7%e Sunday services on the -Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cockburn,; the ee taken by a team 'Oshawa, were afternoon guests 1 M theToronto Christian with Mr. and Mrs. John COCKc. %ýiesMen's Commnittee - burn. Ir. Cecil Gibson, Mr. Geo. Mrs. Annie Phillips, Kings-! rethercott, Mr. Ernest Scott, ton, is visiting her daughter, Ir. Fred Yetman. Mrs. Burrows. * Hampton Sunbeam Messen- Mr and Mrs. Ted Chant ers started on Mondav at 4 recently attended the Fisher- .Mn. in the C. E. Bldig. Ail Vener wedding at a country, hildren ti Grades 2 and 3 are church near Little Britain. velcome. Mr. William Conquer and Hampton W. I. met Tuesday friend, Toronto, visited on .fterrioon in the C. E. Bldg. at Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. p.m. The bazaar will take Coutts. Mr. and Mrs. Jim elace in November. Bell, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Hampton Tyros met Tues-;Mrs. Coutts on Friday. Mr. lay at 6:30 p.m. and Mrs. Jas. Smith, Ajax, Haîr,.cêon L i t t 1 e Friends'visited Mr. and Mrs. Coutts de8aengers started on Wed-_ on Sunday. Mr. Wilson John- tesay t :45p.m Al cild ,son, Enniskillen. visitedMr mesday at 245ip.m. Ailchîîd - and Mrs. Coutts. tnd tu radg ie 1bviDrec. aret Mrs. J. Nash and Miss Ma nvfld.lGae1cide r vise Nash, Grosse Point, Mi ch-I nvîted.igan, spent a few days with Hampton Choir Practice on Mrs. Wm. Chapman and Mr. ['hursday at 8 p.m. L. Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Don't forget the Paner Drive, Ray Pettit and family, Tor- aponsored by the TyVro Boys, onto, visited Mrs. Chapman on )n Saturday Oct. fth, begin- Sunday. During the week Mr. iing at 9.30 arn. and Mrs. Tom Gibbs and Mr. Mr. and! Mrs. Bill Harrison and Mrs. Dick Gibbs, Tyrone, Lnd Kim, Coîborne, spent the vîsited with Mrs. Chapman. ;veekend with Mr. and Mrs., Mrs. Raymond Farrow and :;. Adcoeck and Harry. Miss daughters visited Mrs. Blake ~Warjorie Harrison, Port Perry,, De Hart, Brooklin, on Friday. ;%ras a Sunday evening teaý On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. guest at the Adcock home Farrow and daughters visitedi Heris congratulations to, Mrs. De Hart.1 ,Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Adcock r n r. amn a- who celebrated their 45th row and family visited Mr.' wedinganivesar. n St-and Mrs. Clarence Allun at arday evening their faii1v Mr. ale, nd Mrs. P and close relatives surprised Douaas. an rolynPercy Dewell,i 'hem with a party and gave'D -l, aoy and David,ý '.he rnny sefl ad bau-attended the 125th anniver-, Lifu gits.sa-\ of Almonds Church on Liful ifts.Sundav afternoon and were Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Conley,' ten guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.fred, Terry, Vicki and Rose Jack Newton. Marie, Scarborough, visited M,. and Mrs. Allin Parker,!, Dn Sunday with Mrs. Luther!Toronto, visited Miss Louise Alin and family. 'Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armour; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoskin,ý wvere Sunday evening dinner Terry, Joy, Chris and Jody,l guests with Mr. and Mrs. AI- celebcated Mrs. Hoskin's birth-: bert Hill, Tyrone. day by visiting at her sister's,ý Mr. and Mrs. Shuel, Old- Mr. and Mrs. J. Moorcraft, matle, were recent visitors! Weston. with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Ar- Mr. and Mrs. John Burns: Mour. !and two children, Janetville,' Mrs. Joycey, Toronto, calloed visited Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ker-ý 5n Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Axfocd 5ev on Sunday.1 on Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. Len Playerl j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard and Tommy, Bowmanville. .nd daughters visited Mr. and' visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack;' Mrs. Harry Appleton. ht, , Lyon on Sunday. in Sunday.