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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1962, p. 9

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AI Il- r,îi"' "',-« Sýr.o-' o'-'I i r~the erc-- i-On v.:.- Wh's Y o u r Xr."'Th.r o]v o ep- mfr-chr- one Harinpton Ci rni-f b'.~~i-n-oi-Mi--. R. M.Shiort. I\i~. ) V Horo ;,andiMrs. J-ie oir p'c1l oîî'.dau- Fht,' or Mriui-ici IiC> Hd- i - .\.r, r' . ' 7o. daun- ghte;- O;Ni. and M 'z'l Iw. MY(oo Fon cf MI-r. aml M i ý. Ron cCI,-- c~rton Ociii'Y y'sa 'ci-'.i xli iqJr' "':h. t . tiiJ: four- ~ raiiparii-.' icîîdfour gi-cat- gi-a iiripai-entý ."ri ' pir'.jp i - "ih 'i-. . r. r (i M r. - ".id 'di-and Mi- - Fclý.i- W BROWsîIMO HAMPTON v ieMr. and Mrs. Albin CI mene and Mi-. and Mrs. No man Wri-ght. Laxs'reni-e MicAllîýtî'r oait Canaéian Sunday Si-bon Mi sio '-ta be the speaker aut i AnnuaI Autumn Service ai tl Hamifon UCW'. Oct. 28th. 7:30 P.11. Hampton CCI cOmmenced their meetingso M.onda.'- tvring. Hampton Tý i-ns-net Tues.. at 6:30. Hamn ton Little Friends Messer gers- Wed. 2:4.5, Hampto ,Sign:a-C-B- Croup (12-13 Wed.. at 7 p.m. Hampton Chi Pi-ai-tiic Thurs. at 8 p.m. The men ofthe AOTS Chi xx t b bci r danghtei-s. Cjove a Fathei--and-Daughter Bar (iit.Monda 'v evcning in Zio Chui-h lHal. Mr-. and Mi-s. Cordon Wake lx'. E-nîe. Catharine ari Jchn. 'Mi-. and Mrs. Richai Mi-Luan. Toronto. visited Mr. Luther Ahlio and iamilv. ,i AUTOMATIC-5 shotgun ...... from$1345C 12, If,. and '20) garigerpuo 3-nch Magnum 12 I rr4SUPERPOSEO shotgun .... ýfrom $31 5.O( 2, '20, 28 and .4 10 gaugeg anrd ,t'nra barri %et.% n rombnationi of varioue gaiget ,1r)t n Y c ~ ~ h .rn$ I ll4 ,'n ir .22 AUTOMATIC rile ... froni $69.5C -2Sntn.I nzRR BROWNING Pltted Gun Cases For AI] RrnwrrrltQ'>¶nii-rnç rîd .22 P, i f-ý%- nid a, %, ri ;, nw Shotgpnri i-ee 9 .22 Rie. r 4 e9 Di- 0l5 KING sT. W. BOWMA NV ILLE raind Mrg. Aibin Clemnens. Bow-! manvilie: Mr. and Mrs. Art Blanchard, Mr. and Mrs. Lav- lst Bowmanville Scout News Canari ian ~tafpsman, ~o nianville, Oct. 17, 1962 G MEN'S GEORGE"S WA -42 KING STREET EAST HUNTERS' STORM PARKA Ilater repellpnt.$1 5 H HUNTERS' FLUORESCENT VEST Ties dnwvn ov'er jacket. A illust for huîinter's safet.v, FLUORESCENT CAP' (uION iS ghtly. $1.99 Rersible__$ Extra Special! HEAVY FLANNEL Doeskcin SHIRTS Alil Sizeç $~f HEAVY PLAID JACK SHIRTS SI>ECIAL .. $5.95 LEE ENFIELD RIFLES Thc c i-arn of the xi ni-id's famous British rifle MIARK111$16.95 $27-95 6 x 11 $1795 7 x 50 $2195 ed Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bai-s- Ni. IVaiiey tow, Orono, an Sunday. O. Patfied .. Mi-. and Mrs. Conlon, Toi-- D. Brooks- onto; Mrs. Goodyear. Toronto B. Sellers and her aunt and cousin,'M. Colvithe Brockville, visited at the homne'A. l-odgson of Mrs. J. Rogers Si-. E. Etcher Mrs. Ceci] Stemon entertaîn- S. Brooks 'ed the UCW Ladies tram Hay- V. Martin don on Thnrsday eveoing.- E. Mitchelh MrF. Davidson, Caesarea. js 'J. Lobb visiting Mr-. and Mrs. Jas. .1. Hoîden Smales. 