The Cariadian Statesman, Boman'cille, Oct. 24, 1961 Religion for Today by Captain Don Ritson La rge Glee Club Enlerlains Clarke Audience THE VERDICT 1S YOURS -'again after being subjected to;hardship. To quote a news- Courtroom trials seem to a horrible death as a common paper term, "the trial is still criminal. In fact, this belief proceeding." catch the imagination of was enough to make PauL I don't want to offer a log- people everywhere. Murderchange his whole life, throw ical case for belief in these trials are, unfortunately, fairly:everything aside, and risk all'edaims, but I must point out ofrequenthnd as the us Seesorts of danger in every partý:that there is a large body of ~ to ollw hemas heflesof the Roman Empire. 1 believers, many of them among paper reports corne out day by th nstitllgn1pol day. The trial of Adoîpheý He was whipped, stoned, who have ever hived, who Eichmann in Jerusalem at- ship-,wrecked, robbed, spent:assert that a man came to life, tracted a world-wide audience. 1days without sleep, and suf-laf ter He had died. If you are Newspapers, radio and tele- fered from cold, hunger andintapoesn hita, visonaIl did their utmost to,exposure. This dedication and flo t ute pof ssible Chritn give more than ample coverage the change which others could then it is quitepsblthatu-:e to an event that was startling see had taken place in bis lufegs t you w isagree, utI u- to say the least. The movie'waS part of the evidence Paulýîgs hyou wi oud echet industry similarly makes the offered to support the Claim invegaoursl i you id ot1y inost of their opportunities, that Christ had risen fr0Ivstgt ti ai eiosy an im ae ntrials or the dead. If it is not true, then many, arîdfils bsedOfifine people have been misled ort-artilsu re lmsTheein- Significantly, PauI's judges'.. if it is true, then it is the' ~ariblysucessul.Thee ~acquitted him of the charges most important thing that ever something very fascinating the Jews had brought against1happened, and must be treatedý about the' battle of opposing him. However, they could not' accordingly. It would mean thatv. 3awyers, the effect of favour- decide as to the truths of bis Jesuis Christ is the Son of God,: .. 1 ~bl ad nfvoraleevi- beliefs In this they haveland that as He said, "Whoso- dence, and, of course, abouit evervti in common with'ever believeth in Him should, the restilt. ýmillions of people since their1not perish but have everlast-! One of the features of the interesting program at the Clarke A very important trial took time. Despite the overwhelm- ing life."i High Sehool opening on Friday evening was the performance of place at Caesarea, in Palestine, ing evidence to support it, The court is in session;. the the large mixed glee club led byMiss M. Whitaker. They are more than 1900 years ago. The such an evcnt as the resurrec- defendant,' the o p p o s5i n g__ ___________ defendant was a man called tion, of a dlead* man seems'counsel, the jury, the record-i Pou], brought to trial because flintastic: yet it cannot be re- ers, the reporters and spec-ý wvere contrary to the accepted Paul, and still sustains men YOU ARE THE JUDGE. THEM n atcp t n C ak beliefs of the Jews. Previous- like him, through tremendous VERDICT IS YOURS. ]y, some of the citizens had _____________________________ tried to murder him, but fin- ally he was given a fair trial. The counsel for the Jewish f t~ b ~wod~ R eports from - actions, had disturbed the peace, and as a