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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1962, p. 16

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18 The- Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept. 12, 1962 Will Hold C/fn ics [i ci obe rfor Live Oral Polio Vaccine O: 1 1' 14. 1,9 16 and l7th, the Salk injections or flot. It' lfl2. nuv-re hçld in 252 is for everyone, of ail ages. lri-"î' tr.'hr thp Coun- Even though some members t - ofr N,-0it hrnt erland and of your family cannot attend, Dtr-e vann nfants. pre- those who can attend should s'-h<'ý ri ad chool children do so. e'-' d'î' weroe ,ffir--d Sabin Second dose wilI be avail- 'oc:" for . ie, prevý,,ntion of able for those who have re- p2r2lt.o r ' ievelitis. ceived their first dose pre- ,\'-,-n.1-con'-.ý of clinics viously, in the United Coun- %vl! hb l"-.d On-trber lsFt - 4ti), ties or elsewhere. First doses 1~?Afain. there -il] be a will be given to those who did clinic in cver ' vsubool, and in flot attend other clinics and sre arc 'ppial ('unies, arrangements will be made fori e.q.<'aroni'-iif*v halls will be future clinics. The interval availablo for oo-ons other between the first and second thon zchno! children. Clinies doses should not be less than wil] b' -' rl in eaeh area on 6 - 8 weeks. r,ne dDv oril v. lMonidiay.v Octo- Thie Sabin vaccine will Lier 1, F.n-it Northumberland, again be gven by mouth on 'T"-a.Octob'er 2.Weto- a lump of sugar, or from a tea- th.urnhr'rland. \Vode(nesdav. Oc- spoon or medicine dropper. tober 1,. Ea"st 1fhîrharn. Thurs- dav. (ctobcr 4. West Durham. The vaccine should flot be If oru cannot attend the gîven: 1. to those acutely ili. i chieicn 'mur area, you may 2. to those taking antileukemic I go to iiny 'ofle of the other cli- drugs or corticosteroids. 3. ics that is convenient for you. to those suffering from rieur- Thii7 vaccine gives individ- ological complaints such as ual protection but it also gives multiple scierosis. 4. within farnlY and cornrunity protec- two veeks before or after any tion if evervyone in a farnilv operation on the mouth, throat and in a cornmunity receives ýor dental surgery. the vaccin(.. In this wav, it 5. to those who have received differs frorn Salk vaccine smallpox vaccination three which gives individual pr.o- weeks before or after. tection only. This is rnost im- This vaccine is prepared at portant so that \'we cao stamp the Connaught Medical Re- out polio in our area. So be search Laboratories and is dis- suire that ' ou, the membersitributed by the Ontario De-, of vour farnilv, and the corn- partment of Health through munit 'v corne to the linies. MIvedical Officers of Health. You shoulri take this vaccine STAIVP OUT POLIO- GET i-whether v'ou have received i _YOUR- SABIN VACCINE. nn~TUlfllT and wife Maralyn who wr ruJ2iliruuij married Iast we nTrno Church service was held at (Iritendcd for last xweek) Zion this Sunday, Sept. gth. We are glad to report that Rev. Mr. Freeman was in Mr-s. MCarl of Omemee is charge. There was a good at- recox or nig aficr a recent op- tendance of both Morrish and, eat.ion. Zion congregations. p rd Mrs-. Prrcy i\Mc- Miss Bertha Langdon and Mahn. i;zs Ex 'lyn Culi' and M .s. Ada Montgomery, Port Mvrs. Cully xverc SundaY vis- Hope, attended services at itors wilh Mîs. Lily Richard- Zion Sunday ar. $011.. Miss Elaine Caswell left .ir, and Mr-. Jack rîniney Monday morning for Peter- of Ptri huroigh have rnoved borough where she will attend int thý -village recently. Teachers' College. Mr. and Mos. Colin Rich- Mr. Chas. Meneilley left 8rctoo ad fmil~ rntore tolast Tuesday morning forSt Kingston and Gananoque o n Thomasweeh scniu Sundav andl enjoyeci a boat ng w herLawhCoistrctin trip throughip he Thousand Cowth. eLa ostuto feoci- uolhall teans suf- Mos. W. J. McCullough was, frdt, vo detoeats on Sundi 'y pleasantly surprised last Mon-' wi'h Ne-ticlor and Janetville