'M. Coyte Mi-. aodi Mrs. Chen Smith, rM. Tippins Douglas and Sheryl viqitpd .D. Perfect 'Mi-. and Mrs. Ray Smith, New- ' E. Hearl rastlp, on Sunday. On Satur- M. Wooîey 'day they visited Mr. and Mis.'M. MacDonald 'Pan! Van Eyk, Tyrone. N. Baîlev Mr-. and Mrs. Edgar Cooper, K. Dodds Toronto, and Mr-. Clayton As- R. Hutchinson selstine, Kingston, visited Mi-. N. McFeeters 'rnd Mrs. Cecil Shemon recent- J. Burton IV. J. Virtuîe Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith M. Mofiat cahhed on Mi-. Percy Gilbei-t!E. Chai-k .... Pnd Miss Ethel Cilbert, Bow-!rM. Dawson manvilie, on Sunday. Mi-. and:Elsie Richards ,Mrs. Allun Taylor and daugh- Greta Richards ters, Bowmanvilie, were Wed- emSt oesday evening supper guests TaaS xith Mi-. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith. Gibson Mr-. arîd Mrs. Cecil ShemonýCoyhe ... spent Snnday with Mr. and Hodgson . ... 'Mrs. Russe!] Wright. Bethesda. Patfîeld Hampton relativ'es of Mi-. Lobb .... and Mrs. W. R. Young, Bridge- Baile. . ootattended a trousseau 'Brooks tea hehd at their home on'Sellers Wednesday in hononr of their danghten, Miss Sylvia Young, R.N., ni Peterborough Hospi- YOU Catq tal, and also attended the daY ai Mr. Kenneth Frost. and Miss Sylvia Young in Bridge- M u north United Church. (Mrs. Young is the former Miss Ruth Johns af Hampton). Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cook. .Myrtle Station, were Wednes- day evening guests with Mr. an r.Lorenzo Truil. "' I Mr. and Mrs. Cea. Snei- Thuie days usaI peop gi-ove, Bei-nice and Eddie, pressure, warry more,j Rosemount, visited Mr-. and drain qnl1cdy and braîi Mrs. Elmer Wilbur. 6*tnesessir telaie -hi Mrs. Farncomb and Mrs. , TedaYa tente living,.ov Rabson called an Mrs. Elmer any of thesa May agect Wihbur i-ecentlv. action. Whcn hicineys g M'-. and Mrs. R. M. Short exes acida and wastes accompanied bv' yMr. and Mrs. sysicu. Then barliache, 'Dave Hall attended a barbe-, "îircd-d.i" feeling cften rue supper hehd in the Ai-ena îhe lime te take D.ddà at Keene, Ont., put on by D)odd' saim-"&te thekid Keene United Church on Sat- actioun" Then ycij teel urday. better-work licIter. ý Mr-. and Mrs. Rose';!ear, Ty- Kidncy Pilltaai any dru; rone, and Mr. and Mns. Geo. 1871 182 171 165 164 .... .. 1611 161 15 , 1.97 15,1 1 in 147 14C 138 13 1U3 12 128 127 ...... .. 126 125 tanding- Pi ns ... 579 ... 5645 ... 5574 ... 5401 ..5200 .9140> 5452 .9270 opie work under alecp less. This in milita phyaical -arder te regain. verwork, worry- ci normal kidney gt out of order, ae remain in the adiaturbed real, en Iolw. That'a d'a Kidncy Puils. îdneys te normal el better-ileep Ask fer Dedd'a â countci. 84 COMPLUTE STOCK 0F AMMUNITION MCGREGOR HARDWARE LIMITED HUNTERS' BOOTS Short Iaced. zii w îi-î liber, ivari-n. idea I flai hunîang. Green. bra-i'n or: yellovv $5,99 AMMUNITION .303 SHFLLS 10c each 4 .MARNK IN, $11.95 JUNGLE CARBINES Like Newi - Sportsniasi's Special BINOCULARS ONE CAN 0F BOOT DUBBIN witi everv purchase of hunting eqttiprncnt. HEAD BROWNIjr, ere lel n M. ary On Thursdav, October Ilth, Thev wcre weit done and en - Mrs. Down opened the or- verses as older memnbers did' OO L N le- Mr an Ms. IHHarisn Cemns er gust onSu- st Bowmanvilîe Boy Scouts jo: abî tober meeting of the U.C.W. What would our attitude bc'4 Vetae2 or- and Kim, Coiborne. spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Ron and parents honoured Stephen wvith a poirtion of Rev Johii if we lived in lMississiPPi to- 4 R. B-ocke