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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1962, p. 16

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16 The Canadian Statesnian, Bowmanville, Oct. 17, 1962 Meet in Hampton Ratepayers Will Demand That Burned Out Business Be lssued Building Permit Ladies HeIp Santa Get Ready for Big Parade Dec. 8th By 'Mary Budal take. immediate steps to -ci- past 7-8 xears. I Thetowshi hal i Hap-f. ,aiso recommend that tax The permit wvas refused by & tonwa te cee o te ei rgitration procedures bc the building inspector (A. E. -' t o ~ n a s ate 3vc f t grs s n h o m n e W r n h s l t o m r v a d p e e t era pbli metng f hecommenced." Varooe) on the grounds that 1ajý-, Sa4 urday evening. able to vcrîf\v the revýeiu.e Lv zcncd commercial, does flot' -.usual, Reeve Riekard fronm wat-ble flvspra ,.n, t-- con-p1ýy with the present re-: pre.sent to face the arn- vices and dog taxes" brought quirernents of the lot. bi juous mood of the gather- about the question as tawio How m a n y pre-existing t i-,but no other member of this should he, and ant-wercd commercial lots do? Whichý ecuncil has made an appear- bv Reeve Rickard that Ilhç means that if your building is clr 1 einc asked to do to0 dcstt-oxed bvfro an The' president of the Ass'n. ma-n\- thitrs. He furîer L-oher iin-oLunaycuein Les~ Colacutt asked that the pinincd that a newý assistant !es, y our lot is the size re- - comments of the auditors be clerk lias heen hireci, ~c- uired now', your business is Lde rmteLoetsadKnetsjie h rufo et orgt r.Jh erMs rend ard several points of mencing xvork on the ISth oe thcreb termintd.frcsLadistweek e toneethe b ig gallonejugs thke Lande, frs lt od iftonMrs. Fred Cole, Mrs. Publ]ie interest %were brieflv Oct.. aI aa startin*g saiar\ -, ff Cucl tet a or hcs has ebeend pla e i bsesseb]i ashmens Roe-tKnt rs lfSai. r. lnnLndr di. u»:ed,'S5000.00î. but if lho woriks oL:l eenfittto issuerhirn aabuiidtwihhýebe lcdi uiesetb r tMs son ilas r.JmsBl n r. II j- stated in the "Audlit ail riîlht Ibis amounlt would ing permit to allow himtn throughout the area. It is hoped that customesa Ms. soneWlim, r.Jae Bl nd r. rer'u(.rt" that 'There is some have to bc increns. ont- ean a living and provide for the stores will fi up the large receptacles xith money i Robert Gutitrie. The jugs were donated by Smith! question as to the right of the Hiciglit of te necti:-g his fantily. H1e bas a heavy1which wilI be used to help defray the cost of the Beverages Limited. lvinctpality to hold the w-as n lively and vigorous dis-, mortgnge obligation to rneet, Santa Claus Parade here on Dec. th. Included in1 funds" '(S18.679.î5) col]ected cusson on whx- a man, Ted'n wife and child to support,l - -----_______- as land separation tax. Letffcrs. who v.ns tinfortunate nnd he was partners with bis' It is futther stated that "In'enougho lose h:s "itodv sh-ort" father who also derived bis, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell ý or opinion, tax collection by lire eari 'v in Julv, s ito'lvelihood froym the same and hex- sister, Mrs. T. M.1i procedures and accountin for hc denied a permit to re-estnb- business. I-BUlpitt of Willowdale