JRotarians Hear Inspiring I nnçivn Mpççnne il lE U I yr .eE'y E #eR E Fi Thanksgivinz is a dri % of dis- tinct;on as it v; an expression of a deep feîi of gratitude GEl THE PRESTIGE GINGER AL GEl WILSOI F for the rch productix t>% of the land, a memorial and fitt- ing recognition of all that God n Ris goodness has bostow,-d on us. David Savage, Oshawa. stated at the Bow.%man%, île Rotary' Club luncheon meeting mi the Flving Dutchman Motor Hotel onciFridaY. L l'lio hi rîhda, s of George Vice mi inad Walter Revnoluis %were relebcated hv their fellovw Rn- arians. Gu]eSt.spuesont at the u mheon meeting '«oie Wes Smith, Whitbv;: Cv Switzer. Toronto; Charles Woi Is and Neowt Richards, hoth of Oshawa; H. Jordan. Port Hope: Rex ýW,'cici, Branîtfocd; Ken De- ,Marteau, Cobourg, and Meryl iBrown. Bwavle A ýrt Rihev introdîccd ithe guest speaker, David Savage. the popular manager of the ]I Paza Theatre in Oshawa. Mr. Savage gave an inspirîog ad- drcss on the importance of ilThlank sgîing Dav. and on ils s\ mbolîcal meaning. 'In earlv limes it wasî 'ustomarv atI Thariksgix-ing Io place fîvo giains of corni at ee or place as a remindei of those s51cm davs in the first wînicr of the Pilgrims in North Aminica xxhen thoîr fond sup- plY was s0 depleted that onoix five grains of corn '«ccc raition- cd to each individcial at a lime. a Mi'. Savage pointed out ihat he truiî%, wîshed thîs custorn of rememnhrance %wcrc stil oh- served ioday. S "mbolicallY the :rive grains of cornco wnld have great meanîng. ho asscrted. 1The firsi grain wîuld serve as a remînder of ail God's kr 'goorlness t10 us as mdix icuals. 10 the comninunit ,and 10 thei nation. Ou r lot is cast iii( jpIlcasaîm places in a land ofi mmmmplentY if mon use it right. ."Zce (an worship accord ingt jprvice. hoth ln thelr churrhex' land service clubs. A vote of thanks Io Mr.i Savage for his; heartening and uplifiing addres.ý ,xas moved bY Rev. John Verbrugge. The president, Dr. K e th Billett, Mos port Pc FinancialiT also expressed personal ap- Presîdcimt Paul Sullivan preciation in the speaker for said lasi xveck that Mlosport io the dii îateý of omir con - his nteresting talk. and pre- Limitcd. Unie track that brought science, our childrcn can ai- sented Mr. Savage with a book biZ-linw( sports car racing i0 tend schools -withoxit fear of as- a memento of hîs Vis it l0 Canada, is in fiiiancial diffi- regimentation. Wf canil ote the club. _____________st. Slivn i s.ta as wýe please .N-ithoLIt anvone "Ilt a M,-)e!ztn ls. -nîis as nie people thînk. mnletin US.F'T7AR'TT.VTT'F' The National Truist Comnpanv Thespeaker aiso extollediE IA E H IL ied"i 0a- 'he beauti-~s of nature. andi Limtu ldax rtaainst ~adthat glorioîis Sunrisesan (Intended for last week'l Mosporî askinc it ho appoint- and ý cd as receller andid manager of sýuiscts are bey' ond <ompar-1OnMna vnnth4-lheNoprjrprý son. He urged! ai] in view the O Mndluvbig he -heMoi i a i poct woods dui ing the splendor of Cu girls met at Mrs. K"n 'u vsa u eus. the turning leaves. Trew's homne. In tIhe ne,,v unit,' said Siulliv an. -We just w\ant-1 the ci ih girls entert.ain. Flow- d more l ime 1c draft lup a -The seconîd grain na v stand er- acranging and table -etiiez pavmciiit plan for oiir cred- for our loved ones and o"Ir were demonstrated, also mnea- itir. frîiînds. Wîth in ourselv.es 've iiteMenItS Used in cook ini Stil lix ail 5 i id Ninspori has; know what o.vthey gixe 10 Fight girls were prisent "Mis. eii makiiig a,; flci( otie us. hevteah usto no!Mac Walker