Go Up ta Accommodate Population .1 Mr- n r.Gog ors Mr. James T. Curran of R.R.; M(aren and Michellle, Mr. and!l 1, !<enabeck. Mfrs. Arnold Smith vacatloned; Mr. and Mrs. B. Wolnik, at Sundridge Iast week. itheir daughters, Patricia, Ka'~ lir. and Mrs. Perey Good-thy and Barbara, and their win and their daughter Nancylsons, Michael, John and Terry . spent the weekend at De- have returned to their home,' G3aulle Lake near Bobcaygeon. R.R. 6, Bowrnanx 11e, after ani Mr. anud Mrs. Alfred Smith enjoyable motor trip to AI- were guests of Mr. and Mrs.:gon quin Park. Matt Harrison at their COtIý Mr. and Mrs. Jack McNulty tage, DeGaulle Lake, for the have returned to Bowmanville wtekend. after spending a vacation atil *"n CoCuncil will meet on Pleasant Point Inn, Sturgeon TusaSept. 4th, instead of Lake. Before returning home the regular first Monda.-. of ',hp7, spent last iveekend withý e mnth which is Labor Mr. and Mrs. William White-1 Sholiday. head and thieir familIv atte nivate John Miller, RCHA,!Whiitehiead's ceneoge, Fe'k on, Winnipeg, is spendinz his an- Falis. . nual leave with his parents,, John: Hughes is In St. Cath- !ý"I' . - Mr. and Mrs. Ted Miller, arines where he is attending Prince Street. 'the Chicago Black Hawksi .c*>.,. Miss Marion Gibson, Mrs. Junior Hockey Scliool. His, Leslie Keith, Toronto, and parents, Mn. and Mrs. Hanry' Miss Marguerite Wrighit. St. Hughies, and Mrv. Hughes' sis-! Catharines, vistrd Mrs. N S. ten. 'Mrs. Anne Enimerson,' B. James, recently. Bl3 1h,. Northiriiberlarnd, En-' The many friends of Mr3. liand. spent the iwcekend at YR. Lovekin, Newcastle, till, Niagara Falls. be sorv to learn of her i11, Mn. and Mrs. James Fair, ness. Mrs. Lovekin is a pat-idaughters Patti, aiiri Lvnne,~ jent in Memoniai HospitaL, -d son Billv, 'enjuyed a mo- Bow-.manvIlie. ýtor trip to KingsLto, Gananü-~ Hospital report August 20-' que and the Thousand Islandsie~ t' - 26 inclusive: Admissions 60, last wvee.k. Mr. and Mrs. R.....................,-» 15. Births, 6 male, 3 female, 12; Barou. Scarboroug-h, and fan- Discharges 61, Major opera.- liv tisited Mr'. and Mns. Fair tions 9, Minor operations 23, at their residence, Seugog St., Emergency 18. 'over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephenson Ms William Thiiesourg-eri and Craig, Niagara Falîlss. ieTyxne, xlio is spending five weekend guests of Mr. and weeks abroad. is 110w attend- Mrs. Geo. Graham and daug-, gte dnurhFstvl ters and renewed old acquain- Whîiie awv Mrs. Thilesbi ge rj tances on Jane Street. sppn:t 1l- das in London, Eng-, Mrs. Hilda Myers and son lan, wo ek in Gimu7......... Raymond, of Rochiester, N.Y.,,ai-d also visited relatives ij: visuted bier sster, Mi's. Ct 0l',S ot1and. Siie -.ly f]V Od .Allin, Town. and attended the to Canada ou Septeimber 5tha. funeral of their late brotherl