spent tax arrears is a serious situa- lisit bis business which basý Mr. Collacutt called on fo r-1' Thanksgîving icekend xith1 tion which the council should provided his livelihood for the mer Reeve Roy Nichols to telT h eO rO .. N e w s Mr. and Mrs, Bur-ns Kittmnerl l vhat bis interpretation of jts . ' ' dtr.ind sons, SG. Mat-vs.anMr the by-law was. Mr. Nicho Is 1 a e ~ cnrsHoe stated, in no uncertain terms r.Jm s E Rcad. dio Tom McRobet-ts spent Thanks- that he believed then, as he gmongth Mr.p, Ttane .Ra idoes owtha apreexitin ing with Mi'. an . Ry cas svll ot e afe.tedby Mr. and Mt-s. Geî'ald Porter Visitoi-s witb Mr. and Mrs. 1.tI doses lnotat a pre-teistin f Ml. Faggan, n-ka, Mrs, Alex Watson and Mrs.1 the bx'-law, and in case of fire and family of Peterborough; Jim Middleton were Mrs. Gor- .Mr-. aind IVrs. James Gamsby, Chas. Wood spent Thnnks-' or otiier involuntatr cusi~Mr. and Mrs. Oî-ville Challiceldon Hamiin and Mt- Thomnas'Mi-. and Ms. Pbilip Long,1giving ýwith Mrs. Gen. Crow- shOLIld definit:Iv be allowed were Sunday visitot-s with iFindlay, Mat-kham; Mr. ai'à Osha\wiu Reverend and Mrs ther and sons, Newcastle. ilil eieta ragricul- tr.Mr. and Mrs. Pet-c Morgan, Mr'. Ross Gilbnrt, Mr. nnd Mt-.Einfml pn Ttnkgv tural. and ~~~~~~~~Mrs. WTm. Malley, Mr. and 'illson, Mr. nnd Ms .W n ckn nEse- n Fred Owen, who accomr- waited several weeks, tt-yingMts Bruce Tennant and fa WRlb ts enei imb,. bin ve-nd vinEasUpernCan- panied Mr. Nichols, bas sbat- i-epeatedlv to obtain a permit. ily. !Ml'- an-d Mtý- .Chtas. Webiter, ada Village. cd ttat witb a little bit of~ He claims to bave lost $10,000 Mr. and Mt-s. Ernîest Bush. Mr'. eind \rs. G. L., MeGece, M-aiMs. Boden iK camp. humilitv and Christiani under- and bcd no insurance wbat- :Ttentoni Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Mlrs. A. A. Dt-unîmond M rt-. ,K-io stnig hr bolntbeee.Rouse, Sterling, xverc supper aid Mis. W.Mt'tl.s. ecîtsetlt Cakcod ans' need for Council to akel Stewart Prestorn and Walte'-lguests on Suridny of titeir ýnud l\rs. Cnt-I Billiugs, Mr. an aabv ndfril- legal steps as tbev bave dit--,Pat-rindet stated tbey have autit Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Mt.W.HTolniMr ected the building inspectori inspected the building and iti Mr. Reg. Sutton witb Mji ao1)d Mtr-. vison Tiinibîs .% 1Mri Mr. and Mî's. Hart-y Met-cet- to do. leaves notbing bu be desiredi. Milton Grany, Mr. Kennedyv and Mrs. Lawreinee Hloce yvisibed Mr. nnd M - s. Har'old Thte "body shop" lias been M' ietndmnc an Gray and son David nttendcd Ml'. and lMt-s. Ev\'ett Brown Lunn, Armada, Michigan; Dr.i tebtilt alter Leiffei-s ha s explanation from Counicil and the Plowing Match near 0weni and Mir. and MiS. larold Cob- ad Ms avv Bntn Res ikr lîe d thaonci donvisiten Mr'.anid Itledick, ail of oîooWindsor, îtvet- te Tianksgiv- Zion (Hope Township) bcue svrbrtc ~C brhrCli- Ml'. and r.Jrîîî orcl ng veckecd. CseTrn Mr'. and Mrs. Robert Mot- building inspector's leniency, Mr. and Mis. Atchic Wat 1" B-OPtWInînville. isibcdspent Thnnksgîving weckend ton at-e staying at their daugh- thev at-e trying bu follow bhe son, Waterdown, spent Satu'- ia nd Airs. l{arr-vv w. with Mrs. John Cosser. - ters