10The Canadiari Statesman, Bowmnanvlfe, Sept. 26, 1962 IThe Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mfr. and Mrs. E. OKeefe Mrs. Lorenzo Trul. Hamp- Paris, France, eariy In Aug- and family of Burlington were ton, spent ast Thursday with1 ust. refurning home by 'plane, weekend guests of Mr. and bier sister. Mrs. Charles Wood.' Conratulations to Mr-. and Mr-s. Ross Gilbart and familv. Other recent visitors were Nr..H rlSuh nthi Mrs. Mclntyre of Sher- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy 2i Harld Suho hi brooke, Prov. of Quebec, cail- and family, Mr. and Mrs. Da-,dn-nivray ed on Mr. Wm. Davey on Sun-'vid Phasey and family. Ty- McIr and Mrs. Marshall Chat- day. rone. ýlerton attended Picton Fair Mrs. J. J. Cornish spent the Mi-. and Mrs. Geo. Moiton lasl Friday and Saturday. weekend of Sept. 16th, with visited bier sister Mrs. Harold Mrs. A. K. Edmîson, Brighton. Barrowciougb in Port Hope Miss Catherine Power, Toi-- Hospital on Saturday. O o o [rm Sto M. arldPoer Oh- Mr. and Mrs. Perc. Cowling. O ronoIIICJ awa,' spent the weekend withj Bowrnanville, visited Mrs' bir. and Mrs. Gordon Power. ýFred Tamblyn on Monday Mr ndMs.WllsG. Bar- eve. Festival a raba1 of PterbroughHasn the weekend witb bier par- Mr.. A. A. Drummond was ents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cob- ,a patient in Memorial Hospi-Fie A a d bledick. tai, Bowmanville. Congratulations to Mi-. and! Mrs. M. Bu-ch bas returned Z"fs. m. . Rid n teirhome from visiting in Bronte Once again the Orono Dra- Mary ddnganniversarv . Mi-.Bill Tamblyn, O.A.C ma rsoftivhetbr ob the gen Miss Mr Thompson. Toi-- Guelph, spent the weekend yrst ftekîddnr it onto, returned home on Satur- with bis parents Mr-. and Mrs. cd helow, are able to offer to dlay after spending thi-ce da Gýai-bs Tamblyn. tlio compcting groups beauti- with Mrs. Alex Watson. ys Mi-. and Mrs. Robert Barra- fully 'dcsigned pieces of pott- Miss Mary Bowen of Mont- bahl, Judy and David, Mýaohe er. b ' the Harianders of realvistedhermoter rs'Gi-ove, visited Mi-. and Mrs. Brooklin. and a fine carved Pred Bowen. uther Barrabaîl. statuette by Gerd Unterman. Mrs. John Morris returned Statuette for hest play dona- 'home on Satui-day from visit- ted by the Orono Chamber of ,., ing Mi-. and Mrs. Alvin Jones, Commerce. t) ,4~ 'ort Hope. Malcorn McKenzie and Lai-iy, Plaques for best actress don- .<.$4<x Miller of Waterloo University, ated bv' Heather Rebekah th ekn wt hi Lodgc ,Orono; best actor don- Isetteween ihter ated by Orono Odd Feilows Mr.Hector Bowen bas r-e- Locîge: best director donated 'Frt d orne after visiting in by Miss Madeline Tooley, FotFrancis for several weeks. Oshawa; best set design don- Dr. Ross Lang and Mis ated by Stutt's Pharmacy, Anna Lundberg of Chicago, Oronc: Diction award don- S U T S have returned home after vis- atc y1 oens'n.tue sting with bis relatives and Kna fiiends in the Orono and Keni- These awards bave been on D R G Sdal districts. idisphay in the window of Mr-. DRUGS Mrs. O. Chapman spent lastiL. C. Mason's office in Bow- week visiting in Oshawa. imanvîlle. This week they will REXALL Mrs. Les. G. Hopper and be on display in Orono and I1OSJ RONOIson Les, wbo spent the surn- with tbern a plaque which will lui OONO mer visitîng relatives in'remnain in Orono at ail tirnes Brighton and Hove, England,ý as a record of the annuai ____________also visited in Dieppe and!'Best Play'. stock 'P Conn.d Food sale! "NEW PACK" 20fAd 5 IONA "NEW PACK" Reg. Price 2 tins 45-SAVE 14e o Peaches .5 20fozt99 tins CASE OF 24 TINS $4.7 - SAVE 8.5c ALL VARIETIES ANN PAGE BEANS Reg Priçe 2 tins 25c - SAVE 5c Reg. Price 2 tins 39c-SAVE 9o 5 20-fl-oz tiîni8 9 C CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.27 - SAVE 4le -NEW PACK-, CHOICE CUT A&P WAX BEANS Reg, Price 2 tins 350 --SAVE Il* d4 20- fl-oz tins 5 9c CASE OF 24 TINS $354 - SAVE 