Th- C nria Stifrn.ýnn eca'iI. (Yt. ., i92 Pas!' Presidents Attend Auxiliary's 5Oth Anniversary ,Orono Actress Besi 'Peterborough Players Win Top Festival Award Ilcad table tgtests a thie ?ilemnorial 1llospi tals Womcn'*s Ati.,îliar-'v 5th annix-ersau-v part.v last week Jncitirleri ses-en pasf presidents and lhe 1962 president. CNIB Supervisor TelIls Lions Club 'Fhes- are. fruen eft to rifIît: jjjs. 1,..C. \IasunMifis. L. W. Dippel], XMus. L. T.* MeLaughiliîi. Mis. Y l Stoiýv. Piesident. Mis, S. (G. McLjire, i...'Ni AMis. T. W. Cawskeî and M-s. J. F. IIe',laid. Car Damaged When Wind Breaks Branch Off Tree 0f Work wîth Blind The strcnîofr'e d ho iitr udL c-d RobertPl work nf icheCandia iitden.Field Secretc fo.No. tutc for the Blid, ad h thuinberland- Dur hani, anrd imnportance of the riig ad thrî e othei countics. a s xtnce givc both sgh- T'ie Bowman'v iledand New~- es was cmphasizd by .(astle Lions Clubs weie high- .Stanley, TorontoSuper ]ed-lycommended b'v Mr. Paddcn ent of Field Supevsr for thrileii interest ' dhW1 i Ontario nif fheCNIB, at he pre\ io uCNIB campaigns. lie dinner meeting of the Boss - also spoU.)ke with special apprec- nianville Lions Club held re- iation of the aid givûn by these ccntly at the Lions Commun- ýtwo Lions Clubs for the Lakl. ily Centre. Joseph Camp for the Blind The speaker urged 1haI e\-- vhiclî wýas openied this ca r. erlyone g ve generouslY Io th,: .'le rcninded the local Lions ennual UNIB Campaign, thro- :that lie is couniting on theii- uigh which funds are raised to r'ontinued active interest in enable the CNIB tn continur" this and other projccts. its inuch needed and wonder-1 Introducîng the guest speak- Sui program for those handi-1 er Mr. Padden statcd that capped by visual afflictions. ýWeslecy Stanley gradat cd ]He stated that the CNIB Can- !froni "a school for the blin..........~. vas this year wîll be held in anc lie tôld of the fine work< )3owmanvi1le and the sur- hbe had done for thie CNIB rounding district on Mondav, , tlrougliout bis career. October l5th. In giving the historv of the The president oif thc Lions ICNIB, Mr. Stanley stated Ihat '. Club, Glen lWartyn, called on ýit %vas formed in '1918. Duriiw George Vice, chairman of the the carly thirties the service ~~~ Bowmanville -West Durham wias markedly extended to as- . Advisory Board to the CNYB, sist ail those in rural ra I itî. îxNW illd stinu mlOn --)(Pt. 281lî biew -duNvn a til t tal Bowsmanville Beac h, lid (uiisiclerablî damnaile J r Ibr~oughi - haeabhdo ]unes and put a reai dent inbtis (.ai.tuwned bv Irans V an Dvk, 82 Ontario St. The nesv [96:; "STYLISI" ECONOMY LINE %Ve aIs() carrs . . BETTER GRADE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WALLPApERS ABERNETHY'S PAINT and WALLPAPER M1 Ring St. W. The bit- biatîcl laviîii, aluîrr.sde the car fell directly on tnp <if' the veile rush ing the top. No estimate of damage was as-ailable. sVbu N'eue iiicliî-appî-d bv Ilac-k J'li. Id 1,d. Illi t ut' siglt, fb(-sard, andîl aclded lBaki rss ouc. lToonto, is a pi-H Y O that t thi iin111e Ads-isîîr'.