On Sundav morning. the A meeting to discuss the tended the races at Mosport. ofhir sang -Onen mv Heart formation of a Young People's Mr. and Mrs. Hil and son, e~t Imvse'Rv ec Union will be heid in the victims of the unfortunate fire' Page's talk to the children Hampton C. E. Bldg. on Sun-. on Labor Day, arelingn was n "ook r Lse",anâday. Sept. I 6th, at 7:30, for Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur's the sermon was o ..Thyoung people of ail three!apartment. Christian Life." The children's churches. Mr. and Mrs. Selix Doucette, talk taught us the neccessitv of The AOTS Men's Club of Nova Scotia, visited ber bro- watching our Christian «life, the church took in $55.00 at'ther, Mr. Melbourne Prime ]est we lose precious quaîities the Car Wash on Saturday. !and Mrs. Prime. from it. The sermon indicatcd Choir Practice will be heldý Mr. Cossabom and nephew Borne of these qualities: it is Thursday evening at 8 p.m. Walton Prime returned after founded on faith: built up in M.adMs ly e spending the summer in N.S. virtue. wisdom, self-control, ster and children, Port Credit, Miss Louise Goodman, who patience, godliness and broth- visited ber aunt, Mrs. Page had been visiting Mrs. Nich- erlinesý, and crowned xith -nd Rev. Mr. Page. olLç, returned with them. ov.The purpose is that we Ms uut lmn n Wendell, Randail and Wal- mi.cht be fruitful Christians, Mis Ann Fleming, Toronto, ton Prime attended a Retreat ~in otersto hrit. visie Rev. and Mrs. Percy, at Union Creek, a church Ç~mPton Tvros met Tues- Page on Friday. camp sponsored by the Bap- . _ dA'y at 6:30. Hamr)ton Explor- A large number o! Hampton tist Church. ers for al girls in Grades 4 people attended Orono Fairý Last week's editlon of Thne to 6 met Wednesdav at 4 p.m. on Saturday, while others at- Statesman recorded that tamel IBow 'nille On. Saturday A. afternonlast, Mrs. Bob Childs k Corne in saw a flock of tame pheasants adInspect walking down the sidewaik on, tn4 Scugog St., Hampton. They Always a real crowd pleaser, the outstarïding th ats were also seen by Mrs. Pal- th Itetmer, Mrs. McReelis, Miss Marie trotting races at Orono Fair this year were even in sboe comnfort ! Prescott and this correspon- better than ever, with some of the top horses in the dent; finally crossed Scugog country present to show their speed. They were made "The St., somne on wing and some __ "The mheron foot, and went east, pos- sibly to visit the sehool. A hemade especially for womnen who like . with Mrs. Will Armour, Osh- STYLE. . . Plus COMFORT! awa. W edding Mr. and Mrs. Charlie John- g son, Oshawa, and Miss Doris "A puff of buoyant foam in the outsole is Wright, Enniskillen, visited on 1Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. wrapped in luxury leather to make walking Wm. Axford. pretty sof t!" Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard and daughters visited on Sun- day with Mr. and jMrs. Harry THE SHOE WITH THE NEW SOFT SOLE! Appleton, Whitby. Mrs. H. S. Price and Mrs. HUGN PIE xums. A. L. Wilson, Toronto, were Mr. Clarence Huggins, bro- Saturday dinner guests with On Saturday, September i ther of the groom, Taunton, M.and Mrs. Chester Borek of Marguerite Rose Price, were Mr. Frank Carter, Mapie 49 King St. W. Bowrnanville and family visîted on SundaY daughter of Mr. Samnuel R. Grove, and Mr. Ronald C. evening with Mr. and Mrs. Price, Tweed, and the late Babcock of Whitby. Borkowski, Oshawa. Mrs. Price, and Mr. William Arepto fooedith Mr. and Mrs. Mighton, Tor- Alfred Huggins was solemniz- SAlvaction rmy Citaden whe - __onto, were Sunday dinner ed in the Salvation Army Sathe g rm mote wred Sguests with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Citadel, Bowmanville. T h eth ro'mte eeid Carrick. groom is the son of Mr. and the guests. For the occasion Sunday guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Huggins of she wore a brown printed jer- We wish to express our Mrs. Ken Caverly were Mrs. Hampton. sey. dress with brown acces- sincere thanks to our many Beth Wright, Mrs, Elwoooi Captain D. Ritson was the srses and cmusg. fvlo fredsadloa usonrswo