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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1962, p. 7

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Mr. and Mcs. Vie Cookson So far, the Bowmanville spent a couple of days lastiMuseum lis having a very suc- j w eek ini Grenville, Que. cessful season. Since It open-.RI Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Courtice, ed for this year in May. up to M& isapatient in St. Joseph'sýAugust l8th, there have been Hospital, Peterborough. 664 visitors. Mrs. Harriet Wright, Roch- Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Smale aunt, Miss Mildced Wilmott. r and Mcs. John I. Lodge andi Master Murcay Hammond igiJohnny. Baltimore, Maryland, ... apending a week witb Mc. anib ave been visiting with MrS.....'«r ~rs. Frank Prouse, Pickering.1C. J. Smale. '-Mrs. George Watkins, Toc-, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Turnerý o, spent a few days withiand Sandra, Midland, were in Mr. and Mrs. T. Hayes, Elgin'town last week renewing aý-, 1 Street. quaintanceq. Ian, former pro! Mrs. Albert McMabon has t Southview, enjoyed a roundýý returned home tcom spending of golf there with friends. the w:ekend with relatives in Mr. ast e Srnith j îMr. and Mr. Robert Dyk-iing in New York State and stra and family spent an en- visiting hec brother, Mr. and joyable vacation cottaging at Mrs. J. NI. Woodward and r Sandy Lake. family in Deep River, Ont. Mcs. M. J. Hutchinson ls Mcg. R. Robson (formeriv t visiting her daughtec, Dr. Lynne Bagneli) has retucned r Rut4- Weeks, in Charlotes-: to her home in New Toronto Ville,, Virginia. ýaftec a few days' visit iast Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sieman, week with ber parents, Mr. Haydon, were Sunday guests and Mrs. W. W. Bagnell, Scu- of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jobns,1gog Street. Liery t Nct.Mcs. Geo. W. James, accomn-4 Mrs. J. E. Campbell of Ot panied by Mrs. Stuart James,' tawa spent several days re-!setafwdv atwe . cently witb ber parents, Rev.. with her son and daugbter-in- . R. R. and Mrsý. Nicholson. law, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. G.' Master Jamie Braden cele- James and family of Pointe, brated his fifth birthday' this' Claire, Que., at the Stuart week with a party at bis James cottage, Gooderbam...... home for his littie friends. Ms .A agc saa Mc. and Mrs. Arthur E. formecly of Nýewcastle, return-1 M Coverly returned last week ed last weekend from a pleas- i from a month's visit with fri- attrewe aain h ends and relatives in Engýland.itravelled by Jet plane ta Ed- . Mrs. Royal Quinn. Simcoe,' monton, then motored toi ~ Ont., bas returned home after Banff and Lake Louise, also' ~ ~ '~ aweek's visit witb Mr. and: tbe Columbia Ice Fields and Mrs. W. L. Berry, Liberty St.! Jasper.' Nortb. ~Mc. and Mrs. Ernest Patter- t.~. . . Mc.Brue Vvia oBeaerson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrencer Lumber Company bas been un, Allin, Oshawa, Mrs. Ada GaI- Port Hope at the Beaver If~ braitb and Mrs. Giddus Joncs, fice, there, for the past two l;Bowmnilrooe oPr weeks.ry Sound and attended the Mrs.Ke Buckley, Toronto,r funeral of their aunt, Mis. lier daugbter Margaret and Will Neibe.rgall, in Parry! igranddaughters, Tammv and Sound on Wednesdav, August Gayle, of California, *visitedr 8th. Mis Midre Wilmot.Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, Con-, Mc. Jack Lyle and daugh- cession Street, ceturned lad' fer Miss Helen Lyle, Mimico, iWednesday tram a three and! were i onoe h ek a haîf weeks' tour of England' ed renewing old acquaint- adSalntetpae- onces and visiting friends. r seas and retucn being madel Mc. and Mrs. T. H. MeCrea-, by 'Plane. Mcs. McLaugblin dy of Lethbridge, Alberta, are1 was accompanied by ber ne ph-I1 guests of their daughter and i ew, Mc. Howard McLaugiin' I son-în-law, Mc. and Mrs. By- of Toronta. ran ansoneandtamiy. Mrs. D. W. MeCormick o?ý Mrs. J. H. Jobnston bas ce- Gaitwaa guest iast weklj turned tram a two-week visit with ber daugbter and son-in- with hec daughter and son-un- law, Mr. and Mcs. Morley1 'W, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wes- Vanstone and family. Last~ ~y and family, Peterborough. weekend,,Mr. and Mcs. Van-ý Mc. and Mcs. Dean Ham. stone, Helen and Barbaca wece! and and family, St. Thomas,j guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. B. <egre weekend guests of Mr.lRundle at their cottage on,,, ~3Mrs. Harold Hammond!Wood Island, Bananoque. I )dfarrdy, Liberty St. North.! c rc asadduh Mis~s Gertrude Staples, Wrn-ý'ter Shirley Gaît called on Mr. ripeg, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. J. Babcock on 1?dr. and Mrs. W. Murrav Porter, o fver K. Young and Mrs. Howard1Sunday feno.O Mo-Pres ,1reinN\'til' vl]hdteYad Price Toronto were visitors a ftron nMn otrsJlce u etnilwl odtt un the home of Mr. and Mrs. W day, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ash-loenng of thei opelvrn atdg ea sr, -ton, Lacry and Sharon wreopnrcmltl rnvtdgnrlsoe S. Staples. jsupper guests ot Mr. and Mcs. ýstarting Thcuirsdla.x morni ng, August 23rd, when rnan.v Mr and Mcs. George W%ý.,Babcock on their way homnespecial barg,,ait items w,ýili be featured. The Porters Grahâm, Georgean.n and Sus ýtaToronto aftec spending their .who came from Oshawa eight years ago where he was anne, returned last weekendà vacation in Nova Scotia andia bus driver recently jt. iîed the x'ast Red & Whiie from an enjoyable holiday at New Brunswick.ornitin hihxi nae tem t povd Crystal Beach, Moira Lake, ognzto vhc ileaeter t pvce Iear Madoc. rnerchandise al, I he liixest prices. These txvo phiotos I. - r% ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Munister: Rev. H.A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist' Mc. M.Beaton, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. Trlnityv and St. Paul's Congretationq worshlp in Si. PauI's. A Hearty Welcome ta Al REHOBOTH REFORMED Scugog Street, Rev. John C. Verbrugg, Telephone1 IVORSIIIP 9:00 amin. 11:00> a.m. 7:30) p.m. IProclaiming the WbE rMAPLE GROVE The Canadian Statesman, Eowmanville. Aug. 22, 1962 7 11.Scia! &9ÇJersona/ l Phone MA 3-3303 shiowv lin.and Mlr. Porter sonîd i îomiothe sleps in front tof the rnodemnîed eutnce. Loxver photo shows the t'oI'fl inutcuiur, cunt plete wxith hthe latesi. in fixtures for hauîdling fresh rncuts and puoduce. rlheir store CHi l le open al! day' Weclnesdax's ancd in the ex'ening tîntul i9 as xt'el I as Friday mîtil oeclock, and xi! close Mondax' aftrcnc<cns. 