home, Mr. and Mrs. Bill zoning by-law to the lettet-. day night and Sunday with 'Mr-. aind Mrs. AJe Dtu Miss Edra Bosb, Mr-. and < Lowvs, Pot-t Hope. while Mi.;r It was pointed out that bis mothet- Mrs. Alex Watson. niond, Tot-onto,. spent bbc Mis. Wayýne Hoocy, Mr. Ft-ank and Mrs. Low at-e holidayinglhere aie extenuating circun-i- Congratulations lu Mi' a'l Thnnksgivtiig ueeîi ii -Âdrad Msoflot-n Bstead in Scotland. stances and ini an cimergencv%, Mrs. Paul MeMnekin, the Jfi- is piil'enfllsMM-,aind Mis, A.A. Mr, Citas. Meneilley was Couincil, or te reeve if ert Miss Mat-ion Tibbutt. of Drimmond. sons, honme from St. Thomas for the essary. sbould act witb dis- Kingston on bhîir mat-nage in 'Mi. nnd Mt-s. Bot-dpîî Krmp. ito-s xitb Mr. nnd Mrs. Orville weekciîd. patrit and not drag things ont Prinn'ess Street United Chut-cii, Kitchenet-: M i ss Catbet-ineiChallice and lamily weu-e Mt-s. Del. Whitney bas had rindefiuîitely, disuegarding un- Kinîgston, on Friday evening, Power, Mir. nd Mrs. JameslMus. Canipbell Darroch, Tut-- lier sister and neice holiday-Idue bardsbips resulting froni October 5Mb. Mr. MeMaekin cî:Puwn '.Buma viîe lsited iunto; Mr. and Mu-s. E. M. Chai- ing with ber the past week. their nncharitable attitude. iis a member of bhe Clat-ke Mr. anîd Mis. Guidon Pwu ie ilru;M. andMs Mt-s. Ada Gerow ils visiting Wbat about the election High Sehool staff aîîd thîey on Tlîanksgîving. Püclie. ib rgunuia .and duh Makie this Christmias a truly memorable onie .. fricnds in Picton. pt-omise of "I will spcak uIP have taken up i'csidence inIl le ic'Mr% John Pattoni, Mu- and ter- Nancs, Oshawva. 1Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rabyi for you the taxpayer", and Cornish apartmenbs, M a i n Mu's. Roy Patton visited titeit-1 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gt-ny, give her that very special diamond! Choose froun spciv Sunday wîtb relatives what about ail te pt-omise tet rn.cui us e.Winad.Ms atyMv u.adMs ;n Fenwick r that the difficulties sill be our lnany dianiond engagement rings inlaM ndMs C eeleiirndot yarentb- Mîs. Hart-y Lewis is a pat- .family aîîd otiet- frieuîds in 'Kennedy Gt-ny and David, Mran rs . eeilv iond u hy r ntbclent in Mernorial Hospital, 'OrilIli'a. Cadumns, were dinuier gucsbs of wide price range. Mr-. and Mrs. J. Meneilley had ing it-oned out, instead we are Bowmanville, following a car ' . aiid Mrs. S. B3. Rutiter-:Mu-. and Mrs. Reg Sutton on dinnet- witb Mr'. and Mrs. A. getting deepeî- and deeper into accident. foî'd attcndcd thte MeMnekin- iThanksgiving Sunday. Phoe M 3-747forappintentMeiilley, Port Hope, on Sun- a very messy sitation.1 Ph î'e M A 3- 7 7 o a po n mc tdav. Sev eral peple have voiced M u. and M us. Geo. Jons aîd Tibbutb w cnding ni PtincssI Mrs. D. G. Hoopeu- and M rs. and private show"ung.Sndiav,Ct. 21sb, at 11:15ltiteir opinions anîd a motion family, Bowmanville, \'isiled Street United Chut-ch, Kings-iTom McRobeu'bs wci-e dinner arn., there will be special An-1 was passcd unanirniously that M- n r.CciJnS and t<on, on Octuher 5li. Mur. and 'guesbs of Mr. and Mrs. Victor îiivei-eary Service at Zion bbe Ratepayei-s Ass'n. present .family Sunday. '\Irs.Pul teatenîdaofs.'ng