Fenneil, Miss Barbara Fennell officiating clergyman, and the rssad'us frieds ad lyal ustmerswho and Mr. John Woodburn, Tor- Citadel was adorned with pink Following the reception Mr. paid us a visit during our Grand erto, Mhro and s Bruet, Os- and wbite 'mums. Miss Pat and Mrs. Huggins lefi on a erl, Sarn ad Ben, Oh-Knox of Hampton played the wedding trip to Northern and Oeig thsbe a rvlg o awa. digmscanthso' Eastern Ontario. For travel- serv yo inthepast and our hope is Thîstletown, were Friday sup- onto, sister of the groom, sang~ Irish wool ensemble with ,Derguets ithhisbroher0 Prfet Lve"and'Thî witefurhat. matching ac- to serve you better in the future Mr. Sam Dewell and Mrs' cessories, and corsage of yel- Dewell. Lord's Prayer".lw roses and 'mums. They Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell Given in marriage b y her will reside at 7 Durham St., were guests on Saturday at father, the bride wore a Bowmanville. the Slyfield-Stark wedding at waltz-length gown of white St. George's Memnorial Church, lace oven taffeta with ai Both the bride anar groom at he asoie empe. nd eryboufan skrtHerSalvation Army in Bowman- PO YM LSONMr. and Mrs. Ted Chant shoulden-length veil of em- ville. POLYM LSIONhave returned from a two- broidened nylon net fell from Pnior to her marriage the LIQUD VIAMIN weeks' vacation trip to Cape a tiara o! pearîs and sequins, br ide was guest of honor at a LIQIDV$AMe88J5 Cod, Nova Scotia, New Bruns- and she carried a white Bible mscellaneous shower held by ,àozrg. $7.75 - SPECIAL - wick and Prince Edward Is- crested with red roses, white membens and friends of the I~ YE A PR Nland. baby 'mums and white -ribbon Salvation Army, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Clemens streamers. Mrs. J. W. Shultz, Bowman- 100'sreg 3 aluS P CI AL _ and Brent spent the weekend Miss Margaret Carter o! vile, and Mrs. L. Armstrong, 100s, eg.93cVale -SPEIAL ---- 6 C wth r. nd rs.Frak SryMaple Grove wvas maid of Oshawa, were hostesses fora Rochester. honor in pastel green lace over personal sbower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Albin Clemens, tafeta, and the bridesmaid the bride at the home o! Mrs. S L I R N Shgo 8 day with Mr. and Mrs. La- sister o! the bride, was in Managements and fellow Re g. $1.29 - SPECIAL---------------- 98 ven Clemens. white with mauve. Miss Rita employees of Nothern Canada FREDHP ADNMrs. Jos. Chapman, Oshawa, Huggins, tiny sisten o! the Supply, Oshawa, presented FRIEDSHP GADENand Mrs. H. Tink, Solina, were groom, was in pale green nylon the groom with a steam iron. D U TIN9PO DE Sunday visitors with Mr. and witb short full skirt and lace 98cI G O W E Mrs. Perey Dewell. cummerbund. Ail wone head- KNIGHT-GRE Reg. $2.25 - SPECIAL -------------- Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell dresses to match their dresses visited on Thursday with their and the aduit attendants car- The British Columbia Area BR CK Sh$n o cousin, Mrs. Ida Wilcox, who ried cascade bouquets of yel- Army Protestant Chapel, Van- BRECK hompo is a patient in Civic Hospital, low 'mums. The flower girl couver, enhanced withb ou- Reg. $1.75 Value - SPECIAL 049'I Peterborough. carrîed a basket o! yellow quets o! gladioli, was the sett- Miss Louise Goodman spent ing for the manriage of Bonnye Labor Day weekend in Tor- were held in Tyrone Church Jeanane Knight, daughter of M ODESSfo 8 onto with Mr. and Mrs. Allan owing to the rain. They were Mrs. Wm. H. Knight, acu Regular 51c - SPECIAL -__ 2 fo 9 C Parker. tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. v'er, and the late Mr. Knight, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Pooler Wes Taylor, Tyrone; and were and Sig. Alex Brian Green, and !amily, Oshawa, were visited in the evenîng by their s o! Mr. Ernest Green, Maple EX-LAX Sunday night supper guests nephew, Mr. Gordon Stevens, Grove, andth aeMs Regular 87c - SPECIAL ----------65 Mr. Cli!! Ollerenfbaw, of Ms yeWrwrh n place on Friday evening, Downsview, sp e n tMonday Mrs. Townes, Cobourg, called Agt 3ol 1962, at. 8 clockun with bis cousins, Mn. and Mrs. on Mrs. L. D. Sykes