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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1962, p. 1

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O .u stan -Jing Young Àccorclion»îst %rnabnntf~a Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 108 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1962 lOc Per Copy NUMBER 43 I Many Visitors Attend Clarke High School Opening Defeat All Questions On Liquor, Beer Vote i 'Here Last Wednesday, The four questions placed 1,801 against. Tbis was just before the electors of Bow- 38.42 in favor of Men's Bever- manville in the plebiscite held iage Roomis. undeî' tbe Liquor Licence Act The Revised Voters List for last Wednesday were defeat-'this plebiscite contained 4,187 ed at the poils. !namnes and 3,074 voters exer- There wvere 1,754 votes In cised their fracnhise. This is favor of dining lounge licen- a turn-out of only 73.41 per' 1ces and 1,230 against. This cent cf those eligibie ta vote. was 58.7 8 per cent for this AUl poils with the exception1 question, but as each required of four, No. 4, No. 5. No. 6 and 60 per cent "Yes" votes to No. 14 had inajorities in favor ;xvwin, the question was lost. ýof the Dining Lounge ques- The' cocktail lounge receiv- tion. Out of the total 14 poils ed 53.95 per cent, 1,602 "Yes-'nine bad favorable majorities votes, and 1,367 "No' votes, for the cocktail lounges. No, There were only 1, 160 "es 13 was a draw with 86 for il votes for Women's Beverage and 86 against, and the same ,Rooms, wbiçh was 39.41 per four poils that bad majorities cent, and 1,783 against. The:against the Dining Lounge -votes for Men's Beverage i question also had majorities Rooms toîalled 1,124 with LTURN TO PA(SE TWO) Clarke Towniships heautiful new high school lahoratory, four students was given a thorough inspection by hundreds of fish and"frogs while the parents and other visitors on Friday evening. Included action. At the i'ronlt des on the program was a tout, of the manv classrooms Gera]cj Gibson; at rear,7 where__samples of work were on displ'ay. In one Cotter. A RecordEntry Four Candidates WiIl Stand For Provincial Nomination At Liberal Convention Nov. 1 Wii Return l tandard Tinm his Weekeo .Dayllght Sailng Time verts to Standard Tinie weekend. Sn corne Satur night we get back that1 lost hour of last spring, D&Wht forget ta turny elocks BACK one b when retiring Satur nlght. If you don't, yo &rrlva" at church an h ahead of service Urne.. Durham Liberals appear as-,compared with former Similar' su red of one of the hottest activities wvhich in recent! nomnatonmeetings in theiryears tîîrned up one or at Most to mhstory at Orono Townshîp,-two candidates. Hall next Thursday evening,, Those who have already l e Nov. Ist. The event wilI seejindicated they will be candi- at Ieast four candidates ini theýdates include, in alphabetical running for the provinciallorder: (1) Weston Banister ofý nomination, almost a record ;Campbellcroft, a well-knowný d hich the Liberal executive farmer and electrical con- feels is a good indication Of tractor. He is a brother of e e- lne intense interest wtîjÎch has!the lir. .PFranklin- Banister. this been aroused locally. formrler rninister of St. PauV's irday long Members of the nominating' United Church, Bowmanville, comnîittee have spent several:ýand has had experience in 9. weeks contacting and inter- î municipal politics in Hope your viewing prospective candidates Toîvnsbipý hour in an effort fto obtain outstand- (2) Altan Beer who lires in ýrday ingr citizens who would agreeýthe Bethanv area and farms,I ,ou'l ta contest bbe nomination, as wvell as xvorking at General hour Their efforts have certaitil v Motors il' Oshawva. He is a met with surprising success,i (TUFRN TO PAGE 'TWO) Wor k Dept. Lays Storm Sewer Quite an amnbitiaus program lias been tindertaken icecenitx 'vl) ' Box'.