Durham County's Great Family Journal Il Saddle Horse Wins New Blanket lurae Choose Tobacco Kings for 1962 Three tobacco kings were chosen for, this year at Orono Fair, Friday night. They are, from left to right: Frank and John Mikula, Kendal, and Gien Atkins, R.R. 1, Baltimore. Their entries tied for first place. Winner of the Tobacco Queen contest was MUiss Mary Snowden, Castieton, who had left the grounds before The Statesman photographer arrived. Durham Farmers Co-Op fr'md ottie of Nitro At Scene of Breakme Whi'tby Man "GuiIlty" Two nien appeared before Edward Gallagher, age 32,1 Magistrate R. B Baxter ini of Whitby and Oshawa, was . I - - - court here on Tuesday on char- Icharged wîth breaking 1 nto ~ e~ e vc ges concerningth recent and entering the Durharn u er b rvc e ,Coun ty Co-op, Orono. September 5th, with the ina- an Yy-, c: Povinski, age 37, Wbit- tention of committing an i- charged with breaking dictable offense. The accusedI. and entering, asked for an ad- then had a choice of trial ini journiment of the case against Magistrte's Court, trial by aBig Car vvasn him as bis lawyer xvas unable judge in a higher court, or by ta be present that day. He was a judge and jury in a bigber Extra special service will remanded in custody to ap- court. Ho chose trial by Mag- be offered to the people of the r ar in Magistrate's Court istrate Baxter. towri and district at the Ro- Iere Li£xt Tuesday. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) tary' Annual Car Wash to be held this Saturday at Robson's Motor,King Street, Bowman- ville, from eigbt a.m. to six Hamb rgs na C ili p.m. Keith Jackson is the pro- Hamb rgs nd C ili duction manager, and Irving Nelson is in charge of the over ahl sale of tickets, which FIy Through Air in aeh Te ticketsr becarth ,aeprTeticatsfo oecarh slgn"Heip Us To Help Others". Restaurant Scrap Terianshit loa IThe fs or sifts of oc alRo- A barr7age of hamburgers, Tcstimony was given by car wash are as follows: First sandwiches, sait, sugar and Mr. Eige, wbo stated that he Shift, 8 o'clock in the morn- chili sauce wýent tbrougbi the and his wif e and small daugh- ing to 1l arn., Ian Smith, Fore- air in the Northway Restaur- ter went int the Northwaylrman; Dave Higgon, Public Re- ant, Higbway 115, near Orono, Restaurant on the date in lations and Tickets: Workers, on July 26th, according to evi- question. They sat at the coun- President Keith BillebI, Forbes dence heard in Magistrates ter xitb bis wife and child on Heyland, Bill Morrison, Tom Court here on Tuesday. his rigbt.On bis left Mr. Zag- Palmer, Dr. Keith Slemon, Bob Mrs. Donald Frenchman, orski. then Mrs. Zagorski, Stevens, Mel Dale, Jack Reid, who with ber husband, D. L. theix- daugbter Darleen, were Jim Speers, and Peter Newell. Frenchman, owns and opera- seated. Mrs. Eige's brother, Second Shift, 10 a.m. to 1 tes the restaurant. was faced W. T. Howell. sat on the other p.m., Foreman, Dr. H. B. Run- with Ihree charges of assault, side of the Eige's child. Idle- Public Relations, Morleyý one against Huatlier Eige, age * Mr Eige told the court he1Vanstone; Tickets. immediate four and a balf, tbe second Igave the ordex- for bis family,: past president Ken Morris; against James Eige, and the and theii Mrs. Zagorski placed Workers. Bill Coggins, Ber- third against Mrs. Eileen Eige, lone witb Mrs. Frenchman. The nard Holden. Wilf MeMechaii, ail f Okvile.TURN TO PAGE TWO r <TURN TO PAGE TWO) Crew Members Join Mosport Winner 4Sometbîng newv was added on Saturday at Mosport Park xvhen Formula ru race winner Ernie de Vos won an exciting race in this gleaming Lola Teof his attractive pit crew members hopped on the back of bis car and tour- ed the track with him on the victorly iap, mucb 10 the enjoyment of the crowd. John Cannon of Montreal, driving a Dailu Mark 1, powvered