2 Tuer Canadian Statesman. B;owmanx-ilie. Oct. .1, P Women'sHospital Auxiliary Haif Century of Marked a! Specîc Here Las! Frîday The 50tlh Annîvcî-sary Ban- words ".tli Aniversarv'" riuet of the Womens Hospital gold was placcd in tfli ra; Auxiliary bcld in flic Legion stage centre. This was fh Hall on Friday evening, was git aiflice Board ai Director a most successiul and joyans of Memonial Hospital. Flan! evenît, An excecdingly large cd an ecuber side by a oua number af present and pasi ber ai smalcr bouquetso rnembcrs cnjoyed flic festive chysantbemums in blendirj relebratian aiflhc auxiliary's shades a background for th, Golden Jubilce. Tbcy were headtable was formed. velcomed by flic president, Mns. MeMurter stafed fli Mrs. S. G. McMurter. she is praud ta be the presi The exquisitc deconatians dent aiflice Women's Hospita were pariicularly memorable. Auxiliary, and especially bai .Mrs. Jesse Van Nest and Mrs. py ta be if-s president duniný :Duncan Smith wene flic de- flie celebration ai its SOfli An roration convenons. Golden niversary. vnd pink bydrangea blossoms Thanks from Board ('hairmar formed the immense letters ,,W.H.A.", whicli wemc sus- The foîlowing leffeî raior riended by fine wire fom flic Glenholme Hughes. Hospita atage's prosceniunm arcli. Board Chairman, was read b) The head table was centrcd the presideni: "This is ta hean. willi a cbarming arrangement tily cangratulate van and al ai golden Hydrangeas and the flic members ai the Wnmen*, places ai cadi officiai were Anxiliary aif Memarial Haspi m-arked by individual corsages Ita] o ifs SOfl Annîversary ai yellaw, bronze chysanthe- The Golden Jubile af thi mnims. Taîl topiary frecs form- ebrysantbemums bearing i rd af hydrangea blossomns, auxiliany means thaf flie los- rýurmounted by "50" ho golden pital lias received more thar nurnerals, adorned cadi end 49 yeams ai practical anud gol of ibis table. ýdcn hein. Dainty corsages ai goldený "Particular tuianks are duE hy,.drangea bhossoms and pink ta the auxiliary memben's far mnms were ai ecd place on their wondcnful ca-opematian tbc long tables, and the loy- and generosîty durîng thm rly cetrepieces wcre also 1 peiad ai building and fuma- mnucli admired. At flic far end rshnng flic new wiog and the ai the raom a seven font higli renovation oiflice aid. If gives pedestai was covered witli a me great pleasure ta extcrîd ou 'vandenful tiercd arrangement bebaif aiflice Board ai Direct- ai tinfed bydrangeas, colens, ors besf. wishcs far continuer 1tiiy scarlef crabapples and success in the future." àcanthus graas. It was cxfrcm- . Mms. MeMurter expresse-c cly cfiectivc.1 lier gratitude ta Mrs. L. T. Me- A linge banquet nf yellowiLaughlin and ta flue other nuauve satinî streamier with tie members aoflihe iommithee in Relax and Enjoy 1H! FnOM PAGE OiNE, ig the Chamnber-s now unpaid Secî'ctau y-Maiîagcr'. lie has been dismissed as Industu-jal Commission- rer and, obviously, is "on the outs" with the rnajority of council. 