-cLuet1utthis îintensive wss-rk. Boards to flic CNIB wserî-es- lie descri bed tlîî. bu ilclîîî - Mi rs. M. Blackbu ru ofS tablisbcd to iacf as tiaison hei- Xwith lî s-n librai-, svork- bas-cii- siirrg ilonie Ns as a w'ec i FieldSere a esaid Ih, slops . admniistration oni fies, Suindav SUpper gufLesi Or M!'. blind. and iarn garde,îs. anîd Mrs. W. Blackburni. -Theu ruc lers 14 Distriiilifi1960U a silîî lai' establisu - Mvr. aîîd Mrs. FarI Tluiriip- CNIB OfIcc c]idiuus tlie ment svas openeci in iaililli o nOuand Ciýn<lv svre wcdlire.- heaciquarters ini 'oronito. Thle' ll icost ýý5O(t,OO, aiîd Cam- day dinner ga wti wî b Mý- 24 Field Secretdries are re.s- briin Hall %vals upenl H .Topoî ponsi ble toi*ta id raisii ng. 1 'Il i-'.W.*i-tl Bi N ing ziftei-thi-etfai-e out(,llhie iiiei. ii1)2 i iiii Mr. anîd Mrs. Gor duon ao re:býitered vsnaîts attictrl "Flic l)i'(i'11l4îillîîpro-anid faniîx, 1,'fie]îd. s e- disteict admiin istrationî, '011-ra"I iq us îioss muiplete \% ai Sundas s isit ors al xsW. mîtee irg îî'U 10h 111 cfn -~itimev rsidrîcs ii oeua -Thom psoii s. Sistance. thon itIi his province, anici10t) Mr. and M rs. lii iSwt tI. Duin he i(s iariiit fother siicl building> aier *oss, Glenn and Clii tuphen-. M1is bliricit d sers'ce ieniiia n y'-1 - Canriada. Auit iiipi (isiu lofita Betty Sien-et I. B r a iit eto ii, meni sas iiiiieîc t Baker cf 19 buildings and si-rvsicý-e src Sundas- s-isitors oi Mý- 'Hl -miîî doss-îtowiî Torontu. centres bas-e beeri conipletcd'and Mci. Artlir Trei- n Mr. StanteY stitcd. This pro- Nvt- i 9v r te-. M.adMs.Dsi ui' jcct met with nak- uce 'l ebuiliiigs sers-e 24.- auîc Alexanîdru. Doii Mil' aiîdwitiuîa kwseas s' n. tt000siglitîcss people il] Cari- x'er-e Suiîdav s isiturs rMr also exparîdcd Ioibe f assist- ý aim toailcatgones i> raidaca. 'There ai-e appi'oxiîutely !and Mrs. Wualter Lover idgc - apped. hoallceorids o nt. - i 0tt00,000sigbtless pcisorIsis lMr. and Mrs. Silzîs 'lrcss -1 "Sliortiv a fteî'ssards a p- ~Ucsol.tu ii tptiU>and Juds-. Boss-rni-ilIt. 55e!- gran f reidntal -a-i f crîf tliem are rec'eîviîîg atteîî- irecc-nt visitors cI l r ami iii ý gran cfrcscleutia c-i-c t ion. ithe Speaker sa id iig---w Lover-idge. blind people. Ns'O are titiale M-- K ;'I lcok a fter tlîiir Ossrîloiies, Afrit IN -ý% oitd l,1.1 xvas stiarted. Due 'to tfli îc ii îîitý- t î\ lic St ab IJi <liI g i\, n K 'ss t- t- i- iuig 1iLci-bçu- ut people for b_ lttcn dr'îgCI t Ocono United UClirch i- whori asisauî-e vitî sglî canîpaigns is cf considerabte a" oirdgis i i probles \vasassistanicc. rol on Iy il)ici d ie btlildrntl ama ii sas lnî so'-: ai-c-ui-nplr. lIied aidthie ie- Mi-S. W.Tiiiip<,s ched i I19.54. su ts obtaitiîd. bLit u~ i- FrîdaY s- -iitir <if Al.