.8 ~ 0anadlaa Statesman, BOwnvle, Oct. 3, .SPc>R C> pIC 87 Frank Mohun MA 3-7234 RNTRMEDIATE HOCKEY, ANYONE ? Shamrock's manager Bal Orme informs me that the cooler weather has arrived, most of last year's pla: have shown a lot of enthusiasm for intermediate hockey Winter. We're giad ta hear that, but now the question a: -what other clubs wlll the Shamnrocks meet ln leaguer Uxbrldge wlll be back, that's for sure. Osh promises ta field an "A" club, but where they will pla: anyone's guess, and that means where wiil the fan sup] corne from? Port Hope looks doubtfui and Cobourg Is Port Perry will ot return ta the loop. Napanee and Bellevilie were flot represented at week's meeting, but even if they do field teams, that bri up the aid probiemn of long road trips and high expense. representative from Picton was present, but that's anat tiresome journey. Games will again be played on Thursday nights who the opposition will be Is the question right 110W. ti. I t tit LOCAL 189 SET TO GO The newly established Local 189 Union Leaj nnounced this week that the four-team loop Is ready ta The 16-game schedule starts on October l4th. Due to Junior "B" taking over the ice palace in the afternoons, regular doubie-headers will now start at nine o'clock, Si day mornings. The schedule, list af teams and ather lx inent information appears elsewhere on the sports pages. t t i. t t MN yer- 1thiE ýrisei play, aws iy is )port out. last ings .A ýther but igue roil. the the ;un- ert- YANKEES 0F COURSE The World Sertes started today with the New Yorl Yankees as usual appearing in the post-season tilt. This year their opposition wiil be the Dodgers, wha neyer did beat the Yankees as the Braaklyn "bums". Naw they are the Los Angeles Dodgers - with the al-time record making base- stealer, perhaps the league Ieading hitter (this was writter befare the season ended), a strike-out pitching king, and the league's winningest pitcher. Certainly a stranger aggre- gation than the Cincinatti Reds af last year. They corne and they go - L.A., Cincinatti, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee. Occasianally New Yark makes way far such teams as Chicago or Cleveland, but only once every six or *seven years. Then after these replacements have usuaily lost, the Yankees return ta down the National Leaguers for another term. This year, Las Angeles has ali af those top perform- ern, while poor New York has a couple of .300 hitters and znaybe two 20-game winners. But the Yankees will win the Worid Series. It may even go seven games but we doubt il -six tsalal the world champions wili need ta defend their crown. We haven't seen any TV listings yet, but It should be aseries that wili be seen by mare people due ta the fact that West Coast games prabably wan't start until 4 o'clock our time. That's Wednesday and Thursday this week, and the same two days next week if necessary. Games in New York go on the haiday weekend - Saturday, Sunday and Thanksgivtng Day (Manday). t t t i. t BIG TV SPORTS WEEKEND) What with the World Series, this will be a big week- end for sports, when you add ti the N.H.L. Ail-Star game, Baturday night, a C.F.L. rugby game, Monday, and American rugby bath Saturday and Sunday. t t t t i. YEAH ARGOS ?? ? I amn a Yankee, Argo and Maple Leaf fan. 1 arn glad *Io be a Yankee supporter no matter what yau Yankee haters say. At least I always cheer for the same team. After a bad slump, Iast year it was very enjoyable to be a Leaf fan. 1 arn stili an Argo fan. But how in - ah, um "blazes" can a