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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1962, p. 11

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(ouncil Will Purchase Land For Industrial Development Appoint New Municipal Auditor Past District Governor Shows Convention Films At First Fol Lions Meet New'a.stle--The past Gos-en- Evening W .A. nor of District A-3 ai the In- ternatio n a I Association ni Cboins Clubs, Lion Breîîtoîî O p~ens Season Ricklard ofmbhrslolubde aigtedmeberslocal cub, de-' Newcastle - The Evening evening sith coloured slidcs Branch oi St. George's Wo- ni the International Canvco- man's Auxliary held ils first ltion in Nice, France, whicb he meeting ai the faîl seasan bn toak Ibis sumnier. Lion Bren- bbc Parish Hall on Septemnber Iton had a vcry fine assoi-ment 51h. The President opened the of slides and with the ruîîning meeting wbth prayers. unrniientary, _gave the mem-_ ber meeting held on Monday ing. have difficultv iinding flot necessary to name the regiilar meeting in June were 1,vening. the village counicil their way t0 115. ipark until it, was established. read and approved and a short passed a resolution authorîz- A iesolution was passed bN ib answver to a question fromn resumne ar the activities ai the ing the clerk, F, B. Pidgeon, councrîl instructing the clerki the Chamber asking why the sumrmer was given. The trea- land Reeve D. J. Cunningham ito write ta the Departmeni. of village had dropped its mem- surers report xvas given as 10 art for the village in thel ighwa.ys ai Port Hope re- bership in the L.OD.A. Coun- was Ihat of the Flower secret- purchase of the property on questing that direction siginsicillors said the cost of mern- a r v. The Dorcas secretarv Toronrto Street, owned bv the be installed and enclnsing a bership %vas ton high for the spolie of qîîîlting and the <')ntario Depi. ot Highways, for, copy ni the letter received value received. merrbers decided to make industrial sites for the suim of from the Chamber. Another Messrs. Sam Brereton and baby quilts thîs sear ratlier .Oflff.This prnperty iorms recomimendation by the Cham- Douglas Walton representing than the large one. thlsnuthern portion ni the ber was flot sa well received the village veterans address- Te im rsdce I former Walton farm hbelween by courneil. "he council look 'ed counicil with regard to the Tu-hae aemnrsdeded 1a 0 Highway 401 and Tor-onto St. no0 action on the î-equest that praposed Cenotaph to be erect- pchasfre a ad t oall an Mr. J. T. Ferguson oi Wes- they name the parkland in the ied an the west side af the plans were made for a C ard ton, who has sers-ed for manY Westview H-eights suibdivisionICommtinity Hall .A plan of a Party ta be held on SeptembFr yearsý as auditor for the M un 1- the lr~a' Toms Memorial propnsed cenntaph wvas shown .,6th. 'Fhe rnembers wc're ask icipalities ni Bolton and Wvýood- Park.' Thnugh couincil has ai- to counicil and the requesi -dtabin tes oa ake bridge war interivie%%ed bv ready given permission ta the, was made that a member n to the next meeting on Sep-r <'auncil and after hie had lc&t Chamiber and the Lions Club counicil bie appinted ta the tember l9fh, when final plati. and counucil discîîssed the vil- 10 rstablish a park here committee. Counicil appoint- for the card part\- wi]he lage auditing, a resolution mn- on land deeded to the village ed Coun. F. Couch to the com-r Ved hy Couincillor Bonathan bv the SL]bdividers, rnittee and pians aire tnder-ma0 and seconded hv Councillar councji on Manday evening way for- an immediate organ- Th- members set the tenta- Brown svas pass ed appointing 1xvas that anather park is not'izatian meeting, after whichi tive date of Octoher I ti, Mr. Ferguson as aurlitorfr needed in the