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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1962, p. 13

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4 IMes. Wilfred Smale wasiel. baostcss la an afternoont tea, Master Clarenrce Anthony CRNO when the guesîs were frienelsjTorI of Newcastle, spent Saï- VCORE!)N andl neighbours anel given the urda>' wilb bis granelparenîs, VSO T u i~~~~~ 4 th l~~~iopportunit>' ta see the manyIMn. and Mes. A. Ton, while "Buer tVodganM SNT *US e S E T t wedding gifts anel shower glîts bis parents attendeel the Ex.'/"Bten W oga M S I nreceiveel b>'Me. anel Mes. Mr-. and Mes. Wm- Stapieton:RylCoe(hrr"i Bob McQueen. , wene Sunda>' visitons wilh Mr. bRoyalf Cote ~ Mr. W. B. Burniett, Bow- anel Mrs Alvin Joncs, Part KanflofliV - roovea Rtisset No. 0 manvihle, visiteel Mn. and Mrs !Hope. 9:0 A M R D nyWm, Wilbur and Mes. Hewsonj Miss Debbie Gardant, Oono. She.s 9:0 AM RA E 9 ol ast Wedrnesday. Mr. and Mrs 'was a eetvsorwhhr4'x7 10:00 A-Mo - GRADES 10, 11 only ee aForuet tteWilbr! and rella wnt oJ.WLnaster4' x 7' -$ 6 home. Mes. Bulmer, Oshawa. for the weekend.$4 6 also calheel aI the Wilbur, Mr. and Mns. Arniolel Wade 11:00 A.M. GRADES 12, 13 only 'home, ýaute Grant, Mn. anîd Mrs. Siel 4" x 8' ---------$,528 Mr. anel Mes. Ailyn Taylor Stacey and Jimmie, Mn. anel anel daugblers, Bowmanville, Mes. F. Hn'nderson anel Peter, were Sunda>' evening guestslBruce andl Bill>' McDonalel, Reguar lasss wll bginat 120 .m.wilb Me. andl Mes. Glen Smith.1 were among Ibose wbo motor- Regular Classes will begin at 1:20 p.m.Me. anel Mes. Glen Smith visit- ed ta Belmont b>' bus, Sun- IE AH&C RY- DLVR TMNM M C A G ed o Fria ýav, or he Tke'ALL PRICSC S A R EIEYA Buses will travel to reach school at 9:00 eanid s aul Vn wthykd, fnteTks'bI a Tyrone. Poing 1tbcy x isited 711. arte Cafeeri wil povie rgulr malsMns. Ethel Bucess lia; re- Mis. Clili Peters at Cansarca. lueneel la Tynone aften- sperie l- u. anel Meýis. 'Gardon Leash-, H W O D P O U I ie beginning Tuesday. ing a week with Me. anel Mes.'Tauntan, visiteel the Wilbur O H W OD P OU Bent Stevens. families. BokEcag pnFriday. Aug. .1, 9 ta 12 and Mr. anel Mes Don: Goode, Mcs. Joey Vair de Walker, 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU. Buftk Exehange open ~~~~~~~~anel boys. Lakelielel, spentiRonnie ancl JIl, Courtice, vis-Osa fieanShwomMnOfieadhwro again on Tucsday froni 9 to 1. some of their holidays with lied Mr. anel Mis Haroldl Wilk- O>shawa O PinGCEwoonR Mn, andl Mci. Clarence Tink.'ins an Sunday. OSUAWACSHPPI728-16TR Art Sttudents are reminded that exhibits for the Oronot Fair Mr. ad Mes. Clarence Tink Dr. and Mes. Albert. Allun:, Phone. 728-1617 rnay he left ai the school on Tucsdas. visileloui Stîuîda>' witit Me. Fort William, spenl the week- anel Mrs. Bill Dadsan. Peter- enel wilh Mes. White andl Miss BOWMANVILLE - 728-1611 AA Eih290 aborou&h, andl on Saturday ev- .Nancy John3.L Yvonne jind .Toan Hliemnstra r 1 Hope, qpenit the weekend with The CanadiRn tRtesm,;rwavll.A~2P ~2 turned home aller a week*s' ýteir various aunts here while __ -Iholidays with their grandpar- (( 11 ithir parents were at R idge- 3ýhný * 1U~~ ~ ro il Oents. -(a visiting 'Mr. and Mrs. L. ýohnw!