by a Cor- vette engine, took the big race of the day by outgunninci Francis Bradley's Lotus 19 (Miss Wbiz) and Ludwig Heimraih's Porsche RS 61 in the 25 lap Indian Sumnmer Trophy race. Roger Beaumont, oni a Mlatix Norton, wvon the major mnotorcycele race defeating last year's winner Ivor Llovd lut;£-li %-py N uI IMBEI Dr. Vivian Announces His Retirement From PoIitîcs To Return to McG iii Staff Dr. R. P. Vivian will flot be' a candidate in the next lied- eral election. The former Member of Parlia ment for Durham bas written to the Durham County Progressive Conservative Association an- nouncing his intention not to seek nomination as a candid- ate. 11 find my responsibilities at McGill University require me to return as president and 'ch airman of the Department of Health and Social Medi- cine" Dr. Vivian stated in bis l letter to Robert Sisson, assoc- iation president.1 On Leave of Absence *The Port Hope physician has hield the university appoint- mient since 1946 but was o n leave of absence from McGill1 since bis first election to the House of Commons in 1957. He resumned bis duties in' Montreal ait the beginning of the month. He will continue, however, to maintain his re- Dr. R. P. Vivian sidence at King Street, Port federal Member ofPai- Hope, and bie and his wife ment, Dr. Vivian acteld as'a xiii spend as much time there govcrnment representative at as possible. several functions abroad, at! D.Viviari has also written' NATO conferences in Paris, at tPrime Minister John Dief- the World Food Bank discus- - enbaker informing him of his sions in Rome, at European r cecision and expressing ap- Common Miarket meetings in preciation of the consideration London and at the United Na-! "vot have shown me over the tions in New York. years and for the opportunitv His withdrawal from the ar- of playing some part onice tive political scene closes outr again in political life.' a 19-vear association with Oi ts and1 £J4eces I MORE TOMATOES - A second giant tomato has appeared on The Editor's desk. This one was grown by P. Zeppieri, R.R. 3, and brought in by Frank Carter. It weighed one and three quarter pounds and was slightiy more than f ive inches across. Incidentaliy, after the item in last week's paper, Bert Sevink of the Oshawa Times advertis- in g department, delivered a sait and pepper shaker so the staff could enjoy th-, tomatoes dur- ing coffee break. t. t i t t TAKING OVER TOWN - Mrs. Eric Coiweli of Horsey St. reports that four fat hen pheasants with bands on their legs were wandering around that area this week. That makes 13 of the birds which have been spotted in town so far this year. If they continue being so brave, one of these days somebody will be serving, them up for dinner. They aiways taste better out of season, anyway, we are told. i.t t +t CONTEST VVINNER - Mrs. R. Gibbs, 509 Burling Avenue, Oshawa, has won the PB Home Contest sponsored by Oshawa Wood Produets recentiy. She named the house "Aristocratic" and won the big prize. "I've been entering contests ail my life and this is the first I've won," she said. Not a bad start, we would say. t t 1 t t t SANTA'S PARADE - Christmas is coming, and merchants are asked to attend a coffee break meeting at the Bowmanx'ille Hotel on Tuesday morning around 10 o'ciock when the Santa Claus parade xiii be discussed. It was such a tre- mendous success last year that an early stai-t for the 1962 show is hoped f or. i. t t t t HAT SPECIALIST - We are indeed sorry to record that Miss Lola Down died this wcek. In her lifetime, she made hats for almost everybody in town. An excellent craftswoman, she was of the oid school who could do most anything with a needie and thread and the materiais that go into fabulous bat creations. Her many friends wil miss ber. t t t i *-t t ANOTHER BONER - Wish we'd stop making