MAJOR SffLING CHANGES IN 1963 PLYMOUTH T'he 1963 Plymouth fromn Chrysier of Canada protection, stronger structure and tighter Ilbas a new styling appeal. The new Plymouth is sealing. A nuinber of changes have been made ,onger, with the added length going to the rear in the 1963 Plymouth engines to improve dec and providing for a larger, more-acces- hotecnrl ienig urcto n sible trunk compartment. Extensive front and trtl otaslnig urcto n rear styling changes are evident in the 1963 other aspects of efficient engine operation. The Plymouth, which bas a fully unitized body alternator replaces the generator as standard made more durable by additional corrosion equipment. VALUANT "FOR 1963 FEATURES STYLE CHANGE ChrYsier of Canada's popular compact, the Valiant, features in its 1963 series the most extensive styling changes since its introduc- tion in the fait of 1959. A principal change is the extension of the wheelbase firom 106.5 to, 111 inches, providing iniproved handling and riding characteristics. The mew Valiant look is further hi ghlighted by a broad front- end treatment and a side profile having dis- 0t seals have been reinforced a than in 1962. Qua iy .e..Design .. Construction the corners and other potential 1The Fury convertible wl leakage points ta maintain be manufactured in Cainadaý plyMou h their shape and sealing char- this year for the first time. Stresed i the 1963acteristies. Windshield and Standard eigincs are the1 Stesed in th 1 63 Plmo t rear window sealing material 225-cubic inch Slant Sixan: Quality is the theme that is sion -- a new roof Une and abenipod.1te3-uicnh V-8. A new ( earried throughout the 1963 rear window styîing in a pop- Plymouth seats have been povwer option is a 383-cubiec Plymouth from Chrysler of'ular and contemporary vein improved ta provide added inch eng«ine with four-barrel[ Canada. . . . sweeping body side lines passenger comfort and seat carburetion and dual cxhausts. Every detail cf the ply-1 witli greater cohesion from Idurability. Heavier gauge Inouth's attractive nexv designi front ta rear. . . and longer spring wire is used in cushions, itS construction and appear- Irear quarter panels. and coîl springs are provided! ance demonstrate engîneerin,,< The addition of three inches at the outer ends of thecu Clarke ueacners thoroughness and attention ta ta the body extends Plymouthsshosfradd potand detail.1 over-ali length ta 205 inches, firmness. With its longer and sleeker 'and provides an increase of, The Éix-way, custom-position-0 g iz fo farnily car. Plymouth char-~ The 1963 Plymouth retains justment is standard seat adn Com.u.u aso acter is obvious in every hine,ilast year's fully unitized body.!on all Plymouths.i yet the over-all appearance isi Outstanding features of thisl Other features ta be foundý An organizationai meeting1 distlnctly new.. construction are its strength, in the 1963 Plymouth for the of the Clarke District Teach-1 Market opinion surveys al- durability, q u i e t n e s s and first time are: A larger thick- ers' Association wvas held on ready have indicatcd that the weight reduction. er heel pad under the accel- September 17, at Enterprise, fresh, new styling of the 1963 Also improved ta give erator pedal which is more Sehool.E Plymouth will evoke wide Plymouth a long-lasting, rust- durable and puncture -resis tant After the pleasantries cf re-t customer acceptance and ac- less body texture is Chrysler's ta women's high heels . . . newJng old acquaintances and1 claim, exclusive body corrosion pro- stronger and longer arm rests1making new ones over a social The principal componentstectien proccss. ta provide added driving com- cup of coffee, the following of the engine ta rcar axie To provide the 1963 ply- fort . . . new and better in- list cf officers waselc 1d power-train 0on1 ah 1963asectd Chyserprdutsar nw outh with the best rust-pre- teriar uphaîsteries... amb2r- President Mr. MeMahon, Vice1 ckrse by a 3-ctare- now ctîepocs i h at-coloured turning lights ta con- President Mrs. Greenwood, mile warranty.' motive industry, the body is form with industry standards. Secretary - Treasurer Mrs: A wide range of rfnmntiie a 22-inch dip in the anti- Airfoil windshield wipers- Martin, Press Reporter Miss In body croinpoeto, corrosion solution, there is a Chrysier Corporation ex- Armstrong. seat comfort, body sealing1 continued use cf galvanized clusiveto provide better wip- A sketchy agenda of mneet- hardareopeatins nd risteel for the body side sills, ing action under today's ex- ing places, hostesses etc,wa durability stren1gthcn the hid: and an increased usage cf pressway speeds . . . improved also outlined. den values which ensure long plastic clips for