MN.frWIilliam Clarke c s:M' adMi eai eîux and fviParrv Soitnd, 11r. .sii. ad Ms. lcq and Mrs. Ceorge Lawin_-Ir -%Ir. and Mrs and faniilv, London, spent th~e Ilughies, daughters Evelniand weekeincl with thieir paren-t,, r]inâ, and son Dan, have re- Mr , aud MrN. j. Nema, î turined to Bowmanville froin vrS. h eeclbit scugog Island where tt ter40th v.wedding aniiiver- spet avaatin t teïrco-,ý,a-, I i dsalso eaflel There is a building boom nient building shiot ýn in la xerphoto shows. a luxury 18- E. Lcask, who is acting for theý ¶ace. roprtixtd ite- .bre at the priesent finie,i photo on a new street !ri tire aparient structure now beirng builders, trany enquiries have, Unr.atu' tihL, a NIi M .lightfl eeu. -peu alhy iii the apartmoent uorth end of Bowns fl it I I}built ot Luiber It\ Si Soîth, It Ileen ré-eeb. td Abtaaiai Walter Rahm, Tio.. h'eficl.Runl Fred de *agxa filled vith occupants as v-illbu rc-ad'4 for use lri Oci oh- sn' licoked rug won first rr M.adMr( li!Ju onstrtucte( l ihe nulti-apani ýsoon as camp]eted. 'l'le tpper er ;,nd. accordirig tb Nirs, M. a-,the Canadiuuû Natuaîia , a~~ taa te~u --- - ---~- ~- -- .- - - -~-. hibition. This is th, "'uO 'ihe wcekend ii-tuclet n ftily timne she lbas sUcce-sfUiFly ed mmavhf -1 3 Mrt~~. le' ad ily.oseadnic, tli-:s cornpctition. ere aitnehorne of NIr. ad DM~is ELyine AClue nn sie, Ur. nd Ms. JossClar ' isited Mr. and Mns. E. Spiresý Mn.andMrs Rss lar,-ton SI,. ardi held a pw(iiie ,iu ?Mr. and Nrs. A. J. CReê l~:~- . ~n w~ v. lui iHillof Hartub' radx , i.i iTt:w'Mi.nd N.Fîk I: Il3wnanville, sperit thne r.- Ibis Sati 4ind at their cottage ut Depi' Cliff and tin' Seare in -ilue theanit-Ar splend i pot bbc- \M csekeW. Wlt tr ni are. cîdim -.a(douc i Mi'.a d rs D i on rd am-o 7,ak an also vsitd 'ie oi-fi atr ewto Zeakuld. Suiv h o- uuonu This tinie M'.and «Mris. Lewis Ilenrv and of dat s in the Niagara urea. .1011 iLakie last Wetcay.- nier"s mother. Mn. aild mrs. 11., h il1t Was"Lit aTrus', MIr. and Mns, Jûe Braîlburii! Dr. and 'MNrs.flarry SMdr.Mand Mrs. E. R. Taylor re-I I)ingman ut B'ulePll.. I:.ard Mrs. l-ary Tl ughe' ia ot.:r Dlo ii'adfwiV unaJTmuvnsuaae md home with themn. ton is an)parcnh ioe. nttlr frua. Ilfax whE:ILî j (, I X r.L oarri n t- n boy-s enjoved feu cd-a' <Mtiw SunCiv .dcaahesan n i e-WuO lttst hî i'Eius ï,d WdS Oi"aIndiM.sD. rreus.te pilntiua -~< gten -lx' BS. ioli3tts uroiid A uu: Mr .anurr ~i'ne, Maple Gi'ove, ted rare t u Tepatfiihe-nlv BSG; Lýý n . cdal flue!-C.N.dE. onMIS.niday Ban bloonis in anc euland Jo Le,,nard Hughec, RCNM'. [p ut seuCh u]. n pper Canada Village, and bah;' Ra. Iïîait<l, Oalçi'illîe.ýdIl ... nF n Hughes and thei li tu'e sns " t Xý iccls, Nirs, it Mrand Mrs. W. J. Pearce visiti-d Mrs. W. Wý. Vaam aill vshdCnteIsad ofte foeedi:ee '.1fS fiuPSlldMus ei a ad Ms.G rcir îr;nWeukuv u iss Int!Mr. and Mrs. E. I-ockaday Pning. This is ro -u~îlEroule ta l1it)e Marite Mn.