United Church Women HoId School at!1 h i cr, :i _* ý-' ualiz- oie s grnat Cdebt in if. rapid oange anîd îexoluitioniaîî<xx c1'o ii t-qde,.tîoii (od "That ncans to lie dif- WaF thr sîîbicc e,;i x.eflT'liestakrlnoks in a small arýn 10 e ry a rea scrx 'h. The speakeri toid of heiseif fererît.Do ve dare Io be address by Dr. .1 Lc.r,g Ofi S. m.Intoxxo xxhose clîurch 10- Jaran. Chnia'. Angola. Trini- a'endîing a mîeeting ai1 a different? Andrev..- 1.'iitrr '1(l cî flurnced ;ndixîduai iîveç and dad. Bra7.1l - xvc arc fared xti aiî-ip xx}ii e tule Soithern, A Jevish quobatio i s, 'A Oshawa. xx bo cneed te providcd a xarmthin wixxhich the tasis of maiiitaioin- and Ct-os iouic hrightllv overhead: people that is so chosen to lie first Sclioni for Vinted ('hi:ri rrch xx no ies ilian fîx e miii- ex*îeudiiîg missions xvbere tht th,- ledîî ,.aid. ,L.if 1t p our.vtoesses of the Lixving God Vvomcn of thr Bal,- cf Quinte itr came ýfri on thal smail Spirit of Christ musi fiamie c. anîd lok-i thte Cioss ýmust live %vith a seîîse of Conferren,-ce of 1tic i 'niicd ch~iuî hiJii Home missionîs also. ('od mx.st i ax c lox cd Angola special mission that sets them Church of Ciiii;îna. staifilie h ( u xi x dc-fîîied~annQ east aîd xvest toast gi, ati!\ '0lwuaise lie plit tha s pa rt. BY behief aîd ctustom Ontario .d:- (clrr a i tf"l,oBCIciv Cof Chirist. thlai m iýSiOiis. are tax iig ou!cru' herc or lis.F . 1 itc remaîîî a distinctive o'ib'rn fuoorni a .c 2.piritî,aI orgaiiisii hosc hcad stegin¶ serve. the Ia'is, t1iiîu.s aia l.gioiipý This exacts a price 2f0t!1. ', *ýjfsljs The Spirit of C'lrist thai missions ('ail be cxpaiid .11 a is.lfictut iiucd. arc . .. for man.x menî do liot Dr. Lenz.1r. vho i P. cx o fIhrough ils tîî oîr ap inad t'nticc.x iiiiîitia ndscis~understaod those wbo seem tiningmeher(if h (lii' îud<'h o n bajapar )D. I .cog sa id lcuiii tllhre s 'li i-d id determined 10 be di ffereîi. rnittee of the ('h r<h ria rdzl ti i lai xork snd < ml 'irinoxement todav is a gi caf Gid iio ti in i îaîlire.' She concluded wîtlî the ad- rcsoonsible [tic iexx ct cao r) Le 11-, Pokcf, raîfdsigni fitani fart, a nîtîx , c i 0siiii -ýtoa inist taise mou tîoîî, be strong, of good izoter and a-,iigauc xoritd .'x\\pa reex-l mxx aird xvîrld uxiiv - a beacon tho fîtace tof (od in niaix' (outrage: be ntafraid. îîeither Iohr cmiles o Ipoi ieniorg a grc.ater iîoxledgc of hope iii a dax iii xhi ch corilind ici.- Ps'xcîilgv us n px-'hc t hotidismaxed, for the <hurch. tînderoo fl\-aiiiiiJ<iOf ou iI plýi(cai clix irùruCIeISi xocon founidcd 15s iioxvui plit)i ii iigs 10tiieni - Lord th>' God is wîth thee the work of 'lit i hnici i hiimituv thi- ra£!(: this is iii 1946 ai A mster damiii.tIlie vs'.a r l ip a Io sed xxh ithersoever thon goest. toî', oh i ohlîgs nu i ie fi!Id oi fChurh fl ll,ý(lc i îe uîîîý1tîxx'l'lc e[inal report of tic Reg- stated the histnrx of h( i n ui.h , , aiing înat îoîa lisni inxvas horo - a cnmiuig toget ber i xidiris(14)ihioxxiii a su ange istra i vas 401 who registered m Liel Part fo xol.o i itsii --a tii ce- Prtiîi xva x i'lîtîc'a rc terrible attlle t1962 St-boni. reveals iliat e. i n tim l, it i f oi- wo I Oiiidunt.,,tis pa (f Icii fo n e le die to fM s ils~~~~~ paenO l-Onfxtic -oîi>iusarce beirl, ig ad seirvice: 19î denomii îa - si ciiiltat ie die - rixers Muirra> Auîst in the tise of ba benFi,ýaic( -an [ofuitanidi vilIilt!i nuein Ic btiolis [rom 80 di [ci tcoiiituin- utre ciiggeii xx Iii dcad incîists. drinaties in ii ssion sttidv was has been ci' air-c sud f i m iiiour sou et : iliîcreased tr'ies are iîicmbers: frive nîtîr, aiioid pciiîle caf t hieni îctuse xi xîd Y portra>'ed. hl wlarncd that -oîîiciis,îd ihraîî afiin and .indLuStriaiz-ldCfnoniinatioli,5. affer Russîinfic-.