soclety, or other wrh as es.A BokExchange is oper E L Y IL ated by Peterborough Key Kiwanians Hear Details Clubs. B the calendar, bv The speakers stated that it ourdtesadb S ~has been found that Key Clubsi southward flight of birds, hav may avatags fr suknow that summer 19621 ~i f e C u s n c o o sthe teaching staffs. Theseor Autum.ri have corne.T Past District-Governor WaI- Chernev and John Ison, ail ship for High School students, ganizations do flot conflict abundance of fruit and h~ er Howell, Peterborough, et- spoke briefly. and emphasized the fact that, with others in the school such vest in this district are r ended the Bowmanville Ki- Special guests at the dinner such organizations are lîke ýas Stuçknt Council and Ath- cause te celebrate the com varits Club dinner meeting at meeting were Len Lucas, prin- Junior Kiwanis Clubs. letic Societies, they added. To Thanksgiving Day. Most g lie Flying Dutchman Motor cipal of Bowmanville High Each Key Club is sponsored be eligible for Key Club rnem- dens have still plenty- of t îotel on Monday, Sept. l7th. School, AI Witherspoon, prin- by- a Kiwanis Club through a'bershîp. a student must have year's speciallv good. tomat, bresident Ross Jackmnan pre- icipal of Clarke High Schoo], High School Principal, they an average in bis studies of 65, that have flot been touched îided. land James Speers. principal ai pointed out. But they explain- or 70 per cent. frost. Apple picking. too.1 Mr. Howell brought four!Courtice Hîgb School. cd the Key Club is entirely, Three Courtice High School begun with Macs and Snoi udents from Peterborough' The four Peterborough High separate frorn the spansorinystudents, Alan Youngrnan,I Mr. and Mrs. Hector Dai qgh. Schools to the dnner1 School under-graduates, im- club except for advice and WendelI Prine and Ron Rus- returned home this week af let ingwhowere strong ad- presscd the Kiwanians, witb courisel. Programs, however, kay, were guests at the din a trip ta Midland where tl, oftespirit of Key their poise, goad mannerslietseudata ans ner meeting of John Brow-hdtknMs hre 'ubs in Secondary Schools. and speaking ability. Te lbmeig and each Keyi lee, a member of the Bowman-j ness who bas beenvit lese four students, Ted Hon- were enthusiastîc about the Cub undertakes special pro-,ville Kiwanis Club, who is alhere frorn Manitoba. in, Bruce Curtis, Lawrence lbenefits of Kly Club mcmben- .jects tO provide gymnasîum teacher on the staff of Cour-1 Berniece and G;eorge B equipment, aid for a dramatic tice High School. anrived home on Fridav fr( NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Neil O'Connell, Brenda!Denault and Frank Gilxnerý and David, Cobourg, were re-!,spent the weekend at thej cent visitors at Mr. Stan. Hancock cottage at Cbernong,j Rowe's. in cornpanY with Mr. W. J.J1 Last Monday evening, a Hancock, wbase binthday they; rlumber of neighbar% were en- celebrated. tertained at Mrs. Fred Hen- Mn. and Mrs. Doug. Rowe,ý derson's bomne. Court whist Newcastle. and Mr. and Mrs.! a.,1ý other games wene enjoy- Stanley Rowe spent Friday, 14, after wb ich Mrs. Francis evening in Peterborough, the Tufford was presented with aguests af Mr. and Mrs. Ed. cut glass relish dish, Cern- Rewe. flower design, as a little fare- Mrs. Willis Farrow was a: well gift. Mr. and Mrs. Tuf- Friday evcning visiton witti lord and girls are moving ta Mr. 'and Mrs. Percy Farrow, their new residence in New- Starkviîle. castle scion. Rev. R. C. White ('amp home, The naine of Marilyn Mc- on Friday fnom the General Donald should have been in-, Counicil Session of the United cluded in the list Of Newtnn-'Cburch, field at London. ville students attending the Mr. Arthur Mantyn of Clarke Higb School. Brampton was a recent visitan The regular rnonthly mcet-; with Mr. and Mrs. George ing of Clarke T.S.A. was hcld Staplctori. in Newtonville Schoal lasl' Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wadc Wednesdav nlight. accornpanird Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrfs. Ceci Robin- Ted Watts in Preston for a son, Mrs. Gerrv, and Mrs. A. weekend visii wîîh Mr. and Morton, all of Orono, were in Mrs. T. Turow. oui- village Wednesday affteî'- Mrs. W. joncs, Mrs. Zer;a noon, calling on varjous fnl-,Carlaw and Mrs. M. Jonc3 end.s. spent Saturdav iii Petenhor- Mr. and Mr.