66c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables GOLDEN RIPE, NO. 1 GRADE BANANAS 21bsI29C ONTARIO GROWN, LARGE WHITE, NO. 1 GRADE MUSH ROOMS 1b59C Can ado's Finest Red B rand Beef BEEF ROASI SALE BONmESS ROUND BONELESS RUMP, POINT STEAK ROAST or SIRLOIN, WING or MINCED ROUND STEAK O ORTERHOUSE ROAST ~87__i97c onIa.Soril Meat, End Cuti Choice Quality, Sliced PORK LOIN ROAST r>89c o PORK LIVER n,29c SA VEEXTA à4c 12e OFF DEAL CHEER DETERGENT giant sîze box 69C Reg. Price box 73e SA Vil 20c SPECIAL BLEND A&P TEA BAGS pkg of 90 6 9C Reg. Prie* 89e r~ie 01WAlTic & aPjARC lMA COMMN LM SA VEl 20e JANE PARKER BLUEBERRY PIE large 24-oz pie 49C Reg. Prfce es.h 69C Ail Prices Showo% In Thiîs Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, Sect. 29tk. 1962 riena D.4,êt WibK DdiJ,4 I 1 .. I er late residence on 7A issGoraTrmlei a e -ercalpmbn ec ghwv. ast0fYelertn. patient in Bowmanviile Me- ONE CONTRACT-You &et She was born Mary Sbeckle-îmorial Hospital where she bas ~witnenrc ttn x )n and was the beloved wife' undergone a pedetm. actyw at h intcludeatnd x fthe late Robert W. Ker,,IMav she soon be returned to covering ahi trades required to ro predeceased ber in 1927,1good heaith. d orjb nda devoted mother to beri On Wednesday afternoon d orjb ree sons, George, Walter1 the Base Line Good Neighbour FINANCING - We'l hehp nd Russell, a dear sister of,Club met at the home of the You arrange financing through hn, Frank, Agnes (Mrs. Her-'president, Mrs. C. Wilson. the bank or through an eas.v în MeGil) and Jimmy; and There were nine members Beaver Lumber monthly pay- o of Leadie (Mrs. Thomas I present. Ways and means were ment plan. -gue), Vinie Sheckleton and'discussed for increasing Our JO SUEVIN -Or lggie Sheckleton. ail prede-1funds. Following the business JO SUEV IN-Ou ?ased. Iperiod Mrs. Wilson assisted by suPervisor w'dhl inspect our wok progress diy Alse left to mourn ber loss'Mrs. S. Battams served lunch wrdhy . 14 grandchiidren and 241for a social time. Mrs. Rex *WRKASIGU AN rat-grandchildren. Fowler held the lucky cup and TEED - Onhy quahlfhed work- F'uneral1 services for the de-Iwas presented with a pretty men are selected and Beaver ased were heid at the Mac-j towel by the hostess. j uarantees workmanshlp. eFuneral Home in Lidsv Mrs. M. Fowler and Mrs..' ith interment at the Janet-Re Fowler were Wednesdav' le Peshyeria luncheo guests of Mrs. A i hrsaSept, 20.emete. Ma Fowier spent the B UDG E T Plbaeswere grandsons, weekend visiting relatives.E ic, oranand Neil Ker-, ' Mr. adM dar d d yTE M thews Fi-eddie Sheckleton,i Miss Dorothy and Mr-. DonaldR ay McCullough and Morley: were Sunday dinner guests of' 6S mths to 5 yrs. to, pay *ight. Mrs. Bert Colweli and Irwin. 6mts. frre py The manv floral tributesi'Bowmanville. d r ilected the esteemn in which' Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Coombes.[ ment plan avajilable. edeceased was held in the Oshawa, were Monday ca.llers, nhnun.ity. iwith Mrs. A. Barnes. Kali LUUMU los 7, pair of pillow cases; 101, saît and pepper shakers; 103, girl's dress; 170, electric deep fry pan, 268, tea toweis pillouw ases. MINrs. Dobbs. and roiling pin; 426, hot plate R.R 2.Bowanvllc tiredpads: 592, cream jug, sugar R.R Bomrs. Plly Tktch, ,' bowl and tray: 617, three cake plit, Ms olvTkth handkerchiefs; 644, ash tray; Dresdcn (ake plate; MTrs. Don- 1006, blue smocked dress; na PreýIon, print duster coat: 10,97, baby's pink knitted set; Bei-t Triri, Newtonvilhe, rose 1089 sweater set blue and bovl: r E. Clapp. wind- white- 1132. bath towei; 1145, breal:cr.-. Greta Richards. casser.ole;- 1198. pillow cases; na-gncticý bulletin board and 1247, card table; 1749, vanity Miss Lir.da Purdy, casserole.1tray; 1801, aluminum tray; Nîncee prizes have not11849, pilow cases and place uV.