result should be suitahly punished. Paul Jews who had disturbed the o e s I s i u e race. They had attackec im. He added that it was not himself, but the message he preached that was on trial. Tc quote his statement, "Touch- ing the resurrection of the dead 1 arn called in question by you this day." Paul, you see, was claiming that Jesus Christ, an itinerani prophet and teacher, had lived FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARI<ERS 4Lo.k f.v lthseu.1sy OF STAFFORD \~tEVBROS.LD potential (ROOFING i made Alcan ali SAluminium neyer rusi Sand cut edges ~» regular maintenance I Snum roofing and sidij Sand easy to handle, tirne are cut way do\m Sthat your stock yieldr num's heat-reflecting are cooler in summer- and much more plea Decide right now ti property-for ife-wit made f rom Alcan al un Free Long-Range' shown here following thieir opening number, "It's a for singing". High School Opening SOLINA W. 1. Thanksgiving Prayer, "WhaitU The ctob r m etin ofto be thankful for". DSolina W.I. was eld on Oct. isses Karen and Breda Il at 8:15 in Solina Commun- yellowlees played two very, ity all.fine piano duets. ity all.Mns. Tom Baker read an The meeting was opened by amusing Thanksgiving story. JMrs. Ralph Davis, President ' Mis Jean Baker sang a soloi ,,Mrs. Wm. Ashton, sec'y-trýeas.," î Thruhte uis read the minutes, communica- which Th vr uh te lis tions and gave the financiali Mr. Daîrymple, Agriculturalýk, report. Representative, gave a very, Mrs. Robt. Eakins and Mrs. worthwbile talk on "Safety in; Wesley Yelloxvlees will attend the home, on the farm and the School for Leaders for the'hîghway. Short Course on -Hints fori Mrs. Ewart Leask movedý the Home Nurse" on Novem- a vote of thanks to Mr. Dal- ber 20, 21, at Orono. rymple for coming out ta talk Miss Pearl Leach was ap-1 to us on this very important pointed as a delegate to attend, subject. the Area Convention in Toron-1 Lunch was served in the to on November 7, 8, 9. A bus1 lower bail by the group in! will be chartered ta Toronto charge. Th1e platform at Clarke High School was filled a uditorim. Those xvho were unable ta find a seat o oesmaking.arrgns. b e heldo November etand ilýitli top civie, educational and governmental officiais insicde were able to follow the speeches anywhere iný Mrs. R. Fraser read two will be a quilting and pot l'uck on Friday during the officiai opening ceremonies. the school via the complicated but effective loud-j letters from the Bilton Institute dinner. iHere. Principal E. G. Witherspoon addresses the large speaker system. in England. gathering Ihat filIed the combination gymnasium -_____ _____ answered by "A domestic jobý BOWMANVILLE W. 1.r I wuldlik taseea mn d."while project. Two ladies werelvenor of Canadian Industrvý 'There were 32 members and 1 The monthly meeting of the' named to go with a thirdon'prgmsgaen interestin' T HN six visitons present. too W. I. was held on Thursday, nam.ied as reserve. talk on one ot Canada's new-: Mrs. John Knox to the! Sept. 3th, in the' Salvation' A nme of the ladilesl er industries "AtI um inLarn Anivesa ervcswere pens v en al, nrnientedý chair for the program underýAflfy's Youtb Centre on Di-. would lîke ta attend the' con-1 Foul," relating its manufacture well attended in the United, Mn. Wright, as lie set to workç tht' bcading of Agriculture. vision St.l vention at the Royal York,: and ifs multitude of househiold,('huirch on Surndav . R Jev.:,ta replace the' broken