1-e eertainly cannot be c'xpected ta continue as the Chamber's Secretarv- Manager on an unpaid basis and theu'e is every reason ta bclieve that any program he miglit prcparc for council's perusal would ual. be "v clcomcd. Mftcr the presentation al, council on Mon- day, if would alsa appear that those who taok the main' brunt of the rebuff, will have littie :tomach for another such encouniter. We would :-,uggest in ail sincerity that the Chamber would he well advised ta hold a general meeting at, the carliest possible moment to see what support they have, preferably without the press being present. Many citizens do not want to stick their necks ouf, rcalizing that; the town is split wide open over the prescrnt situation. Once that meeting bas beea held. we believe bbli concensus of opinion wîll be that the Chamber for the meantime would be weIl advised to face the fact thaï; until more people can be persuaded Io work and contribute to their cause, they rright ;;s well fold up their tents temporarily and relax an.td enjoy the rest. There is no percentage in "fîghting City Hall" ai. this time. Already there has been too much bitterness and unfavorable publicity for the town's ultimate good. The newspapers and radio love if, but if. is not help- ing our municipality. The new edition of your telepl lisis The last four figures of the pres remain the same. Ail Number Calling (ANC) means two letters of the exchange name, by the corresponding figures on th numbers are dialed just the si f ormer 2-letter, S-figure numbers. NOW is a good time to bring yc List of telephone numbers up to C give your number to f riends a people you cali frequently. V. 1'. 1 4THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPAJN iGerry. Queen Street. and hRs L. Crawford, treasurer for 1.%1 iRhlp p aq councillorq nre town. "T do flot believe ilv similar lilentiments. the distinction af being the years. a mnember 1928-1952: P lected for a two year term, agreement ot this kind was Councillor Roy W'. Nichols, only charter member now liv- Mrs. Muniro Neal. Buffalo, 21 MM M and I feel we should act and ýever submitted ta council," hle chairman of the Roads and ing. Mrs. McLaughlin expres- years. president two and a vote in the best interests of said firmly. Streets Cammittee said that sed the regret of the entire or- hait years; Mrs. C. W. Siemon, the taxpayers. I was the one :Cauncillor Hughes., 196-1 the matter had been discusseci ganization that Mrs. Gerry was manv years of excellent ser- c p who sponsored file motion ta 'chairman of the Indusil the Board of Works meet- cut of town and unable ta at- vice, more than '20 vears of terminate the services af the ýCommission said: "The Cham- ing. but added it had flot gane tend the Golden Jubilée cele- 'active service. ýFROM PAGE ONE> Industrial Commissioner and ý ber of Commerce paid the far. We wvere prepared it > e rvice bration. Over 300 Years Service adv îsable ta have a regular use the money for other pur-! tawn $250 last year for in mv Board off Works ta do one on The speaker spokieoaithie When Mrs. Mason announ- meeting of counicil s0 that theiposes where, in my opinion itopinion the partial use of thé Local Improvement, but soion- I êdrafting and approval of the ced that these nine wamen had publiecoculd be present. Coun- wauld do the most good. The office, and a small portion af er or later ail wili have ta b'. g N ~~~auxiliary*s constitution, andi between themn given more than cillor Ken Hooper said he motion was seconded and car- 'Mr. Morris' services.