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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1962, p. 5

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T- À DE c E R c * FreshlF EATING OR COOKING FANCY MELBA APPLES CALIFORNIA ORi . SUNKIST 6 QUART BASKET -Size 163 .ES LOCAL GROWN - No. 1 TABLE DOZ. . 25-1b. Bag POTATOES * Guaranteed Quality Meut s* CHOICE YOUNG- ROASTING CAPONS I I c c c c c c c R I 5 to 71lb. Average LB . Reports from urocery bpeciais Three Delicious Flavours - Apple - Grape - Orange - 48 oz. Tin ALLENS DRINKS 3 * for7Ç 10 oz. Tin AYLMER - Honiemade WAFER PICKLES 4for$ L6-oz. Jar ALSTON 12 oz. CORN CHEX (EREAL 2r4 ADANA - Excellent Value Pkg. of 90 (adanai TEA BAGS YLMER FANCY - Serve Cbilled - Serve Often 20 oz. Tin fr 9 rOMA&TO JUICE 4o4 R. BALLARD'S - Chieken - Liver - Beef 15 oz. Tin 'ha mp'ion DOG FOOD IBBY'S DEEP BROWNED - Rich in Flavour 15 oz. Tin IEANS with PORK 6 for794 3for Tiel/ciLous DUKicecor lBroilea - L.CfOîce PORK TENDERLOIN Ib97C JLIP 1l.Pg tEG ULARMAGA IEPfor489c plus Deposit for254 ISHMALLOW PKG. OF 1 1 24 3 * Fresh Baker y Producîs* in - Sugared - Cinnamn Pkg. of 12 ICHMELLO DONUTs52f.,49c ýHMELLO 94-oz. Loa Vhite SIiced BREAD af20C .VERSTEINS ,'RUSTY ROLLS Pkg. of 6 171 * Frozen Food Specials * DOMINO FANCY - 1.5 oz. Tii SPECIAL YORK FANCY - 32 oz. Bag SPECIAL WHOLE A 1 CORN STRAWBERRIES '43Jc KERNELS 45.C YORK FANCY - 12 oz. Bag SPECIAL HORSEY -6 oz. Tin SPECIAL KERNELS 3fo55C Juice 4 for5 9c FREEZER QUEEN - 8 oz. Pkg SPECIAL MACARONI & CHEESE 3 for 55c STORE CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE 0F MOUNTAIN PET FOODS and ACCESSORIES a I i 1' ýres Shouilder Ctits - GROUND Chuk Meat IL 59C (o rned Beef ILb 59 C Now is the Peak Period for Preserving Requirements CERTO LIQUID PARAWAX RUBBER JAR RINGS METAL JAR RINGS 6 oz. Bottin 16 oz. Pkg. l'kg. of 12 33C IforI3C J'kg. ofIL1? 3 7c 12s a S3IALL $ 1.45 MED. 1.69 ANCHOR MASON SET Mason Sealers S-TOR E HO0TUR S: Open Tlhurs. - Fri. until 9 p.m. for your shopping convenience Saturday, Augusi 23th, 1962 J - ---------------------j' I I HCea ofd rliiya iNestleton Women'gi nstituteý Only 41. were present for held their annual picnic in the seventeenth annual Foley_ Cartwright Cammunity Park, picnic held on Saturday, July Lake Scugorg. There were 13 28th, at the Cream i o Barle.y memnbers, 15 aduit visitors and Park beneath a cantinually 14 chiidren who enjayed the threatening sky. However, the ideal picnic weather. usual deliciaus meal was en- Mrs. Milligan af Newton- joyed by thase present, after ville, District President, was which thie president, Ted Fol- present and brought Mrs. ey took charge af the business. Maud Coulter and Adele of Last year's minutes were read Minden. Mrs. H. Vine, Nestle- and approved and the treasur- tan president, brought her er's report given by Canes.q daughter Mrs. Reg. Middleton Cryderman. The foilowing of- and twa children, Toronto. ficers were elected for next ;Mrs. M. Fisher brought Mrs. year: Presic'rnt, Gerald Shack- I Delton Fisher, baby Scott, leton; Secretary, John Twist-, Carolyne and Janet Louise Treasurer, Carias Cryderman; I Di xan of Toronto. Mrs. Gra- Sports Committec, Ernie and ham brought Margaret and Howard Foley. Elizabeth Cunnin g h a m a Fallow ing this the yaunger Kingston, and Mrs. V. Hudson folk enjoyed races af variaus brought ber miother Mrs. Far- kinds, with Mrs. C. Bell and away of Fruitland. Mrs. Law- Mrs. E. Twist in charge. A r rence Malcolm braught Glenn, peanut seramble follaWed, ai- Bannie, Barry, David, Dennis, ter which thase v ho liad flot I Laurie, Jamie and Mary Lau. already been ther, jaurneyedl IMrs. Allan Beacock brought ta the Blackburn 1, me ta at- Lucille and Bobbie, and Mrs. tend Grace's