~ eacbn th oa BaoreaibrWe. The O ro o NewsMr. and Mrs. .Toe Gallant SocÏaers o na Gle.ti i o Mr. am s . icarsd MPhone MA 3 -3303 I ng r.Ecd 0 Harrison and Kim, Coiborne, -__________day aflezrnoon. w ith Neuwton- c itrsh a ae npreswn ~bt în were Sunday callers at the ville -wining by the score aor ti'IH o to he We.tIde en.n, îlg taeî Mr. and Mrý AAMi. dav for TinIniinýz I visit v. îb Sunidav. August 191h. Adcock home. The Foresters 50-50 Drav Mr. and _Mrs. Frank Prouse. 11-2 Holman' the pitcher Mrs. Tw:ist a.Wird bc:-60 outc re rmL Port Credit. spent the vweek- ber son .Mr. Georg-e Ar m- Mes. Frank Werrv. Tvr-one. Mr. Gordon Wakel.v, Cath-, for August xvas won byvlres. Pickering, and Mrs. Harold Wade the catcher. Ne\t gami ',on tavoed with a cul fdn ~taanis n : end with Mr. and Mr z. G eo. strong. Mrs. Armstrong and spent Iast week with Mes. D. erne and Ernie, Mr. and Ms Marlene Luxton. Parkway Ha.ves, Columbus, weee visi- in tbis series at Kendal, W'ed., numbers. accornpaniedbMs.aeIO tnbdfr 1 Morton. eblîdren. G. Hooper; and Mes. Tom Mc.'Richard Maclean, Tonont,1Cres., in amouint $69.50. oswt e n e.HrodAg 9 t60pnG. Shacletnn . ret 'su bv ecpaîn iî~ Mrs. Frank Aedrr. and Mr.adMs Everett Stap- Roberts, Tvrone. ;r' thMs were Sunday evening tea, Mr. and Mes. Kelvin Bui. Hannrond and famiiv. Libentv Me. and Mrs. iim iGimer bv Shervi Ashton:. DoreTr-.a. u i:'swt op- All an nkisit d eUr Can s eon atede te Beh MHoprIbs ee.guests iwith Me. and Mrs. Luth-, ner, Otven Sound, xvere guests St. N. Miss Sharon Ifammond tvere Mundav night bepona i Wi u pTbpwe'kKnd VI Aaa ie h Upt a-lttn atne teBl opr hswe.ast îveek of Rev. and Mrs. lias returned with lber aut guestrs vith Mr. and M re.. îî lideweretabg pîm*eal! 2a\\-Ctbi &aVillage and tbe SI. Lawý,- Brown wedding in St. JoS,- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar- er Aliro and family. -A. W. Harding and Miss Viv- and uncle for a week,'s bi]-' Gilmer.sedwh rence Seawa.v iast week. epbis Cburcb. Bowna% ji.eocou* XelevllMr r. and Mes, Charles Pink- ian Bunner. dax . w ere set. and all(il noxdtebor wb.u vrr ubs Eliot ak vsiedbe gan- A number front Orono al- Ml.Lirnc arriF Douglas Pinkney, Brampton,!and. amndx- spenToam Ceekar. Mr. Georg JAYDONandLuttcran d maolergodie \~2.Cbrr sn c tended the ball game ifamilv visted Me. ndOnt., were Sundav guests with 1o S. a aviw oge iG. onhat îru otrd te cto eol aingan :obae - or M otheJ, M O. c owgh i and. s n- tonn on Sundav afternoon. M irs. eo. 'M orton on Sunda x.1 M s . . Bilt.Sparrow Lake. O nt. vtar Jobnn E. ed i a:' T \rorie C l u hiQ atnrlýa~ e o: I e m î Mes J Meaubln ad 0l Mes, W. L. Campbell. LesIleMe. NI.and Mes. A. Pigott visit- Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mn.,Nn adJimeHl e- ?Js oY M aguie Bo - Hut.ernaard lfamrlx a rrre &c.t n lna uFi-tegieaî ersceî Grant and Neil of Blackstock and Bob are in Orono agaru ed bis father in Brantford Bob Snowden, MpeNrve auntcy tan in odall navii, aubteotMr ab ack fro. Calga on Monax' d visited Mr. and Mes. Glenn and are living in ber mother*, a vec the xeekend. iMaster Paul Pritchard, Maria- with their parents, Mr. àian vhiMrie, a nd rofMisr. mnn and'b ronClare n nai .