window Mrs. Donald Taylor read a, rsdn r.MlWsmnNx 9, butî as none felt ýuses as an equal conductor of George Sauinders of Bailieboro panes, called tht' meeting ta order by at liberty to take the tbr.1e 1ht'at or cold and inaking pack- xvý,as the' glAest mnistt'r, The iia Sne hartred the singing of O Canada, The'gt lwa ei- aged foods more attractive isubject for hi-, moirning ser- Wirlim Sholidas eTis ea Inttt deadte days as dt lIasdcdhoefomhl Insitue de nd heMary'ed to take a car 1oad an Each member was presente(înion was 'Not With xYour y. Tis e.r Stwr olc.Ms .Pksýv .Tecf with a package of Alcan foil-IFathers" and in the evenin he enjo\'ed a five weeks' .bi SteartColeot Mr. D arThîrsday. Nov.8 of' e"tu hog etr aaa read the minutes of tht' last urn wh .ich i engscred courtesy of the' manufactuning îYou Ain't Seen Nothing and turth Unitesttesnvsinga Q metng nd the fiancalfnomn Rawleighs was ond~ is-company. relating both to the' power of it sttmnsfrorapproval. ply ndwil e vryse- rs. Vincent Jack~son con- ithe Church. Mn. George Cole-t'- maay former Bethany-. She is secretary and treasurer. viceable article. About haîf ducted a word contést %vbicb mnan of Peterborough da h es. Leaving from Toronto beJ It seems that th'W . ex-th'onders are still needed. was won by Mrs. W. RowlandJ guest soloist, singing "I Heard sae vrih withMnad hibited something at the' 1n spentrolhtSageeke ndonit Blackstock Fair, for which we The ladies joîned in si.nging Following the singing of thelthe Voire of Jesuis", "The Ms aodSg nLno received second prize. Con-.the Institute Rallv song. Mrs.[îsiueGaelnh IsSnge(- rd " ande,St est n graultins fllw mmbrslTiask tok ~ hepenyserved bv the hostess assist- n Tt or'ad "ta, Mn. and Mns, Merin Love i.n gratulaions, ellow eederbTuMrs.k ChanlestheMortyin,AWa v'Tht' choir directed bN' Leamington. Stoyp-ox-ers were A delegate was chosen to collection. Mrs, Vins.Chn aks rons.Tr.S.L plersn made in Windsor, Detroit, attend the annual Convention,' Tht' program was in chargelJennings and Mrs. Bruce Ry-HCfeave'illY Love Abidinig' at Chicago and in Seattle'. Wash.,, ta be held at Tht' Royal York of Mrs. Jack Stapleton and te orin.sric1ad Hoy h le atteaded the' World'sl Hetel in Toronto. Bowmanvil le'Mrs. A. Low. The rail caîl was Tt ex1etigwlb t AtT." 0te vnn. Fain. He spent a xveek nVn Beriahsorofn . I aecar antee y amt" in an -'tht' home of Mrs. Gervin Mal'- ýMs. D. J, Flett of Petex-bor- couver, B.C., visiting with Mn.; tein abs oron'day, and:dustrva h. Ps. t ia.ough1 w-as tht' organist for botîî and Mrs. Bcvis Wright and! 00/ ho manv ofilgn we hope te, bave a good show- iocs ta nlote hW services. teRv n1Ms e tl- ing, so please try to be ont' of these have appaîentlY disap- Dsie Saudys ne-man. Some time was spent iii! the crowd. ipe.ired but have really' "grown, NWTNI ED y et xve aîlir th' Auin VictoraadN*Wsmn aNext item on tht' program ip~ or broadened out inoaetieter h uto ster, B .C., anid in Calgarv,! was tht' roll eall. A cure for sillai lies of mach greatený Newtonville Women's Insti- Sale al St. Paul's Parish Hall ~t evstdwt n n wrinkles." twsh' opinion magnitude. The moti w tte met Wednesday, oct. 17, xvas a decided sîîccess. A greatIl5RîliRwad n r Of most of uis that prevention!'Ysterda.vs wcre thie stepping at tht' home of Mrs. MeIville vaniet\x of fariîn and gre adMs Hugh McCarthy. la s better than cure. Thrfr1tne oartdas'M.LWSamis. witb President Mrs._C. produce, grain, hayv, home a oa ak.lex'std tse:ms better ta fly ot to(-k tlen slowed Lus a fine selec-1 I1 tc k"with Mn. a.nd MrsLawrenceJ nothav yocue heioCnad V liadges u hlf ritr, twere al. McCuîlougli. At Belle Plains,, After a licu mre bhem. Caýnada illgesnig avone oae y eb ?teSask. lhe was tht' gutst of Mr. nis acetn akOlParish aînd all wei'e sold -fan Mr.RyBenlada the meeting was turned aven man\' points of iiiterest they rihol.