power-house ini paper manage to be Sa awful on the field. Saturday night at Regina the Argos domlnated play completely for three quartera to lead by nine points. Any ether team in the country would have had a 20-point spread, and If Argos were the Iasing club, they would have been even further behind. As everyorie knows, the Double Blue lost in the final minute. And although this is being written prior ta Monday's Calgary game we can tell you right now, the Argos lost that one tao, by between 14 and 21 points. Now we don't say wait 'tii next year. What us Argo fans say isn't availabie for publication any more. t t t t t What a deveiaprnent this Dodgers - Giants playoff. We W'rote the colunin while away for the weekend, and it wasn't until Manday that we discovered that the Giants had caught the Dodgers. We look for the Dodgers ta came thraugh this trne, but must admit we're puiling for the Giants. Anyway, the Yankees wlll beat etther one. Don't forget the Men's Town League Soitbaîl Banquet to be held at the Lions Centre an Saturday, October 27th. The fairer sex will be invited also, probably mainly because there is a dance following and tt's no fun holding another fellow ti your arms. On October 13th the Goodyear Golf League wiil hold their season-endtng banquet at Bowmanville Hotel. t t t Il SADMINTON SEASON OPENS Don Ailin, new president ai the Bowmanviile Bad- minton Club, announced Monday night that the officiai open- Ing of the 1962-63 badminton season wiIl be on Thursday, October 111h. A round-robin tournament wti get underway at 7:30 p.m., to, be fallowed by lunch. As usuai, everyone wilI be welcome, lnciudlng the veteran perfarmners, spectators and neweomers ta the sport. This is a gaod oppartunity for anyone wishing to, try the gamne ta turn out and give it a whirl. Other members of the newly-eîected executive are: KCen Hockin, vice-president; Betty Wilson, secretary, and Jean Evans, treasurer. MEMORIAL ARENA S BOMANVLLE * Telephone MA 3-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRJAY, OCT. SATURDAY, OCTr. 4 l8 - 10p:M. SUNDAY SKAffNG OCTOBER7 » 3 - 5 Pm. WEDNMAY, OCTOBER 10th cIIDBEN'S SKATING 331* 531p.M. w rs is is it 1963 ACADIAN This is restyled 1963 Acadian Beauma)nt convertible, one of 11 models built in Oshawa by General Motors of Canada. The new Acadian fcatures rnany design and engineering improvements, includingr "air-washed" rocker panels ta help prevent corrosion, positive crankease ventilation and a Delcotron alternatn current izenerfltor for lrncçcr bttr lf- ýý Ating S-ýL&tl UI luigr fL.ttL.. J Ile. clJlL plate battery with three-year warranty are also st Mixed League Bowling 1Onie Etcher's cellar-dwell- ýE. Brock ---____ iers lost again Friday night, 'Grant -- _------ but showed signs of returning Brunt- ta form when they bagged Harrison ------- ------------ their first points, whîle boxv- S1eep ----- r iiig 5-2 0to aimer.1The xin MV. iEtcher gave Palmer sole possession 0. Etcher_.-------- af the lead, when Grant xvas Averages upset 5-2 by Elton Brock. Vince Prout ------ Brunt maved into the 1i-Nrn 'are tory colurnn, whipping Harri- Harold Bennett ___- tson 7-0. Bennett downed Mor-MuryGat------- riey Etcher and Hilda Brock MBrrayGant-l _ _ walloped Sleep bath by shut- Beobrglnille -----_--- outs, ta remain tied for sec- Gelon rgeEott ond, but anly a point off theEtnBrc ____ t pace. en Luxton pace Pot akn n Cee. Mutton Vrsice sPrt, inh Iai- Onie Etcher____ prssvestrtinth eeGord Wilcox --_----_ rolled a 776 triple, including ___Pame the 274, night's high single HpPle and gmes o 2ýtJoe Nowlan and game ai 251and 248.Fen Brdy Hilda Brack was the best for en Brdy the ladies with 253 and 623. HlaBock---- Bob Glanville scattered theAln ob pins for a nice 699 total, fol- rnk S ighep-- lowed by Joe Nowlan- 633, Maryleox------- Norm O'Rourke- 616, Elton Ji:n Castle ------- Brock- 614, Onie Etcher- Matt Harrison L612, Harold Bennett- 606, Lou Wel2h ----- George Elliott-. 