- manville Works Depi., under Supt. Tom Stewar~t. Iii order ta case iht' surplus water problemn on Argyle and Duke Streets, a ne\%,storm sewer is bcing laid te replace some aid tile that wvas uncovercd mn tht' prraccss. Comsiderable diffi- culty was experienccd but now appears t(ýa\-,- v een ov)\erýcOme. I-oads and UStreets Cornmittee Cliairman Rox' W. Nichaios boes u-il] leille tlifiîst -t n -ctended prograni,%rbiieliexenutalîx xvouldc imlypîto Storni Sew..- ers throughout ilho en tire tn'%wn,île cla irus ilt'a i iiv (1011e w t bmi a' nci'. in taxes, uisitg t he mone *, saved through leas maintenuance un towvn îoadcs wxvlc have been paved this year. were busy dissecting cray- Tecichers and Nurses Guests at B&P Meet' ýOn Thursday Evening Miss Tina Kozub, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Kozub, R.R. 2, Newcastle,C won third prize on Sunday, Oct. l4th at Massey Hall in Toronto. Tina. whcb' guests watcneci inem inl The October meeting of the introduced the guest speaker,1 is 13 years of age, is an accordionist and was the' youngest of 14 contestants. ýsk are Bertha Clark and Bowmanville Business andMrs. Walter Branch, Oshawa.~ The 14 finalists were picked from a preliminary list of 170 in the talent show. rom Henderson and Vicki Professional Women's Club.An informative address onThtaetjds r A xBricou itofhe el;G ry akr f was a buffet supper held at the USSR, Poland, East and Tetln ugswr lxBricouns fteTl;GryBreo - --------Memorial Park Clubhouse last West Germany was given by the Star; Dennis Braithwaite, of the Globe & Mail; Len Starmer, ofÉ C.B.C., and, Thursday evening. The event Mrs. Branch, who recentlY Bil] Crampton of CFTO-TV. The United Appeal Revue w-as sponsored by the was enjoyed by 48 membersicompletedi an extensive tour iRobert Simpson Co. Ltd. First prize was $200, second xvas $100.00 and third was E x-Chief Dies and their guests, teachers from !of these counitries.1 $50 00. Tina will appear in the near future in a show on Channel 6, called "U nurses from Memiorial Hos-,hind the iron utanwee and Coming", sponsored yteCB . She will be taping this show on Oct. 29., pital. The occasion rnarked discussed by the guest speak- Each contestan~t xas introduced by a radio or TV disc.iockey. Tina was sponsor- Business Womens Week in' eî. Mrs. Branch spoke of the; ed by Pat Murray of CFTO-TV. Other sponsors in the show were Bill Brady Canada.arduous tasks, which are re- President Victoria Frank gaddaofrmnlceb î CKEY, AI Boliska and Bob Macadory of Chum, Ron Hewitt and Ron Me. there. She also stresse h litr I LI Black of anv individual inde- pendence for these peopi nc M asre who are flot fortunate enoughl !t live life as it is known in Blîtz Keturns ýh rewrd A vote of thanks to Mrs., Branch was moved by Miss i - r i a or G u ie Rch $2800 CNIB campaign treasurer the excellent address she had JmsBell reports that re- given. On behiaf of the club S r i a la s f r A e trsto date amount to aP- Miss Purdon presented the u v a l Pn s f r Aa proimtey $.80,with sev- guest speaker with a gift as a eral outlyngditritssti0,o souvenir of her visit to the be erar ulid isfrom. tll local B. and P. Women's Clu b reetingsfrom theNationaDuI0.ring Rotary Luncheon The campn cmnit wsFederation were brought to most enthusiastic over theýthe club by Miss Tricia Kyle, ~, help received from a group of Honorary~ Secretary-Treasurer WieDra onyi ltjtrep~tpeîetKîhWih n aI oeto high school canvassers, organ-iof the Federation, who ra hl uhmCut snttreps reietKihWib n