and Mrs. Thick-- ourselvPs, Emerson once saîd snaetelaes Friends arenont onlv 10 be snaetelaes xith us in our pleasant ramb- O.eded .h lde 1- k,---------------,wepre ,nviinri in Mr. andIMrs. liigs, outi m.viin us -xx nen travel ovoPr the rouiqh roads li fe. Let lis îhank God if ouir frienuis and loved ones. Ir. Sax age stated thati l thîrd grain of corn could i mind ail of the great men ai wAomen who have lîved in ti past. He mentioned the fii 11- wMuîseum in Bowmanvill wxhich graphicallv tells of il t ow ns pasi H e spoke famocîs leaders wxho have i spîred otheus. and paid speci tri bute to Winston Church anîd what hîs leadership du îng World War Il has mnea, to the free \world. The foîîrth grain miight stai for- ail the wvork of the wor wil ch muist he dci0lf, tf sPeaker stated. He emphasi cd the fai-t ihat each persc mulst do hîs owii share of Il many tasks 10 ho accomplisi cd. -One grain of coco lefi. Ce we do better than to dedica it to service. This is the aii of Roter v. and iin that servi( there is fellow-ship." Mr. Sai age saîd. le urged exor 'vor -Io lîve uip to the obligationsi BALADAReg. Prie pLcg &r--SAVE fSe TEA1 BAhGSORANGE PEKOE pkgfo&79 YLMER VEGETABLE SOUP FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETAB91ES C,ALIFORNIA RED EMPEROR, NEW CROP. NO. 1 GRADE GRAPES 2 lb 33C otkýe a m "ru ny Grade, Bst fer EatmC A&PPLES mcINTrosH 3lbeflbag29< Nat.v. Cu" > Leaf. No. SPINACH 1 Grade, Watk.d a.n.d Trmm.d 2 12-ciz celle bigs 2 9 Onîtario Growrn. Fresk, Green, No. t Grade BRUSSELS SPROUTS qî box 25c Ontario Grown. Yello. Cooktng, No. 1 Grade, Brushed and Poljshed ONIONS 5lb celo bag 29C - 14r ceFArTAlN &~CC IAC~9N tm len Reg. Pr-e" 2 ~*m 27-SAVE Ne 4 109- his4 9 JANE PARKER Re .. c eh49c-Â-AVE lo ÀA PPLE P IE Large 24-oz PiO e oe39C Canada's Finest Quality Red Brand Beef Steaks or. Roasts1 lb 97C SMOKED, COOKEO. PICNIC STYL PORK SHOULDERS l1>45C RO0NELE-1 SOLIO MEAT ý69c S IDE BACON ALED INLSS .2ibpkg<l'19 BURNS OR ESSEX TRAY PACK 16 5 3c BOKAR COFFEE SALE'! -LB BAG 65C SAVE 4c 3-LB BAG 1,89 SAVE 10c ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2OtS, 1962. l MW aimd fu-ipnud .Alderw%,ood. and Sun Ji a xv afiernoon visîtois Bowrnanville xvc(re Mr-. and Mrs.J Pa-kîi- s(in sMid Bob, Cohourg. aod Phone MA 3-3353 My- and Musz. C. Hovard and micbelle Arnold, Toronto, , rk I-la BHomc akny EClub. held-at The Canadiarn Statesmian, IPowmanv-ille, Ot. 1 ô. >62. 1 ark H s ýi1e homp of Mrs. Ralph Pres- ýon on Saturday. Demonstra-,iliary. Cub and Scout parents. mnunds gave brief reports où tion ofhow o mke fncvGrouip Commit tee. the District varions topies eovered at the sandwxiches- ribbon, cheeker-!Commissioner and Mrs. H. Cobourg Regional Conference roubjlIes bti-o penofa ow torake fancx1Hodgson to discuss agrce- whicli the * vhad ted. as epectd whn itwaF uiltP'l'A oelnfdrluswr Iet n iareenswt,_i.VnetJcsngv aso -,-crd s aohe fi aculispVnhbe-sadrourie wer e n Pents Hop Disrime nts vthe Mis. snc et asnd gav ta so. arsagom the dificulthtiesBaenbat- agueters uy Rbi- -theaort Ho DisrctCo-ichel Wodcial reotaand Mrs. hadmuc aris nfrmey ac et thatBrbara ng PestonJud obn:l. erea ad o-uisut e sNo andWood. rretarv eade ton muach mo-nev was spent onson. We1%%. Ndv Preston , nd Pal-s. minu a ak- Tte stdcesponds See. thetrak wen xvs blît Bîcîov ~JrsPreton th Plns ver mae fr ~Bae rvç lunch and a social Tnman,\ frills -or mavbe club leader, demonstrated how !Sale at a later date 10 be held ýý rverwad n~vd 1 shotild say there are s1omeîto make a party sandwichl in the Barber Shop. oi\vscjYd thîngs we could have dionc loaf. The boys annual Halloween.cr %vithotit temporartil '," he said. Fnllnw\iing tule sahýd wi ch party wiilI be held October Air. Rail or Steamnship "Bul that's whv it*s classed as niaking the girls held a formai ý3(th' wîth Mrs. Roland Scott, T 1 C K E T 8 North Amnerica's best lr ack.