\, like 1tlîî-iîî nnuie die from 'Bowx Before The Wind" shoxv- Sriut arc ils gresîr .t daîigel- au oui1i ftround t hrouipho tit Orthodox. have appiied fruini toi îtilii.\ licin-s. anîd somped h rbeswiha-s Mos'. mebera iui(I oS arS clca, nuie crusi allter anobli- Russia for nîenîhersiîip (Greai fîisc fddtiishapesi; lelnneaîdcurlbIife to siglei oigecauou aurfet, s îîiii iig the globie.le hopes aie held out [or. tileie.-sf; i i lsael îîeehch <if a h urgr>' famil v i îa ý -4ateci uxe aie expcicnc.iii 2îîh Vaitan Conifei'cuce iii e'-iaîîe' ' oîîlrlifl he God' as tile bamboo bows at the i s ( a deptIi of su fferîingRonie: t bis s a -oxiig anid xiiiii xii to(ýsr\ i li sxv xeod of the temple, but a lwavs i i i si îiiI iehcd - lrefui. tenîder Plant, to he n iirsed 'tut' I aiif os Sa x lJds-hîaîd stra ightens again xvleii thle ge(,es h\ niilionîs are iii tlle Ctaireftiihyv if it is Io grosx a nd tiilif xvîîîhs past . Mucli appretia - defît h of iisci x: xxc siitld:beai' fruitu. ()nut-railîiliîixx lflie sks tlion xxas expî'esseh 10 the foui nltho cff vii b the feeling Ilui îOîîCI-i Osio thle uspcakicixxa' nitu' iîiiidi'u td a mulî.r- xvtuiîicifroniLinhsay Presbs-- f liait tbis ini longer ex ists onue i-la Ilcîîged. Do xxvcpop0ssî-usa(i 1< ('oui al i riaches inIilteute.ria i whîo henîstrateh the ( eNramnpie is Hong Kong. xvherf eîOIugh failli. eiîoîgh omari end fs cxx 'est s uicn eui itxplaiieh" xvbi th Of sIChIIa fila>. t~ihoiisa rir'anid tîoîusands a r-owomnopowxer f0 ta ir> îtut Ilie 1ioii ý d()xvoit iineIlutlie xvn dSSaveIldas-r I t-a i- s Ier îg The't kixii " Duoxxve possess itho miri ic' ,-uAnd i lits lrouigit el pfui d iscu.ssion ou Leader- otlîe aIý iiîînsgigrti.iex --îip' îeiige hiit 1îîîi c- î i 5551 l~ ship Dex'eiopiloent andh CO -1 or th is ggantc. stývarship" lietirge fila allmarinr ofdiscoperaIolîno inat ChristCriananFEhucaa Th Ie spteakeîr qulotch St.xve ic'îcxx'lot-rbtond tif iuniîonîand Iihle- liiit ledtheiicu iiHe gavxc loi. puî il xxluîî -a id [lie Bod i Of xx tii Chirst andh xxilhione ahiti- i tis icipes itîxir tii tast outL 1 u lse in te co tg Chr ('isi 5a spil ii ii galilsin OthPI. r. aîîd apturle a s i0ulI <x1i i s iU ifs 11id ail itiil'nliîtx . t'u'cis ii e coi xxi i xxýe aue cîalied oniii ic i iiH ii wxvis t heIlc iad tif \Vuii.rtiii i R tinioe dCeepi'. ___ purpt'tiiate Ili Olmi îîfine, so thie ('liich as xve go cmit tii xxîîlî il îî-xx >ýpdici îînd If ,oi * ihai indixuis li an lie lispil - pursiie the xxork of the chutliii. u Iloxi it iiîaî-cs uc OilSOî Ease the strai otj-ý oi lpItne fola %ek I ~ ~ ~ ~ I iintîîistua te ti dCesaI- vihapel o fthie toi cge c55çlos.1 tîîî ii - uit fut v gtv raux i"lie ony u g t oi l'a laus fîîîîîxi cli xxve Service cuîiduJcted hv Dr.tgl1 . saaiii u ut l iss nt ir)Moiihav îîighti in the 11I s iitich casie toii budicî s unr ni, " , ix li liie ci. B>Leng anid ssssted lic Dr*,-. Si ji -a(i'iscasemnît ofb thcirchî. M rs. 'il i uial i-lîuîiilinBa. l. Osborn-ie, pîîîîcîpa of0f i- Nîx iti luni o- n xiidis_ K. R.l'asloî. presideîî, opc'îî- Vprnperl>' insuranse picîiîiums OrQxut c ('im ferecc'- nle>s tarin Ladies' (cllege pi i u«i ii e d tht iieetinîg xv tIia pcîeîî Jver -'bn 01 i> ix flte i iiîih. ltiui -5.5 rirai l uargis, 47i Mi-S. D. R . Moflat is iD lW a xi , 'iii' (' l iuiu i i n- '01 ansd fiiaxeu 'l'lie i-nil <'ail xxas 1rI'od pueuiîliuiu" ientappiiilîic-iits - aiso cof luis first St-boni foîr 1'uitt< uiuîi t N i.\: i fii l tif tueaîîsxxred wili a lus riii aîd ils 'Iatod' Ir iiiaf)uiiiiriIuIft-i' fiIls iii bsn C'huthi h Wonieîi. VIs. G. . ie s(i.u1) uda\x -liii iii i li i a. luuAtuiarsin ep r Illan xill cuîable >011 o inii.