-vitdbea,"Gan re nant and tam;ll on Moin- Mrs. Hector Bowens bouýe.Mrc A.J. Jakemnan returned tcMs e.WloLn-Mes. Ronald Hlai, after speni- .Mrs. ..Mgie n isE- onn n r lMS ldvSho i q r an r. B v W o d M s. Bou en hasbeen visiting borne lasI xeek from M eror- H ue-n ha say; M . M ark Turner, Osha- ing two week~s with th i e h e- ea b r u h a Hoeranis arents. M . a 01SIiida ý' In0 ! .I l wo d a:o iîgi>t w:t onrSudav norniidaaonioa3 tîne l ard duble he lo end daughter Janice,' and Val- i~n Fort Francis te pas f t ai Hospital, Bowmanville. rnpaKenda o hirw. %ve ell, Dexter, Michigan; Mr. and jme-vll eek vacation,.a eîxaw. tere Sutidav.ei atCh1 .etoChoîgar ente Mercer spent the ~ç- Me. and Mes. R.îsýseIl Chat- .and Ms e.SetnM,.Fak eel hsl-JmsHl.'ePt\a-.eSna vn end with Mr. and Mes. Orville teeton of Lakefieid spatit St n famiv. Oshawa, visitedtwn wene recent guest- of[ Miss Healber Webb \v.aý Mes. Murex' Arnutf. Chris- Mr. Allant Stainton. Enus e .Dga rabn wi oiRup enc' famihv oncottndas.l.heoDeovell familyonnumber- Church, Oshawa. on Augusi. are spending a tewv davs wilb Arthuc 'frewvin and Williami. Berýtlim- and Mc.Kneb(r-ot ae2bt rc eua athrcotg atosve.shall Chatterton. TeDwl aiy ubr .Kn Mn. and Mes. W. Normant Mes. Thornton Wilson is a Mes. M. Birch. is sta.ving ing 14, enjoyed supper togeth- 5th. Shie also xvas guest, solo- ibler parents, Mr. and Mes. Jack Mr. and Mes. Ciax ton Read !,am alv are Lak Porter spent a few davs ast patient iin Memnoriai Hospital. xith hier daughter, Mes. Kener on Sunday aI the Acres, itIon Augusi. l2th, 19th and. Maguire, Browri St., and sans. Peterborough, speInt ekwenhepaot week with Mes. M. Basken- Bawmnile al, Me. Bail and daughters. going on fravsi at 2fth aI Newcastle Uniited ville. the weekend with Mr.aiM. and MsBe stnxl~ r nixbr vilToeonto. and attenideel M.adMe.Wyeîîov Ms ha.Wa rsldh1oe e.AtuCh Li Ch. Mes. Florenîce Per, Deteoit.Mes. Arthur Read and LYnne. Lea nd Eddie bavereeec the .N.E ut orono viitedMe.and daughter Mrs, re BooýMartin, Bowmanvilie, for thei Miss 111v Watts arnd Mcr. Michigan, is spending tend :Mr. and Mis. W. Blackburn. t, Toronto, baving set1. Me. and Mes . .B. l e. Ho naeBsradsn whio is now a patient in 11w evening. Fak Brown. Akron, Ohio,; with ber brother, M ..rnkjDale. Neil and Carol, and Mesr- ka berctae ad her nephew David Snod- Mc. Fred Teuli spent. îwo Oshawa Hospital aller several' Mr. Herbert Johnson, Northb vi ,ited Mr. and Mes. Boy ýMclndoo. Liberty Street s.,lCowling moloeed ta iMaltoit grass af Rochester, N eewesvstn ibthe R. 'eeks rn t le Hahbro o awsa vrrh uesî Hooper antd 1- ends.o nn leAirpori. on Sttnday ta mee't at a cottage on Cameron Lake Sloneboiises al their Chin- pital. wilh Me. and Mes. Wmn. Ax- Ms Rd. Anderson air Miami,, last weck. cbilla Ranchi near- U-bidge' Mes. Madison Hlli, Mr. and fond, enroule ta Ottawa froin I N: L L Flac ida, who areived b>' plane KEND AL Mns. John EV. Arn.