Seasons Artificial tee has certainly mixed Up the seasi fil recent years. Bob Sleep, a member of the champ Bowmanville Midget bal] club attended a praci session 'Monday night at MVemorial Park. No sooi was that session over than he headed for Whil ,%vhere hie is attending a Junior- hockey camp condu ed bythe newly formed Whitby Dufflops. SUGAR and SPIcB ,ww'"," By Bill Smiev Overiapping 1<Ontcnded for Jast xveek gOond holidlay this suinnuer. The Suriner is runiiiiug pas OI lady and 1 havent been 'withthie fvribanîxietv cof anywhere ar-clone aniythinig. e lîorsp-piaycr Ibeading for The other day. 1 ,ot ont the the xr'ck t 'î a boltt p. foiders and started figuring Wce've bad so nianyv isitors oui a trip to the newspaper tlîat Ive speili more îlime ni conventiotin in ýiiîîpeg, foi, tlhe superniarket and the the four of Lus, R looked great. liquo stor tha I ha u niPart xvay by steaniboat. part xny own bouse. Hoxrever, t % al ecudj hasnt beeiî al] onc-,way traf- mnage it, if the banker tvas fic, We've p)ickçec l p a nicc in a good niood. lot of loot trou, the guests. Then niy 'v, ife took thr' otilibai]libas been: a hait- priicil. B i te t irne she lbad bottle of Piminîs' No. 1; one finisied. Ille cost of tbe îî'îp aIarrn-clock onue pair clark lîad doubicd. I'd ne-lected t0 9 asss one of box j ig-sa\w inelude sevcrai dayS cfr botel puzles for agc six to t1W sev- accommodation, tbe concVen- ciat comibs; oue pair lady's tion fees. new clotiies for the prLîns. In addition. we mnal- gang, and boardi at tbe cet 's Rgerl iota nu oaci anc killeci for one r-at,onue kitten. one fi'oln Our la test bat <'. (log. Rigffit inon'. ut oka as thoub th bugdeai thiSsi- _uî(1' lani t n bla,;heIin nier 'cillIl o i-a mnotor camip for tbe fîrsit lune iin lier trip, lurciling fi'n", one set of lire, and that produced cnougb relativ es to aiother, for sicep- crises to keep thiiigs livelý'. îîîg qrîarters. 'She's beuî talkiuig camp sînce Een ba. sI !)o el- last winter. Andc one da' 111fectiyý wellt. xiii faîl tbrori)tgii, April, nheC, ale lîoîîîe 11'nnibecarîse oor<fthe k ids ,vili sechool and biared. "Do ý oun eti,or tlle nid car. 'ciii h0 wihat I arn. Mon? l'lin deceiop Itle leaces, orcie z;ic~ a frealz' Fi"i' inatiie'r Old Battleaxe wili gel, in one abýqentnindedly asked %v 1yý. of lber rmoocs. However. it's 'Because I car't ride a bike nic, to have the xvhoie crewv anîd Ive neyer becîî to ca;îp" -do, cats and lzids-utîder, she' snorted. Apparentiv these one roof agaiîî, afteî- a Yniixed-ý être status synîbois of thie pre--up sunimier. and if I cati iati- len set. tn Lst as fracture-lage to sneak away for a wlîole, boards ii twvill beds are for davý' s fîshiiîg, xrithout haviîîg Ille pre-rniddle-aged set. to take anîybody, or be honme I'«el. she got a bike for lier sharp al six for diniier, l'Il birthday, and now lias been to reck;on l'x'e ad a prctty good camp. so it's nice to report suînmcer vacation. that wc've got rid of one freak In the familly. Gettingi a feckless Il-year-old ready to quite an experience .And the I Ure Iparting lis horrible. Whlen wcg been out front under the af o wing, taklng off ini a boatHea n lot of other n ild-eyed little girls. wc had a desperate, slnk- Dr.C. M. forie" \toctcai. In,- feeling. Officei of Healtb, i eport'tat It wn't iliipr.oed iur'bthe Boar d of Health lias ac- by ber ficat letter, from which cpe h plct'l fý> 1 qnîote. 