weekend with Mr. and Mrs.C es oiwn h hiT-*effery and Paul Welsh on the The evening closed with the Verbrugge's Thanksg i ndiaýave? ib]edtd em o5 .Hn2 he G. Adcock and Harr%. enig ot abyfBrnt Clmens. uttom î~ Ms Krn hopon Uî issG oraFrwdth occasion ot receiving ther L tmrý' closing ceremonv.message in the Cnda hv lp e hee davs. HoIV 3 ) H. Sniodcn -......21 MisGoi arwhdteQueen Scout Badges. after which the Cub and Scout Statesman, -Thankful f n r. manv know or use th'e Apost- i .J1 Baker ...17 lie dent Nurenat hOmnloHSt- msotne t rak bt.others served a bountiful God's Message of Grace." and'les Creed. 21 )B. Kunkel the petNuse W hetb ntand ivo is atisfrstu n a t senaibtfa t 7 p.m. the five scout pat- lnh hehm1epluhte schooiallWhst Thursdav. airois containing 44 boys were 'l Nrssi npi scn ala r.Chs on e h a', present training in The Sick sh. qutThrda.ily "fallen in" bv their r On Saturda ' , October 6th, diidscuMs. s. forteou 01the8) F.Schwar 1T Childi-en's Hospital, Toronto, Miss Louise Goodman i S patrol leaders. The troop col- 18 boys ventured out into the. The fait RaIlv will be held the members et the Church in spniga few days with Mr u~wr rsne nte(OUftry side on a hike. The î'in Westmouint United Church Canada. and Mrs. Keith Orm Meniil op-a on spent the weekend with Mr. sPenîng wprsntd nth %,et %weather sure didn't dam- on Tedv Oct. 23rd, M 2:00 ton gave the results. A re- 'w- and Mrs. Roland Thompson and Mrs. Ailan Parker, Tor- hollow square and the troop1 the boyssii and h n7:00 iwt isBa edcto -ih ep tleMe oil H sia p. and daughters. onto. greeted t h e m accordingIvp n trS siritasadithtrie iso spar.MsG.ebes thte ecer1W kl m- Mr hetr oekaco-ý r adMr.Harry Apple- Captain E. Dawson, t i lcut sd rc isnsekr r.G enes ihtetahrl e ky Report o panied bv Mr-. and Mrs. Wod. ton, Whitbx'. were Sunday vis- Queen's Representative for te Iob-hl.'h iewsaotF rosrpre oa e aigtir eettervw >.kawacz motored to Montreal 'diors with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph evening, was invited to Io- miles aod every bit of it was . eiptes for Aft. Unit as $449.71. occasionallv. It's necessarv 1,* Fo- r erck of Oct. - 14 i- t meet Miss Christine Lach- :Ballard. spect the Troop agadprec. The offering was presentediworship together.To mue", AdiinsI\3 owicz from Jdymaia, Poiand. J Mr-. and Mrs. Neil Bei-i- and 1 With these words the two On Sundax-, 29th September, for dedication to Mrs. Down' indiffereoce, take advantLage Bii-ths, .3 mair' I female 4 ub Miss Lachowivz is a sister ito'famiiy Little Britain, 'wei-e Queen Scouts rededicat e d the Bowmanville District put by Mrs. K. Ormiston.' Before of good reading. Whv join'D ischargcs ed Mrs. Borel, and Mrs. Wod- Saturday even i nl g visitorslthemrseives to the Scout pro- O hi cu ii a.sprtn notregop Church? Let ynur light shine- on teir cou Fied Da. sparaing ntethre iMator operations 6 n- kawacz and will be visiting .with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bal- ýmise- On my honour, I prn- Here again the weather was for Bible Stud\ and di5-cussion.,,We are poor Christians if %veMinor operations 2 n i Ooari fo afewmonhs.J ard mie t domybes todo y vet and cold but the boys of Mrs. Down read a paragraphdon'tlocrease