%, Jane(.tt ev ih r ad',r. ML-. li~us îataed -y,- p uta vr n-n'au wek 1 Âu-i ng îthMr.andMnsî atscni, Aiymc-r, and Iss uand Jean, Ms.S, Hockaday T1i Wrstp Mya' r i.1rogi2tu ot Egl "ccmpnm utingîluLaai.t I Cx t llalttnd cttge VnuFade, c-anovlited aJ is Rld Hckda 111obbs and Town Cerk Jac-k A. t. - 13-19eNlrst'a"s,-Thursday. viýtc Mr.ad r'WSn ý Sýqes an c teirreur e- yl'il. 11 e s-ciedC.oluambus. ,Sn Reid left ai] Sund'.x' for N ý , -d n teirneïsrÇ GeoAuge 1-luoMr. fe.e atd t iicla 'tri tp ,unouh rer and Nirs. Gilbert i'ra. M Goq- o:î .b'J Mr. and Nu:ri,- Ddc-alueCoun-bus gar F]ls Ot. a . e;.' ru~,w'kt.d Quchec.t'ý i ( xu .' ufhOJM:ss Rc-ibMcldioo md beilr andLauira-Jo, NpMre:e Ni.ari MIrs. Rae .Pascoel Ontario Municipal As,,-mni Lt) - - i,làii It-ili l:tata.fte, oîatiiWotes puigterhlC.ays i:hL adcude eea mn Convntio beig bnl tere u bc maain setionof EciuI-ala! ll lkVlieûakdueMrs. C. Vennir.g and fîil-Liile witl Mr. and Mrs. Lewis cri the first fhree cîcys of Ibis tttrdav's Globje &NIail thprcj inglnider the-iutlihi O -M. and MnIsBi-uce Mxnt'the fia TaI eist-nsud Dale Trul at thein cottage on Sun- week. -'as auhintei'esting article oit i -! iln' 1 fOliùawillgGirli'iv Bonuit'and, Ruy. i SG1uuer5 cI. Nirs Geo'ge i~aîafl~t~~îe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' " ~ ','~ flei'c, N ' u *I. Mr.iiand \ir-, Nei 1 .î' Mrs. R. Pasc'ae sd clildrenî Mî~Audrey Fletchier hav(2t'.'hich ih SIvep1ng Ibis pro- their cîp.sbadges, NnyIa anjxBilan, Tud- n-iMv udNr. & e- i ,5eutO awPirndao returned home afIn' a threetic Sddîga ra el Saniiand, L-la .,Kyte, Joanlauîd Linda smtended the -,ve d ý weeks' vacation in Kenoiýral of haim fa manv of atm' stale- Sumig~itt. ('hei'l 7Metcaif. Carl Édingcof their cousin, Mn. Don- Canol and Lurrv gsput Sainda'- vusied Mî's. %W. J. Den. iind Wýirnipeg withIlite fol- ]lv trees. We are indebted t b Bllahînlaitu Jyc Mrs-, Iahi Wannon and Miss GCac, afteinooin al Mn. and M< N, u rRePs xtter's daugliter Jean and funu- Nin. Wilfrid BoIx lis; of N't' I ic a. La . at. caine ,Mclaa l' oono atu ea.'Grant T'EiII3rp;o>,s cottage. ýant farnilu visited at Neil, - epat , boua t he rdolViewY1( Late ,'1 1t-'cliei-eid% 'ai:e-d we' '.lx'l 0,1rV. akiffond te-,swreTaunrds, au n.i report wondu 'lr nv o nîgtte il aatdttntion.-se :înls uniH vad ina breulla'joincd by nmaux' oti:cîs of ithe MNr.zoud Mrs. Dan Wotten, holiday. . 1u 1ti . fi clc i vn -îc-ý r Jit" i ; ndresu:aidý. Thoîupson conuiectaonfor thl' bot, htd1n n nsJck ni.gtriane people siîotid IUc--;- 1 j- t'es t t e lctiNt CIi' Mu'and Mrs. .iliton 1-anian "U rno iýtdM.adM Mi'. Jack K-isined toenresonfthe ta ai S ît( aiuper. and Donnua spent the .weekc-nd iiul e- gte.N. C. Wallon. Wïta eceutly iscse is causing lefiore,'Iç lelc c>\autp'nt'df :l shwMr. an:d Mrs. Coudanilimer Loia e Scae, sac F-uci daugliten-in-lawv, Stewardýs' iOha . Leonard Knight, R.C.N. ad ln reemeevde t u,-heu' s%; i:lllg ii.ida" . Mr.Ceu Feguo aJI o do Mns. Allen aclatphold-ac-IutMu. uî M 1is nih ndbc , NFIcIr-.