'La-st niglit I brougît nunrs'es for the staf IfteNr iip ail over the floor five tuberl raf of tean- tiilies, bu t t9claix 1 nianiaged ta nnbeîid Driu e] g. t otît in imetiiuc Ie ot the Unt. Thev arriver] iirinq fiLi and arn lbaViig a terrible Juitx andl Augu at t o take up tiine. Riglbt toxv['ni in ii m<their dnties icabin ail alotie crviiug. i waiit Two of 'bsei:iir5e aran Io corne borne. \; X X OOO. îcorkiiîg frouît the Bo\xx'mani- Love. Kîîîî. PS-I hope yen ville office: Miss, Vilna Veto': arc botlî bav'iig a good tiîie, xvbjo hadi pi-ex îously receciccd but i dotît sîippo-ec \ou arc.eber basiC 1un nSuIl p "dCIricaîi Don't. wonî"' aboutlit i pain. i diig iiiîd\wi frr .Ii iEn- Kirn "landc. lias noirscd alo iat Toi 7- Heu' old lady eaivlost lbei mnarbies iii the nexi few days. 'We couidîî't phone or pet in foueb. There xvas iiothiiîg u dio but sweat it ont, xitli the vision off the cbild dying oin that God forsaken isiand. Eveny lime the telephione or cioorbeil rang, we .terked jike spaistics. positiv e it ncas the "len carne tbe second letter. lroin xclicb 1 qriote bits, '"I van divce. igot 11iY first Stan todlay Last tiplît woc adan Indian ce reonY cic eecvcrvý- body dî'cssed 1up) O ai l ndiaii. Pickles took me îîîîdcn berci blauiket and i ao' Iaann (Di ld Camper I hav e been xvoîrtied About Piper anud the kitîcius. 1 hope t bey non* 't o awac before I pet back. Tinis ol, i*utgoing much ftetc than tbe 1ixs-, eek and preuvy soon il's goinîg ta be ocer. I hope v e eau affoî'd a muoith îîcxt var but that's to uo îclito ask .Id certaiiily appreciate sounie eats -a lot. Hope aounre lax'ing a good time, bocause 1 certain- ly an.' Not a 'n ord a bout ber iii- ri ne S. Notaiamention off ler Mai. Rer motîten conld ha\-e baten lier. Kids arc a real mitîslone &round the neck, whlen you're planning a holiday trip. lVhen ,. bey're snial. sou cani't leaî'e hein. and it's tou mucli trouble Ob take theui. W'hen they're medium-sized. its 100 much trouble 10 gel îhern ready and it alinost doubles. tour rost%. lhn the, 'ne big. they s%ouldnt be caught dcad on a crurnby trip mith thecir parents. Both oui' kîds have had a; auto Ucenal anîd Toioiiîo '«Vesterni Hospitis arnd ini Joie l962 cornpleted the 'cean's course iii publichIealtb urs- in,, at Toronto. Miss Lornuate \ýIcFadclen. al-s<ufroiiîth1e Tor- onto L'niversitv puiblic heallb nuusing corsne, bad liaspital n ci-'mig expcrieîîce in Kiteli- efier. T'or'onto. and L.os An- getes.. MISS .Joa n Ai chîibad.i Uni ces \of Westei'n Oltato. Ls rcorkiiingin the nortb Durhiani Couîin isdtrict froni the Mill - brook offic-e She lias rioli' 11 ), p1ta1 nnrýinîg n Hatiiîtoni M ont ral, anid Loýndoij. O,I MI ' ' Hafvii iiiBrowne i 'i 1Miss Ma\-î-Lou:ise :\TCelaind are 'rkî firani Ille Cafiln- hellford Office. Bth are re- cent graduates of the Uice;- sîi'.