\tadîi I o-i :-<f ttîeî-aitise kiuîcl'e-.s FuI Tlioriipsoiî.,iîillic-trciai expe? i-s ar-t- i t Iouia îîîîîî pinicd ier- duabItc-î- 'M 'i';,( - iii~ilic ti- Airpirt oniisatuirdav )iriir-iîiîr ~iiffiliceiîi-î-t:maîcs-i rsldutation Mi-s. Osmiondcl Il lis ia j riaJ.lý cliiirig the CNIB c'iiaý fîor Viiî-oiis'ei- Io il 1 lii r i j î1-ii.s iiîdieiduitl <i-)to iithete ir, Airs. Jloe t Luinu lrliîrd wss-l-Iî s' Il ofiii iiiîtil Mi ;îir-e lb1lb ill tînt t lin i i l fittfil(' c L lWciI i ffP-CO\iis li c siîd 0,i1îb: If <if bis ffi-oI io 0ol tO-o uUn ilcd Ciie- l'dMi lIer Ibairkcd'clM. Stain-ISaîrcs es'for is,,inrtenestîig ,ýaddre--s. Wes-ltii- Ii-id I anîd Piesenteil huni \ sc'7ýillia gift -îîurc-cckid hMr.îîiî I Mi-<n S a socs-nirr ot* Iis vs:tt Ii faird M andic i n rî 1-I ssi' the clcub. Picside-iîîMari--nPlrsaifiiis (.riu,> ho ixprcsc'c 1< ~ ptnsiii.ii ai- si a 't-.lia u' nsi-l i-eiiatiuiir tiro i-Siarife- ai L H i iig io..i ii liii f lilittIr'he r-tî-rniApiîtinit .- iteut -t andici Siîppii of tI- asri. sîî s graila -i-r IE S IZ E li-ellO1ý,(aýllcr.<> wi- n Iîhhs \\iiij,luse-,iri îA1 inda ice Pinusfli- il-tIe last 0 Onii. year' Nsas madeIoc 4 '9 LoipAIr, ai] Mi-. Roi \Jiiin ~~P P E ~~~~Do.; Allin. Normni Affi, Sdtiie si\a wM B11W V NN t I Jack Bî'rlýOI -Gere -i'ssiîvisitoi's oit Me.aind Iis I- Block) 'TilIl Bîîîk , Goron-îîîClarI rtîn, teiltîincl Ta s - 1 ,~a c # 1101u 1-1101 -1,0G Li 1 t Mis. . . Ma tII 1I l l Rhaîrci-Dillirig. Ras Dilig bcîrîîle C)it1Sa ! li r-das a ia-rg J-t.Dciiii. itiisaii G ibic,; 1 i siied AIr S. G. l-i-rgii2îin ilerb Gorddarcd. Lawski iie GocI- os hi,,,,a daîrl. Cla-rn-e- i'>>kh<. 5h- Mr.aid Ni..1. Poil.-.~î rri~ lnrs, liss-i-l .i-fc-s.anrd Biflie,s-sed ciic- ! Ken l.-lI.Ralpb Ni-f s - I)iiij<4Colt îîgssoîîcl u011 rda Keîitýp. Bob Knrt. Clauîde- t- ,1r. anîdMi Ar-IG-- nier. Gieni ardr, EI i-.le iid airîtBarrs- niiîlMr. i t Juni'Varr'--, (leulr uii. Ciith- Mis. Char tic-Giia-c iî 1)ort Mc-Doiiald. Ralph me.- r. and Mir- Robet e'- Intr- "cl ill-r BcIMcses, mnifaruils v ia, riigi r àIckMuuidas - Bch 7M utton, SuîIdaV anti ut r-îcld '!e- B tssu Il 0k-r. Bitll QIi -.i-r . \< liiteuigtfM r. ant(] I Orm itou - Ne-lsuon Oslbcrrue. Or- Kcitlîs cia ighii- DiairrinAu silîle Ostrnie.Jack Rocighlitvs',ganci. aithIeii Pri-sb te-rra. M'alter Rcinicle. ('tirit Saiî,usClîci nh. Scaiboroiigli. Dr. Eiîîio Sissori. Ross Stî-- Mr. and Mî-s. Liox-c AI-Xlitoii - (-ios. - A . 'l'bîimp.un. Boy Ronald and Ras-, wss-- iida'. 'ir ci-B ls r-uo i Vaîistnuî", diii er girOî f AIrIs. \alten*! Gi-oi-- X\lWite id lub WiI- IMciri-av%, T'oi-oiiio, and Catîtil hian'1' on Miss Emnma W-r-wbo SP(ý-int gu~s aut the iirc'will bec c-ebuahlg Iru 901[th iire-t 'îfilN, ere thîe îninib-rs o!ci>brthdas- tPýe Boss-nanille-Wî'st Dur- Mr. l'ncek-ci. leo' io.i.