'l'le Por'4 rs have three children, Sandra 17, Donna 15 and I"raîî, 17 months. Lirama WorkshopHAM Pmi10N Thoce xx- a falrcl gond at- r M. and Mrs. Robert Gond-' Mu'. and Mc;. Tioniel Iickhet Aciiis tendance ait th( hoi ut h sel-- fel law and chi Id con, Oslha\w'a. a nd du ughi t,Bx'mn'il. vice On Su udax. The beaxut i fî Icecont y \isited Mr. and Mi'q. pont Sunday xx' uth Mr. a nd The executive oft the Ducr- fiowecs xvhioh deoorated Ihi( Don Adî'ock. Mcs. Fred 1-lolcoyd Sc. hami County Drama WVorksboplchurcohwere teNlthere fcrn m cA. and Mc;. Chan J.ohns, Mc. and Mc;. ClifI Coiter bave seiected a thcee-act play,'h itex ddng un Sat urdax Poxvnanvdllc. wcee Wedneî- andl'minvir'isîleMc and Gleorge and Mdargaret by Ger- A school f'or thic U.C.W- day dînner gue-s x ith Mc . Mc;. Jac'k Rohinson at Sut- aid Savory, which wHI be casi fmembers. Who&d and leadi- and Mc;. Gro. Armour. tnn. eacly in September and pco- ers) wHliibo liel'I at the On- Mc. and Airs. BilIl Na. h. Mc. audm c;lr. srd Rtrse, o, dueed in NVoxvenber. : ahcIuldes Cnt I".e, W04%hy Oshaxva spent Saturday ' vilh ,Mc. and M rs. Jon ryLxou andc In t he upcoming IOrjonoAnig 1-,o o Aug. 24. Mc,. a ud -MIS. Bull Axîri. Mc. olîildreîî k 'iecd Il,. and ri'cs. Drama Festival, Bowmanville Hampton C. E. ('unimitteî' Mucca>' A foicd. Torm uit o, Leila>c: nSutdax c,- wvill be represented b'v Mcs. met Aug. 20W Mhai 8 spert the xveekend at homie. niîg foc auppî'c. Rex. 'led Ker- Ede Cole'g entry o?"The Othe.- At the, Sund<x'Cii nih Se'- Mc. and NMc. Raipi: Baîllard ',et, Su-ariboricoghl lîud un Halt" bv Elda Cadogan . xic'e. -po, kiîî on t h e suh.jPO ' andc cughtei';. x iitedMrc. anid Mc. and M i;. Krsoi. « i n- Several guest speakers onl"A Caii uPil i t 'aý,' Ru,x-<. e McNIr. Neil Baile'., Little Bli- duo a1feciiuiui variaus aspects o? the theatre 0VPage nmewn oed that iuanv- tain. IMi'. an<d %I il:",11('11 i have been invited tii rurther, people l'o isidei'sta tnd m- 1)tai, b. A. r;,. Bilinloton iante «<i i-<i a lx' 'pcri utda k xmon enhance tbe Worksbop's aNhlo-praym in atni su pp"toordaSundaY xvt i Mc;. Alex Yonnig, t i'>F't('c f.în1i ix' atXl r< ty te praduce good amnatet.c or fnrni' is i iffl of' lo oahri g.In . Mutrlnigl a: Nilins plays. oî x xi t liiit'1inceoi <x, encagi <<te M.anid AMc;. Ha col d BU I- 1 ' "-, rî a we<ikk"(k k tlî lu - li ust arki:u s'.î'lfî".Chir' ,,Gente, Gingpr. Tonx' andi cousins t Welliionn Spu'myec of' fabrli tel:.. «<il tniGregory- vi;ted AMc. anid Mrs. Miss .Naulicy Vs<rix sno, Gnd'< -xxill iiglit hl i one, ami I.exvs 'EuHn Ianmi fain l a ting a xx ela uxvthierci' ins C -H R 1 STI A N caomes fciii<tIpicCldIco<f (L<d, thter cottage a t Lale Cheln Hailmn tj. [Iho cal ical] on G (d ïa.; 1"'îth oiîg. ARtc. aind MI-".l<rRad C II L ~ j..] i..bcet, i 1 hie ha <<<iii tii On Tces., Ac. aiid I:';. xxi:,, ('<ti t<< e : VtrM. ami Bomnil Chcist hi' S:<xiii i 'I'i lrc aîgd-ndLkul ',xii'M'. a .,e Bomavll n'S stock',"Pi',,: ing IMon".lurîrlienu guests with McI, anc is'Is Ms, iv Junit,, 13:1 'e, B., B.., Miister spoit o f txo îîîî'îî ho fîîcîîd M Ak"ex Cacrick. On WVed- ioliciti,: i igk':thtlie flic, ii ,eB.A, BD. Miistr pravec as a<o, y n 11 îi1 esdcax . , îad Mis. BHI gui . MVA 330523 i ;Oi '.rsJFiI i.' n impiîi k;and aîîi li'h t o i NI:-andc Is. ni". i' Wu. i ~.k.