\i~.21 . M.Wi-Mrs. Parker, Newceastl,llest-gtrDoah ,M'. aptTai:Baker's. f.r.eblidrendinthealifar-J,îc' iWoeyk'.îî I'd 'RIM Xod -tadEhene. Tarai-to, faur childre in Halifaxic-Ifred doa t et d r. and is, tisse] Mont- were uîidav veinJean Baker' visibeciMarionI -durned home to Bowmanvillc :lî" r_ý:u'rf bi,-- poolI ioriv.'il:ibioy-, Thursdnx'. Ee\'enunt gues. recentîy. BASE 'îî~~,ievare niast atal NI- Mr. and Mis. Bruce Mount-tfM'di n.O'vnîgESiY onie LJI'l.B SE U E r ndlrs eieh ui1FI. Sgt. Rosce Baker andi D.ndM.A. .Aln1 Z:o Turnecr anti mr- Neil joy and famnily visited rela- M and Mrs. Knetlî Diîi ldel tHbe-,, u-, Sy mpatliv cf Ibis comnulu - Bail,-: wuu'e lit-.e tsteus. Nine iveF in Guelplh, Sitliioi ni13baniM'-Ic-"ldrn S -ub., u, were eeked gueis c Mi.tx is extendei te Mni. and Mnrs. suce-soc-le2d fmlîy. Two miseýd Mrs. Har'old Kyte attendedR ht.pn i-î-c-irtd' stt iTi lkr Pnd Mns. R. W. Stocker on GoreConibs in the lo-'s cf surf:tte c-ivlu foi, ari cPjctthe Sic>iolfob'eaders at Difii hm x Ont. 'lhc'1, C I' Ms Judith Di-1 Iari, Os:-' iiam aften spending a week hiv . . 1.e: -uî' h j-tr OM.ln oaiae i v"iurl Mn. and Mu's. Farl Fiet 'iti- C1 rlt 'Les 'o 'j -'Ille F.c-'e 'u'e. r) . in Montreal at the Ei hhh: ir.George Huînpback, cfituhd ii hp'taa ir l1u;rvun I;xa aH a o >8îrî ibul. 1 Mn andi isRiober, Miler, ternational Congress 0cf Micro I ' \ltne Tc-iayr ve îi. l2Uoiuic Ifile a1ecu. i a.>VQlsiliAci2Mn, aîîd biology. tilunen guests cf Mr. and Nr 'Scu a Nauio, u'- it: VanCanrp, Ken 'Lée, îîtd ilt .tl,. m,: ~.1.-KianA a:iy Mns. C. Betties and MrSi atns almgl cnsMbcaîi: Neil Mýalceolnl, Arnuold Ta,'lo-,, I nt i hav rtunedafer fw n. î: Mr-.Ke:neh ai" ).g. l'tc'al, 'AKx-cUît Suat Drnli FxFi D mes'Haex a-u-in n.auMr. .;cc .[i dl h'oxspnt;ccm'i; dy'stay in Northi Bay, lcy , Ricky andi Heather, B;r-'S -'. l Ma iaij, [DonRu>'Taylor, baltli BHt-crs qfid W a fc- 10sippe sctlihn nutpto whene they attended th:ewe-rie, wcre .TuiescIa'.- visitors '-ihI aucl'n, narîun tua'. ccl fu atetdecl sill iii x ung ni Cumi (t-î-hl 'tAlit l- ding of Miss Canal AnÉaî. ei'oar'enîs. Mn. auad Mr 1Cmn",'m' îoîî f nais1u-Cthce esslans. Tlu ' el favur t, r formerly cf Bowmanville, ti'Kenuîeth Hopkins,. fiiîîds te purchase cances for iM niMs V. Cait,~ Ilil, _________________________________ Mn Jams Cr-dcran sunt c-'. sXet. bc Szîtnswi]', k tîmto, PIttbbc veeltludwl'1 Mr îJ-Mî! Ccim:1rr1H l'chî fil)-ursl1ndr,,yu-l1 t -uti \ln-,a S'-4xliaVI 'n'.i'hr,,. rer e t:1loviutg Mie.icuMi cf tu I tas a'c enjoi etd1b'.'a go:i '- - Higb Scl:ool c-'chrc,'ai anti Ororio on Tiiuirsc-a'. RE OR E C U CH~namaiber. The' luck e -soli (,xjn budget ahead and save for c-yul bath: inter T-;c-h'ý' Severa: u-iiilnu are at- REF RM D HU CHq! he505( daw va 1Lr wi-your voungsters' sholsp- Trainîing Co in . tPe; Mni- t-r.dinît oiîcxlSci:oo]lu Scuog tretBoniavile jbort Anuiter sthic receivedi;oucgh Stin " ly'iouîu Ibis wteek, SegO tre, 0tvavil S403.,53, nid Mrs. Pcreyvà\:ni plies and ciothing . . bor- M.