~îuî o Benl.ada fui vauewih Ceigto T.Finiewith Mr. aîîd Mrs. to Mrs. Stewart and hier group1. J lîad ohsci-ved. As wxell as the 1 The' motto was "Bt' patient at exterior scetirieslie had mrany Carr as the aiictionecr. AboutlHarvey Siaten. lHe spent same '0ý Xcrassings and you will not on intonior scenes of these won-, $250.100 was realized from tht' time in Moost'jaw and Regina na o eoeaptet"dru lId buildings, caniopiedi saeand in Winnipeg, Man. where : o tNo comments, as I was the beds witlî heautiful draperies,, ,iThe Arthuar Wrights had a he visifed with Mn. and Mrs. guilty party taking tht' part. wallpaper put on ini 83t0, la-, ..partridge diiîien last Wednes- Ed. Polaad anîd Gordonî Pal-' 1 ofFAR Thesubectfor he ay as des uiltng nd pinnngallda.y. That mornaiîîg a large aîîd. A weekend -was spent at, of FARM leallTht' n ubtc o te day as. tdeO uiltngandSi niiig, aIl and'bird flew tliroîîgh thei kit- Sault Ste . Marie with Mn. and and SIDING Stewart read a papen on the avenis, etc. Oiitside the leam chetin n, breaking two Mrs. Alex ILambin. At Bid helhand good habits wliich of oxeîî and tht' original tJour- 'paries" of, as the' ouitside River hie visited with -Rev.- tend monake a good life for- horst' stage coach tlîat once ýstorm wiiidows lîad justne fusm all ranl between Toronto and Y , rently been put on. Tht' bird' ' We had one visitor from Kingstoîî were of?special in- Paroi el ntekthntnîdge ret IlEngland who spoke brit'fly terest. Pictareq from th e' aA-, floo wit ENJOY COMPI uii uu i:1 about tht' Women's Institutes Chryslen Fanr m Battlt'field g lf9 fairlv pleîitifil la the sun- inthat couintry, syn thai, took us back ta the wvar of' UErn nding countrvside. bas in- ts,~~~~~ evnaacace~lthough oun aîms wene the 1812. A special vote o? tbaiiks ý . ite itlimtaedinenbasin-t' dee tsrths ame. we naturalli did some was cxtcndcd ta Mr. and Mrs. 8from $19.5 villae. utsl î iiakes an te nedspantngor~ thinls differentlv. I forgot fi vanlM g.1.1 f"But il <a, e bos tey*i ver ~~~~mention tht' visiton's nanie, Mirs. Luxoiî nd Ms. W h. me or busessOf flî ht etig E A i t And because alumi- wih asM.HutSehsMren po(ldtht' lunc!h Cut opcrating coss-speed service 1rw ooe h ing are so lightweight ~friends iii Hampton, and was wîe Mrs. Low assisted in wîîh the Johinson "Messenger' Used trilith te Wl. Ode, Mary SIc- appictio cst r. njoving her visit verv mach. seiviiiL.!. Cathîcant was' by thousands of businessmen, sales. w-att Collect anîd Lords Pra' - f appliatio cost andMis. Wisemnan resum'ed hier the efficient auctionet'r of the' men, farmers, doctors, construction er-. Mrs. S. Laiicîster îead tl e vo. You'll also noticedules and tht' meeting closed travelling baýket articles. crews, and sportsmen.........minctes. finiancial report and YI R B-A RO moedet lmwith the singing of the niation- .- Finest G nerAÏ 'Radio correspondeiîcc if .vas decido'd a nhm ea] xetteService (Citizcos' Band) Transceiver ita accept an in\axi tion to Ma- U properties. Buildinga Iatem.Wei inal xep h'BEH'AN Y W. INSTITUTE avaiable - excellent sensitivity and pcG v l o nîe ~ waîerssat n a crcleaîîdseiectivîty for Maximum range. 