ýirong ,and at their- bore ne Toronto. Mes. Frank Ardeon vizite àlr.; E 1V I O 1'V oî uda.Me.Aneso iMc. and Mes. Harold Balson. .layrng witlb relatives toi- a 5Mr. atîtt v. eekno i er lef Mltn b pan o: F:-AioJ . Cningha aanderM os. ande.a. lik FobrGene, Ginger, Tony and Gneg- Mrs. Bruce Ellioîl and Mrs. GordonAgnew ai New- counile aofxx'eck. the Mi eeCar J. Caning Osbwa. nd a- onMondv. ay, visited on Sonida>' withIRobert accornpanied Mc. and:casîle dîed suddenly Sundav Master Stepher: M a ret visni trier borne here. W vr -Mc. and Mes. Percv Cexvliiig and sons Frank and Don ai t their cottage aI Lake Scu-,!il>', Bawenanville, on a motet- Lakeviexv Cemclerv. ýwitb Me. and Mis. W. Lov'e- br-other s in: a serrouscni and Ser-vice" and Mers. Frank Kesa. New York Cilty. Mr. and Mes, gag. trp lasi.xveck la Orillia. Me. and Mes. Re'IHall an:d ridige and familv. lion it East Generilpal F ~Bowmaiivithe, Mi-. Lew Crv- Atex. ristM. and Mrs. Me. atnd Mes. John Dutiin and;Gearrd Bet:d and alter points Siecî vt a îercîae Mi. and Mes.«Roi: Morehet: trom. a beari. attack. - SL derman. Me. adrt es. Wai. Feed Bigneil, Lx'nda andl Mari- Mes. Shephend, Torontîoveî-e Of interest. ai. Bcîeîî River axer thexek and famil>', Oshaxv a, Mr. arnd Mes. Maev Lcîxon nriei Wilbur. Mes. L.. Ilexvisoii ard 1xi, Toronto, visited Mes. D. Satcîcea>' nigbt sopper guestsl Miss Inez Symeits o ori enîd. Mis. Georg*e Beeteim and tam- Zcaland, Mes, Wnt.Mee UEE N Mes. Wrn. Ciîapman ai Hamp- G. Hooper. wilb Mn. and Mes. Alex Car.jwas a supper guest of i-S. E. M adM d div, Tauntotn, visileel their ad rilMs ..Jac k Mere pet M Q E N loti xisiled Mrs. Fred Tambivn Me. and Mes. Wnt. Claike, rick. ýPearce, hast Tuesday. M.andts u oe n parents, Me. and Mrs. M. Ber- Thursdav aflerrloon xii aor Sundav. Mes. Wm. Clark Se.. ai Loti-'Me. and Mes. Tom Bruc- dýCorrection-Mns. Rex, Fae- nil>' bave gante ta Londun îeim and fanîilv. -eý,nBIsi l M.and Mes. Wnî. Mitchell don xeee overnigbt griests lasI daughîer Ena, Toronto wecelraw is a patientt in Port Hopefo a texv days. Mc. and Mcs. Ross Asbton Miss Kalie Stexvartten M OTOR SALES vrsited Me. anîd Mes. James ThuesdaY of Mr. aind Mes. Wtn. Sonda>' supper guests with Mr IHasPilal, instead ot Bownîan - Mi. and Mes. C. Brown tvece anid tamiv,Mrs. Lloyd Asir- ed the sehool* forUrteiW reawy - LIMITED - Bell, Orillia, on Saîcîtdav. Mitchell. 'Me. and Mrs. Canrick. 1vihie. Sonda>' visitais with Me. and ton, and Ray enjoveel a pleur CiciChch Women on Wded Me. andl Mcs. Lee Fisher o Larryan Wayne Millt-er Master Heebie Tink, Soinai Miss Brerida Ilerdeeson Mes. o McKay, Branle. einiter aI shw<omIl Lakea the Ontario Ladies'athm"t fQk Earl McQucen, Pres, Vanicourver, B.C., calied ounon a matltai tp north îiî:a ,is spending Ibis wveek on holi-lspent the week it Port. Hope Mes. Har-vey' Osborne xvas a and visiled Miss Em-nia Wer- at Wbitbv. alg wt 219 KING ST. F Mes. Frantk Ardt-on last Sat- xveek w.ith Mn. andl Mts. Rus- days with bis cousins, theiwith ber cocusin,. Karen Gil-Ivisitaiý witb bier mather, Mes.ex oot.o udx rnngtoepciknga 219WKINVI'-T.E il rda v. seli VanHortte of Wbitby. iDewelI famil>'. Miss Rub mer, Peacce, Sundax' atternoon. Me. Doron. Tponr a nel Cmonig Lake pan im BOW ANVLLEMrs. Cecil Jolies, is vlsrtiîg Mary Lynti Bailev. Vieki DewelI, Oshawa. %v'as a Sun-ý Miss Ellie Rosebooni ot Ida, Miss Bertlha Tbompson wentIDon and dacrghtees Axa. Val- xveee Gardon Langstlfs Authorized Dealer for Mrs. Cliii Cooper at a collage Coller. Patsv Jones,' Sarîdralda>' guest with Mn. andl Mrs.