New PC Candidate Garnet Rickard and (inset) runner-up Michael Wladyka Four Nominated Darlington's Reeve Defeats Port Hope's Mayor M. Wladyka Mi jaflIflu VuronU to The name of Rickard will once again be on ai federal election ballot in Durham County. This lime the name wi]l be Garnel B. Rickard, of Shaw's, 47- ycar-old cousin of W. Frank Rickard, former Liberal M.P. for this constituenc-. Garnet Rickard wvas chosen the candidate at a' Progcressive-Conservative federal convention on Monday in Orono. The nomination meeting in the traditional spot,E the township hall in Orono, was one of the largesl ever seen in this area. More than 600 jammed the main floor, the gallery and overf]owed int the base- ment. They apparently expected a close contest andr got it, wiîh Mayor Michael Wladyka of Port Hopec pulting up a gallant fight. The balloting was 343 Rickard, Wladyka 203. Two other nominees, Reeve Lloyd Hooton of Cavan and Dr. Carmen Davey ofi ,PortHope wilhdrew before the balloting. Field Day Champs at B H sSI .............. vewiuun In his acceptance speech, Mr.1 Rîckard, the present rceve of Darlington Township, issued a ringing challenge ta the large crowd ta "Get at it" and win the next election and bring Durham back ta the Conservative fold. Defeated nominee Ma y or Wladyka echoed the challenge as he pledged his wholehearted sup- port la Mr. Rickard and the Conservative cause. Mr. Wladyka was the firstÉ naminated, his career being outlined by Port Hope PC Assn. President Keith Jack- son. His seconder was John Nesbitt of Cartwright. Harold Balson, head of Darlington PC Asso. nominated Mr. Rickard and his seconder was Douglas Hodgson, principal of Millbrook High School and son of Victoria's MP Clayton Hodgson. Percy Hamilton of Millbrook nominated Lloyd Hooton and his seconder was Reg. Fallis of Cavan. Victor Wilson, Hope Township, mov- ed the nomination of Dr. Carmen Davey, well known velerinarian, and Jack Reid of Orono was the seconder. The meeting was in charge of Durham PC Presîdent Robert Sisson who welcomed the overflow crowd, saying it <TURN TO PAGE TWO) Museum WiII Close 'tii Spring This Weekend Rickurd WnsP c Nonunalzon Durhamx County's Great Fainily Journal VOLUME 108 22 Pages BOMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 19-62 lO Pr opyNU BE FRONT PAGE EDITORTAL Relax and Enjoy It! The Chamber of Commerce executive and its iiot too active membership is in the midst of an "agonizing reappraisal" as they say in political circles, following an attempt on Monday to clarify their position with council. They, un- doubtedly, came out second best in the encounter, as will be learned from news stories appearing elsewhere. The situation now is that the Chamber is supposed to prepare a program for council which they will analyze to determine if they will or wilI flot contribute assistance financially by way of a grant, subsidy or donation. In our humble opinion, before any such pro- gram is prepared. for submaission, steps must be taken by the Chamber ta determine its own strength or weakness. There seems ta be a lack of enthusiastîc support among business men them- selves who should be the most energetîc backers of this organization. A few sincere men have been trying to keep the organization going for the good of the comrnunity, because there stili is much worthwhile work that a Chamber of Commerce can do for Bowmanville. But, they have been bucking their heads against a stone walI of indifference and critîcism from those who refuse t lif t a finger to help. It also appears quite apparent that before co-operation can be expected from, this particular counici], some move will have to be made concern- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) . ts andi £Aieces MILK MONEY - At least two reports came in during the week of citizens who awoke ta find that someone had stolen the money fromrnilk bottles. This, of course, is flot new, but there hasn't been too much of it lately. One man reported that the thief or thieves had left a pair of shoes in exchan ,-e. Oddly enough, neither of the incidents had be reported ta police. t t t Tt NEW OPERATOR - Bud Virtue, formerly of Robson Motors, has taken over the Fina Station at the corner of Liberty St. South and Base Line iRoad. He will continue ta provide the customary services supplie d 1 y the former o perator. TRI-.SCHOOL MEET- On Friday, athietes and supporters from Clhirke, Courtice and Bowman- ville High Schools -will gather at the Ontario Training School for B3oys ta compete in the first tri-school meet they have been able to hold in this area. Formerly, Orono, Cartwright and Mill- brook staged several good meets, but with the growth of the new Clarke school it apparently was feit that its size pl-iced it in a better position ta compete with Coufflce and Bowmanviile. t tt i .tt FIRST AID COURSE - The St. John