19 cci eajoyed a cap o? tea and cake, eviîe soeh' oitn' hne cvrg.-natchiecng. Nov. 12. Tiiere wais -warmr ho înter. . . talking about sixteen ,vords ta, Insýtit1ite wî're entertaîned at any 1 of 5 channels. Maximum iegaî roîîisiduirab1. :siics wt sant ta work in, tool tht' dozen. Tht' next îeetiîîg tht' hîome of Mrs. Earl VW'ta- power - dozens of operating and plalls fol' ie (,ii(iI(iii 0 protect your farm ill be held in tht' samie place, thîcniît on 'Moîday. with Mrs.' convenience features-escsy b istail niuiiitvtalc, aiid flic' erc-c sanroof and an Owing to sickn's.s Harrv Rx1ev presidiîîg. Memn-! nywhere! a t tlise eriioapli on Nov. 111 h.1 throfng adsiding ad holiday, this is late. I esjic iirpaigtt at 3 o'clo.k. <- flinum. mjiust Say sorry, please ex-:Mirv' Stewart Collct. Tht' r. Mr,. M. Saillis tbeii present-1 Weather Forecast Drap ln to yaur nearest Beaver Lumiber deaier and discuss yaur roofing and siding plans. He'll give you sound advice and Informative bookiets as vieil as a weatherfarecestfarthe month tacorne. And remember ta ask your Beaver Lumber dealer for lterature an Iang-lasting colaured aluminurn siding, too-now avai'able ln five attractive calours and white. Why flot 800 hlm todayl BEAVER LUMBER PHONE MA 3-3388 96 KING ST. E. BOWINANVILLE Fbonit' Roberts. Institte Oide.1 !Arrangaements were , com- KENDAL W. 1. pletecl for the M il lin e ny course Oct. 18 ta 22, whicb. Tht' W. I. meeting xvas held iltl he iii charge o? Miss Noa lWednt'sday evening, Oct. 17, Crykt' af Toronto. aI tht'honse of Mrs. Art Loxv. Mrs. Harrnv Rvlt'v and Mrs. wiîh Mrs. E. Cauroux presid- Thonias Jeîîîîiîîgs %vill be the ing. It was opened by siîîging delegales atlending tht' On-1 tht' Institute Ode followt'd bv tanici Cenîtral Area Conîvention tht' Mary Stewart Coilect in in tht' Havai York TIotel. Ton-ý unison. In tht' absence of Mns. onlo. Nov. 7. 8, 9. H. Foster, Mrs. Turansky reari Tht' stcretarv gave a report, the' minutes and tht' corre- o? work done liv the' Federated, pondence. Thank-you n ot es Woin'sa Institutfes o? Oiitario.1 'ere read for the donation of Resolaitions fa be prt'sented at, tht' prize by Kendal W.I. b.v the' convention xvere discivýsed. 'Mrs. Knowles. Pickernîg, whoA X letter from a form-er mem-; received tht' award for '-Dic- ber. Mrs. Ruprn Wood, tiovv tion', and also from tht' Orono of exfiodad a read Drania Festival Conîmitîe *witi ,t-etiiigs ta ail meiinherzs. i Five dollars is doîîated la the' Ming EarlI WeathPrilt corn- Blind, A discussion was field rnenlFrcl uri thie nialto 'Can-' on the Senior project. '"Hns sîder tht' tunîle - he do"s not for flie Homne Nurse"' ta bt1projgresc; xîntil lie sticks bis' hield in Orono. Nov. 20 and 21.neck out.- It wu lelt to be a very worth- Thcomas Jen.nings, Con-. Walkie Taikies front $199.95 per pair Ask for Demonstration ORONO ELECTRIC ORONO, ONTARIO Phone 129 Orono Sales - Installations loulitook t lie ainîlo, "A stcli ini lit' s-ives 11tc Mirs. F. Gilmei gýave a verv interýes-I * îg ac-ouairiofr ent exentý. Mrs. Ornîiston gave sonme u fiil "Hou..chold Hli aIs', aniî Mrs. W. Wodlîad a rcadiag. i"She has -o occupatlion." Tlie raIll ail was "A lime-' sax ing device in niv kitchýn."' The' meeting closed .Nith i,)i!C Save' the' Qucen. Duiring tht' social ho:in Mrs.1 Samis and lier cryoup st'rved lunch. lMr54W, Wood rcceîv- ed tht' 'luck,% îchair*' prize. Mir. -J. NIwisev, the' Raw~- lc'igh mati. %%as present vwilh1 sarnles rof hN goad&. reaci' hoý o; de, rr-r. 