18 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Oct. 3, 1962 Recreation Reviews Children's Skating- At the day, September 25th. Presi- body contact or tackling. Re- Bowmanville Memorial Arena dent, Mrs. W. Simpson. gister first day you attend. every Monday afterooon frorn Aquarium Society- Meetsi Under the leadership of Mr. 3:00 to 5:0N p.m. This activ- at the Lions Communitv Cen- W. Nicholson. No charge. ity is open to children seven.tre the third Monday of each ,Minor Hockey- Bowman- yrears of age andi under who month at 8:00 p.m. The club ville Memnorial Arena evcry wish to have an opportunity is open to anyone interested Saturday starting November ta learn to skate. Parents are in tropical fish. There is also .th. Teams for Atoms under welcome to skate along with a Junior section to the Club. 10, e Wee under 12, Bantam their children. Fee $2.00 for Visitors are welcome to ail under 14, Midget under 16 15 sessions starting Monday, meetings. President, Mr. T. and Juvleniles under 18. Play- Navember 5th. Webb. Next meeting October er's certificates will be avail- Girls Broomball or Hockey 1thh. able next week at Recreation -If sufLicient interest is shown Adult Swimming - Boys' Office or at Bowmanville Pub by girls 14 years of age and Training School Pool, Tuesday lic Sehools. Fee $2:00 Bow- under, as of Augusf lst, 19u2 night 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Starts manville residents and $3:00 the Recreation Deparlment isiOctober 9th. Instruction for for non-residents. prepared te arrange ice time beginners and more advan- Children's Dancing Class- ta form either a broomnbail or ced swimmers. Under the dir- Lionis Cornmunity Centre, ev- hockey league. The time will iectioni of Mir. W. Bagnell. Fee ery Saturday morning 9:00 be established once sufficientS3.00 for Bowmanville resi- a.m. t0 12 noon. Starts Sep- number of girls register for dents and $4.00 for ouf of fember 22nd. Instruction in this activity. town members, for ten week Tap and Bafon Twirling. Fee Choral Society-- Bo-vjman- course. 75c per lesson. Insfructress ville Town Hall, Monday Meni's Basketball League- Mrs. Shirley- Fowlcr. ffghts at 8:00 p.m. For mcen Bowmanville High School, Gencral Information- One and wornen who like to sing. Tuesday night 7:00 f0 9:30 o0f the ways in which the Re- The Society is now casting p.m. Starts October l6th. For creafion Diepartment learns of for their Spring operetta "Pir- further information contact al necd for additional recrea- ates of Peîîzance". Under the Mr. Ted Dadson. league presi- tion programme is through re- dlirection of Mr. ilugh Martin. dent. Fee $5.00 for 24 weeks., quests made by individuals Hockey Mothers -- Tisr plus weekly fce. and groups. group is made up of all ein i- Senior Citizens-Lions Com- Per-haps you have a hobby terested mothers of ebjîdren munîty Ccntre, 2nd Tuesdav or r'crýeational interest nt playing Minor Hockey iii Bow- ýeach month 8:00 p.ni. Staris listedl above, that you would manville. Meets cvery 4th 'October 9th. This group is un- ýlike f0 share with others. Why Tuesday, at 2.00 p.m. at the der the sponsorship of Club 1,5 not cail the Recreation Offic', Lions Conmmuni i t y Centre. For fuither information con-, nnd fell us about if. If coula If you have a ctîild wlîo v. iii tact Mrs. D. Masters, Presi- i lead to the beginning of a very be playing hockcy. and x'ouden. wolcsome form of leisurc are interested inii ttendin. Chîlcren's Danîcing Clajsse.