6 -- -T1w Cana lan piat nma n. t-Ria Afle Shrubb ta Participate- nx-i110, Aug, 22 Stress Physîcal I During C NE Fes HeId ut "Ex" Ne> f?, r'ad a..n i:Exhibition. Labour Day. doing î! i ih hojoci jor, the tember 3crd, Bowmanv National i r5Fîîn, o' i 'ý;! , ,ýorb~xold famous athlete. ___________________ ____Shrubb is expectcd la bu of the platform guesîs. Some 5.000 people are pected 10 lake part in bbc long demonstrations at Exhibition Gnandstand an strategîn points, throug: the Park. Il is open toi -bod v babes in arms or meIn- and the tfull da y"s] oramna of activilies wîll den strat fitness throîughrc This MightT One 0f'Yý Employei Yes, everyday mail h1ave lvse causef flve osses t i frequentlv force th( ers out of uie. ]Rond froni THec Hi *srance (îroîîp pro ( up to the aniotint v against rhcft. rn forgery, fraud and lhoncst acts hv eri &ee u.% for dtaik ,0 STUART R. JAMES tNsrRANCE REAi ai FJý ~ There will aiso be a pai ý Ml ch will rnarch :o 11101b»Q Grarîdstand. featuring ba flag-bearing parties, and rempt presentatives of the mn forent national recreati our activities. Ken Far-mer, a trim 49- 'v ,es old who play ed hockey Canada at the 19:36 Ol.v Il oncrns Games. ks the Chairman of I cocern .3(-mrember National Advi d hy en. Cotincil on fitness anda iat ail too teur sport. He and 47- * v e cmiploye Old Jim Worrail of Tono A Fidelity Prcsident of the Canac Olymnpic Association and rtford In. Olymnpie Hurdler a quar Otects YOtt centur-Y ago, are pî-ettyg 'ou select ) advertisements for such a ielierncnt, and desire Io focus atterl ot her (lis- on wa 'vs in which fitness be w1on, enjoyed and retai nihhYces. bY Canadians of ail ages. day.Officiais in charge, thoL have a prett.v good idea what the v want to do. M S50i,000 from the Federal G ernrment arnd $12,500 e from thp Ontario Governom - ~ and the Canadian Nati. Exhibition, thex' plan Io htindreds of voungsters 1, EST A TEw at the 33,000-seat Gra E ESATEstand. The dernst i ationrs wsill Owmanvill uide volleyball, fencing,c lin g. golfing, boxing. softb Residence ' badminton, basketball, hai 11A 3-5493 hall, squash. lacrosse, crick rugger and table tennis w ý'. held at the Canadian Nati< R OYA L BOWMANVILLI MA 3-5589 THURS. at 7:30 - FRI., SAT., 7 & 9 p.m. Matinee Sat. 2 p.m. WALT DISNEY'S "Big Red" ('hildren 25c anvtime MON.-TUE.-WED.-THTJR., 7:30 'Facts of Lif e" 1 P.m. BOR HOPE, LUCILLE BALL Aduit Entertainment LOW PRICES u9c 100 A.S.A. Tablets - li Rnair Spray-4c 69c %17P Suave - 2 for 98e TOOTH PASTE SPECIALS 98C ,ize1 98C size1 35C s'ize9 63e size1 Colgateis Ipana - Gxleem - Brisk - Bartine FOR HeaiIh Spray Hay Fever Relief S ai1ts __________ jPrivinu' Nnse Drops 1.00 Ornai ('apsules 1.35. 2.9()7 Nnxeni (o Pyronil ('apsuleq 2.25 Chase's ( rram Pyribeozamnine 6.1t, 2.30 Nerv'e Fond 49r-73cI-93lr Dristan 98c - ?.49 _________ Tahiets 1.25, 2.2.5, 3.7Id5 ______ FIy-Tox I)ristati Spray 1.25 Btij .B<'IjA'cJti e(1"[ah,. 1. 9.5 Caphs Bornh ('rjcii - D" Tahs 1.00 Cp 9C- 1. 