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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1962, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Sept. 12, 1962 ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coch-1j rane and Ralph visited 'Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowling. Whitby. Mrs. Richard Griffin attend- ed a bithday party for her brother. Mr. tom Peters. Osh- awa. Mr. and .Mrs. Donald Prcz- cott and blîdren vi.sited 'aIt 11Ir. Ray, Smith's. Nx'ate Recent visi:torE of the J. W. Bownian's were Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Green, Daphne and Gwen. Kingston; Mr. and Mr-. A. J. Tamblyn, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. W. Boughen, New- tonvi île. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Prescott visited at Mr. Jim Harris', South Monoghan. Miss Linda Harris returned to her home after spending the summer at hec grandparent's home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis BELL INES by John W. Lowry ý your telephone mnanager Take the RUN Out of iÏÏUNNING _Youc lomne Like most busy folks in Bowmanville you've prob- abiy found that running a horne today keeps you on the run (pardon our punI, and nowhere is this more evident than in the kitchen -the busiest room in the bouse. No one likes to leav-e a crucial cooking job to answer the 'phone, uniess. of course, the 'phone is right there in the kitchen. With a handy colourful ex- tension You can make and r ~ take calis while you ah -~that "labour o: love" simmer- theonsters unerooThan bedrom to isan ideal spot for a hancly extension. It will .. save you a lot of running to the 'Phone downstairs and V, provide a feeling of security at night, specially If you are ever alone. Cail us today at 7d23-4601 and ask about ex- tension telephones in colour. IVe'll be glad to talk It over wîth you. After an outsfanding scholastic career at Bowman- ville High School Miss Dixie Gili wiii be atfending coilege this year. IVe wish hec the best of luck. KEEP IN TOUCH September is sebiooltime, and a lot off young people will be lcaving home foi- college or boarding sehool. Here's one gond xvay to keep in touch witb themn - by teleplione. Lots off folks set a regular time for calling and keeping up on the news. And inore often than not Ibis limne is on a Sunday or afler 6:00 p.m. xx'en station-tIo-station rates are lower. Itemember to0 Ihiat attec 9 any evening you get double value on staton-to-station long distance calîs of 10 minutes or more witbin Ontario and Quebec under our Nigbt Eeonomyv Plan. So be sure to caîl often. The pleasure is big and the cost is amall - a lot snîallec than you tbink - wben you keep in touch by telephone. WATCH OUR CHILDREN The streets of our town are filIed again with youngsters on their way back to sehool. Many of thern are v'ery Young and stili iot fully aware of the dangers of passing automobiles. 'May we remind everyone to exercise extra caution whiie driving near schools or wherever Young school children may be walking. Let us remnember that children do flot always think before thcey move and can generally be counted on to do the' unexpected. First Place in Tobacco These three girls took first spot in the tobacco tying contest in front of the grandstand at Orono Faitr Tying Contest at Orono Fair k .4....... e si 5kd ,1c Pi-es. of the Northumberland & Durham Tobacco g on Friday evening. Usualiy, ter or a lar oi iss Emmy Seholtes, R.R. 1, Port Hope and Missthse many weeks before achieving the efficiency ihes lrl- ilyVnDamn, R.R. 1, Pontypool, and O. W. Rolph, in clas showed but this group had neyer xvoiked tlgether in chiargc of the tobacco display for Orono Fair. dnring prior to the contest. Front left to right: Joln1- inaka. Mr. son at anifamily enjoyeti a trip 1toC11k &Aher nE Muskoka and a visit with Mc. "'-"'a'y Club Miveeting Thorni and Mrs. R. F. Nichols, Port- M.adMrs. Roy HartmanI c Enterprise. were weekend11, Viests w M.P.nTaylor .liceasing M echanizat ioni gests aitM. enTaylor:!, Mcs. Fred Toms, Mrs. Kar lai Trewin. Donald and Dorceen11 Enniskillen, Mrs. Lloyd Sle- Key to Efficiency, Economy mon, Haydon, Br. Brent Rad- boumne. Toronto. *mm.ti Miss Cynthia Titeombe, Van- .LJI. I LL I. couver: M. and Mrs. Ray Tay 1 1 5 I '&I . .u r uf l ft .a O lor and children, Mr. TaI-Says~ [cýl ee h n p a e ! mage Taylor, Oshawa; Mr.