îî.' kt,'.. <i<,~wuxrc x<ppei' guests xx thii M . ýni' H1'tiiiu' xiîi nlî. <r SEVCSTe<msFu\aditd's.AIe'. Car 'ti.. \l'li it]. - Holland I tinax, xm <nuand LIJIi I. t"a.1'fu 'berisanid '.ti< ij it-tua i< 1, .t.<<csup' <s't '. .\A ni< Hr<sl<u t, i - English eu-,a. îui <g iîtrt<ilîrir 1tt-(-( St'thiAli'. aud Mis. AIe'.Car'- liii'th- - English ~Il'Ile 'tîcQmn'<i-S ua exdcl- 't k 'I' ,î ti'.Iý u OniiSat ttdac . Xi'. «<id Abc. i radMs ni ons ai lig a venLd iFmp i<- Cnclshici and fani<'. Mnî<a nI '<ii ous vi':i'ii' ~I one fGdton Clîni h <iii 5:u day' aften- sliaxx i koce stpper gxi';*týJ lBIolo atldv Jnoon, the cec'eptionmasxi helri xt h Mir. anîd Mc;. John Ce(*- .tIc a d 'IcMcxx 4i n 'tAhme:'- - - ~in iitohe ll.-x'111 the Ldeih<i ot' xx re 'tln<i-cux 'xcayî L Backc 'lo bod .Four' - Broadcasis CKLB, Oshawa, at 9:15 pm. every Sunday CKFH, Toronto, at 7 a.m. DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL wili be held nt the Baptist Church 40 NELSON STREET - BOWMANVILLE t Mon., Aug. 27 - Fri., Aug. 31 at 9 a.m. to 1l a.m. daily Ail boys and girls are welconie to attend. - TH-E CHURCH THAT CARES - serctCII('lIIhateritîg. M tr. anîd MXl Toi os'l ,'t<u Oshawa. xxccc Sxrîdav ee- ,,g t'air1r xx 1: I' ,i m c'Nr G. Wciook. Mý;dNr.Bl Harr-ison atîi Kim', ('nîhovne. x'stecdon:S,:idax xx:t h tho I i s.4 Vtai(,c i Lc' Ma inîpri 'e. Masîcu' AI Maitpiie and 'tMas- ter A lii:Adlcun k ..poiîîa xxeek ait W' I:îx pr g Bible, aN pS ooi a ap Cole, t îsîted ii: X',)nisd ' arteir<<îoiî xx th R:.A. W' P cesc'o tt. is as ttri,' puni'it.amud tIr. Jacon Kc;;lei '. ocîntcî.speit' the weckenci at thie Pcescott homne.-'B"l ii. ix' ILinutnex. B:-i ii,,,. x ' r' e- ce-nt k istors xx rtirthe ~Sa in Dewýels. 'tirs, Sani 1),e r t teci on Si. uiu 'vt. rtii MI cs. iCharcs 'I loxx 'a i. Port Perc>. 'ticmuid'IisChnurlie War- reýn xi s:teci'tMr.mtnd tIc.Clip.:- lie Atln ur r,' &ciir. 't'rRn. i' "îMri:Clark" cntcrî' x-rc %I.. aid Mrs Don Adcock. M.John Cokhrc. O'.h- î!xx. a. a:îr'IMr.lae;('r']'- hîîî:î , Ionti'eai. .x'-('rplunch:- con pgiic's ;xxtt tr :d 'NIc;. John Cnr'khîî 'n on Simtîdax'. Mr.icnud 'tii'. î dCI:îî Rn>' Chant maîîr NIMc. X'crî: Chiant speîît ite xxereotd a, Oak Lake'. 'tii;; Ca col x.ii Dcxell. in t Iii- cornpan<v of ler atînt NI;r-s Rub hv Dî'w-l I. sIiaxxa, is x tri: lier atînt 'tr . Arthurii Lîî'rl I. Dexter. Michugani. 'tii. Oco. XVt soi. I.iîdSa. r; itn x". i:î ur ouisuns 'Mr. n d 'tIs. Perox' Dexxeillfor ia v,'ok. Mtr. Roger Faccoxx' h as been spendiuîg sonne holidax'; xvith hi'. grandmnother 1Mr1'S. Blake De liant. Bcoo!-lii. 'tcMrd 'tir;. R. E'arcn:x,Be- -el-. 'Iî Mrlin a!îd GInria. ,' Ia rt. r-uj0os d a î<oti c Z'y tc Ori ilia. Mtr. a:îd 'tiiS. Doiinis. Mac- <-lia i anîd <iii idceu, Bramnpton, spenit a few dav s .'th 'tIi. and 'trs. Geo. Gilbert. Mc r, ni Mc;.IHarold Thionr- -<iii.Eleinor mad Rît iîmrd aid ti-tor :Stsan amui i Lrîi;x. . <nr- Ivr. and Mrs. Jas. Hogarth. 1 » 1 r- i ; 1t p xi i 'ti'. 11,n 'ti' r Ge nii( ) Il M cî i l BoI mc;.I J 1d leînt Ia o Mr.i and *i' . n'rrt Tri i-r, Sasi; . xxW FI gî e'. ci;.ioIl 'ti r:. ' Sm.1 't oil o'. îîîî I'h i'. d R iciclccv aii i sst. 'ii' îî::xix'. x . ted <u:on ni,: anrd xxith N i i i c - fiý.1, Widdlcoînhr. Rs; 'tiryx-Nid- dccx' is ,;ppticlitig rj x c xxwiticM. and< tc'.Fuii d' :T<Ji .10. c.andclMis.:;.(Go .'