19 oriu'idu-n Spray 1.0<) 79e - 98C ,?,c size Iisterine and Nletrecal WVaTers 1.'29 '1oth for ',Nlttreval Iiqud 6 for 1.69 1.00 G ihIetIte Blates and L.imjits- 98t- Deodoratîl - Both for 1.00 Saft'Iower Caps- 1.75 100 A.S.A. '1ablets 500 MiIk of Illagnesia Tablets - lie COWLING'S MA 3-5695 DRUG STORE WE FIT TR US SES MALCOLM THE MILKMAN GLEN RI Palîbearors we ce Messus, - - - 1allbearens wene Fred Fer- Miss Katbxv E!liott wx as a Bill Spcagpe. Stanle'. Hall, MISS APHA I. HODGINS grisou. Stephen Wallace, Rich - vîsitor. lasI xxeok ai Mn. L0insi!!i': nIj., Ros- Hall, Stp'ewart Barrister, Solicitor ard WVallace. Gr'egory Wallace, Moton*F ail('entreton Hl n Risl al.1 ink t. Pbolinc l Miss Marilyn MiDouald u-Hl ndRNlHal 4F ankS.îary cJoe Wallac'e and RButirrDean. derscuta tn~ilctom niE. RICHARD LOVEKIN Boxvmanville Hospital 1 as tInl area, -Canada i.s about 40 B.A., LL.B. O JU R xveek. uinies the si.'e of the United Barnister. SolicitorT AR .j Mc. and M.-. Kon Newt.on Kiiîgdom. lias about one-third King St. E. Newcastle LONBRO and Ganx' of Hamiltton were Ilthe poprulationî, Phone 2246NESNBRO - -- ~~~~~~~Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-1 TedatofNsnBron . . *. bv GLEN RAE DAIRY! 79, occurred on Monday, Juiv M oritg ag es 301h. 1962, at South Haven Nursing Houme, Newcastle. He THINK 1SADIE HAMILTON -ORONO bad been in failing health for Phone 1 r 16 a N ean. LI E H RFirst Morîgage Fonds B orinu i Hastinîgs, Englarid, Residences - Farrns lie xvas the son of the laie Mr. STE!BusinessPropecties and Mns. William Barton and Mortgage Loans attended school in Hastings. Prompt, courleous service In 1905 he macried the former HAROLD C. PEDWELL Alice Wrenn. He was a vet- Real Estate and cran of World War 1, bax'ing Mortgage Braker served xxith thie British Armx' Newcastle -Phone 3856 M-. Barton %vas au employer*f' o f the Bow,.maiille Foundnx% for about 30 veans, rctirîrîg 10) 0 _p1_om_ ery -ens ago, and h ad made h is KEITH A. BILLETT, oi home with bus daughter and E Optometrist OD son-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville, James Fair, Bowmanville. He( Offi&ce Hours: By appointmeni was a member of SI. Joseph's' 'relephone MArket 3-3252. Roman Caîbolie Church, Bow- iiiik Bar Mon - Tues. - Thurs. - Fr1. rnanx'ulle. f D A R Y9 KngS. .Thursday evenings Survivîng aie two sons and rý 9 a.m. ta à p.m. onto. Ropelcd oi Scarborougn, m 'weekend vlsitors with Mr. aridr ~~i962 Mrs. N. Scott. E W K Under the auspice« of thé TOE aF . . *F L'C.W., a quilt wag put in the Bible Vacation Sehool, Aug- cott's. I framies. at the church base- ust 27ton 31st at Tyrone Uni- Bobbie Hirnnes. Toronto, Ni ment. iast week, and quilted ted Chureh. spent a vveek with Jerry Har- hx- the best needlewomen in Mr. and Mrs. Trewin Scott dv. Mrs. Ace Abbott, Oshawa, Mv the village, having sold their farm to Dr. also visited at the Hard's roi imanvilie, is visiting her Cou- new farmn on Saturday near Messrs. Earl Prescott. Ken- R( sin Lois Stapleton. . Perrv-town. Port Hope 'R.R. 4, neth Hardy and Jerry visited Fi s fiva I !Toronto visiting hier sister.lAbout 35 friends and neigh- Dundock. Mrs. Bertha Deane. Iboucs gathering at their home, Mrs. R.Brgs s'iingt AI Bomanviie Hopita evening last week to sur-IMr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens, B .Rox- FeHoiarrw nrine them with go ing awaviHmtn Ivion daY, for a major operation. 