SPENCIER - DREWNIAK On Saturday, September 29, 1962, Kedron United Churcb wVas the scene cf an early eutumn wedding when M:ss Vicria Jirnne-:te Ana Drewv- r.iýdaur1hIer ai Mr. and Mrs.- Walter Drexvniak, of Winhipei, was- united in mar- George Spehcc-r. sor nf M:. .- Mrs. Alv~in Spencer. rere.m MECCA HEALS PIMPLES ?mec ao %tment reiieesPain, ears P fat lealîng. SoId a ai, diug coumters. Soathing RM Antiseptic ~. Smart. ..spacious.. frorr.,4fiRY & .Matz of Toronto, and MiWs LAIRD - 0LAN4 Joan K irby ai Oshawa. wore Tewdigwsslmie identical street length gownsi.Tewdigwsslmie of gold brocade, with sco in St. Andrew's United Church necklines and three quarter parsonage. Millbrook, Sat., length sleeves. Their full Sept. 15, 1962, by Rev. Stan- rs skirts flowed from deep un-, ley E. Snowden. ai Mary Char- 'spressed pleats at the waist- lote Irene, daugliter of Mr. and lime. Ail three attendants wore Mrs. Stanley Olan ai Mill- 'r gold pillbox hats with small brook, ta William George 'eils, and matching glove- Laird, son ai Mr. and Mrs. e and satin shoes. They carried i William Laird ai Maple Grave. cascade bouquets ai bronzelIt xvas a double ring ceremony.:' an1 ol amo1~us The bride was wearing a: iThe small flower girl, Mis5sdress ai blue brocade andi Jackie Bainbridge wore a full Chantilly lace, with fitted bod- skre s i glv lveice, long sleeves and f ull net ed b Re. Rnal Loe. rs.with matching pilîbox hat, skirt, a matching crown with. ed h Re. Rnal Lav. Ms. nd ronz an god ~ ~msmall veil and accessories in Ross Lee was organist, and rnis.white. She carried a bouquet aLopanid Mr.sDoglas The bstmari was Mr. 'ai pink roses and stephanotis.1 ov h sang "The Loest Ro- i Attending as bridesmaid~ Praver" during the serics bert Spencer, and Mr. Brian 1was hier sister, Miss Gail Olan, and- -May They Walk in' Spencer and Mr. Keith Martin dressed in pink organza with Peace'" during the signing oacedas shrs matching headdress and white the register. For the reception in the accessaries. Fier bouquet was Lower Hall Of the churcb, ai pink carnations. The bride, given in marriage Mrs. Drewniak received the Donald Flint ai Oshawa was bv hier father, chose a floor-! guests wearin.g a twa-piece groomsman. length white gown, richlyv dress of mass green bracadeI Fallowing the ceremany a broa2aded in a rosze patterol.'with beige accessories and aircpinwshl ttehm The bodice featured aocofosg iyelwrssada the bride's parents. neckline 'and long, lily poinlt. wý,hite 'mums. Mrs. Spencer Receiving the guests, Mrs. sîceves. The full skirt, falling chose a brocaded dress ai Olan ware a brown figured from the waistline in unpres-ý royal blue, with pink hat and silk dress, massgrnhaadr >ýed pleats, was trimmed atý black accessories and a cor- glaves, brown shoes and hand- the bacek with three bows of sage ai yellow rases and bag. Fier corsage was ai pink the same mnaterial. Her scal- wbite 'munis. roses. The groom's mather had loped chapel veil ai tulle trimi- When the newly married Chosena dress ai Dior blue med with finely appliqued: couple leit for their honeY- wool crepe, black accessaries clusters of lace roses, was melon trip to Northern Ontarl*o,l and pink rase corsage. held bv a coronet af pearîs' the bride was wearing a tw0- Guests were present from' and sequins. She carried ýtpiece mass green double knit'Maple Grave, Osbawa, Bow-i r'aFcade bouquet ai red roses suit with black