day afternoon, Aug. 27. as a bc;ng lhe e xvnners. group of ber Zion friendsý 1Wedding beils will be ring- gathered at her home witb in ntihe xillaqpo n. greetings and ahl the require- Sor'rv 1Inor'port the sudden nients for a party to help her p:asorn'v <f \Mr. .Joe Dav-idson, celebrate ber birthday. A cf Frt' nu Th is voung pleasant afternoon was spent mnan w-a v -ril known bere. v~istiîag. *\iîs. R. J1. Paynoe returroed. Refreshments were servedi bere llr'r<lx-after a iveek's in the dining rooni, where the holiday in Sc-ut-boro. : table was attractively set and centred with a bowl of yellow and cimson rose buds, agift fromfrind.Mrs. McCulloughi Zi.on (Houe To wnshipo)!cut the lovely birthdayhcakeý vihich was served wthice1 Mî-s. D2ýlinar Whitney bias! cream. returiied home afteo several She received many greeting wcoks vocationi in the Windsor cards and remembrance gifts a rea with relat i ves and and as each expressed bappy fniendswishes, w'e feel those wishes Congi'atul'itions and best had corne true. This day for wisle cs Mi- Orx cI Sunday bher bhad been a happy one._ TEA AND BAZAAR Golden Plough Lodge] SEPT. 22 - 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets available on : Quit, Painting and Table Centre. ADM'vISSION------------ 35e You Con Serve Your Family BETTE MEAS ATLOWE COv * Guaranfeed Qualif y Meats * FRESH LAMB SALE TENDER - MEATY - (Whole or Haif) LAMB LEGS lb. 79 A Three-Meal Variety: Roasts - Chops - Stewlb3 LAMBIïna BASKET 3G Lean and Meaty - Well Trimmed z.àob RIB LOIN L.AMB CH rfm Ideal for Stewing or Braising LA4M B F LANKS% E'RESHLY GROUND HAMBURG Ib. 43C Presswoodsb.C SKINLESS WI1EN E RS Pkg.39 *Fresh Pro duce Specials* M HURRY! HURRY! HURRY!- Enter the Pittsburgh Colouring Con test I>upils up to Grade 6 C07,ME IN AND GET YOUR FREE COLOURING BOOK AND ENTRY FORM FREE PRIZES a.0. lst Prize-Value $1.1.00 (Table., Chair and Dishes) 21ld Prize-Vahie $10.00 (Hockey Game) 3rd Prize-Valtie $ 5.00 (DoIl Pyjama Bag) Entric's must be in by October lst JUDGES MI1. L. E. BLOVE, Branch Manager, CPI., MII. 3.. HOBBS, Supervising Principal, South Darlington School Area. 1NIS. W. L. PATERSON, local artist, concession St., Bownianville. FREE ! ONE BOX 0F COLOURING CRAYONS with purchase of one or more gais. Pittsburgh Paint. 72 NEW WALLPAPERS just arrived Priced f rom 45c to 99c ABERNETHY'S PAINT and WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 ONTARIO GROWN - o. 1 CARROTS 3-1b. Poly Bag CALIFORNIA - TOKAY RED RPS ONTARIO GROWN - No. 1 COKIG NI NS 3-1b. Poly Bag GOLDEN YELLOW FRM BA-NA-NAS L.15C * Frozen Food Specials * BLUEWATER FISH and CHIPS EASI DOUGH PIE CRUST MIX SWIFT'S PIES Beef-m Chicken m Turkey I 8-oz. Pkg. 24-oz. Pkg. 20-oz. Pkg. 4 55C 29c for 99C Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion ST O RE H O URS: Store Limited is unconditionally Open Thurs. - Fr1. until 9 pa.. guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction, for your shopping convenîence * Grocery Specials* ONLY AT DOMINION Braeside Grade A SMALL EGGS DOZ. 9 ALL POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES 2O's $ 9 REGULAR OR CHUBBY - 200's K"LEENEX Box15 r BALLET - 2c OFF PACK 2 Roll TOILET TISSUE4 Pkg. 1 ST. WILLIAMS - WITH PECTIN d STRAWBERRY JAM HEINZ BRAND Cooked in Tomato Sauce SPAGHETTI 24-oz. Jar CUL VERHOUSE - CHOICE £ 20-oz. 4~ Cream Style CORN6- Tins WALKER'S BRANDA 16-oz. SALTINES4 Pkgjs.$ HEfINZ BRAND r - 1~ ) ) J i 'c M i SOLO - REGULAR MAKGARINE J Pkgs.69 LUNCH MASTER BRAND WAX -PAPER2 Roils 49C QUAKER BRAND 12-oz. CORN FLAKES 2.g. 49e ONLY AT DOMINION - RICHMELLO PEANUT BUTTER MIR LIQUID DETERGENT FREE PARKING while You Shop in Air-conditioned Store 1 2 16-oz. Jar c c Values effective at yu Dominion Store' Limited, Bowmanvilie. until ciosing time, Saturday, September 15th, 1962 1 24-oz. Poly BotIs. a * I m 1 m ___mm a Em- . 1 OM p 1 19C da ý. ý 1

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