1 gifts. Mrs. Jack Gibbs and Mr. Hmtn Those vvho didn't attend our A. Wood made suitable e LaendD nvr hla-W T church re-rMrscW. H. aylor, Jnice, t sericeSuda~ mon-marks and presented them Duane an dany ar iay-Ri Sen- the particiýpants perforrning :ng. conducted bs- Mr. Mel iwith a swivei chair and a cof- ain ingerLaug er M a 'Smith of Oshavva, missed a;fee table. each of the children. t anigLie v'ille*I their artistrx' and showving ra ra.M.Smt.woanGayadGi ee Mr. and Mrs. W. MurphyA eAnrifi eole ta andas ohv conducts the 'Sundav Sehool presented with pens. The ev- were supper guests of Mc. and Noone cls eaivsueh of the Air- over the Osbawa!ening was then enjoyed by Mrs. Lloy'd Blewett, New Tor- Ri N x tIIIoerlexacil asurteso radio station. delivered an in- cards and a pleasant' get-to- onto. nSna ndvstdn d~-atiees umin an rnnngspirînýg message to both oldlgether, along with lunch. the funeî-al home in Mimîco, KI and vourng. and it îs hoped we Ms usl itu iie apY terrseto h the around. The organizers sim-ma,-hvth potntof r.RselVru itelt G rgBuile. id af pIY want to get them inside ma'hv h potnt fMrs. Otto Virtue, Bowman-laeGogBuile. hav.ing hbm here to address US!ville, on Sunday. Synipathy 10 Mc. and Mrq. ghout the C.N.E. GoLinds and show aai. Nx tnavtegetJ.èCokontepsgf anv,- the paving customers --who aan etSîna h u syptyo voefinslrbohr--awM.J.A cr olld Munch. hot do,-, and harnburg- spea ker '.sill be Rex. J. S. M- goes outIto Mrs. D. G. Hooper hec brotBa-n-fawlbMrt.J.A pani- ers, cat i('e cream and pie, and Gth fTono.ep-snt and other relatives on the Pgeo afAbra mo-drink pop and .so forth- that ing the Lord's Day Alliance.1 asnofM.H peOn. Vitr tthhmefM. ýo Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Robb aasn fM. opr r n VitrsathhmeoM. good ftns throg. And i n is Mesr returned to their home in' Mc. and Mrs. C. Bigelow ad Mrs. Roy Maynard were, rade d FamehndWorllar eîfestmounit on Sundav. were Sunday evening callers Miss Jean Stainton, Mr. and Mc and rs. BobWooddad ofrMc andrMr. RossBigelow. 'Mrs. Erie Stainton, Mrs. S. enthusiaslic about the pr- M.adMs o odado r n .Rs Walker, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wai- Ille ga.childiren, of Gooderham, were, eOshaDawa.anile ,an ds, gram.raispts peuple in vweekend visitors with Miss Mc. and Mcs. Donald Mur- kersandDeabn, BoMr.Rav-e 1 --Anne Nesbitt. ray and family, Orillia. were nrOhwMs ide dif- Commonelth contresis e Mr' Keni Stapleton. Toronto,'weekend visitors with the Hastings and Ronald Mav- ion ai expressed euîtrs h a home foi- the weekend. !KenHardy's and Earl Pres- nr.Trno Farmer are on the right track. Mr. and Mcs. Wilfred Wood. - - Arthur Rumbie ot Nexw .e., the Mr-. and Mr.s. Reid Wood and B sns ielr Brunswick spent a week with ve"ieteconcept of governimeit famil 'attended the Wood:!____]Business___ __Mr an Ms. llson Mc frsupporting the fitness angle fn r n r.AlsnM mpîc Eventuallv, thex- hope -_t famil, pienie at Ham-pton lasi, Quinn. his parents Mr. and r the have several fitness rallies Satuirday. AC C ou n ian cy> Mrs. C. H. McQuinn werc îsorv ars aaa x ih wl Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gilbert__ ama- point out to the Canadian peu- of Toronto were weekend hatrYJ.dILLINtan SuLnda Dvîitors.rti ear- pie the benefîts lu be deixed guests with Mr. and Mrs.1 Chre ccontanet Mr.ynda DavEestacellmpand otia, from them. Fatmrsv W Lloyd Clysdale.93CucStet M.ad rsEnstKlyad -mr as We1 MArket 3-3861' daughitei- Barbara of Oshawa idian want the people to enjoy be- Mr , and Mrs. Ken Jov , Toc- -- on a tcip through Quebec and l1 ing, and gettinu fit". onto. were