z -~ - SPORToplcs' By Frank Mohuîn IMA 3-7234 29,521 F;ANS ROBBED Toronîto Argonauts înaintained their record of never w.inning the b~"ganle, Sundav afternoon. The Argos didn*t blow thîs oimc ho îgh. They .vere demolished. In the nomnan,i a peaî ed that the weather was goingi lnb spoil the- ganue, but it turîîed out Io be a fine da ' - for Üht- important cia.s.l'liTe Argos ,%ere even favoured to wîn -by 612 poi nts 'Thelic loked gond. toi). goi ng in front 7-0 first tiîne thid the bail. The fans should have knowis soînetiuing was up when the snap spoiled a fi(-'id goal trY minutes later. Oh weIi. an; what; the Aig-os quîcklv threatened agaîn as the bail rested on the Montreai niime and omil ' second down with Iwo to go. It was unthinkable that the double blue wnuidn't at least nmake the fi rst doxvî, iii tw..o chances, (if necessary) Darnied if tile 'IAlettes dîdîî't hoid the line. Nextt thing you knocc it's 7-7. as a dropped pont put Montreal on the Toronto side of the field for the first time after niearly one quar-ter of plau., Never bias a teuni (eveil cariier Argos) become so competev iîpIai.plauviîg rugby. At the haif, 22-7. StilI, tirtie to gelt back in the ball ganie. BoIt after less than Fixý minutes of thc- tbiî d qulai tUlr t was sonîethiîîg like 36-7. But looîk, Tiobin Rote lias passed the Torontos tb hie Montreal nie -sav tiat sounids familial-' vewe uz thece herore. aireadY tIi tku a big icad, xvheuî the roof feu in. WelI, look at that - that littIe BillI>v Wa ' te pickcd uoff '[ohmns tom andi hi iist ~j d- tfor loitreai that la - about 109 go. 1 10 Yard pt)ii5 nteitiptio foi' a TID. Vv'at ruade the A rgos so bud Thev c(iulduit tackîe, the attack as usumaIliod nu niag iatiouiaftcc the fi rst qhuarter, Mann neyer gets the hall, Rote cant run, the linemen are big, hut a Iso can't i ii. Sloncburgh can't sîîap, and the rookies iii the pass defeimue are nol y et adequate. Mon treal bus a fi ne riirning quaî'tecback, wvh o vwil]1 be uone of tlie b&si i n ('a judu.aand the ' tack le like thexv mea n it. Jf Clark was in the back-fieid, bue AIs would be touigh tIo hý,at. le ittonub xc ithoujt hîîîî. Oh \ve did't nient ion that this sc-ribe a ttcnded the fiasco. Ycp, xv.' xcuz thui e. Riglît oui tue 5-5-y aid une, ton, Atter nont rnssuog a gaune foi' veuis. we swnre off Argos affer the "Dubher" xcas 1urt. '[bats qUite a whlile back. Tirne 10 soe our fx<i e agi iianîd seats at nid- field. It was ton ivb lito isa.Nov cxc kumox'. hat tihe C. N. E. Stadium looks lîke, but C. N. E. or Vacsit.v, the Argos have actuaîly got vxirse. Anîd ve aint llkeiv to retoro again for enother six or' seveu y ours. + t. + t JUNIORS 60 ALONE Local 189 Hockey League Opens The ne\v Local 189 Ilocke % League made its debut at the Memnorial Arena Sunida v morn- ing. 'l'lie initial double-header got underwav aI 9 ar.., wilh the Cornets edging, the Raidcr.