ý;finie acfivity for a number o.' please feel frce te corne. Frt'LosCommnunity Ceîître. yvour fcllow resideîîts. meeting wvi1l be hekl on Tues- Wediîesday 3:30 f0 9.00 p.mn. Touch Football Starts Septenîiber 26 h. Iii- ! afurday, Septenîber 22nd. i sruction iii Ballet, Tap and, markecl fli opening of the Re- BtnTwiî'ling. Fee -,5c perý creation Department's Tul Rural Bowlig ilsson. Under the leadership Football League. 9:00 a.m.- of -Miss Irenie I-arvey.' Alouettes vs Tiger-Cats, 10:3( The second s0V l Square Dancing Lions m Forty-Nincrs vs Blu, md erlyoutevereaniaboud a Con-unity Centre, Wednes- 'Bombers. Listed below are th( plaersoufThee s aout2 dy.started September 5th pla yers on the various team! or 4 bowlers who arn siclk se \'erY Wednesday at 8:00 Alouettes - Guîy Park hope they soon ce efv lli Thi"'p.rni. This is a recreafion ac- f Captain ). Danîîy Lemon resuits of Sept. 25, are as fol- tivity that husband aîd xife Dannyv Nowlan, Doug. Sut' Iows. ccii enjoy. Classes for hegiii- Gar-',"restoiî, Larry Lee. Team Standlings tiers. Fee S1.00 per couple per Dax Lt of, Jeff Gilhooly. pts. Piiij-3 evening. Instructor Mr. W. Ti, îks, Mitch Donaghue, Ernniskillen Sr.. 6 6200 Carey Grý rdeîî, Tim Braebrook. Maple Grove _. ------- ocos0, Figure Skating- Bowmaîi- Palt, adows, Bill Smale, Hampton ----------- _ 5 -,53t ville M\,emorial Arena every!Pao \rthur, Doug. Me- Blackstock --------- Thursday. 4:00 to 7:00 pnm. Feeth Larry Deviff, Don ',in - ) 53 Figure skating lessons for our à urray O'Brian, Peter Tyrone .. ~ ~ boys and girls. Starts Novem - Lick, sod r>alem t Y2 ber 1sf. Fee $8:00 for 9-0 weeks. B1ruce Sinifh, Bob Ellis, Doug.C Enniskillen Int. 0 l 3 nstrioctress 'M i s s Barbara Hayes. High Single and Triole. T. Aonne Smith. Tiger-Cats- Dennis Mc- McLaughlin 286,. H. cLaiiîgl- Movie Club -- Lions Com- ýFeeters (Captain), S t e v e lLi 711. inunity Centre, 2nd Tliursday Buirns. Yike Dillon, Larry j Low Single andc Triple. S.!of each month at 7;30 p.m.1 Hellani, Bill Morrison, Roger j .Buttery 69, S. Buftery 31j. Drama Workshop- Lionsi Swan, Mike Etcher, FredR Commnîity Centre, 1sf and Braebrook, Bill Scott, Tom B Averages 180 and Over 3rd Thursdlay of each month 'Carter, Brian Patrick, Joe D Gx Ave. a* 7.:45 p.m. The purpose of Rehder, Sandy Brown, GaryT Gea. Bebee _------ 6 23 6 lie Workshop is f0 get people Bý1akier, Tom Wright, Lou Bru- T. McLaughlin -. ----- 3 2 30 iîîtercsfed in ail phases of ce, Ron Webb, Ken Martin, 2' D. Bailey .---- -------- 6 213t dramatics. For information ;Doug. McCarthy, Karl Wav- S B. Begley------ 6 2163 contact Mrs. Jean Sheridan. ersveld, Charlie Ewert, Bruce K. Yeo 6 203 President. Colwell (Coach). lJ H. McLaughlin -- -- 6 20 (3 Teen Town-. Lions Comn- Forty-Niners- Larry Perris 1 L. Wearn ----------- 6 203 mnîity Centre, 2nd and 4th (Captain), John Taylor, Ran-1 Cecil Milîs------------ -6 201 Friday of each month. Starts:dy Donaghue, Greg Brooking. < B. Taylor -- 6 196, September 28th. For teenagers Dennis Lemon, Greg Cox, , R.Muda ~ 6 193 of Bowmanville and surround- Bruce Meadows, Don Forsey,1 J. Siemon --- -- 6 193 ing areas. Dance f0 the lafest David Van Nest, Mike Marsh-1 G. Stevens - ---.- 6 188 records. The Bowmanville ail, Larry Taylor, Steve For- i B. McDonald----------- 187 Kinsmen Club acf as chaper- sey, Af Brown, Ron Beatty, CI J. Venning 6 18.5 ons for each dance. WeeklylLannie Burns. Brian Evans, M~ Ai Wilson 6 185 admission fee. Rav Rundie. V M. Preston-- 6 183, Touch Football- For boys! Blue Bombers- Ross Myers Bi _N. Bailey --.