î1tuî.p.Iln lt- 11mI l]S a rt-s . Doblsis sthei'Registiar. uaîîi louili . nd uul(luuu-cs inf flic' C.'W Confei'erie lîcld mil your p-perttrin uîuriîcc pie- î-us a îuIffîtîuuî rxliai 1ci Miss Netia cxteîihed Itle hisîucla uld\oft t<îsuî a n oiniti'x ecouitl lx'abthe Ontario Ladies* logihîi ,tîtn i ii îrliui hres, cspua vh wleue of xvcicoîe to ah i i hiti ptst1 îouti'. fulrali iPeople aie ('ollege, Whiith>, was givdul ix XIIIIMSlOgCIlC>, îîn îtevo u si , 'otiîcî-uied. 19iih celusuis uîx Rexcptinisb. lilie Scli<ot u 111)- up il i ti îfiîic-iii-,' Do i - S . .spies. MiS. ( vît-e single niontil> p.usoixuii.N oui il showsxx alsoiracialirguuls iii x-îîîntîîcd thîînxîglînîttht'lle îetRru, oh îît-iuiolîlus c' ixli NcîW i ati a loii> tiouîithe sîxidi ind it a lot Casuel te lt i fiC5C lii' Sarîxu saruc' iliugiig, foi- xhihc îîxcr 200) delegates fruuuîvi tillf1,,iox'Soxag'btook 'llie sxOî'siluîp sers hce smnaller puis nlts nun >111 cg- intsiahi-e tlit- large aiculs vxx'lî cheUicsesî'uiPiesbY ena is <if Itie(i' -Il i. i pt-r-S, Reaci Ilii.xxas led b> M us. E. Tavîtîr 5xlî lu e heing ixiscuins ci' bs tIe Coîîf'eîînce used the Su-lîioolh i)ii N 1îT.ss i- il 'i Sîîiîîî - ctîuuxtch aBible conut est. %Iiar <uxshîch1d xucget. Vxly DLJI Il.i k filic rurual clitircigît inspiration<iî. leadershîîîi - aiiiîaithi.î, tot. .1,\ tastx uut-lî x'as seî'xeh lix 1101 seceus t idas? «,eiiig tliaf ifs *xuîuufh ae his -trauiing, s hut-tic unxdei-staîii iii lt ht-thili nuCoiiiîiiiMrs. È. bLeask and Mrs.( cri tii îîrbaîs uî -luiues' > A re iuîg of [lhe xx-rk <ifflie Unitiic' Iu.x>S lichepstoIrli ilie 1-arnii. ,i fort iýt-i icmade lting tCh(iîuuîclî\Vomaniesud a bri - iii x-1Lil ' Iii. urt . fut' C toxcard Kari-ci anid Deniuis Yiiî hanlgu igtiatitnais tics iniihoeercmknsx' edge of. anid a deepeîr nthu g li-p îînlîîcîîîuî of les en.jnsed bolidax'ss w- h bM r, clxuch? de otîonIo0ftlîe total Mission itpi" uoijijtr-\, asud lîouîe lot andh Mrs. Ralpb Larnier sud( -. tht' l .lîsîîuulu u xliere of the Clîuicli. îlîix oiia iiliixitc- of Ille [atuiîl', Bhaclsstnck, iast xxeek.i llIa singlet cliv cii' lai getisoI "uda orarlili uciiiiu aid îîs redsoIVs..EWîr S TUART R. hrdy 'itu!'aululaid nes FinsofMs .E er hw îrîf iknuoxxîîgrouxs-f -1 i. shoxs tiri o -outitîîus:. xîîîimii <ili- auc lia pp> Ici knosx' sue us sa llutste - i i-irs lha x adid Oui 3hiiscias unuuiii c t 1li' -n oac mn il: is a t iil rip-ýp n h at n JAMES < t4z P' r) thîeîu uupau-ux, anîd $900i,- S('11001 foru tnited ('li-iciiVsg ti >il i uîuîuuiiu i a parni- îîîîî-luîuîpom-eh îuî heiaî (100 \xas -.pc'it îîî <ne xv'a r lui W i iCil î c-o i lu nCIIued(J sw-ut1h u îsxzi , iiil i ii a f ii ci c ine fo e oi --j - ... -, ix-c-il-suisiciiiipiustoraluilospilai. Bon-lîaiiillIc, lasi ~. SlX1~ -el.slippdui-itig 'iriiiglgstni 'e~ii' or xi foi-îuc-s u-îtî î-ustuctuon iii ih pPool fou' thîcse liti oixwmanviîle mut- hdi tuons \Veshooldoj x-ed Morning Watoh ril xxluiiii lu cim on îî 10liieecî [ast M r«s.F'. C. C('la ris R 'SidrV IltCe icîuo u-ucd.tiîîxîd vxx-hher tu ortif LINDSAY9 Septembei ilnclusi THE FINESI LIVI in Eastern Cen PLUS .. BBYSHOW, 1 SPECTACULXII. MISS1 ONTARIIO ( 2 HR. VARIEVI Thursday, Friday with the popîllar fiadio Grand Oie Opry, Wednesday Niqhi JUNIOR l'AIEMERS CALE RODER A*ND 1, Ili<' uc isiuu <'hiu AXnd iliere k more m i i alsg sesl cii tS. A [iitul. - ltliiighi sîcît 1Tp di l Ill(, %%îtut si-. mîa\- ac- umu1 it îcSf uwi îare' pietîv gnond c suefut lu .cf-utu i .-.1etc 1'l'fî 1uuvuufi- u ciu('1ic 1e: utMLUS'T , . " ,, --ý ý - 1-1 I i - KS 1 ( iu ' aci . 