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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1962, p. 14

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C OURTICE Mr.a ntDvy wowr Averv good roi of . -Îgh-mr:c ront. Mr. Ken- bors and relative., of tho n el'h Courlice acted as chai r- niunity gathered in the EbfnE,- man. As is the usual custom. zer Educational Centre on Fr1- Mr. and Mrs. Down receivedý I~f r IL& 1A LUP rLadies'I 1VIUEIViRIE> 48 King St. E. E Wear Bw man illie Final Sum mer Clearance DRESSES - Reg. $10.95 ta $29.95 COTIONS - $5.00 each PR INEDor PLAXIN SILKS $10.00 ea. COTTON VJMSg BABY DOLI,. CAPRI $2.00 ea. Juil,/ DRESSES . a. "Dark (ottons' Sizes 7 fi) 20 144~ to 2412 $10,98 ea. Season's Newest.. Millinery Fashions ýým7 Wide Range of New Fali Shades $,5u READY FOR FALL....1 WOOL DRESSES - SPORT COATS FUR-TRIMMED COATS Thing.s have ed 111l7yTa and so hias Esso oi1heat Jt's bccn 17 ycars sincc John last worc his uniformi. It w-as around the sanie that thousands of Canadians wcrc able to instali new, carefree ou heating ec mnent in their homes. Some of thesc faithful furnaces are now beginning tos signs of age. Mme works both w'ays however, and many important improven- have been added to both heating cquipment and fuel quality. It costs very lutle to modernize your home heating plant. Maybe ail you nece :iew burner for vour prescrit furnace. Even a complete new oil heating unit( inuch less than v'ou ight think. Everything you need is available on easy bu ternis with the low intercst Esso Heating Equipment Finance Plan. If you arc considering rnodernizing your equipment, investigate ail the ani Piscuss your problemns with us and let us help you to continue to enjoy the sa: convenience and economy of Esso oil heat with modern heating equipment. Cail your local Imperial Esso Agent or Distributor for complete inform2 ,without obligation. ŽSpic I l <i,!r litthie ic'oii<er fi u'orld of (Swuri thé gf, ofit lo(.Iv azy biltufficlent number of case hF chair. Following a sing-song, it~ a IEi ~ ~ ~ a , tories can be given a com-i a social time was enjoved. i ~ w i ~ u V E II / I ~ I ~ ueadnte issm Mis May Wlkis. sh-undetected pattern, a com-5 Nfis Mar Wilins.Oshrputer may point the way for evnn he ls elt ý>Fa scinating Description of fM~r W ' teadded thai for showered hier with xedding the draftsman a cmutrcan giffs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gay, put on his ýboard in one day Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, Mr. what would require arefinr and Mrs. B. Bryans and Mr.' of his ownrr~ uT rs~ work. Oulrfnr and Mrs. R. FaireY attended E l c r n c C op t r es are overcoming compieNx tram here. problemns on thermal flow Nrs Jon oriý Fini wtha probleni to spoke here on Industrial De-* the logic bank. Soleio) ut through compu ters, son Deborah and Stephen. Osh- soive now are able t0 pass the velopment, and I was happyers miust take a set time to temal]-electric plants in the awa, with Mr. and Mrs. C. E!-I data to the programmer at a to be able 10 announce that pertorm g i v e n funictions. U-S. are under complete comn- liott. ~nearby electronie computer ýthe town was to service These are defined as synichro-puecoto.H aso e- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fairev at- centre, and then xiii receive industrial land. After lunch nous. 