trim parts. engîne lubrication . .. replace- Attention was soon brought life and high resale prices. The addition cf splash shields ment cf the generator by the t ou pngetsekr A distinctive ncw stylingunder the fenders, bath front alternator as standard equip-the ocharrngueDr. sChart theme is creatcd for the 1963and back, prevents accumula- ment-.. improved ignition Horner, medical officer of Plymouth by the use cf re-1tion cf corrosive materials in system wet weather protec-Éhalth for the counties of t styled exterior surfaces and pocket areas and fender corn- tiOfl. . two-ply rayon cord Northumberland and Durham.i liew ornamentation.i ers, prolonging fender life anditires . increase cf 50 per cent She addressed the group con-f The general appearance is'appearance. in exhaust system lîfe ex- cerning the responsibilities1 that cf a longer, -ýidcr and! Body seaîing Improvements pectancy . . . improved under- and duties cf the M.O.H., theE mnore-massive automobile, yet are obtained from new door hood corrosion protection. pulchatnrsadte one with moving and handling trim panel and door opening The 1963 Plymouth will beiclassroom teacher as pertain- ease. The dominant styling designs which avoid excessive available in the Savoy, Belve-ling ta the mental and physi- *ments are the grille with' door closing effort and in- dere and Fury lines with a cal well being of the school inew character and dimen-1crease seal effectiveness. Door total cf 24 models-two more child. THE VALUEST VALUIE fIER! allant ~ NODODY but , body can match Valiant âeautifuIIy-new style! lt's a winncr fron the vord WOW! Crisp. Sharp. Shapely. And just great to go with. Every line's new. Every fine in the totaUly-ncw. :erriically- DCV, Valiant '63 invites you to join in the fun. BEA TS -cm ail for pep and power! Siant Six power. The Valiant en- gine that runs you farther -withcut runnif g father into hock. And the big new feature? Valiant's battery-sparing alterna- tor - . . provides a supply of curren t at ail engine speeds-even whea idling. VA LIANT has a cabin-fuli of comfort-for six. Luxury interiors that make other compacts look like penny-pinchers. Race car instrument dlus- ter. Big, wide, al-round- visibility window area. And room?! WOW! In- side and out-Valiant's got all it takes ta give you the lft cf a ifetimel ASIC VOUR VALIANT DEALER FOR DETAILS 0F THE NEW 15-YEAR OR 50,000 MILES POWER-TRAIN WARRANTY11 F OR a ride to emm ber-go Valiant! Relish the supermnarket sorties and the long trips for the sheer down-to-the- ground pleasure of riding on Valiant's Torsion- AIRE suspension. For handling, toc (downtown parking included!), Valiant's a soft touch. And quiet. And safe. And solid . .. with a build lika Unibody, who wouldnt be? Drive Valiant today. VALUE is a buy nanied Valiant '63! And Valiant's got it al ays- in looks, in model choice (sedans, hardtop, wagons ~-and caming soon, a snazzy new convertible!) in performance, if econ- omy, and in price. If value's your mark, make for Valiant '63-the valuest value ever! Go on down to your Valiant dealer's and take an "'eye- poppin" look-todayl M15 3C _________ 5E VOUR PLYMOUTH- VALiANT OR DOD@EF-VALIANT DEALER TO-DAT PALMER MOTOR SALES 20 KING ST.-E. BOWMANVILLE, ONT!20 KIN tinctive, simple and dlean lines. Improved structural design, improved rust preventatives and increases in same metal thicknesses pro- vide greater body strength and durabiity. Inside, seat comfort has been iniproved and a number cf engineering advances have resut- ted in better engine economy and perf or- mance. TYRONE 1The first meeting of Tyrone1 Sanderson, Toronto, and Rev. Hornaking Club "The Club' Chris IJugan paid tribute ta' Girl Entertains" was held at the late A. H. Brent. Gwen Glaspelîs. There were Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Mrs. 16 girls and 2 leaders present. ýJean Abrams, Mrs. Edna Mrs. R. Glaspell and Mrs. H.- Philp, Miss Margaret Storrie, Stainton are our leaders for ýMr. David Drain and Miss this unit. After saying the 4-H1 Valda Koci-ns attended the pledge, vie had aur election of iTeaeher's Convention supper officers: President-Elaine An- at Bethany last Wednesday fis; Vice President- Shelagh and the Teacher's Convention Murphy; Press Reporter-Ann at Blackstock last Friday. Skinner. Lynn Stainton and Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson, Esther Rosevear are ta choose Peterborough, visited Mrs. a name for the Club. Our Edra Philp and Miss Jean leaders showed us how ta ar- Philp on Sunday. range flowers. The next meet- 'Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and ing! is at Esther's on October 1. Miss Gýrace Smith attended the Mrs. Glaspeli and Gwen ser- 134th