Have Early Autumn Weddinq BECKETT - BALSON taffeta and silk orgariza, with an overskirt of Swiss eyelet. Hampton United Church, The bodice of Swiss eyelet, L'nhanced by standards of was fashioned with a square 7ý'hite gladioli, was the set- neckline and elbow length zng tor the marriage on Fnî- sleeves. H er elbow-length ~i,7tnging, August 31, 1962, sheer net veil fell fram aa -Z iock of Elizabeth Ann white ribbon craw.n, and she' LAâ9on, daughter of Mr. and carrjed a white Bible crested' Mrs. Gerald Balson, Hamp-1 with a white orchid. ton, and Mr. Garry Floyd Bec- Mrs. enth ro ls, kett, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. .Kent roel, Oshawa. was matron of honor Býeckett of Enniskillen. and Miss Pat McQueen of Rev. Fred Reed of Sundcr- Maple Grave was bridesmaid.I taxid was the officiating cler- They were in street-length gyman, assisted by Rev. Percy blue flowered dresses with Page. The bride's aunt, Mrs.~ blue organza overskirts, de- Keith Billett of Bowmanvllle,! signe d with very full skirts.! played the wedding music. The bride's sister, Miss Ka-' Given in marriage by herý trina Balson, was junior father, the bride ware a floor- bridesmaid in street-lengyth length gw of white nylon, white nylon organdy__with We invite yc our WAL 80 pattez PRICED FROM Better Gi Dome. - FOR ( DON'T FOR( Pittsbu rg1 Entries r ABEI PAINT 33 King St. W. Watch fo GRÀ OPE ,fKING Early i PRE-CHRISTpU îl lotorc ie's Brookside EAD 24-or. Loaves 6for $1 Married in Hampton fThe Canadian Statesinan, Bowmanville, Sept. 26, 1962 -3 day. Octaber 29th. Pies, vege- 1%Mrs. Martin Mallay thanked tables, butter, milk, creani and the members for their excell- sugar will be donated by thei ent catering for the Molloy- lad-'es of the C.W.L. and atherKelly wedding reception on members of the parish. September lst. The C.W.L. Il was moved by Mi-s. E." agred ta caler for the Purdy- Rand. secanded by Mrs. Bert Hughes wedding reception on Payne, that the C.W.L. rent ýSaturday, Oc'tober 6th. extra dishes for the Turkey i Mrs. Tom Masterson was the Dinner from the Bowmanvjlle rwinner of the draw.. Her prize Ladies Auxiliarv ta the Roy al wvas a bottle of Avon sachet r Canadian Legian. This was powder. The Birthdav Box carried. was passed by Miss Margaret Tickets for the Turkev D'i- Mahoney. Aftcr the business nerandals ticetsforthemeeting a deliciaus lunch was draws ta be held at the Baz- sr dbxMsBrtPye raar ta be held in St. JasephVs!hoste_,s- for -t-h -e eveni.ng.- - Hall on Friday. October l9th, r were distributed to the mem-1 Use MECCA for bers for sale. It was decided SCA E that each C.W.L. niember wilI' SRAE danate a small gift for the1 BRUISES r fishpand at the bazaar.r The secretary, Mrs. Lloyd INFECTIONS 1IcKinley, read a letter fioni Mecca, a favourite tami1Y 'Mrs. D. F. WIcCa-rth,- Peter- itment fol over 6) sears r boraugh, Spiritual Director Of Noi irit ou ç unds the Diocesan Council of theï tooh rg1 C.W.L.. asking their p raye~d for the success of the Ecu- 1 cuteM .4gsa., ýmenical Council ta be held in Buy Mecca 71- Rame next month and for His In tin or tube i7 Excellency, Bishop Benjamin J. Webster, Petcrborouglh, who is ta attend it. The C.W.L. hcre - f arranged ta have a Mass said' ou to corne in and see /D 71963 samplesy T" ECONOMY LINE of "You 1ook Positlvely happy Pîctured above are Mr. and Mrs. Garry Flo4daIl the time," sald the young IL A