- donc on the Gencral Rate. lhe vil D. in ner sad that the purpose I itsI 300 years service, they were 1:would be opposed ta a closed ried, and 1 have no regrets." - contez1ded. organizatian was ta assist and tendereda standing ovation by meeting and agreed with The crowd présent in the R. Churchili, Liberty St. S. co-operate xith the Board of'alpentBoqtsf h- Councillor Hughes that it Council Chamber with the ex- oun orci hth 'st*e* Directors ai the haspital. thl present edouues ta hr-ýshouldt be an open meeting so;ception ai the C. ai C. group, G rou 200 for the tLiberty Street veriiri sanemums Were *'stom ewe, bt laied hp E e i gRaising Needed Fund filera by Mrs. Duncan Smith ail could attend. !loudly applauded at this point. s ton e lo t i fro tofhii As many changes and furn- an bechait of the auxiliarv. The Caunicillar Hooper moved anl Counicillor Fice said he had ilb . c bur don otheoBse ie ishings wvere required ta hum bouquet for Miss Galbraith1 amendment that the meeting1 seconded the motion to ter- O b e t placebtconteBs ie incareo arnemnsfo h Bahhos nt osl-was sent ta lier at Memorial be on Monday evening, Octo- mnt the cammissioner's ser- "I live ai the top of a bill. h. ot their wark that had made the taI, money was needed, and Hospital where she is a pat- ber i5th, at 7:30 p.m. The vice and added that he thought F~ROM PAGE ONE, addeci. hi., event such an outstanding suc- the auxiliary at once set ta ient. mover and seconder agreed this job should riave been cli- Comte.Cuclo hc- Tire Mayor rernînded Mr. )rs cess. She referred ta the re- work ta raise funds. Mrs. Me- Tlhe first winning ticket in ta this. But Councillor Wesley minated two ycars ago ,vhen 'Ceomniwaseapointed t SathChU(il ta oe du rsearcli made by Mrs. Mc- Laughlin spoke af the rnany the draw barc Mrs. C. E. Reh- Fiea'dwyntcniu ehdirtpoae nbaPublic Property and the tri-'ment had been made in thiýq n-!Lauglîlin into the history ai years af seemingly tireless et- ders uumber. She asked that with the matter then instead resolution. dustrial a n d Recreational jconnection at Ille time.àlu of lthe organizatian; the sending fart by the auxiliamy in ibis this ticket for a prize be re-10fa putting il, off ta another Tire second question in theCommittees. tilenr heard the cxplanat!,." ailo invitations by Mrs. R. G. connection. drawn as she liad already re- date. "If support af the C. of C. af C. letter was alsa read His Wrhppitdot be Cowie, the secretary; the work At the Bowmanville Fair inceve lovely bouquet. The C. program means overspend- aloud: "lndirectl.v, 'îo w n MA. emilonnvsspe-Worhointtedtatli af Mrs. Cawker and Mrs. Ma- September, 1917, thauiarpzwneswreMs r- g the budget, I xili vote Cauncil lias been makina a' man lor aoppdsieeation that ap, nd th tremndouscre-~ beseylan Mr . o . w against it. Are they in a posi- grant ta the Chamber ai Com- 'peared before Council.'e'eie t7 iet tet dinn-ndte emnoscr-bsHelnMr.O'th e taxpayers af Liberty St., Nrb poieLbryPa~ ;i- dit due ta Mrs. Van Nest anad ner anTDasuppervfor larg Roîphi, Orono. The attractive tion ta continue this matter merce tbrough a portion of t h e haveheard that taterebassiasra- a rDnai mt o h illrwsand sp o l argedvprizes were donated by Alex oiht"'he asked. time ai the Industrial Commis- hv er ht hr sar adequate during normal rain, p- beautiful decorations. crsal,aenspakesaiheld alsod' McGregor's Drugs. Lloyd Clifton, the spokes- sioner, use off his office, etc., qetfrasrm ewrn thatleavy downipour.4 g Mr-s. Dippeil on behaîf 0f referred ta the excellent finan - The lis t ai presidenîts ai the man for the Chamber af Com- ta the extent af an estimnated ia ptrr oatiognéad taxhave wash out drivew'avs. He dlaim.- n- the auxiliary thanked the cial returnsfrm ti an Women's Hospital Auxiliary merce menibers present said $2,500 per year. 