ç. Ron. Watkin- ough, and while there visitert son and family have taken 11P Mns. D. Merrill in bospitai. residencc on the Johoston Mr. and Mrs. Ctrry or Ban- farm. ('noft were Sundav visitors Mr. Grant Wadr 1,(211n' if wit h Mr. and Mns. Èi, Brurr" tn Peterborough last Thuns-' The funerai of the late Mr'. day to a scboal football garne. Ancbie Brown, who <ied on Harvey Burley bad the mis- Saturdav night, took place on fortune ta faîl on the High Tucsdav' afternnon ini Bow- sehool steps, last week, break- manville. lntermcnt was in ing a bone in bis foot, o)nlLakeview Cemcterv. whicb bie naw bas a cast. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ha1Iowr:l Mrs. Norman Scott is a pa- ai-d daugbter spent the week- tient in Mernorial Hospital. end with Mr. and Mns. R. Mrs. F. Henderson, witb Mr. Tnim at <hein cottage at DaN_ and Mrs. Greenbarn, Bowman- rymple Lake. 'ville, was in Toronto last! Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Hender- Wednesday, Grandi son and farnily, Bowmanville, Chapter of the Eastern Stan,lwere Saturday rvening visi- ett the Royal York Hotel. ' tors witb Mr. and Mrs. F. Seve.ral fromn here attended!Henderson. the Penny Sale undex- the aus-1 Mr. and Mrs. Sic] Lancaster pices of the Rebekah Lodg«e,' and Donella were dinnen last Fniday, In Bowrnanvilie.iguests on Sundax xwith Mr. Mis. W. Boughen and Mrs. B.. and M rs. George Crurnp, Trim were among the lucky Hariltan. winners. Messrs. Don Vinkle, T. lien- ,Messrs. 'Rov Smith, Tupperj derson and C. Btirlev were ri~hson. Wifiis Farrow. Daver away duck hunting aven thc --- eckend. Mn. anc] Mns. . 1-jlMc- Knigbt o! Millbraok and Mrs. Lamne Todd of Stankvil]e were nrecent visitons witb Mn. and IMrs. Don Stapleton. Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto,' is homne on a week's holiday. Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood wene Sunda.v xiitors witb Mn. and Mrs. Ke n Smnith, Toronto. USE A number of local l adies, ~ bave joined with Shiloh ta 4ýim" :Iufonm a Newcastle bowling* te an. Àdrp " We understand Mrs. lys.ý NUM BERS Farrow is retUrning homec frorn Port Hope Hospital, Monday. Mn. and Mns. Hary Wade spent Sunday at Presqu'ile. Miss Irene Lee, Monish,i xvas a necent visitor witb Mrs. I ____________________ Phi]. Gilmen. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Clanke.ý Buffalo, came aven <o isit bis mother, Mrs. Etta Clanke, wbo bas been spcnding the; ..and help sp.ed your mail1 summer at lier cottage ber-e,ý Jus 1010wthee fur oins d took bier back borne with to faster mail service every them. timeyouaddressan envelope: Mr. and Mns. Frank Nesbit! -) Saskatoon, wbo bave been' i vsiting relative hene for sev,-I Us uledcorrect name of "rai weeks, expect ta leaveý Ues ful and ng o.Wednesday, calling on friendsý peron ou'e Wtlg o. in Bunîington ennoute borne.1 Mrn.dc]Mns. C. M. Jones 2 \vene Sundax- visitons xith Mn. Use full and correct address Woocr. JakAsi of wth Postal Zone Numnber in olr Canadas six "Zoned" cities. Mr. and] Mrs. Raymond Gil- ' 'er, Islin!