akRbrgi C.Lnis ooe iizdby Jan adr When introduced by Presîdent Frank. expeeted to be a iarget areaJackson, George Vice and Rex HalLurton. C. Lucus Ùoper oedof te Lesarea. n is1 yeemhszd h atin the event of nurlear war- Walters, and the chairmail onffte P ae ai is yeepisze h atI. resident Billett expressedt Ris many friends and formi- vassers found at the last that each. individual member fri would probably re- the Magazine and RotaryIn the club's appreciation of the er ollagus n Bwmavile' miutetha se wuldbe flof il . aidP. ome'sceive some faîl out, Captain format ion Committee, Walter efforts of the Rotary Anne& Fire Dept.. were saddened on ý able to do her work due to Clubs is avital link i h odnV r~t .. ot'enls Tuesdav to learn that former, illn-ess, tliis group of young chain of effort for the achieve- Hope. the Emergency Measur- Guests present at the lunch- fui tea and reception during PFire Chief C. Lucius Hoopeîr people took on ber territory ment Of the Federation's goal es Organization Co-ordinator eon meeting were Rev. Jack the club's International Stu. had died suddenly. M.fooprodynih n oletdo for the United Counties, tolci Pereyma and E.P. Lupton ýdent's Weekend. He thanked Mi.lop Mna ngt n olete firproving ronditionsfo the Bowivmaniville Rotary Club both of dOshawa, Rex Wynntehses-cneosMs ýer had a long and distingui-îsz.1310o. They were assisted working wom-en. fn:'hhots-cnvorM& ed career with the brigade., bv George vice and Jack Dn ADutchi Auction was much lnho etn eda h BrantfordLdurie Oxenham, TURN TO PAGE TWO) ýFuneral service will be ld wo roviddth Irasora enjoyed by ail present. MissFlngDtha MooH- from the Morris Funeral Chap- tion. enabling the girls to Velma Gay and Mrs. Reita tel on Friday. The guest speak- el on Thursday, Oct. 25th aticover a wide area in a short Hobbs were in charge of the er' spoke of E.MO. plans, and 2:30 p.m. Plans were discussed outlîned the ways in wvhicb a a it r w frteUNICEF Tag Day to people can be of assistance. ýbe iel bytheclu wih sDoneaitdais o f vre c Hebr Marion Jeffery as convenor. garth, Hampton, and Captain ~s anc1 ~Çf~eces 'arents Visit The ines of he ce uibCare ig it n 9 e e ted by their fellow Rotarians. F ls C a k ig OPEN HOUISE - Two Open House eveiits cf con- past president of the club, and siderable significance will take place this week . .L: 9~ J P. G. Newell. Mr. Rickaby puti Tomiorrow afternoon and evening the Ontario IfuMI IL SLIIVUI 'hts0pair of0tilkets1up for aur Dept. of Agriculture office, jutst west of the new tion for the benefit of the Dominion Store, will xvlcome visitors to view itriw lbswradalrs rtd A h omioeigcr-MALL.D. Principal of 'Uni- for Itriw .bîcdding ihey were purchased 1monies of Clarke Hîgh School versity College, University of their new facilities. On Friday and Saturday, yD.HB.Rnlfo$1 the new Liberty Manor Apartrnents will be ope This week ail parents of bID.H .Rudefr ýthe huge auditorium-gymnas- IToronto, was the guest spealc- pupils in the Bowmanville President Keith Billett of- l ium was filled to capacity with er. for inspection xvîth a model suite on displa\.Pulc chos aete ficiated at the inîduction of'a large crowd of parents and The program was opened i T ~~~~opportunity of interviews 'Frank Irwin into miembershipother interested people. lrwi'bCareligScolGe DONATIONS - Recently, mer-chants received %vith their children's teach- ýin the club. Others who par-!