ý ofront-o public healiii iurs:iig course 'Miss Broxcue bas ]îad PreV'uOUS nursinîg cx- peience in Newfoiidianld a:ci n Ille Departrient of vete: - ans' .Affairs bopitals. and a-, South Peel Ho4zpital. Mîj5, u' Cielland's basic iiursiuig cdu- cationi xas at Royal Victor;a Ho0sPital. M\ontrea 1. and h1cr subsequent experience 'nelud- ed a "Car ru the loSpitai ,i Whitehorse as welJ as eiiipio, - nent in iid us: rv as \Veilas in lias beeuî plar'ed in, the Co- bouirg Office of Ille Heal*th Ui. camne tram rn ai t, Briii-n Colunibla. \vÎbere hle hîad beei cutiplox cd as u Ilc altib I Irsc un" SýOrI1iC yars.1lier professîoni'ecuca:unu<casp'it Du-c' Nk:îs' Hospital. Rezînd, anîd at th1e Univer'sty of Bru- tish Columbia, ýon s mIon ice tby FRESH GRADE A *ri~ C~ad~, tafgma, owman-vilie, Aug. 2p. 1962 - Roasting or Frying PR E-DR ESSED M M h p 21/ to 3lb. avg. LB . CH ICKENS Fresh Grade A WVhole Chieken Cut Up Chicken in a Basket Ib43C * Guaranteed Quality Meats * Presswoods or- Burns - Shallkles.- - Picnlic Styl-e - lVhole or Hit Smoked Pork Shoulders lb. 49c Duomnion Supi~er FloIt - cici s Self Serve RoII% W I N RSBRAUNSCHWEIGER1 kIMENs-1 '.PcaER BACON and LIVER8oz Skffes 1)it. akaeSANDW ICH Spread Pkgs. EACH 6 y CHICKEN SPREAD i EACH * Frozen Food Speciculs * BOOTH SPECIAL DOMINO FANCY SPECIAL, C OD $1SUCED 1-0z FILLETS 3Mg,1Srawberries 3 Pks.s BOOTH COD >SPECIAI, POLAR KING SPECIAL FISH 3-o.s1 EAKI STICKS 3T 4, KS DOMINO SPECIAL DOMI1NION - (Fresh Frozen) SPECIAL, FANCY 3 5-oy $1 ORANGE 1312-0z.$ DOMINO I XN('Y - Regular ('ut - Blue Lake S' I~ GREEN BEANS 5Iks * Fresh Pro duce Specials* CALIFORNIA - Jumbo Size Canta loupes EACH 29c CALIFORNIA - Red Malaga GRAPES 2 ILs29C ONTARIO GROWN - Large Green CABBAG E 2 for 29C * More Spectis* RICHMELLO - Only at Dominion *SWISS PROCESS CHEESE ['la i (6 Portion 4 oz.Z5C SAICO - Solid %Vhlite Tuna Fish 2 Tin A Il nuirclîandisc ',old ai '.our Dominion Store Linaitcd is unconditionally guarantecd tb gie 100(7 satisfaction. l'lai" - 12 Portion 8oz. 45C Assorted - 12 Portion 8oz 5c (LARK'S BEEF or IRISH 69c S T EW 2'-3()-59C I STORE HOURS: IOpen Thurs. - Fri. uritil 9 p.m. for your shopping convenience Cut Food Costs Save! This Week! MIX 'EM OR MIATCH 'E31 Grape - Orange - Orange Pinleapplte Pineapple Grapefruit - Florida Punch HI-C DRINKS3 ALL VARIETIES - PRIMO Macaroni-Spaghetti AUX 'E31i0OR3MATCH 'ENI McLAREN'S PICKLES SLICED, PLAIN or GARLIC DILLS ia-,or SWEET MIXED, SWEET WAFER 12-o,..a HENLEY CHOIC FRUIT COCKTAIL DOMINO -Choice TOMATO ES 48 oz. Tins 2-1b. Pkgs. $1 $1 1 fo r 4 ST. WILLIAMS - ith Pectiri ASSORTED JAMS5 20-oz. Tins 28-oz. Tins M $ $1 $1 I j I 4 ft] c 4 ( ( M sou P Tomato or Vegetable 10 1 O-oz. Tins 1.-)z. Tinfo $ I while You Shop in Air-conditioned Store I 4-oz. Pkgs. 16-oz. Pkgs. $1 IVailles effective ai your Dominion Store Limîîted, Bowvmanville, until closing time, I Saturday, September 1,t, 1962 * Biscuit Features * i I I [ Cum DOG FOOD Chm(TFO H~OLIDAY BRAND MARGARINE Reàgular MIIX Til OR IMATCH 'E-,M VAN CAMP BEANS with PORI< IEAT AND SERVE KRAFT DINNER DOMINO DRY 7 7 1/¼-oz.Pks 9-oz. Jars ___j 15-oz. Tins $1 ,..LARK'S FANCY [OMATO JUICE il [iX 'ENI OR INATCH 'EM 1 1 1 Il r- 1 j t ILLES ) UT(H TEA RUSKS 5 [ANNING'S Chocolate Grahams 3 Costs Save! 11 - - , ., : - - k.: .. Li - ýýý5 F R E E P A R K I N G This Week!