E SBeckett whose marriage took place in Hampton Unit'de manto the,:derly pinster, The bride is the former Elizabeth Ann Balson, daugh- women x'ere groucuîy." rns to choose fromn ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson of Hampton, and! "Weil, 1 have a dog that the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett of: ~. ~ Enniskillen. growls, a fireplace that smokes, ____ a Parrot that sivears and a cat 45c to99c full skirt and wide sash tied;1Wom ' Leagueal ngh ALOMr. and Mrs. Donald Grant McGregor, above, were married in St. Paul's at the back. at saysout il igh ALSO ~Ui-nwcd Church, BwaiilOn SaLurday, Septcrnber Ô, 1962, at Sû'clu \I rs. Ail wore thehbor ame rade Imported and MeGregor is the former Betty Jean Locke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William sories and hats with smallM ke Pan o TLocke, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Alex veils. The senior attendantsh Ik ln o aon h os? stic vvaupapers iMeGregor,_also of Bowmanville. -Photo by Astor Studio vellow 'mums, and the flower I.uradkrmehae vf carriedaskeg of whit and Supper DrtadGiehvaeu QUICK DELIVERY -jgirl carried a basket ofdwhim ~ET . Settng N~as Trnity nited McGREGOR - LoCKE- and yellow 'munis. mcîgo î at-grit reunl n e Setin W s T inty UniedMr AvinQunny ws ef! At the metin f theCt-i t itand grime. ETA pretty, early Autumn r lvnQiny a etolie Women's Leagite, held in rnn n teushers were the'S SUPPORTHll THEweIý TO ENTER wedding was solemnized In: gom's brother, Mr. Neil Mc- rSt.UoPpORTalllaTHwEk 1 C ol u in C n te t ow an ill, n at rdar n h bi es r t er nbers and three guests, C N A S E St. Paul's United Church, regrthe rd' rtcjrsw.arvMr Bil C N A SSE Septemer 8,1962,at 3 'cloc Mr. Murray Locke, and Mr. Babich and Mrs. A. Mette, uus beinby ct ls wen ett er ,16an 'Lockda-Bill McKnigbt, a friend of the were prescrit The president, Rutb nEb t Y St enbete Mr.an MoskeWillam groom. IMrs Michael Heenan, presid- T. Locke, Bowmanville, andl The reception was eld a d Mr. Donald Grant McGreuorr the Lions Centre where te Pans were complted for e l K//sr S7 RN ETH Y 'Swere united in marriage. Tho guests were received by the the Turkey Dinner to be hId E bridegroom is the son of Mr. bride's mother. For the occa- 'in St. Joseph's hall on Satur -________________ and WALLPAPER and Mrs. D. Alex MeGregor,' sion she wore a three-quarter, also of Bawmanville, sleeved lavender t a f f!e t a, MA 3543 Rev H.A. Trne offcatd rsheath with lavender lc Rev H.A. urnr ofictedtiers, white accessaries and and Mr. M. Beaton plaved the i corsageofpn caatn. wedding music. Mrs. O. Hull, She was assisted by the Bawmanville, was 5OIoi5t groomn's mother wbo chose a Stanardsof wite mumsrdress of champagne peau de formed a lovely setting for' OOwt weter ek the ceremony. line, matching acces s o r i e s, The bride was given In peacock blue feather bat, and marriage yhrfte and corsage of champagne tinted T gawn of white silk Peau de Follawing the reception the T soiefashonedin rin'fcess couple left on a wodding ti'ipý H S I T. W style with a rounded ncckline to points in Northern Ontario., A N D featuring afull chape trin.a taupe three-piece, double-' LAST and FINAL THfl The own ron-panls Iercknit suit, beige bat and gloves. foesand leaves, and the!craeo oa hîpcr N IGbouffaa:veiof:ne illur osagionrlshi a vile backwasaccnto bva lrgenations. Tbey will reside