village and. il is planned ta staîi a cam- foi- a Tîirkey Supperand i the village for the year 1962 îihev are not able to do the paigo to raise funds for the was anntiîned the St da .qt asalar of $50.vork they wolulcl like to do on Memnorial xvhich is estimated School woild re-open oi he ~î saaryni 450 . the prescrnt park and tell they 1o cast in the neighbourhood faîl sao n etme 1tti A resolution was passed in didn*î want the expense nf or $2200.00 foir a granite mon- Thv meeting conc(lurled xithi 10uri the prlerk 10fwite the iipkeep of anaother park. timent includirîg engraviîug. __Ile serving oifi smns ways at Port Hope reqieting i that they laY a hard top on Hold Informai Luncneon lhe north sîd e nf King Street as soon as possible fîom Bea- ver Street ta the westerly1 ex-L tremity of the newlv laid dtri ad ring samee. the ..amber of (ommerce Members v.el fromn getting int the storm rnembers tfeai thaitihe fa rains and spring run off erave! if bthe road is It i ils present conrdilion intil Du olidhe fllnaonihe same nith Top C. of C. Rep resentative~ lioip ' fathe onth a nîsie date as the next rtgular court- cil meeting. the membhers de- Newvcast le-- An infornmal of the Junior Chamber in the cided in hold the October noo0n lunchean meeting of the Montical District befnie tak-Lo a mneeting of couincil on Wcd- Newcastle Chamnber af Com- ing his present position in th;o ca o a neda ctbe OI.merce was held ir the Queen's;organization depai-Imeni. of A citter from Ille Chaînher Hotol aon Wednesda,\ ai last Ihe Canradian Chamber in On- WnTGm erable discussion hv council- bers sscre given the opportuin- Mr. Enier.\, spoke briefbY ta The Chamber recommnended îîy ai meeting MNi. H. J. Emn- the members an matters of lhat signs be ererted direct- crV, Ontario representative of 'or-anizatian and conducted a p e r onT ing strangers in the- village Iothie Canadian Chamber ni disciussion periad %&,hen he Highstvav 119. The Chamber Commerce. answercd questions an î'ariotis Newcast1p Mis. W. H. M(- bas heen wor-king on plans 10 Followîng a delicîous dinner phases of Chamher worik in- hring tourieîs off 401 tiroIiîgh ihe President. E. R. Lovekin.:cttidiiig orgaîuiza til o n, and llnov ni R.R. 2, jus! nasi nir the Ne Village beinre procreding introdur('ed Mr. Ernery wholmeans of procuring new iîn- vilaeoN.2Hgha a 11- Thase whno do lake this has heen serving rtiting tho dustry and ai raising funds. the ILICky' sinner recentîy' aof di he cr sognsr Frank Hoar expircssed the a game oi Domino and $100 ________________________________________appreciatian ni the mnembers pla.yed via television. Ther forhb. fne ddrssto Mr. gamne which appears an Chan Emei-Y, and pressented himn nel 9 Toronto, is sponsoz cd Iith a small git as a memento th rnno trsLd ai his visit ta the Chambei-. Ini addition la the $100 prie, bers \vas Mi-. J. W. Jones, Dis- ?ppear uon the show and take trict Inspectai- of the Devel- Part ini a contest to try for opmneîît Branch of the Ontario 100 In this c'nitest Mrs, Me- eS ocal andc/ -Çersona/ IDepartment of Travel and 1Ili1oy was nul su lucky. Shi- Publicity who was in the vil- says the contestants were giv - lage and dropped inl fa have ýen a quantitY nf plums and a Mr. and Mrs. H. Bernar'd ni daUphter Shirlev ni Hamilton, dinner with the members of!bag and were told to put one Sumrmerside, P.E.I. are vîsîit-1 visited with bis sister Mrs. the Chamber and who promis- pouind oi plîîms in the bag and ing wîth hi-, brother and iam- Fak akrac aivaded îo speak ta the memnbe,îs he ncarest to the poL nd, whei ily Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Berri-Fan Prkrndfmlan at a future meeting. weighed. would win $1,000. ard and family. . also attended Ille Orono Fair-. - 'i. Mcllroy said I