-..7 0118V i 8 I&UJ- VIVE.U 0 II IC The annual Penny Sale and ter Hazel Samis, both past No- Sisteï' Greta Richards was in Tea held by Beehive Rebe- ble Grands. Ail who presided charge of the Sale of Home kah Lodge at the Lions Com- over the teacups were also ýBaking, and Sister Alyce Yeo munity Centre on Friday af- former Noble Grands of Bee- 'was convenor of the Candy ter noon and evcning was an hive Rebekah Lodge. Sister Table. attraction that drew large Jessie Prout, Sister Mabel Sister Hilda Colwell, a past numbers of people from ail Bagneil, Sister Rhoda Smnith, 'Noble Grand, was in charge over the district. Noble Grand Sister Annie Wright, Sister of the door prizes. A draw Mabel wade was the gencrai Grace Murdoch, Sister Aima was held every hour and the *convenor. Powell and Sîster Elsie Rich- iucky winners of the attend- ýd District - Deputy President ards.. ance prizes were Mrs. Helen iFlossie Bah., Oshawa, offic- Sister Joan Gibson was in Kinsmen. Oshawa: Mrs. Lu- iated at the opening of the charge of the attractively de- ther Weish, Mrs. Herb Jamie- popular event early in the af- corated tea tables. The per- son. Mrs. R. Pender, Toronto, ter noon. The many patrons fectly appointed serving table Mrs. Jack Syer and Mrs. Carl ir were delighted with the many was centred with an attract- Todd. exceptionally fine prizes pla- ive arrangement of autumn The fortunate winners in ced on display for the Penny flowers.thmandahcdurgte Sale Draw. His worship Mayor Sister Edna Kerr was inthmandw l urgte !van Hobbs drew the winn- charge of tickets. Duri ng the evening were as foliows: Mrs. ing tickets in the evening. The event she was assisted by Sis- Inez Boughen, Newtonville, draw started at eight o'clock. ter Nina Clarke. Sister Daisy a pair of blankets; Fred Grif- The guests werp received by Paeden, a past Noble Grand fin, foamn pillow; Mrs. Fonk, Sistr Ela Bekettand is-Newtonville, crib quilt; Mrs. SiserEla BckttandSi-.was the kitchen convenor Fred Payne, Hampton, crystal tase; Mrs. Elva Leach, casser- ole; Mrs. Audrey Cookson, EN NISKI LLEN bonbon dish; Mrs. L, High- *With life settling into rou- visitors at Mr. and Mrs. M. field tapestry purse, Mrs. Ber- tieaantefUactivitiesjl Stainton'6. nice Collis, cup and saucer; tineagai thefailMrs. Glenholme Hughes, aut- *are underway. The Sundavi Mrs. Ed. Werry, Solina, umn leaf quilt, Miss Judy oarn. service was the first of:spent a couple of days last Richards, Whithy, doil; Mrs. two special services and was iveek with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. E. Bradley, set of giasses; Miss 'Bible Sunday" wîth Rev. E.!wright. Sandra Lee, large tapestry fG. Smith, D.D.. a Canadiail1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms, purse; Miss Eileen Large, Bible Society representative,' Tornoto, visited Mrs. Wer-y- umbreila; Mrs. Ron Mutton, as guest speaker. The text for when she was with the magazine rack; Mrs. Jean the sermon "One Soweth, and Wrights. Lobb. coffee spoons; Mrs. J. Another Reapeth," which ex- horted ail to join in support Miss Doris Wright, Oshawa Paeden, Toronto, cake plate; of the wonderful work of pro- Hospital, spent the weekend Jack Schiil, set of towels; Mrs. viding Bibles in ailllongues with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grace Wade, Scarborough, for ail people. The Jr. Choir E. Wright. necklace and earrings set; with Jr. organist Miss Maur- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson Mrs. Fonk, Newtonville, plaid een McNair sang an old favor- and faily were visitors at ite, "The Lord Is My Shep- Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Wink- E IA E H IL herd." worth's, Barrie. E IA E H IL The Messengers had their Mr. J. A. Werry spent last Sunday school and church monthly meeting in the S 'S Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. services were held as usual. room wîth their leaders, af Clark Werry, Willowdale. Church services were here for the samne hour. The annual Master Dean Heard, Orillia the three charges. Raily Day service of worship Hospital, is spending the week was led by Supt. A. J. Werry. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Knox, Mrs. C. Beatt"., Aseilfauewsad-M. Heard. Mrs. R. White, Mrs. Sheppard A spcialfeaure as ade-and Mrs. Thickson attendedý lightful story, "The Terrible j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash- the opening of the new Grand Secret of Young Moon Lee" ton and boys were Sunday Dson tr tCbugo presented very capably bylvisitors xvith Mrs. Bruce Ash-Dson tr a oor n Mrs., Keith MeGili. The scriP- ton. Oshawa. edne stoay.Man othes vîsît ture readings werc given byf Mirs. R. M. Seymour andse. h tr urn h -a Messrs. Wayne Beckett andI Mrs. W. L. Heine, Kingstonsle Locke MNai. Mss hirey'are visiting with the AL. M r. and Mrs. Russel White Avery and Miss Lois Ashton'IWearns.etranda dne tWl ýaise participated with literaryi Miss 'Lorna Wearn, Mrs. R. corne Motel the White families and organ musical numbers. Pettifer, Mr. Elvin Pettifer, recentiy. Ail of his family,j Next Sunday is Holy Com- Toronto, were Saturday din- except Miss Marion White' munion Sunday when Rev. H. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wh o is in England, attended, Mellow wîi be in our pulpit. L. Wearn. lalso his two sisters and bro- The first regular meeting Miss Gail Pethick, Mr. Lar- ther and their familles. ofl the C.G.I.T. was heid at the ry Lauzan, Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Knox, Mrs. Thickson, leader's home, Mrs. O. C. Ash- Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Mrs. Tippett and Miss Car- ton wih al 19 mmbes pe-Toronto, were visitors at S. R. ruthers attended the Euchre seton wirth al1 emers pre- Pethick's. in Cobourg on Wednesday ship there was a brief busi- Mrs. Douglas Cole and Jean, evening. ness period when it. was unan- Bowmanville, were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. Gordon, imously agreed that the group gnesM of Mr. and Mrs. A. Port Hope, visited with Mrs. would canvass the village forlWerry. Walters recentiy. S un d a y the C.N.I.B. Appeal. Electioný Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry guests at Mrs. Walters' weref of officers brought out the :and family were Sunday tea Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitbred' following slate of officers foriguests at Mr. and Mrs. Her- and daughter, Osbawa, andý 1962-63: Pres. Miss Shirley be rt Leighton 's, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Rus. Savery, Avery, Vice Pres. Miss Lauraý Starkville. Bowman; Sec. Miss BettY!i Mrs. Wheeler was at Sunny- Jane Werry, Asst. Miss Maur-! UAJJiYUS side Sunday, visiting the Mul- een MeNair; Treas. Miss Su- drews. isan Wearn, Asst. Miss Bettyý Cadmus U.C.W. gathered at Mr. R. Avery, Oshawa, at Wright: Pianist, Miss Marilyn 1 the home of Mrs. Jim. Gray on Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew's.ý Yellowlees, Asst. Miss Dor uesdyeennSpt h Miss Dorothy Muldrew was ýTrewin, and others to be cho- j with Mrs. M. McKee presid- home for the weekend. sen by Miss Yellowlees. Next ing. Meeting opened singing Mrs. O. Mercer went to two meetings will be a party, the hymn, "Stand up! stand up Toronto Friday and brought at the home of Mrs. S. Pethick j for Jesus,"' foiiowecl by pray- Ruth home for the week be- on October 2nd at 8 p.m., andler Devotional period was tak- fore her wedding Saturday.' a regular meeting on Oct. 17Ien* by Mrs. Kennedy Gray. Mr. R. Provost, Belleville,, at Mrs. 0. C. Ashton's al, 7iMrs.- Roy Phare read a chap- spent the weekend with thei-n.