'Tbis lias ap)- tptotegnratxrt.cdtathicniinbsc- n twanil eRyLCaadisaniLiay atena onteas, rumaes has, Mason: Mr-s. L. A. Tale, Mrs. cuss it that night, and added fuur.like to get the members af ile nd ts oaeraingcnLino fortern on eyae rinmgeforleheT. Tod, Mrs. A. W. Spencer, that tie motion was agreeable Mayor Hobbs stated that "We do nttfee] this wouli'Road, and Streets Committee mî the occasion, Comrade Mary Men Canadian Club dinners Mrs. Fred Goddard, Mrs. V. H. ta thern. grant, and there is nathing in be fair as we have started ta ta camne and be shown this, al Westover, for prepa:-ing and and for other arganizatians, Starey, Mrs. J. O'Neill, Mrs. 'We will be prepared ta be the records pertaining ta such. pay for ours. Tt costs us $100s lie said. y serving tile deliciowi dinner. Christmas collections, bridge W. 1-l Birks. Mrs. M. A. «Neal. in attendance at the counicil "It xvas more the other way. and $1,000s ta be paid yet. The "I anmqtie aware op it, r- History of Aux.liiary patecnss and bazaars. Mrs. A. R. Virgin, Mrs. L. T, meeting on Octaber l5th, with The Chamber ai Commerce amaunits Ia be paid ranging Councillar Nichais stated. We P acntng acuto O h is anvraya McLaugblin, Mrs. Forbes Hey- several' programs and will for a number ai vears- made a irom $10 ta S79 a year for 13 are ini trouble there. There i.4 A facinting accunt f O th firt anivesar ofland, Mrs. Morley Vanstane, hope tu work out a mutual au- tokr rn ofl onfryai esol o iohv osomswrol ai flic history af the Womensthe opening ai the haspital a Mrs. T. W. Cawker. Mrs. L.rangemnent for fthe benefit afokngatath anf oy r er boul o torvena tar-sewem onî hvea ari-l "-[ospta Auilirywas given Donation Party was he]d by W. Dippeil. Mrs. Bruce ÎMut- the tawn which is what bath ,ee oaro servsofices." ta pay for oth rele's sto Itar doe. Weheahu thc Hospital Auxi]iary "TTowne Board aindDireChto- ibsC econuns.we re e- ontad.Thr îutb ybv Mrs. L. T. McLaughliri. the auxiliarvy. Sînce then the .tan. Mrs. L. C. Maon, and tîeTwnCucl.n lî hm the Chamber ni Commerce bure nor.M ilson storm sexvcr up Liberty Street ae Shie told lier audience that up auxiliary's Hospital Bi thda' pre.ert prcsideîît, Mrs S. ýber ai Cammerce are wvorkin, eeudrtr mrsinI also painted outt hat every sideNot.n a18ic.ba t appraximately a décade ai- Party lhas became an ancMuucr.for," Mr. Clifton said. Th~-ere urîd0er cet efMp.Mrss Nortlîontrann18rnch.Sbuth n- eopfli un owmanvellented. hen rs alsomenionedvten dc arrhemoid. teservices wcre dimected ta the way Drive drains into the Lib- as Cburch will drain inoail. dnpol i omnitrct ad tem.eoulysuccessonful .. Marand . i. .womk aif secretray-manager ai er'ty Street storm sewer yet Ttis hne~oxt onuethal should the surraunding ditithdteedul ucsfl r- R Cunicil decided ta deal with the Chamber ai Commerce " none pay an those streets,"ex- be done.' ,on alternative ta being cared thon Bridge Parties held dur- th c rdc. iC' etri etos Mr. Cliftan said. He added ccpt' h 4fnaew i WvrvBa rsd'r ie for irn their own homes during. ing the ]ast 12 years. 