Suniday visitors at!LEONARD JAMES BROOKS Northern Ontario. rtec- Worrall teIýmed the cuin" ',Mr. C. Brown's.1 Accountants - Auditors M r. and Mrs. Rov Bara- gond Setme etvl" inf'. Mrs. Ken Stevenson and Trustee in Bankruptcy tloiugh and friends fc*om New can stp orwrdin heove -girls xisitedt Mrs. Lena Ovens Suite 205W 72.5-9953 jersysen h eeeda ition al[ dex'elopment of phscl over the weekend ObwaSopigCe t_ he C. Dodd and Allan Ander- ,an fitnessan maeu portia Miss Dorella Lancaster Is, WM. J. fIL COGGINS son's homes, whein the Ander- ld Ca and aatu.sotnhom-e from lher week's vaca- Chartered Accountant son'7 and sons accompanied tion with the Girls Guides at Second Floor them on a fishing trip up ugh. Camp Adelaide. New Library Building through Nocthern Ontario. aTruof'I 11TTTT Te fiî-st game In the final Cor. King & Tempecance'Sts. Mr'. and Mrs. George Wills, .L'ILYYIUP4NVIILL series of the Men's Softbaill 1_ Phone MArket 3-3612 _ Engtexv,\ood, spent sevecal davs , ox'- M.League play-offs was played, with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. each Mr and Mrs. Hars- Wad ail Newcastle on Sunday atter-i YALE, FRIEDLANDER Weekend guests xvece Mr. and nent have returned home il-onu noon. between Bowmanvîlle & COMPANY Mrs. Ted McBride ot Bramp- anal their motor trip 10 the east and Newtonville. With Brown ton. Putt Coast. going the xshole way on toe Chartered Accotintants Mr. and Mu-s. J. Wagg. Osh- on Mi-. and Mrs. Franci.s Tuf- mound, and Wade ('atching, Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy awa. spent Sunda 'y witb Mr. and- tord and girls have been on a Newtonville won b%, the score and Mcs. R. Wright. holiday trip throlîgh Algur- or i3-8. Next gaine in Ibis 64 King St. E. 728-7j3741'Mi'. and Mrs. J. Moore and in- quin Park. Georgetown, and selli.; 10 he on FridaY night, Oshawa, Ontario Douglas, St. Catharines.,xvere cyc-' other points of interest. at Kendal at 6:30. weekend xisiîors of Mc. and Miss Dorothv Elîbott is at MONTEITH - MONTEITH Mrs. W. Jewell, bal. A numbeu- from here attend- Lake Simcoe Ibis week with RIEHL & CO. Mr, Alyrie Smith, Toironto, and- ed the misceilaneous shower MisDnaBpsîoPot 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa "pet ihe weekend with Rex'. keI, held aI Mrs, Les. Alldread's lin Hopes.Don atsofPr Chartered Accountanîs C. Dugan and Mr. and Mrs. J. 'jith Orono, lasI Tuesdav eveningi, Mr. and Mis. Willis Farrow, 728-7527 L. Llugan. onal in honor of Miss Mvr.tl c were -udvs sitr ihM.Partners: Mr. and Mrs. Van Docp aund Bi'wn whsewedin tuXand Mrs. Laxwrence Jamieson,!Hn . .MnîiS FCA san visited friends at Wbit- plae o Sauî'ay ornng. Be~dle,-.A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. by on Suindav. Mcs. Marjorie Watsoni of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beatty G.W. iehl,.A.rus A.e Mrs. A. Mitchell. Anne and E. Toronto was a holiday xisito c ot Port Hope visited Mc. and GLEensedTrute) NC.A. G. Trotanto, vied c witb Miss Bertha Thompson Mrs,. Reid Wood, Sundax'. i G. E. Lcetewe, C.A. C lit n bîrn last week, and they moîored Mir. and Mrs. Lauirie S tapie- ____ R. . LîgbtfoîofC.A.