--- 6 182 14 and under as of Augusf 1sf. r Captain>, Brian Peters, Greg 0 Jim Coombes 6 132' Boxvmanville High Sehoot Adams, Dennis Tierney, Ricky T. Pleasance - 6 181 every Sot urday morning, starf- Woolner, Eddie Willan, Ron D, F. Wotten ---------- 6( 181 ing September 8tb. A reaIlHooper. Lee Lemon, Doug Ti D. Reynolds -- 6 18t football league wifhout heavy Crough, Eddie Bons, Pete Van- M stone, Mike Myers, John Con- Al mnors, Doug. Firth, Terry De- M vitt, David Wright, Garfield M DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS Webb, Tom Puk, R i c k y SI ONTARIOThomps.on, Don Clark, Don E( ~~ONTARIO McMurter, Charie Evans. M NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS 0F No. 2 fotal em of he abet i FURNACE QIL AND STOVE OIL îtouch with the Recreation 0f- Afternoon Ladies' Bowlini 200 Games Marlon Colville 278, Tere! Eby 251, Marion Gibson 22 SHigh Single- Marlon Co ville 278. Team Standings Pins Pl Joye Holden ---4117 ,Marion Gibson --- ---- 3975 Noreen Bailey 3863 'Marg Coyle ---- 4220 Dot Brooks - 4145 Bea Sellers -------- 4197 Olive Patfield ------- 3902 Jean Lobb . .------ 3872 Averages 10lO,.. '-.4. ..3t1Ne f LiplU . la BeaSellers 1S i ENJOY COMPLE HEATING SERVICE FROM check these important advantages: * iA SDLAR HEAT-.scientifically compounded to give you maximum heat value and clean burn- ing efficiency. *B-A SOLAR P.A.C.-f ree anti-corrosion treatment of your fuel ohl tank. ANNUAL TUNE-UP PROGRAM-keeps your heating unit in peak operating condition. *DEPENDABLE DELIVERY-automaticaly ad- justed to weather conditions. B-RA HEATI1JG FINANCE PL AN-..foir hth new *B-A BUDGET PLAN-easy furnace installations and conversions. Low down \\\ payments for heating ail payment-smait carrying charge-five years to r spread over 10 month&. pay. E. A.* VIRTUE &SON If HAT Trn Phone COlfax 3-2431 Otr *1< ýsa 26.1 N, 1V Ri Ni mV Di ,Je El w Celebrates 89th Birthday r': Mrs. Mabel Allen, above, celebrafed hcr 89th irthday on Thursday, September 27th. Mrs. Allen is ipatient at Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanville, nd a party was held there to honor the occasion. A iighlight for Mrs. Allen was the beaufiful birthday 'ake from hcr family, shown with hcr. She has two --hildren, a daughter, Mrs. M. C. Brown (Dorothy), of Bowmanville and a son, Ray of Belleville. -Photo by Asetor Studio Teenage Bowling Teenage Boys1 High Single- J. Paeden 202, Beauprie 7 - Callan 0, j. S. Gay 205, C. Meadows 200. CA lan 7 - Colville 0, J. Oke High Triple- S. Gay 542, 7- Gay 0. H. Vansfone 529. Team Standings ' Junior Boys J. Callan --- ------------7ý N. Ncads 5 - D. Edmondson J. Oke ---------------------- ---- 7i 0, D. Luxton 5 - A. Crago 0, R. Beauprie -- --------- j 1J. MacDonald 3 - G Wilson 2. B. Colville - ------------- Team Standings D . G ay ----------o --- ----- T. Callan --- 0,N. Neads --- ------------- 5 High Single- J. Oke 206,'.Lxo ------5 243, D. Gay 236. J. Callan 249':! J MacDonald ------------ - 3 S.Oke201. 'G. Wilson ------ --------- High Triple- J. Oke 613, ýA. Crago --O---------- ... J. Callan 577. D. Edmondson -------- O --- Teenage Girls High Single- J. MacDonald Paeden 7 - Vaîîsfone 0,'174. Chant 7 - BaIl 0, Mulholland High Double- J. MacDonald 7- Oke 0. ý332. Team Standings ' Junior Girls Paeden -,------------------- C hant ------ - --- - - ------ Mulholland Vanstone ----------------- Ball ---- O k e - - ----- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- Dot Brooks ------ Teresa Eby ---------------- Marion Gibson--------------i Aice Hodgson ----- E Mlarion Colville -- f Marion Malley I Shirley Brooks -,------ Edith Mitchell ---1--- Marg Coyle ---1 ---- ean Lobb ---- ----- --15ýI oyce Holden ------- - 14 Saddie Bucknell ------ 14 Eileen Hearl ----13 Joyce Virtue -- ------ 13 'i Martin ----13 qelen Hunt ------- ---13 Zoreen Bailey ------ 13 [arg MacDonald --- -- 13 luby Hutchinson -------- 13 ;ellie MeFeeters ---- . ---12 [eta Moffat - ------ 12 0ft Perfect ----12 ran Burton ----- 12 [ay Dodds ------12 Eartha Wooley 12 l,sie Richards .