'l'lie communication had ex- haet -. se cuii ohv h )r lleses aplainied tbat it would have re- that as the tawn paid the In-,bvetapa. rn Innes.l addition ta fund raisiuîg., reWIIÎSsprsntt as dustrial Commissioner a salar.v , If anv memrber Or COLnCil street ligbtiog ilîîpraved alnuî'z rYo cao niaginie the incon- the Women's Hospital Auxil- Wrsettnessesnttfas i$4,500, tbe C. ai C. tbnugbt'tbinks luisoiler stormn sewer I this lhiamaughiare. wbiclihab,; JE'enience for doctors, the pat- iary also gave advice ta the wer questions. . a considerable par't was a sbould go on fie generalibecome a mainerîtrance ta tlîc l- ents and their families. The board ai directors, advertised PFROM PAGE DNE- I reply ta the letter s qnerv rn."fotw culntrae edoo att hriIl H exandtatw le gond ladies ai Bowmanville for probationery nurses and Wd' ne Oafictuelirgest Çoun' iH- as ta wlîY the position oaInl- hagr dant "fonse ct l rî na-atseonerdofot whattahetiow no e alinl tat nrealized tbat tbese conditions looked at the applications for fions inilehiehstory ai thie dustrial Cammissioner had gr hae aid.scrtcvm na- a seconder f r c otion iIether o sidealit auid -w e r ebecoming intolerable. the position ai fîrst superin- party. Mrs. Sisson was also been eliminated, Councihiarg"le balancim oed. nlesorspei ery p rovsoeseteffpoer b h av e lagbts-o d Sonme towns, as well as the cit- tendent af the liospital,' Mrs. nUcpafr swreAe oprcagdtatthe Smith aTs e alanc te enok tedof an aelfor Mue.Liltysnrae-tlae a pae t at quifréenatis ies, liad hospitals for the sick. McLauglilin declared. She Carruthers, M.P.P. and Mrs. Beverages Limited factory had part n hie moetithe ai-ohaxayerstMseXil.a-Tne aar tsatepreslit.th The local ladies discussed the added that an tbe auxiliary's Carruthers, Treasurer Howard been moved fram Bnwman- a Theme the C. of C. erted. Te Mayorarb stated that, otira be o ade possibility ni sncb a building~ recommendation Miss Bruce Gibsan, Secrefary Kay Lycett ville ta Oshawa as a result ai paid t h onarulyw ao ob hhdtitaplc a en t ini lîr a pone.and the gucst speaker Grant actions laken alI ndustrial thougbt was nnly a gesture," pmapnred stamm sewer an Duke ligbfirîg hhroughi the Public l aeieuila oe wat ppthedfca. p ii fCmpeh owsaCn omiso etnshl nMr. Clifton eontinued. Street was rejected at the last Property chairman, the PUC r ýserCatieMP. o wsaConalCo959atsicmetigshe Camn Mayor Hobbs pointed ont meeting. "I tbink if would be and the Chief af Police, wbo "îirdiscussions w e r th rgnl isia leetearea tram 19.57 Iotl hs defeat missianec K. N. Marris, W.D. teatof"a therasis nteCini- or nair formanc group ta make e caly cbcck ts ee lcard eventually by the mecn Wonien's Hospital AuxiliarY by only î1 votes inIllhe .lnoe Higgon, Jack Brougb, Ker e iCmec' tnin pay 1o 1tr ee udrweenwlihigi ed \vho agrced that tbe ladies served the reicesbments, anîd electini. Nicks, Nelson Osborne, E. T. it is indicated tbat Mr'. Mor- Local Improvement and ana- cd. This request wili b. hîd omtbng" rs M lau its exécutive formed a recep-, Failli in Party Bantinîg and Wilfrid Carrntb- ris as Industriai Cammissin' ther an the géneral rate," lic brnurgbt la their attention, ho lin stated. She spake ai a fion committce. Tbe speaker luTi bis nomination speech ta ers bad been, présent, onîlv worked part lime forihie aid.. ReeeLteexrsdsa. meeting ini fli Council Cham- also mentioned that thie came-I the delegates, Mr. Rickard As a result ai a requesf hy ber in July 1912, and said that faker's room seras fifted and Isfated thaf lie lad greaf faitb Mc. Banting $525 was spent J1. W. Alexander was pesuad- fumnsbed by the auxiliary,iin hie Conservative pamty and on soi] tests on the Anderson cd fliafflic projecf was sucli a whicli lad also convcrted a l ifs leader John Diefenbaker. 