- I uni Advisorx' Board to the tuî-ned homîe sihb tire -5> ii.n: CNIB: George Vice, ch-iari, fanil 's-. Mrs. Cliff Tress-ii. Mrs. Ron NiM.. anîd Mii. Mos ýd Sienrut. I-lac. I borne. . C Thomipsoii),,%%,cre Surîda\ su ppî-e giie-ts c:j Airs J. Willcs. Airs. D Amni-' 'er îîotlîer,Mu. F. Tcîriî-. istead, Mns. J. E. Ilohbs, Perc-< niskrtteni. Hart . Neccastle, Miss Dora Mu'. ,aird Mi s Làs itt aik. Pcrrdour anti Mrs. Frank Crov,-< Othu r ai-sIS presi-irîwert, iee -c-rctars - Bon XVi Itafni Neil .. arli s Blac-ksîuuik arîd arîd îassc-d for palnsient oui thc Jim Fi auik, Bow-Malis-vile. nmotioni of Rob Kent. secondi- The accounîts wre mac! 1),'ed by W'ally Braccu. FRIDAY, OCT. 5t" WVE WILI, CARRY .A (-'()MPLETE LINE OF-: 14 ýODRESSES COATS LINGERIE etc.t:,ee Ziun, Mr. alîd -m art. Oshaswa, ersîtors of Mr. Paterson. /lrs. Ted Stew-i were Sundayl anrd Ars. RoY1 BOWMANVILLE TYRONE BETHESDA LONG SAULT ENNISKILLEN HAYDON SALEM PROVIDENCE BASE LINE HAMPTON Thre nosi sresflfc,ýt i val Of Onle-act playýs Ici date presented by' the Durhanm Cen- tral Agricuitural Society iin Orono Town Hall, reaclîed its climax on Saturdav nigît svitli the final analysis and sumnm- ing Lp b thie adjudicator, Leonard Craiuîtord anîd tIi> presentatiors of awvards. "Summit Coiîfereiîce- cîrî- ecteèd by Hlie pla ' wýright. '.1. Gounîod Campbell of Peter-- borough and presentcd bY thre Peterborough Players. NVon the best play as'.-ard anrd Ilie best director award. Sean E\ r>' svho played the part oft Mene- laus iin this comiîds-v ssas awarded tlhe best avctoi-ar -l 1\l r. Crainîfordce-ibd thlie ss'inng play as a ltic piece of t heatre, pla.'ed w\-ith great authority, XViI d iI cranriat c integrity, althouiii11 sonie of the aptîîcss wsas iiut tosc ma rked. l'liei best plzi-asaaid sa donatcd hy tlîe Oronu Chliiî- ber of Commerce: tlic bcst actor, bv Orono Odd Feilow,,s Lodge: the best director, liv Miss Madelitie T'iolecv of Osh'v awa. The ruinerup luto ic best play svas thie ot feriiig of flic Pie-Ax Players of Pickerinig a nd Ajax. "Eros at Breakfaist," directed by Josephi Ni cholson - mullen. The adjudicator com-i The Oshawa Littiéear cPlinieited the director saying entry "Glory in the Flowee, - that the Play was skillfully was directed by D'Arcy Smnith. idirectedi. generally effective, land judged 'weli pianned an~d ,but needed more theatricality. visually effective." Mr. Crain.. i-Le awarded the best diction iford cited Gwen O'Regan and award, presented by the Wo- Pat Monaghan for their pei'- men"s Institute, Kendal, ta1 formances but feit that, over- Shirley Knowles who played ail, many subleties in the play- Hiepatica and complimented ýwere lost. Alan Aldridge. Whitby Club Pralied Best Set Design He also congratuL-%IjýHen- TIhe award for the best set, ry Street Hîgh SchooT brama design. donated by Stuttfs Club, Whîtby, for its interpre- Pharmnac '-, Orotia, was given tation of "The Long Stay Cut ci