McQueens Win Cha mpionshi*p Mhille'v Brock pitched A -Newcastle batters to reach wild pitch. izii("i'2'"Ior- hiter to record bas' min thés ixth. Vicki Gray's Brock fanned six and walk- ber fourth straight victory, as:single spolied Brock's no-hitt- ed three in a fine perform- PrwmanviI1e MIcQueen's Mot-ler, but a great throw bv Kar- anûc, while Adams pitched ~'idNewcastle 6-1 a, "n White nailed the baie-run-1well in defeet, allowing six the Central School. Wedneýz-:ner at the plate. Adams scor-isàfeties, striking out five and cu.,tgn' to capture the Dur- cd thsb ioser's lone tallv on a'allowing no tree passes.__ hem Ladies Softbaii Charm- pionship. Barbara Adams ran£ ber winning streak to 22 ga me SPORTOPICS as Newcastle won the first t wo games of the best of seven MIOGETS - SATURDAY, 2 O'CLOCK series. But after that it was' The game we reported in this column, scheduled for Brock out-pitching her pub- last Saturday. wal switched to Sundov and eventuallv rained1 licized rival as Rowmanville out. The MeOregor Hardware Midgets will now meet Ajax 9-et4 teanntdour-1.* this Saturday at 2 oïIlock. Apparentl ' the first game bias A tremendous erowd .4 m been thrown out but we understand that no action waç taken McQueen*. ba g three hits e, gainst the OBA. urnpire« who passer] their cards 'i two: &long with five Newcaxtle thèrs who handled the garme. Thne return game goest theý eýrrors fn grah a 5-0 bulge in next daY. Sunday. 2 o'clock in Ajax. the third trame. Barbara Hughe!q cmashed a homeruai + +f f0 ig59n'ife't hêra] l'v. Marg Pick- Rrd followed with 'q single, and went to third on a pair ofi wild throweq. followîng the hit. Two more bohhiem allow-' ed à run to *core. With t wo on and two out. Peggy Haynem. singlÈd and went a I the wav e round, when the bal got pas( the centre-fielder. Thf. locaIs made it 6-0)in the fifth on singles by Helen Nich- olson and Hayneq. A pair of i errors alowed- the -firsi fwo FINE QUALITY I MONUMENTS AND 1 MARKERSI STAFF ORD BROS. 1ITD. zlPt/iored Dealfer Stafford Brothers LIMITEI) Monuments Box 133 1 undau st. E. Wih Phone Whithy MOhawk 8-355-9 HOCKEY1 Junior hockeyv appeRrs fo he Alilçiet for the comingi season, but we will have t0 waif until nexf week for furtheri rftailiq. We haven't heprd anything from the Intermediates, but apparentiy et thiq lime Anywe.v there doesnt appear to be much enthusaeeni Juvenile Girls Win Lakeshore Championship MOSPORT - THE GRAND PRIX " ' Earlier in the xummeér thiq reporter -As under the This seemns to be the big year foi- Bowmanville's impression that the Caniadian Grand Prix At Mosport on 'girls' softball tearns. The Seniors won their champion- Sept. 22nd wasnt going In be as good As last year. We had ship from Newcastle and this photo shows the .Juven- believed that a big race south of the border, scheduled for lies, sponsored by Kilpatrick Plumbing who won their the seme date. wes attracting manyv of the big names. But Lake Shore League title. They were awarded the look Pt the eariv entries-- the Rodiriguiez brothrrs, lreland. Smiith Beverage Trophy held by two players in the Pensk.v, Guîrney cnd Gregory, the Piever'x 200f winner. Need- fronit row. TFeam members include: front row, leflto1 lest; tn eey it should bw the* top race ot the Mosport season. t t II U.RW. HOCKEY LEAGUE1 Gone from the hockey scene is the Gond 'vear League.