knowle d g e: Emergecî-(v treainments 2 Mrr.n Mr.ndnnthCav M. nd rs Ths.Marindut t GdMrd.he aendlî owmnvil, It apl o Comnismfrm Juio mae ewcme-s el&mandsiînthhers3- pr. nr ýe- eriev were dinner guests iast and baby, Bowmanviile, and!To heip other poi ta il Giove and Ist Newcastle High paper.Coigtemein.M. to.3p-. ndWednesdav with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mirs. Mike Farina ,'times and obey the Scout ' howed thekeeby turo- e f h hugt rmDongv -ol hogt I rd Doîjgias Caverlv, Bowmanviile. Sharon and Steven, Oshawa.;Ilaws. igu athhBwavil ew rof te togt robvongaes ethnhsa r.n he ocasin o Mrs Ken vistedMrs.Niddry od Mss Te tw bos xvre ten ovs' Training Schooi track h gnîpld .~ Mrs. G. F.' expressed bv the Moderator rs. n th ocasio ofMrs.Ken vistedMrs.Nidery nd iss he wo bys ere henThe events were keenly con-Anois were given by Mrs A. Dr. Mutehmor. We need a neth Caverly's birthdav. Mai-v Niddery on Sunday. presented to Capt. Dawson to tested and at the end of the J. Gay on the members of the working iaith that will sencdl * Mi-. and Mrs. Kenneth Cav- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hind- receive their badges and dav lst Bowmaoville were Ghurch in Jerusalem. Fear tis out to work. Holiest mo- Ée erly were dioner guests on man and Mr. and Mrs. Good- 1pai-chments. After Capt. D;,w- ouîright winer wth 34 overcome bv faith. cowardice mentofcuhseve tl U Tan Ms. Brue CvRY v, h «m uirhy and famiiy. Maple'son h ad cnngratulated the points;. Second were Mapla gave way to courage. doubt to moment w.hen we go ont to bee k d. WHEN ALL 15 SAID an Mra. Brcender-, -o" eegesswt roysDpty-Reeve Ross Ste- Gi-ove with 148 pit odddcton. Stephen had faith. the c"-' e nthx' AND'DONE7&gHEATIN6 aw.and lvrs. O. Hindman foiiow-I yens added a few Nvords of 'thiî-d Newcastle -,%-i thIl 117 courage, iorgiveness The man courage to take a stanild. JOBS TO US ARE ONLY FUN Mn. Ban le. rhu ll- ing the Christening of Janet !congratulations and encour- points. who dares. believes. Always Church muîst speak ont. Prob-r maBwanil.viie nLorraine Hindman. agemrent toth boys anmro. Teidviulcaposueant perseciîtion. We must, lemsae.lqo adci n Sundlav ith Mrs. C. Collacott Teidvda hmin rlqoadciei and Miss Marie Coilacott. Mi-. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth Jack Bain (District Coun- ve Under 12 David Col-, know what xve believe, then faroilY lufe, Young people, a 7 Last week's ratiers on Mi-s and familv. Pickering; Mi-. and 'cii President> added his pi-aise. w.11, lst B. Under 13, Cordon must tell. We ai-e in danger dav work week turning the ,j J. W. Bowmaîî, Mrs. Ron Oke.Mi-s. J. B. Wiicox and Donald ."The scouting movement," hP !Allen lst N. Under 14, Ash- 0f cform tg10wav niftheLoi-dsday into a dollar dav.ý Kar-en and Kathy. ail of En- Cobourig; Mi-. and Mrs. Han-yý said, 'can give the boys Somne- leY Osmond Isi B3. Under 15 .world and need the courage We must bear witness, have a, field, Mrs. Ethel Johnson, Rag- Coiiacott and famiiy , Bow-;hn hy ed ad sme- Ken MacDonald lst M.