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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1962, p. 3

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VA'N BTSWYK - UMA 1 Red and white gladioli for- Exchange Vows ln Orono United med the setting for a pretty candlelight service in Black- stock United Church on Sat- 117-13urday, September 29th, when' vveddinrl s Tena, daughter of Mr. and t, Mrs. Jake Buma. R.R. Na. 1,! Burketon, was united in mar- niage with Peter Bart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Inge Van Rys- 1 * wyk, R.R. No. 2, Nestleton.1 The double wedding ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Philip Romenil, and the wedding music was played by SUTCLIFFE- COWLING flowec girl was in deep aqua, Gard n mStrang. y with an embroidered bodice, fatber, the bride wore a tra- On Saturday, September 29, white accessories and rhine-1ditional gawn of white chan- 1962, at three a*clock Orono stone hala hat. She carried aýtilly lace over nylon taffeta United Churcb vas the set- smaller nosegay of bronze and 'with a scallpe nckie ting for a double ring cere- white chrysanthemums. timd wt eun n mon y uniting in marriage timd whseun ad .buv,.'Louise Cowlin g, daugh- ,Mr. William Allen, brother- lpearîs and long pointed sleev- ter cY Mr. and Mrs. Harlev în-law of the groom, was besties. The dipped waistline fel 'Mares owlng f Oonoman and the ushers were Mas- inta a pinafore effect from anhoMrs.CWimhng odOrnouterGardon Cowling, Orona, whicb layera of lace-trimmed cliffe of Leskard. The bride- brother of the bride, and Mr.I ruffles cascaded dlown the gromisth onofMr adLeonard Sutcliffe of Bay back. A caranet of pearîs and Mrs. Russell Sutcliffe of Les- Ridges, brother of the groom. brilliants held ber shoulder- kard. Another brather of the bride. length veil. She carried a cas- young Master Kenneth Cowl- cade of red baby roses aad The officiating clergyman ing of Ocono, was ring bearer. white chrysantbemums. was Rev. Basil E. Long and Miss Shrley Bum, cousi Mrs. Richard D. Morton play- A eetanfloed at The! MisSire u ,cui ed the wedding music. Ace Restaurant at f i v le of the bride, as maid of bonor, o clock with appcaximately 9Oi1vare a street length dress of -'e"- Givenin mrriae byhec n atendace. he b idesred velvet. It had tbree-quar- father, the bride wore a fuli- mother received and for thP terlngh levs nd ul lengtb gawn of white nylonocain oe-renare gd~athered skirt. Her accessar- s4.ker, and nylon and rayon signed with pleated skirt and Îles were white and she car- lace. Lace pattecned the bod- jacket, beige accessories and ried a cascade of red camna- ice and the bouffant skict was corsage of ced cases hewstions and white 'mums. The acceated by lace front andiassisted by the groom's ma- bridesmaid, Mca. Audry Buma, - back panels. Long sleeves but-4bher wba chose a beige linea sIster of thegroomeawr,oddeO Y to.ned at the wrists. Hec white jacket-dress with blue and sister of the groom, ware a nylon tulle veil with rhtnc- black accessories and corsagestreet length gown of white ston tiaa ws mae bythenylon avec satin with a match- stdandtar wasumaetby theof pn stole. Hec bat, similiar ta brie ndhecboqut ws f1As the couple left for a the mraid of bonour's, was red red roses and white carna- zotwdigtrptToot ev h acsre ht, tions. hrwdigtptTrnowie The brides cousin, Miss ýwas wearin. a three-piece bouquet. Carolyn Tennant cf Bowman-;light blue ensemble of lem- The groom was attended by ville, was maid of honor andj bossed cotton and white ac- his uncle, Mc. Harry vander the bridesmaids wece