ý 1-t) and the Brýuns downing the H-oruiets 8-4, Bill Ellis banged the lone goal of the opener past Vince Vanstone after 30 scoreless minutes 10 give the Hose th', first gane xvin. Gant WVrignt toi ned ini an outstanding gaoîe to rack Up the stlitOLI t. Four goals in iess than six Fred ( mlinuLtes hiroke a 1-1 lie in th1e rarkeî's nightcap as Dol! Masters fired ped in four goals and assisted onl two Howvard tothers to puce the Bruincz. assists ai Jini MvKiit opened the îe Jack seoriiîg and Eux e West bagged sheet wv bis firit fa lhat-trick perfor mianue to ex en lihe score. AfIer the Bruins had grab- bcd a .5-1 ]ead, West and Nul- Bun son Yeo tullied 35 seconds Cornetsq apart bo close the gai), but t12 %viiiners îîotclied thrîee more Raider s xvhile-West added bhis thirci. lon Men's Major League Bowl~inîg Nexws .Stuiiliva il!ui al va Bi, Da xc McKiigýlît set 1the il anid a l'e in the pace on Wedne.sdav niiglît anîd ibilui'.xitl 011iY 2 -i becanse the fi rst doublhe \cxi n-crd. 1necý of th1e season. Dax e click- StancJinz End of4 c d off a single guaie of 3531 First Sceu and a triple of 7,54 toxvinu both Tearul events. McK niglît aiso hoost- oyus'qiIp c d hisiax'eruge froini19)1 tii 12Sti'plîci Fuels a gahin of 21 points. fepsi cola Bob Wiliianis foliovved Mc- Libertv Bowl Knig)ît xith a :320) gume. Ted Kteîs 'M-im's W'eacr ' Pappv" Bagiîtillîud 3131 and Bea\ vîr 1..tiiibei- Co. Cthe nid nîoncx grabber-. ticeas- jujul-\,Loez irer Fred Cole.,luud 3018. La uîder iaiHmîrdvule Mg. Georg9e El i utt Wasti'(ruuspsFIarImi tt]ire cýifinuser-n p for b iOl triple, ihai- Sel b. G aîît1-lat. iîîg 753î. Ed Luigtcuibug but 1Neisbsornse luts. 7:14, Ted Buguicîl 727 anudlHarcrvFy i' <re' Gax' 711. A ve ragets WVe aisti lad a double xviiineu' N Ile for the low scores. Mi'. Gar- RîsIlul u field Clarke bmîd a singie store Geoiîge lliott of 98. Clur'ke added twn ulmore dLuin i- gaines of 16- 1:19 for a lOxv rd . Liteîundle triple of :4:3. Ini au interview Russ Oke with the Presa Mr. tClarke Stut- T" IXglîtî Bo",oiiîvi lePieO-Ias. ueîscx' ' frrnd Juuuic "foc lus slow hall. rlub have decided ti op.'rateonor their own duciuîg the fir'st Maurice Richards fîad a 99 peason nt 1loast. No d<îtbltue Pic-O-Mats wili be lisn gaine, Ciiff Trcwun 1(07 arnd "ken 'hckx'Luxttîri I14. plnyers sent dii'vri s hbe Oslia\wýa Generals or Whitb,\Geoge "l'[lie Geriera i' Jouies Dtînlopsý, hotu oti tt'Metrt Jr. "'A" loop. had a triple uof 38<1 and Gteorge Hoxcever, it %.vas decded that no wor'kiuig agreemîenst Glarîvilie the New'.castle flash wnild he sugoil xvi bi lil ber of the two "A" clumbs. 'Tbis had 445.Aie htr wmuld moars a plax, o(r tocildbe sent down anîd irecalied xxhen usl alIy (iatte n he was going goîîd. The Pit'-O-Mats inteîîid 10 keep their Reseinltheamag s, ti ngv line-up intact as unimeh as possible- a good idea we thîuîk. 