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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1962, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvllle, Oct. 17, 1962 for the Guides. C ' I4s ed the christenlng service of1 12We were hapy to have withl Sweet Little M s their grandson, Anthony Ste- I ,us Mrs. William Rudel of ven in Port Hope Presbyterian, Bowmanvilie. o u r Division Church, Sunday morning. eH o Cartwright Guides udel Mr. and Mrs. Clif ton Robb. C artw right G uid es ~~~had the pleasant task of pre- etoncm upothi ~enting- a popular guide, Mar- cottage here this weekend. NW H oId other and lene Tornchishi. wth her A. Mrs. Neil O'Connell and ' b W 1 cventh giude from the Black- cn iioswt r n r.B id te stock companv ta receive this' evS. osw r ndMs yLi te ccrd. She aise received an Ail- . o f eatiul'mni, ast Tuesday. October 2nd.' D au ht r B nq et ~ :ondP~fro ~th~s'~j: together with autumn fruts our Junior football ta l, lJiryPresient, rs. V Hud-and vegetables, decorated oir ed Ajax Juniors on Our ow,%n1 Cartwright's Annual Mother ant part of the evening <onl. 1cuc o h nuiTan~bc aps h ete and Daughter Banquet for The toasts which follo-wvci Due ta the absence of Mrs. ofrnsevcsltSudyw iebtsmhwte Uuides and Brownies mras held were well given by the foilo-,v- Ewart Leask of Solîna, Divi- boyeigsevcslstSna.wscfin bt sco wndthr Rev. Homer Lane of Toronoboscudt creadfi recently in the Blackstock RE- ing: Mrs. Murray B-,ers pro- Àson Camp Adviser, aur Guide ruh nisiainms ae ended with a score of creation Centre. Mrs. Harold posed the toast ta the Guide Cautain. Mrs. Ivan Thompson, sgatbhsevcsndor Ajax 36, Bowmanville 0. Fin Kvte, in her new position if Mavement; Mrs. Ernest Swa,, xv as happy ta present six chi-f2 ebr by s ueta h os will plaY District Commissioner f 0 r replied. An Ail-Round Cord guides with campers' badges. sisted by three former mem- much better next week. .Cartwright, weicomed the Guide, Nancy Staniland, pro- The guides who earned these bes4ess5Luictpe- M.Cri cm nTus guests and xvas chairman for posed the toast ta the Mothers. badges this past camping sea- tno oot n i aedy coe ,t rd the ragam.ta hic Mr. Mrli Sugît so wee LndaKyt, Nncyand Jim Gilmer of Port Hope, and 10 Asembly. He explain- Guide Mary Bradburn was replied. Siarîiland, Janice By'ers, Carol praie pca uî.e u aaiecmag at the piano fortheJNationaliMr. StneRamgv fJon C er viMe Staran Visitors on Sunday with Mr. them and mentianed t he nov- Anthem. After sincing th- înteresting repart on the nurn- ...g.itt. Mrs. W. Wood were Mr. elties of this year's sales. Since C-race. ied bv BrownOl Mrs. ber of badges awarded durin.- wer rsne aBone, RyTre,.awnefltrth atya.Te r.R Guides and Leaders. and Mrs. Jack Pye-Finch, Tor- B.H.S. tams are being given Ry Tuner, as wondy erl tur- t h p ast e a fTh en rs.port This \year three of ouronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Alec ta the first roam with 00c; key diner s aand b l ser veu d e L ughe in ave uxaierepor e, -'lenMartyn and boys, Brown's. sales (minimum 20 subsrip- bv ater ad roher. uie f heMoter' uxliry G is Lynda yte, arleneMr. and Mrs. Cecil Robin- tiens). competition isrn Lieutenant Mrs. James M;ar_ A liveiy sing-sang was then! had the special privilege of son, Orono, at Mr. Don Sta- ning high.t Iow extended thanks ta the enjayed wîth Brown Owl Tur-' attending camps at Doe Lake. . en'. Aiso on Thursday, aur Sce- Mohr uiovadzýe edn h rwisadThev each gave a short talk. .