Gananoque Woman Wi.ns Liâns Carnival Car At least one woman in the Gananoque area was shown at far right and announced b'ý Ivery happy after the Lions Club's annual carnival on man E. Lloyd Clifton, far lef t. The Saturday evening. She was Mrs. Phyllis Tedford of in the photo second f rom lef t, is C IR.R. 3, Nvbo was the lucky winner of the beautiful Orchard View, Bowmanville, who wo Chevrolet sedan in the background of this photo. Her the winning ticket ta Mrs. Tedford. ticket was drawn by Lions President Glen L. Martyn, Combii He Should Have Stayed Newav wmwent ta T,) A report of Town Council's special meeting on Friday appears in this issue and includes the resignation of Councillor Jack Brough which, appar- ently, was accepted unanimously by council members. Mr. Brougb bas also written a0 Letter to the Editor explain- in'g bis st'and. This appears on Page Fo ur. In aur opinion, bis resignation is to be deplorcd although bis decision is one that can be understood. As we recali the nomination meeting, be was flot enthusiastic about letting bis name .stand for office, feeling that be bad given as much of bis time as be could afford in tbe past ta municipal affairs. lie î in fact talked into running and in the election stood close ta tbe top in the peaple's voting. His resignation has came now,' not unexpectedly,, following, the discharge of Bowmanvil le Industrial Commission- erci several weeks ago. At that time, :IVlr. Brough indicated that he migbt witbdraw from bis seat on counicil. Mr. Brough. in retiring, suggests that one persan on council is controllîng the votcs in council, obviously a ref- erence ta new councillor Kenneth 1-.ooper. This is a seriaus charge wbicb *wij don't believe is true. Councillor 1looper certainly has stirred up several* "hornets' nests" since he entered caunicil, but bas bad the backing of a majority of members including the mayor. We suspect that recently some of bis supporterý on council wisb tbey had refraincd from falling in line witb his views sa willingly, but that is an- other matter. We believe Mr. Brough sbould bave stuck with it and probably would bave if council bad been elected for only one year. But, the thougbt afbucking 'Goes bis head against concentrated opposition for a yegr and four months, apparently, didn't appeal ta bim. Under aur systern be ha5~ perfect rigbt ta resign and band (Îr bis seat ta the candidate who ca ie in seventb on tbe polling. Councillor Hooper's comments ai the matter appear rather peculiar. He referred back ta tbe Garbage vote jr council some years ago wben Council- lor Brough is supposed ta bave votec for public garbage collection in the face of a petition from ratepayers who wanted a plebiscite an the matter. lie also brougbt ex-Mayor Nelson Os. borne's name into tbe argument to justify Mayor Hobbs breaking a tie vote of counicil over tbe Industrial Com- missioner's discbarge. Surely, Council- lor Hooper isn't suggesting tbat Mayor Hobbs also voted against the people's wisbes wben be broke the tie vote ait!d lined up witb those wbo were in favor of dismissing Mr. Morris. Former Councillor Owen Nîcliolas appears now ta be slated for a seat on council ta replace Mr. Brou gh. As of Tuesday aflernoon, be bad received no official notification from tbe Town Hall about the vacancy, nar bad ho made a decision wbether be would accept. Becauêe of tbe bolîday, counceil is scbeduled ta meet again on Tuesdav, Sept. 4th instead of the regular first Monday of the mantb, when wbo knows wbat further developments tbere may be. At least, one bas ta admit tbat tbis year's counceil bas not been lacking in excitement. Regrettably, we fear the excitemewnt bas left a great many voters disgusted, disillusioned and xvorried; especially business folk who fail to see any signs that the majority of the present council are interested in the tawn's progress and growth. to Bat'P. Ce ils Prepare For Nomination At Orono Oct. 1 A nomination convention to -select a federal candidatc. Oct. 1, 1962, ta be held in Orono *Town Hall. was planned by the executive of the Durhani Progressive Conservative Asse. on Monday evening, Aug. 2 Thirty membeîrs of the exe- cutive were present aI th, meeting, held at the hot-e or Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. and ]Mrs. Carruthers. Garden Hîili when varînus other eventý paedfor the near future lwere enthu.siasticalJvdîcs wed aPbiivCara from eacnfthefi etridin- !