- and Mrs. Les Johnston andi Increasiîîg nichanizilion iýý gi owt h bv onabling Bell to vices that now could onlyb J" Searboougb: i-. e k'oy 10 continting " îîii-iîpro'e service whiie keepingýdreamed of. and Mrs. Bob Smith and child-,c, n cnni l.ornoei ae csnbe h pae hwdsm ren, Highland Creek. Messrs. ',scy ndet Eon ini ) oi.-ae esnal.Teseke bwdsm Allen and Gordon Taylor ancida oc"evfEi.lShflic th field of weaterOf the latest telephone de-1 chllevstdwthMs .ster. Bell lTelc,)phane repri- I Smeae valaleno; Talr.t n vsd wons. .sentative, statecl in atan tflires 1- oree-astin,'be said. '.5 h~sigs. So e e i abhe fnture Mc.lorand sMrs. WîaePs-1 h oxmnîi i\tsis faresecthe day wbentytbrwilein the ftr. ii Clubana Mthe FallaceDPash ,iwilii be able to do 100) per cenîf Those available now inelude coe, Mrs. Keith Davey, Mc.Mto1hotl n riax. cIlrate foreeastîng by feed-la phone with a volume con- and Mrs. Godfrey Bowman ' Ill", veather information from trol that can be turned up to l and Roland attended the Bea- : In a talk eîîtitied 'ýl a s 1( l i al over-the world into a giant[hear the caller's voice louder, ton - Mitchell wedding, Sat- iminds at Work.' the spieIki' t'on puing machine, 'a caîl director," which is a urday. in Knox Presbyteriari deveioped his ther-mein termi, Imany-purpose set for the busi- Cbureh, Oshawa,. nI the telcphon(- huIstinmi There is something in thie'ness man or woman, and the 11 Mrs. Donald Lee and Keith,!demon.stî-atngsiii ol,,(, fuiture for the housewife too, P"princess" telephone in decor- L Mis Juy Le. adSunay ompcx qupmet tat acarding t the speaker. No ator co]ors with a night lighf.. f tea with Mrs. Lee's par.enit, used 10 help provicie "0UI moie preparing meials. Instead, Mr eouinaydsgs Mc. and Mrs. Wilfred Fowler.Itelephone service .shec mav have a machine with inceudevolan arodd-saese ii Mcs. Donald Dvy Linda 'The xvorIci is goîîg ilirougIl vex known î'ccipe stored in icuea d-hpdsf andKa, Troe.vied tanaeofsc avn'en"t-' nocv. She will choose with the dial built right into andKay Tyone viite atan-ge f sch h '(-one she wants, push a the handpiece and a phone li the Pscoe teehnologx' that sa)ine pu .titti adih.mchn .w with no dial at all but com-Iý Air. and Mrs. Godfrey Bow- fp le ai-e ealiing it the Second iîtoct and rpe the cine wîf plete with push buttons. man, Miss Laura Bowman, IIndustrial Rex dution.- <r.' s-lEcrind pepare he ingeoa-vot l Ere n Rlndctedd e-s enqfrom ils storage bin, Eic htemvda oe Eries ad rmond atten e ec Focster said. Mnc:ne îook themn in its automatie Of thanks to Mr. Forster forli* vices ad hamoin Cburebcomplex have been cl('eiop'ven. iid serve themn on disb- his eniightening addcess. Pre- Sunra and h ardinner xvth. that people ex-en celer tii thcm cS sident Keith Bilîcît also thankç- Mc ad rs Wrrn mechanicai olr eetrîc d the speaker for bis inter- jti *There will be a Rally Daylibrains and tik ahoiil them oýs Scientists, he stated, pre- esting description of thîngs toý secvice and promotion exer- i thinking machines dlict that the gco\\,îng use Of corne. Dr. Billctt presentedli ciscsin.W our Churh Sund Like other progressx i advancedi computirtg machines Mr. Forster with a book pub-. mornng.We opefoc god pes e hetelephone îam i's xvi elp ax-oid dips in the lished by Rotary International'I attendance.'y y ivbvkep Ils Mc ad cs CesecLe, adlong rcognized the atons coom b kepr. a asouvenir of bis visît bif Almonds, visited at Mr. El- egssty of mecaiaiin amnufacturers bettec informn- the clubDoMoris__ i mec Lee's. gix'e efficient.,eanonîai _-cd xith up-to-the-minute data had introduced the speakerj _____________vice, the speaker declam'cd. oin :upplY and demand condi- bad given the Rotarians ai ,a For example.' 