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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1962, p. 16

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16 Te Caadia Stteusmn, Bowmanville, Oct. 3, 1962 Liberals (hoose Delegates For Provincial Meeting at Royal York Hotel on Oct. l3th At the meeting of the Dur- 'nister, Hope Township; Rob- Saturday. Sc'pteîîîhc)r 29ih. hamn Cou.nty Liberal Associa- ert Kent, Bowmanville; John iRegistration xiii start ai Il tiOn Executive held in the Burns, Port Hope; Gordon am The tee înciudîng lunih- Liberal Committee Rooms, Trick, Milbrook; Bruce Tink. o wi b h.(. eme Newcastle, on Monday even- Dariington Township; Harry co the Reion50.EAeeutîxe i hg 1 2 delegates were chosen Wade, Clarke Township; Wili- be thosegnetedthtie %mee to attend the annuai meeting of f rid Carruthers, Bowmanvilie' ccoe otedteneý '%heOntai Lbera Asocia Nei Macolm Catwr 'ht ng of the Ontario Liberal As- ~he ntalo Lberl Asoci- Ne i Macol, Catwrghtsociation iu Toronto on Outo- Jion at theoRoyal York Hotel, Township; Russel C. Honey, ber i3th. Toronto, on Saturday, Octo- M.P. for Durham County and TryWîh t' r ber 13tb. President E. R. Love- Ted Woodyard, Orono, will be e- y- rgt kin presided. delegates ex-officie. The delegates appointed are It was announced that a Wilfred Hawke, Clarke Town. luncheon meeting of the Cen-m ship; Roger Kirkpatrick, Port tral Region South of the On- Hope; E. R. Lovekin, New- tario Women's Liberal Assoc- castle, Thomas White, Man- iation will be beId at the Em- v.ers Township; Weston Ban- press Hotel, Peterborough, NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Van!burton in time to see the Hon. Dam arrived home safely by ýLeslie M. Frost of Lindsay un - air from an enjoyable visit veiling a plaque to the town' with relatives in Holland. : dated 1819-1962. They also Miss Carol Long of Tilson- visited Skyline Park and burg is visiting Mr. and Mrs. were among the many specta- Oliver Rohrer and boys. tors of the colorful panorama Lloyd Heaslip of Ottawa created by the breath of the was a weekend visiter with legendary character J a c k bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Frost. George Heaslip and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Em- Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy of erson visited recently with Hampton and Mrs. N. C. :Mar.- Rev. R. B. Harrison and Mrs. l0w were Sunday dînner, Harrison of Wilfred. guests. A community shower was Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyons held in Forrester's Hall, Nes- of Uxbridge and Mr. and Mrs. fleton, on Saturday, Sept. Herman Rodman and Karen 29h for Mr. and Mrs. Ken- of Little Britain visited Sun- neth Hudson, nee Shirley day with the girls' parents Prosser. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson. lTodd and son of Millbrook Friends will be pleased to isupplied the music for an know that Miss Muriel Mc- levening of dancing. Kee was able to leave hos- Mrs. Arthur Hyland, Mrs, pitaI a week ago and is re- Howard Lee, Mrs. Allen Bea- cuperating at her Oshawa cock and Mrs. Fred Dayes ar- apartment. Mrs. S. McKee is ranged the presentation of staying with ber daughter. living-room chair. matching Sympathy is extended to tables and magazine rack. Mr. Mrs. Hugh Taylor of Lindsay Eddie Brown of Cadmus was and other relatives and friends and Earl Bowers in the passing of her sister ýtendered a chelque from the Mrs. Byron Madill of Orillia, Forresters. Both Shirley and nee Winnifred Heaslip, (Ohi- Ken made gracious responses Ver) formerly of Nestleton, 'for the lovely gifts. The even- Mr. nd Ms. Nil Wrrying concluded xith the usual Mr adMr. el erysumptuous lmhadxed and family took