accessories. manville and Barrie, as well and white shasta 'muns, a» d On their return tbey will re- ýas Millbroak. wore a teardrop necklace ai side at 46 Fairbanks Avenue, For the wedding trip ta mother ai pearl.l Oshawa. Niagara Falls and ta Wheel-: Th mida hnoMiss Guests were present fram îing, W. Virginia, the bride Alierenaiak aiinnipeg, Winnipeg, Toronto, Wateriard, donned a beige knitted suit, Andc thDresmiakoid nispena:Part Perry and Columbus. with bone color at the neck- line, bone calor bat, brown ac- ROWAN - McCULLY cessories and a yellow rase corsage. 1,On aturday in Wick Preq- Mr. and Mrs.Lar iliv andt autornatwic byterian Church at Black- at 98 Park Road South, Osh- water the Rev. Douglas Fax awa, an return. performed the wedding cere -______r___ mony, beaning the vaws ai The Diana Rae McCully, daughter seot o The iCully ai Blackwater, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rowan W m nsc AGIC TOUCH oard Wery Rwnsn f Wo e Jewel Case Thewedding music was nsiue bazon and Mrs. Ronald Wil- on sang "The Wedding Pray- NEWTONVTLLE W. 1. E er" and "0 Father Ail Creat- r.W ilgnwsbses ing.- for the Newtonville W. 1. on iGiven in marriage by her Wednesday afternoan, Sept. father, the bride was wearing 19th. There were 21 present.I agawn a gardenia white President Mrs. C. Brown sculptu red brocade, featuring opened the meeting and Mrs. a floor-length skirt in bell Lancaster read the minutes,1 silhouette. A crown fahioned fnnilrpr n ars aif natching brocade petals pondence. Aiter discussion ai held in place the floor-length means ai raising money, iý veilof mbrideed wiss was decided ta bave a com-, Itulle, which had been warn by munity auctian sale in the bier mother. The bridai bau- con-munity hall, Saturday ai-t -.quet was ai yellow sweetheart ternoon, Octaber 11Mb. t rases with stephanotis. Mrs. F. Gilmer and Mrs.t The attendants, Mrs. Dau'g- Lancaster were appointed a Slas Widdifîeld as matran ai committee ta plan a service ta bonor and bridesmaids Mrs. be held at the cenotaph Nov. Kennetb Sturman and Miss ,th. Jane McCully, ware shart Since one ai our memrbers,, / bell-skirted gowns of peacack Mrs. Milligan, as district pre-' S blue peau de soie, featuring sident, will be a delegate irom Jelbow length sleeves and the district at the Toronto scoop necklines. They had Convention in Navember, it headpieces ta match and car- seemed best ta pay bus or car y ,ried cascades ai gold button lare for a group ai members, mumis and wbite shasta 'mums with the district convenor as Kenneth d sturman w a s Mrs. A. ae, rup n - - with gold streamers . vtingdeleae ru o groamsman, and Douglas Wid- venar, then presented heri *difield and Dennis Challice programn. The report ai thel 1 were ushers. district annual convention,, Out ai town guests atte.nded prepared by Mrs. H. Ormistonl ie expaurided the eni gy .±broh.*.1PY who was unable ta be preser.t, of Sacrament sbould neyer be Mrs. Gilbert Adcocl, nf llainp. :- ,r, rs d, .. i1to 1 %t'f '.7j-l nia wthnj T-HP 1jîîst a perfunctory, meaning- ~GIi*rsH' less rite but sbould embrace a Ine St. E. - MA â-5747 spirit ai forgiving, giving and especially rememberîng. His perýsonal reference and illus- ton. Mr. and M-A I.Wsî' and Susan attencd thr 1I nti Anniversary ai A 1niro nIc Cburcb on Sunriax' anrd -r- on 7Mi t Emma Vrvai i\ iiirl M\rsg Arthur Jackson, Wornan of the Year aiso organized a hospital HomnerThe Canadian