22.xxlile Dr. H. B. Rîmnidie t 3was possible Ilsat the Generals might play' here felI apart, at the st-anis anîd Thmisda.v usîglî, hu.t tbe exhibition tilt lias beeuî postpoied dcopped lus average fr'orîî2:3: tri a later date. 'lle N.H.L. Old-Timers will clash with the the22.iVLigc. G-ip aergiiot22is Pic-O-Mats. xxiib the honme seasori opening Nov. 4th agaimstý Cowuii EqUipîîîeît CO. lias Weston Dodgeis. takeuî the lead ini the teauîî 1- t t stantiing with 9 points. Stepli- un Fuels and Pepsi Ctola ai,' SH-AMROCKS PRACTICE NEX'r WEEK tied at 7 each. Frank's Varietv T 'he lnberiusdiaie Shaniî'tcks wilI be holding their ficst prai'tice noxt wceuk. Dates xciil be anrîouneed following an PPecUtiv.e meeting of the club tonight (Wednesda.vî. We ar'e glad bliat the taIt for playvers bin ast week's column w'as met v tii a lot oîf response. Manager Bill Ornie reports that bis 'phonie xas kept Ibosy ýail week. t '. LONG SERIES san< the iQi nd e SMai ýith c Tearr le scored a pair o d John Clark rap other Bruin goal Jnonexv drew foui 'x'en winmnîcggoal. mtie hit the s(Oc en a.ssîst. i Standings W. L. T. Ptz i t) t) i t) (I 0 1 0 O I (1 t Rec rei mot get gui- COA'CHI'S S('iOOL- The, Ceilatr POs- Bocrecatuon Depar) mient inil ti- ns Io thlîcr ipeiu tiou '.vtiithle Conîmun itv. Progiýrms Bi'anî'h of thîe 4th Wu-ek Ontarlio Depac-tincnt of Edîi- hile cationsî vii! be ihold ing a Mînuir ' 1, I'ts. ieiy Coachses School <his 94 9 cming Satur- d a y, Octoher, 7 201h, at the Cociuîvil Chaniber-s 7 7 inii te Boxxmanville Tnwni fi 6 11lIl. Aiîvone who is inteu'ested 6 fi 6 in eoaeiing minoi hke 6 6 6 ttn l ni is n l' teci 10 attenîd- fi 6 6 Startîug tiîne 9:01))ar. fi fi f T' ac-ýýhiol %witi he uudei' tihe (i 6 6 di i"'etioii otf Mi-. Her-b Carnýie- fi ri e g'i. lrnîeiy' ith the Qtue- 5 7 5 bec A-es anîd an or-ganizer- of 2 u 2the Norýti Yor-k Minor- Hockex S fi Rtoss Wrmm.ibt L.'s Suîunie Rlbimn Bioek Flaiîk .anizenî Jack Parker Bill Ilearle B,"Èt Euigley Jaek Go' liarc' AÀk v, George Stpei Rd. Leslie Murray Luamier FumunluSumnis }lLirrx i.3n Georgu Piper Hlaroild Bennett Jac'k Bonîd Jiuîs Custle Bob) Kent JoîhnîCarter ITeen Âge Bowling TIeeiiaze Boys 1'eenage (;irls j.Callan 7 - D. Ga *v 0. T.l Vanstone .5 - Oke 2 Oýke 0 R. Beauprie 7, T. Cal-15 - Bail 2, Chant 5- Ian 2 B. Colville 5. land 2 Teamn Standing 'feani Standing If the World Series fitialx' reîded 'I".esdav i the R. Beauprie 19 gev.enth gaose, il '.vutd have marked a. complete two weeks J. CaiJlan . 14 da's alîsce bise Giantsanad Yankees started on Oclober 3rd ' _ okve. 2 Up <o no'." bis nîuîst rate as onîe of the nîost duisiteresting T. Callan ' secues on rec'ord. Only four games haxe been close after~ six D GavSnle .Wigt21 inniigps aîîd îwîîvomeîe quicklv decid ed by a grand sîlani' R. HiSuie 27. W.iglît 2)1. boner anda tiirve- runsblat. Very few lhriliing pla.y'shave 1207, BeauPie o272.,W'.BuIR.us heen made s uand îst as fu".'