- tee in the dining-room with Mrsq. Harold White and Mrs. TO EERYIWHERE Moniev for the prnpertv\ was Kathleen Morton pouring lea; .Reg. Edmunds in chîarge. Twso Cnîî raised by 30 Caniadiani sports and an informnai tea iin the liv- costume prizes %vill be pro- c o v E L Car* clubs. whose members îng-room with Patsy Bigelow vidied ibY the .xlîr.15 VingYS&.LW.0MV E-336 bought $100 debentures. as hostess. The girls prepareed M1s.NKingod- MSt.- BW..An 3-3361 The rustcompany repre- and arranged the sandwiches art Speller and Mrs. Reg. Rd- _______________ sents the debenture owners and relish travs themselves. and Sullivan sa *vs the directors The xv-orker-s at the one tea _______________________________ of the track asked them to take were wgujests at the other. over the receivership. The nx meeting will be herld Ocîober 27th with Miss * R m n e s a o ty u Marion Waddieii, Homne Econ- R m n e s a o ty u A N Y orîst fron Lindsa.\ xpce as liepuet seakr-,ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE Li*nds « v Mr.and Mis. T.vall Hi-C Club Meeting t owery O0-011, \vre guepsis 'PhFiareihav United NYoung xx ti Mr and Ms Walter Peoples Hii-C group met at the Neals on Sunday, home of Mr-. and Mrs. Allan * KEEP INSUREDI The Ujnited Chwreh choir Beer on Satcîrda.v night with Searate rvmiuims are x-cquired for v' er e entertained h<'NMr., and Miss Lînria Davidson presid- 'l *yL ouir iosîirance from n ow on. Obtaint rvrs. Prestont Ncals ai their ing an.d lcading the devolionali II .aplcîonfrntabaka.h- home in Peterborouîgh on period. 19:aplcainfo - tabak ahs Ttirsdav ,nighit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W'hiîe,, Trontopi, %wore weeken.id guesîs xith Mi-. and Mrs. Harry Ry- lev' St. Pauls 1%'.A, Th(-e Vsomaims Aix iliarx- of -.Paîl's Clmuuch wcre enter- uîîmoed for-îlmeîc meeting om lmhursdlav imig!mT ai the homo ou Mrs. Nool Wood. xvith Mcs. Erniest iLamb pcesiding and ieadîng thé- opening dcvolioms. Tme rmembors ag-eod Io caler for lime Duchani Cotînlvy Five 1îindccd Bushel Potato Club Banquet. xvitin the assist- anmce of tîme Ladies Guild. Mrs. Wood gave a delgimtfîîl and infornmatixe tumlk about ber tecoîmt trip tri Newfound- land, showxiiig manm>' picttîres. Mî's. Reginald Rose closed thc nmeeting vi th prayex'. I.îumch xxa sesrved by the hos- tess. 4-H Club Meeting 'EnImertaiiig At Tes" xxas tlle thienm of time meeting of ,fOMer-ei-s b osco Ruith a;id Mr. and Ms.Sdox t5e-- friRononys xxeddîng presents. AF ens. Glenenairi. hve been ;e wa ntiu evermici, wp guestý; \vi h Mc . a nd Iv1irs. teMerceî- officiating. Mus. Milne Mr,.. J. J1. Hanmiltonî is hiome re- and Mrs. Gould of Port i-ope agîn fin ilCie Hospital. nid spoke on the need and planmPic u mgi 0hlif a nexx- hospital. A letter 'l'lie t i rst dari-( ofif ie fait ne fro>m otui- foster, chlld in IHon g seasoîlxvas m i t als h '. ong xs'as read. Those -uis h- Panisu Hall ori Frîdav- night igto go to Toronto on the xVith a g-ond î*ý'rwdaltending. of - trip to the convention Mcisic xvas uplo hv Rip ,ia xvere eointed and plans. wi!l SaUiidors snd his Mclodvy Rani- Il ho completed later. LuInch xa es r,-Iserved. Abolit 18 present. Jr... C. Ctinmmiskev% spent in nFridav evening the eCOn- tire past xeki n Ptohuî nî nit On xe a M.an vith NI c. andl Mus. Preston . n 1 gtecda x.adNeial, id Mis. Walter Goi-don's tri show- (hes stîRx, Rial ret- their daughiter Grace and Rosean Ms.Repiai U he Suar Perso wh xvro'- Reciory diiruig the pas! week i7ý cent].