1iarm because ni an option lie goad idea that lic bauglit the garage oni tbe prnperty ino a 1'"1amn thiankinl for wliat mylhad obtained there. The camr- aw-P 6v.dL ~. homne ai Hector Bcatb, and ai- residence for nurses. lu 1i e bas given ta me and for mission liad flic town pay $500 fered ta give it ta Bawman- "Ia 1922 realizing the resi- f the blessiogs I bave received. ai ibis total and Banting paid ville for a haspitai. dence was becoming inade- l My desire is ho serve ofliers in, only $25. Councillor HooperÀ 'The wameo decided ta or- quate the auxiliary agitated 'appreciation for wbat lite laslstated. 'gani;ze ta lielp put acrass the for a new ane. By February,1 meant ta me. 1 feel obligatcd Ppu'eteswenob-f îinaricing necessary ta trans- 1927, our préent Nurses Resi-« ýta do so witli w'hateven- ability liog 'sent Oufta prospects by fomm the mansion ino a bas- dence was completed. The1 liav, e said. fIJndustrial Commissioner Mor- ~~ pifaI, and ta unson auxiliary iturnished il. and i The former United Counties ris i 1 1962, Cauncillor 1-oope equip if for this purpose. lantrbtd$,0't h atWarden said that ibis work in cont( nded. He then read tliree . ' r? trn. July, 1912, the Women's Hos- aibidnIf uma ao la brug tter0s signed by K. N .Morris, - pital Auxiliary was bora. Mrs. McLaughlin said thuat him ino association withlwbicb in bis opinion would i List f Chater Mmber tflicauxiliary had also donc people ai al) walks oa ife. If octrtenepistabs This list ai charter mcm-i some ai the hospital fumnish-elected, bis aim, he said, was towo. ber ws gve b Mr. c-ing, donated awnings and cur- lta serve al] the people and to "hi, conclusion, YoLir Wnu'- L.s A gve y . .Toe- tains for the sunraam, and1 be truly représentative ai theirf- -__ Lauglîlin. Mms. L .W oe paid for thie original laurîdr,, vuewýs.1 fpresident, Mrs. W. H. Martin, contributed tawards a stave A Great Country iritiable anîd desirable" that FeMiý rsr Ga ot# 1sf vice-president, Mrs. W. N. 1 .eiEGreat Brifai join flie FICM.' Amnold 2nd vce-preidentand donated a large sale for Continuing, the canididate' Seivce Wold o Canaan Che'Il i Mrs.l B. M Waricae-rdentflie office. said, "Canada is a great coun- bu' flic immediate effeetsý ýMscrearyMiss MniarBeit, MdeAlLler trv. We may say a free wr-nid be painful for Canada. scr-son eretary, Mr yB s. tt, adiin AH i ibis cco . cuntry. We caui debafe and The result for Europe would W. 13.Sortirscasrery, Mand Teauditiary oal s p raviedpass resolutions as we will 'but be a third farce capable a A f o OAIORY FARMERS 0F CANADA 147 D.npol Ro. ,lo,on*o S ýW. . Sort trasuerandthe uxiiar alo povied these are no better than 'the standinrg betwcen the Soviet Mrs. J. J. Mariarity, Mrs. A. and made ail linens needed by people who write them nar any U nioni and flihe United States.i __ ____________j S. Tilley, Mrs. P. C. Trebîl- the hospital up ta 1956. abfe hnth epeiiy -________ rcock, Mrs. Chris Rehder, Mrs. 1955 ahane 757 articles for ibis associateopwitli." J. H. H. Jury, Mrs. Richard purpose wcre made anadcdona-, Mm. Riekard said iliaf a gr'eat nm«.uae 'tpeMms. William Cry- ted by the anxiliary.chleg la abdtafgt f '. derman, Mms. E. L. Margan, Cleaned Pantries chunelay ead t emeate 7, , Mrs. A. Peara, Mrs. James The speaker said that lanpaZ nrif2fo CaadaZ,, ýDeym-an, Mrs. John Percy, 1953 the auxiliary spent $1,452 He concluded with a tribufe'-- a .....p.pa imga*mm Mis. A. NichaIs, Mrs. J. El- for slieeting unbleacbed caf-ta uict people ai Durnanl~ liotf and the Misses C. Win- tan, towelling, crockery, glass- wliose service bad always