'xsîsnu1 .hiui l - N'- rhssbrî a - ae axidioiiuîni whiic-u as ai1xx l s teuS p ii hitmuîi tîd facn e h f ua triiuu'uichot u iss:attrai ted a lai-cge ou ibc-r ituif i u iimi [i fle«e M__vs.___S.________________________i c \a.or n utl - u iiig K orig. Mus . R Coiii iiliiiiic'd hi(if o lla\\sii. Fui îîîsaî sîessedi xx'i b ier all xîîdx f h lit-flm tî I piiîle Iigui xxith the Wor'd anîd the Wav lis quiotiig CE T A St. Paul, 'Be fnaiisfoiîued u i <flii scr.'lifi thc exv o f \-ou- nld. l;'W îM) . hux edines 'o , '-tii-Io . ';'. V umI f C( in u (oui- IT II andaccptaleîndSi 'hil. Alil esse'îtîsl Sliçp [heu proccederh wsiut Il a hms a ii sO î uai-s'îml disu-issioti ouiMirýacles. mu cut-f mis'pufstuftus IL 10 ~Toil ixstrýale sue trild or sîuîc c- la a 'iefiilis- b 9 22o er-picehess A frîoaîî 0(ý7stilireilu O fuîtlDmo- si ~ xx'b vhcl i-arc su ox-eh b> uer sf-p. 1 PîM alîuugi ' ) iIig. sslss audilenîce. A l nid A fli mcati tT' 01r . a sxounuî td a sou. .vî>mug 01 xxiii oi turc' ft-nils ESTOCK SHOW hibussleeping mîat i iI ,sx(('1 1g lîce 11>-cou uî-ouiuid. sickis [lto d suc ai mu-ansiss a i u fiii il v I us- 2tral Ontarjo sx'îut [n Ithexx-ichî doxtor a brlit iîîîîalîuftlt-sef lui ci -she tried a il slî e mcx- a auuu 1 ul1 'i dc(- ri i1S trsfa uiII IIAXOR AND FIEVF nnthîing avaihed - hl i id. 'Iixlulx l otfiiFauifluh andi ear E A S T E R IN C'E N T R A I, d d this happen t Io m e' 1 an i sssu-r xlu-. fbook uîî i a - Sue x. a i -cuui 1 athe eiders 'tW'l I lii-vlis s > p uut u f s o- o le svies- mo'theuu îug s "Fe1u 10 uri m l)iaurIi'ssu d tip ue - nie wli rn voingsonha Idti it -uma i iîa 'iviu die.-' "l'ies- flac! îrio anssiet -;oS ion u f . lit. lus. -tSiii -cn bhe said. *'The nuls pcu-sîmn-' ifueDa.Mi o Y PROGRAM who (-abn uaîgivc'ei caie te x c ( ) i( Dýo, Dn ( ~ ~ ~ i CRoRAd." l f-mu a trsuirli\lo:fué1 ir, s NI) EVEfN I N (i i-pi-t i-sf an;fr\,G tta and Saturday Fie vsiked h marli u: hue took . -ho lf les u 1( n fi-onu thue guuîuîîd a il ît nl5 <iimin 6 st m<lTV Sfait f the made a bue - flue muanî -opîeh mxxi - f415: Kuuupsfuuî. 34: Pcee- 1V'inrue Pearl b oh piciseh seeds fr-oîuîtheu btii ou1uugluil, i1cifuexw'2 busîies anîd pianted. sud maihi l vo ued. Gnh said. 'lVhsi xi u uit ii i fui to ii flii . . * be like mc- aud be xxeut , a -11il îîîu tifilic Rile Soc-uc-fs ~' I AI'~N J pluong s5'55'off" So t[ icii- i ilb~uhsîi muuc f ho ewUnîs i- TAETplsvinauilooked in tue ligiiesi uuiiii,îlu ui-tc ".~55. LAMB SCRANIBLIE îîouîuîaiîî. shie ent far 10 bIlîr-i Ms shome <if the oueau. lIo sec 1juin s - iotirîrticl sei l to tal eenuils - she ioti-ic \ed t d s oîî ,<i if \ t ut lu i i -11 îîîîfu-uîuîu g ui <xiyrone snar-hed . .. TheUie ceaîuti cisl .f-toeg xxiii w i '62the nid lai v hax <iii ierl liiix Nl nuoicmtbu'- s 'c'rc lin xiew- '62stccpiig nuat oui the f[bot suld îîîî l tu fi) xx i t fh eucp i t-luis c-rh N s tîfa mue Vxagalr duch xitloui ee-infud iîîg asu Is ll, -,î,î 'Ic i FAIR FRIDAY NIGHT -SEPT. 14 .. 8:00 p.m. VARIETY SHOW featuring DICK WALKER and his ORCHESTRA THE HANSEN SISTERS, Violinists THE STEVENS FAMILY, Acrobats JACK McLEAN, Comedian, M.C. BEN DANE, Pantomimist ZENA CHEEVERS, Novelty Dancer and the BOWMANVILLE BARBERSHOP QUARTET HAPPYLAND SHOWS- MIDWAY SATURDAY -SEPT. 15 KEDRON P li is,;pasu xxcek Mus.Wil- liiîî Sc(ise. Mi-S.Malcoini Mau'G t-egr tanud Mrs. Harvev Paseoe atteuîheh a troissea': fea foi- Miss .iaîîet Prvce or Trorouito. 'Phe marulage oif Ml-.c Prvce anoh Mc. Sihuiex' 'rex-ail xxviii1 taise place i n Griac e (..huxi'c oi-:he-l inî. iii iOui- to, oui Satiirda\.