Anniversary Service of' v'ed lunch. Englewood United Church, Teachers and offîcers for where Mrs. Cook was a for- Tyrone Sunday Sehool 1962- mer member, her nephew, Jul- 63 are as follows: Kindergar- ian Reed, was guest soloist. ten- Mrs. R. Cameron and They were overnight guests of ft'rs. L. Skinner; Primary- Mr. and Mrs. Ted MeBride, Mrs. A. Knowlton and Mrs. W. Brampton, on Sunday evening Murphy; Junior Class- Mrs. they called on their cousins, P. Vaneyk and Mrs. R. Glas- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clarke, pelli, Win One Class- Mrs. Leaside. L. Moore and Mrs. R. Coom- Mrs. Reta Murray, Mr. W. bes; The King's Guard Class- Thornton, Toronto, Mrs. Ace Mr. R. HuIs and Mr. R. Coom- Abbott, Oshavwa, were Sunday bes; Young Adult Class-Mrs. supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Werry; Secretaries- Loran K. Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe, Kenneth Murphy, AI- E. Prescott. [an Youngman and Ted Wood; Mrs. Dorothy Stark, Stark- rreasurer- Mr. A. His; Su- ville, visited Mrs. Paul Van- perintendent- Mr. R. Coom- eyk. bes. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Down, Sympathy is extended ta Toronto, visited at Leonl the Brent family on the piass- Moore's and Mrs. R. Virtue. [ng of Mr. A. H. Erent. The Mrs. Leon Moore, Mrs. V. funeral service xvas held from E. Milîson accompanied Mr. ryrone United Church last and Mrs. A. Milîson and visit- Saturday when Rev. Milton ed Mr. and Mrq. Lec'Ije Webb, Toronto. Mrs. Milison remnain- TeCnda ttsaBwavUOt ,16 ed for a visit with her daugh- jTeCnda ttsaBoiavle c.3 92 13 ter. R. Glaspeil, Robert Hamilton1 Murphy, Allan Youngrnan and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hath-! played a piano solo Mr. R. Ted Wood. Mr. Rowland Co- erley and Randy, Lakeview. Coombes led in a sing-song. ombes conducted the Promno- visited Mrs. Annie Hatherley Lauraine was presented with tion Exercises when varlous on Sunday. Mrs. Hatherley Kroehler T.V. Chair and amembers of the classes pasa- accompanied her son and wife Magazine Stand. John was ed through the gate to their and visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack presented with a floor lamp new teachers. The Kindergar- Hathcrley at Newtonville. ýand a pair of matching table ten pupils returned to the Congratulations to Mrs. Tho- l amps and a smoker's stand. Sunday School for their lesson mas Gibbs who celebrated her! Each made very fitting replies.1 while the choir sang "Mothers birthday on Sunday. 'Lunch and a social evening of Salem". Rev. Chris Dugant Saturday evening quite a was enjoyed. !delivered a splendid message number fromn the community The Annual Rally Day Ser-!on "Wings". Miss Joanne Hoar attended the presentations for vice of Tyrone United Church wvas organist. Flowers plaoed Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crow-: Sunday School was held in the in the church on Sunday were ells (nee Lauraine Cook) and'church at the eleven o'clock lin memory of Mr. A. H. Brenta John Cook and Miss Audrey service. Superintendent Mr. R. ________ Smale of Hampton at Bethesda Coombes presiding. Ann Skin- School. Mr. E. White was mias-1 ner gave the responsive read- The degree of our sacrifie ter or ceremonies. Readings ing. Scripture readings by in feeding the hungry Is the were given by Don Stainton. John Vivian and Lynda Da- degree of our understanding Mrs. W. Jewell, Mrs. A. Hoar, vey. The offering was receiv- of the world today.-Dwlght Mrs. J. A. Rosevear and Mrs. led by Loran Pascoe, Kenneth D. Eisenhower. FRIDAY, AFTERNOON AND EVENING See the . . * EXCITING 1963 PLYMOUTH COMPACT 1963 VALIANT THE BIG NEW '63 DODGE CO0M E. . AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS Palmer. Motor Sales O CT. .5t h Plymouth - Valiant Dodge Trucks 20 KING ST. E. . Dodge BOWMANVILLE j e '63 NS THE YEAR TO GO PLYMOUTH Go great! Go Plymouth '63 ... the happy-GO- Iiveliest car of the year! And this one really goes! Plymouth's like a tiger an the road the way it claws up the miles. Plymouth's a pure-bred beauty-it's longer, sleeker, slinkier. Grand on comfort. Great on ride. And engineered ta go better than the rest with its 5-year or 50,000-mile power-train warranty! What happens when you uncage this tiger just bas ta be called sensational. Fact is, i '63 it takes a Plymouth ta catch a Plymouth! Ask your Plymouth dealer for details cf the new 5-year or 50,000-mite power-train warranty. PLYMU the happy-,6O-liveliest car of theyear! PALMER MOTOR SALES CP163C ST. E. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5487 TV SHOWS EVERY WEEK rTCH FOR THE FOLLOWING ON THE CBC NETWORK PLAYDTE-THURSDAY I lEMPIRE-FRIDAYI à> 1 ST. E. MA 3 - 5487 BOWMANVILLE