ý p..ter from our Study Book. _____________ Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison. Rolil caîl declared 16 mem- Toronto, were weekend guests bers and one visitor present. w'ith Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashi- Roll caîl for next month is to ton and both couples attended be answered with a Thanks- Lindsay Fair on Saturday. giving thought. Minutes of last meeting B Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sharpe were read and approved, and and family, Oshawa, weretraue' report given. Cor- D Saturday evening callers atl respondence, whieh included Mlr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin's. thank you cards from, Mrs. Congratulations to Mrs. Earl Oscar McQuade and Mrs. Ron- Trewin who was the lucky aid Ginn, was read. Business vinner of a lovely quilt at the included plans being madeCo Beehive Rebekah Lodge Pen- and committees named for the ny Sale, Bowmanviile. iast turkey supper in October. week. Tickets will be available from Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobhs Mrs. Olive McKee and Mrs. viaited relatives in Lindsay. Ida Samelîs. This part of our Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pen- meeting ciosed by singing nock, Mrs. Herb Shaw, Lind- "The Day Thou Gavest," fol- say, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford lowed by prayer. Hetz and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. The programn consisted of Garth Hetz, Fairview, Pn readings by Mrs. G. Johnston. Mr- and Mrs. Donald Penn., Mrs. T. Samelîs and Mrs. J. William and Rosella, Baille: Fallis. Mrs. R. Larmer con- boro, were with Mr. and Mrs.ý dueted a contest on Islands. 1 F R E E . . . Landscaping Consulting Service - Let us sketch for you suggestions for your Evergreen groups or Shrub Borders. If you wisb, oui- Professional Nurserymen will complete your lanîd- scaping project from start to finish, big or small. JUST ARRIVED 1 TOP SIZE -... TOP QUALITY.. TOP VARIETIES.. Hedges - Roses - Shade Trees - Shrubs - Seed - Sod - Topsofl VAN BELLE GARDENS Members of the Ontaio Nurseryrnen Association and Oshawa District Chapter Call the Gardening Number 623-5757 Bowmanville VER does the WPLETE Now is the time for bomie imiproveinents - the summer weather means more economical construction time and Iess chance of weather delays. We'll help yoîi finalize your plans and once you've decided we'll provide a written contract for the complete job from start to finish. START NOW! Your Homne is the Key to Happy Family Living HOME REMODELLING " IITCHENS * BECREATION ALUMINUM " ROOM * OOMS DOORS and ADDTIOS *NEW SIDING WINDOWS ADDIIONS Over Old PATIOS To Your Walls* DORMERS Present Home - CARPORTS * AWNINGS " RE-ROOFING * GARAGES * PORCHES Phone MA 3-3388 'LIVING' SPACE for a GROWING FAMILY# HOUSE ADDITIONS OOMS Do you need more living space lni RECREATION RO M your bouse? We specialîze ln ex- When you add a famlv ronm in panding homes . . . addng ful your basement you'l Find sour size rooms ta the side. or rear of livtng-room bas suddenly dniihled your present home. You don't have ln sze. hy? he ids avc ome to move . . . there's an econom- plnc taîgze n W y? The is he roe- ical and practical answer ..- placof e ao and ouietnjoy the e- let us show you how! WE DO for your own TH..,E T informal OB - AS $ entertainlng, 'Month JOB -AS 3 nt 96 KING ST. E.L -38 OMNIL EVERD EENS..a FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS We'1l arrange a borne apjiointmiient to talk over your plans . .- and he Ithere at your con- venience or if you prefer, arrange an appoint- nient to meet yoit in our store at 96 King St. E.. B owma nv ic. FOOD STOI'S ___!ý,%PMEANS IDEPENDABItITY màmâmlmmmftmmmý ý.lmanv idress for a chiid; Mrs. Earh Trewin, morning glory qult; Mrs. J. Purchase, Courtîce, Plate with server: Mrs. Doro- tthy Trimm, Newtonviile, yel- aiow towel; Mrs. Van Eyck, Ty- erone, knitted set for 'a baby: 2Mrs. Ruby Woodward, sand- -wich Plate, Mrs. Gwen Gould, 1Oshawa, facial tissue holder: -MNrs. Herb Richards, place, -mats; Mrs. Hilda Humphrey, 4 f U yet been claîmed. The lucky mats. _______________ M à EEH >1 MA 3-3388 BOWMANVEM