Robnon atheno i nay Oct. Chut-ch. Rev. Mr'. Harding. a resolubion to Council at the Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gilbarb t nWtebt tedtt i h vnn e- Bow'ran v i il e, wilj be in 'next counicil meeting, Oct. 18, and family, spcnt Sunday xviit ____ H O O P E R S charge. Music will be provid- 1:30 p.m., demnanding that Ted Mt-s. J. Cilbat-t, Toonto, and cd bY the Welcome Choir. I Leiffers be issucd a permit Mr. anîd Mrs. E. J. Davies, \Vil- J ewellery& Gift Shiop Thete wll not 1bg Sunday!immediately. lowdale.I LAST VWEEK FOR a. 0 O 29 Ring St. E. Bo~4mansîlIe Scliuol a it l men tet 21st.1A lawsmd fo as Mr. and Mrs. Geu. Mitchell ____________________________ 29 in St E Bwmavile Thte 13GW ilm Thurs-i many peuple to attend theiland family. Oshawva, Miss dav evening, Oct. 18, at Mrs.1 council meeting as possible to 1Bt'eida Mitchell and ftiend, Elswt-ti Cnweiis hue. uppot th reoluton. Keeuie. visii.ed Mr.and Mrs. Elsort Cawel'slioe.--!u)port, Wni. Mitchell Sunday alter- MA Mr .Junkin, fallier of n Memoriai Hospital, Bow- lis O'ur .Lni ain Mrs. J. E. Richards was dunner gucst of Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil Pebch and sons, Put Anniversary Mrad r.Cclini- 01 titis special occasion e wish Dr.W .Tmlno nFi dMrs. Reg. Sutton speuit a K * O ji I' ers for their loyal support during the l ew day's last weck with Mur. l)ast 13 years . . . with the hoeta ind Mu-s. Kennedy Ct-ay and ope hat ~ tavid audîd tcde Cadînts vve may be privileged bo serve vou UntdChut-ch Anvr yo better in the years aliead! ÀÎt~. Aîiesr i jMus. Leroy Hamnilton bas ýp rctunned hume after spend-in g l3th BUY! PLASTIC whe Tkcug onci UT T R LL R weknuum. witb ber farnily, Ai[r. LAUNDRY BASKET ad Mu's. Nor'man F. Fishter,1; 5EIS LAUNDRY.29BASKETfGuelph,JOntar-~i. K l'i PAIL ~ 29$1.73COPTEni-Ba-i-. Ake, ORDER NOW . .. Your choice of coloi COMP UE Tm .aud Bis.ara, ies' H[ Reg. $2.89 %ve3 diunn guests Satui-day 'i construction throughout, f oamn cushion. SAVE 2 %"'~ DJLSTABLF Chlnlice and farnily. 1Mrs. Mac Car-letoni bas been 3 SZ S T H IRONING BOARD aipatient ini Mernoria I Hospi- 1k 74A1SofCand-8"-Sof MA EO R 3 hA N I E SA Y. . O RLU K 3 Orono United Chuch, Sep- b'IIL1JL NI C RSM S tembr 2th. Rcv. Basil E. Th1 e regular services of bbce Orono charge for iîexb Sun- day, October 2lsb, svill be Iakeru by te Rex-. Pbmlip Rom- euil of Blacksbuck. F Intended for last week 51LAN D ER HA R DWA RE Among the out of t) nw 7 gK R A & ELECTRIC LTD. ~~Uunted Chat-ch, Lindsa-, u î;FRNT Ean 5KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5774 DogasGMu-.(ergt):ý 7Kn St. E. Bowmanvil ýMu-. and Mu-s. Willts Baru-abaîlý, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. * dinner gueets of Mir. and Mrs. vi'lle, spent the long weekendl Frank WerrY-, Tyron". withMr and Mrs. Jim Rick. MINr. Norman Rickaby. -Belle- aby. REXALL one cent ~ SALE-k REXALI EFFERVESCENT ~ REXALI PRO-CAP SACCHARIN TABLETS (fL. ADHESIVE TAPE 14 grain, 100's Reg. 35é 2/36 9c ýV2 x 5 yds. Reg. 39é. 2/4«< Vigain 50's eg.98ý2/9 c' I' x 5 yds. Reg. 59é ... 2/60< 14 grain. l0G0's '/z' x 10 Yds. Reg. 59é' .2/60ç Reg. $1.19-....2/$1.20 1/1"ntVx5d 11 grain, 100's Reg 40é' 2/41< ,lndix ys 1 4 g a n Q > . R e g . 