-Colwill, chairman of the Club singing "O Canada". letersgivng hei asessentfortheChrstms ers. Tece-aetItr ticipabed in the impressive Ro- Clarke Committee, presided. Everyone particularlyenoe Sview Night was held at itaiy induction ceremony were Moffat St. Andrew Woodside, I TURN TO PAGE TWOI stiee leîiicing. un me î~saîHCie i icu cîîere was a blank space opposite the Santa Claus parade fund. It was hoped the merchants would also include generous donations in that field on the samne cheque, to save themn making out two. IJnfortun- ately, it hasn't worked out that way ta date. Last year, most businesses gave at least $20 to help the Parade l'und. Similar contributions would be appreciated as quickly as possible. HELPING OUT - Incidentally he huge float for Santa to ride on is xvell underway. Davie Alldread bas been assisted by Percy Gould with the f rame- xvork and it us no\v just about ta be taken to tLhe Ontario Training School for Boys for completion, including the reindeer and other decorative effects. ON HIS FEET - Durhamns 1VP, Russell C. Honey, bias been busv in the Hiouse of Commons asking questions of thie government ministers and pro- paring speeches ta be delivered when the occasion arises. Those whn tbink the life cf an MP or MPP is an easy oane, should follow one cf these chaps for a w'eek and thev'd learn that it isn't. Th'ey aie kept ver,,- busv with calîs, meetings, speeches and tendinq ta their correspondence. SURPRISE - Eric Ber~nard of Newcastle ran into a surprise accident on Monday at 6:55 p.m. While dîriving a]ong lligbwa 'v 115, a deeir jumped out in front of bis car and was killed. Damage ta Barnard's vebiicle was estimated at $75. + DURHA31 CLUB Tomorroxv (Thursdav) even- ing. James P. Lovekin. a native of Durham and Ilead of thec liîstor ,v Depb. in Scarboro Secondary Sohools, xiii be tlie guest speaker at the Durham Countv Club of Toronto. Visitors from Ibis area xviii be xwJ(-)rned and will bear somne bistory on "The Beginniintgs of Our Country". EARLY LICENCES -- vobjclc I iccrîce platns hcfore Jati. l1b;i. o I1963 hliences i s Dec. be Mai-ch l3th. -For the firsb lime, materr in On tarioa will ' g on sale diate set for first issuing üf lObh and closing date xvîll Vincent Massey School on Monday, and at Lord Elgin and Ontario Street Schoois on Tuesday. Tonight, it %Nill be at Central Public School. Parents anxious to learn of tlieir children's acadernile progress, and also to receive kno%%ledge of howv to best help them with their schol- astic vork, find that these interviews with the instruc- tors are of trernendous as- sistance to theni. Looking Forward to High School Durham P.C.s ýHear Members y At Orono Meet A meeting of Durliaro Pro- ,gressive Conservative Associ- ; ation was held in Orono, Tues-ý day. Oct. 16th. Tvwenty-five I members attencled and gen-1 ceral business was discussed. Garnet B. Rickard, newvly! elected candidiate for Durham (federal) Riding, spolie, men- tioning the many requests he' is receîx'ing for s:peaking, en- gagemnents. iAlex Carruthers. member of the Provincial House forý Durham, bspoke of his work in the local area and asked thos" present ta keep their eyes on the wonderfuîl work the Hon. Robt. Mac'alay' s doing w'th the 'Trade Cru..ade." He ý,poke, al1s o. on 'eiae and the time and thougbt Ihat i is being put into this. to bee fit aIl, bv Prernier John Ro- Mnr. Carruther- npton Five Oronca Public ScbIool pupils lound the Clarke High Sehool opening tih p nî~r Deinta i a gond tinie to bave an adx'ance look at a few cf the tbings they will have to ai tbc Ro'.al York. INov. jeIarn later on. XVhen this photograpb wds taken they. were trying eut one.of and Ihe t'. ork ir is doîing on the crinmttee for industrial the t . pewriters in Ibie commercial class 'llîey are. fram ]eft to right: Julie r ehabiitation. Schmid, Patricia Wallace, Fae Lewis, Elaine Schrnid and Laurie Schmid. NUMBER 43 1 1

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