PURDY - HUGHES~ The marriage of Beryl E;c- lyn Eileen, eider daughter ef Mý. andi Mrs. Glenholme }i?&~es, to MNr. Larrv Wavnîti j"&V.son r>f Mr. an d Mrs. Ciiffûfd, Charles Purdy. wir soiemnrzed in St .Jo.eph's Roman Catholic Churcb or Saturdav morning. Octobc-r 6th, at il oclock. Rev. F. K. Malane, the )arrisb priest, of- ficiated at the double rng ceremony. Rcv. Austin Mc- Guire. .SS.R.. Peterborouplh and Rcv. Leoriard McGuirc, C.SS.R., Toronto, were present Jn the sanctuar\-v. The eburcb was effectivelv clecorated with white chrYsan- th p4orms. carnations, an d pa1lk Miss Mary- Fagari wasý 1,he orgaîîist. The soloist, Mn. James -Faîr, ang 'Panîs An- TREAT PILES the MECCA way Rel eve pile pain wi h ant sept c Mecca Pile Remedy No. 1 w h iogredients contai n ng herbs for shrinkîng and healînig swolten piles. Sold at ail druggistx. 7' MICCA PILE REMIDIES WALLPAPER GOOD "B ROOM LOTS an A NEW "STYLIS B3oth Rcady PastE Priced f rom AIso in Better Grades THE ENGLISH CANADIAN D]E and AMERICA PREPARE FOR WINTE. Have those broken i ' our stoi WE OF FER FREE DE( 42 vears un decor ABERNI r wag the best mian The usher!f were Mýr. Daniel Hughes, bro-' ther of th(, bride. Mr. Vincent ,Hughes. Toronto. a cousin of the bride, and Mr. Paul Han- cock. Atthe reception in St. Joz-, gs ~ eph«s Hall following the ccre-! monv the bride's mother re-' ceived wearing a dress of mocha lace îrimmed with' mink. Rer mink hat had a soft S rosette of mocha satin, and ber corsage was of pink car- nationF. Mrs. Purd v. mother gelicus" "On This Dax . dress of turquoise blue b5-o- durng hesigning of the reg- Rae and a smart black har. 'f ister er corsage 'va; also çcf pink f . .-arnations. The toast to tle e The bride, wbo '.as giv-e.ide n marriage bx' ber father. riewas given b *v His Wor- elooked iovely in a gown o:ship Ivan Hobbs, Mavor of' S. t lnonlc n Bowmanville. and Russell C. whit Alnco lae ad sll-Honev, M.P.. Port Hope, gax e sraz 'rntadtaft le toast to the bride*s parents. rThe lace bodice bad long1 i:, 1 r Oojot sleeves, and a fitted_ Later the bride and groom basque waistline. The bout- 'eft for a weddiog trip to Nor- * atfloor iength skirt %,_ thero Ontario. For travelling adorned witîi appliqules the bride wvore a w.ool rlress of Alencon lace roses centre(' rine patternied blue. a tailored witb ýi]ver sequins, arid feit :opcoat of hlack and white 'rii graceful s;weeping folds. wec wtb a black lynx col- tiara of pearîs iîeld her fltigi-- lar. and a liite maribou bat.i tip veil of tulle illusion. Sjj, Rer corsage xvas of sweetheartý carried a cascade bouquet of roses. On thcir return Mr.1 white carnations and s'vetid Mrs, Larrv% Way ne Purdv, heart roses interspersed wil will rcside Pt 5.r Centre Street.' gx'psopbila and white heather, sfrom Scotland. 1 ROI0VE - TRINI Miss Tina Hughes, sister of' the bride, was the maid or SilolillUnited Chur-ch was honor. The brîdesmaids werr the setting for a prettY wed- Miss Linda PurdY, a sister of'ding hnMx Diane, onlv the groom, Miss S heila Hughesi dauglîter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Toronto, a cousin of the bride. Trini, Newtonville, b e c a m e' and Miss Carol Finnigan. T;i 1the bride of Edward HoImn nîaid of bonor wvore a preux1 Rowc, o f r1ndMs fuli skirtcd frock of pîîîk lacc ,Stanler Rowe, Newtonvillc. over silk of the sanie siîade.!IRe\v. R. C. White