- Of ifutorcst tri Kedriuîî iesi- dientsiss the Satuihav xxedding jof Mr. Williamn Far nhahe. sou of Mi. antdl I s. lHarsey Faru- hale. anîd Miss Sharonî Stephi- enîsonu, haugbfcr <if Mr. and M rs. Ceci I Sfeplîeusouî, of Osli- a ai. "he ii-arriage \v'as per- frrîed ini Ciirist Menuoîiai Cliiirciî -Oshîawva, xxf ithArii- hear-oî Clexerdon officiatiîîg. Mc. asud Nrs. Moiras' Mouuu - cii >peottheIee'ckend mn 01- taxva 10 attend the xvcddiîîg )r Miss Mars Aîiusand Mir. Johîn Dax'ihson iii Mauîotic< Thliex va iscu xsîted Mis. Ruos' Ehxvards Short, a classmate oîf Mu-S. Mouti.Qxs*ý 'T'ec2ist Cîub Pack- lias ai- i eadx- beguniiuts [ail oîcetLiîg - xlihareceldîîhai thie ch xiru-f un F'ridax evcnuîîgs.There xx55s Suili a iouîg xvaît inu ihi oif box sxvishuug to, loin ItuaI a uuew 'Pack hlas been fonîd- .1 IB. xvitIi Mrs. Brce Ma- Donishaldîad Miss Sue Appl"- 'l'lie sclionis or East Whi ut hi- i e-npeîued for the nuîc t'niu xx lb several staff thaug-uý. uanidi souie redistributiou (;cf li eu Pl oui Public S-hool is Mr. Mii- tonu Ru imes-, of Sunuderlaand. Mu-s . Alite Siunclair. x,'Il o isiltfor thmcc veau s t Max- ivel1t lleights Sx-hoo1,li has fais- toi chus s, iii î10loifoi 'h.1 i -- en os-cl uhue Grade 2 andrl3 ai j;in uuît mu u- i f,1_ ix gli -gi ci edroni mii: x uoieieduuu'tofuihi [uixiaîh- Replaciig NuMs. S iuiic-1a jiai1 t<l fIo 11' i flion i iii' Su-ocil VMaxwelul is Mi. F-acs-es 3'uc- 'Pie ci jounug uuducvss oifthfli mulo f Biackxxafer T iic 1111:1 S(lîuuul foiUî ted mCu 'i-hip texîx-iuîg staff of Coî'ouustnuî 'urml-.nit' fiu' Bai uuf Qliuîte tci(nuliiandiolîm NuP -aclt-ul "si. siîîîtSixretars 'lle Gradie 7 auud 8 puipis 'ut muf tHie l"l i lof W\'siuiuit'i iss Pteuihili s Sx-chare coniu- hloufu i (? ili-uu VFrlluisiiîug i", hii stxudios il) Columbis. the 1 hîtutiofiiftlîu' Simitl, Slîc- 'lupoîauils popils Nom Mai-- îîîîîî- î edhum îuîîîî-îîu' iNat Keni1ie amuî t M. Cauuîîeî sc-hîol Hic îîuuuu tîrmorif fiil(, c-u 15 "sait' îoldiug ilassyes au CM fui luici peoie lt'itul flic pros- Caii-, huit thuex xi aîteiud 'io if Goiu. intsulutilîcuîthe neix' Raglani Publie Sicînl the' bais ~-tf ii laitllu, anid as sîuuuaýz tlis x'oîîplefcd. lîuuw' iqîu ii luiltis tlîcuuî i o (nited ('huirch Women 11V41'the tlu-uitiitîs uof lfe as rihe L'îiied Chuu'xhî V'tinei fli u î"flie\- 10i\'il- oruîfKedîunUnît.uited('bur-chi op- HMS rlU imu4 u I l i-shuui. -iied ilîclu'F'alixasî y vthîa tîmnuuiu pvukingmip fluîîîglî Meetinîg aIi thixUix-bon Wcch- se-t i\-e ii-c'c peolie imeecilîesdas eveoung Unitl1I xxs, iii' ti ch tarnge ofbbc pî-ogcam anid 'Vu'lu, ii ut ii c u<' flue xh was'osip. aie .îOi ,c..iuc s id lti u xnie Mrs Lauei cfus (rossiualii urs- rueZ IIII lt diii auI E l Seoiswiicth ile xiorsbîp serxixi ifili a li sic bel-(c hel iiiouihe tli'ern ofn'Failli'.NMs ilini O ailinumume un secp lAM Ru-s te opench [le sembvi'e CHA.'NGEAus -pu of gmush" c ýif ILHq i M IIt' oxxC, and M rs. ~iii Ii l iimu icuus i-ftut- cii a cxcPascie uead anluappro- xciif dît- lialofIoS"iifuî n,,prlusepassage cof scriptuIrw <is u iicuii.'f ii ti i-- f xe Duiîg the hbusinîess îîîee: oui ic~ul' tutl[uil" tu um- ide, pauss i-eue niahe fAi a ingplu xx ovnul andiIaui II shuat- (-;(,ni fla, (ion(îîc-i i li iciflbazaar and tea i n Nonem ber. aie! su i t i ' i ut-i ls-îî b lm Plans xvcreumalle fou' bootius g'-th lu r itî th lu i cf tNhAusfaMi xvhic-luxwiilselI aprons. cauîds ihu 'il ui rii, uîxst be homuie haking. Chrisîmas gints gel; mu if tii'Hie xum h auud adceoratiouus, plants, aid nia i ug lic inu if non- fîuchi-andu-take giRmfoscr tLI- x1uu'u io: uilunli fats - [s-Ioni hueiuand adxîts, -fi! t,- xx il ttc Safeis hI xx as reporiocl taltlth' osuc-tpeuilisi f tlîu xli Ne ruh,,puuueehs fi om ile CoxIIuuîrs- liiu'iiilic s pa re-ufi:CISb le SLipper. aîîoîuitiug tu (rcr.u to - efui<-. t-0fhur vthin S496. 