'tioned that computersare usrd teddte edi- fhsthe answer in minutes regardi-,Eric Whyte. who was a guest, T~eletoitos in the steel. automobile and tended the Theseddintroof tbisscan;cereal industries. ant iin Thornhili, SaturdaY. . igaqeztion that otherwise came. over to me and said 'l be reachied from your tele- -Tlie electronic comrputer ;5 Mr. nd r~. ~v ould take davs to solve, Eric. was impressed bY this new's.1phone todav. If a difficuit'a labor saving device that oi- MIr.andMrF.RovBalson WhYte, Newcastle, toid locaie tbld me that lie was nego-; rber o and baby, Oshawa, Mr. and'Rotarians on Fridav. In his tiating with a major industri, rbim cnfronts Nou, Iook'fers mankind benefits accord- Mr.Bob Proctor and child- classification talk at-the club'siin the United States, wPi h e eio aesfryu! ing to the abilitv 10 barness nearest computer centre,-- Mr.!its pw ehp ren, Toronto. were Sunday, luncheon meeting in the Fly- which hie was associated, 10 Whvte advised. He added that pwr eriasthe a supper guests ,vith Mr. anding Dtcma Hotel Mr.lestablish a brachinCaada.iii corne when leaders of Mrs. B. Eryans. ;- v i. .eproCanada. hi bst these electronir machines caoisaewilgthrrudacm Rickev Gav . 1Whyte gave an întenseý n epoîe odohsbs ob viigte on oi RickeyGav isattending teresting description of ail as-'persuade this industrv o ta -b- assistnc 10 nearîx' alipro- r at the United Nations Hockey School for the Chicago pcso lectronie computers,!cate in Bowmanvi]ie. fassisand ost tisinesail probiem, the s tsp?,eaker pre- Black Hawks at St. Cathar-ior mechanical brains as thev' "As you know, the speakerdid ties, lare popularly knoxvn n ot service land for industrv thie doctor the comput-'idicted. fie aiso gave a corn- Sevýeral Pee Wee alid Bani-! Dr. Keith Siemon led theý and so a couple of more ston e,-r is a ine\ weapon in his'prehensive explanation a ni cl tamn hockey- players have been' enjoyable sing-song, and Hii- xere ddda thesreet hands ta defeat disease. If a* description of the mnethod and attendina the H-ockey School1 bert H-ooper. Brampton, was brokeni dreanis," Mr. Morris. ai Bowmanville Arena under the pianist. Guiests present aI said regretfullv. le toid the the leadership ot Dick Gamble.! the luncheon meeting were, club that Mr. Whvte was born: Fans ot the local Oshawal John Morrison. Picker i ng.,in Toronto in 1921), and thait Wood Products îeamn saw a Charles Rycroft, president ut he was educated as a geoph -, good game on Saturdav xvhen' the Whitbv Rotary Club. Cliff sic engineer, and added that tlhev won the tirst gamne of Holmes, Port Hlope. Hubert'Mr. Whyte bad spent twoý Ille' payoffs against Campbeii-ý Hooper.Bapo, e vn vears in this capacit\- aI Grea! v-ille. Brian Down for the Io-' Brantfordi. Ted Basselt. Ken, Bear Lake. ('ai teanxvas on the mound MIarkle, Wallv, Wilson, George.1 Mr. Morris spoke of and pitched a no-hitter 10 jak2- Drynan, Gard Williams, AIIaný hiegam. Nxt amewil beWiliam, Hwar SmthEd1Mr Whvte's service duing- thegam. Nxt amewil beWili3r;, owad Sith Edi World War Il in the Royalý n Caniphellille on Satui-day Macdonald, Sami Doninel., Canadian Artillerv and in the! at i p.m.. xith a doubie-headf- and George Roberts, ail of US inlCop ni - er if .necessarx- 10 decide tlhe Oshawa. winer hatday Pehap Prsidnt eit Bilet we- av. While serving ini Europe1 winer ha dav. eraps PesientKeth illttweli n -te war Mr. Whyle had > k sone fans xiii go along and comned the guesls, and expr-es- seeni the Germnan maane:c' SLIPPOrt the boys. sed special pleasure in seei11g tape, and realized xvhal a Ire- Joh Morisna frme mp-'mendous potential there wou'd bei- of the Bowmanville RO- be for this device in Canada, tarv Club, and Charles moi Ge ahT dy croft. the president of the eepiid.Aertew Mr. Whyte organized the Gen- ~orOIdApliace I hibyRtayClb. Rolr-eral Communications Coinm ians thal R. P. Rickaby, a pa.,t tronic machine, the first of is «:- through president, who is a patient in kind in North America" Mr. ~ Meinorial Hospital, is now1Mrssaed feeling xvcil, and is gettingi C L A S S 1 F 1 E D) S aon nawe hi hr. Mir. Whyte bold the Rotai- Phone MArket 3-3303 Hesi htMr ikb aîîs that part of the speedoru ____ ooking forward to attending a central processor lies wît h -clubs meetings soon, but addi- ils ability ta recognize various ,. ed Ihat as yet Ihere bas bee upcoming conditions and ta o .