-i Miss Carol Johnston, Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deweii',! spent the weekend with Miss Thistietown, wr vrih Linda Lee Killens. guests on Saturday at Samý Mr. Ben Killens and Doug- Dewell's. ilas enjoyed a train excursion Mrs. Sam Dewell visited oni'to St. Thomas. Sundey with Miss Louise Bak-ý Mr. and Mrs. Walter Menzel, er, Cobourg. 'and daughter Ijeanna, Scar- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Balson borou.gh, were Sunday after-I and Miss Ginger Balson at-inoon visitors with Mr. and' tended the Miliard - BalsnMrs. Mountenay. Mr, andý wvedding in Stratheona Park Mrs. Pidduck, Oshawa, were! C hurch, Kingston, on Satur-' Sunday evening visitors with' day. ýMr and Mrs. Mountenay. Masters Tony and Gregor) Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wray ealson spent Saturdav with!were Sunday night supper their grandparents, Mr. and guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Pingle, Bowmanville. lJackson Wray, Oshawa. Mr. Marshal Francis, Mr.1 Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Cle-' Mlex * iarrick, Mr. Everettimens visited on Sunday with Winrt, ott repres en t ed theiMr. and Mrs. Aibin Clernens, Xampson Charge of the AOTS,'ý Bowmanville. Et the Bay of Quinte Confer- Mr. and Mrs. Merwln ence, at Elim Lodge, over the Mountjoy were Sunday sup- Weekend. per guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred TulleylGeorge Heaslip, Nestleton. iond Mrs. Cecil Apps, Scal- Mrs. Marlow, another cousin, borough, were Monday lunch- was*alsora guest. con guests with Mr. and Mrs.ý Mr. and Mrs. M e r w in Alex Carrirk. iMountjoy visited on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Art Terry. son, last with Mr. and Mrs. Edi iRnd daughter, and Mrs.' Har- Strong, Bowmanville. Irison, Scarborough, were Suni-, Masters Darreli and Dalel day guests at the Carrick Barrett, Bowmanville, spent homne. the weekend witb their aunt, Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy. ISorry to bear o h col H ockey M omsyard collision when, jumping j'for a hall, Debbie Ryod * -1 and Barbara Macnab met bead M ay Ie Te m 1,on. Barbara had cuts on ber M ay ice teeeamandone hp Hockey Mothers held their ped tooth. :first meeting of the new sea- Mrs A. Trimble anld Patsy, son on Tuesday, Sept. 25th, at'Base Line, called at the Nid- the Lions Centre Wt-741 drvomeon1atuday cQfsefted to be convenor-for cd a verv successful furniture this project with Kav Worclen: sale on Saturday- The ladies AI Marg Tabb, Ev. Aider, Mr of the village did a thriving m Ion Chattec, Edythe Rundie, business selling dough.nuts; Joan Simpion and Mary Cawý- and bot coffee. ker on the committee. McI. and Mrs. Charles War. AI A motion was made that the cen attended the parade and president contact Recreation ceremonies in Oshawa oný Pirector, Doug Rigg and Pres. Satucrdav, the entire service, of the Little NUHL., Ed. Run- being sponsojced by the Shrin- AI die, to We what help they ers in recognition okf Mr. R. S. niay Ye4uîre for the comin'g lMr'Lauglilin's 60th vear as a; leasori. Sîniner. It was called "Mc- I President Joan presented Latughlin Day".. - the idea of a Hockey Mothers' \c. Raymond Wilbur and hockey team. It was decided Miss Marjorie Wilbur, Toc- 'to Rsk Doug Rigg to mention onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. jthis under "Recreation News" Wni Wilbur and Mrs. Hew- to see how many mothers