82.have lieen uî uined oser fi)(me i i luîî h C-w xsc-gui hîni nu cu fle geiet-ai fuud cf th,- alndr lit-t --'cuu- Ii u bu'c-lui;clu lx'ý 'ilei 's ui sind pril- 14iswilaolhW î rx. xxlîc las aru.~ ti la1utmdiii dau-îîg jut ucîuu-uueh fî a soînner tuot hlýiii, ' 5 5 iiilu-lasi lubruiah, xlowed coîoî cd slides sei '-si;hu.tluux çfftueit xliii xxe and gave ail actoxutît of fhla do<luu t m.-i chu: -Nîlci tail us pai: of hem- holiday vîich xias saldcid donc',uuraid Miss u'li- speuit iiif) svv sonu, x liiralil' ousIers sF. Luunu-l xxas ser-ver apit thev fican xce ha:c t be people of conclxusion of tlie mecticgz. 1 uAi kv BETHANY Tie r nAcia iman. senvIr et. ¶m, IP2 1 cule, vs'iilxîs - xîsuc-oal i bule 'iiiss ou) i uida\i-. Mu suad Mi's. D.. F'eti.Maixi w id Lu tda x-eeSuîîîda s xs- ittîs l s iClaIses Ia ugmaîh s. Mr-. asr(]Mrts. Rouîv l\Gili, Fui îisisilk l, xseu Sonda s vus- îtcîîs sx iiihMr-. anud Mi-s, Roy Lan,îgîîa id. M r su ad Ni us. C. hanuguîa id sud faiciulv, Mn,.aand Mus-. D. F'letf. Marie and Liuiha \sist- (c Mi. aud Mti-,,. Geor-ge Gi- uns v ad sonis. Coluimbuis., Rex. R. Slier-i ui M rs. Slîc- xxi anid sonus, Duihîsni. s'-itpd' [Mi, anud M rs. K B.'a>or "îîshsof hast sxceis. i-,r and i\'-s, F'raiîi Cook, ad udthil i len. txnai-11e îisiied Mr-.aîud MixS. Fr-aiký Vuesilaise Ilr. anîd familv. Vi.anî i-u. Fir-anis West-, laisJi'. anti fauuilxanîd Mu-H Franui Westlaie Sun. visiteh! Mu- anud Mi-s.F. R. Cook. Boss- ma iv i ile.1 Mis. Franuk Niestiake J.ir atleude htle fmiii'ai <ifflthi lafu ie pDavidsoii alt iidsav; Mi. Kui 'i Cntiiets, Waxx ýa,l xxas; a irect-cui ulHor xx-i bMu'.. aud Mr-s. E. Spir-es anoh famil>\' Mt,. harrs * Spii-es anud Bill' llciuiiig cujnxed a ti-p toi \Vhipeunp. West N'iigiuiîa, atý Ille wx'ciscîd. Mu. aîîd Mi's, E. Hot-kahay. E'iieeui and Jean andh Sharon' Spir-es s îsiteh oui Sîuîha>wibli Mt- sud Mrs ('Campbeilltfoîrn-: cls Mal-gai-et Brau-keturihge anud icaclierl ai Bri-ie>'"sý Sch-luui Iou i Suuîda\s AW W . uaul ta Frýaser mxx- stsitiiued at Camip Bou-heuî andh frîeuîids AI'I Gihbei-t'Tapp aîd' ACf Vernocn uAIS inusîuî, Camup, Bnîdeuî : Mirs. Isabel C;îsî ke,.i Rox-lester-. N.Y.,and Miss Lee Guistise. Seoca Faits. Rot-hest-1 ci - N.Y . sx"re guiesîs 0f Mc. suc-im' i . Frs MVi i-.ud NMisRae Pasi-tit'and t'liildUgii eiiîosc a D>'cr fami- ils' picniu-ati('oboig 0ou i Suu- l r ns ii. s N. Vi'tttciiand F'îî li s is v suit edcit1he fuuuera I1 paituois inil'ort Piîerry Io psy v tîcir lasf l'spex-ts 10 the luite Mi 1S. E. G uhîsoin i[îmi Vu-ii us'air Nc'sfi. MI-S. h.apouit'. (liatliaii Mi- Wt'slt'x Powex-llandîh'Miss i\'ahel Oui.h ,(shawxxa, vsiîl Mr. n sui Ms. N.\Volteî. MuI. utiid Mis. M.Gillios, KFii ld:Ni. aud Mus. A,. Ë %lc ieli, Maiiulla. and Mu, andir 'ti-s. F.R.'haslicur xisitchd or, Suiidssixîflu Mu su- ad Ms Dciii Tla vînu andi R ('r-ai ir-cls, Whitli'. (,l ll ii GldeCnou (i-axxfoîd, MVv'ifi. alîrldaNII -i. JKnox. PîrtniilNaris su ad 1Bruan ix-s- lfi a at Rai pli C wfîd Wlii ihs aniIxd î tcuî giest s on Suîllsi xsilî Mu i îd rMi,ý iltuxtI Knox euu osc'd ti lý.s , s illi Iluis 'iii' Rcuti ld Ca iii aud MiiloKnox lbah IirIidax,. xx ifIl thpir couîsin. ibis-v. Page iluSkiîîrlaî îîincivil- upg pji tatIec Ille illiu iiua selles oiii '(,IOrls Cii 1h stlîîSs- upý, Ille pptu iiis xxi' laxi Io dIo t lie xxiii of oi' c Oi-i-ch us\ iii Cliistiauii) icss .Ont espuilse fui God's c-ahI shlîold uc sax uiicg.îom-ageoii-, and w v mun %o Pîîrilher to a meeting of the increasing liquor- constimptn. Pethanx Fire Fighter's Assor-1 increasing number of divorces, per îod xx cie e\pressed liv 1Irs iation and their interview with and aniarming increae nin îlle- Ralph Ellis of Belleville. 