%rs. H. E.ITîi-: mttt-i.ed a Mn ,. M. Fowler, Miss Kathîy Rev.Joh C.Verruge, .A. B... utuste rnp oldthet:cttinning ticket.'row from us -..repay oit ibirbhdav parit iuaîiavnu. Nt-Stannervillo, Wankworfh, '. Re. oh C VrbugeB..,B..,Mmstt l i- ecellent crow;ýd en- aymnhî em!LuAlu Rcvnold- ut Ilît' unie eof ati( Mrs G. Fo'.s'er, Jimml', Telehon MA3-523 l 0ed ,hefine stiep u'onesyen l trns Mns. Cecii S1enla*n. hiamni: àanncJ Rom-r ~, C.apbeilford, Teepoîc A3-0 b-ib te UnitotiCl:uich tîtat ton. vere Suiita'. sitrs f Mn. WORHI SRVCE i uOitu 'Mr. and M , F.-Larmner, anti Mis. J. Stvdan. %VRSJ SRICSSiuicere cvmpatii'.,,is etc.* *- -Blackstock, xt'u eScilav heu Miýis5 Grace Smrîith tas Fr1- 9:0 a.. -Holandil endedi Ni'anti Mrs. Kinrîuineru guests cf i.anti Mrs. H.îr -'day cvening guest cf Mn. and 11:0 arn - Eglis i nti farnil" -ini the dcath of vec Yeiiowlees and- fanutlv. Mrs. J. C. Cook anti attendeti 11:0 am. Enlii their nine 'tecks old baby on I Herbie Tinit enjovti1hal- b Crowclis-Cack wedding 7:30 p-ni. - English * ea dstax. ins tvith Douglas' Deveili, nect-Ption. ANas"'tpt t'Mr. aundiIarptoý'i. NI'. amut-*IMrs. G. Brown andi Proclaimiing the Whole Counsel of Gud i NÀ-NIrI.n SligIit: :and fait:-'j Salieý Lar..imaicl is lldax- Ro r, O-sbawa, tt'enc Suntiay i'on bbe deaib of Itis falter. -iîîg at Pine Trec Lodie, Peter., t isitors ut *the 'Wm. and Clay- , i' Allan Suggit, iu Port borocgh. on: B nwns. t ' o~~i e"-on SLindax'. Mr. and Nîns. Cecii Disney,1 Ray-mond Cameron is spend- g 'ac Ta o Guuu our D roadcasis J Mn ui- M, Daniel Wot- rinano u Mb Zion, visitcd on Sundayiing same holicinys with John- CKLB Oshwa, t 915 -ni.ever .eny T ro oNîrs. cî'i"utie tansw'th Mn. anti Mns. Lloyd ny Wood .-, Tyrone. C K L , O h a w , t 9 15 an. ev ry ung ay i te r. a rîtta, rs. r Nid a,;' W c-b- 1 ne -to r.membefo r M ONErl Broom e anti son>.. M is L dia M cLaughlin, M r'. fCKFH. Toronto. at 7 am, .j r.oth o? Botuauanviî!c, cisiteti TII on A33363 i'. anîd Mrs. Genait Fei"Rn;- Mc-laugbliini, rliys, Mr. 'j Mi-. W(-'e - Br'tiu-rn, Thu r-- eoeM I anti ciîdinl" a-c-no Su ;t,,it , eiCîil I rid NI r. Jamct' ~~ slý,;ty-. Nfr. andi Mrs. Ln'a'Ii di1si'iwimlî \Mr. a:.