ýton. xere necent visitors xitb Mr. and Mns. F. g Gilmer. Write your own return address 'îndx m-nnMrn.i hm and Postal Zone Number in ldavmrigfrhsoe upper lett corner of enveiope. ~ Foia 4 Write legebly. rMA 3-3303 fe r __ r ERVICE DO YOU KNOW THAT $10,000 of LIFE INSURANCEA 18 AVAILABLE AT Age 25 - Annual Premium 45.10 Age 30 - Annual Premium 45.40 Age 35 - Annual Prcmlum 50.90 Age 40 - Annual Premlum 64.30 Age 45 - Annual Premniuni 86.60 Age 50 - Annual Premium 116.90 Age 55 - Annual Premium 17.5.10 Payments if desired. SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 King St. W. Dial 723-2265 representing THE EMPIRE LIFE INSLRANCE COMIPANY Ken Hockln, Local Representative - Phone MA ý%3-505 an extended trip which took! East General Hospital and 1lhe Cariadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept. 26, 1962 1 thern to Vancouver. south to1 Bannie Austin of Peterbor -_____________ the World's Fair at Seattie,' ough Teachers* Colle g eweroeo a tetweehslngwr 5Msn rsn n the south ca st tbraugh Yella-home for the weekend. nBySre hr i ogwr 5Msn rsn n thestne ar, ad henbak Ms.Gwe Cuchanat- service bas made bis kno-w- cluding visitors from Hope- týe tone Park and then back Mrs.G wen Couc man ledge of the members v r n t e o g s we home. tended Lindsay Fair on Fni- vlal r end n te og bas Samn Smith of Bowrnanville day and she and Mrs. E. Bar- vears young, quite a g Sti Rexa.cont eeuatin'ofa serm o ws oý called at Harold Barrov- rowclaugh spent Sunday ev- ta be going negularlv gIoad agl eri a' contcnu tion fa rviù h e clough's earlY on Sunday!ening witb Mr. and MrsDaw-ý adivsre n a' ocpinô ar - monngson BebMors. work. God. and the choir sang "Into eal nrig eb.Mrih Sunday schoo. service start- Thv Presence" and "Vision of Mrs. Arnold Austin and Mrs.1 Mr. and Mns. Harold Best. ed 15 minutes earlv because My Saviaur," with John Groe- Hector Darke were i n Cobourg~ Wesley and Barrie visited of special service b ere onl neveld sînging the solo part 6f on- Saturday to assis t wîth the fniend's in Toranto on Sundav. Sundav. and next week %vi'~ the latter. his Golden Plow tea. Members ofý We are glad ta repart Mrs.'begin 'at ten o'clock so thýt' OSthe 7.C.W. contributed bak- Harold Barrowclough is rnak- ebesmaV attend Mon- Lonr Oghed pad ing to the sale. ing satisfactorv pragress in rish annivensarv ' te lvW fowrarne bas Mn. Carroll NichaIs is local Port Hope Hospital and hopes Clanke read the rnorning mnents in the church, and the ýWs canvasser for tbe new Port ta be home before too long. seipture, and aIl teacher' overflow congregation heard rkc Hope bospital and will lie Mr. Peter Kennedy of Tor-were present. There wene 54 'h service by loud speaker ter calling on residents of tbis onto spent the past' week at! in attendance. ;n the basement Sunday, heY district soon. Willow Beach xvhere he bas The annual Divine scrvicç school room. lar- Mrs. Ida Toppin of Taronto been taking bis bolidays for of Ontario Lodge A.F. & A.M Mr. and Mrs. N. Brookhin ing who bas been visiting in the manrv years. He suffered a falliwas held in <bis chuncb -a f Bownianville and Mr. atA camrnunitv returned home last in July but was only able to, 11:30) arn. with Rev. M. Free- \Irs. E. Skinnler of Oshawa est Wednesdav. spare one week awav from man, menîber of the craC visited with Mr. Gladvs rn Donna Oughtred of Toronto bis work at the National Club canducting the service. Theî-' Brooking on Sundav -eveni-- ON7APIO THE LIQUOR NOTICE 0F LICENCE HOLDING ACI AN 0F Noic 1 erbygîeOtatpusaInheEeconAf (Section 7 7) a poil wîll be opened on SATURDAYJ THE 1S3 DAY 0F OCTODER from 10:00 a.m. un fil 7:00 pm. (Daylight Saving Time) The polling place for the Municipalit y of the Town of Bowman ville will be located at the TOWN HALL for the pur pose of receiving the votes of voters who expect to be absent from the Municîpality on the day fixed for polling. The ballot box will. be opened and the votes counted ut 8:00 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time) on Wednesday, the l7th dlay of October ut the said place. Dated at Bowmanville, this l4th day of September, 1962. JACK L. REID, Returning Officer il [il COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Municipality of the TOWN