-:~y ~ 4 no officiai word as b xvbcn aller ils processing according - 4lhe will leave the hospital .ly. Tile command a computer' ~ The RlaryClub f Sw n ust performi when il encoun- sea has a booth in the Food ters a given condition must ,- Building at the Canadian Na- be foreseen aI the limne the M.... ia n g e d tional Exhibition, a.nd Dr. Bul- computer program betl urged ail Rotarianis 10 but once programmed il wîl i 'I"ý" ~ * x isit this special displav xvhen then be automatie, lhe slated. they are at the C.N.E. 'Some central processorsl K. N. Morris, the immediate ai-e able to respond ta input past presîdent, introduced the or output oir other command rs speaker, Fric Whyte. One ofiaccording ta their a sîgned, the privileges of being a Ro- priority. For instance, if sig- tarian is the right to sponsor nais froni two separate dc a citizen of the area who hie vices are detected, the centr ai knows xii) bring added, processor xiii accept the sig- strength and prestige bo the i nal with the bighest prior..y,l club, hie said. "Such a mai' Ihen relurn ta the second sig- isour new memnber, Eric, nai and continue aperation. hyle,» Mr. Maorris pointed' "High power computers of- out, fer paralieled operation. Tt is 'Almost two vears ago Bruce'otten possible ta combine a, M, Rykman, president of the Ca- car-d 10 tape conversion witliI -~nadian Development Limited, a program that involx'es sayi Rotarians Attend Open House Session h At Merrywood Camp Two officialis of the Bow- hidiren. l'le organizatioîî'sý manville Rotary Club, Bili District Nurse for Ihis area,~ Thiesburgeî', chairman of the Miss Enid Bartieman, Peter-1 ~I club's Cr i p p1ed Chiidren's' borough, also discusscd thei mr Committee, and Secrelary Don1 progress being- made and the Morris, who was chairman of' benefits received hv the c amp- the local Rotarians' Easterý ers sent there by the local! Seals campaign last sprîng,I Rotary Club. attended the meeting and OP-1 Ail the visitars were tre-ý en House held at Mcrrywoodl mendously encauraged by Iieý Camp - on - the - Rideau, i a s t success of the undertakin, Wednesday. The Ontario SO- the flourishing young camp-1 ciety for Crippled Children ers, and the able, kindily, andî xvas bost for the Open Hlouse. dedicaled staff. The fine pi-o-: Mr. Morris is a director of theI gram was concluded with an orîganizatian. :excellent concert presented by 1During the atternoon a ineet- the campers. ing was held during which alÉ --__ aspects of the work of the camp were discussed. AilP w l clubs that send crippled chîl-,P wel aiy dren to this beneficiai and en-ý joyable camp had delegates H ld resent. T lh e Bowmanvîlleil ds Ru n~iIUI * Rotary Club w-as representedP r by Mr. 'rhiesbuiigei' and Mr. tW atn Merrywood Camp - on - th- Rideau is situated hlatf, On StindaN', Augist 26, tr between Perth anîd Smitli4s'Powell family lield its reunion Falls, but the postal address i0 in Waltona Park, wilh iniinet -i R.R. 5, Pet-th. The spacious' ;one in attendance.