Missicessories. They will ceside on Heu], Port Perry, and the ush-"" Brenda Cowling, Orono, sister'Main Street, Ocono. ers were Mr. Peter vander of the bride, and Mrs. Peggv'1 Employed as an office cleck, Heul and Mr. John G'mur. Blaschke of Leskacd, sister cf the bride attended Clarke Un- For receiving the bride's the groom. A niece of the ýion Public Sehool and Orono mother chose embroidered groom, little Miss Tina B3u7- High School. She was one of blue satin with white access- gess of Leskand, was flowecý Orono's Princesses, 1961-62. ories. The groam's mother; girl. 'The groom attended Stark- mare turquoise satin with Orange Ice nylon sheer ville. Keadal and Leskard white and black accessanies. dresses with draped bodices!PuliaSehools and is present- They each wore a corsage of end full skirts wece wora bv' ly employed by the Goodyeariwhite chrysanthemuma. Mr. and Mrs. William Ronald 'Sutcliffe are shown signnng the register the adult attendants and their'Tire & RubberCoÇ., Bowman-, The reception and dinner following their marriage in Orono United Church on1 Saturda.\1 September 29, accessories were white. Their ville. was held ta Blackstock R,- 1962, at three o'clock. The bride is the former Joan Loutise Co\winig. daughteri circular crowas with net veils- creation Centre, immediately itesn were also white and they car- following the ceremony a trio of Mr. and Mrs. Haî-Iey Thomas Cowling cf Gratno, andi Ilie groom is h o ried nosegays of bronze and VANDERMEER - SIKMA '0of songs was sung by the bni- of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Suteliffe of Leskard. Photo bY Astor Studio whit chvsathemms.The Marced ecetly a RhoIde's nieces and nephews and whit chvsanherums.The Maried ecetly n RhoLa solo was sung by the maid of bath Christian Reformed honour. The best man led inS LN*4 rid In E ns iln U ie ýChunch, Bowmanville, wereinS LN a re In nns le U td Mis Eda Skma daghtrofgroup inging and Mr. and 1 Mss dnaSika, augterO'Mrs. John Kiagma conducted Mc. Wm. Culling and grand- ýMr. and Mrs. Gosse Sikma, a game whjch was enjoyed by duheMs ete hr Ocno ad c.SjrpVade-ah c i!!, Oshawa, Mc. and Mcs. Meer, son of Mr. and Mca. For the wedding trip ta Ot-KaIPte, sintn Mc Hans VanderMeer, Newcastle. tawa aad points north, th .ad Mca. Hrry Paitond Mr., The ev.J. . Vebruge ridechoe awinter white Mark. Rexdale, were visitars .performed the ceremony with wool jersey dress with white with Mr. and Mca. Alex Pot- Get !Mr. John Boersma as organist. accessories andi corsage Of ter. Given in marriage by ber mauve 'muma. The couple are T father, the bride woce a full- making their home la Black-Ide uc ih lwsstfruit leagth gown of silk organza stock. deoae1thfoes ri over et ad tafeta.The1 and vegetables, by the Hi- fittd boice as ehancd igroup, for the annual Harvea Get ail the with applique and designed PETTIFER- WEARN Home service on Sundav af-! witb a scalloped neckliae ternoon. Reverend F. J. Reed Gtalhestudded with sequins and Standards of yellow and o! Su.nderland was g~uest min- Get al thewhite'muma effectively de- ister and gavea splendid1 inor atonarn e ;full skir~t fiw hi oted Enaiskillen United Thanksg'iviag message. Don-t 4 ~er applique and a lange bow Church when Lamna Jean ald Taylor contcibuted a fine at the back. A tiara of pearîs Wearn, daughter of Mr. and vocal solo "Thanks Be To .aa crsta bed br sortiîMrs. A. L. Wearn, Enniskillea, God," anýd the choir selection andusiovel d sher carrtied- and Mr. Elvin Rosa Pettifer was "Praise Him Who Reigas." cascade of white carnations were united ln marriage on Several AOTS memrbecs and and