\rnarricd. Miss SandY lv were 1Mc. and Mis. Jefferv on Gowland and Miss Longesm-an11Gonimiov, Mr. and Mis. J1. P. hoe sang. Two pupils of Miss, Maclon ald. Jis. F. A. Min b- Gowland danced a couple oif adMs ag iue Illof ncîmheîs. Ross Longveai' and Halifa\. N.S.: Mr. and Mus. an another lad from Garden Hill Charlosý Raisoni. Timmins: te plaYed eloctric gîiibars. Mus. Piofos.sor Gler i Rersor and m Thiekson gax e a readinig, NIcs_ Roosoi, V'iocloo, and Ihe ceO 'What is a Fmlv Lunch RI.' Rîv. KF. .Wilkiiionan y- ws aeved.Mis. Wilkinsoni of'Toronto, rie Scindav Selool \was lîcld as Aîudv Waiou i s a patient ()f usci;Lal. Miss Suzanine Thicksoniin Ci% ci(. 1pi tajiï, Peterbor- * ltook Mr. M. White',s cla"s s 5Fougoh. hie was going swax. I Robert Mii oti lueld a salet Chu rch services were Iie1dl of iîs hoiiselmnld furtnitLIu te0on at Canton, as il was CantonSatýliidav. i Acnix'ersar\,. lThe next service M r iulMs.I liîxaid s.oit, vviil be ai Giarden Hill. _______________ Mi'ss Suzanne Thiekson sz' sta.ving with Mus. Lewko while Mc. Lewko is in Peterborouîgh Hospital, Mc. Morlev Bell, Dale, speuit -- the weekend with Mu. and Mis. E. Fowler. Mr. simd Mus. H. Thicksom and Suîzanne had Thanksgiv-......... iîmg diîmîec îvith Mc, and Mr15% ________________ Fowlec, Suimdav. .. . MVr. and Mi-S. T-I.QuaiitiilI simd familv w'e i tîh Mr. anmd Mus. C. Quantrill on Sunda. '63 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVI M.rs. Kem Tî'ew snd Miss Maryv Powell motored to Kap- A new tighter fitting top makesi îîskasîîmg 10 spend the xveek- end with Mc. and Mes. Jac'k-...... son Peacock and familx. ..... Congratulations-,sa'e cxtend- cd Io Grace Gordon and Stuart Pearson who wcre i'ocentlx' married; also Rornx Provost and Rutm Mereer are toi bo congratulated. Mu. simd Mis. Doîm Whitbmied simd bah>', Oshawa, '«ere with the Mîldrews at Sunn> side ox'er the xveekend. M Mc. anmd Mcs. O. Moi-cor had littie Vieki Fait whîle Mr. snd Mî's. Fajt visited iii Brantfor'd '63 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 9-PASS and sîso took in Simuoe Fair on Ssiîîcdsv'. For big fa miltes who want to tra% LONG SAULI Mr. and Mî's. Roy MeLsulglm- lin. Dennis and Debhie. Bob Kyte. Blsckstnck: Mus. Rdith Murph «vanmd Mc. Stuar't Honex', T'-cone, were SundaY sîîpper guosis of the H. Miiiphx"'s. Mr. A. J. McLaggsîm snd Mc. G. Baker sttended the Plow-ý -- ing Match ai OwenmSîîm ast Thîirsda *v anmd Fridiv. Mus. Hi;rold Miurph.vsattemd- '63 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 2-D& rd the Frost- Youîng wedduimg ni Bidgenocth Satiirdsv a fter- has new features that keep its sh Wlmile '«ockiimg in lus owo woods wih xo of Fils neigh- booucs Mc. F. G. Smith had tho mnisfoctuime to ho hît oîm thm side of is lead with a fali - l iîmg lmb, knockiimg hînm t10 ue groîîîmd. He xvas iiihe-d 1 __________ Momocual Hospital '«heco x- rsvs slmoxx'd he had tw crackcd rîbs anid macix' hius es and sexecal stiices ici his headi. AItlime of writing hoe s Still a patientino th(-hospîtal. Club .50 Oct. meetiing'«as lid ai ilme home of Miss. '63 CHEVY IFNOVA 400 SPORT (-race Smutlm with 10 mombei's preseni. Due to thme illîmess of Its new Delcotron generator deliv oîîr Pros. Mus. Dontlae Mirs. W. îexkopeîmed the nmeetinîg anod coniructed Ilie iccessa uv buisiness,. nnstivl abouit the foi-iliucnimiiiig hasa M is 'îmc kthmot tuuiied thi'~ iieEýLtiig iivei' 10lime pro- %Mc griamiine c uiittee. Mis. A. McLaggand uJ \ls. Millsoii M - .Mrs. cL gai ad auiritou-' c stiig iote onmIthe Fi fe'of l{ate Aitkoii. x cli knoxx n food cim mniiior on itme radio. Mus. SSENGER STATION WAGON avel in iet-smooth style. 