Ambulance will hold a First Aid cýurse aI the Lions Centre, starting on October 17th aI 8 p.m. Candidates will study for two hours a night, for seven sessions and will write tIxams on the eighth night. Those who pass wil receive their Senior First Aid certificates. Incidehtally, any youth group in or ouI of school desiri-gg First Aid training will be supplied with instrýictions and training aids free of charge. A note ta the St. John Ambulance, 161 Piewes Road, Dawnsview, is ail that is ,. This weekend wil] be the rqued final opportunity for this k.A~ season ta view the many dis-. NEVER GROW OLD '~You just can't, keep good plas a Bomaniil Mu-. men down, especially ai apple picking time. W. eum. The museum is open evey ayfrm t 5p... Frank Rickard, 79 yeai-s aid, of Newcastle closing for the season at 5 on a former M.P. for Durham... has been as busy Thanksgiving Day. Oct. 8, and as ever, heiping ta sort apples on the farmn, and re-.opening in the Spring. W. H. Carruthers, whco 15 over 85 years old, of At ameeingof he us- Bowmanviile, has been climbing trees and putting eum Board held on Sept. 26. Mrs.RoyLuney o beaîf the youngsters ta shame with' his picking prawess. of the management committee These are real men of the aid school who love J reported that the museum has their work. had visitors from almost every . ÷ t province and many of the sta tes of the U.S. During the sea-] WAY UP THERE- While this is being writlen son which began on May 18, Wednesday mornîng, a U.S. astronaul by the a number of school classe havetoued te mseumar~ name of Comd. Walter Schirra Jr. is making what grounds. ln the spring îîhese appears ta be a successfui six times around flight included pupils from Shaw's in space. What a way to make a iving. __ and Salem schools, and in __ September from Bethesda, Providence, txvo classes from Flying Dutchrr Ontario Street School and one fromn Central in Bowman- ville. It is hoped that other xt schools in the area xill take 'advantage of their proximity ta this historical museum, the eý onlv one in Durham County. 4~ ' f~A -~ Mr. A. M. Thompson, chair- man, said that Mr. James Goodixng, Museums Adviser, Historical Branch, Department of Travel and Publicity, in a recent visit commented on the * calibre and attractiveness of . the displays in aur museum. 'Mr. Gooding particularly men- tioned the display of child- ren's dolis and toys which he ; thought outstanding. He also ,commented on the twa aid store signs- that of G. Hum- page. shae repairer, and M. IMaver. furrier- which, he said, wcre the two best in the 'province. He suggested the * museum continue their efforts ta specialize in articles ta doZdo- w-,ith the early trades, crafts 'A '-i'and industries of this area -~ ~. land documents pertaining ta them. Minutes were read by the secretary. Mrs. Mol Wiseman, and a financial report made Wrhtn lowmanvihle High School held ils annuallby. Mr. Thompson in the ah- Field Day ast wveck, these four girls were eitherýsýnce of the treasurer, Dr. J. An extension ta the existing dining and conven- ~hampions or runners up in their separate classes. Hendr3'. Plans for next scason tion facilîties of the Fiyinf Dutchman Motor Hotel is nqwo others were absent when the photo xvas taken. er dscssd.planned for 1963. The ç?oposed development, con- Present at the meeting1 Fromn front to rear, Junior Champ Gail Hobbs, Sr.' were: Chairman A. M. Thomp-!sisting of a sub-level hall and two upper f loor Runner-up Ileane Rahme, Sr. Champ Mary Ruth ison, Secretary Mrs. Mel Wise- Ilevels wîll add 15,000 sçuare feet ta the present Osborne and Intermediate Champ Margie Pîckard. man, Bert Sycr.MisAa accommodation for such Durpases. As in the existing Absent, Jr. Runner-up Daisx' Reader and Intermediate Hois. Mr. Ry ny rsirmss h e asnt- Dr. J. Hendy r rmsstenwad~inwl ecmltl i Runnr.up Jean Cale. Annie Oke. Mr. Wes Fice. iconditioned, and modera in every detail. The two- Reception Line Welcomes Auxiliary Historian Women's Hospital Auxiliary President Mrs. S. tion line were two other past presidents, Mrs. V. H. G. McMurter, left, extends a welcoming hand ta, Past Storey and Mrs. Joe O'Neill who each have accumulat- President Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin who read the most ed 42 years' service with the auxiliary. The only interesting history of the auxiliary during the 50th charter member stili living, Mrs. M. Gerry, was out anniversary party here last week. Also, in the recep- of town and unable ta be present._________ Justice Dies Native of Millbrook Mr. Justice George T. Walsh, 71, of the Ontario Supreme Court. died Sunday in Timo-. thy Eaton Memorial United Church just before the morn- ing service began. Born in Millbrook, hie at- tended Toronto's Osgoode Hall law school and was called bo the bar in 1913. He served overseas with the 216th Bat- talion when war