1wc saîî, i.'td tlions. vivid account of Mc. Forster'sî Coun anie fot started î'haning ctt-i "Ii ic11w tlephone industrv career. Co p nis Pa diloperation mianx'v vu:ogi.tOrelavs that make up to- Mel Dale, a past president, tl~eoma S ît xvcilln't d:In "s eleetro-mechanical swit- received a 20 Vear Perfect fk vehavMelo been able ta hil-e CenoOgh 1 ýches take only a few thou- Attendance Pin. Art Ribey, a p copie ta give th(e high qpondi- sands of' a second to open and member off the Attendance' n i M nhs t sr'îeof ora.close their contacts. Alread ' Committee, made the presen- ci "ýWith s0 much emiplia. is t xlx\as known thaf electronic tation. In Onaio,$x.6m lon ws mebaiztoils ;ta dvt-s xocking in milliontbs Guests present at the lunch- liA paid out in death benefits by'to wondem what if xx.îtLIIîi do of a second xvîll be needed to con meeting wece E. Lovell life insucance companies duc- 10 the nation's <cooii oH-. kei'p up xith gî'owth and and Jack Lowecy, both offi. ing he irs si motbsof oulc utaffct mplx'mntprovide nexe telcohone set-- Oshawa, Norm Svenson, Toc-f onto, and Hartley Lewis. Bow- lu 192 TeCnainLife In- h ~ x'î 5îîiî(î ~. manville. I- surance Officers Association 'tated. that miachius l'ci i reports. The total foc the cor "ue onemipla meuit,. On i.'Memial Hospita responding peciod in 1961 xvs otcr, x inci-e'asing rt $51 .9 million. 'ciuetivity lb cx' led lii 1() - Wek R pr On 10,590 ordinacy polîcies, Sion and better living ai- e ky R p r payotents this Year wece S30,- ards for evemxo-îiîeCurt'îainV' 524, 000; on 6,690 industrial that liad hee.n thecxpren- Foi the wxeek off Aug. 27- policies $2.216.000; and ~tfIetlpo ud:r et2îulsv 8.690 group ceîtificates $20,- 'Aato.tei i .x'lch diSsions 61 I 824,000. in-, equipmnel heca i nia-e Biirths. 8 maIe. 4 female . 12 - ,idespr(,cd, empio,,îI-eit îîf- D>isc'arges 7 Ge Cshtinued ta increa:,e. h:c(anu's f , jor opemations Ge CshToday the expansion madch,~ b. Miuior operations GB A bx mechanizatiniî Thc hettor Etiicrgencv trealments 3.5 F or OId Applianices and more eceonomucail hr >ctri, uagbuc - pm n tice, lcmore 1peopie' iiighurý34pm n throuh 1lise il. Io01::30 p.m. thogaMr. Foi-ster' point ici oit - _______ S TA T ESMNIA N tuaiin t( itue a-: i.- -.we try tobe a C L A S S 1 F 8 E D S alone. tlpeu .n: OBITUARYltie oehu ta Phone NMArkct 3-.3303 niorce thon idoiihi. Mc. Prii occur days. the G of thi again. Mis bas i her f Stokei Mrs Wm. with1 es ani holida shog. Mr. and si lay gi Georg The Brand iummi .veeke Milt Kenda per gi Hatchi Satu crowd bours Saver3 Drangi them [o aid arns lestro: ing w ýhe n Farrov :lydes ances Last Indian ialedo ;econc ;roup EATON's ID OSHAWA EATON'S HEARING CENTRE Offers Extensive Help to the Hard-of-hearing If You do itot bear as xxchl as you focmecl 'v dîd, don't put off seekng qouîiul cd adx-ice' Do htave your heacîutg chieekeci scientificallý . Remember that mtodenu hearing aids are more efficient titan ever.. are extremeix' incoutspictious I. cim are ex'en inxisible) . .. and that thoîisands off people today are happier otii-e<f *Mr. W. E. Lang, EATON'S Hearîng Consultant, xiii test \-Ou- heamtng1 audiomnetî'icallx'.. and recommend the hcaring aid that is best. suited bo your pacticular pcoblemn. SPrivate consultation roomn. *You mav t elephone vouî' batterv requirements. W'. E. LANG Bearing Consultant '11.F. J. GIBSON Mrs. Veina Ileeri Gibson, xife of the late Elmer J. Gîb- son, pas.