- --- - -- 12 ?ilma Coombes -.--------12 7! Hately 5 - Gould 0. Masters' 73 - Sellers 2, Mulholland 5- 7 Samelîs 0. 0 Team Standings 0 ýHafely --------------------------5 i Mulh olland ------ ------ 5 i M asters ---------- ----- -- 3 I Sellers --------- ----- ---- 2 JSamnels -------------------- 0 '7 High Single-M. Hafely 222, ýP. Deboo 172. High Double - M. Hately 381, M. Bebee 286. Bantam Girls K, Burgess 3 - W. Lewis 2, N. Edmondson 5 - J. Bromeil 90, J. lice 3 - N. Goodwin 2. 8 Team Standings 8IN. Edmondson ---------- - 5 6K. Burgess . 1___ , J. lice --- - 3 ,N. Goodwin ___--2 . J. B rom ell - -------------- O 2 High Single- N. Goodwin 9182. J. Bromell 175. 8ýHigh Double- J. Bromeil I 8328, N. Goodwin 309. 1 7:Note- There are openingsý Giii the boys' league for morel 1bowiers, Contact bowling su- ,pervisor Harold Bennett, îm- 51mediately if you wish fa býowl- liWill Double Capacity 4,,0f Rambler Auto Plant 9 Plans for doubling flic plant cmploying approximately 200ý 2capacify of American Motors people. Today, there are over' 2 (Canada) Limitcd have hicen 1,000 employces and more will, finlied it te sgnn~of be required when the new a contract fo make an addi-, production line is finished. i 93 tien of 160,000 square feef to lîe ground already bas' 90 the main plant. !'been broken f0 begin this ex-'I When finished, total cx-1pansion and if will be readyl pendifure for the new addi-!rfor opcra'tion in 1963. 1 tion with equipment will cx-ý Mr. Brownridge explained' ceed $3,000,000.00,. that this new addition is onlyý In announcing this move, a part of Rambler expansion. E. K. Brownridge, President,l plan s. expalined that this is one' "Alrcady this ycar, we haveý phase of Rambler expansion' addcd a new warehouse toý in Canada which had beý,n specd deliverv of parts to; planned for 1964, bof due fi) other warehouscs across Can-i itedmand for Ramblers anîd ada. AIl phases of our opera-; iwith sales above expectations, ftion are being changed fo lac-' if was necessary to advance'commodate the growing de-i the sehedule. mand for our produet andý The new plant will infegrate: cive beffer service f0 those, perfectly wifh present assem- people who already drive bly lines, as the present plantf, Ramblers. Increased servicei built in 1960, had been de- facilities, being developed byý signed with this expansion in our dealcrships, and enlarged mind. isales dcparfments, are only! This new addition will ai. wo of the many areas which, low for an increase in produe- mnust progress with increased' tion doubling the present ratel!sales." of 112 cars a dayv. The contract for this new: Rambler began operationsý building bas been awarded foi in Brampton in January 1961,iFinley W. MeLachian Limitedý producing 32 cars a day and' 0f Toronto. MY FONDEST PRAYER For a world at Peace, I pray, Tolerance for the sick and suffering; To sec another Autumn day- For truth and understanding. Ah, yes, I pray for sfrength For the duties of the day; Then, I speak at length 0f the glitters that bctray. I think of those beloved, Implore their happiness, And as along I trod I pray for tenderness. Yet, like a smile from beneath life's hood I arn certain my fondest prayer Is: That I may sec the Good In everyone I meet - here and therel ket ls more receptive this year than ever before-~ He described the terras of the newv issue. offcring an av- Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor return for an investment im- mediatly redeemnable for cash Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gilbart I Mrs. Thomas Pethick and Mr. Ken Bail has returned wThoutaveagrkctr". s spent tbe weekend at the Paf- Mr. Rex Sherill of Detroit home from Memorial Hospital, froni interest coupons of 412%ý( terson - Kay Lodgc, Graven-!visited Mrs. Ivan Farrow who Bowmanville. ifor cach of the first thre hurst, and called on Mr. and refurned borne with them for AIl seven units o1 Orono years, 5<3, for cach of fthe next Mrs. W. Lloyd King, Wood- a visif in Detroit and Dowag- United Church Women held three ycars, and 51213 for cach ville, îiac, Michigan. their October meetings on of the last eighf yea'rs. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Waf -' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chant- Tuesday. Io the affernoon No. A feature of Canada Savings, son, Betty Ann and Larry, Ier, Huntsville; Mr. and Mrs. txvo at the home of Mrs. Wm. Bonds is that if if should be Waterdown, spent Sun d a yj Ron Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson. Units three and neeessary f0 cash them before with Mrs. Alex Watson an d Olan, O rillia, called on Mr. seven in the Sunday School mafuritv, 00f only arc they visited Mr. Watson in Bow- and Mrs. Len Pears and fam- Auditorium. In the evening, paid off at fulîl face value. but manville Hospital. ily on Sunday, Sept. 23rd. Unit one at the home of Mrs. inferest is paid f0 the end of Mrs. D. S. Harncss spent i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman.' Jack Reid. Unit four at the the last completed month. a few days visiting in Oshawa Kirby; Mrs. Orley Chapman, home of Mrs. Neil Porter. Unit Mr. Beatty said the pure#ae this week. ýMr. and Mrs. Orville Chatter- five at the home of Mrs. Robt. of Canada savings bonds' by Mrs. T. W. F. G. Andrews 'ton, Mrs. Ronald Hancock and1 Moffaf and Unit No. six at the cifizons is "a key factor ini the and Miss Dorothy Henry of' daughfer Debbie, attended the1 home of Mrs. Francis Cowan. maintenance of a stable eccci- Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Henderson - Taggart wedding, World Wide Communion omy and iin the rnanagemeîît Goard of Little Brifain, Mrs. lin King Street United Church, xvwiii be held on Sunday, Oct. of the national debt". R. J. Hodgson of Hampton, r0shawa, on Saturday. 17fh. during the regular morn-j Mr. Beatty noted that over Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgsonl Mrs. Chas. Webbcr, Mrs. A. 'ing service at Orono Uni.ted the past 16 years, total sales of Ajax were Sunday visîfors A. Drummond, Mrs. Ed. Dean, Churci. 'o f Canada Savings Bonds have of Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mrs. Carl Billings, Mrs. Law-'ir excecded flec$I11 billion mark, Mrs. M. Sherwin returned 'rence Hooey, Mrs. Fred Bowen, iwîfh individual subscriber.q home on Sunday from visifing';Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Mrs. Wm. tHope fbr more than 17 niid- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Welsh Caîrman, Mrs. A. McGill, Mrs. fl p rIte slion .Last year. combined sale.- of Wîlsonville. Ed. Milîson, Mrs. K. Gamsbv, reacbed a total of $1,096,Of)0.- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Salis-!Mrs. Wm. E. Armstrong and I00an I CI o nw ol bur, orladOreon Ms.1ber daughter, Mrs. R. P. Bax- Inl Bondu Sales labut $3Canadians00nofwhi N. Bradshaw, Oshawa, visit-'ter cf Hamiltonî, aftended the A five percent increase over savings in Canada000 f thir ed Mrs. Orley Chapman. itrousseau tea given on Safur- lasf year's total sales in Can- Bonds. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trimm, day by Mrs. W. Lloyd King, ada Savings Bonds in Onfarilo 'O the strength of these Sfarkvillc; Mr. and Mrs. Leri Woodville, for hier daughfter, fbrough the part aig ires, there can bc no argu- Pears attended the Poulfry Marilyn Jeanne, prior f0 ber plan is being sought in the ment thaf flîis sccurity is far Auction in Georgetown on marriage on Saturday, Octo- 1962 campaign by officiais ofland away the mnosf popuflar Safurday, Sept. 22îînd. bher 61h f0 Mr. Jolhn Hcrhertit.be. Ontario payroll svns'îvefirifCana1da lias ex-er Mr. and Mrs. Marsliall Chat- .Galbî'aith in Cambridge Street organization here. iseen,", he said. ferfon spent Sunday, Sept.'[ Jnif"',d Church in Lindsay. Last year, 213,611 personsý Mr. Beatty said lie vas 23rd, with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Deal'î purchascd $77,309,000 worfh I "very hopeful" of this year'ý; sell Chatterton, Lakefield. hiave refurned home from a cf Canada Savings Bonidsj payroll savings canipaign in Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mer-1motor trip f0 the West Coast. through payroll savings in On- Ontario achicving its objective cer called on Mr. and Mrs. r Mrs. Mary Ethel (Brown) tario. ýof a 5% increase in sales overi Chas. Disley ancl family, Ban- Parker, wife of Mr. Frank A 60-man force of super- last year. croft, on Sunday. ,Parker, Newcastle, and mother visors and organizers is pre- "I feel that a larger parti- Miss Ruth McLelland, Tcr- ocf Mrs. Gordon Watson of scnfly carrying out the cari- cipation by employecs in the~ onto, spent the weekend wifh Orono, passed away in Mcm- paign in 2,100 establishments payrool plan will resulf inflic Mrs. Hector Bowen. ýonial Hospital, Bowmanville, fhroughouf the province. desired increase in sales," he Mr. Fred Tru visited sev- <on Thursday, Sept. 27fh. Fun-ý Clifford G. Beatty, regional stated. eral days wifh bis daiughfer erailwas on Monday affernoon. director of the Ontario pay- -I can fhnik of no betteî or Mrs. J. Canning, Mr. Canning Interment Orono Cemefcry. oî- svigs organizafion, says casier way for a person Io and family, Oshawa, also wifh Mr. W. Burnctf, Bowmran- interestirates on the new ser- save than by purebasing boiiîd, Mr. and Mrs. H. Heard and ville, visifed Mrs. Fred Tam- les of bonds are "most attrac- through the MIYrer " "' family, Mimico. blyn lasf Thursday. tive and wc feel thaf the mar- plan," he said. i HOW CAN WET WE GEl?1 If the Hotels Win the Election on October l7th Here are some condiions you may expect in our town: DRINKING PLACES wiIl be open to the public until 1 a.m., and later if the so-called meal is unfinished. DRINKING PLACES in every bedroom of a hotel or motel under the latest legislation. EVERY BEDROOM A BAR-ROOM, DRINKING PLACES may be established in restaurants where young people meet. DRINKING will be made more popular in the luxurious bars, cost of drinks here are prohibitive for the working man, home budgets wilI suffer. DRINKING will be carried on within a block of your HIGH SCHOOL. EXAMPLE IS MORE POWERFUL THAN PRECEPT. DRINKING within a block of a Provincial THRUWAY is asking for TROUBLE and where will you get an AMBULANCE* DRINKING will be pushed on to local organizations meeting in these public places. STRONG S.AY MEN TSTRONG O ODRINK BOWMANVILLE "VOTE NO" COMMITTEE (IENS ,'i11 SUPPLY CONTRACT NO. SA-62-2092 Separate Sealed Bids marked "Supply Contract No. SA-62-2092" wiII he received hy the District Engineer, Department of Highways, 138 Hope Street North, Port Hope, Ontario, until 12:00 o'clock Noon, E.S.T. Tuesday, Octoder l6th,, 1962 Specifications, Information to Bidders, Tender Fornis and Envelopes may he obtained by calling at or by nmail addrcsscd to the District Engineer at the ahove neitioned address. The lowest or any tender flot îîecessarily accepted. DEPARTM1ENT 0F HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Port Hope Ontario. I il il