'i i' b-) riiicri xc ilicsi - nfc niaker- as a premiîin foi or- dfers gi'en. .Siiicetht' aieeting. the' W.I. i held a verv succe-sfui salei tht' communitv hall on Satur-J day aflernoon. James Somervil 1 Sflncfr.ilnp tf 51 King St. E. B~orclen. spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson. Mrs. J. J. Clark has return- ed from three weeks' holiday ,when she visited witb her son Dr. John Clark and family a Niagara THE STATESMAN SOLD BY TESEDEALERS: W. Reid, Bethany ijobnson Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enivright, Newcastle Newcastle Taxi S. Brown. Newtonville Porter's Store, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen J. H. Siemion. Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone H. A. Barron, Hamipton Trull's Store, Courtice H.A. E. Ribey, Burk e H.L. Martyn Store, Keith Bradley, Ponty oolý' Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono Wmi. Turansky, Kendal Henderson Book Store, Oshawa Mike s Place, Oshawa House That Jack Buiît R.R. 4, Oshawa -Bowinanville - Rickaibv's Ltd. - "Big 20" Dicks' Book & Tobacco Store Jack's Smoiuc Shop Pearsonis Sniokc Shop Goheenis llandy StoM grand li-lit .1111Y & Loveli gi ad nghtLiberty Bowvl Okes Smoke Shop The Flying Dutchman Hearl's Store Ile ad Ivrs 1rvstal Dairy lIend r Tho Statesman Office and Conniston where lie w the guest of tht' Rev. Williami Fritz and Mr-S. Fritz. Stops were also made i.n North Bay: and Toronto on the returro trip. and in Oshmva where lie sta *ved wi'tlîMir. and M :s. Sta'nley Gibbs. Miss Laura Hutchinson and bher sister Mr-s. Herb. Kennedymoved to their new home Pt 340 Stewart St., Petcrborough,ý on Tuesday.1 Mn. and Mrs. Ed. ,Jakenianý of Roblin, Man., are visiting ýwith Mr. and Mîrs. Henry Jakernan. Mr. and Mrs. Hall v MeMa- ho.n, Peterborouh, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ina Pal-' mer. Mr. and Mns. Ralph Wbet- lauffer, Toronto, were guestsi with Mr. and Mrs. Mansel' Wright for the weekend. Pte. John Jackson. Camp BURNERSERVICE ANNIVERSARY S AL E PRE-PASTED WALLPAPER CLEARING AT 1/2 PRICE1 CONTINUES 1CLEARING ALL TOYs 2 5 l'YbOFF SAVE . .. Buy Now for Chiristmas 1 Bownianville LETE VICE FROM check these important advantages: *B.A SOLAR HEAT-scientifically conipounded ta gîve you maximum heat value and clean burn- îng efficiency. B-A SOLAR P.A,C.-free anti-corrosion treatment of your fuel cil tank. 7 * B.A BUDGET PLAN-easy k aments for heating oil /4 j 'jj~ spra over 10 months. " ANNUAL TUNE.UP PROGRAM-keeps your Iseating unit in peak operating condition. " DEPEN DABLE D ELIVERY-automatical1ly ad- justed to weather conditions. " 8l-A HEATING FINANCE PLAN-for both new tumnace installations and conversions. Low down payment-small carryîng charge-fise years to pay. EA. VIRTUE & SON Phone COlf ax 3-2431 Tyrone Ontario Auihorized Dealer1 Stafford Brothers LIMITED Monuments Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. Wiltby Phone Whltby MOhawk 8-3552 PAINT CLEARANCE INTERIOR and EXTERIOR 1, PT. 35c QT. $1.00 GAL. s3.50 DO YOUR DECORATJNG NOW. . AND SAVE! MANY OTHER DSON SPECIALS DSON THROUGIIOUT1 PRICES ON THE STORE ANMWR WITH SAVINGS LANMWR UP TO GARDEN 5O7oTRACTORS -'ETC.ý This is a PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE A small deposit will hold any article until Christinas! Lander Hardware &Electric Ltd. Phoile lMA 3-5774