-ed away in ber 64th vear, on Augusi 29. 1962, 10 l:he Port Pcccv Community Meiiiorial Hospital after a !cngtb 'V llitess. A\Iis. Gibson was the dau- ilite: of lte late William and E1l/a Van Nest of Solina. In 1920 .1w marcîed the late El- meî' Gibson and tbey lived in Oshawxa for '-0 years. She xvas iinîember of King Street Unitcd Chuiccb. In 1933, they purehased a facm near Green- haiik xxhece she lived until lier dcatb. Mm.Gibson was a nîember of Gceenbank United Church and of the Order off the East- crn Star. Sunderland. Leit ta mourn the loss of a îox'ing motber are Marilyn i Mcs. Ross Smalley) of Sand- lord: Keitb at home; one sis- tkr. Mcs. Sam Brooks of Bow- manville; tbcee brothers, Nor- man of Windsor, Jesse of Bowinanville and Arnot off Brantford, five gcandchildren, Ileen, Nancy, Stanley, Ronald and Joan Smalley. The funecal took place froni the MeDermott - Panabaker Chapel, Port Perry, service being conducted by Rev. Har- ris off Gccenbank. Interment ,vas iin Pine Grove Cemnetery, Prince Albert. Palîbearers were William Stone, George Beaten, Albert Harper, Stanley Aldred, Mor- ley Raines and Allan Crozier. KENDAL . M. F. Foster and Mrs. sumed her teachIng duties a KENDA H.Foster visited friends near Starkville for another term. Simcoe Tuesday and Wednes r.Kit od ming tobacco is the chief day. haveanbought th Mannis pation around here these Mr. and Mrs. John Awde re- farm and barn. Mannings are .Holiday time is over for turned home to Jarvis afte' retaining the bouse to live in G.M. employees and most visiting their daughter. Mrs. and Woods are planning on cem are back to work Martin Poster. building a house to the west of 1. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hall of the other one. :5s A. Brereton. Toronto, Newport News, Virginia. vis- I r.BbWn hdtems been recuperating with ited for several days with his foruneBo brWineak dtnihers friends Mr. and Mrs. F. isister, Mrs. H. Foster. Visit- afort un to break a b one ne er. 'ing on Sunday were Mr. and akcbtcnsilgtaon -.Mary Luxon and Mrs. Mrs. Bill Bamsey of Port on crutches. Mercer left Thursdav Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry By- Well, the bail season is fin- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hugh- ers, Welcome, Mr. and Mrs;. ally over. Kendal Juveniles d Gloria to spend the Bob Carruthers, Bowmanville have been in a series with ay weekend at Lake Ku- and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fonk ' HensalI Juveniles who corne Mr. and Mrs. Hellibust and ýfrom about 10 miles from Lake and Mrs. Charlie EiseyIMrs. George Hamilton are iHuron, west of Stratford. Hen- sons, Toronto, were Sun-1 visiting their parents, Mr. Isali came to Kendai for the guests with Mr. and Mrs. land Mrs. Tom Stevens. Mrs. Ifirst game on Sat., Sept. 1 st, ge Mercer. 1 G. Hamilton is on vacation1 when Kendai won by a 17-7 e MeTaggarts, L o n g r1from her attaching duties at Iscore. John Quantrili was eh, were down to their Fort Chimo in Northern Que. jpitching for Kendal and gave ner home for the holiday bec. :up oniy 7 hits while the Ken- ?nd. We were pleased to see Mr. dal lads hit 17. Ail were hitting ton Robinson was in and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Mrs. pretty weil. Monday, Sept. .3, al recentiy and was sup- Rena Waddeii and Mrs. Gai- la busload went to Hensall. uest with Mr. and Mrs. braith out to church Sunday.!Keiîdal xvas ahead ail the er Foster. Rev. R. C. White took the ser- %vav until the last of the 9th .irday evening a large vice Sunday with Mrs. Jack ,innifg when Hensaîl got two d of friends and neigh- Fonk playing the organ. Next 'runs to win by a 14-13 score. Sof Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sunday we are again to hear Sat., Sept. 8, the two teams ry gathered in Kendai Mr. Met Smith who conducts.rme, at Preston for the 3rd ge Hall and prcsented the Sunday Schooi over the and dieciding game. It appar- with a purse of money 0 Ohaw rdio station. Last entlv was Kendal's off-day them in replacing their time hie was here hie asked the mnd they wvent down to defeat Swhich were recentlyýway to the Sunday School, 13-2. Weli. next year lies yed by fire. The even- from two lads with fish polesahead. 