son,. would be înterested. Mr. and Mrs, Murray Yeo R Our next meeting will be and daughtecs visited bis held at the Lions Centre,!r grandmother, Mrs. Yeo, Bow-F Tuesday, Oct. 23rd, at 2 p.mrn mranville, on Sunday evening.!F Ali mothers of boys in the Mc. and Mrs. Gien Smith' Minor Hockey League are and family visited ber grand- cordially invited to attend. _ mother, Mrs. Bairstow, Orono,: RII on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woodley SI]i Cet Cash T aday and family. Tyrone, visited. RI( Y Mrs. John Carrigan on Thurs- i day evening. SamiOld pplinces Mc. and Mrs. Earl Prescottý land Mrs. Ken Hardy, Tyrone,iG were Sunday evening visitors; S T A T 9 S M A Nr Mondav afternoon visitors with Mrs. A. W. Prescott were COL A 8 1F 1E D S Mrs. Rowe M. Seymour, wife Phone ?MArket 3-3303 of a former pastor on the En- niskilen charge, and her fri- - iend Mr&. Heine. - You Con Serve Your FamîIy MAPLE LEAF - TOPSY - TV AND LEAVER BRAND GRADE "A" PRE-DRESSED YOUNG HENTUB - - - - - - - - w - - t IIWDD _ s - - I - - SAVE 30c Ail Popular Brand CIGARETTES CARTON 0F 200's $ 2.99EC SAVE 14c Ontarjo Grown No. 1 TABLE POTATOES 25 LB. BAG 55C SAVE 10c Richmello ICE CREAM 4 PINT PACKAGE AMPLE FREE PARKING while you shop The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvlle, Oct. 3, 1962 . 'c.. ~mamu~m [ PLAY DOMINO WITH ELLEN FLOOD (LEFT) AND PAT MURRAY EVERY DOMuvIION, WEEICDAY FROM 9:30 TO 10-.30 A.M. OVER CFTOTV CHANNEL 9 10 to 14-LB. AVERAGE lb. Urade "A" PrectressedCl HOICE YOUNG 5 - 7-LB. ROASTING CAPONS lb. FOR A TASTIER POULTRY DRESSING MAPLE LEAF PURE PORK SaUS G E TSnuICnur .AA b Money Saving Specials STOKELY FANCY - 2c Off PUMPKIN STUART HOUSE i' 'ORK BREAD & BUTTER and -o Sweet Mixed PICKLES1-' VIONARCH REGULAR 1-lb. MARGARINE Pkg. KRAFT W I KRAFT -PAIN VELVEETA CHEESE YORK -CHOICE WARES HOMIEMADE STYLE MINCEMEAT BEAVER MIXED NUTS (In Sheli) VVHOLE OR JELLIED - Ocean Spray :RANBERRY SAUCE ICHMELLO 16-oz, iALAD DRESSING 21 MYMER - HALVES :HoIcE PEACHES YLMER 'OMATO CATSUP YLMER - BOSTON BROWN 3EANS with PORK LYLMER :ANCY PEAS kYLMER OMATO soup 28-oz. f Tin 19C 25-FL31 2 for 49c 4 for 89C 8-oz. Jar 16-oz. Jar 33c 59c 8-0z. Pkg. 16-0z. pkg. 31c 55c Tinoz5 for $1 16-oz. f Cont. £79C 1-lb. Pkg. 53c l5-oz. Tin 25 C iJar 32-oz. Jar 15-oz. Tin 21 C for 35C 1-oz. Btl. 2 Tin 3 for 49C Tinoz 3 for 49C Tin 4 for 45c Fresh Baker y Products 'CHMELLO 1-1b. Piece 2-lb. Piece ýRUIT CAKE 69c $1.35 CHMLLDINNER ROLLS Pkg 9-2 3 c ced or Unsliced j~D~f 24-oz. CHMELLO WHiITE BREAID Loaf A20c *B. BREAD CRUMBS 'Coo . 23c Values effective at your Dominion Store Limited, Bowmanville, until closing time, Saturday, October 6th, 1962 Delicious Served Hot or Cold SWEET PICKLED - Vac. 1/2's COTTAGE ROLLS- lb. 591 PRESSWOODS OR BURNS (Whole or Shank Haif) FLS KINED -FTE - SHORT SH AN C1K LB. PKG. Frozen Food Specials DOMINO FANCY WHOLE STRAWBERRIES YORK FANCY BEEF - CHICKEN - STEAK & KIDNEY TUKYYORK PIES YORK FANCY MIXED VEGETABLES YORK FANCY MIXED VEGETABLES YORK FANCY PEAS & CARROTS YORK FANCY PEAS & CARROTS YORK FANCY Fresh Pro duce c c s m h 19 I 15-oz. pkg. 47C1 il-or. 29c 8-om ~ Pkg. 4 for95 32-oz. Bag 45 Il-or. ~f Bag 17C 32-or. f 11-oz. Bags 2 for35 32-oz. f Bk.69C APPLES l. 9c Ocean Spray.- No. 1 Poly CRANBERRIES BLg2C Virqinia Grown - Sweet POTATOES 3b. 29c Ontario Grown - Crisp, Green Lge. CELERY HEARTS Poly19 Household Needs SILITEX AND SILICONE 54" IRONING BOARD PAD & (O VER SET 98~ Alil merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Llmited i% urieonditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. I ~.6 Ontario Grown - Fancy m 19--l 1 d 9c 55c m EYS HEN SAUSAGE MEAT bo --- EACH