Statesman, Bon-manvllle, Oct. 3, 1082 Demonstration Club. A e eksaow ea f, To my knowledge, it is the ai Canada. selr, irector af y o u n g A fe weks go erad i any hospital club ai its kind 'Since this wvas an innova-:people's groups, crait instruc- a Canadian doctar wbo was in existence," she said. "We tion in the profession. aur duties tor, public speaker, and square presented witb an award for take two or tîhree patients ta dance teacher and caller. She wonderful service in the U.S. thestate convention ai home- includerl formulating curnîcu-'is also active in cburch wark. A., and naw xve have a second makers eacb year at Purdue lum and developing each oai Miss Seymour enjasmsc proiessianal Canadian who bas Univers-çitv. The Vanderburgh the courses ai study for \vhich'rs at, a sors.musi won distinction - Miss A. County home Demonstration we were responsible. Thiere especially enjoy tbe northern M ar ga r et Seymour, anly As..pays their way. 1i went wre:tealyn-tx bosorfnrs iice boating. tobog- daugbhter ai the late Rev. R. %vith them this year. , tin guides ta follaw, and as a re- g-aning, swimming and ice skat- M. Seymour and Mrs. Sey- it's wanderful that somte ai suIt we w\-ere requircd ta set ing. she said. mor tepatients hv the opo-up a wlbole course based solely Fî'om Oct. 19 Ia 1 Miss Sey- Miss Seymour wvas the main tullitY ta attend such a con-;on knowledge gained from' speaker at the American Buls-ivention." eiau rinn.convention ai the American mness Women's Assn. hanid-of- Miss Seymour is a native ai Miss Seymour is an active Business Women's Assn. in iriendship tea wvich was bield Canadja. She was born in memnber ai professianal arg-!Houiston, Tex., where she wvill on September l6th in the Wal- otn, astbevn bu anizations, such as the state,ýcampete la the "Amenican nut Raam ai the Jackson spcnt mnost ai bier Caniadian national and world Occupation-. Business Woman ai the Year" Hause in Evansville, Indiana. 1a'si eser ntra ai Tberapy associations. Much contest. a l esenOtronearabelesetmesdeae We istiserdeev She spoke an "What the ýkingston and in Toronto. Missofle isrtm sdvtd!W wsith eydsr- ABWA Means ta Me." Sevmour was aiten in the ta cammunity service. These ing Canadian wvanan the best MissSeyour~va als n~rbyvilage i Enisilln 'activities include camp coun-!ai luck in the national contest. bonored as the Evansville Bus- where bier parents were in, ___________________________ iness Wamen's Assn. "Waman charge ai the Enniskillcn, aiteYa> h sdrctoriPastoral Charge ai Burketon,ý fvanvihe rSe Hospiarne ie~arsfa T RS aif occupatianal tberapy at 'Enfield and Enniskîllen for, 'bhas dedicated 18 continuous lvss Seymour is follawing theI veyars ai service ta psychiatric ýfoatstePs oailber parents with' Q U AL I TY M E AT S occupational therapy. fili-tiiie service for the better-' ment ai humanity. 47 KING ST. E. MA 3-5081 work directly w i th t h e As a mpschiatric aid, she patients", Miss Seymour said. earned lier college education 1Opportunities for service are expenses. Imdaey fl endless. Any additional haurs iO',illg lier granduation fromn are voluntarily given in an the University of Toronto, she effort to provide help, encour-,%wazs nanied director of accu- I gement and a more satisfying patiffnal therapy at a psychi- i life fer the patients". atric hospital in Whitby, Ont. Miss Seymour and Ora From the entire Province af Ackermian, coordinator of On'tario