'as spent in dancing to over their shoulders. They - - music provided by the directed him quite readily, vw Orchestra with Lloyd but continued on their way- M 0IEy sdale calling the square See how many can be out next MN 'S. Sunday morning! ;Friday afternoon an Sehool started again oni AVAILABLE FOR nPee Wee team from Tuesday morning. Friday af-' onia came here for the ternoon the bus took them up GE dgaine in the series in to Orono Fair for the opening ý R T uAC S C and succeeded in out- parade and they were recîp- ig our Kendal Pee Wees. ients of a $10,00 award. finishes their play for Mr. Percy Burley returned! JONES & GREER eason. Kendal teams play home from Memorial Hospitall tss D and fans are won- on Wednesday to convalescef RALPH S. JONES gthat the lads were put at home. and Orono in D. Little Lynn Couroux was THOMAS H. GREER and Mrs. John Thomp- brought home from Memoriali tended the wedding of Hospital Friday with her 130 King St. E. Oshawa leice, Patsy Watters, at burns quite healed up. 728-6246 ~iill last Saturday. Miss C. W. Stewart has r e- il_____ SPEIaLi LOW PRICESI, *ON NATIONAL BRANDS* At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. "'Il ASPIRIN Ta et Reg. 93c ------------- 83c .111 COLGATE Dental Cream -- -------------Reg.iI8 )ODD'S Kidney Pis --------- Reg. 79c - --7---- LAVORIS Mouth Wash --- Reg. 1.253 ------1.05"' LUSTRE-CREME Lotion -- ---- Reg. 1.29 - -1.15--- LYSOL Disinfectant ----- 83c -7~" >LD SPICE After Shave --- Reg. 2.25 --- ----1098 PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia --- ---Reg. 69c ------ 61c UAVE Ladies Hairdressing----- Reg. 98c-.-.-79c 'AM PAX --------- _Pkg. of 10 - Reg. 51c -- ------------ ---46c "il WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK . BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE OWLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE LLEX McGREGOR, DRUGS1 ORONO 11 JURY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHARMACY i - - -- = :à .............. .in about it Eack in the old days, bankers were pretty fearsomne people. They had Dignity, a Cold Eye, a Thin M Nouth, Mutton Chop Whiskers, and a Ruthless Tendency to Foreclose Mortgages (or so we read!). The banker today is as human as you are, and just as businesslike. Drop into your branch of The Bank and see. You'll find that The Bank really bas the people who make the happy difference in banking! A TORONTO-DOMINION BANKING SERVICE: STHE SAVINOS ACCOUNT This is the first account most people open at The Bank. And for the wise ones, it is the last that is ciosed. Not too nlany years ago the Savings Account was a generai catch-al where you deposited money and paid it out alrnost imniedi- ately by cheque. Today, the Personai Chequing Account does the job-and the Sauings Account shouid be used for Savings only; savings at intereat! Get in the habit. Save for the rest of your life. Open a Savings Account at The Bank! TORONTO-DOM IN ION Where pe make the diffrence Bowmanville Branch B. L. URK, anage t vi. U -r e-' I. -"o.- .~*' Pt, r-' 'ni Ih.H *You are protected bv EATON'S steadfast guarantee: Goods Satisfactory or Mloney Rcfunded. DIAL 725-7373 TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMNENT JEATON'S HEARING AND OPTICAL DEPARTMENT, UIPPER LEVEL EATON'S TELEPHONE ORDER SERVICE OPEN Monday to Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., FRIDAY 8:30 a.ln. to 9 p.i. 4 NK-*»,»

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