broke out the following year. Mr. Justice Walsh practised in bis hometown before com- ing to Toronto in 1925 ta spec- ialize in civil litigation. He was a life bencher of the la ociety of Upper Canada and among bis stu- dents were former Ontario premier Leslie Frost and John Robarts, present premier. Post Off ice Hours for Thanksgiving Holiday Hours at the Post Office on Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 8, 1962. Box Lobby open froin 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Public Lobby open froni 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. There will be no Rural Mail Delivery, Money Or- der or Sav'ings Bank Busi- ness. There will be one Street Letter Box Collection about 3:00 p.m. Mails wilI be despatched: East. 11:00 a.m. and 7:00, West: 4:00 p.n. and There will be no despatch of mail after 4:00 p.m. Sat- urday until 11:00 arn. on Monday. Reply ta Questions (ouncil Raps (hamber Members Hooper Outlines Reasons for mnd. (ommissioner's Discharge Bowmanville Town Coundil aI its meeting held on MVonday evening announced that the local ChamberC of Commerce mnust divulge ils new program before Sjafety Tai ks council would consider supporting il. Mayor Ivan G v na Hobbs stated that the Chamber of Commerce's lack G v n a of interest i the town financess shown when isO rdy etme 6 delegation walked out of a counicil meeting just before Or nirida l,.FSetemb-er26 the 1962 budget was presented, but after asking for an for the Transportation Assoc- extra expenditure of $55,000. iation in this area, spoke la Deputy - Reeve Ross Stev- Reeve Sidney Little said he enc sugsted that a special would be happy ta go along meeting of council be held with this proposai of the de-. and attended by the Chamber puty-reeve, and added that if of Commerce executive ta pre- he made it a motion he would sent its program. Council second it. DeputyReeve Stev- could then decide its value te ens then so moved. the town as a whole and make Councillor Glenholme Hugh- its decision regarding support es stated that he deemed it on that basis. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Welcome New Member. Delegation Objecîs. To St orm Sewer Plan Unless Re-imbursed His Worship, Mayor Ivan1 Hobbs, officially welcomed the new member of Town Councîl, Councillor Keith Shackelton, at the meeting of Town Coun- cil hold in the Councîl Cham- ber on Monday evening. "We are glad ta, have you with us, and hope that you will enjoy the work," the Mayor said. Deputy-Reeve Ross Stevens presented the Striking Corn- mittee's report, and moved its adoption, seconded by Reeve Sidney Little. Wilfrid Carru- thors was -appolnted ta the, Public Utilities Commission ta fi11 the vacancy causqed by the recent death of F. M. Van- stone and complete the unex- pired term. The cornmittee vacancies ]eft by the resignation of Jack Brough from council were also filled. Reeve Sidney Lit- tle was appointed chairman. of the Publie Property Coinn-it-j tee and a member of the Fin- ane Hop te was made a em ane Commee. Coundecaillor ber of the Roads and Streets (TURN TO PAGE TWO) tne Courtice High School-_sti -. dents. His talk gave details concerning conduct on school buses and emergency proced- ures in case of accidents. Safety was the key note in the assembly program. Con- stable Pal Cornell of the On. tario Provincial Police alsa addressed the assemnbly. His subjecl was "Safety on the Highway and Roads". M. P. Assigned Role by Party Russel C. Honey, MP for Durham, will eîlzi 1n three fields of investigation for bis party during the pro- sent session of Parliament. He will study problems of econ- omîics and employment, "ast- ern agriculture and bealth. These assignments were given to Mr. Honey foilowing Liberal meetings in Ottawa after Par- liament opened lasI week. Following a busy week in Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Honey returned ta Port Hope on Saturday evening. In Peter- borough on Saturday after- noon Mr. Honey was a panel member of a discussion on "Women in Political Organ- ization.". - - ian Motor Hotel Plans $150,000 Expansion storey levels will be clearly seen f rom Highway 401, and will present an impressive and attractive view for visitors ta Bowmanville. Also inchuded in the plans is a-swimming pool and recreation area. Upon completio?% Bowmanville will have one of the finest Motor Hotels in the country. The architects are Bregman and Hamann, Toronto, wha have had extensive experience in hotel design, the most recent of which is the Constellation Motor Hatel ta open shortly aI Malton International Air- port. The spacious addition to the Flying Dut.chman Motor H-otel wili mean an increased tax assessment for the town of apj.nuximaîely $30,000. Il will also cail for a considerably increased staff and thus offer many cmployment opportunities ta, local people. 't i t 1