~A eornittee was selected and Mrs. G. Thrasher, Bowman- ville, appointed chairmanî ~ ~Other members of the comi- miteare: Harold Balson, SHampton; George 1Blyleven, Maple Grave; Kay Lyceti, Orono; Mrs. John IHamilton. I Blackstock: Jack White. Port Hope; Clare Winslow. Ida. 'WiII Take Part In Tiger Cats Argo Game During the Liberal Picnic ah Newcastle on Saturday, ncwly elected Member of Parliament Russell C. Honey of Port Hope takes bis hum ah bat in a bal game behween the North and South Liberals. The N"orth mon by quite a margun. 1Local girls \%,!I lake part in the display ho be prcseuited 'by the Tartanettes, the Junior Corps Lassies, and the Saîlor- the Hamilton Tig-er Cals - Toronto Arganauts Football Game ta be held in Hla rniltout on Labor Day. Thcy will lcav'e Rowmýiian- ville by a chartercd Burile'.', bus at sev'cn o'clock on Mon- day marning. Mrs Clintoni Henning, Mrs. Ernie, Blake and Mrs. William L. Lycct %uhl laccompany them. *1 I '1 t f 'i from Ewart west of the Their cor fire and thr straw in or Il was si contro]. Durbani County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 10 4PgsBOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1962 1o P0e Cp UMBER 35 Ke n Hooper Replies Councillor Brough Resîgns Claims One Member Cont roi "Waste of Tîme to Sît in' Ex-Councillor at Lions Fair Jack Brougn flas resigned his position asa niemiber of the 1962-63 Bowmanville Town Council. Councillor Brough's letter of resignation dated August 24th was submitted at a meeting of Bow- nianville Town Council held in the Council Chaniber on Friday afternoon. Ail other members of the council ivere present. Councîllor Glenholme Hughes feel that ir one meniber ofi moved that C o Li n c i 11 o r the Recreation and Industrial Brough's request that his res- Committees can control a vote:. ignation be effective August!of council, then it is a waste - 241h be considered. This mo-lof ones time ta sit in on these ; tinwas seconded by Council-ý meetings. I would request lor Ken Hooper, and carried.ithe council ta accept this res- Councillor Brough's letter ta ignation as of August 24th, the Town Cotincil was as fol- ,1962." ilos:"Afervcry careful con-ý Councillor Ken Hooper stat- Isieraionofail council pro-:ed that apparently the refer- cedure of the past months, I ence in Councillor Brough's 'have decided to submit Mny letter ta a member of the resignation ai this lime. I:Recreation and Industrial Com- m ittees was in regard ta him. Councillar Hooper reminded R eal Estate the counicil of Cuelo Brough's annoyance at the counicil meeting on August S alsman 7th when a tie vote was brok- Salesman en by Mayor Hobbs. * Councillar Brough must liave forgotten the time when the Garbage By-Law was brought in," Councillor Hoop- er cleclared. He said that Councillor Brough had voted in favor of garbage collection despite the fact that there was a 1,400 name petition ask- îngfora pebicit onthe Although he had resigned as a member «~ Bow- matter., He noted that a large delegatin opposed ta garbage manville's Town Council an Friday, Ex-Councillor collection had been present in Jack Brough seems quite unperturbed over the fracas theCoucilChaberat heas he conducts the bingo booth at the Lions Carnival ItwsMayor Nelson Os- on Saturday night.: Mr.. Brough b as _outlined i nbis On Saturday the Harvey, ion. The Tartanette troupe . TLR T AEnTWho Dance Academy Tartan Twirl- taking part were Marilyn j -__________________ ers won three trophies andi Pawenchuk, Judy Tomkins, eight mnedals for Fancy Drill!Maureen Martin, Ann Bern- ace Gi n Awa Corps and Baton solos at the ard, Lynda Baivin, Maria Dry-_____________ C.N.E. competition. gala, Donna Hoad, Penny Tartanettes Senior Corps ýMeMullen, Lynda Dawe, Bey- undcir leadership of Carol ierly Tîndaîl, Charlotte Kwio- Greenham did a smart step-'tek; with color party Mike. ping Fancy Drill ta the beat Beamish, Clifford Chamber- I of Bil Cornelus' drums. Thellin, Wayne Hazeltan and new color party did much tai Wayne Elliott. ridd ta the manoeuvers of the First Place Trophy was won tanchtes score sheet was mis- Lassies under Dianne Shaws 1 Real Estate Broker Jess Van Hla t h laid in the tabulating and we leadership. This troupe now Nest is pleased ta announce ai-e waiting the judges' decis- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) f that Ernest W. Bradley ofe lBowinanville has joined Lhish i iIJman, having recently pse hîs examinations. Bowmanville Lions Carni-, (ý îts andc1 £Aý;eces l