beert, deff, 1. Stephen, 1. Clemens, ware and silverware foi- the bis goal. He said there was, Lk Bonathan, M. Cryderman hsia.Sededtf n'no finer place in Canada than~ and M. Dustaui. summer some years aga wben iDurbani and non caufy whic li1ly n u t ha 'rie lafer is uiow Mrs. M. lielp xvas scare a number ai offercd gî'eafen- apportunities '"I eF y ir gDat h ra n M tlic members cheaned flic pari- ta ifs people for advancement, tries. Addressiag the delegates ini Hehped During 'Flu Epidemlie bis nomination speech Mayor bute ta the marvelous work 'Confederation iram Sir Jobný ai the then auxiliamy members A. MacDonald ta John G. Diei- M oto r H otel during the influenza epidemie 'cobaker was a continuing onej aio 1918. Tbey assisted with lThe need af leadership in ppu e the nursing, (many nurses f serving thec iinity and prnspei were themnselves patients). ity ai Caniada xvas a pi-cssin. cheaned, and cooked, she de- one, be said. Al tie Gift Shop. She pamticularly second %Val- l'ado canon W ie Savoury Stuffing, Cranberr-'-Sauce .31V » ent number ,mentioned the enormous a- livin inal os ardiu rr 'ount ai fine knitting donc b c- ibra me.'WrN--BAKED HONEY-CURED IHAM Mns. Frank Kerslake. Th oeoeî i ~Champagne Sauce 1Thr lovely vaice ai Mrs. feil heir tfa iswasted li)C thatthe irstLloyd Ayre was muchi enjoyjed *i tage,"e ad wb1sesn -v1ldlgi- Teps a easla eit ROAST PRIME RIBS 0F BEEF AU -JUS .,~< ifui selections. Mrs. Keifli Bih- a time ai pleohy' when Caia Majors Mango Cbutnc\'..:2 are relaced ~letf was the piano accompan- î ol d od ihn ar elcdist. ifort ta war ravagcd coantrîe. i CRILLED GEORGIAN BAY T RO0UT te dial. These d ent rs Mso padthesi d on a spenigs2pree a;- TrarSuc 2, -bonor roll comnposed ai thoselfforeiga netethdîk:' Baked in Tinfoil Potatrws CnidYm aine as th1e with 20 and more years aux- a sfnaglehld nu fic coli iliary service: Mrs. J. O'Neil !my-..V'hpeloars and Mrs. V. Il. Storey, 42 "We are pa ' ing for u .t yersech Ms ONIll was 00w,' lie said. Glazed Cari aIs Girean Beans in F'ine 1lrb president for five years andj Protecting Vital Interesîri urPesoallias held every other office,1 Describing himseli as ani- Assorted Rolls and Breads our ersnalfor 10 yeams she hias been con- f dependent backbencbcr xw venor af the Marathon Bridge. i said whaf lie thougltit iglit 'ES RT date ..-. and Mrs. Storey also served five Ottawva, Mm. Campbell coi -1 î j r'>T years as president and bias fessed greaf sympatby fcrr' .nd business been active in many 0f ber Prime Minister Dîefenbakcm'lmPudn rad ac capacities. stand at heicCommonwealtî lmPdig - rnySu- "Miss Flona Galbraitli, 35!f conierence. His job was ' A' Apple- Pumnpkin- Hot Mince Pie v.ho assisted during the 1918 itemest, despite shouts frani Chocolate Cake a la .Mode 014111., Manager 'fln epidemnie. Mns. L. T. Mc- other quarters ta produce a, Laughlin, 29 years, president alternative plan ta Britishu cii-, l ahoeWRc udn 1l947-49, recording secretary try lanflic Enropean Con1moý l 'siie iePdig - Jlo - Fnutl csr ninc years and bias only miss- 'arkeh.J Cheddar Clîcese and Crackers IV F CNAD cd twa meetings. Mrs. T. W. The only ather alteriatv*,, -YO AND Cawker, over 25 years, presi-j was thec painfîîl amie ai a freý-- -- Coffee 'iîlk dent hhrce years; Mrs. E. V.I trade arca which would b-' Hoan'. 24 years. aine ycams as ruinons ho Canadiaiirceonom,. FRRSRAIN HN A 33 -curwitli Mrs. O'Nerll lic said. ol bMarathan Bridge; Mrs. L. à"flic -peaker saddthat ru ý&,i