î i i 'ti cin 't<î it".cit'c 'I M' N SK. ii 5 at ci,,, Var tage at Sturgeon Là,ý 'tr. and 'trc. XV.1I1 R:,: r st Macr!ds a-bd Mi:. 'Ii. àM1'. and MIS. Kelt.h 'eîc-,, wsîixa xere othlrgtîests '.-tiM.and 'tis. Sauter. Onuqlctimr<' 'Mr. manId'tis. Hanrold Sa iter a:"oiîpalliccl bx "tic a ci 'tc. Hariand 'l'i'uli. Pux n:tix'llc xi'ritecl 'ti. and <'lt ii. X' ilîîî's Poitit Mc;. G lv. rua) "nd Mn;. oiu Prt Pe 1-îî'\-, îee n vi v i;ijstcd ' ir lI -iNi 1 M .. ..Saltei'. Mc;s. Cl;I:,: \'oci. OC o)i'i , xx s a i'e- rîit x si tcî at the Sa lter 'tj .'; Alla aîd Nannîi ilî:. i:itti n, -î, 1x1o ar'e iii,-1fý liId<'.<alnon their i <lu ixe'<nthe x illage, 'Mri. lid Ars.Tht . nWtt :cl'c i li, M - if 21<. utî l 'l"ri ai- lIcer. C:',t 0' 1 lcr noi(nl- xx r:- liii' 'tir r" uni, Duit- t. t i1'aiRtc Jarc'kson XX' dx«<d dtigitisMti. and ai~~oal i ifi)l:tx:i 'tr. anîd _MýrS. (;e:]C nith I)ît'n;and Siroî c it bd an S.î rai,'. r"<i<tig xxith Mi'. r., ie 'r. ". Yor'k, ,,rd tI-.X'vrit'd maI, Oil-r<l','ir. a ndM;Gn h.î < Nl Jî'-nlc<anad Car- D e ll0.1 c f j ( .-] cl , .'x l 0 r. i il nc c d 'tr~ ' IrsBu 3prt 'i. v ,nou. NI. ud'Iis.'oin Sx'kes. lurn 1o, Pit d h js nother M\r. s, d 'is -a o'l'I'homp- .i< Barr',a rici )néll<î. it ( o nd 'ir .r î]d ash- b:î ý,lramîvu:.. Mric.."lî Ali bucand Doug- la-. Os,-iu a, o 01.0 reccut vis- îi<r; l'îth'Mr. and Mr. .Elmer air ld I . l ii<tteo. Mr. R(1 1tr.Ru 31111(m k, Mack .1l':r:îî: , Ifrun: Peter- uîjOo,'Sunid- v cîcts v.'uth Mc. al.A :.Clii:once Yeo. Mc.. . D. vkes as a getat thi" hnme of Mr. and O 'r in~. i"tn,<rlunhon-. or: bu t huay u n the fam-, Newtonville Market Joins RedI & White -Group Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK! Money - Saving SPECIALS! 6 for 76c Reg. 40c, Reg. 75e 33c,_59C Reg, 98c, Reg. $2.49 t79c, $1.99 99C 2 f or 89c 86C 2 for 49c Medi-Quik Fights Infection! Sprays Away Pain! The complete first-aid spray for ail minor CUTS, SCRAPES, BURNS, POISON IVY and SUNBURN 1e50H GOT A COLD GET Sustained Relief WITH O~N~L~'8,s 1.39 Ssiflcj 20's 2.97 - ~ ALL-DAY RELIEF %vith just ONE capsule in the morning ALL-NIGHT RELIEF with just ONE capsule at bedtime FEMININE NAPKINS with the Kimion Centre Sic - 98C - 1.86 *Trade Mark Reg'dl DELSEY TWIN -PACK IN COLOURSI PINK - YELLOW AQUA - WHITE Ifor3lc Soft LJke Kleenex Nssues I.D.A. HEALTH SALTS 69C I.D. IDASORB 75c $1.25 SPECIALSON NATIONAL SPECIALSBRANDS Reg. 78e - BAND-AID PLASTIC STRIPS Reg. 53c -- Reg. 79c .- DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS GILLETTE Super Blue BLADES -Reg. 79c. Reg. $2.25 Reg. $1.O() LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC --- --- Reg. 49ce PHILLIP'S MiIk of MagneSia ------.-Reg. 69c,-.64c *PRESCRIPTIONS.*.. I.DA. REMEDIES* ALEX. McGREGOR DRUGS 4 King St. E. (Formerîy Maher's Shoe, Store) BOWMANVILLE - PHONE MA 3-5792 64c 44c 64c 64c -84c 64c 84c is r c v c c s 9 p e On Saturdav evening last, a Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mr. Bob den, who has spent most of Snowden, and Master Paul! th.e sumrner up there. return- special evening was held to. Pritchard' Manotick, VlSÎted ed'home with his parents. enable the people of Maple Mrs. Charles Hawsamn and Mr. 1 Grove to meet wjth our new and Mrs. James Baird. Port Mr. and Mrs. Percy Fliîn- niinister, the Rev. John P. Perry, an Sundav. toff, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Romeril