stephanotis. Saturday, October 6, 1962, at their daughters (or bocrowed: The maid of honor was Miss 2he onlok Te rsR.tidrom 1 daughters) attentied the Fa- afid help speed youw mai11 VraVneMenwtlistesn tMs .Ptier of ther and Daughter banquet at1 fourpoits etty ikma rderMe hsaidToronto, and the late Mr. Pet- Just toflow thesé orpit BtySkaa rdsni.tfr Zion on Monday night. ta, faster Mail service every They wore itientical short Te fcaigcerye h wnt e e e ftyouaddressanenvelope: 1gowna of heavenly blue silk Teofiit cegm n OTherweth eiTnsetl :organza with scoop necklinesîwr e.H elwadRv o coe t atehl andshiret aleve. Te gthlW. Crawford, and the church with 18 gicla preseat. The girisi i e~~~ad skirrs eevtped b jThreast Mr. . tantngave a description ofr'bouquets Use full and correct naerne f 'rdcmeun.Teywe played the wedding music. te a ruh.Tesb persan youre wrtng to. !matching eileds.crow an The bride was given in mar- jeet mýtter was "Wciting In- mcand cascds 0fwbite ar- nage by ber father anti wore vitations and how ta be a a street-length gown o! white pleasing guest." Mca. Milîson 2 Theatiowegrsth. peau de soie satin fashioned and Pearl Leach gave a de- Use fuil and correct address Edna Feddema anti Edna Reiswi hot ascaloeswti nclinede, manstatino aciga with Postal Zone Numnber in ma wore short frocks of weite 1\shortandeeves with scasllopeti overeaight bag whîts i Zoe"ciis ede and fitted bodice. Dou- nOcoer2th, the Twen-M adMrEvtRos etfrarshw a, Caaassa'Zncte. silk organza, with lace edging.1blpsd pleats falling ty Tea Teens met in the hall the ryception fo]lowking their roarriage in Enniskillen1 They were designed withlfram points of the scallopeti with 19 girls present. Doris United Church on Saturda.v October 6, 1962, at two( 'Peter Pan collars, short Puff-!waistline gave fulîness ta the Beauchamp was electeti as o'clock '1 lhe hi-tde î's the f 1ormer Lorna Jean Wearn, t ed sleeves anti fult gathered'skirt. Hem only adomament was president ta replace the ficat duhc i'lidî i . erEnsile Wrteyorow rtuoaras skrs.Thy anîd s~ the groom's gîft, a single president, Sylvia Bruinsma.1 and Postal Zone Number inl of white shasta chrysanthe- stranti of pearîs. A peaml cor- The roll caîl was answeced: and the gr oom is the son of Mi s R. Pettifer of Toronto' upp rletco ner fen eto e. mum ani p nk arn tio s. onet held er shoulder-length with one ting you would a.j-l andt h ie late 'M r Pettifeî. 4The beat man was Mr. Don- veil of tulle illusion with preciate la a guest coom. Sub -____ 4 ~aId VanderMeer with Mm. Pier scalloped edge and lace ap- ject matter was 'Sharing theý Write tesubly. ýSikmna, Mr. Peter Feddemaýpîique flower trim. She car- Family Meal". H1nrF and Mr. Sidney VanderMeer ne hmon il cvnd r.J.YloweaceuntiEe bcnidlchoupe et na o ey-sti trers nil otte ihEleM-nor,,,inkardocal "'1' brown atni acesore atiI Ken Strang anti sons at Ot- * * * ~ 'it~ * ~ corsage of bronze 'mums. Sheta. _________ ath assisted by the groor's We are pleased ta know DvOfl't Polish Your Silver!r mothr. Hd tw-piee dess ruceMontomer isimprov- - iiwas of navy blue crepe with,îng nicely la Memorial Hos- * KERELY WAS$H TARNISH AWA&Yla navy silk velvet bat, match- pitl, Bowmanville. D i iag accessonies anti corsage o! Mn. anti Mca. Hilton Tink.i WITrH HAOERTY SILVER FOAMI tm à, DR SSESpiak carnations. Ebenezer, Mc. anti Mcs. Hacrv'K ~ tiA - Before leaviag for a honey- Knox anti sons were Sonda- ' ecsy. yau'Il b' amaz'.it moon in Niagara Falls, the tea guests o! Mr. anti Mca. R HgrySvrFam~ohsa. ~~ ~ ~ ~~ '~~ .