- * ouI bo Keswick foi' a few da\, s ton. Toronto, spent the week- WILSON & BURROWS awa retuu'ned home after hall- Mr. and Mrs. Wavine ElliotCend at Mir. George Stapletonsý. Charîered Accountanits daying xith heu- gcandparents enjo',ed a motor trip to Thon-ý Mrs. Acnold Wade, is at-, 114 King St. East. Oshawa, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. D. Davey'. sand Islands and district iasti tending the U.C.W. TaiinîPMc. :1v Bwan Mcs Arho hve week.1 Scbool, at Ontario Ladies' Col- av omnil, wohv Misses Jo Annie Camer'on lege, Whitbx', Ibis week. Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. just î'etucned home from Eng- and Main-cen Pavne accomn- Mc. and Mrs. F. Gilmer were G. Edmond Burcows, C.A. ]and. visited ber uncle Mc. panied Mc. and' Mrs. Kaul Stinda\- supper guests with Phone 728-7554 and Mcs. W. Park Sc. Riekie and famnilv 10 their Mi' . nd Mrs. Jin ilmî-_7__ - Mr. and Mcs. Fr'ank MeGilI, ctaeat Leskard last ""k Port Hope. r Toconto, weie Saturda *-vealu- cottge , b r 1 C eu's of Mc. anîd Mcs. W. Rahm. Mc. and Mis. Wallace Bou-,C hiLroL r - M.adMsiE .Vr Miss Elaine lHendeirson, Boxv- --lrenand Mus.rE. A. Virtu manvîlle, spent a few das v hi îoe r o ca G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. v.isîtud Mu'. and Mcs. A. Ev- witb bier cousin Carol Hn- lean bi aîdo, neEi Chiropractor ains.Osbawva. derun1 -hat, wbo have been xisit- office: Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd Sîaiiîton * Ms. "ibG bsu an gilsing Mc. Art McKav, home tO0 15 Elgin SI., cor'. of Hucsev St. aund Dan of Flint. Mich., vis- weî'e recent visitors witb Mr. Bot.o SnalhneM -59ied Mr. aund Mrs. Hencv Sain- and Mrs. Ra'mundrBruce Mi - îdMS. Cliffoud Jounes Office Hoiurs: Bx' Appointmenî ton.4 0 adM auîd Mcs. Ruv1Ites and familv, formerlv of 01- li_- c n Ms aes Wod and Gloria, Port Hope, verc taxys, sxere calling on tciends; D e n i lev aid SuIsan xisited last Fri- guesîsut Mc.and reckadilatives hece. Monda.en dax' witb Mr. aund Mrs. David ELIot atS we-eadk s. J 'kfbex'are cni'oute 10 Newv Zea- --DR. W. M. -RUDELL, D.D S. . cks Harrison, they also 1 The play-off semi-tinals foc lan d 'ere.te i75d otae~ King St. E. Bowmanville1 speuit a few days with hier the Sofîbali League tinisbediUP rsdne Office Hours: parents aI Auroca. in enal as Thrsax'niht9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dailv Mc. and Mrs. L. Hauben, when Newtonville defeated!i O IU R Closed Saîucday and Sunday Philadeiphia, spent. several Starkx'îlle bv the scor~e otf1(-4.ý O IU R Office Phone - MA 3-5790 days last week with Mrs. Edna Mr. Ted Lane wvas avvax' oui House Phone - Newcastle 3551 Pb'ilp and Miss Jean Philp. a fishing trip lasI week. yEyH'j.W 1ORDE:N DR. E. W. SISSON SundaY visitors weneM. n Mn. aund Mrs. C. R. Fanî'ox L.D.S., D.D.S. Mcs. Jerry Philp, Morgauîston and Glen, with Mns. Helen Th e deiiib of Ethel Wou'den Office in bis borne Mc. aund Mrs. H. Steele, Pet- Boxven and Darleuîe and Mn. occunred iin Hamilton, Ont., on 100 Liberty SI. N., Bowmanville ecborough, were weekend vis- Stauî Bowen. motored to Iowa Sundax-, August 12, 1962. Thloe M -64 itors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Park F last Thursdav. Mr. Bowen ne- deceased was in heir 78th year, Office Hours: J r. Surndav supper guesîs lx mained thece for a visit with and had been in failing health: 9 ar..f0 f6 p.m. dails' were Mc. and Mirs. D. Park, relat ives, \vhile tlie otherS tfour x ears. Closed Wednesdlay- Suîîday Bowmanville. aund Mr. and went on to other points of in- Born aI Mitchell, Ontario,! DR.