604 and Al Ruth Grant --- -- Lobb- 601. Dick Perfect --- Other high singles went ta Howard Bromel - Bob Glanville -270, George Mary Harrison----- Elliott- 270, Norm O'Rourke Don Bradley-- -269, "Duke" Brunt- 267, Mro iea Dick Perfect- 257, HaroldEma o iemal ____ Bennett- 255, Cee Mutton- Em rmi 250, Duaine Palmer- 249, Es- Audrey Sleep - ste Cox- 249, Ken Luxton- DoteCastie -----_------__--- 248, Aida Luxton-. 241 and MDorayuttnnct One Etcher- 241. Mra inct Duke Brunt - ---- Teamà Standings Bill Charles ------- Pts. Aida Luxton - -- ___ Palmer_________ 17 Ralph Meiansoni Bennett _______ 16 Essie Cox-------- H. Brack 16 Mel Wiseman -- Dorcen Charles COF BOWLING JPatPrut------___- Muriel Melanson Team Standings Betty Lobb Pts'. Vi O'Rourke No. 5 ____ 17 Mary Nowlan No. 4 -_______ 15 Bob Mitchell --- No. 1 14 Thelma Bennett___ Na. 7 -12 jJack Schili ----- No. 39 G race Wright No. 2 .______9 Jim Thompson No. 6 -6'lJim Cox------- No. 8 3 Dualine Palmer- Me n's Major League, Les Smale came up with a dry. We do flot know whether nice 747 triple ta top aIl bowl- Frank has a broken toe. ers and this jumped his aver- The bowling this schedule age ta 242 ta take over the 'has flot been tao bright, but lead from Russ Hailman in the with a little more practise the individual standing. Hallman boys xviii soon start hitting the dropped ta third place with 800 triples. 230 while Dr. H. B. Rundie took over the runner-up pos Team Standings itian with 231. Teamn W L Pis. H-ank Janzen had a 730 Coîvan Equip. 5 1 5 triple and Ross Wright bit 700 Jury & Lovell 5 1 5 right on the nase. Harold Ben- Ken's Mens Wear- 3 3 3 nett captured high single prize Stepîhen Fuels ------ 3 3 3 ,when he hit the pins for a 3281Ne game. Janzen had a single ýNl Osborne Ins. _3 3 3 Hscore of 301. Pepsi Cola -------- 3 3 3 The low bowlers scerm ta o b~ c ubr a setting ail the records this Kramp's Furniture 3 3 3ý scason. Roly Coonibes had a'Selby Grant Ileating 3 3 31 95 game. Bud Barten 103, Alexj Liberty Bowl ---- 2 4 21 Wiseman 110, Cecil Mutton, Lan der Hardware -- 2 4 2i and Terry Masters bath finish- Frarîk's Varicty I----1 5 i ed with 113. Alex Wiseman had the Iow triple of 362, Ro1Aeae Coombes 402, Normn Henning Name G Ave. 444, George Brooks 448. ýLes Smale 6 242: -aUJUusting UFUkes ana a 54'- AIIey Chatter tandard equipment. The Cowan Equipment teani and Jury & Loveli are tied Ruth Mitchell --- 134 with 5 points for top spot in Mir.am Wînnacatt 132 the team standing while seven Nettie Glanvilie ---_--_ 129 tea ms are standing with 3 14IMarg Welsh.----------124,points each. 14 !Marion Perfect _____124ý Frank Blunt rnissed Wed- 9'Dot Thompsan 117 nesday night bowling due to 7 Helen Schili ----------------- 101 a slight accident at the Foun- 5 2 Dr. H. Rundie 6 Russ Halirna ---- -6 Elton Brock --------6 Bill Hearle ----- 6 Ed Lugtcnburg ----6 Hank Janzen 6 Frank Blunt 3 George Eiliott 6 Russ Oke 6 Jack Parker ---- -6 George Piper ------- 6 231 230 227 224 224 222 222 221 217 216 215 Robson 166 King St. E. Mot ors Bowma nville Phone MA 3-3396 Mmh Castle -___ 6 215jGearge Stephen - 0 M Murray