. ie-ruris hit. Carter 200. M. Cha rles 22-1. Partuîuularî 'v '.'.'en tIe playoff Giarîts - Dodgers see2 6-3. P. Biickier -22, 2. 17. B. 15 emmhre, tsewc d S.e tffr nrpio Coîxille '228. T. Calluu 2:37, JI; bas dî'agged oin so long niiw, oianY fans have lost interest. J.High iple I620.Care 74 CURLNG NDERAX'Ladies' League 0-c- 1()10 ioi'n anid xxwiin xci're on iaimd fomr Ile upeuing a en e ari eo i ft he ('iii nîug C lb o n M onda x' n ight 'h n l200 (a mes ~ .'decarc O f 1tuais xas discussed. t appe ars nox'.as' Dot Brooks 917, 249,. Saddc.' thouîgh the club c'. Il hav'e it-Shest season this y"-ar \xvith a. 0Ea Buekîel21.Mrion6,ColvMir- targe't ()f 1( 1 11--be and 10ladiles. Piasbold gel in20,1.~Echr21. Mc cnev axorle i Nuîc t uuer. 'T'ise tclu.b eXe(Lit i\'.e (-)nas cmiiiSta2d)n. sierb c eioui mu' b.tîelar-ge tullirrînct ofrie'.'.anîd p prospect ive ii le 4), oido., ibs1 Col 'HIE NEXT KINSMEN LOI pat SUPER CAR BINGO r 111Sel FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 - 8:30 p.m. F Dot $7,000.00 TOTAL PRIZES 11063 FORD GALAXIE Muzý PETERBOROUGH MEMORIA. CENTRE lAhu Sad M a Fli Rut .' iBOWNMANVILLE Nor ~. .-Telephone MA :3-5728 Dt ; PUBLIC SKATING 1cil FiiRIDAY, OCT. 19 !JMev SATURDAY, OCT. 20 r 8 %I\p.l SUNDAY SKATING Dot OCTOBER 21 - 3î - 1 pl.111.orI Veil Daiý W'EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 Ma'ý hula CHILDREN'S SKATING M il DOt 3:30 4> - 530i>P.11. i iil, Enýos. Rut. 'WIe ýdgson )bb itfielil ýley -onk.r ýle rs A vera ge )t Brooks la Etcelivi nurevI3Brooks ct I iudgsoiî Marinî lb l"lit.I'ill rg Covle 'eusi Ilearl urthla Vmoulec n'g Tlippîuis i'. Hiîtchîisnn 'et'î Bailex vDodds ýtPeîfee t eRic'har'ds irg MacDoniald lie McILFeeters, ce Victme a Nî,offat min1 Buitul eta Rivimlids l Da \%,sonu *ni! MuIli i Brown.i iiî. Coiu>ibu's ls IIiîîî t'il ('iiuuulus n. iîlsu liiii) Ix.ilsiju cPaedh'iu Nîaîudunaid a rahani Ill Wh ite r't IredQîFui' se Coxvau th Bradley 18 111 15 154 14 1:38 1:33 17 1:1 loi 14 'M. Clai Paedren V an sto ne Bal] Oke Jefi ccx 215. fligli Tiple: S. Burigess 5-l S. Buirui, K. DIse K. Dl Jlunior Boss Kdil iiîiuil uu 2 - IV[l(i ..Niuds .5 - .uîxtonî 0, 5-Cragno t. Tleanîstamnding Fnlc'oildol lîigli otihle: C, W'ils. 1). Nocvlau 319. Junior (Girls Hatey S5 - Sollers ) 2 - Sauisils 3, Masters i lîollouîd 2. 'l'onii Sita nuding Vluulsland Alasti'is lia tel'. Selle us W21 lu Si Ugi. N. (iiumI D) I'.iig 35.s Bailtanfi Cirfls ') - o 's2 'teanci Sbuuuuh ig K'duîuiid son Bui rgpes,- Tiue I .exx' iu" Gnisd vi n ru-s Ave. 'Ilr Cmuîegie xcii niscuss 9 _)26 ricls. equipiîîen t and t'iaching 12 .2 -:j tu.eCh riiq ilt(S. 2 -) - 221 FIG CE SKATING Tlh e 1 2 222 licreation Dopa rtmleustiriCo- 9 221 îpî'ratiouî cxith tise Bocymaîs- 2 15ville skutmmîg Club are offer- 215 min- Figure Skuatiiîg lessoîss to 2 24inyoume interested iii takin.g 2 24pititessýonu1liessoîîs. 