mistakes in the paper but at least it is one way of finding out if the paper is being read. Last week we credited the Kinsmen with transporting the Rochester youngsters to Mosport, but it was the Kiwanians. We also goofed by showing a photo of some girls with badminton rackets and said they were learning tennis. The calis fiowed in ail weekend. BIG GAME- The pro hockey plavers xviii be here on Tuesday, Sept. 25th, xvhen Rochester and Springfield wiil play an exhibition game. This should be a wonderful introduction to the hockey season, to be foliowed by an NHL Old Timers game later. In the meantime, it seems that we shall have a Junior B club here and an intermed- iate squad too. So, it looks good for the xinter season. + t + t î- FIRST MEETING - From the schedule of speak-- ers appearing in this issue, this should be one of the best years the Canadian Club bas had. On Thursday Sept. 2tb, they start with Sidney Katz of Maciean's magazine, one of the best in the business, and a chap who we have aiways found most interesting. Get your tickets noxv before they are ail sold and cbeck the advertisement on another page. t t t t t NEW FIELDMAN - Earlv this week, word was received that Don Welsh bas taken over as Field- man for the Durham Federation of Agriculture from Clarence Aluin. More information should be available on Ibis next week. NOT SO MANY - Supervising Principal of Public Schools A. Mi. Thompson reports a drop in attendance from 1456 bo 1383 in the 43 classrooms in Bowmanx'ilie's four Public Schools. However, il is not quite what it seems because 95 former pupils have starýted at the newx Separate School at the rear of St. Joseph's Churcli Gardon Mri' W~iI Head Drysý Vote Oct. 17 At a meeting of the Bow- mianville Citizens Commit- tee lield on Monday eirening in the lecture rooni of St. Paul's ULnited Church. Gor- don C. Martin ivas appointed manager for the negative Side in the plebiscite to be held in Bowmanville on Wednesday, October 17th. In the plebiscite to lbe held under the Liquor Con- trol Act four questions will be on the ballots: dining room license;, cocktail lounge 1 i c e n s e; men's beveragc room: and -womeîi's beverage roomj. On Monday evcning, Sep- temnber l7th, the Bowman- ville Citizens Coin in i t t e e will hold a general meeting in the Salvation Army Hall at 7:30 o'clork. The coin- mittee invites ail people interested in keepin,, bev- erage roonis ouit of Bow- manville to attend. P'ORT 'I'OPE FAIR TIIIS IVEEKENI) Port Hope Fair wýi!l be field tlîis %veckend ivith a mIfl card of events to please both old and young. Those who are intcrested in attend- in,. should cheek.the adver- Lorne Hoskin, R.R. 1, Burketoni,lias a brand new blanket for six-year- old "Lucky" which was won at Orono Fair Saturday aftcrnooli, when they won first ribbon in the English saddie class. The bîlanket xvas donated by Lorne Johnson's Drug Store in Newcastle and was presentcd by 10-year-old daughter Glenda Johnson. Competition in this and the other classes was. excep- tionally keen, with a large numnber of entries to thrill the crowds which packed the runs Discuss Ambulance Problem \'ext week, -vi!I see thie0 openimz of Lindsay Fair, Af wihrh will be spread over Darington Signls New Fire; many outstanding events. Colmnii DesAgreemeat With Bow manvile VmuM :t B ase Rate of $3,000O Per Year Darlington Township Coun-lrauthority for the Fire Pro- Hal ci at ils meeting held in the ýtection Agreement, the terms m ajor K(en Hal wn&ship Hall, Hampton, on were set out as follows: Bow- Thursday afternoon passed manville te provide a rire mu the following accounts for truck and eight ie nwhi 'Bured UnI IVIMIpayment: general $19934.80; :nccessary to combat a fire ini welfare $1,721.56, and roadslthe towiiship, but one fixe . oeils $11,111.06.r Reeve Garnet Ric- truck