fille', Mirs. R. B. Brisîne ai Ren- iMr. Chailie Par-ker xvîth hic;LAV -tKThe, bagand tnk nut i ttw o n frew %vho bas heen ,spending Wiff and daughter visited the ±±AYDON hat v whr -andle wopLmsL the. Iast couple ni weeks with Parker home at the samie lime. Miss *Dorothy is k e s mv madea s hme Gon iisAgnwy ef. o Dr. Raymond Rogers ni Ot- George Fergusan. Mrs. W. little short nif one pound r hom o Tursas twa spent the weekend visif-! Martin and David Johnson. Hlowever Mrs. Mcelh-oy sain k TIri. arnd Mis. Harold Caiuh ing vjith his mother Mrs. Wr.!Oshawa, were Sunday' dinnershe enJovedi meeting the peo- andi datiihter Betty spent P. Rogers. guests ai Mr. and Mrs. J. Potîs pie at tl'e stationl and had a Siinday visîting in Port Credit Visitais w i ilMr. Goirdon 'and familv. realtv enin:vable lime plus herk with Mis.* Couch's sister and Agnesvý lasi week were Mi. Mr. and Mis. Don Thomp- $0 o the Domino game. husband Mr. and Mrs.,Jer r-' and Airs, W7. H. Hunter. Mr. saon. Bawmanviie, wene SIIîý- Mattice. F. I.. Agneu, Mr Cecil Hun- day evening. callers at Mis. W. Master Bobbîe GCîkes, SO il 1er anîd Mrs. Fred FetI aflI ofThornipsnnsi,, of Mr. and Mis. Chas. Cilkies, Peterborough.Mran s. urY"býN rl 20 has rctUrned in ihîs home Unit No. 4 of the United and famils - Bowmaîisille, vsi- svbei-e he is convalescing l- CbnUb hWonmci met in thîà. ted Mrs. K. Cowling and Mir U lowing an emteigency apper-i- YScolraom on Thnîrs- an L.W lcibl' n nroI ed in dpctoamy performed in Memor- day aftennoou, September 6, fanîîly. \%iliN t\wclve members in at- Mr. and Mrs., lnsd Sîeniore Mn. and Mis, Johin Vnilitt tenrdanîe. 'llie roll caîl for the and Mr. Milton Slemon attend- P~ubli c School spjt he c. a kd Mrs Lesi rilexi meeting ivilt be anssver- cd the Bellmesda Cemeters wilhMr.andMrs LelieKm- cd kbs a sverseni 'l'halksgis- IDecoratiomi Day Service. Oý - _ Nvesîcas;le Therei-e ne1963 nellin n indsa s. -ng trom thle Bible. iVembers ing to is ather conditions tile nhildren îeýgistcied i Il i11E Mr. Stan lc\ Parker and svere ii-ged to continue prepar- service wvas held in Ts'rone puiblic scihool on the tii-st day îing for the Bazaar wbich \?,ili Chiircb n uof ol00 September 4h with be lield soon and il ssas re- Mn. W. Freeker and Mr. rs. 34 stldeiîts starting nu li owles Wated meeting thaIth e a pot luck Fr1e, ~ a raert i BI Bowlrs W nted supper, fol lowe d Ny a business Enniskillen, visited MI'.iil , Mis Hli Neshil t. te auir for %%vednesday Afternoon meeting and prngram. Mrs. W. M 1s. LlOd Ashttnu, Roua Id rmni INuo. 2 Nus 2'7.grde M. Rudell gave a surrmary oi and Ray. pupils Plus 4 grade 3pupls LADIES' LEAGUE a portion ni the Book oi Acts, Mr. and Mis. W. BlaCkbLli îî. [n rooni No. 3, Mis. C. Mon Contact 'Mrs. Alice Rn%%" aiter svhiclî the meeting con- DouIglas. Dale, Neil. and Mrs ;.gonmcr,,has 2-8 grade tré u Phon Ne<-asle 121 clie sith the sers'ing oifî'e- K. Cowliîîg accampanied MIS. pils. Mirs. T. Martinin f___________ resh nier) ts. Rd,. Andeisan ta Malton Air- No. 4 lias 24 grade 4 stdent porl wbeîe sine leit bY planer In roomn No. . Miss M. Ai for Miamb, Florida, on Sun ýýstrong lias 1,5 grade5ad 14 Iday. gai-de 6 students. Mi-S. .a- S ' nipatbs is cxteiîded 10 pleton iii room No. 6lis6 Re n nd r bo tyo r M-S Olesr and familv in the grade 6 and 21 grade rii *passing aifAMr. Olesen. dents. I n om Na. 7 thPrn I ONTARI HOSPITAL 11INSU ANCE iMrand Mrq. Roniald Rahm (pal. Mr, R. Aiunias a1, U.C.W. Septemiber meeting the olwig WlmtCl sill be lbeld ai Ithe home ai Medal. Bar Watt.' Public. Airs .Alfred Ganrard on Thurs- Speaking,.-Janiet Grabamn: Mu- Always keep your ONTARIO H4OSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION dcv night (tonigbfl at R sic pnize FlIî-,ahbPowe'1 ll:'. Hospital Inmurance 2193 YONCE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO o'clock. Program i.