2 1 t Classes wi Il bu' held oui 23Tiiursdays iruiî4:001)Io 7.0)) 9 212 p.in., îmîudert hte leadership of 9 210 m iss P.acbam'a Anise Smith. 2 211 Theficst lesson xc'il1 he lield 2 1)on Tii'. rsda\. Nox'embcr Ist, at Il1( lte Bowsma nv il1le Mernorial 9 20)9 Ariam. 206))) RegLtiutios fee for lb is ,>,,gccup)i lIl lie $8.00 ifou' a 20 x'eek period. X'oi.mna' registe1' !,iltheii'fiî at t'ass on November t> BEGINNERS SKATING - tn 21 e Retreatimus Depurtnerst 201 'lias cipcted arrangeenuts to 6 2)0!nId its beginnris skating 2(12 tmns ut'oiidreui sevu-ri,,cars cf ugo and Lu oder 0on Monda > vs fi orni3:010)uIot):00pin., start- inîg Noversîber Sth. j z xxi Iwilbe lheld on Mo(sfî'însi 3:00) to 5:00 p.mrn1 '[luit xviii ho supervisors oms lIausd 10 assist the chiîdreuî Pueden "itis their skating. Parents aiep' ML1îhol- comduaiiv invited n ai'nd imos cordia,Iv cited <o attend anîd - ssist Ilbei c chiîd xxith bis skat iîug. 'Iere is îio addition - 17lnch arge foc adults aecomn- 14 taisvimîg cbîldceci. Il Classes gel ximiderw'.' v ons 111 Fiotidz.x', Novemnbeu' th. a) :3:00 'pi..1The fee for this; grouîp is 4! S2.0)()foi, Boxxmars xilIe 'csu - 9 27. denît,;anîd S53.1) for nous-resu- îke 56),"Night-hawks"' Teani Sttandings l)iiumlald NI. W'isemnsas1 W ils iý V. Piukacd M. Crago G. Bain .< K, Piekard 5 V. Al len 4 - Averages 7i.Ciîvle 18:3, V . L0îekard ,)n 23:1 Im. Wiseîssau F. Patoelsoli îi 1. Birgess B. Walhura E . Puekaîdi G 0o1m1 u M. Crago - ftîl- J1. Parker' M. Sudosals B. Rogors 12 I. Wight 10 \., MliNeil u10c;. Scott 7D. -Iîiiocd 2R. Robhertson V. I-'îîuui O 2;: -i.Bitiui M5. Firthl 0... Moit fut îîdc'.î, .1. .i.u M. Burges M. Fusîer uV. Iasýka!rls M.S'xa ri 8Hi!8h Sîîsgle, High Tripile 1 72 17o) 1 69 16-5 159 n more.. iiiestiirg. r inax 12the big cipset was prox'udedb' 150 celiar - dwelling ole RIcher 149 ýwho registcced tiîeir fmusî cx' 149 bv defeaing 1Hilda) Brock î7-0. 4,5-2couni. B Co 144 141 1:13 1 :1 1 :14 1 3. 127 13 119 118 1 14 1)1 84 B. Willsuîr 254. M. Wisemaii Il~Q~ .nl k Heni~ B. W il1h 1 2.> ..M. Wisemain 177. L. MaJO! 14C).216. 20)). F. Allen 215, D. Fini- 119,Lîg Li oulty .. Sellers 284.1 î'oYd "1 1, G. Seott 201, 0. Mof- 00 Il 'b"We add to the pleastire suit tior of our dinie-ott ccasions HRE IS 'SPECIAL' Dl)îîîg O ut 1% fun espet i îly - hert-, w ht're %o niany things con-- tribute ti your eîîjoyinent: ilie cine, service. atmosphtre! OLYMPIA RESTAURANT KING STREET.' FAST BOWMN I %NILLE Leugue-lea diusg Paluncu 'was edged 4-3 b.' Graîs, wîth tise. x'iirs tyimîg Bernneutt foiu' se-conid, tcxo puoint s bhi i silthu ln r.Morlex tlu o îiitlueti bh' v iuatiitta 7-il ,htoLît xin tîxt'u Br-uintasi bue ioset-sdîopped i ntoa' last pIa ýdeadiock. Ntîruîu 'tiotimre (.aie Lup vi thu a fise effoitI (luuîig a big4 3 317 sinogle anîd the h 1gb i tifle 1of 7.i4. Ouie Etcher r1acked lîo )a loIftyv69.1 triple. xx'h le Bî'tt c. 1 Lnhh ho'.'