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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1962, p. 11

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iJi WiII Meet 0. P. P. Sgt. Delegation Demands Better Policing T(Ilean Up Newcastle Rowdyism Newcastle:- A dolegation surance campaniv to masure it» matter cauld be dîscussed of citizens intecested la the Council memnbers wer'e in xxitbhlm andi some arrange-i cleanup off main street ro,.-. -,,svrpathv xxtb the delogatiai ment arciveti at xitil the OPPi dyism were present at the Oc- but fou tbe;r hand.sxxecetied foc botter policing of the vil- tober meeting off the xillagro as ibox' didn't feel thex' couW, lage. cour.cil heid on Wednesda-:. possibl > b ýiro a thre Man A bv-haxx' xas gîx'en three evening. Manv different in- farce for the xvillage xsvich! reading,, and passeti authociz-i stances off trouble xxerc r e- %vould beý necpsýýarv to gx ng, the Reeve anîd Clerk ta pactet bv dîffpent members 24-bouc protection u';der pro-I sîign tbe ambulance agreemnent, of' the dlegation biut all bai sent ceguhations. andi the rosi ffor tbe village. The acre- one common object:ve "Bet- for OPP polic:ng xvas corn-' n its betweeîu Donald WI 7. ter Police Pirotection." It xxa- tincîallv c ising, (a lettor w-n ýH'ir'vYoff Oxwen Sound and:' stateci b v sex'eral tha*t police n ta cauncîl at liýs mo:g'tomiînicipalitîes of Bowv- came promptîx'.in niost cases. announcing a fucther increase manx'ille. Darlington. NE x'- xvhen calleti. but there h aa la the casi for po)iîciugu, and castie and Clarke ta suppix been no attemp, ode b' tbe xillage is mut ('augbt n,24 bouc ambulance service ta police, except durîng the pa-st the squeeze. Spokýesmnen lfor the municipalities for an an - couple of weeks, ta prexent the delegation sai tho' ceal-i-nal grant dix'ided amang thie rowdyism fcomn startîng on ized extra work means extra municipalities on an equitabieý the main street. One spokes- pax' and that somne means for basis accocding ta assessment., man foc the delogatian said hetter policing must coire!The aperator xill also miake( the police bad boon daîng an even if it does mean an inî tho uIsual charges for eacb: excellent job sînce tbe receni crease in the tax rate. mil. Newcastle's share off thec publicit ' and sait ho xwouldý Aftec the ticlegýation had subsidx' is $99 per annurn. be satisfied if ibis continued. t, ees f.uc i- The assossar's rall wa-, re-_ One spokesman said the' cussed the situation briefflv' glass in tbe front xindow off and passeti a reýolIUtion auItiý the office off Dr. M.%ikios bati arizing the dclk ta, set up aR ev. W . W * been broken s0 often he is mneeting off tbe council with having difficultv ta gel an in- Sergoant Keast sa thai Ibe *g M _____the _ wagn. *1 bpecial ?rE At United1 ceix'ed at this meeting show' ing an increase in the assess- ment foc 1963 taxes off $127,- 492. Vecn' little time was spent in discussing the raill xvitb the members to examine it more closely ducing the next month. In answer ta a request froni the Public Sehool Board, a resolution was passed auth- acizing the installation off a street ligbt at the southwest corner off Bolton and Beaver streets and ta put a larger bulb in tbe existing street ligbt. A resolution was passed making application to the Ontario W a t e r Resources Commission foc permission ta cantruet a water main ta con- nect with the Orchard Heights subdivision.