trousseau tea. G. Heaslip brought Mrs. Mau- Next year's picnic xvill ha rice Nesbitt, Trevor, Sharon held at the same lacation on and Kevin. Other guests were the fourth Saturday in July Mrs. Chas. Smith and Mrs. V. when we hope mare ai the Bailey af Blackstock, Missý clan will be able ta be present. Florence Dixon af Woodville and Mrs. Reg Suttan of Orona.' RMU AL A short business mneetingý RMU AL newly completed patchworký quilt was displayed, a price ofi $15.00 set and will be placedi Storefor ale.that are flot even 24 hours oh! Mrs. Milligan gave an ex- at the tinie of deivery to cellent address n living con- stores: genially in aur homes, auri communities and aur world., BuY themn at She advised us ta take ourýALLIN'S MEATS frustrations out an aur pianoý 9 King Street E. or aur hae instead of on auIr BOWEN'S GROCFRI' families. She said that Godj h65 Seugog Rd. lias made many varietieq oai DAVIS (iIOCIRy people and it requires a greati 125 King Street E. deal of tact ta get along plea.DKTR, santly with ail af aur asso VAKSRA' ciates. F ARETY FOODS Fallowing Mrs. Milligan'si 77 King Street W. address the sports committee FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET took charge. There were racesý 44 King Street E. ,for each age group of child ren FIRTH BROS. and a peanut scramble. A shoe! Speciaîty Meat.q kickin-g cantest was won by 47 King Street E. Thelma Middleton. A 'hang NEjGHBOURHOOD STORE the wash" was a tie between r 87 OtroSre Mrs. Vine and Mrs. Miîî* F Onr e trlo sreet The ladies' potato race, Mrs. BWAVLL OE Adelbet Beacock iirst, withRESTAUIRANT Mrs. L. Malcolm second. The CORONAINRSARN jumbied letter contest, Mrs. NAINRS UAT Chas. Smith, and the Magic FLY1NG DUTCHMTAN spot hunt, Lucilie Beacock. RESTAURANT Lunch under the trees wasZOYMPIA RESTAURANT especially enjoyed by ail, withFHIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA many thanks to the committee MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ,who pianned the interesting afternoon which- closed by'They are the freshest table singing the Institute Gra ce. egus on the market- Iroduced by MAPLE GROVIE W. W. K. NOWAK'S Institute met in the church basement on Aug. I3th at 8:15 p.m. The mneeting opened with the singing of The Ode and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer in unison. Rail Cal] "A hobby for an Institute Womnan", revealed that the majority prefer gar- dening and the care o!f fow- ers. Mrs. Howard Bradley, the President, dealt with the busi- ness pcriod. Minutes, bis and communication w er e read by the Secretay Mrs. Winners of four Silver Cup Trophies and rnany firit prizes for the hest eggs at CNE. Phone COlfax 3-2567 R. R. 1 Bowmanville W'e specialize in producing on]y table eggs of unifarni quality in the most hygienic and sanitary way in totally mechanized hien houses. We produce white shell eggs nnly, graded under Canadian Gov- ernment supervision. lk ,- .-~ j -.- nwiw REEVES - tms and Pieces MUSHROOMS >MINO DRY 30 oz. Bottie 3INGER ALE ISCUIT FEATURE - B & M MA1E ION IONS THIS HART 1~ I- Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited is unconditionalilv guaranteed to give 101K. satisfaction. FREE PARKING while You Shop in Air-conditioned Store! Values effective at your Dominion Store Liniited, Bowmanville, until closing time, 75 5 5c mi SOLINA W. 1. !Charles Greenham. Our short. course on Home Management A bus trip was vers' muchlwill be on March 8, 1963, enjoyed by thirty-seven ladies! with Bowmanville branch as and -H grlson July l2th.jour guests. T he bus left the C om m unityv T e 4 H h r ou s , " h Hallat :30.Thefirst sto piClub Girl Entertains", will be was ~Pioneer Village" atisponsored by aur W.I. with Woodbridge on Highway No' 7 Mrs. Cecil Jeffery and Mrs. between Jane and Keelle StsJ1W.