-! Nuý. fi. \'adeî:j, Coi)Aun. t'eu-e week- end guesbs cf Mr. and Mrs. J, Johnston. Miss Shirley' Willis. Ponty- pool, '. Lloyd Armnstrong, Bcthau:y, Mr. lin, Stuart anti Mr. andi Nirs. W'n. Kopiao, Ziori, w'ene Sunc-iay suppen gîtests cf Mr. and MILrs, Non- nman Datvis. Mn. and Mi's. Chas. Bunit'iI:g, Hamilton, were Szluntiax- sup- New Apartment Buildings Margot Rankine Moffatt invutes vonti t enrol non, for Music Classes (Piano and Theory) (Con-uneiing in Septen-her 99 ING ST. E. MA 3-5235 Cunipetitive Prices Plus Personal Service SPECIAL 'VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALI. TI WEEK! Money - Saving SPECIALS* A.S.A. Tablets 1loo's -liC. .D.A. Brand MILK 0F MAGNESIA 37c Eve]l n fow ard THEATRICAL COLD CREAM 73c HOLLYWOOD -WAVE29 SET and (0MB29 ODO-RO-NO Cream 79c, Spray 98C SCRIPTO $1.00 Plen + 59c Refi 98C COODmAI RE Cleons the agir you breothe. Banishes odours! Sprays awaygSerms! 0COOD -A1 R E instantly neu- tralizes cooking and smoking odours, freshens stuffy rooms -reduces germn count, toc. In Floral or Spice. Regulorly 89c 79ç TAMPAX I O's.. 51Ç INTERNAL SANITARY PROTECTION 40's.... 1681ELS go FINS No JAuS No ODOR DODL>'S KIDNEY PULLS For Backache. Tired Felndue tb Urinary Irritation and Bladder Doisfo- SOMINEX Sominex is a specially designed Aid to Sleep for those people who, from ime tb lime seek ternporary relief from sleeplessness caused by every day tensions and anxieties. 20's 1.5040s 2.50 SAVE TO-DAY at I.DA. DISCOU NT PRICES ADORN --- BAN DEODORANT EX-LAX Rteg. :1.89 k<.eJ. S1.23 1,6 1,05 R-Ieg. 49C..- - .- - -43c, 2forl79c FLORIENT Air Deodorant R.Ieg. 89c -- 79c J & J BABY POWDER - LECTRI( SHAVE NIVEA CREME --- Reg. 75t, ---65c -- - - Reg. 8qe -- ---- 9 Reg. $1.33 ,~=---1 0 PEPSODENT Tooth Paste.--fl.eg. 6c-59C PREPARATION H VITALIS HAIR TONI( . 2-oz. tube - R~eg. $1.9- 1.77 R keg. .$1.0- 79c * PRESCRIPTIONS ... I.D.A. REMEDIES * ALEX. McGREGOR DRUGS 4 King St. E. (Formerly Maher's Shoe Store) 50 WMAN VILLE - PHONE MA 3-5792 iTeCanadian Statesmnan, Bow.manville, Aug. 29, 1992 - 7 O BITUAR Reginala Rose of Bethany of- NMrs. Wtninifred Fitzgerald Lae, mtr- 1 Mrs. Fitzgerald ivas born lni Mrs. Winnifred Fitzgerald' Bethany. the former Wlnni- of Bethanv died in Civic Hos- fred Hannahi, and lived here pital. Peterboroughl. on Aug-j until hier mnarriage when she ut 22nd, followilig a linger-z moved to Peterborough. A ing illness. The funeral ser-I fev years after the death of ice was held on Friday from' her hiusband. the late Percy the Comsizock Funeral Home.-D. Fitzgeraid, she returned to iPeterborough with the Rev.Ilive in the village. She has --been a faithful meniber of St. Sper guests of 11r. and Mrs.E. Paul's Anglican Chiurch, ac- ,Callerwood and Fred, 1,x: tive ini al ils women's organi- bridge, rations. Mi. ii rs. A.Capbl, She is survived by hier twin ýWhitby. and Mr'. and ',Nrs.ibrother, William Hannah of James MNapplebeck and family, 1 Bethany. Anothei- b r o t h e r SOshawa, were Sunday cuests Harry Hl. Hannahi predeceased of M'.\.and Mrs. Rye ibsoii. lier. -MIL. am PHONE MA 3-3792 BOWMANVILLE