officiated. C Rer white velvet circlet bat! Mrs. R. Hallowell pla.ved thec ,had a short veil. and ber. wedding nmusic and accompani- ni shower bouquet was Of vWhite cd Mr. Laurie Stapletori, Ton- t Shasta . mumrs. The brides. auto. -hio sang "The Wcdding th ,maids' attractive dresses wcre Prax-er* and thîe 'Lord's Prax - of azure blue chiffon ovcrr Îr1. matching taffeta. Their snil The bride \vas giveii iri mai'- wbite featbered hats had tinvnaebhrfterHrfor vails. and they earried sbower1 tength gwi o motr bouqus Of vlo Shasta,Frni taffcta featured an ap- Mm.JhBoi plique of seed pearîs. Atf Mr. ohnBonham. Oshiawa. feta roeAldbr tînge- veil, and she caririeda nosega-, of vellow roses. BARGAINSss Barbaira Ox'eîs. New- B ARG INS toivile. xvas nîaid of honotir. RHer diress; was turquoise silk Icrgýanzi. Rer headdress was1 3 UYS"' IN turquoise rose witb an over-; ~d R MNAN S the-face veji. She carried 'cl-' * Mn. Ravmnond Trirn wxas besst man. Messrs. Douglas Rowe ST" SELECTION and Charles Trini were ushers.' The reception xvas beld in ld and Regular the Churcb Suiiday Scbool. 45c - 99c For luis occasion the brides C niotiier chose a beige sheath 1 Valuesand jacket, green bat, whito * accessories, and a corsage of u)ink, 'iliums. The grooms. mo- ther wore a green sbeatlî and'ý LANCASTER bat, white accessories, and a corsage or pink mum. B.L. and S.M. For their ,,eddine trip tbe IN PAP ERS bride chose a wliite sheathi. pi.îk bat, Whitc accessories and P coi-sage of pink 'munis R'The bride 'v\as guest of hon o ir PI several sioxvers, one ii lghts ieplacd lci 11 Mrs. G. E. Shemnilt rua sash. Osbawa. Another xxas bostess CORATING ADVICE cd b 'v Miss Barbara Ovens and Was lîeld iiivoinville u rating business da ' Scbool]. A -o,,,munlit I ower x'as lîeld tin Slîilo E T H 'SThe couiple \%ill reside Ir Pctî'o'oî'h Double Ring Ceremony at St. Joseph's moi BAELN Mr. and Mrs. Howardl Cry- derman, Miss Beverlev Bur- gess and Mr. Carlos Crvder- mani;s P e in t Thanksgiving weckcnd visitingc Mr. and Mrs. John Tristram at Nobel. Thev' enjo 'ved seeing manx' points or interest as well as the show Dut on bv 'Mother Nature' in ler beautiful faîl colours. st reet MI'. andi MrS. M(ýr\'inM- Cornis]- Canii, Niagara FaIN5, Ont' ro spent the Thanksgiving week gom riid tith Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bc',inctl. Mrs. Ro v VanCamp aind Mrz. L Hockin spent Wednesda- afternoon at a gathering of cousins at M-rs. L. C. Sno- den'.çz Maple Grove. Mr. and Mr,. Lloyd Metcat,ý Marlene and LloYd Jr., Osh-, îawai. were Suinda a f tern no riî (-allers with Mr. and Mrs. R-iv VanCamp. Mrs. Saini Battanis is spend-, imz some time -with lier son' .Mr. and Mrs. Dougclas Bat-, tains and faniilv at Elgin. Mi. Carlos and Mr. Jainirs Cr vderrnîan accompanied other voung oeoole from the Cour- tice Circuit to Kingston for the %veekend and attended theý Oshawva Presbv\ter,\ Y. P. Il' cIonivenlt ion. \laster Dantiv aîîid MiFs Debhie Dunk, Osha\va. spent Sunda v aftci'noon with their orandpaji tits. Mi-, and Mrs. lIuowaid CrYdcrniiiî and fii- Cet Cash Today For OJd Appliances throusb T AT ES M AN 1,L A S 9 1 F 1 E D 8 Phinp MArket 3,1.1f Prtc Rurst.AI\ init latR ial - " Receiving the gLîests in tueIroet orsi.Axas îîstlai orl3ttSte - - ' '~-:. ' "4r~ ~ huch hall, the bride's Mo- guiararitees ganments soMd b oîr 10 obc r ilaîîîc - ther