* Brown procuring leaders. Evervone thoroughly enjoyed A invitation to Solina Branc.h this tour. The next stop was'an Sept. lSth, 'vas accepted at Pick Fair Restaurant where ýand Mrs. Fred Stevens and ail did justice ta a grand din- Ms.HarrV Wright are ta look ner. aftergetting sorme musical 1At two o'clack we arrivedInumnbers. at The Canadian Wallpaper We were reminded ta watch FManufacturer's plant. Mr. Jas. "Country Calendar" an Sept. 'Abernethy of Bawmanvillel2nd, for the program on the had made arrangements forlfounding af aur Woman's In- the tour and accompanied us1 stitute. Mrs. L. C. Snowden through the plant. Little did reported for the memnbership we knaw what was involvedlcammittee and stated that if in making wallpaper. This aur Public Relations Officcr proved ta be rnost in teresting. and Press Reporter are doing The August meeting wzsýtheî, then new members held on August 9th. at 8:15, will jloin the W. in the Solina Cammunity Hall.!1 Mrs. Cecil Mills, convener ýMrs. Ralph Davis, president, for Agricultural and Canad- canducted the business. Mrs.lian Industries. presented tht- Wm. Ashton, secretary-treas.! fallowing pragjram, J. urer, read the minutes and iMc Neil read the motta "Lufe communications. is a grindstone, whether h. The next 4-H Homemaking palishes yau up, or wears yout Club will be "The Club Girl down depends on what yoit Entertains." The leaders for are made of". This had bcen this club will be Miss Pearl prepared by Mrs. H. Allison Leach and Mrs. Howard Mill- and she said "Each persn has son. The school for leaders is a part of the world's work ta in Orona on August 28 and 29. do and all oi it is important. Mvrs. Howard Milîson took One secret of making work the chair for the program easy and pleasant is the riglit which was under the heading attitude toward it. Each or af "Education." Mrs. Harvey US shows aur true calaurs, sn Yellowlees commented on the te speak, by how the exper- motta which was "If you dont l ences ofi lue affect aur indiv- stand for something, you wiîî idual lives'. fai] for anythin.g." The rall Mrs. Howard Cry'derman in- caîl was answered by "-Somletraduced Our guest speaker, project in education 1I wauld!Mrs. Orville Osborne ai Bow- like ta accomplish and how ' ,Iranvi1le, wha spoke on ber There was an attendance 01lhobby of "Button Collecting". i thirty-five. She told us about how she Mrs. Elgin Taylor reviewed starled this hobby and the ad- Hîstory of local schoois froanx'ftages af such a hobby. She the Tweedsmuir History Book. explained the different kinds We were favoured with alof buttons and had many sam - pleasing duet by Peggy and iples an display. She conc.luded Diane Darch. They sang Ju-Hobby". with a paem on "My Mr. Dennis Barry, teacher Mrs. C. Russell and Mrs. T. from Baker's Schoal, spoke Hoar favaured us with a duet on "Education." Mr. Barry entitled "Camne, Holy Spirit, spk ftegreat im partance Cm" accampanied b5' Mrs. ai readin ntehoeasW Laird at the piano. Tvrs. starting children ta become Wmn. Laird ,xpressed aur ierested in books at an earlylthanks tae spaean age. thase on the pragram. A very tasty lunch, consist- The repeating af "Our Col- ing of sandwiches, picklllect", in unison, and a social cookies and tea, was sesedh aIf hu brought a pleasant in the lower hall by the gr0upýevenmng to a close. in charge. The next meeting will be on Septezuber 13, and will be inF ly am y charge Of Group 4 with Mrs. Murray Vice as convenor.f Maple Grave Institute will beHod inta aur guests. i-- 1 -1 ýt The Canadian glatemnan, Bowmanvtle. Aug. 22, 1981 F - NESTLETON W. 1. -- 1D--:l--l eNl- - - DOMINIONS OWN 11 -1 )roduce Speciais

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