at' seîf-material bustle bow. Her 3 King Street West, Bawmian-: was beld by a coronet of i Tebieatne rv-n A1 pearîs ad Thalan ebieatne rvi E' AIS -of- cascade bouquetws fwit ecePbicSholadBo- lery was a diamond and pearl groom attended Bowmanvillee. beart-shaped necklace,br Central Public School and, eg uY ' ..gift from the groom. Bowmanvile High Icol 4 0 % LARGE .' ~Mrs. Ron Locke, sisterin erl t rs, OshawaS.SEDTO CO T LA RG E lakw of the bride, xvas matron AS D of honor and the bridesmaids. Prior to ber marriage thel were the bride's sister, Miss bride was guest of honor at rUMI U SIZE Pat Loeke, the groomns sisteria cup and saucer shower held i EI. ER Miss anetMeGrgorand! for ber by the girls of Gen- Mrs. Ron Dickinson, a friondi oral Motors at the home ofr L of te brde. beyMrs. Ron McEacbern, Oshawa, LADIES' W EAR - identicai mint green siiMisHee'Safodan1eclce2Brcles de soie street-length d 'se1Miss Ester Pamneroy as bas-; rclt BWAVLEwith fitted bodices, round -tesses. i arfgS,1 Neags. ST. E BO MANVILLEnecklînes, short sleeves andl Mrs. Ron Dickinson andl fCUe s JeWeile (in Cowan Block) Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clifford full bax-pleated skirts, bigh-I Mrs. Dave McCullough gave a BroocheS Powell who exchangedvw nTiiyUîed lighted by a self bow at tiURmsce!aneus bowe3atthe nieicTiiy ntd ak orr's hoe iUOhaw, nd / PaC F D~Y Cburch, Bowmanville, on Saturday, September 8, 1962 Mak frme hm n saa iad at 3 'coc. he brde isth frm r azl raeî~5 R ona oceRori Locuke, Bowrnan-, T M hlwie, was bastess for a linen' iWebber, iReg. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ROY ier girl. She wore a dres0 soer Webber of Bowmanville and the brldegroom is the the sanie color and material, The ladies at Providence1 son of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Powell of Hagersville, Ont ias worn bv the adoît attend-lheld a presentation shower atir ulb rln tdoat 'A Y 12p I~ IE4 -Photo wsdeigedwiha!Providence Sehool wben the Sa la -Phto y Ielnd tudo Peter Pan collai , ff eeesride received a telephone1'S ia Stable, lanip and mirror. Mrs I CRYSTAL IAS SPECIAL 1 kr adacetdrA. Quinnev, Mrs. H. Gibson La rIthl Sets at the xaistline by a blue - and Mrs. . Locke were hos- iOL FORK&,Utcel sash. Ahl wore ivhite flowe r ~ tesses for the Iaty Neyer before and >111 TEEO rhats with short veils, and theî irDTebiepat.nvraan SPOON FI TH B O STh riewas presented nvraan la HI-FI SE O flowers were nosegays e)f ,Iwith an end table and a pairir for lnixing wht lail.Q U A L ITY M EA TS oftowels by the girls of the ALs We peîl True Value $1.50 ] . RE O DThe best mari was Mr. A'-i Sales Department at General 20 FINAL RC bort Werry, Enniskillen, and, 47 KING ST. E. MA 3-5081 [Mators, anid the Sales Depart-î 87 RE O Dthe u.-hers were the brido'si_____________________________ rnent staff presented the brider I/ brother, Mr. Joe Balson, and rwith a niatching end table. OFF87 ~i A ~ f Mr. Wayne Beckett, brother - of trie groom. A reception was held in' Hampton Christian Educationý DELI( Centre. The guests were re-, ceived by the bride's mother S IRI who wore a navy blue suit, with navy. and white acces- STE sories. The groomis mother,: wvho assisted. xvas in turquoise, blue net dress with white ac- Lean, cessories. Both wore corsages of pink carnations. c After the reception the happy couple left on a honey- imoon ta Northern points. Th'e