.'led tise ladies' higui sungzle of 276, Duek, Perf-cftotppodthue 710 miarl-' ai 706. fnlnv.ed hv Ke"Il Ioxtnn 6 82, Betty .ov l h(î75. Hildu Brotk 6fi71, Gen-ge Elîiotî 669. Dnmueea Charles- 667. Bob Blanville 637, JmeNowlan - 628, Har-olil Bennuett- 62", and Audccv Sle"ýp--608. Otisen' lîigh sinlgles cxeit iii Dîck Perfect --298, Ken Luix- ton- 288, Doit-i'n Cha r-les 274, 243): Jne Nowlani- 269, Betty Lobb--266, Geiige Fl- untt -263, Atidt-ev Sieep 249, Mary ' Wilcox -24.5. ODiî Etchei 245, MarîrinWise- man- 243 and Hilda Bcoe-k- 2404. 'leamn Standings Paimnt r Benniet t G;rani t E. Brock Hl. Brock Haru-ioi M. Etcher Sîce is 0. Et cher Brunt "t",. 2(4 I..) III 1)1 lu; Il 12 lit 9 Nuw that the 1963 ïModels ai-e ont . . . we ar-e taking in trades every da'y of top notch laie miodel cars ..for exanîple. 1962 PARISIENNE 2-DR. 1959 PONTIAC HARDTOP LAURENTIAN 2-DR. V-, atîtoimatie, cuistom radio, m-hite (6 e'vl., standard transmission. custom w'aIl tires, wheel dises. buxedo radio, newv Alpine white "'ail tires, black. Exceptionallv ,lnw mileage. lnw rnileage. A clean car in Spotless. great shape. COME IN TODAY THEY'RE ON DISPLAY! PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER... %vith our new GOODYEAR UNDERFRAME COATING The latst advance in ý auitomobile undereoating. )NLY ------$ 39 ROBSON MOTORS Limited W. J. McMECHAN, 1resident BUICK - PONTIAC - ACADIAN - VAUXFIALL 166 KING ST. E. PHONE MA :1.3:196 BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVMLC M 1 1 (;Mc PHONE MA 3-3396 Ladies Major Bowling League Raker took <wer soie po - Te-am Standings session of f irst place, winniiit. 2-1 o'ver L,. e in the batt e break the league lead Bakere. N . daY nght. At the opposiP ePl 9 edof the sta ndings a fnui-Richards 1 wav deadlock ws broken, ,vle w-Ihen a sh tout Ioss to Preston left Mai tYn ail aloe in the Btrk R HaYnes posted a 3-t) shitto,,itV ivî ri a ~W lie with the losers for fourîh spot. Richards re'mained on(,0~ point off the pace. edging Et- . patficId 'cher 2-1, while Brooks dw-Matn4 cd Patfield 2-1 and Joli pu:î-1 ý* f . Aerazes over 10 cd off an opset 2-1 decision 200 Garnes Rural Bowflng Ne me <-, ve over Vivian. Dot Brooks '20î. 246, Fssise D.Bailev 12 21) Norma Gav's 271 garne tootkCi '2.Hln ak21 a~ C. Mills 12 02 high single honors by a si nglo in tt p hw 28 203. Mar ý1"A. Tearn tanding- T. Mchaughlin .9 1 99 pin over Joyce Tennant a' Perris 222. .îovce Lylp 22:1. f Teain PIS. pins J. Slemon 1 2 I1)ji270. Donna Preston rolled a Lorraine Marty'n 258. Shirlev -Ma PC ;rox'e 1) 120:39 H. Ielatighlin 1,2 19,-) 260 garne- and Lorraine Mar- Bickle 208, Donna Prestnn EnîklenSR. 9 13 . Twis~t 12 1 ss tYni had 2,38. t2o1. 