Ms. and Mrs. ing cake servenchbynthebrde- Grant Thompson to the Whit- vdb h rd by funeral borne on Sunday, adgom His cousin lVrs. Hilliard Mil- lard passed away in Oshawa, Hospital on Saturday. Inter-' O ment was in Briars Cemetery, ZIO Sutton West. Little Miss Terry Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fudge Oshp'wa, spent Saturday at of Port Perry moved into the Jim Stainton's. former John Dickey home Mrs. R. C. Stainton enter- nowv owned by Mr. Edgarl tained her knitting club at Horn.! her home. Mr. and Mrs. John Uitbey-1 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Flin- erse and family of the Tren-i toff and family, Maple Grove,! ton area moved into the Wil-. visited at Wes Cameron's. son bouse lately vacated by Mrs. Alex MeMaster attend- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Feddema ed the funeral of Mrs. Alfred! who are living now near Osh- Laird at Norval on Tuesday. awa. Mrs. T. G. Langfeld Doris Arnold and Lawrence spending some time in Toron-DrtWodieweoe- to visiting ber family. night guests at Henry Dart's Miss Cecile Jackson of Tor- on Saturday. ento was a weekend guest Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dart, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Woodville, were Sunday visit- Cabe Sunday dinner guests of lors and t he children returned! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyland. home with tbem. Mr. and Mss. Adelbert Bea- Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glas- cock with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd ýpeli, Mrs. F. B. GlaspelI, Mrs. Downer of Cameron motored1 Alex McMaster attended the through Victoria and Halibur- Gerry - Meinecke wedding at' ton Counties on Sunday. They Scarborough. arrived in the town of Hahi- Mr. and Mrs, Henry Dart' and Kenneth visited at Wil- r ýliam Dart's, Scarborougb. 1, i LET'S'BE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron - //PPV, visited at Lloyd Gilmour's, ter': BE Peterborough. 04y.. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geiss-. ItT~$6%'OTY6FNE~T berger visited at Adolph Ey- mans and also at Herman INELeTi/~Zt P/CE Schmids Newcastle, on Sun- CALL s 8 I: daJy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameren' N/O/TAD D Y-.1visited at Aubrey Hircock's, Oshawa, on Sunday. 1Mrs. Leonard Shaw, Mrs. ~~!David Shaw and Billie, Osh- awa, visited at Jim Stainton's on Friday afternoon. ELECTRICL6] CON TRACTING REPAIRS~ REFRIGERATION -ELECTRIC MOTOIR - SALES - SERVICE TV- RADIO - APPLIANCES mO0NE y AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES JONES & CRHER RALPH S. JONES THOMAS H. GREER 130 King St. E. Oshawa 728-6246 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE SENIOR FIRST AID COURSE -wili start on WEDN ESDAY OCTOBER l7th at 8 p.m. in the LIONS' CENTRE ]BOARD ROOM BOWMANVILLE The course will be held for two hours each week for seven weeks, with an examination the eighth week. Successful candidates ivili receive a Senior St. John First Aid Certificate. Total cost of the course is $4.00 including ail training aids. rerwm w wshlng to take the course should b. promet at 8 p.m. on opening night to register. dent of te Onario 'Young A I Mer dixiding into groups was in charge of Mrs. Bruce -efacrczented MNrs. Czuijo in Port Hope, October lOth to t houchis came uip and were teresting reading on -Solo- te th(ilern froni our com- ci m'C';nocfthe Port iu .w icicuýed. It was found htmn' She aiso said that the M 1îodX lo ~a iu:vm r zjoa Ya Lib _rals Associa -, asW i IC x ie uishavfaillh, bc cha:- five attributes of a good citi- îc, ý. dStoe ý Shoil ,r cl. 01iifunr club. lion, Ca: Uýi .liuan, president E __ .show kmniess, be hope- zen are, namelv , Truth. Tac,, lld t lx i homn 01Tue. da 'Mr. andi Mc-.. Siajlex' Kruk, of th t(Itai . (c!aI jouwli ilfuilchouxmble, and show lovc Temiperance. Tolerance andtii- ndRb h t li t i i inimi ()f t he nmet- V -rafi whc as the -c"atest of ail. Tea. 