'Reeve FHeiry Jakemian. the altimatedbint.scuTsion as Io The closing %worship pcî iod Man .rsTownship Council al h t aa ond adi slcsion s t of the School %vas conducted a mee tinga lasi. Tuesday haveî n the ars ser n hirese bv the Dean, Mr-. Donald Mof- tlcdfr henro etigad tepartinvSupportber of ail the ratepavers of the sol lvin spot o fat( xxho îirged. 4Lct us flot these standards of living. go home fearfufl and weak- Toviîshp to ber 2hed n te- Mrs. Herb Coppîîîs î:ii kneed, but stroîîg of purpose, dax. Septembeer 25th, 10 thef filed with G od's s t r e iig t 1)lownship ll at Bethanv l wch rge ofthe rne shipPc!lo kiiowing that in Hnm w'e tan 8 m fi the purpose of dis- ards of Chui-ch Memib(-rs«'. do great things. We must lie csi fre protection for the IThe scripture lesson xwas re'ad bold for the Lord, fearless and e tiî ownship. Il 15 hoped !bv Mrs. James Fraser. forthright, sti ong in oui- faith. ilîcre Nviii be a good attend- ýMinutes and correspondencr We showv this compulsion, ance al this important meet- Nwere read bv thestrax i hrough service, tiiroîigh xvit - 1119 Mrs. Addison Scott anid thesp ries-, i n oîîr dail' lixes.Io C;îîests during the paSt week incixided lelters of t haîîks those xve ineet. to those in Withl Mr. and Mrs . HA. Mc- from Mrs. Milton Wright and need. ini our church, taking Master -ce Mir. and Mrs. Mrs. Preston Nvais for- giffs positions of leadership. flot be- Harold i\cl\aýster., Tonawanrda, recei ved; ail invitation in al- cauise of special abilities that NYV., Mis. Earl McMasteî-. But- tend the Faîl Ralix t'CW we possess, but because we falo. N Y . Mr-.and Mrs. N. meetinlg ini Peterbhorough o.î hax e had the priviiege of this Cuiits, Etobicoke. September 25th, 'l'he offr- week ini pra « er anîd stnd ' \." M-.anîd Mrs. Norman Neals. ing was receîved hx' Mis. \Val- Mrs. Nloffai said we but pass Elmvale, xisited with Mr. and ter Neals. who aiso r-epoirde on the gond nexvs - we speak Mis. Ros~s Carr lasi week. on cotupons coliected diii-1uîg oui1 - xxe try lioestlY lu lix e Mr,.Hectoi - lamilton, .Os the summer months foi- a rnew Christianî lixes; but tet LIS Aiîgees, Calif_ has beeiî the coffee tîrn. search our soîîl more closel '. gxîest tof Mrs. J. J. Hamiltonî. If was decidcd Io piichas- ,We have olîr sins of onmission TIr, Marîv.eis Tlowîship Hall a niew, eleci.ric stove.kit - the iîelp that xvas pi offered iii Rethaliis getting a "New and additional silverware, for too lat e - the cal] we meaîît 1 îMLi' k ti repaîî's t1 tha the chur-ch kitciien. \v itfi ha niake before the friend passed'front sieps. xindows anîd îew commite appoiîîted to c-i'- oni - xx'e have all heen guiiitv. paint on ail tlîe woodwork. quire loto prîtes of Sainie. fi Act xvlîn the spirit inoves voLi M"r. asud Ms.)J. McKinnon \vas agreed îîot toiîoid ti i anid v011 xi! sooîî disco ver elebria tcd i lîcîr fi fty-ninîîî custonîary Fowl Suipper t ii. [liai 6od is xvnîking through wc'(ddiiig anniviver on Sun-!Faîl, but iîîstead t0 ask for- xlii.H siîiid dî and a Iso had as thei r cash donations to îarr.v on t1) î' Tht Dean xariied. weriîecd guecýslF foi- the iveekend their 'ý,voiEn's work. iiist o f all 10 studv oui' Bible diuglîterý Mrs, Cecil McGiii. Lunch was serx ed b\ Ilhe anîd to worship iii God's liorse: -oroîtto. and their riepîew iostess assisted bN7 Mi-S. }îri those xvho separate thcmselve-sSidiiex ,McekiIinoîî and Mrs. lMcQuade, Mrs. George Wad- froni the chîîrch, die spiritual- MVIK i 1101n of Clevelarîd. Ohio. ,deil, Mrs. Cari Porîcouis am i i 'v: v-- mut. part iiipate on the M i lixers Unîited Chui'ch held Mrs. I poîiard Driver . Thiî