26o. 20:3. Hclen Piper 238, K. Yoo 1_ 19q5 Shirlev Biekel carne Pop .,.,. 2,5,Dor -Solina 6 10802 J. Vcnning .12 19.5 vith a 6,55 triple, followed b . ex ans24.Dr Hampon 6 1048 K. eGil Il 195 oraie Maty n645.Berice itton 217, Bernice Budav Haniton --- 1082 K Mcill l 15 Lrain Mat , n 6,9, ernco'49, '07. Doris Joli 208, 2M., Blackstock -.5 110(8*2 D. Rrvinolds 12 192 Buda',' 699 and Barbara But - - - Tnat 0 D!l Tv ion e- 5 1099t; J. MeLean .. 12 19(1 tonsham- 618. Brook- -249, Marg King 2(19. Enniskillen Int. . 5 10)34,5 B. MvcDonaid - 12 190 October 13. 1962 Mari1vin Wiggans 219. Jura SSalem 2 10443 G. Stevens 12 186 Aeae -ie 4,IêeWinY27 2 High single and triple- D. B.- Be<gîey 12 186 eresBkr24.rneWiev27 BJly21 .flDnî 7. ,Coomybes 12 183Bernice Budav ...... .12 ain SIaght 203.,IJackie 1,B conl 7.T. Plleasance - 12 1811 Donna Presto*n ....... îI Trimble 215, Nornîa GaY 2-1, 1MwA, single and triple- S. N. Bailev. 12 181 lunie Baker ........ 6)C 210), Mai-ion Pearson 209, Shi- 1 .Butterv 91, K. Shackleton 3). .YeIlow.lees 9 1 81 Jovce L le ....2;)2 1elv Blukeil 20.1. 2.12. 220. Sa- - Ena Ether ........ 1989 die BuckicIl 203, Ena Etche> hilv Biekeli * ........ 1) 218. 2015. E d Tennant. . ... 1971 oti n eviw sDoris .Joli 1! 7i On lle in w Cie Etcher 15 Dot Brooks I9! Bowmanville (ents tor 15 WC('ks. 1DA"NCING CLASSES-Theî'eî-îIPnDiineI ' GIRLS BROOMBAI,.OR *r tîillaombrofoe i Normn1 GavaleGrv HOCî~~.s' If an gii5 h<~ n tho W dadv aflernoon Dot Bond,;îr ween the' age,; of à and 16i are an Satiirdanv moî'ning dunc- M arion SIaght 1:'7 îîîeiosedo hoo- ng iclas>sssponsored hy the br oin1-1 ball or hockey lagues thîeci.rainDeaîe Ollie Patfirld 1 86 Iii. triction in Ballet.l' T loraOerono 193 are asked to contact the r e- Dancing and Baton ap rl 0cr craio fic s on spo--Irrne Whitnev15 sribn ieas soon as pliesleadedsritloe Marg Pris>Boy Scouts sîbe.Miss Irenie Hrl4 va nd t~MrCPe'r;.8 If suftficient iiîterest is h rcvFou.ler. sliownithie Reureation Detîart- If voîî are interested i n * '~ IiaIc . ment is prepared to organize dancing lessons please -et in N igh-Hwk CO a IcaguLe. but we must lhave alt tîuch \vit h the Recreation 0f- I c a t 4 < I s . f i e f o r f u r t h e i ' i n f o r m a t i o n . T e a rn i S t a n d i n g s - m V. Pickard 8 671 Mixed League Bowling G. ain 766 E. icka rd . .8 Pale man nd tI.eiAverages M nag g p pon 1-30, i-lplâ \ îoi O'Roui tke 233FAle Elo Broksbowes rdi1-laroldi Bonnlett 214 M. Cûtersn189,__ night. Girant kepi pai e. cdowsn-George El lîott M. F 1 en1 :1 ing last place DoleF1'le 2 e Etcher .5-8;F. APien 1rd but Bennett slipped Io third'Bob Glunvîlle 908!V * Bukre after drin a 5-2 decision Ken Luxton 20p, Wsea to Brîînt. Joe Nowian 202 FPca' 6 Making il a iuîleo52Murc-av Grant .1202 RF. Pcard16V O îîight, Harrison orsel Hiida Hilda 'Brock 2 i11:. Crgo 1.5, î4U Brck wil Sec vn ve -B. Wiibur. 