and Mrs. Romeril. Atý Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mar-,Cooney, Mrs. Blanche Cooney p.m. a basebail game was tin were Sundav evening din- spent Sundayý at Niagara. played, after which ail as- ner guests of thei raunt, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooney, sembied in the Sunday Sehool'R. L. Worden, Bowmanville. Mrs.' Blanche Coonev. accom- Room nd engaged in a lively> Miss Lynda Martin has been1 panied by the latters brother period ocmmunity singing holidaying at Brighton Bay and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Char- under the leadership of Mr. for the last two weeks. lie Bailey, Port Hope, spent Wm.te panwo hMr.Lar Mr. Clifford Swallow was a: Friday last wîth the latter's at the piano. Sundav visitor with Mrs. Stel- 1sister, MranMs.E ela Mr. Wm. Brown then acted la McMaster, Bri.ghton. of Belleville. as chairman and introduced M.adMs o ros Mr n r.Au nwi the following programme: A M.adMs o ros r n r.AlnSod3 quartet bv the Edward sisters and family, accampanied by visited their daughter and and the Burgess brothers, wWMr. and Mrs. Gerald Kean and&son-in-la%%, Mr. and Mrs. John san tw slecion vr *y a-,familv. Bowmanvjlle, spent! Aitchison. Blackstock. 1 a s t ceptably, followed by a duiet' ast week camping in Algon- Thursda\-. bY the Edward sisters to aquin Park. Mr. and Mrs. Rugglcs Carn- ver 'v appreciative audience.ý Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Miss stant and daughter visited Mr. Miss Carol Greenham then Doris and Mr. Denis Ashton,; and Mrs. Met Edwards and renedered two excellent haton Oshawa, Mrs. L. Satmîre, Tor-. familY on Sunday. selections. onto, were Sunday visitars With Mr. Ron Brooks as with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden, moderator, and Mr. Chas.: Beech. Janice and Bannie. r Rev. and Mrs. L. M. Sumer- Greenham, Mrs. R. Bailey, c.Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caonev, ville, Hamilton, wcre Sunday Ron Pingle, and Mr. Mel Ed- were entertained an Auguqt vîsit ors tte Femns wards as a panel, and Mrs. l5th at the home of their dau-1 Rev. and Mcs. Sumnerville also Cecil Milîs, Mr. J. Hurrie and ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and called on the Greenhams and Mrs. MacNeil assisting, con- Mrs. Mick Dowson, Zion, on Claut.Al eevr'ga siderable amusement ensued the occasion of their 21st wed- ta see themn. with a demonstration of the ding anniversac. Gary Moore show 'Ive Got a ;Mr. and Mcs. Allun Snowden The wo-rlcis, only' flock ot Secret." Mc. Romneril thenhave cetucned home afterigreater snow geese, whicli gave a vecy timely and ap-ý *their daughter and summers in Canada'it north propriate taik on "Be Prepar-1 son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howl land which was down tn 3,000 ed." atter which a social time: ard Hagedorn and faniily,ibirds, naw numbers about w'as spent. Petersbucg._Mr. Jimmy Snow-!90,0OO. ___ I.D.A. Brand COLD CREAM SOAF I.DA. Brand SPOT REMOVER I.DA. Brand Regular $1.19 COLGATE Dental Cream 12's 5ic - Poly Pak MODESS Stannous Fluocude -- Reg. $1.OS PEPSODENT Tooth Paste 12x 820" - Reg. 49c SCOTCH TAPE HALO SHAMPOO -.-l Reg, 69c Reg. $2-25 ALKA - SELTZER BUFFERIN OLD SPICE After Shave Lotion

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