h fe of the chiireii. if s aililversai services on, were 30 ladies present . Suîîdfý\x xv if i hefi Bethaîî T'. Jac.kson mox ed a vote iof kM Li ted hoir îîpphiîgthe tbanks [o *Mrs. Richardsuon mil IN Aimusic. the hostess groîip. Theît itied Chirch Worn xvi ek cie cîietiairied bv Rev. anîd Sin'ce 1947, C'aiadiaius li;ia Sehni eopiie oi Set. Mi George Richardsoni ai lie douîated more thaî [ix e mil- x ith Miv. Denis rs of Paiýsoiiage, for their first meet- lion 'bofttes of blood Io iii(, Oshaxwa, lcaclîi aial ersii- of the [ail term oo Tues-lCanadiaîi Red Cross fiee Wiouot Sclitol: iMr. Jlames Cr> der- day îiighf. xith Mis. Thomasitransl'usioiî service, inari of Maple Giîîvc at Brad- eiiîg~pie-siding. To pî'oxide eoiergenuvx a. le> *vs aid Mr. Siîider <if Oslia M is~.laîpli Prestonî gaveai) sistalîce iii a hurîrv, tlic(, aii xxa andîci iîs. Soo\w\deîi Iai îitei cstiiig taik on "D)ecIining adian Red Crossxaihii- Soilia Schonis, Morial iidad Quoting relief Supplies ini France. Tii - Mrý. and Mi-S. 'iiîitoî pas- tafîstîts. the qppkpr îold of kev, Sxiizeriand anîdi\roo E B UR NERse v Don't be misled lx (r(vJ:I[ -- s i. '. I -. -- s ut, I Si fI à i cornies to(0homeo heating Don't make a costly mistake whcn you choosc your hiomc heating fuel. ]It's tool a cleasx e <stonse. iprat o tc~? nIdn Suiihax. Setîf 23 xxvil ric pranthere's tomuch a sak, icu bn h RaIls- Dàux iucîe. nt) Siinda' , Sept. .1. a famnily. Investigate ail the facts and carefuly choosc y I-an rnu-it tieChristiati Bis' iii casmu' uî s ('ouuuuil îieè, 'I'oron- to.'ux l ute luri' icti agrlo The simple truth is that there's nothing that can con] tuf las\ nien-n sîhuî atae1-l lisontp and iiefssage wbat ('hrisT safety, dependabiiity and econoniy. We'11 bc glad to1 lias lhuit' for t hem anîd means tu iuî-uî. Thlis us a great cxciii lii cîur ruîn'bh ife, anud yo case histories. Cali your local Imperial Esso Agcnt or1 xxl m iiîot wxi s o Ii nuss utl. 'i'he xxiic %i li e ai the reguhai you'II bc glad you dic' tuol- of9.301 ouh-ox k Youiug People. agch T1i to '15 seau-s are ilvteh to attenud a mîeeinîg 10 dîsuuss the fcîrnî- Completcly automnatic, safe and dependable 'Esso ci] atuounîof a Y.P.U.C' for al] tbree, chxurches on Stndav evcniiug. Setmeu 6aIIaptn fbeter, happier place tolive. rîrganuuueih, il xxould probahi v nu-(et Ili <aui of the luec ,hcl-(.,lhes uin mOtationî Conht- andh express .> <ic opinion andh (x Ihs lina ru eh <or single ~I 1 .. siehuonie) ýjcd VI~D i h iouxxecs ;and fanîiiy speoî, the- bolîi-ax xxekend at Fencion, Falls. hcalth andi safety ofyo~ y'our sourcecof informatio. npctc with Esso ci[ heatfo prove it to you ,with'actr Distributor for frce advi. Ji heat inakes any home INSCRANCI. King St. E. Offire AA3-5681 r. A MA .3-5,193 I Port Hope Agricultural Society FALL TROTTING RACES ARTS and CRAFTS -LIVESTOCK SHOW -COOKING and BAKING For the First lime at Port Hope... Jumpers in the Saddle Horse Division Specialhsts Attend Delhi Tobacco Day Ailr. A. 0. Dalrymple, Ag- cultural Rpresen.tativ., :,r' Mr. Jiohn Ingratta, Fruit îand \'teahle Specialist, attended heic Extension SperiRlists' Field [IxP ai Delhi on Moflday, ih'grotîp xvas weicomned te h- farm b *v M r. L. S. Vickery x' ho outliîied the research prog'ramin a Delhi Mr. C. N.1 Ilvath, Sccretarv of the Mark. e'imiî Board spoke briefly te thef group on tobacco market. îng livre and abroad. Mr. E. K. \\iker, explained the use of tll he nexBulk Curlrag 'he .g-oiip xvvre then fakený. o tt lo a nearbv -arm ta see * tobacco t ' ing machine in ac- I on. Thswas followed by a tour of the plots at the Del- hi Experimeotal farni and a hrît'f discussion ai each of 0 a