was wea-inrg a drapedi Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wayne Purdv. whn h \oveue marrierl ii a double ring sheatb of teal blue crepe and Be Generous . .. Support emony in St. Joseph's Roman Cathoic Chuî-ch, Bowmartville. oui Saturdav a corsage of pink carnationis. ý"' Prd PAssisting, the bridegroorn'gs owmanville Santa Claus P rd mning. Octobet- 6th, are picturcd cuihing thei wcclding cake at the recep mteras1olvgeesil n. The bride us the eider daughter of îr. and Mrs. G'leihloliie Hughes, and organza witb a re-emnbroideredi» groom is thie son of Mr. and Mrs. Cii Uc-d Chairles, Pur dv. overskirt aîîd pieated bodice./, /Z White carnations cornprisedl ':~çW. M 3- her corsage. \Aed in Albert Street UntdO hi n Detroit,«____Michigan________ liog the bride chose a knîttedIIT.HýC suit in raspberrv red. a white; mus ~- tRiNs« IThe Caradtmn Stat esma1. Man1le et, 17, 1982 The marriage of Margarrt June, daugbter of Mr. andi velvet bat. black arcessorr Beverley 1Prown-: Nlrs. C. E. Mrs. William Cornish of Bow- and a corsage of white camna- Hawkius, Miss Margaret Ells, manville, to Mr. Harold James tions. the YoîrnizPropie of Albert Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. The couple are, making tbeir Stret Unitedi Churcb and the Reginald Ellis of Oshawa, was honme iii Osha-wa. riiglbors of the bridegroom'sý solemnized b.\ tle Reverenc Gurests were prescrit froni farîîîilv. 70r. arîd Mrs. Reginalci A. E. Larke iii Albert Street Windsor. Oakville, Toronto.1 Ellis. Presciitatioris were macle United Church, recerîtl.,. Whitb 'v, Brfokîjir. Port Perr.,v, bY the grl of the Traffie De- Mr. Alan Reesor, or-anisi, Little Bnitain, Peterboroughi, partmerii, General Motors. the? plaveci the wedding rnusic arid Bwîavl Coîborne aric Traffit- Deparîjillerîr.tile pur- accompanieci Mr. Kenneth Hal-, Kingstorî, Ontario. chasing Depar-tiient and ilte lett who sang "The Lords' The bride was honored bv Specificatiorîs Groirp: the Sur'i- Pra 'ver," 'To Thee Beloved', Ise\,eral pre-nuptial showers da.v Schoot staff of Albert and "The Wedding PraYer-. aîîd presentations. Hostesses Street Unrted Cýuirclr.th The bride's father gave ber at sho\wers were Mrs. William clîurclr choir anrd the choir or in marriagae. She wore a gown Allin andi Mrs. Harr.\ Pollock: Ziori Unrited Chtrrclh. xvbre of band-clipped Chantilly lace, Mrs. Marcel Grenier and Mr hridegroortili the rirganNîf. emnbellished at the Sabrinia neckiine witb sequins an d pearis. Self-roses accenteri tuer chapel train, and a crown of'O l'y C/canters ci7 ui>4 e pearis andc crystal drops hetdi ber shoulder length veil. Rer flowers were Sweetbeart roses and stephanotis. Miss Margaret Ellis wasi A y'nng teacher xuhstituted maid of honor andi the atteîîd-for a friend %vho m.ax taking a ants were Miss Sheila True-o. atra love, Mrs. Marcel Greniei- andiwe~hnyon aea Mrs. Beveriv Brown. Tbcv a party. somenne, started to- were dresseci alîke in turinîoue h romt hr quoise peau de soie witli short veils and headdresses of! matching velvet and salin leaves. Thev carried nosegýavs "h" eas-pe lets of pink carnations and v whit -I kilow 'Miss Jones very vreIl. chrysanthemums. In fact. she soibstituted for My Mr. Robert Stace v acted aý best man. The ushe s w,c %,,Ie n or honey.mon!" Mr. Edwarrt Cornish, Mr. Mar-Lli c'ei Grenier and Mr. Bruce CLOTHES CARE HINTS: HoId Famlly Party on 85th, Birthday On, Satîîrdav rvening. Oct. 13th, the children, grandchild-1 ren, great-granddaughter andi other imniediate relatives ga- 1 lered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Ernest Foley in hon- i or Mr. Foley on the occasioni of bis 85th birtbday. Foui--gen'eration and groupi pictui es were taken during the e vening. The balance of the time being speot playing cards and social chit chat, a - ;'erwhchal] noe a dainty As the gathering left, con- gratulations and best wishes were extended for many morei -ictive years. On bis birthdav, Monday, the 15th, his siste r Mrs. Eva 'Blackburn from Strathavenl Re-,t Homne, brother Howard and Mrs. Foley spent the af- ternoon with him. Several of bhis riieces, nephews and other friends also visited during *afternoon and evening extend- 3 ing Ibeir best wishes. Many Iovely gifts and cards wiere received f rom friends and neighbors on this happy occasion. Mri. and Mrs. Harold ,James EFINs, abov, United Church, Oshawa. Thle bide i, daiughter of Mr. atid MI\s. William is the son of Mr. and IVrs. Roginiald ~. >. ~- e, wc'e recentlv marcied in Albert i k the lo r merMIa rg a i--etJ unile iC octîjsh of Boxvmatix\il le, andtIllie Ellis or Oshawva. SPhoto h. lîelarîd Stuldio Recently Married in Shiloh United '4' k --7 t 5.5 Mr. and Mils. Edward Hiolmaui Rowe are picturcd ahovc following theur mariage un Shiioh United Church. ThE, bride is Hie former MarY Diane Trim. daughtcr of Mi. arnd Mrs. Bert Tuîm <if Ne'vîon\-[llî - In(l the rd2r mis 1the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roxse. alsii of N tnile. -Photo b, Ud\-arhel,,,î Studio SULOVA LEADINS LADY "A" Tiny ex- quisite watctn at a tinyi pote. Trim, tai- Iored lines for the tailored womnan. ?3 jewels. In yellow or white. $49.95 QUALITY 31EATS 47 King St. F. MA :11509t PORK SALE Pork A>c IPORK 1 Shoulder"iJ b1I OCIS 29cl SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF SHORT RIB orc BLADE ROAST55b STANDING RIB or BONELESSc CHUCK ROAST 5 1 EXTRA LEAN ILEAN,. RONIý4lEss Ground C STEW 59C CHUCK 5 5 lb- BEEF l7b LEAN, JUICYj LEAN, STOIRE SLICED POT C Breakfast 70 c ROAST 4lb IBACON if 9lb CHRISTIE'S BREAD 4-oz. oaUmm 24-07 T'ID es MARR'S Introduces Y I j ilULOVA LEADING LADY 'E'Pcrfrrt wth every enspm. be. Oval case Pdgp.d with fine scrollwork. Faceted bracelet. M3 jewels. In yellow or white. $69.95 ULOVA LEADINQ LADY "D" This dantiy futed watch rase and bracelet catches every lickfr of light' 23 ewls. n yellow or white. MARR'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP Tiny 23-je weIed trea sure...ý Bu/o va gi/t-quai/y BULOVA LEADING LADY"H" Tirny tear- rlrop-shaped watch with florentine fin- ish accent. Flutted bracelet. 23 Aleel. n yellow or whitp. eULOVA LEADINC LADY'T' Designed with high fashion simplicrty' Grace- fully sculptuient case, matte finish bracelet. 23 jewels. In yellow or white. $79.95 39 King St. W. Bowmanville PAINT & WALLPAPER 3344 Kig~.10M[A353 feattîring coînplete line of FALL MILLINERY in VeIl ets, Velours, Feather Hats o b Match . . . Moderately Priced. DOUBLE UNITS The popular dress this seasuîl Sizes 7 t 21, - 121., tv .,, ,, * CAR COATS Petit anad Regular 36-iach lengthi $19.95 ta $34.95 WIDEMAN'S LADIES" WEAR 49 King St. E. Rwnanvi F BROOKSIDE IA 3-54.31 i 33 King St. M'. Rotvm-an%,ille 6 for sl Bowrnanville 39 Kîng St. W.