9 5 < ' . . . . . . . . . . 2 / 9 k c Reg. $1.10..o ..... 2/$1.11 . .~ 2" x 5 yds. Reg. $1.00 2/$1.61 14 grain. 1000's KEZ OTBISE BACHELOR SHAVING CREAM Gives close, smooth, comfort-, able shaves. 2Y4 oz. /0 I0 BIO DAYS-Oct. 18,wu#u27s&t, REXALI Mi-31 SOLUTION Xnît'p!tie moutlic/O 1 . hcg. 98é'. 2/t RIXLLNACOGHSYUPFor infant, ad children.% R E X I L A N C O U H S R U P 4 o . R E' . 8 9 é ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 / 9 0 0 REXALL CASTOR ail 4 ounices. Regular ............... 2/56e REXAIL CORK SOLVENT 4 drams. Rclr50ý ............. 2/1k ADRIENNE AILLPURPOSE CREAM 3ýl o,g. 1. 2--,. 2/$I.26 CARA NOME COMPACT ' et.B~ . . 2/$l.5 ADRIENNE I'OWDER PUFFS 245ýortel i i-. -.2........2/300 HELEN CORIIELL BOBBY PINS Blac-k or brtttst. 2 I-: Rer'. 10<'.. .2/110 REXAIL TINY TOT BABY PANTS T? net ti tit' Ilr50 Z'II 2/510 REXALL BLUE LINED ENVELOPES 21's R 15. ............ 2/160 MILADYNOTES2-1 tvlish rntirs andi2 n-'lo1e(, <witfe or as- MILA Y NO ES orteà coinrirs) Re. 7;<'.. ............. 2/76 0 REXALL LEAD PENCILS Frthitir- on cr nwr. lltý . 7<........2/80 CA SCA D E GIFT R IB RO N ~ x O f. A , rtd e ' u ~ d 1 - r p , ireg. 10é .....................2/110 FERR FACE C LOTH12x 12"' lt-vy wcdgi, :I ssortd i clours. TERR FAE COTN 3t.. ...................... 2/36e KLENZO RUBBER GLOVESSmall. mediiumn ant drgt-r. Reg. q 1.63 pr 2/$1.66 REXALL LIQUID SACCHARIN DROPS 12 OZ. Hez. w8k....... 2/900 REXAI MILK0F MANESIACriearn% srnnolh. nilàt laxativr. \ltavt R E A L M L K O F M A N E I A ti iifo r m 2 0 o z , n l. 7 5 , . .2 / 7 6 0 REXALL ANTACID STOMACN POWDER 1 rt,,p. BeI 1.29 2/$1.30 REXALL MILK 0F MAGNESIA TABLETS <MINTED) tl)tunditable intaciti laxative. Good for ejildren too! 8i'sIlg. Sic ..........5 250's Bt-g. 5.0.................................../ii Nylon Brisîles. Reg. 29é, 2/30. "Aduit" 3 and 4 row Nylon Brisîles, assorîed shapes. Reg. 50é'...../1 , Dental Plat*e Buhs Reg. 60é ........ 2/61é~ Four-Square Aerosal Spray Starch 10 ottntt'-. Begîtiar 690. Spoerial. ..49 Rexal Moth Fume Crystas prttci s otir loihes acainst moths and larvat'. )6 Oz. Bt-poar 69<'...............49 Rexali Trio-Pak Tooth Paste TIi tet- regular b tubiî!es. Flîîoridtaed. fletilar $1.89. Spýecial.................$.09 Rexail Quik-Bands 45'q in Titi Box. Begular 79t. Spet-ial. ............ 4e 3I 's in Tin Botx. Re-g. 550. Special. .39e Rexali Castile Soap Shampoo 12 nuiTees POlY Bottle. Regular $1.08. Right Raýrwd t. Imitq.. i Pr. . % b e t.a ha-g, a ah These are only a feu, of the m-tny Fail le Sae JURY& LOy11 BONUS RUYS (NOT 4 SALE ITEMS, BUT SPECIAL VALUEý ONLY - DURING v THIS YOU REAL STRE 2 King St. E. WE DELIVER MA 3-3361 YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENCY ~iI1 AVINGS ur, in DOSE FROM and 90" Sof a and .haïr Matching Chair ~.0 -$2590 CHAIR OPTIONAL - on Other Suites 41 100% nylon f rieze. Coil 3-Pce. Sectional 100%,r nylon, rubber back iid cushions OR ONL $299 m Valued at $17.95 Yours for -. 9 9 c WHEN YOU PURCHASE KROEHLER FURNITURE OVER S99.00I M P LIMITED HOME FURNISHINGS lie MA 3-7071 2 King St. E. MA 3-3361 ELECTRIC $299,o5'6 CAN OPENER ille MA 3-7071

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