'We learn" she said, 01 iftci .iî tt~i~ : i i:* ac uiBb 1') ' i t h II ~mtPortHopeF n e r~ le miutesoui jo.ys and sorrows ever a Dantîx Batt avis. Raindid utur oÀ uI i io -à. Goif c ad Ccir ,î CuLh ilxj hemiutscf last meeting I. bmw in Osha\vi r liii lii) (I.The Septem ,er f); -xvcre read and approved. thecu efta'lucnldu. rv"iumx fMc.Bt-fîKadmlyviihvî' the Nestilotn U.C.W. xvs ti'easurc srenort ' v n s hc saîd, 'We ask the wisdlom tfr: : n>ice ~mln ccn -tru:h Th:.:.î,mti Cuute held in the'church on Th: ooîrespondence read. Il waste carry eout these attributes. IdIlîlý hl!c fgfs ol A Citizens Court then fol- ,it dI 1hmlc .it~ Fmi ii larry.' Wadc. N2\- day afici-noon atl2 p m.. v:th mcxci and imou ial, '\\i.i li t1ic gitis Mr i i,'.'t 'w îCamip !3 tcimil lit. l' t d that :'uveral 16. ladies rreSeiît. send Io Iaitho e sîvFund.ti lowed, sho «hng how our ne\\ ewral1lsi '-tro:îc. pro. utmlive tandîdlatei 1 cc-a> M]o dciedt pur-Canadians receive their ci'i- )ui(icr imicI \î'utlMînoal os- xiilon the nonuma o o rsdn pîc h~Opt-zen ship papers. Bonnie Ma'-Bat.n>mSti-dbrdl't i: xiî' Wo o; Liber Clio oi' r ncettlf, ith a pliem cnititl(l d~h> i O' ftebo colm favored Lus with a piano it aK m) th1lt>M V n cll'îb hir)ici] iît(ta i- Dur- "LoeU IMore.- followed l -- The XX'nd ~uithe XVax aind snooxhich was enjoyed bx v> and.1Oi cMr- " i Itt' ti Prix111ai Illîiiî 'TIeSlt îd-Go( e Il eaig Th c- iSam n ti i ila daîntlI mmjrt' vIii t1tin paxr.Thte Worship peocal.ArdigTefnc. - iwi , lunîh 1w- ain \ iiM.Lt't) olaii, was laken b'. Mrs. Hecxers and Roll caii wt> ,ênsxercd with writiug i-_ ou the Wall," cv&<.CW Itiittt 1 i cîicsi hoMs ifu ie ~.B oxuwc- o hitIa] lcalls and seven alse given. trtolix uiath ae. "l.i iî '. C ii V. e, Nomnitilt:' 2,Commnittce are' ers gave the Scripture rt md- lboit. e cm 1 -Tho utombnersci- Lunch was then served bh .M mutrl Mr. .Czui.t IcandiA tIl. r \rhrGis Wilirf cidI awklu, Clarke Towvn- in- and4 Mrs. Vine the Dcxc- CteIot o rtir Chistmas cards lihe group in charge and a <o-Juo a nui ou SaturdavI> tO ibo Jhp ohnt M. Jamecs, Boxv- honal ,i.ivmu-.5 and 252 ,ver', a inu for cMl. rs, Wilsoîn ejal haif heur enjeyed. Ms.their îiuhomie iinOhcx 'At r C.\:c uuinîvillt TDonî Lilih. Port sL1n". Bible Studl' was tkcîandi M r u Vi:î alx tiflered Lawrence Maicolm oedaRt >ýui '. t ttct "cof the -~ u tibtnh wcrt'Mud:' Hiopt'. manduiui mre Scoti lope:from ti 3th hptrcfC"-to oIsafter thîs. vote cf thanks teaifoaLt' otiNilocr l bi ii dauiMsArlr iO\.i'l1 II.inthians. Thu, progrant, "Cili,'eusipi," veî-x'pleasant afternoon. cal 4 cii them lhuforc tue"'13vru mi(.tat'ci Tod. ONTAP ~ LIENCE HOLDING Il 1~ 't. Au1~ r- 'i tu Notice is hereby gîven thaf pursuant to The Election (Section 77) a poli wlI be opened on - rTH SATURDAJ fromi:0 a.m.1 unil 7:0 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time) The polling place for the Municipality of the Town of BowmGn ville wiIl be located at the CO NCI CH MERS, TOW, H&,-LL for the pur pose of receiving the votes of voters who expect to be absent frorn the Munîcipality on the day fixed for polling. The ballot box wilI be opened and the votes counted at 8:00 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time) on Wednesday, the l7th dlay of October at the said place* Dated at Bowmanville, this l4th day of September, 1962. JACK L. REID P ' Returning Officer m týAnid iity of the in A, ý, c ri-, TH NOTICE OF Tu WýN 0-F AMMM6 B- UWMAN ILL i

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