(. Un-' of Stephen, the fervor of Peter Pni'pose and dedication to pur-- lan mnvile wee undv isthing they cnfn nn te der 16, Garth Linton lst B, ýand the vitalitY of Pan], pose. Hymn .31, -0 love that, Suoday visitoi-s at the Pi-es- ors with Mi-. and Mrs. J. Ho- 'movement." Rev. W. K. Hons-an OpnCi-eEvs t Mî.R..Pac, ekng will not. ]et me go,' or cott~~~~~~~~~~~ hoewrM--adMs a-h.'adr'dDititCmi-B. Many thanks to the fathers1 foi- the gî-otp led by' Mrs, Carlihy a Scottish minister, a foi-! Wilt Hemphiii, Dundalk, and Mi-. and Mrs. Sam Castie, r sioner wei-e also on hand to 'and friend hgaeuteiononhem brs'ftele tesadpav o, Mi-. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Pan! and Roger, Peterbor-ough,' congratulate the boys and time i ds h gaveup hei r w o h e ebr o hie hitnd prae Oshaa. alld o Mr andMrs Hlgie teir helpingntIo'to jndge the h-c orinth, said thev'Mrs. Annîs closed the in et- 'Mra cle o i. and Mrs. Ho- gîv, arh.!te Soteir enurngmeot to(>vents and also to the Training1 were not well educated, lot'ing.SEVC Beerv Abi- ndStmtaMilBh a1-vdhUSe1 h Scotmv eninBw'Shool staff who helped cl' ooblest, many slaves. Do A letter nt thanks froroMi ) Mi. ndM an rd Stamr.ith. ma n ville. x illingly. Vour i0 Scouting, young members ïoining ohurch .Hpis alEcev i Eniield, visited Mrs. Colla- lturned home afteî- a short stay Each patrol then demonstra-j Bob Davies, Kaoga. Hokisfor mi eevdw cott and Miss Marie Colla- lin haspital. ited the pi-actical phase oi todaY learn as rnany Bible read_ by the seci-etarv. Ai cott on Saturda ' evening. Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd. Scouting. Oui- congratulations Ms. amKene usn.Joe, il y go to those boys I pn Mi. ndMis.Sa Kan Ssa. oe, utand Lyn their tie lani hondput- -and Iwo boys, Oshawa, wei-e visited Mi-. aod Mrs. Frank lin omteplirdmn aoputt 5 Sundav evcoing supper guestsHor-dBo nthideosains wihh Mr-. and Mrs. Tom Wrav. - BEAVERUM E MMs John Balson attended Mr-. and Mrs. Lowry, Bow- Yeo were dinner guests with ~ Zin TankOiieingon un-manville, visited iad Mr Mi. and Mrs.MuryVai .day thi-ough thekndssoBiIHlyda Sua. ter attending the Baptismal Rex'. Mr-. and Mrs. Page. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoskio. Service. SMrs. Tracy Glaspeti and Terry, Joey, Chris and Jody. Ms yd ika Mrs. Ray Cameron and grand- spent Sunday eveoing in Bow- dang-hter Donna Henry visit- manville at1 the home of Mr- seî-vîng her apprenticeship ed Mrs. John Balson one after- and Mrs. Cameron ta celebrate wit ardese n Oh noon last week. the birthday af Mrs. Moar- a wa. Msr. and Mrs. Edgar Horno f, sister of Mrs. Hoskin i. Wickman has' rîecent1vr Ohw-a, were Fridav supper Mi-. and Mrs. Percy Dewelt eund rmashr ty inr guests with Mi-. and Mrs. Sam atteoded a party an Saturday Sunnybrook Hospital, whei-e Deweli. Peigai hnoe fM- e receives check-ups. Mi- and Mrs. Sam Dewell and Mrs. Jack Newton, Whit- .Mi-. and Mrs. Hill ai-e living were Satui-day supper guests bv. in their own home again with Mi-. and Mrs. Tom West- -Mi-. and Mrs. Dave Lapham which has been repaired since lake, Zion. and ciaughters visited <i ýthe lire. Mi-. Ron Luke's newI Mr. and Mrs. Cetaday with M.)n r.Jm hom is Oeaiing campletion I Oshawa, were Chiveveha .im, Ajx Several other new hanses have dinner gUîeStS with Mi-. and ensatd Mrs, Alex Carrick. Rev. Ted Kersey, Scarbor- b e eenstarted Urvilag. Mi.and Mr.BdP-etough, speot