~~ Mr. and Mrs. Les. Reid, Co- ior Redmen piayed here a*, waiters for this very import-, Joan -Suggittdoing the honors, Lynda taid of Guiding at Ad- wanville, at Miss Anne Nes- Bowmanvilie against Ander- venture Camp; Marlene spoke bitt's. son High Schaol of Whitby.i on ioce Cmp ed oa Mr. and Mrs. Bill Trim, The weather was rather raw. Suggitt made us ail wish ta Osi.awa, with Mrs. H. Trim. but there was a big crowd of attend Patrol Leader Camp. MVr. and Mrs. EarI McLeod, spectatars, most of them wav- N e w K: ssionerv forutheDstrsictOshaw, with Mr. and Mrs. R. igteBH.S.:pennant canes N e erMs rdHamilton, Bruce. which the Student Council i,ý As thanks for a job well done, family, Orono, with Mr. Dave very well and were leadi-,,g the othes' uxilary re-Denalt.12-3 after the first few min-ý C a n aia n ethedMhers'uithaliay rea Sweet Catherine Louise Osborne, above, who De. nault. . itnB utes. Since they lost by oniv: * ~ I 5LJ ~ II III setedherwit a avel le. M. ad Ms. lînan ur-4 points, we are ail positivel ther purse, and the Guides celebrated ber first birthday on August 23rd last, is iey, Toronto, at Mr. Ceeul Bur- that on next Thursdav weo and Brownies gave her a book the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Osborne, ley's. will win. Touchdowns for E ILon Canadian Trees. Mrs. Ru- R.R. 2, Bowmanville. Catherine Louise is the grand- Mlr. and Mrs. Laurie Staple- Bowmanvihie were Scored bv1 * Classes in Basic LflIisIUdeli announced ihat she is re-oTrntadM. dibrnt Topo, commndin Mrs Hamlton augter of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, Tyrone, and tn ootad M.Ccl rn hmsn commndig Mr. Hmiltn ýWilliams, Port Hope, at Mr. G. Wright. Brad Yourth and xvIIbehedfor the position of Deputy Di- Mrs. Charles Osborne, Courtîce. She is the great- .Stapletan's. Dave Werry. Congratulations wilb hl nvision Commissioner. granddaughter of Mrs. R. E. Osborne, Church Street, Mr. andi Mrs. Jim Gilmer boys! A ivngupceemnywas Bowmanville. : ht yIe anfd family, Port Hope, with Ou tr-eol eewih ONT RI S RE T CH OLhedgo thuie lraniTe redMr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. was ta be held iast Friday a if sufficient number enrol. t t Guide iand . Thwn e lnge ~D IT N Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reich- the Bays' Training Sehool was brought a ver.y interesting 0 - T U E raho Mnrel it r cancelledi due ta the heavy eeigta a finish and we ail, EILGRDN ElLAndrew Reichrath. ramn which persisted ail that Phon MA 3-359 o MA -547 CEIL ORDO ELIIS HERBERT KENNEDY Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner, day. It was certainly a great Ph nA332wo A 347 K7eiîhome happy. ThmefEe death of Ceci Gordon Fol1mwig a lingering iii-ittmnileaM.FeNss.spoitet -Written bySowmanLaimeriEatiMr.4,Fred.Nes- disappoin bmtnt. forîtten by rersha d ron 4, .wa tc ss Herbert Kennedy, agedi Rev. H. R. Lane was enter- Our Magazine Sales Cam- forheReorersBdg.c0cui~ at Memorial Haspi. F2 ears o Bethany, died at tained at Sunday dinner at paign started on Friday, ct. -tai, Bowmanvilic, on Wednes- the Kawarftha NursingHoeM.SLacsesanwsa5hndwlru fr8da. ' day, October 10, 1962, aftcr an in Petcrborough oon nday, S.pper gustesat r .n e s'.aLt eandw u go of $2yO illness of three wecks. Oct. 8, 1962. isNpex t nayMr.Mwi n es ther sac wthvraneor sel:0-. Born at Dundonald, Ont., A son of the late Mr. and 1Nx udy wn oterahd iheeyn e1- the deceased was the son Of Mrs. George Kennedy, he was'.Anniversary Services at Ken- ing at least one subseription. the late Manly Ellis and Mar- baro a* a owsip.u dal, no church service wili o uaet nmer Viva Black. . d on the seventh con. of Mani- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wadc The deceased had residc.d in vers, thon due ta iii health, he jwere in Toronto Saturday. Clarke Township for many ýretircd ta ive in the ilg Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott1 