit cords per hour,' ector of the Canadian National but on Acîgust 16th, they peel. Exhibition Grandstai-d show ed one hundred cords in tenl xvhci'e the longlesi chorus fine hours. The thîng is like a giani iin thc' orlcl wilI perfoî'm pencil sharpencer except that - agaîn this ycar. the four-foot long pîîlp stic-ksl By Ruth Wightnian Il bas been hr-otight to mv attention that a new dîvug s being developedi which xiii drasticalv rdcce manis qiern ýs reqtîirernents. FIFor once, I arn graucfcul tli thé- sc'îeniists. In fac-t, 1 ewill go s0 far as 10 pronmise Io stop biarning tlirn tout louici pfor ail their hori-ble atomc inventions, if thev succeed ini -entirely elimînating thîs need. Sleep, in ocr familY, bas ern A major soure of troiiil@ .sioce the Old Boy and 1 were marrieci. sor 14 years ago. We admittedil v and franklv consder one anothers' sleep lhabits alien andi revoiting. The Old Boy is oot onîs' an eari.\ rser, hit a joliîx v on. -Ex-pr so gaîly be sings bîmself 010o the hathîornm. eheerfully s oerating a convention of lttle people tî-opng in andiout - xx'ile he shave.q Sornetimes he lathers the childî'en, or gels e hem ait bellow-ing songs un the mîstaken hojie o! cngeîirr ,t îng sîmîlar emotions iii me. And as 1 rlucautlY andi grogglv drag z (l ut of brd. to) the lune of ail tbis hidenuis hilarit. t coulci clierrfcihiv r hrottle them ail. i lcrch fumblingîx>' aroînd. dîopping dirh- t es and mutterîog fieîcelv to myscf, until the.- ail corne for breakfast. Then, if the Old Boy«vburins m 'v toast slighti '. or mentions anythina rem otelY conteniiocs, 1ilhlasi awax - amui- iog in hum a gond deal of tînobrîstian ill-fecluigp, a iear- «able feat in the morning. tcrn, wake- me up. n Ibiat (h\ Iie lime hIe Olci Boy leais I arn contrite and hale mYscî, a rîhly 1deserveci albeit unbappv, state. I*vP tricci gettng up n otir bfoî'e thf- rst of Ihm faýmily to fortify msi for the "merrv inlîi routine. This fail.,;misci-abix . becausc thexaiasz et up. ebulliently. five minutes latr. ahtting my derploraie self-piîxing mod. f-ox er n Ie rosi or the dax and in far loto thm night, 1 scorn sleep as a tire wastler. Not so the Olci Boy. HP haîls fî-om A linn line of nappers, and wvouid lîke notbing s0 muc-h as for me to gef the whle fariy Io indulge n a nap ever ' vfernoon. 'ts bad nouIgh aving b xxake rp once a day," Irtli ir. So the Old Boy naps b.v himsef. lîaihxhp is rudel 'v awakened by banging doors, yelling kds or a rin- ing telephone. but e still mariages, irr-itatiigiv-, to suster more clier than seems reasonabe. The bardest thing for the Old Box' tc bear s 1 abilitY to di-op off bo sleep, give Mincutes after mniyvead hits tee pillow, and remnain that wav for eight solid hours. 'l'ie Old Boy bas insomnia. He reads hinseifE to sleep, leaxing the ligt on. '1'ien lie waks up, turns the light off and is suddenly inexplicabi 'v wide awale. On and off goes the ligbt, xith me aggravating the situation by remaireng blissfullv unaware. It bas been obserxed hat if two people live together long enougb, they becorne as alike as peas in a pod. 0f ltl this sobering thougt bas filled me with a vague sense of cneasines. The Od Boy has built up a tolerance, apprnach-. ing santly forebearance, o my unregeneratp vicissitudes, but constant exposure as sorewhat cntaminated hm. £,etters Jo c§J/e ie In the Dim and GEO. W. GRAHAM ADVTG. MANAGEM 17/te 3 id a4g&de

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