ýwas a visiter lasI week witîî tu Toronto, Sonda>', with Mcs. 1 eie adEddie in.sBeahnce probIemrl L al Keente. Mercer, Marilyn Majoe, SciePene>' DewehI. Mr. and Mes.:Miss Geace Hioîstage. Manjonne Watson, irtending 10a BanileHetangstattJcks.l Dvi M MG SPORTS CARS Mr. arîd Mes. EvertblSia-]Major, Mes. 'Russeli Major Arîbue Lox-eil, Dexter, Micb., Mr. and Mns. Clint Bnown, visit the Ex. on Manda>. MORRIS - RAMBLER pletoni an:d Howard weee sîrp-: andl datgler Micheil spent were Saborda>' dinner- guesîs .sMes. F. Ilenelerson and Canal ýMes. W. U. Jonies and rVlrso, HmtrweeSna'BosPîeis tial C oucsçei' i MA ~q5~ pe guesîs or Mr. and MrsliasI week aI Chatterton Cat- wiîb Me. anel Mrs. Pene ýMn. aad Mes. Bill Wade, Mn. Canîaxv metored te Wark-vxisitors al Mes. Thompsonîs i\rs. Ted Coathirn, aîu ,srarco o P ewhlanljaml>. ne Ms.Bos ronianawntdSina>, a isl henito s Haterand alri rmanel Tonî Criaid en:x aertd i Kmenvu Bert Staplelon. Bowmanville, lage ai, Bolsover. Me.PryDwl re a-Mr>,alaltde sawamorthers. D. h. e viteii, w or a tew da> s witbtlîteir Stndas ivill Mes. WîMe- CiSt ltl>or'o b-- MreePeeyDnellandDav itaryaplaompdd ,haa rîendiv. . . Mrrllvwh 196 C ev.4-r. A M p r Nid allendeel a birtbdav partyiFain iast Wednesday, Boss'ns ini pour lealh. granrelmother er. 191C e.4D.on Monday for Master-ChalesiýBown's hanse "MargacelG;aI" Mcs. J1. Turnerxastire Me-S. Roy Graiarni ari Mi-S. M r. ad rtelMe Nue lita:'ie- k onsfrueak 6 y-sadr hf.H & MTNGosebal, Oshawa. entereel in the race taI dav, guest et ber sister, Mn-s. Fred Cleni Rabm, Linîdsay, metored el l are spenîdin, lte sne Exell.entacndrdonhifi. Pu imraaAi i eevn h nnMr. and Mrs. Paul Kelly, came in 4tit. Nesbitt arr Sondas. 1b oHamiltont artFrdav wben'aI their stîmmer'liantebr nhrn iigtrmu eit ExcIcntconitio. By. aul îmmrma. aAnînrnrreevirt lIe mri>Part Credit, who are on hall-_' Mr. anel Mcs. Marshall Cit- Me. arte Mrs. h-arnx' Wade Blake, Mark arte Kelly Sotilex LitIle Lynn Couro(x a Missiontar>' from Brazil, bas:beautiol gifîs. A javel>' lunch 1'ýfknt owaiil 1959 hevs hee visting ey. nd Ms. atel scialboucclosd lbda>'s, spent some lime witb lerlon, Oronro. vere recenil ioloreel lu Brighton attel relcrnee hernie auer visiîiii aenl omariieMmr M95s.CFred Hanenvi.iMns. Glen visitorsanw district ont Surrdax'.with Iheir coutsins ai Hax'don lai Hospital Monda>'norii 2In choose from, 6 and Pee'Pg.bap vnn.Martyn, Bowmanviiie, visileel Buce. Mn. ad rrlMs. Wes,. Elliotti, arte Linelsa'. v.lien sýhc sealdeel lieretcST A T R 9ey., automatie, sedans. The theme of the Strida *'v Mr. anel Mns. Keilb Smith ýMes. Honey' recenîl'. iMer. Geonrge E'lliol \\vontIlite Ohawa, wen-e Sunîdax' visitons Mis. W. Thonipsoit visilee:l pling a clip ut scaldign Ta boe veag codiio. burch service was"Bible and lamil>' moveel ta Osbawa M.Bn Kles lnIapx o pca neeîVvlî e.DnSale-!ber brother. Mr. and Mes. 