«1 grounds aîîd well equippedl Mr. and Mrs. Mac Walkcr' and comfortable buildings ariepianned thie programme bt: localed on thie Rideau Canal. were unabie ta attend.,li A large crowd af parentsfolloxviîîg von races: Pre-, and ollier interested people school ciass, Marlene Beattv, * attended the Open flouse lield'Sîtane Peacoek: 8 and iînd'.. there last week. A Senior Shirlev Beattyv, Dale (ilox-ci: Girls' tlhree weeks' (amp xvas 10 and under, Doris Beatt' beiîg lheld. The etithuisiastic llarold Powell: 12 and nudi.i campers, gis il la 18, laidJudith Powell, Guen Morton: arrived tlic previaus Sunda *vî 18 and Under, Len Atlrid ,gu. ta start their 21 -davs' stay lu ,Wayîîie Marlon, Judithi Powe,,1, te attractive surî-ounidings.! Sharon Trexv; ladies. 11-lzel On the day efthie OpeniCraso, Mauireen Powell: iin, Ilouse the campers liad an or- 1Cliarles Attridge, Waynie Mur- dnary day's scliedule sa thatton. the visitors eould see for, The shoekick %vs,; on bv Iheniseives jUst exactly what Don Hudson and Doris Beatt. the regular routine there is 'Judith Powell and Bob Att- like. Swimming was eîîjoyed ýridge wvon the wheelbarrow and man 'v of the yoiing people race. The lothespin game was tIMe showed themselves to be keen won b ' Susan Peacock, and fishermen. Wheelchairs were Russell Powell woan the pr-i-,e IUIP- moved onto the dock, and the! for guessing the numrber of how mobile girls among the camp-icandies la the baIlle. er also fouîîd safe places. toi The oldest persoît ii attrrid- aents tislî. Their skiil at casting, ance was Albert Powell, Elîza- aîîd landing their catches was bethyille. while the v'oungest rnarked, and tlîev ail had con- was Colleen Powell. daughtt-r iderable success. A large of Mr-. and Mrs. Russell Pox - l is a nuitmber ot good fishing rods, ll, Newcastle. Mr. and Mis. reels, hooks, and sijikers were Ken Trew and Mr. and Mi-. coStS provided bv the Bowmanvilie'Ross Beattyý, xitlî fantîliez Out .dget Rotarv Club for luis Crippled seven, shared the prize for tle' Clîildreii' Camp this vear. largest familv aIt te pieniie. Duringlte dav tîte Open Priscilla Attridge won a prize Ilouse visilors observed thie for coming the farthest Mr .. kgles. interest taken b\. the campeis Jackson Peacack \%,on the la Yý in heir arts anîd crafts op-'prize for living the greaiest etportunities. They aiso enjoy- distance tram lte picni ed watchinc a baIl game. The grounds. yonLng girls on each teani When te fables \V(-te set, showed delerminatian. pro-w- Kathleen Powell l('c in 11,.e ation ess, and sportsmanship, and singine of grace, aind Nvoung the other campers had great and nid did justice t thie, fua in cheering them on. bountiful meal. Jack Crago 1While aI the camp the two conducted a short businessý representatives of the Boiv- meeting. Minutes of lasI Year's manville Rotary Club, Mr. picnic were read by Hazel Thiesburger and Mr. Mrris. Crago. The Attridge famîl-., ~>1had an informative aid iii- of Richmond Hill x-nlunltprL-r teresting talk with Dr. A. ta take charge of thc picîle Robertson, Toronto, the headfor next year when it will uc' of case services for the Oti-,held in the same place on the tario Society for Crippled fourth Sunday of AVgust. devIrees nsed for thp operation. Whytf- for hlq Informative iniput output. storage and pro-' clasification tlk. President cessing of information by elec- Billett also expressed his ap- îronic computers.I preciation bo Mr. Whyte for Keitb Jackson moved a wit-~ the brilliant address he had lv vole, of- thanks to Mr. nresented.-- -- BU RN S SCHOOL 0F DANCING REGISTRATION Wednesday, Sept, Sth UNION HALL, BOWMANVILLE (Above A & P Store) HOURS : 4 xîntil 5:3(0 p.nt. For fîirther information - Telephone 728-7902 - TAP Back to School in Mahers best Shoe Values BALLET . BATON

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