ý Of rirent years litile support has heen given bv the Good- year plant. prohably largely to the fart that fewer Goodivear- ifee have teken An active par't. Local 189 intends to sponsor the four feams in the newly for-mpd United Rtuhber Workers Leagure. Opening gamex will start the .season ulling on October 141h. This Yeor, each club will he doefinitel.v cllotted 13 pla ' erm. Thome who didn't play sufficient gZames binqualify for lest seasons piavoffs will not be automnaticalty includedý sis In paqt vears, but will be treated ce new players.' Any new players muîst contact Jack Baker,' Don Masters or John Fowier hY Sept. l9th. This year full participation witl be required. right: Joan Blight, Betty Rundle, Pat Melntyre, Carol Smith, Sandra Johnston and Greta Crawford;, back! row, Manager Howard Ormiston, Lenore Fow1er,i Lenore Cain, Shirley Patfield, Judy Welsh, Dianne Ormiston, Beverly Sieep and Coach A. .Jobnston; missing, Sharon Burgess and Nancy Kelly, rKenda Juvenhles Uusted I-rom Playolis by Hensali V he Cons dimnn teteusmen. nwmaenvllife Sept. 12, 1962 Frank Hendry, Margaret Graya M any En*~ dart throwing, Roger Cobble. 10 y dick. Carolyn Wilson. Adult games: nail hamindr. Gray - Lawv ing. Talbot Alldead, liola Wright: bubble gum blowing, Clan Pcnic tanlev Cobbledick, Glôria Due o rin.the ,a, lir, Kn Gay;throwing g Due o rin te G-e Law1per plate. Charlotte Héndry, tam" ipcnlc was hetd at thelBob Gray. hionne of Mi. and Mrs. Ro.ýSsiAfter the gamnes were tom.- Cobbiedick, Newcastle. About I pleted evervone enjoe 65 were in attendance. barbecue suippper. JYe There were games for younIg Iand id. Winners of the child_ re's gansg were: ubbe gm URAL LEAG;Uy blowing, fr&dley Harris. b o - re L agî str l n i ng lôngest bâIlloo0n, Greg Gray, Tue1ay. Leag lft ha t *;3O»* CrolYn Wilson; kicking shocw.s 9..3 TRA VELLING? Soeynir CANADIAN PACIFIC AGENT for Sconic dome rail travel Ai-inclusive fares (including meals, berth and tips> Group discount fares Trans-Atlantic steamship service Great Lakes and Alaska cruises Hotels and resorts across Canada Airline service across Canada -lin king 5 continents Winter cruises to the sunny West Indies Mediterranean and Greek Isles 1963 cruise Information and rpsetvationis [ror: 1J. Scugog Street K.WEBSTER Phone MA 3.5644 FR /a -~tc< SHIPS PL AN FI ,.4TELS - ru ECnIA. LiNICA,. oNit WORc'S MOSI GOMPLErtE TRANSPORTATION SVSTEU SA VE 2c KETCHUP il Fresh Kilied il CHICKEN LEGS, THIGHS, BREASTS WIIEATLEV BRAND PERCH FILLETS iMtPORTED. WHOLE, FLANP< ON LAMB LOINS ALLGOOD, SMOKEO, SLICED, RINDLESS SIDE BACON SCHNEIDER'S, COUNTRY STYLE, PURE PORK SAUSAGE culs 16-az. Pkit. 3 7c lb 2à9 ?-lb pkç 1.19 p 5 9c 'I 1.5-f-oz bti 31C Soft Rite Cotour.d Ref. Pr,.. pko 27* SA LVE 5_Îoletfissue 2pkoo2os49c A&PRe. Price jar * ,SA VE lOc Instant Coffee 6-oZjf< 79C After winning the opening game in Kendal by a considerable margin Kendal Juveniles had every right to e'-Zpect that they would win the best of three series with 1-ensail. Hlowever. if, was flot bo be, apparentJy. Hensaîl pulled a reveî-sal of foi-m in their second and third meetings f0 take series i.wo games to one. The Kendal team includes, left to right, front row: 'Bob Tî-ew, Gary Moore, Terry Graham, Larry Miller, Bud Elliott, Brian Foster, -Barry Lane and Wayne Hogg; back row: John Thompson, manager; Grant 'Greenwood, John Quantrili, Ray Couroux. Grant Wade, Terî-y Carlton, Ralph Kennedy, Bob Robinson, Presiderit George Stephen Team No .3 --Stii Crago,1 will be on hand to officially Jack Gay, Harry Gay, Norm, open the t1962-63 season at ýO'Rourke, Bud Virtue, Murray, Liberty Bowl on Wednesday, 'Larmer, F'red Cole, Sept. l9th at 7:00 p.m. sharp.lj Team No. 4- Ed. Leslie,' Ail bowlers ar'e requested toi Ross Wright, Bill Westlake,' be on tîme so xve can get away Ken Luxton, Me] Burgess,ý to a good start. Dick Patfield, Garf Clarke. jSeveî-al changes have beenj Team No. 5-- Bob Richards,ý made this year. The league Geo. Elliott, Jim Callan, lrv! 