'B: overoartihr. Reading". The lalk le the on Frida>'. We are ver>' 50r>' Lindla Lee, aute niece Nancy, Car. on bis enlex iii the boit. McDorîald. Bow,,manvilie. andel visitifg lthe. Foste-rtatî 198P nic 2.chilrent Birrdintg lteBible ýte hase tbem as the>' were 50 Fosler erjoyed the steam trai'n IAntiqtie Car- Rail>, ,ai tiheMes.ns.RBoy vSmith aurd Ban-t ber elaugbter. Mes. Feank Os- v'ee Me's. M. E. Foals sME i artoiatc, stndad. spoke ai how te Jews cîseel much help iii ahi cburch and excursioni tram Toronto lu Toconto Exhibition lasi. sVeek. Tou rsie lionne tem Butling- mortel, BewmniaxilJe. tee, Mes. Clauîde DodelatlM 1atrai,1sadr. te binel verses ai the Scriptcnres commcnnîty activilies; but W&ePicton, spansored b>' the Up. Me. anel Mes. Be>' Best ane ltioraven- tre weekend. Mr. an rtlMs, W. Blackburni Dodel ai Charlotte Cie NUAC IA SAl A-1 shape. ta their banres anel their harts- hope tbey will niaintaini theirýper Canada Railway Society. : 1leatber have relunteel honie Mn. autelMns. Truman: Henel- motoeed le Minreni anel Hc.1ttS- Mlise, Virginia, tteji- otLt an o eCl idti1trs nHmtnCu [Mcr anel Mns. Bert Ashton tra-m. tieir Wester-n loute. erseru artel anily mote etaville art Thurslav. titer Dodel autells sno 1957 Rambler Bible le aur ives. Tire senm-!activities. Mr. arne Mrs. ih! anel Lea, Toronto, visiteel Mn. Mu. aird Mrs. Clehane l ane St. Cathtarines orr Sunîdax' anel 'l'lie class uoorn ai the public Lynclibureit, Vieglîtia,US 4-Dr. ont deait xitb lcee xvavs ut bave nioveel lutoth ie Smilb and Mes. Earl Luke. aute Barry' visileel Mn. ad rtles. alan stoppeel fer a louer at Font st-boa! bas beent reelecor-atel. e.Mal: OfceRidnr i'!.,stndrd (len ealiîgtir Bbl () ead 1tihomte. Mr. arnel Mrs. Merwin Bill Weeks aI liteir -ttage ai George. Public Seheeol sviil ne-epeur. Foster were lier parecs c rA358 A359 6 y. tnad la. so as ta gain an understand-~ Mrs. Robert Hodgson Iras Mounîla>' attended the C.N,E. H-awkestone on Thurselay.. Misses Karen atndlLvii aneli ailer lte sommer holiday. aur andlMes. John Awdec a'Jrî iready for the road. intg of the world, et histor>' returnted tealhec home in thelon Thursela>. Mes. Jean Jetîne>' af Toron- Master Jcttry Grînier, Port'Tuesela> Sept. 4Iiî. Mr. Peter; Kerîdai Pe, Wee wcet. andaI ucslve; ( se5 as village aller spendn oe On Saturday, Me. ad rtlMs. ta was the guest af her sisten 1956 Chev. 4-Dr. ta gain tram it, the food Ocrli m e wiîh Me. and Mcs. Clapp, Mauntjo>' attended Blackstock Mcs. Fred Saunders for a few Automatir, 6 cvi seuls need for dail>' Christian I1'yrane. Fai r. days Jast week.I A good car! living; (3) sa Ihat we will Mr. anel Mes. Bob Barkleyý Miss Lyn Yeo aute a girl Master Douglas Waele, Nexv-0 suprenneiy beac Goe's nessage aiy Olaa sent frienel 'isited lier aunt Mes. casîle, is holidas-irg at i.Me Nw is h T m 1954 C evs. () e! alv-ationt. WSlexvaid Cent-r.ard Mes. Ball at er cottage aI Sturgeon Harry Wade's qieaiit- Sedans, antomatie and rnilee met on Monda>' everu- aseBc>'arilase Col. R. S. McLaug;hlin, wailing -for te daces te open e I standard. igi h hrhh e n.tre obshm nSateOshawa, was ieeny> photo- aI Parlers Red & White Mark- T t Ii f <f F1 Hargpii Ibe cbcrrch baeeî. rnedt i oei etl.grapbeel admiring tbe fhower et, Thunsela>'moroirîg, anel b>'g i5 ,yj 3 Lq y 1 JJ Manv then niaks maeetingpton e t h i xrl ei ahntn atr s eIn a Night-blooming Cereus. ail reports, business w'as just models from 195'! . etigonSpt l., the sommer witbh his grand-'Ms e.Yohdfu losa odaldy hrginning atHeartiest congratulations are parents, M . autelM s. Kennetb Mr ls G e ea had fatoureblom s A oob i day p .\ fo Mat e x e n e d t e M r a d r s W i .o uer y . hd a s t ee k w I e tim A irîb la > p a t f r hM il> $çAxforel an winning the Cooper MaterBninBWrbuwn a.aelor recreation roorn! Vmt. alne npyf asîs ve ranWlbudaysha- bhI tiuaIThis bloom is some- years aId, was belel at his par- ,Smih CallngeTrohyforwa pen seera das wthlimes cahleel 'Queen o! the ents' home on Fniday' About This Il an Ideal time ta o y Ie best flower anel vegetable bis'gcandparents, Mr. andl Mns. Nigbt'X Ms ak 12 chilelcen arte six aduits A D T KEDV NGE 0 because we are clcarlng ýgardent utder 3,000 sq. ft- I., . Palmer. Me. andl Mes. Frank Mu.we natnace ,tock in readiness for the hl" Fl, oeVlable 1. sha-oWW ia e tamiOha; Mfamil>' visiteel Mr. anel Mes. Mes. Don ElliotI anel Dar- new model.,! hlla oelShol sr-setFia> vnn ibM.Geonge Ling aI thein cottage hene, Mes. Oudsbon anel boys. 24-Hour wa. anel Mes. Ilaery Palmer,. ]On Buckhoro Lake. Mn. Lloyd Mn. and Mes. T. Henelerson ru LI .i LI. also extendeel ta Me. anîd Mes. ta Toronto Frida>' evening, fewx days wilh Mn. artd Mns. anel Dorella, Me. annd Mes. Hol- SWW O D PDU S L Towirig Service Clarence Tink, who won manyiand witb hec sisler Miss ManieýJc yn stage and girls wece same ai SeMiscL.SPtiayerMAnel40ToIiut-Iose aI Walîorra Park, Fnidax' ens wbicb Ibex' exhibileel aI an Saturda>'. BOwmanville, spent seveiHllevening. Pictuces wcce shown After 1l p.m.- MA 3-5645 Oshawa Hocîicrtltural Exhibil;' LasI week's caliens an: Mc. elays wrth Me. ad rtlMs. S.)0! the swimming class fan We are now a recognized aise ont some garent xege- anel Mus. A. W. Prescoîl: Mes. Keese>' hast week. beginners, and a bay-u-ide anel member of N. A. L. Mtable jt nls, îo Malletter. an re lans, e ' At the binthela> Part>' forltreats were pravicleelfor thoseC 0 iaLi erodBw-cn; r.Caec Miss Lulu Reynolds al, theiwho bave taken part in Ibis OurShliSevic Satonmanville, was guest aif toroureýVice, Bradley's Section, andel home af Mes. Ceeu] Slernorisummer's class. The cenlificates OurShrl Srvce taton on Thursela>' aflerneout wben!Mn. aute Mrs. Iboward Brenît.incu-oî-town guesîs were Mrs.1will be presenteel nexi. week, I 1% open daily uill np.1na tomber of ber former 'ryrane. D enls ornoUNltte omnt al teields aurd neigbbotrs belel Me. antelMes. Herbert Pres- D.Ryods aot;MeIlteCmmnl'Hl Margaret Chapman. Osbawa; Mes. R. Bruce speol lasi CONTACT: art afleruroon birehela>' tea C-oll, Rag-er aird Brin, Enînis- Mns.. Cobelen anel Miss ben-Tursda>' in Oshawa <elebral- 1

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