- in charge History, JIanet Graham; Scien- certifcate Mrs J. Potts and group. ce.' Douglas Wade and Cands' Roll r;;Il 's t10 N answered ;Stork.,: Englîsh. Tom Chard: wiih something given for aur iMnrno. Pett vCnuh and Jîm The ~'anniIa Staesm nRwmnanillf-. Sept. 12. 1qA1 Anouial canvass for the Cati- adHian National Institute for the Blind ss'ould be made an October 15th and bhc meni- bers decided the Club would make the cansass as in past yýears svîîb the uhaîî nian oi !teSight Conservation Corn- milice. Lion Peî cy Haie mn charge. - - 1 Three niembers celebrated birtbdays at 'this meetin - Lions Murray Paterson, Mauîr* bue Pedw&ell and Pei-cy Hare with tbebr neigbbours cantin- bhiiting to the fine, box. Liort Iriviri Colsvilt hapned to ba Sbtting adjacent ta, twno f thA celebi-ants and wa% nirked for 5t0 ceîîts. bers a fair idea of the cou- Hotel. Il was annîîuiiîeel that Lioni Brentoiî Rickard te- vninaind par-ade will i is Mr. Ben Hloogkam-p had vol portcd On te preliminary re IIFIORIAL HOSPITAL, manv flawer bedecked floats. nnteered the use ai bis barn parýationiihat bad beeîî niade IVEEKLI' REPORTr T'le speaker wuas îîîîroduced foctIlic storage oi the Club's 111uon1.iuinction %vith the Cbaîîî- b ' Lion Dick'ckbn and the Carnival Bonlîs and equip- beat Hmmrc fi, the park, For Ille wpek nif Sent. 3-1 appncciatiîoîî aithe members menii Anresolutmon of lbanks , 1. W \ieý eigiltz mni-ltisms-e. for hbs fine partrayal of the svasiire 10 MI'. l{oogkanîp i"Onaiid a rcesoltmioli uvas Adnmmssioins 64 convsention suas cxpressed bY amnd, tlic nibers decided in paýssed auL]hor-izitg Ille cluib ,0 Bîrths. :3 mîale. 10 feinialp 1,1 LionoH-arold Gibsoi. lhav-e a bee on -Mondayv evenîng%'k thteCabriDscrg 6 'lie meeting, tlhe îi'sî ofithie ici uove aîîd store the eqîîbp- establishing the ak A fîîr- Major operahiinnr -.2 faîl seasoii. wsconducted bv ment. 10the munsiipl tcouirnml tdt F.inroen tatmc"nts 1 Preidnt raîkHoa, ii Nn C. .1B.('asaa the park be named the "Houe-- Vsititîg'liaurs 3 - .1 p.m. q ii ditb iig nooni ni-ofthe Elmbun-i-st Il suas annauuîced that thfe ard Toms Memorial Prk' ** 7 io P30 p . I eCOMBINATION OFFER e SWEET, JUICY *VALENCIA ORANGES DOZ. GOOD .4 SIZE CHOICE NEW ZEALAND LAMB SALE ]G;A Fan -- *Apple (.%Sauce 7 MGA Dog Houuse *DOG ,FO OD12 Leg O' Lamb:(AFOD1 Whole or Haif IGA COFFEE 1 Short Cut Pillshur ' v Asoted A lb. c 9 Cake Mixes 4 * * lUGA Waxed Paper %lhi1eSsvalcolo e LOIN O' LAMB *T iSS u E4 Whole a Hiints Tomit 6 Flank On iIICATrSUP6 lb.L 'C*('tidiies F mien IL 2 9 Strawberries Tis, i EXTRA $1 GOLDEN RIPE - No. 1 Grade *Bananas 2,bs.29, The Children's Choice *SEEDLESS - No. 1i Grade *Grapes 2Ibs29i Gnrden Fresh -No. i1(Grad'e - QI. Bo) *Brussel Sprouts 251 15-o-i. Tins s OF 's30.oo, IN R0NUS TAPES~ Il -oz. Re<-eive $6.001 in Bonus Tapes wilh Fi r l W Westlnghouse 40w-fiOw -1 fl0t, ýa LIGHT BULBS 3 $, p9koz. *l0IGA Foul Wrap 4' -l rîk$1 10ft.$ 0 1 ' in p akli Btesl * *Cheese Slices 2 1' c%.s Lamb in a Basket MA iEnlîsî-rm1. - (na4 Roast Chops Stew e MARGARINEb Ibo 1-1h.. $1* Regular or Chtihhv KLEENEX ~ f Gor $1. Humpty Dumpty POTATO CHIPS 3for $1. Receive $2.001 in Bontus Tapes wilh D)onald 1)uck I rozen ORANGE JUICE Royal (,uest - Small Lînk Pure Park SAUSAGE 1-Ih.Pkg- No I (;rade CRISP CARROTS 3-1lb, ag Btiris - Reg. or Read tb Serve *SMOKED BONELESS -':& Cryovac DINNER HAMS 1.99c BOWMANVILLE IGA MARKET 4 4 4 '4 'i 4 c4 4 4 C4 -4 4 4 4 4 .4 .4 .4 .4 4 '4 .4 '4 4 4 4 4 4 '4 BOWMANVILLE Gordon Àgnew, Editor Phone 3621 'VI 'w 1 'w 'w lu, 'w 'IV IV, "W IV, wl IV IV, lqr Ir IV IF Ir lqv IV, IV IV, IV ; IV 'w lqr IV à ý m a ý v lquew ju a @%or du w a ibue libo a 1 Ir - - à. 01

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