- Patterson cacher Church Newcastle- It has boe an- jmon Williams, will be pre- nouncedti ibothfluevox'. .. seîuing special music at bath Patterson, BA., B.D.. xx'll ho 1 h,- ciip..Y tp chpiý fth- 1 secx'iccs. rmanville, Oct. 17, 1962 %Z4e /Veuwca41d&cepn/# Gordon Agnew, Edifor Phone 3621 ted Churccb nnx'ca r - The i3niterl Church Women's tehg crr atexai vices bere on Sîîndav. The Organization are preparing for ou ege atecmu i Rex'. Mc. Patorson xx'a- min- an annivecsacy turkey dinner bwig lns drn h i-,to off the Nevcastle andulta be helti hater in October. week ending Octo>ber l2tb. Clarke c'arge hiere juts at the Tuesday Men's League (225 close off tbe second xxorlti war. and over) - W. Collier 263,0 Ho is pcesently the nîinister_ M. Henry 241, K. W'hitney, off St. Matthews Unitedi CburccbEuin 240, Don Parker 232, I. Me- ý la Richmond 1--.ill. r O en Se so Cuhhough 230, Albert Pearce] The local Uniteti Chucchi Nexwcastle- The local Bad- ' 2Wednesd ateon La-. began its svrx'îccý in Nex'- rninton Club bas announced idnedyAtronL- castean Noxýenîbir .5, 18211, ibat the local season wiîî ies' League (200 anti avec) -ý (as a nietlodist, coiigi'gatioii open ln the community hall 121 ,M. kis 22, W. Sîpsn 138 vecars ago) anti is celelîrai- an Tuestiav, October 23rd. I 215,M Coc 21,SDen îngý 96 year in flue present bas been suggested that the :208, A. Rowe 206. clîcr building. club will be open on Tuesday Wednesday Teenage Leaguei The Rex-. Mc. Patterson wil anti Friday evenings and Sat- (175 and avec) - D. Rudmaný be preacbing aitxx'a serx-icos urtiay aftecnoans foc the con- 239, J. Powell 228, J. Chardý on Suntiav mocniiîg atIln venience off the members this .210, B. Heatle 203, B. Brown 1year. '196, B. Alldread 193, W.' 7:30ock anTth ocalning istrPearce 191, J. Cunnin.ghamý 731 p. Te lc-i mi ist it is the hope off the execu- 187, B. Tendam 185, D. Bowcn' ille rlex'-.E C. Wcoodlaiîd xviii tix'e that aIl who are interest- 177. he taking hue services for Mc. 'cd in this sport will be on Tusa ie Pale Soîiat ihiiodI i.lantion Tuesday even' T hsayMxdLague The chuir, uirudcr Ui dicec- 8 o'clock ta get the 1962-63 (200 and avec) - M. CouICb li on tuif the 'tgnnist Mr. "Nort- sea son o ff tao a goati sta rt 253, J. Pitt 213, M. Alidireati _____ ________ 205. Tbursday Ladies' Leaguel (200 andi over) - D. Clysdale~ 206. Friday Mixed League (200 and over) - B. Alldcead 262, K. Powell 245, B. Hoogkamp 244, H. Munro 233, E. Embley v 227, A. Peacce 215, K. Whit-1 ney 213, C. Glann-vihle 212, J.I Rickard 209, A. Dyke 206. 9::) rn l Great big choice! The Falcon wagon is yours for the fun off it-economy too! The Fairlane wagon is trim anti terriflo-lean and lithe outsitie; loatis of cargo room inside. The Galaxie is a big, bold beauty of a wagon-with Thunderbird power and fine car lUxury. hn ail, there are 15 new Ford wagons, and one wilI be just right for you. Recause of Fords outstanding quality ail thes, wagons have Fortis famous service convenience features, antid carry a fu warranty for 24,000 miles or 24 months, whichever cornes first. For the best in wagons see the wagon specialist-your Ford Dealer.r *the world's Iongest and 1- SEAWAY MOTI Hi-C Group Holds First FailiMeeting Newcastle:-~ Suntiay even- ing, October 6th, macked theý first in a secies off meetings ta be held everv second Sun- day evening ln the boacti coom off the UJnited Chucch b.v the Hi-C or young people's gcoup. The meeting was openeti; by the president, who askedý the seccetary ta reati the min-' utes off