on Sun- L.Cl e.J icxDn W ILDROOT Cream Ou 5 Alan Art elîmanday afternoon. Mrs. L. D.Thn wM s B.E., officiD.A, Regla 7c ale SECALBowmanville, vîsited M r 5. tea guest with ber daughte-, The bride was given in mar- FUJI-CORDER Bertha Collacott and Miss Mrs. Gordon Brent, Betbesda. nage by ber grandfatber, Mr. TA E EC RD RMarie Collacott. Mrs. Sykes spent some hol - Normnan Symonds. She wore a TA ER C R E t A rMr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- days with Mr. and Mrs. Tom vit lorlengte ono tiCf oy spent Labor Day weekend Sykes _atwaicottage atthLake St wr elvMn. JerrRbsn n The reception ahedt Anno ncem nt..couer, s anqutl HaslbendVat A nnO ncem nt quyer andtheguests were received by the bride's mothen. For the occasion she chose a chamnpagne brocade sbeatb ~uar r~r~ dress with matcbing jacket MMVI E ~ ItK~and corsage o! baby orchids. H O W E EU RSAfter the reception the cou- pIe left on a wedding trip -1 REA LTORS Bowmanville, Ont., aniving the first o! Octobe. Tor tra- wisb o annuncevelling the bride wo, - a navy wih oanouc blue suit witb white accessor- i es. The wili reside at 2006 W. the openi.ng of their . 13th Ave., Vancouven, B.C. The bride is a stenographer with the Bank o! Nova Scotia BOWMANVILLE OFFICE and attended school in Van- Orono High School and Les- 16 Teniperance St. kard Public School. He is a teletype techoician witb the Telephone 623-5212 Cnda ry REYNOLDS - DURHAM { Donald H. Howe- COMPLETE SERVICE- Keith H. Peters Tali standards o! red and RESIENTAL FAR - .H.. PR PERIESwhite gladioli formed a loy- ]RESDEN IAL ARMN.H.. P OPERIESely setting at the altar o! St. "Buyand eliWith Conidene'IPaul's Anglican Cburch, Be- "Buyand ellWithConidene"'thany, for the wedding on Saturday, September lt, of àDon n a Elizabeth Durham, The Canadian Statesman. E3owmna 'On Public School Staff Central Sclxool Misi Barbara Keyes, grade 7, Port Hope; Miss Sandra Singleton, grades 3 and 4_ Kingston; Miss Carolyn Bren-r i~ton, grades 1 and 2, Corby- .,ýville;: Miss Marilyn Vrooman, grade 1, Odessa. Lord Elgin School Miss Beverly Trounce, gra- des 2 and 3, Carrying Place: Miss Peanl Tucker, grades 1 and 2, Bellevilie. Ontario St. Schoot Mn. Kenneth Weller, grade 7, Beeton: Miss Christie Cohrs,[ g rade 4, Toronto; Miss Shurie Post, grades 2 and 3, Ux- 'bridge, Miss Jeanne Smith, ....... grade 1, Oshawa. Y ~ . ~Vincent Massey Sehool Miss Joycc Lewis, grade 4, more interesting by the entry of several local drivers Higbland Grove; Miss Karen, iwho did well in the tough competition. This Photoell inderatn.ap shows one of the heats getting underway early in the Mna rann n af ternoon. Ralph Gilbert. Oakland. Principals' Assistant- Miss daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert ougb was groomnsman for bis Mary Ann Lawson, Port Hope. Durham of Bethany and Doug- brother. las Bertram Reynolds, son of, Ushers were Ross Brown outesfaiag pr Mrs. Myrtie Reynolds and the and Wayne Killingbcck o!f' uter fal gspr late Herbent Reynolds o! Pet-:Peterborougb. fo m oetan 9 pr cnt ! erbo oug . R v. R gin ld ose he ece tion xva be d ~ all the w ork of our C anadian erbo oug . Re . R ginld R se he r cepion was eld in Red Cross Societv. wvas the officiatine clergy. St. Paul's Parish Hali' whichi ma n. was tastefully decorated wiîb red and white gladioli and as- The wedding music was i ters. The cburch W.A. caler- played by Riobert Sisson wbo ing fer the dinner. accompanied Mrs. Jean Rose Mrs. Durbam was weaning singing "The Lord's Prayer" a pale green sbeath dress witb i as the bridai party entered the1 white feather hat and white cburcb and "0 Perfect Lov'e" accessories, to receive tbe duing the signing of the reg-. guests. The groom's mother, also receling was wearingi 1ister. an organza gown in m uted Givei b mariag by heî brown, beige and green sbad- U . K A father. the bride was îoveîy in es. witb beige bat and access- ber floor-length gown 'o! orbes. Botb mothers wore cor - white onganza over taffeta. sages of yellow 'mums and! R. S. McLaughlin eskirt witb bustle effect. fitteditcarnations with white centres. 