Larrner - 6 214'Ted Bagrieli 6 208 Harry Akey -___ 6 214 Joe Nowlan____ 6 205 Ross Wright ___ 6 213 Bert Engley ô 204 Jim Callan---- 6 213 lGeorge Bebee___ 6 203 Norm O'Rourke 6 212 Bill Oke 6 203 Dick Patfield -- 6 210 Jack Brough 6 202 Jack Gay 6 210!Harry Gay 6 202 Ed Leslie- - 6 210ICeeul Mutton 6 200 'i - BOWMANVI LLE KINSMEN CLUB will again sponsor 235 227 215 212 207 204 204 201 201 201 201 200 199 198 194 194 189 189 187, 185 184 183 181 181 179 178 174 173 172 172 171 167 167 163 162 161 161 169 160 159 159 159 156 155 153 149 149 146 145 144 143 142 142 INew Series Added to Acadian Line for '63 Oshawa-A brand new sertes other Acadians. has been added ta the 1963 Fifteen Magic-Mirror ex- Acadian line ai automobiles, teric,- finishes are available. General Motors ai Canada said Seven af thcmn are new-Mon- taday. aco Blue Metallic, Ix'y Green In addition ta the Invader Metallic, Cordovan Brown and Beaumont sertes, General Metallie, Palomar Red Metal- Motors wili now build anilie, Marina Aqua Metaîlie, Acadian Canso two- and four-JSaddle Tan Metallie and Em- doar sedan in its Oshawa ber Red. Eleveni two-tone plant. combinations are available. The new Acadians feature Acadian's brakes are now many design and engineering seîf-adjusting, a 54-plate bat- improvements, including "air- te ry with three-ycar warranty washed" rocker panels ta help is standard equipment and a prevent corrosion; posttvelmare efficient automatic choke crankease ventilation, and a ha becn addcd ta cars with Delcotron alternatîng curi-ent!h Econoflame 6 engine. A generator for longer battery special cconomy carburetor lie, cornes with four - cylinder Acadian offers il models- The six-cylinder engine de- Invader twa-door sedan, four- velops 120 horsepower while door sedan and four-door, twa- the four-cylinder version pro- seat station wagan; Canso two- duces 90 horsepower. Bath and four-door sedans; Beau-1 engines are available wîth mont two-door hardtop, con- standard three-specd synebro- vertible, four-daor sedan and ýmesli transmission or optionai four-doar, two-seat station Powerglide. A new alumin- wagan; Beaumont Sport D-ie longer-wearing muffler is luxe two-door hardtop and con1standard on aIl Acadians. vertîble. sAfcadian convertibles feature In addition, the new Beau- new, tighter-fitting tops. Scat mont Spart Deluxe hardtopObet anchors on aIl models and convertible are availablef have been repositioned. Door with an automatic transmission 1 latches have been made which includes an optional!strongler and safer. fiaor-maunted selectian îever,l Interior trimi on Acadians bucket seats, distinctive bodylcornes in a variety ai cloth orý side and rear maldings and: vinyl combinations. Vinyl new body emblems which setiheadlining is featured in ail the sports models apart frmimodels except convertibles. KINSMEN S THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th $6,500.00 IN PRIZES 1963 . FORD GALAXIE - 1963 PETEROROUSIMEMOL ETRE Hec's the 2-door Canso (it also comes in 4-door sedan). liw It's the newest addition to Acadian's success story. And it's where thrift and Iuxury are perfcctly matched. This year also there are even sportier Beaumnont Sport Deluxe models, a more elegantly appointcd Beaumnont series, and an economy-minded, family-size Invader Series in the line up. ACADIAN CANSO 2-DOOR SEDAN WhLewali re ocptionalott r*u -C emU Lmieted e See it ai yourAcadian-Pontiac-Buick dealer's, TOMOR0OW! Ne w 9**!A ANOTIIER IENCRAL MOTOU MVAUR 639 0 A k 0 - - - - - NMUM@M xPo*",21 1 1 1 -. 1 1 1