AVAILABLE FOR years and retired about 2-0 He is su rvived bv his wîfe, the with Mr. and Mrs. Bihl Mor- years aga. During World War fome Ia utch inson. Abr-tonadMr G r ly 1, 1914-1918, he servcd over-'tiier Llovd Kennedy prede ýMcGahey, atten d ed The O T A E seas with the Canadian Armed :ceased him. Grand Old Oprey" in Massey Forces. He was a member Of Tlie funeral service wasi:Hall, Saturday night, .R E hed fro cheComstock Fun- aeasseanforbohraid Rase af St. Paul's Church, TOA l RE Mrs. Wm. Haie, (Edith). Lloyd, Bethany. officiating. P a 1l- U.C.W. News10Kn t . Ohw Roy, Clarence and Richard. hearers were Harry Kennedy, s10KnStE. Ohw The funeral service wasiThomnas Ward, Lewis Staples, The afternoon unit of Zion 7864 held from the Chapel of the Emer.1 Smith. Mervyn Smith United Church gathered atl_____________ Northcutt & Smith Funeral and Harold Hall. Buriel was the S. S. rooms an September day, Octaber 12, 1962. and was Ccmetery, Ida. used ta open -the meetin.g and ____________ of St. Andrew's Preshyterian convenor of the program com-. Church, Bowmanvillc. Inter-, mittee, took charge of theDe- ment was in Lakevicw Cerne- NE TON IL otional periad. grTrc tery, Newtonvillc. Gapl gave the Dvtoa Among the lovely floral tok-, Mrs. Lloyd McGahcy and reading, using as the theme, ens was one from Branch 178 Sharon xverc, recent Xisitors The Church of Christ, its of the Rayai Canadian Legian. at Mr. George Eliott's. message and mission. Mrs. Palibearers w e r e Messrs. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood Naylor continued with a well- Allen Clark, David Noden, 'with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart planned prograum. Va rlio us À Wm. Ireland, Cccii Stapietan, Wood of Bowmanviile attend- members read passages from George Stapletan and Lau cd the Silvcrwoods Banquet t he books af lst and 2nd Cor- Weisbrod. 'at the Seaway Hotel, Toronto,, inithians. As each passage was - i~ast Wednesday evenîng. rad a htdiusonfl GEORGE R. HAMILTON Ms rumnHedroni owed, and its meaning corn- Following an illness of two a ain nMmra op-menited upan. This interstn and a haîf weeks, in hospital, t] omavle and informative pro gram deat 0f eore Roert The funeral of the late Mr. seemeci ail toa shart, but left Hith 0,o Pný Gordon Ellis was hchd in Baw ' wth the incentive ta, con- Hamilton, 60, of Pontx-pooion -u ocurd nPtebrug i anii, rdy fenon miue with many more of vie Hasp intal o uae- ihintorment in Lakcviexvthese enlightening study per- teiberspi25, n Tes962. P-Cemetcr,ý,. iods. Ciosed this period with San of William Hamilt or.'Mr. anMlwren ht singing hymn 577. adMrBrwtede ad a miweevisitors re- jMrs. Bradley then returnedi and Mry Bawn, he d ceasd.0tiy witîh Mrs. George Mc- ta h rsdntscarad was bora in Cartwright Town- Cul rsdn'caiad ship. He was predeceased bv With Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lan- lask efrthe mnto esaf aR bis wife, thc former Elsie Me0 caster hast weok wore Mr. andiatmengaberd.f- Gui. i\rs. Bill Tozer and Jeneepoart of aur awn unit meeting Priai- to resîdîng in Ponty- ,.and Miss MabelB cahtne adthPjitoeeigta pool, he farmed for severali Hope. BihoPr given. We were acquainteri yasjust west of the village.i Dr. and Mr. Jack Blezard of that the twa units will meet J yearsagain an Octaber 23rd in the For the past Il years, the dc-;London woerc Friday cahiers ceased had been emploved b.vwith Mrs. Zona Carlaw. evening. the Department of Highways. Ms da acuta at I a none htw ghters andatwa sans (Jatre) h an ay yethe former camne mare interested in aur for each Of thc final Thr sno safer heating fuel than lEsso Furnace O11. I will flot ignite or burn Agnes Lyle was boro in Bow. ,i church, Suaday sehool aad al There manvihle ad attended Bow-farms of mission work. Opin--a aerg nre until atomized and safely inside your furnace. Outside the furnace, 0heoilwil manvile schaaLs. In 190, on isuband idl esnthstler.Iin 1dolars ofd April 26, she married Rodorick at suiet îm eemtiwc actually put out the match. Not a very exciting test, but very convincing and MacLean Mitchell. who jire- S..e ataurvexteeng. vearth $0(. 