-C.-F.- CATTRAN, D.D.S. r.TnPakOsw. terest. slie xas the datighter of the Office -l Mcr. and Mî's. Don Elliott laIe Francis aînd Jessie Scor- 75 King SI. E. Bowmanxille %Tnr1 XY "Extra Lecan - Tender Valie ('irukd -,îSae Twive w'ith ROASTS'Trim anud Pi-re- Ideai for Barbeuue ROATSRIB STEAMKS1b89c coi I.a1tl(t*ol on the opening of 31r. and Mrs. Porter's new~ RED & WHITE CORNERMARKET It was my pleasure ta do the carpentry work. E. VIERHOUT, Contractor PHONE 4436 NEWCASTLE l'oc Ilarnhurgs or 'Meat 1.naves Ext\ral Leatn - GRiolNI) lb. 9c F'or I.uîic'hes and Sîuk By bhe Piece BOLOGNA lb.33c BEST Bt1Y! - Saive ]Oc! - Blue Boninet 'VeIIom, Qiuik MARGARI NE BEST BUV! - Save 9c! - Fancy Qualit * Green Giant PEAS BEST BUY! - Save 10e! - Vi th Pork iii Tomiato Sauice YORK BEANS 1-1h. Packages 2Zfor5 9 15-o';. Tins f~or 8 9 20-oz. Tins 3 for491 BEST BUY! - Save 9e! - Qualit.N 20-oz. Tins EulverhouseCORN 5çor89g tào T BUY L iqe2e! -2c Of a k - eeg n 0o.. Sz GAY Liuid Detergent 67" BEST BUY! - Sav'eIle - Treesvseet Fane 'v 48-o,. Tins GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2for63C AAPLE GROVE MARKET a . Maple Grove1 :ORNISH'S MARKET a.0. a.. .Orono ORTER'S MARKET.0 a a a .Newtonville1 t' i 9i c BEST BUY! - Save 6c! - Pinik Seal Bran Tail Tin Fancy Pink SALMON 59c FEA'l'iRE! - SAVE 16ce! - AYLI.ER I Vitli Added Peetia - if-oz,. Jar% - (Case of 12 - $229) ISOUNT PTII(ES ! JAMS or JELLIES 3 for 59c 11II;lz (------------i".. 12-07. sIze 49C NliIk nf Nla;znesia - (50)) Phillip's Tablefs 39c J NSTA NTA NE 39c I ATUR - SAVE NIoE(1! - SwepeeN W1îed - 48-oz Jar SUPREME PICKLES 59c 1'EAl' ! -II' SAVEN1 10c!'- Grimsby WEET GHERKINS I'LNTIURE! -i.OOSî:PACK JANZANILI.A i' e 6e!'-8 az - SAVE,'il fie -REJ) &, WI'I' , Flar ýNSTANT COFFEE 69C 69 C sav hOu '- 1<i 0." (i<oii-r-Fresh Produce Go" resh Bti led or Baked - N o. 1 Griade Green (abbage l'as 0uit- for 1'las aur - No. 1(,rade ( (OKIN, lPlump, Shiiuis ONIONS 31bs23c sw'.ertPep New. - Ontario 1' rmn and rri, I'an<', Girade - .1-1b, poiN baz Nn.I1(Grade Wealthy Apples 39c Head Le FROZEN FOOD F'EATURES' . ave e Bird', I 'e ORANGE JUICE Tins 4 '-r 89C Saîve 1 7!-Y ork RASPEERRIES 3 foz 3$1, Green - No. 1 Grade )Pers 4 forlj9c sp - 1,arzf I(eclqm ettuce 2forl9c FEATRE!- SVE 0v!- Th Fu Bah fr Cide In)isney Phasutie Containe Colgates New "SOAKY" 79c h"-SH BAKI'D! - SI*Nl' VN Rgular 39(- lkg. of 30 SV'ENI : ('dia Packed Fancy BISCUITS .3 pkgs. 89c Ring St. E. Office MA 3-5691 Varlîim Botties For Prompt Delivery Phone NIA '-5444 Prices effective at the Iisted [Red & White Food Stores only 1 nom À . I)j BEST BUTY: - Save 28c' - 20e Off Pa(k - Detergent :;O-oz. Size 1. -l, ? 1 ýZZ'eý7*ý vand Dorothv ry Jam)es: air), Bowman\-ille. Mr. Bar-i on xvas predleceased bY a son.! elson, in 1942. Mir. Barton rested at the [orri- Funeral Chapel, Bow- nanvilie. and Requiem Hi-Il lass wvas sung binSt. Joseph's oman, Catholir Church bv -ather F. K. Malane on Wed- isda.v.Atigust 1lst. Interment as in Bowmanville Cerne- erY. A.nong the îmari\,lovelv loral tokenis %erp those fromi ie Roval Canadian Legion. Vomenýs Auxiliarv to thp ýoal Canadian Legion, Dun- as Sheet Mletal, andà Windsor rrns Hotel. Palihearers w ere 'Messrs. ichard Bens' on. Weston Bon- wilie, Fred Rosa, Ross Mc- night, Ernest Perfect and Villiam Bates. ib. 33c