'V cto a nt bodice witb sabrina neekline r For their wedding trip toi 1outlined witb alencon lace1 points in the U.S.A., the bride ri iand sequins, with long sleeves, was wearing a cinnamon col-! ENGLISH 2 - A Generai extending into lily points oven ored cotton suit with brown iieaue-Po.D the hands Her bandeau head- and whbite accessonies and cor-Ltetue-Po.DC dress witb bow top was Ou1- sage of yellow 'mums. On re-, Prerequisite, Grade ) lined with sequins with a fin- turn tbey will live in Bethany Classes comn-encing Fri, ger-tip veil of nylon net* She 'wbere the bride will continue cannied a cascade of red roses as an employee o! the Toronto- and whbite carnations. . Dominion Bank. Albout 751 PHILOSOPHY 2 - Log The attendants were Mrs. guests were present coming Philosophy and a T Collcen Brown o! Peterbor-, from Peterborough, Toronto, Profs. D. L. C. Maclac- ougb, sister o! the bride ' as Cmp etawaaPntpolNo prerequisites Matron o! Honon: Miss Judy radBtav DeGeer and Mrs. Leone Jake-, Classes at fortnightly man as bnidesmaids. AIl were Saturday, September 22nd, wearing similar gowns o! yeflow organza over taffeta, BACOLG 1-Anit the full skints witb panel e!-Blcbnad a scailoped hembine; fittediiiiy eW riai N rrqiie bodice with matcbing yeilow j ribbon and tulle headdress' Backache is often caused hy lazy Classes at fortnightly and yellow tinted shoes. They, kidney action. Wben kidneys get out of Friday, September l4th, cannied cascade bouquets of order, excess acids and wastes remai yellow 'mumns. Little Boni n the system. Then backache, dis'- Durhan', sister of the bierturbedrst or that tired.out nd heay For further information a was the charming flower girl headed feeling maysmon folow. Thit'a wearing a pink organdy dress the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pis, r DEPARTMENT 01 witb a very full skint, head- Dodd'ssatimulate the kidneysîo normal dress o! pink roses, and ca- action. Ten yu feel better-leepQ E N S U ried nosegay o! yeîîow 'mums better-work better. Get Dodd z and white carnations. Kidney Pis now. 59 KINGSTON, 1 N e i l R e y n o l d s o ! P e t e r b o r - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aN anville, SePt. 12, 1962 ILt, - Public H earing Tourist 1Industry Commitee Toronto Sept. 12, 10.00 a.m. Committee Room No. 1 Parliament Bldgs. The public is învited ta attend a hearing af briefs concerning the present and future raie af Ontario's taurist industry. At the same lime, the Cammittee invites submissians tram the flaar. We request that 6 capies af the briet be submitted at ieast one week priar ta the hearing. The purpose af the cammittee is ta assess ail aspects ai tourism in Ontaria and ta tormulate recammendlatians cancerning: i. The relative etlectiveness ai current gavernîent assistance ta participation in the taurîst induslry. 2. An evaluation af strengths and weak- nesses within the taurist industry itseif. W. H. Cranstan T. C. Clarke, Secretary Chairman Roan 286 Parliament Buildings Toionto (Telephane 365-1948) T KINGSTON CLASSES iCollegiate and itute, Oshawa Introduction to English -rawley 111I English 3ept. 14, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 5ic, Ethies, History of rheory of Knowledge - hlan and T. H. Robinson intervals commencing 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 moon roduction tb Psychology rnembers of his staff intervals commencing 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. ipply to: , ,F EXTENSION iVERSITY ONTARIO 1-10W MANY BANKING SERVICES WILL BE AVAILABLE flERE? A complete range of banking services -because this is the site of a new branch of a chartered bank /Future customers will corne here ta do ail their banking, because only in a chartered bank is it possible for ail banking ta be done under one roof / Each branch, large or small, offers a full banking service, frorn cashing a cheque ta financing foreign trade. Each has a staff trained and eager ta render the high standard of service that features chartered banking in Canada. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY ' '~i 'i Excellent Trotting Races Feature Orono Fair HAMPTON