1512 Please Morlev Eteher. 1I Wrighlt -1,51 The ladies se t thbe pace in, TJ. Parker 149 SAVE YOUR the ind vidnta I scores, as Fei n G O YMRN. Sedman 14q Bradlev carne np with a ilice' W. MoNeil. 14.5 XVASTE PAPER J58 tri pie a nd Onie Etclhîr1 i i R. Robertson 141 bowlcId a big 311 sinle, V. For-an 13-1 for the Geo'g Fiio) vs he en "liiîîisdax' nig-ht a) LibertY S. Bain 13 top bovvler. rolling a î34 tI-' ' i plt-eG. Scott .1:1 BOY SCOUTS pie anîd '285 single. C\îCnetded their leagLie BraideIo V. Sa rginson 132 Othier hîgh tIaIs \ventî 11) ight points bv vxhipping the D.1-Iolro 'vd 127* * Onie Etcher 713, Vif)ce PrOLICornets 7-0t, whiIe the runiner- D. Coxvnn 125 67, -If-p* Plmr 58 Nrn1ýp anBptsslppd o outh A. irth .111 COLLECTION 674.rk I 640p' Aire kornl i FBlt.îppdtofuit.E Coombes 124 O'ou'k 4), rnl Seeubowiiîg 5-2 to the MachineTSct 634, Fiarik Wî ighit 624. Ken Sbohp.J et 124 DATE Lutn 1, onBrit 1ýM. Hawtlhorne 12) aud ton 618 Meln sio61. A 7- v'.o xî'rv over îthe Ho>e J, Baker -119 an ap elno 1. eiabîed the Office to climb O. Moffatt 118 S T R A Maion Wisenan rolled a: ;lto a second place tic xith M. Foster . 14 _ 279 gaine, followed b'. RaiphIlhe niaeiiinists. Celiar-dwe.1-,M. Connev. .11 OCTOBER 2Oth Melanson 275. NorrnORm ke i~ BatibLIrx\ were hlanlki'd K. MacDonald11 27)), George Elliott 26.5, 'Hap' 170 bv Leiad Press. the Tigers M. Swan 84 Palmer 263, Fern Bradle\ 255. stayed ini the battle, defeating, High Single- M. Coîe 25 2. NEXT COllIECTION Bettyv Lohb 247. Ken ýLuXton thîe Belts 5-2 aid it was Labý- High T'riple tl. Burgess 563. 247. Vinre Prout 246 anîd Joue o-t,-,.5, Combines 2 in the 200 tiames SAT., DEC. l5th, 1962 Brnint 240). remnaining ~ne M. CoYle 252. L. Burgess TIeam Standings JirnMurIIphx\ took high triple *206. 219. W. MeNeil 200, V. ~ Oam ~.honouis \with a 744 Iriple, PiCkard 249. E. Piekard 241. Palnier 1 other highs going to Farewel1'J. Parker 219, B. Wilbur 206. G l'a 1)t .~îBlae'kbLli'n III. Jack Honev- Bennett 2 nao 689, Tomrn -'\7Grahamn 676,' E. Brock Irw~in BeauIprie 658 and Frank H. Brock ... 18 W~right 6.i6.1Tor am l ed 1-1a rison t?-, Irwin Beauprie topped the- Sleep i5 ingles,, roîling a big .101 game.ý PLAN THROUGH SUN LIFE 0F CANADA Brunt ... -4 followed hv Walt Hateîy 639.' M. Ftellr -14 Jîm Muri î v 283, Joe Pioer o ta eP tcî O0. Etcher Il'2 81, Tornin', Graham 2 75. o Frank Samîs 271, Farewxel!, No Averages Blae-kbLlrnt 268, 267, Arnold for your H o me NriO'Romîrke 2 21) Lohb 265, Jack Hancyrnan 263 V<mure Prout 219 and Johin Luxton 2.51. Sun Life's Mvortgazie Protection Policy, Geomrge Elloît 216 Onie, lOcher 21 'earnStandings F it sinalladditionaî cnst bI he Harold Bennett'208 s.nor a mrrying charges. ('anrtake oen Lu xton .1ae.fyorhmefr5nî Boh G laruille Machinîe p . .....eo27! hm orVu 0 a . THEYSE ON DISPLAYI'