0011 SEDAN ;howroom look far longer. COUPE vers lots of current even in heavy traffic, DN WAGON s happened to big families since kids. M 'e know of to satisfy that new-car urge. A d isuissioiu of the topie [toux ow 'OWiimOr Lose A F-ieimdslmup*' xas led b>' John Logani and Iis oommittee. Rmnald Jackson led the re- creation ipcriod. Plans xxc're made to hold a daimco on October -171h. Isrs. i Beer seux-ed lunch simd the mCeti1ug xas î'losed '«itb "Taps". Sni ohr u ('uh and SotMtesAx Mus,ý Douglas Smeii. enter- iaicod lime cmembers of the Cîîb and Scoutl Motheis' Acîx- iiiaî > for tlimir meetinmg on Tuosdsv niîghl with Mrs. S. L. Spelier presidmg simd leading 'the Scoutl Mothers' Prayer. Th e tort lcoming s t u dv course 10 he held ici bbc Di0- ceteai Centre in Toronto wasý discusso'd aîmd mombeus '«ho planm Io attenmd arc Mus. Ro- lanmd Scott, Mcs. S. L. Spellpr, Mui-s. Vinc'enmt Jackson and Mis. Douglas Someit. Time Piesidocit ocîtliîmod a pî'oposod genecal meeting io Novemnber of the Ladies Auîx' Always 1keep your 1-fospital Insurance Certificate handy. pita rtheComm)7TisionUf. KEEP INSUREDI l'hc Fail ' v premium must lbe raid to Co%-Cr hîîsband and wife. ?Tell. your groîîp OR, if %oit pay 3our premiums directi, notîfy the C ommission. KEEP INSUREDE Follow carefull\ the instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment Form 104, which your employer is rcquired to pive you. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO '63 CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT SEDAN Liie ali Chevrolets, it gives you 19 engine/transmission choices. NOW...O CHEVROLET FOR ONE-STOP SHOPPING IN '63 IT'1S EXCiTI NO!ô This is about the best thing that's happened to buying' cars since Chevrolet started building them - four mntirely different kinds of cars to choose from at your Chevrolet dealer's One-Stop Shopping Centre. If you're a Iuxury-Iover, you'll probably want to go no further than those 1.3 plush new Jet-smooth '63 Chevrolets. Want to give your budget an even bigger break? Step over and see what's new with those 10 nifty models of the '63 Chevy Il. Or maybe you've been eyeing sports-car caps, in which case have a go at a sporty new '63 Corvair (8 of them, including three snazzy bucket-seat Monzas and those Greenbrier Sports Wagons). There's even somethîng for the ali-out sports-car set -- the daring Corvette Sting Ray. Picking a new car has neyer been easier. (Unless you'd like to own them all Whitewalî tires optiuinal aI extra cnst àIENERAL 1MO1TORS VALUE NEW CORVETE STINC RAY SPORT COUPE Only thing you'II recognize here is the face in the rearview mirror 1 ê63 CORVRIR MONZA CLUS COUPE How's this for pew ? And there's a daring convertible, too 1 '631 See four entirely dhferent kinds of cars at you,Che vrolet Deafer"s Showroom C.26-C. see Bonanza on the 080-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time. ROY W. NICHOLS Cou rtice P'hone 728-6206 PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN or WING PORK BUll ROASI PORK SAUSAGE 1 TRTIBLE it an even more comfortable choice.