Miss Seymnour -,as activity therapy, organizcd a choseii as one af three pcrsons Scamping programi for psychi- to train occupational therapist atric patients. MI eyrmnur ijfI for the Dominion Margaret Seymour ~ r /ates G2u/e ly and tasted delicious when cliie n r passed for sampling. Mrs. CouI-I roux expressed the thanks of!i the W. I. for this fine demon-1 stration. Books on 'The Artý Patient: "Since we have of Sandwich Making' xvere known each other for such a given each of the ladies. Tlie long time, Doctor, 1 do flot in- program. was in charge of Mrs. 'edt nut o ypyn G. Cathcart convenor of Hometedo nu y bpang4 Economies. ,my bill, but 1 have left you a The penny collection for thle handsome Iegacy In my will.", sick and shiut-ins was taken, Doctor: "That's fine . and. and up, and Mrs. Manders vas tmebYte ayltmehvth efficient auctioneer for arti-j cles for the travelling basket. prescription 1 just gave you. Mrs. Catbcart, assisted by I want to make a slight change Miss Stewart and Mrs. G. in it." Harnilton, served a tasty lunch. i After lunch Mrs. George Carl Leslie Hamilton (M a r v Stevens)_ CLOTHES CARE HINTS: showed colored slides of Fort Do It Yourself does not apply ta the removal of spots and! Chimo in Northern Quebec, stains from your garments. Expert qualified attention 1s5 wbere she bas taughlt the Es- kimo these past two yeaji,_. needed. . . scnd thcmn to your Drycleaner.r The bright colors of their cos-ý tuesprdoint ad rih-!Help The Blind . . Help Themnselves' ten the scenes. The slides and BizC m aa o c.lt talk gave us an excellent con-, lt -mag o .,5 c.1t ception of life there, the Es-' kimos, their dress, homes, customs and the surrounding country. Many thanks were / , ý MA 3-î '-. expressed to Mary, aiid also to la;S ýMiss Stewart for lier bospi- tality. ________ ON DISPLAY OCT. 4thl to invie OU#. HOLIDAY FEATURES TURKEYS 10 ta 14 18 to 20 Lb . Ave, 45( Lb. Ave. 4 C DELICIOUS, FULLY COOKED Srnoked 159 FRESH KILLED CAPONS FRESH- DELICIOUS Sausage A~ISm okdAf MEAT j l PCNCS bey BEEF SPECIAL SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF STANDINGj ROLLED PRE RIB rf RIB ROAST Ib 7(I ROAST b9 LEAN, BONELESS POT ROAST Christie's Brookside BREAD Z4-oz. Loaves 21-l equipped with PHILIPS exciusive "IVionitronÎc Lontrol" IIODEI, C42 Mf.Suggested List Your Trade Ai Iowa nce - MODEL C72 $349.95 $ 80.00 Mf<,.î:,u; AIllo".vîic You Pay Oniy S,179.93 $2 79,o95i $28995 s 3().()0 - C With Base - S29.91 Extra SEE THEM TODAY ... THEYRE ON DISPLAY <Cowan Equipment Co. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5689 Starfire Coupe to deliglit you!l There, waiting for you, with its long look of elegance to sweep you into 1963, is Oldsmobile. This is the car for you . .. with unrivalled performance ..unstinted luxury. For 1963, each Oldsmobile series is distinctively différent, with its own special grille and rear-end styling. So which '63 Olds will it be for you? Your Oldsmobile Dealer has ail the answers. See him soon! Super 88 Holiday Coupe A GINERAL MOTORS VALUE T/zfe "me7thi»7g ex/ra"abOUt oWvi»7g 8 OLDSMOBILEFO).R630 Whiteuil ues ptionaant ext a cosi I.dPhone MA 3-3353 ROY W. NICHOLS Poe7860 Centre SLICES b69c Lb. Ave. lb53c b39c 6for$1 ____ M I:DEL' 4 2 On$269*e95 Mfg. Suggested L ist ------- - Your Trade Allia ance S419.91 - S120.00 You glv $299,o9 MODEL TZ Mfg. Suggested List -- - , - Your Trade Alowa ncc !Only23~ 134 KING ST. E. 1