Monday with Mr-. W ecmetou lae Mi-. a d Mrs. BPage ha st F1 î. a d M s a k L o n o ed it h o m r h m -.t, Rockford, Ont.. visited Rev. and Ms Sid Kesey M-. and Mrs. Dallas, who have day. They attend one of the familv, visited Mr. and Mrs. asoMi-. and Mrs. Milter, who ' r churches an Mi-. Page's for- Len Player, Bowmanville. havemoditaher ev mer charge. Miss Joanne Smith, Osh- liomne on Elgin Street,. On Thanksgivinig Day. Rev. âwa, speot part ai the week- Mr-. Don Goode and David Mi-. and Mrs. Page, Lillian end with Miss Nancy Macklin. 'and Mi-. Ed. Sutton, Lakefîehd, and Alfred and Mrs. Lambert. Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy r-vstdo udywt r Mound Provincial Park, Itnd men*s Institute wheri thev en- R E( ROOM and REM ODELLING eojeda tp t Srpet cntyattndd NsthtonWo-iadepMyRs.Cee Tnk. L lr also visited Miss Edith Patter- ertained Part Perry a nil d ept-Ree:.LBanh son at her parent's home at Honeydale Institutes. ard and Mrs. Blanchard, in Millhrook. - Mi-. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- Company with the Warden, Mr-. and Mi-s. W. J1. Tomlin- lo tne Takgvo Mi- Geraîd Philiips and Mrs. son anid iamily, R.C.A.F. sta- Services ai. Zion Church andMtha t.oe h lwn OUE PRHS AIG tion, 'irenton.y were Snndav in the evening visîted Mi-Macha Owen Sound and on eveoîng supper gnests with Merlin Hepburn and sos f theii- way home caiied on Mr. Mi-. and Mrs. W. Fowler. Bi-adley's section.O Earl Duify ai. Coilingwood. -ý OUE PRHS AI Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee and Mi-.'and Mrs. E. Bush aod Miss Joan Peel spent ther Keith, Eot'ichd. were also sup- Mi-. and Mrs. Rousse, Trenton, veekcnd ai. her home ai. Bex-N O W IS UE A E per guests at the Fowhei- calied on Mi-. L. Cryderman ley. T ii T ivi e AW HITEp home. on Snndav.Mr. and Mrs. Chai-hie War- Carload volume purchases by the '7.5 Beaver Lumber Mi-. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, Mr-. Verne Chant, Univer-sity i-en spent the Thanksgiving Ontario stores bring You mass savings on rec room and Lawi-ence and Betty, Ennîs- ai Toi-onto, spent the week- weekend with frieods at remodeliing needs direct from the manufacturer. Now killen; Miss Doris Wright, end ai. hamne. Ethel, Ont. is the time l .it cannot he rePeated.C E IN GIL Oshawa: Mi-. Murriay Axford, Mrs. Gai-v Chant and Eric, -______________ Hampton: Mr. and Mrs. Nor- r Tyrone, visited Mi-. and Mrs r 1man -Wright Enniskillen: Mi-. Ted Chant. P e i ih d " A 1 Mi-. and Mrs. Rudy Jammer AfternoonPefnhd"B TK adbab, M. and Mrs. Ralph ~ Bwigr A II G I~ dY . 3/4 and Mrs. Burrows on Sunday. LadIis o1Jgý AOY/4 Mi-. and Mrs. Ray Sellers EIkI and family, Peterborough, vis- 200 Came- Vi Martin 2 î 1,EAWO D P N E L N 'ited Mi-. and Mrs. John Mac- Dot Brooks 208, 27 Mai-ion: sti mat spr l Ae nab on Sunday. Gibson 22 1,Mai-ion Malley mahatn ç plvwood aefinge I Mi-. and Mi-s. MeibournR 202, 227 algn lwdpneigc Prime. Walton and Susan, vis- High Single -Vi Mari-tn 271 random veneered and < ' H ieonSna ihM.adgrooved for an ivli uni-h& C rtn ot Mrs. Gai-don Prime, Hamilton. f8 QIIANTIT . Dlouing.A C rtn ot only mu Mi-. and Mrs. Cea. Vavii- .G io EBENEZER $1.99 1*19,91

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