larry Chapman, O)shawa, Short". directed by Susan wlîo directed Chekhov's "ThelSchilling. The teen-agers, he Marriage Proposal" for Whit- said, went far ta capture the bvý Theatre Guild. Mr. Crain- spirit of this tragic, emotionat for-ci spoke oif the "Skillful, . play and only lacked dramatic purposeful direction and ex- iconviction because the chaI- c-elleîît scttings of this play."ilenge was beyond their years. île praised tlîe acting of Jim M r. Crainford congratulated Sab *vani for its comie impact the festival committee and but was critical of bis projec- noted that the choice of play t ion. spoiling an otherwise ex-,land ihe standard of acting cllentf characterization. showed considerabl&ýength The -bcst actress award wasiand improvement uMa: pre- awsaroied to Gladys Aslett fori' viotis vears. lier -oniiniicing protrayal of a The entries included two forlorri kitelien maid in *'Be-inew plays; Summit Confer- tweeiî the Soup and the Sav- nce (.G. Campbell) and ory ", diirected by Orville Cotts Mov=ie Mjadness, written anid for the Orono Players. This1directed by. Frances Parkhill was flot an easy play ta tackle, f or the Ajax Drama Work- Mr. Crainford said, giving cre- shop. Bowýmanville Drama dit lto the performers for' theirWorkso eted "The In- surciîess anîd exaggeration. viil Worm" dîrected by Tlîe best actress award waslWyn Wonnacott. Eight one- donated by Heather Rebekah act plays were entered in the Lodge. Oroiîo. festival.- Times. ___ CLEARANCE 0F ALL Frigidaire APPLIANCES o Owing to the wonderful response and success of this sale we are con- tinuing it for another weel<' FOR EXAMPLE: DRYERS Fully Automatic ____ FROM I ' FHIG IlDAFIRqE mrfotOPO F NERAL MOTOFWM McMULLEW' HARDWARE 36 KING ST. E. LIMITED MA 3-540 HELP T HE HELP THEMSELVES support the work of the Canadian National Institute support a realistic program of Rehabilitation, Recrea- When you for the Blind, you. tion, Residential1 C.N.I.B.'s 4-R Program now serves more than 22,000 blind men, women and children in Canada. In addition 60,000 victims of defective sight received timely treatment through an efficient Sight Conserva- lion Service. THE BOWMANVILLE - WEST DURHAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE is conducting its BLITZ CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS NE WTON VILLE R.R. 2, NEWCASTLE CLARKE UNION ANTIOCH KIRBY MITCHELLS CRS. LESKARD ENFIELD OKE GRAVEL PIT RD. ENTERPRISE COURTICE KENDAL MAPLE GROVE STARI<VILLE NEWCASTLE CROOKED CREEK ORONO PORT GRANBY Il the volunteer C.N.I.B. canvasser misses you, donate by mail, sendt4 Mr. James Bell, Treasurer, Bowmanville - West Durham Advisory Com mittee, Bank of Montreal, Bowmanville, Ontario. THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND Seven MONDAY, OCT. 15th FROM 2 TO 8 P.M. m -Y PRICED MA 3-5431 Il $170,eOO 8 GIVE GENEROUSLY ...... AND GIVE NOW