the last meeting heiti lan the spring. The usual busi-ý ness portion off the meeting then followed anti the coun- sellors, Mr. and Mcs. F. Jase,i had two vecy interesting! films which tbey prolectedi for aIl ta see. The fficst was' a fictional1 film deaiing witb the ife off a small boyv in ai French Canadian lu mb e r camp (similar ta Paul Btîn- yan). The second was an edu- cational film dealing with juvenile problems off a big 'City. One off the members thon tolti a short stacy anti led the group in prayer aftec whicbý the meeting closed with a: Friendship Circle. The Newcastle Hi-C reail v' welcomes any young pecson who is intecesteti in joining. The next meeting wihl be helti on Sunda 'v eveninig, October 21s't. Requirements for jaining Hi-C are: Yout must be bc- tween the ages off 1,5 anti 19 or grade 10 educatian. The' Hi-C lm interdenominational. Local Couple on Farmers' our of United Kingdom (¶1with distinctive waînut grain A Canadian Farmers' Tour, h metal side panelng .. . 33 strong, sailed from Mont- E long floor iength of more1 real at naon Octoher 5th 't ha et laboard the Canadian Pacifie' than 8feet.Flagship Empress off Canadaý on a 32-day tour off the Uni- illaiaido vtiudar ok"taramLted Kingdam. McI. andi Mrs. tu !i]I4CStt~sraedi'nLouaropioa1*uraoI.S. S. Morton, Maple Grox'e,I ;were two off the happy voyag-, ers. Orga nized yCndinPi Iiveîestof w ~ on ifîc's Immigration anti Agri- cultural Devehopment Depart- ment, the farmer's tour bas been planned ta showv the Cao- 200 Dundas St. IV adian farmer the latest in Bri- tish agriculture and live- lIMV H'RTBV ONTARIO ,stock, and at the aetm IO S L d oPhone 668-5893 Iprovide side trips to many off the taurist attractions in Scat- land, England and Wales. Tender, Mceaty - Whole or Haiff LAMB LEGS o69lb AND) MINI JELLY Roast - ('liops - Stew SHIRRIFFS 9 oz. Jar 25 c LOIN - Lean, Meaty Lambin Basket 391, Lamb Chops 79,1 Maple Leaf SLICEI) - 1-lb. pkg. Economical and Nutritious - Sllced Side BACON 851' Pork LIVER 291b Lunclieon MeI(at - 12-oz. TIin ('humn - 2c Off - I 5-nz. Tins YORK KAM 39C Do Food 435c D)uncan liimes Early Anit'nican - 11-o',. Pkg. Tulip Colour Kwik - 1-lb. pkgs. CAKE MIX 37c Margarin2R55C ONTARIO No. 1 GRADE 10l Nn. 1 (;rade Stalk,4 'alifornia Finest - Emperor CELERY 0 9CGRAPES2I.29' Nn. Gra e N . I rad Mushrooms 591b Bananas 2Ib.35 EXTRA A TOTAL OF IN $4BONUS $34TAPES Receive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes with SALAD TEA BAGS Oraq. o 8 PERSONAL IVORY Fiee o TIDE DETERGENT Fieemap oairl Receive $4.00 in Bonus Tapes with SALAD DRESSIN G '-o. Wjar MINCEMEATM2lb.ti ýFive Brow nies !'e Canacdian Statesinn, Bw Îlewcasc.? tcpae n The BrowniePakte i r dIILIjdI~ IIthe grand howl in honour of the five Brownies wbo left ite pack. Mrs. Quin.nev tien S oci l an G uie FIcalled on the Commcissioner, c' o ia a d £~>rsalGudeFy U p Mrs. Rudell, hpriete Joh Vott in xisîedxxth rîeds Newcasile,:- The Brownies ,workinig so bard and thanked Mr. and. Mrs. Jh ot !nwt red i wore guests off the Guides at the leader for ahl they bad aSid ny Hng Mc. and Mr.a Rglayo'Suday ieir meeting last Tuesday done for the girls. She ve- Sidny Halowll ad Nacy r. and INrs. Francis Jose of rooed rek, isied n isîed x'îh r. nd rs.~ evenîng. The Guide Color'comed the new Tweenies an'd Kingston on Sunday with Mr. W. Jose and familv in Brarnp-, Pr >ix'ok irpito.aIthne the motheseforturzi and Mrs. Andrew Gray. 