'has dropped back to twelve INelson, Norm Henning, 'Jack teamis with 7 members on each IBrough, George Jones. team. This season the tea ms Team N. 6- Maurice Rich- wilI alteroate on the two à]- a-ds, John Carter, Bill Hearie, leys they are bowling. This f Frank Samis, Si Trewin, Jack will be better as both teams Parker, Glen Hodgson. will finish at approximatel 'v Team No. 7-- Hank Janen the same time. There will be Elton Brock, Harr -v Snowden, no second shiff due to the re- George Glanville, Howard duction in the number or Bromeil, l-arry Alhey, Bob teams. 1Griffin. Themaor vets il beth 1Team No. 8 -- Russ. Oke, bThle mor tevJonsM.îhlbe th eHarold Bennett, Bill Shotter, learri trophy and the most i m- Stan McMurter, Les, Smale, provd bwle trphydontedDr. A. Sylvester~. Alex Wise- byve Di. Ket Siem don ma n. by Dr Keih Slmon.Team No. 9- Clarence Oke, Following is a list of the i Hap Palmer. Frank Lewins, teams and the schedules as Bihl Oke,' Clitf Trewin. Ron released by the Secretary Alan fRowe, Terry Masters. H. Osborne. AIl bowlers are, Team No. 10-- im Castie, requcsted to clip oui the ýGeorge Bebee, Ab Piper, Bud schedule for reference. H -enning Russ Lane, Bud Bar- Furst name on each tean' s ter. Clitf Black. the captain. Team No. 11 -Jack Lander, Teamn No. I - Bob Williams,!Jack Bond, AUf Samelîs, Dave Ed Lugtenburg, Joe Nowlan, McKnight, Bob Leaman. Gea.1 FakBlunt, Don Bagneli,'Brooks, Ron McLean. Roly Coombes, Snuffy Hunt. Tearn No. 12--- Bruce Viv- Team No. 2- George Piper, iian. Ted Bagneîl, Russ Hall- Dr. H. B. Bundie, Ber-t Eng- Iman, Coulson Woolner . Bob lie . Bob Kent, George Steph- Glan ville. Cecil Mutton, Keitii en, Don Oke, Carl Shack leton *Fresh Fruits & Vegetables CALIFORNIA, LARGE, CRISP RERRIES. NO. 1 GRADE, PLAME TOKAY GRAPES 21125C New Crop, Ontari. Grown, Pancy Grade A PPLES MciNTOSH 3-16 ceilo bag 3 5 Ontt. Grown, Fancy Grade, Fimest for Eating o" Cookino A PPLES WEAITHY 6-quart basket 6 9c Ont. Grown, Yeliow Cookng, Brused and Polit.jd ONIONS NO I GRADE 5ib bag29c Grade No. i Qt. Box BRUSSEL SPROUTS 25c nueoePcy~~L Aef Prc. ShOwn in 7hia Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, Septemh.e 114t i&A"P Date Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct.- Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. N ov. Der. First Se-hediule Ail tearns siart 7 p. m. Aile! 1 - 2 3- 4 5 -6 -8 9-lut 11-12 0-l 9- a 1-12 1- '-12- 2 R-10 4-7 5- I 6- 3 R-6 10-12 .g-Il 12- 4- 9 -)- 7 2- R 8-101 4- I 1- I -Il1 .-1U) 1- 4 '?- Fi 21- 5 69 1- 7 Il- 2 9-12 1 1- 5 10- 4 Pic vnffsq .la f. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 .Jan. '23 .fan. 30 Feh. 6 Feh. 13 Feh. 20 Fehb. 2-. Mar. 6 Mar. 1.3 Mar. 20> Mar. -2)7 Aprîl 3 to fi .- fi 2- 3 f- 4 8-11 70- 5 1-7 4- 8 3- 9 .5-10l Pla voffs iZerond hdl 3- 4 1 12- 9 2-lt0 2- 4 1- 3 52 6-12 10- 7 R- 1 -R 12- 4 -1 3- 7 Men's Major League Tournament Shiarp 1- 2 4- 5 9- 7 2-10 5- 9 fi- 12 9- 1 12 3- 1 1-12 8-10 6- 3 9-11 2- 7 4- I .- 1 12- 5 Il- 2 10>- 4 -John M. James 'rrophy 01E e barn Maiskiii and (;ord Langstatt, coach. SAVE 14C KLEENEX Tissues 3 for 79Ic ' aorLau MesMao Lau SAVE lOc Jane P.rk. APPLE PIE LARGE 24-02 Pf 809. Price 49c 12- I9E 2- 4 7- 11-I 12- 2 2n- 7 .- 8 fil- 1 9- A 12- 2 5- 1 4- I 12- 2 1- 7 4l- 5 fi- 6 2- 7 4- 8 10- i 32- 7 4- 7 R- 6 92- 3 2- 8 9- 5 4 1- 7 R- 9 8-12 m