Mr. Bradley is wcll known val held on Saturday eveming de in this area where lie was a at Memorial Park proved ta Ch Land Appraiser, and Settie- be again a highlight of the ME START DANCING - If you want to experience ment Officer with the Dept. summer season. Large crowds tal a change from rock and rail dancing, you are of Veterans Affairs, until his thronged the grounds through- thE invited ta the Lions Centre nexl Wednesday at retirement in 1961. Born in out the evening, and the many ar( 8:15 p.m. wben the ýquare Dancing group will Carleton County, Mr. Bradley boaths, games and other at- ter sesin Ae farmed for about 25 years be- tractions were decidedly pop- We \velcome all beginners at a special ssin g fore jaining the Civil Service. ular. Men, women and child- fin need be no barrier. You can be young or aid and Ho is a veteran of World War ren of all ages, from different 1stiîî cnjay yourseîve s. 1 and following the Second parts of the district enjoyed at t ~ ~ World War was responsible awnefltm.M.LodB for settling mani returned Clifton was Carnival Chair- at 1POUND AGAIN Dog Control Officer Archie men on farms throughout mn r H-oskin reports that the Dog Pound was broken Durhami County. lHe is a mem_ mn.da into again some lime Saturday night. No animals brfTrntUiedCuh LosPeienGciMa- Gi and the Bowmanville Branchffyn made the draw for the Ch were stolen but a ferrct was let loase. Fortunately, of the Royal Canadian Legior.l16 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, lici noa money is now kept on band at tbe pound over- Mr. Bradley is also an Accred- and Mrs. Phyllis Tedfard, Su right, so the thieves did their eil work for noti ited Appraiser with the Ap- Gananaque, was the luckyF îng Les hpe bc errt bt ac o thm.praial Institute of Canada and'winner. Fred Cale, a former wa t t t oroto embr 0 thpresident of the club, was inl pas TrnoChapter. ýhreo tickets for thecaag HOLIDAY WEEKEND - One of the big events draw. The winning ticket was Th( of the weekend will, of course, be the Port Perry LjI. sold by Cecil Langlais, 20 rea Fair on Monday. Tbis is always a biÉ! affair wbicb iiOCisey Ci.ame Orchardview' Baulevard. M craws many people f rom ail over Durham. On * afRaph Kelly waschairmnan sei Sundy, Bwmavill's asten Otari Chapio W iJ WJd Up i o the cammittee for the Part- al] SunayBow anvlles Esten Otara Campon iIIfl~ L~./able Television Set draw The F Mid get hall club will play their opening game in i lortunate winner was R. New- ses. the next series of playdown witb Ajax at 2 p.m. Arn h - I ton, Hamilton, Ont. The win- me iin that community, witb the second game bere a il igtce assl ntet week fram Saturday. They certainly would like sor um îîycrt. so how aboutf riiing ovrron Suin- *daY ta give them a boost. 16 YEARS - Time passes 5() rapidly that it just cloesn't seem possible that Art Hooper bas been here for 16 cears in tbe jewellery and gift sbop buLsinleSS. Many of bis frîends will recaîl wben lie started after coming, out of the Air Force and settirîg Up in the store now occupied by Good- Irand Fabrics. We offer beartiest congratulations in(1 urgîe shoppers to take advantage oif bis anni- vesivsale wbich is still in progress. t t -. -. i CAR IVASHES - Rotary will again sponsor a car wash at Robson Motors on Sept. l5tb. During this annual event, club members bave a wonder- fui time and make many friends while raising funds for crippled cbildren's and commun it.v work. Tlickets are now available. CLEARING OUT - This weekend will see the old Jur~y & LoveIl drug store completely cleared of fixtures and other paraphernalia connected witb tht1is d rug business which bas been bere for a long limie. We bave no information on wben Stedman's intend ta commence tbeir renavation and ex- pansion program but expect it wîll get underway sfhorîly after the building is vacated. The -new Jury & LovelI store an the corner of King and Temperance will hold its officiai apening the followin1g weekend. la the meantime, Alex Mc- Gregor is keeping bis drug store modernization program wvell under wraps behind a buge wall of plvwood. It sbould be quite a surprise when tbe w%,iapping cames off juâdbefore their re-apening. SINCERE SYIMPATHY- Our Newcastle Editor Gardon Agnew suffered a great loss last weekend "'hlen bis xvife Verna, anc of tbe fînest persans an w here, passed away after a brief illness. Deep- est sympatby of the entire Statesman staff goes ouIta Editor Agnew in bis sorro w. BACK