'ton on Sunday. ter whîc theG id re hai ing out to this special Fly Up Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tam- M'.and Mtheirhnopening and fcso rmeaCcremony. bly o Cmeonwee un alf Bvi Mvlers. o n dhon o.v o.Mrs. Rudell than called on blynor of t C Mer ,erandayr oxirnnx'îlle wre Sunda vîstos wth Ms. xisîtors with Mr. and Mrs. Per- Mis. Qtner rs ntedMrs. Simpson who has been Perey Tamblyn yTnhxn. badges ta sximmers Candyasitn Mr. alfo th Mr. nd rs. eg.Woo- I r. av llinof oro to trks, Beth Powell and Dor-' past six years with the Brow- hams of Toronto accompanied visîtoîl wih i\Ir. Leslie Ain l 1a Lanat, er; P ndellass rnie ad has te sove da by Mcs. Norman Samis. Mrîs. and family on Mondayvc. Ja Po-Bo nicOwl of the send- F. . CuchandMr.Lesie h Mx Rn Trnpinswho~ er Badges to Susan Carey ak anc ikrdpeet F. T.Couc and r. L sli tAI r n w Tb the R.C.R. S and Dorýella Lancaster; and 'ced Mrs. Simnpson with a cup sttoed itOntario, s spen in a Hastess Badges ta Susan Flin- and saucer and spoon with lononOntrio isspedin atoff, Janie Zweir and Eliza- the Guide and Brownie Cre3t 1"Lucky" W iflS 15-day ]cave at is home Wlth beth Kozub. hafr.~ om the rowiesk.of th I.andi Mrs. Ian Heen-t ars urodxîstd ýopiCing with twenty new for ahi she bas done for the \\Tdilsdy 'îrTwcenios clustered acoundî girls. Newasle-Pecy uxonAgnew. the Toatistool. Tbe BrowniPsj The Guides then took over Newcstle Pery Luton, The 11ev. John C. Verh rUggoý formied a fairy circle and the the meeting and played a, proprietor of "Lucky's" B.A. B.A., B.D., of te1ltehýoboîh flN-Hp cerema«ny began. number off games and san a Service Station on King Street Chriistun iiRetnrîood Cburc'h -ýj in Tlihotree Broivnie leader-s1few songs. A very humocous 1East, lived up to bis name Iast Baxx'nanx'îîîo.\%-lit brîng ;~pne the fairx- xxings on the play xvas presented bY five or, week when~mssig a the fis rw~a t îîo'aîiiîOffîeirîuîg 9Cks off the fix'e Browniesi the Guides after which tIievi made in the Chamber off Coin- o h 0't Ijciwowr Iigu oGie.pruddtoo h ohrs mreweekly hockey ticket CiîgofteoalUîîcxxh oefingptaGie.esuddtoftemter tmecce tChurch Wamnîcî on TbuLrsclauy A Browxnie e(_arnîng ber Cal- to participate. raw. acnm uth îclîîcl<ta xx'bch den Hianti Badge befare she isl Wbile the lunch was beItgl TheChabe ha prchsei aIllaesc of the village areC in- cl-xi' is allowed ta fly Up t0 served bv the Guides, 'N,.s.'ý twoseas i th gren ecton itd.Guides and is presented with Kirnball,'a member off the la-i tfor eacb borne game off the The October meeting of RProwýnie wings which she isclaoiton thkd h Maple Leaf schedule with tbo1Unlit No. 4 off the U'nited pormlitted ta' wear on ber Bcownie leaders and praised' 1winner off the weekly draxv 'Cilllîî'c'b Woinen's Or"gaisaition 'Guiide uniformn. themn for being so able a: urceivingatwonticesfoMat-f xaslili n2'eday at 2:3iîî Tho fixe Brownies we-re managing such a large grana urda's amein the ei h Suîîda,- School Room ii coTiiiý Rickard, Pat Rudell, off Brownies this year. Leaf Gardens. The first draxv xxjjIl 12 nîei be'rs presclnt. The Georgýina Simpson, Lois Bar- Mr.Qnnv lse th was~~~~~ mae o ededysu aI vs answvered by a.chard and Caroline Major, meeting witb Taps. morning last witb Mr. Lux-; verse off Tbankix' , ri h il abradavre __________ ton's ticket being dcawn. The .