muîst stav in Bowman- Arternoon Ikad and ail other mnenbers x'ille at. ali time:î;. A large nunîiber of bis of thecuii were presenit atl Darlington Township to pay former corr.des with the Mid- the meeting. :a retainer of $.0 yearly for iland Regi~n attended theý Two By-Laws were passedithîs fire protection service, funeral of Major KennetbH -all, by the counicil. One By-Law 'and $125 for cach cali. This 58, in Orono United Chruch:provides authoritY for thelcovers the first Ixour fighting Ibhis afternoon. Reeve and Township Clerfr a fîre, and $35 for each addi- MjrHall died suddenly'Walter Runidle, to sign thetoa or h e for a Trno.onSuda.1e Fire Protection Agreement grs rcinney fire will be was born:ih that city, but re-iwitb Bowrnanville. The other $75. The paymerît of $3,000 to ceived bis education aI Orono1was a new Building By-Law. the-Town of Blownianville to and aI the Peterborougb b I the By-Law whicb gives i TLJRN TO PAGE TWO) Tahr'College. He taugbtl ldustrial arts for 32 years be-ý Rev. R. R. Nicholson i-e becoming a consultant at! Hismay fieds nd the University of Toronto. Appreciative Thieves His rnay frieds andread-1 £ccording to Col. .C ers will be deeply sorry to!Gamev, who comrnanded the1L ea e " ' a I o fC r learn that Rev. R. R. Nichol-ý Midlands, Major Hall is Ihet son, author of the Religion for1 first of the unit's companyý Newcastle - Thieves entered Munro, and several doors Today column in The States-r coî-nmânding officeî-s to die.1the local Public School some- wcr-e forced open, including mai,, died on Menday at Me-»Hs military service beg-an tieo*una vnig a- the door to the stock rooni. rniîl optaBwmnile ibthe old Durham Regi- ing away xitli a new rnoVie codnt M.urte He biad a long and brilliant mnent and during World War projector, a tape recorder, a Aieor-s edin 1 bcMr. M re career in the United ChurchII he commanded A Company1brief case, and some other Iivssee t ofmla ministry hefore xetiring here of the Midlands wbicb drewjitems including some Mexican' with the surroundings and several years ago. Mi-. Nichol-recrui îs mainly from the Co-icostumes belonging to room' semred to know where to lookc son will be buried fî-om Trin-Jbourg area.1 No. .3.l for what they wanted. ity UTnited Chui-eb. Thursday' Major Hall is survived byý Entrance was gained througb Bc-fore leaving, th(, visitors morning, xith service at 10:30 his ,vife, the foi-mer Helenithe coal bin window and une eiîjoyed a cup of coffee in the o'elock. Interment wvill be Howard, and a daughter,lof the cellar windows, accord 'officc adlf hn c in Strathroy. ___ 'Elizabeth. i ing 10 Sbool Principal R.Icard. a dlf hn o Movie Camera Won At Ju ry & Loveli Store Opening * Alil xeekend, Jury & Lovell's attractive nexv drug store in Bowmanx'ilIe was crowd-ed xith custom- ers xvho came ouI of the store wearing red roses and ca rrving gifts. On Saturdax ai. closing lime, His ýWorship Mayor Ivan Hobbs, after offering congratula- tions and best wishes to the management, drexv the lucky prize winning numbers. Top winner of the Kodak Mox-ie Camera and film was Rose Marie Birkett, 28 Prospect St., second from lef I. Mrs. Philip iPa ttr'ick was second, winning the ladies "In Love" gUifj set, and shown heu-e xitlu ber gift. Third prize went to V. Cronk-, 2 Gaylord Dr., Scarboro, who won a Parker desk set. Other winncrs were Mrs. F. R. Cook, Wm. Orme, Betty Bishop, Hon White, Mms G. b. Hearl, F. F. Willan, Gordon Hughes. MIrs. G. White, Ir.E. Wessells, Ruth Crranî. Two other -winners did not fili ouI their names on the coupon. At extreme lefI of the photo is Fred Tippins, J & L store manager and Mayor Hobbs is at f ar right.. VOLUME 108 10 Ti.. A ~!~7TT T T' I~~T711 A T1Y~~ ~ - - -= I ISUWMANVILLE, ONTARIU, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th, 1962 10e Per Conv R 37'