TO SCHOOL - Pupils of public and bîghi schuols wil! rcturn ta their labors on Tuesday of tncxt week and many parents will heave one huge sý,b of roiýef reasons for resigning in a Letter ta the Editor appear- ing. in this issue. )y ILions Carnival 4emorial Park an- Usual Crowdsý During the evcning Presi--- ---- ent Martyn and Carnival ,hairman Clifton dishributed en's and ladies' wrishwatches Cubs 1 Dthe different booths where hey were drawn for attend- O tn nce prizes ah haîf hourly in- ervals. The many winners 7eedelighted with the rn neprizes. Mny eeCamp Presient Mrtynpresided tthe dinner meeting of the Twenty-fou: )wmanville Lions Club held sixers, John . the Lions Communihy Cen- Benhley, Daug eBeech Avenue, on Mon- Morris spent .y evcning. The Ladies' Camp Samqjc uild af St. John's Anglican bers of Ro, 'urch catered for the de- Leader How, cious meal, Mrs. Harry D. was in char, uttan was the convenor. ers include Fréd Coty, son-in-law of ton, Phyllis 7aller Rundie, the imniediate Nichols, Bo st president of the club, was Gatcheli, Duc guest at the dinner meeting. Roharian Don he secretary, Bob Williams, alsa secrelar: ýad the accounts and on a Scout Associa tion by Walter Rundie, On Su-nday zaonded by George Brown, Rehder came ýwcre passed for payment. to present Kei Following the short business Scout ring ii sion and a brief directors previaus servi nreting the Lions adjaurned Cub Pack./ Mcmoriat Park where aIl the presental Enjoy g At Samac ur Cubs and four Sturrock, Ronald tg Evans and John Lthe weekend at They are mem- otary cub pack. vard Sturrock ge, whose help- ci Jean Stain. SMaynard, Ken )b Evans, Tam idley Deeley and i Marris who is ry of the local ation. ýy evenig, Tom >ta the camphire en Nichais with a in recognition of ice ta the Rotary AJso assisting in ion were three All %eek, 40 yugtr Carnival. lival clean-up party. iles Evans and Carl MeMulleri at te hokeyschool in Me- moral rea. ororrwW ins First Prize for Pullets young hockey players ivill arrive froni the Rochester area and stay here for the ibalance of Ehe week. ~~$. t On Saturday evening at ~ " "- '- 8 o'clock, players from the Bo-wmanville section w~ill meet the Rtochester players I- ' in an exhibition gamne hich shoiild be niast interesting. Coach l>ick canible should have bath teamns in greatM shape for this event. Maple Leaf Manager Punch Im- lach and somne of his team hope ta be here on Saturday. Morley Etcher l,. ,Breaks Arm . In Machine Morle vF tclier's unaui\'friends iilb horryoIoî' learn af the injuries he sustauned ta his rught arin un an accident at the Goodyear plant here on Thursda,, dl 6:30)p.m. Mr." ~* Etcher'sa un vas suddenly caught un a hMlt machine andý he xývas thuov.n rught araundý the mnachine. lie wa', takeuî Io Memorial, Hiospital by Marris' ambulance' and then transferred ta the, ;Oshawa General Hospital by, the same ambulance. Mr. Etcher sustained Ihree fract- ures ho his righh arm. Two are below the elbow. '2 The anc above his righh t elbow is splintered, and 1h' was at fîrst fearcd that thcreý would have ta bc an opera- tii)n la repuir it. Howevcr, Dr. R. A. GilI is of the opinion At Blackstock Fair on Saîurday, there was a good showing in the poultry that an operatuon will not be classes. Brian Bradley of Maple Grave was the winner in the pullet class of ncccssary. and he will set the' splintered fracture on Thurs- tthe 4-H Poultry Club, under leadership of Ron Brooks. Judge for the event was 'day mor-ning. . Dr. John Price of Port Perry. FRONT PAGE EDITORIAI, Post Office Hours for Labor Day ~,Holiday hours at the Post Office on Labour y Carnival Chai r- Day, Monday, September Sother gentlemani 3, 1962, are as follows: :cil Langlais, 20ý Box Lobby open from n $500 for selling; 8.00 arn. to 6:00 pa.. Publie Lobby open from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. There will be no Rural Mail Delivery, Money Or- r. der or Savings Bank Bus- ne on rire mess. "lbeacSrt Letter Box collection Tyroneabout 3:00 p.m. Mails will be despatcb- ville's Fire Brigadeý ed: lyrone on Tuesdayý East: 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 ta answer a cail 1P.m. McLaughlin's farm West: 4:.00 p.în. and 7:00 evillage. P.m. rnbine had caught There will be no des- he blaze spread ta1 patch of mail after 4:00 ne of the fields. 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 1, oon brought under' until 11:00 a.m. Mon., Twirlers Win Awards ln CNE Competition New M.P. ReaIIy I.