îîl B1b e mnbers wx're ce-[ta describe Brawnie work second draw was schedulod mmndccl off thon-l work i con- commcncing with the Initiais for this morning but results ncectiî xx \ifli the bazani' ta Le 'B R O 7N IE". Brown Owl. O T P O weentannounced before 1heid inii tht nai' iutmi'e . F raCal]I then pinned their PO T O L press time. ther Pflan-s xxere made regar'd- BrIl ni -wings on tbem wbl' A verv fine service off sang Draw tickets are the 'rtkce'v Diinei this the Broxxnie pack say ta themi was delîvered on Sunday ev-ý fromn members of the Chamber monih and xoluniteers foir coi-n- "-Goodbye Bcoxxnies, Good- enin at the Annîversary by a: of Commerce or at Johnson's mittees to bclp xxiiile filiail bn o'" large choir of local voices un-' Drug Store, plans xvere asked foi'. MIrs. cuide France(,,-; ar intro- der the leadersbi'p off Mrs.ý Gurahuc gvea siîiîay 0f , i]ici ed c Broxx'îie to their Reg. Edmunds. Mr. Tyo, * ebuîîiî'rs off the Studvy Book-, Ciptain. and Mcs. Quinnev In student minister, gave a vc Coririunty Anibassaclors to a L'reani and lLtrn iiiroiiced ecdiBcoxvnie inspiring sermon and the ser-ý Com m nit God !SIcn Cin Be Wrong tu tlle GUide Comipanîy aîd xices were fairly well attend-i Tenîciting vas -clseci wjthi c,-llcd ai the Pairal leaders ed. The date off a supper will Bowling :ao Ilniii andi i'cel(atinýg the ta9t'unie andi x'lc'ome the be norcdltr Newcastl':-l'cax'wunP are, nieshuathe individual Sorcy to learn tliat Mc. Lou A4'i .J--, Stafford Brothers LIMITED Monuments Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. lVbitby Phone Whiltby M0hawk 8-3552 Maple Leaf WIENERS Sunbeam Wiener Pkgs. of 8 BUNSIfor45c Hosipitahlty - Avallable ThUra., Fr!., Sat. APPLE PIE ea.39c AND Kraft Ohd Engllsh, Canadian, Pimento, Swlss 8-oz. Pkg. C H EES ESLICEs3lc Aunt Jemîma Reg. or Buttermilk 1-b. Pkgs. Pancake Mix Ifor 3 9c CORN SYRUP 31c Campbell's Tornato 10-oz. Tins SOUP 4for45c AND Christie%~ Premlum 16-oz. Pkg. CRACKERS_3 7c FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT 40 Fathom - Government Inspected Cod Fillets Ib.3 3c AND Goodness Me 9-oz. Pkgs. French Fries 2 for 31 c 1-1b. Pkg. 49c Receive $2.00 in Bonus Tapes with COOKING ONIONS COOKED HAM TV DINNERS No. 1 Grade à lb. cello bag TableRite Slced & os. pkg. swaneon Frozen Pkq. 1 OPEN HOUSE EXTENSION BRANCH Ontario Department of Agriculture 14 FRANK ST., BOWMANVILLE 2 - 5:00 p.m. and 8 - 10:00 p.m. THURSDAY, OCT. 25 EVERYQNE WELCQME BOWMANVILLE IGA MARKET - BOWMANVILLE ?gfie %lat l, LM Nn. 1 Cradp No. 1 Grade Williamson la going to Tor.'. onto to undergo medical treat-- ment on Monday. This grand old gentleman is loved by afll and everyone is hoping to se&, hlm back soon. Congratulations to the Starkville Softball Teamn whe received the cup for the wn. ners of the League composeI-, of three local teams and Starkville. Thev were prew.- sented this cup by Mr. Jamet McKee at a dance recentl, held in the hall. Two loctit unipires, Ted Graham and Jack Payne, also were the re cipients of cash gifts for their services as unmpires. The County Farmers Union he]d a meeting in the hall on Oct. àth. Mis" Anna Gilbank. bride.. to-be,wa the recipient of a misceflaneous shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i Ch apnian. Mr. Farl Gilbank has hoc"l unable to return to woi-k diýe to 'q Nui eold. lie id frcuc! - vy undergeone surgerv in !ho;- pita Scores of ohildie on anioE. presennl HFrd\a!tlho M, - mioral Park houre for th ii b-ih lic School FîcMId Da \V ( w - Ioltnd lat 1.1fford Scihrvi au lasodail et hors in !le FINE QLIl'Y MONUMENTS AND MAR1K ERS (-4 t.~f i. c.ISY-~ F ST AFF"ORD BROS. 1121.

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