SE bride's travelling ensemble was a brown and white suit with brown accessories and 11e SI orchid corsage. They will re- BE side in Hampton. E The bride attended Hamp- ton Public School and Bow-ý manville High School, and the groom xvas a student at LEAN, Enniskillen Public School andi POR a 1 s o Bowmanville H i g h rcol He isî employed at Shot Several parties were held in- honor of the bride before ber SWIFT marriage. A presentation xvas made by' Enniskillen Commun- m itv, and a personal shower w as gîven bv- Mrs. K. Crow- R elîs. Mrs. Lewis Trull xvas' HAN~ hastess for a linen shawer. Hampton Camm-unity heldý a miscellaneous shawer, and Christi Miss Mary Wiikins, Oshawa, gave a similar shower. A ms cellaneous shower wvas aisaý held b ' Miss Arvilla Beckett, SBowmanville. L WIDDECOMBE - HOOPER The niarriage of Eva Hooper,, daughter of Mr. L. Hooper, Bawmanville, and the late ;Mrs. Hooper, and Mr. George H. Widdecomhe, Bowmanville,' was solemnized by Rev. A. C. Herbert in St. John's Anglican Churcb, Bowmanville, at 4 'dock on Saturday afternoon, September 15, 1962. Mr. Wid- decombe is a son of the late ,Mr. and Mr. W. Widdeconibe. Given in niarriage by ber uncle, Mr. T. Larkin, the bride wore a street-longth sheath dress of coffee calored taffeta, styled w it h three-quartec length sleoves and square neeklirio. Her bat was of pink velvet with short face voil, and she carried a bridai bou- quet of red rases,. Mrs. F. Lee, Bowmanville,! was the bride's attendant in. a stroet-length sheath of beige silk. She ware a small, match- ing feather bat, and pink car-, nations formed ber bouquet. The groom's brother, Mr. Bruce Berry, Bowmanville, was best mari. A reception followed the ceremnony at the Bowmanvillý Hotel, after which the bride and groom left for a brief wedding trip. For travelling, the bride wore a navy blue suit with blue accessories. They will reside at 55 Teni- perance St., Bowmianville. 11 suc'er Sets treValue -P46.25 Tu-Il N' 3 DAYS LIEFT S~.ASEDTO 97c CH20 V.STAIRTEU SET Smart Styling, CQualitY, Chila 'Rei. '0 $ 5.9 7 iers C/nucile Ed. Leslie ting action on fabrics. Brush nember drycleaning remnoves BIBLE SOCIETY ?T. 24th to 28th W, AfM MEEDAYS entering our store NO OBLIGATION NOTHING TO BUY LARGE SIZE ASHTRAY 7"p x 7"t True Value - $1.50 Slashed to 87c Hurry! Last 3 Days Pl PUBLIC NOTICE Business For Sale ùasy cntacetcD.Part,' oreas contcact ye Phone MA 3-3121 COFFEE MUGS TAST LOT SPECIAL 3-DAY OFFER CNLY 27c ONL'Y 90 DAYS Till Xmas BîYVour Gifts Now "Special Lay-Away " Plan" FINAL SALtvKl%ýUeMrYouir'«FE BARCLAY'S Gift Shop 10 KING ST. E. Phone MA 3-3121 WIN $101 Automatie Ail Speeds Two Speakers One Detachable Coniplete with brass stand and record storage -plus - 5 'long play records Regular \ $1 34.00 Value PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL$S0095 ONLY~ _- f (Limited Quantity) Save Money . Lay-Away Now for Christmas HO)OPERS JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP -awm sLncLret ieef WELL TRIMMED JIOtUS LB. T-BONE B LOI1N8 & WING 'ýAKS 9 STEAKS 5 Sweet Pickled, Peamealed )TTAGE ROLLIb.5 5c US FIRST FOR... HOME FREEZER NEEDS pecialize in . . . EF QUARTERS and CUTS 0F PORK (Cut and Wrapped Free) FRESH LB. FRESH LB. .1< A IPORK ulders43 JI HOCKs 29 rREGILAR LEAN, STORE SLICED :)KED LB. Breakf astLB NIC vs49c BACON 7c 29 King St. E. Bowmanville l 'ý QUITIO 0 Oum m- 3 0 cup and 0, Pl'