0oin lastand Cldeceased hec a few \vars ago. AWe ho avereen ase byther $100.OOaueinvest remarkable if you realize that the same oil is thc most efficient and economica Mr. Mitchell owned ai,-d aOTd a cter ta he faOthe umltd nee operted reail rug Ilber lSth at 7 p.m. in the Sun- at maturity. h ai gf e viaI .here for many years and bath day shool roors. It was de- Y uc nb y a$ Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell weceý cided the afternoon unit Yucnbya$ Oli aaasmost popular heating fuel. Over 54" of ail Canadian homes are well-known locallW. T h eY would take care ef this ar- for as little as 29 ý a d 011isCaad'smoved ta Belleville 28 vears rangement. the convenient Payr heaedwih itan o hat utumer ai ohe atomti hatng ysem furago. The deceased was a mcm- Ia regards ta selling church I=e wt ol adoi ea utubers l te uoai eaigssesfu e f the United Church of calendars, it was suggested Plan where yoti woi to one! No other heating system gives you such complete, carefree comfort as C Ana. Mra iceljb Ao sw ont Murvitelltexloe ataeonte aigtfrshronc safe, dependable Esso oil heat. oTheuex~Trcasrvishe cl Motion made and secanded but fo cash, ororst framtheMoris a eaiCh that we plan anather dessert a n ak net fothMorsFnrlCaj$card party. stock broker, truý Whatever you. need, whatever you want to know about home heating, Just cal lBomande, oncThurs-vari tjous civtemeurngthef opay you.r local Imperial Esso Agent or Distributor for free advice. Let him help you ducted b Rev. H. A.Turner tnextdfew w~eeks, our meeting They are available solve your home heating problems. Interment was in Bowman- ýing our U.C.W. prayer. rpa-as lowas $50.O00to an v i l le C e m e t e r v .N x e t n , a j i t o e ,r s d n - l l r e Among the beautîful flarai ELCTRIC LTD.çg on Net meetin, a joindnrsdntauto tokens was one fromn the Lake- IOTACTING REPAIRS.L journesday, Oc t. rd, a a limit of $10,0O.00 shore Lions Club, New Tor-, b«" aur gon Na.ftron nt et onto. - REFRI(;ERATION-ELECTRICIngoNv.7h Spndwite i te onerùlwokl~fHoward Hoops, Jack Martyn. TV-RADIO -APPLIANCES abe find it the worst thingý G rnn 'le arers wob arrrie"bouSALES-SERVICEownot Bihl Colvîle and Harol-d Car- ,: what ta do wîth it. -Ralph penter. Waldo Emerson. have been iny Mut ual Life policies" A7 Get the most from pour insurance dollar Guaranteed protection and savings-plus high dividends Sec fhe Man [ront I~JThe Mutual Life ASSURA NCE COMPANY 0F CANADA Thr rompriny v uh fh r .., (tanding dividend reconrd 1.4 -~ 79V~> Representativec 1e aviliS I on sý asy to buy iple to cash od to keep ýings Bonds )r eaeh of the ,for each of >and 51 ., cîght, years ýt to matu- 51%per cents every ,il grnow with ; ta $172.50 1W0.00 bond ay, through raIll Savings )rk. Canada ýn also be n nstalments ment dealer, st or loan ein amnount-s .y Canadian 2hild-up 10 per person. 1.,sates, too, maly buy. Interest is payable annually by coupon, or' on the higher denominations by cheque, if dcesired. You can cash your Canada Savings Bonds at any time, at any bank, at full face value plus earned interest. Buy new Canada Savings Bonds today-best ever! SAVINOS BONDS FLOYD H. McKINLEY Mearns Avenue Bowmanville, Ontario Phone MA 3-5372

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