> 'brd:nnet a bt jacket sheath Vice antiMr E. Vice. Ev *eIimIdonbse izes: 7 to 23 -~ dreas of scarlet ced wool, Miss Jane DeCoe, Courtîce, aîhiorfnt. ate Sie:7t 3ilc evtht lc ce-sette w eed wt v-sme urne. Tornish ;s Çtooued CI 1212 to 241,2 sories anti corsage o! whitelyn Hockaday. do...n the drain . .. no rubb;ng -.b( -carnations. They wil ceaide a Miss Helen Baker ant is vrlt mdn-a * * * ~3882 Bathurst St., Dowas- Gaîl Baker. Toronto, anti Bar- ond 1 caes honds aion - too i.ew. rv Cowling. Bowm a n v i c , SPORTCOATSThe bride atteadeti Enais- visiteti at Tarm Baker's. 30" - 36 Lengthskillen Public School niBw Revenenti F. J. anti Mca 5A manville High School. She is Reed, Sundierland,. Miss Mac- t PIt LIINS ~ - a graduate o! Grace Hospital,! lene Blackburn, Matioc. Mita a adTïSToronto, Schooî of Nursing. Pat Knox, Teachens' College.n $ j995$3495 Prior ta hec marniage the Peterborough, xvere guesîs of 6 Ie $99 $3.5biewsguest of honor at Mcr. anti Mrs. John Knox aid 4lb sevecal parties. Mca. D. Wearn fambilv. I.fl lD D .~ant irMs. D. Telfer were co- Mi.. anti Mis. il. Frciiagal...eS ~J~b' ik ~ nhostesses foc a miscellaneous sans, Oshawa. vîsiteti Mc. aind H O O P Rà.o W INTER O T i showem helti at Mca. Wearn's Mrs. E. Crvdecman on Sun- '.~.- .Ai home in Scarborough. Ennîs- day. P( DIPORTED FABRICS .- killen C.G.I.T. helti a showec Mc. anti Mca. J. Le.-er sud Jewellery t - ,. FR-RIM ED at the home of Mca. S. Petb- chiltiren. Oshawa, wene teaý FURTRMP ick, Enniskillen, anti a cup guests on Sunday with Mr. Gift Shop - w - anti saucer shower was given anti Mca. Rosa Crytierman antid v b' Ms. A. Leatibeaten. Mca. chilticen. M I L N R YE. cNar c. R. Lamb andi Mca. Ella Taylor and San- 2RIGSRETEcOMAVLE S Mca E. Howells at the focmer'rztira. Scarbornugh, visiteti ne- 29____KING____STREET ______E.________________P home. lativea et the weekend. foi L 'R~obert Milne and his wife IThe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Oct. 24, 1962 3 escorted bis parents ta the head table, which was in front' of the stage. and everyone. pre- ý o r P r y B o h r >sent sang "Happy AnniversaryF urP dy B oh r To You." Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Milne pinned an exquis- ite corsage of red roses on Mrs. Bruce Milne's dress, and Celebrate Fiftieths a white carnation boutonniere on Mr. Milne's coat. Pink carnations and whit.2Wte as e r sheatablewhichadorned the V i in P s e r heactab e w ich as ent ed: A 5th w edding anniversar y' all tour brothers and thelr by a three tier wedding anni- clbaini ocyeno wvsclbae odnwd Vérsarv cake, and was Iight-ýeerto inBbago nwvsclrtd oce e- ed by tail silver tapers in chy-j Sunday, October 14, in honor ding anniversarirs. The other stal candlesticks. The e of Mr. and Mrs. W. R~. PurdY' caeof that town, completed a uni- three brothers. who ali reside jwas baked by Mrs. Gardon 1 Maoa close friend of Mrs.1ique circle for the fourPud n thr Bruce Milne.' brothers. wives are Mr. and MNrs. C. B3. The other tables were each Within the lat five \eai-s Purd\,, mr. and Mrs. W.. centred with a white lighted PurdY. and -Mr. G. F. Purdvd% taper with "25th' on it in s-C ak~ and the late Mrs. Purdv,ver numnerais and surraunded lar e iist. Il hose dcath lia.,occiirrecl with an artistic arrangement I since their annivrsarY. of floral sprays. luh The recent . F. Purdn vs ter xvas caused by a mack- Mr . and Mrs. 0. Plumnier,Mr wedding. Art Sheehan tok i- rv 'k iI and Mrs. E. R. Thompson, Mr. the raie of the pastar. Frank -Atoe vv,,,ov...l.and Ms Hugh Murphy. M».. Osmonid played the bride, and and Mrs S.7 eMrtrand James Barclay the groom. AI The Clarke District Teach- families.' Mr. and Ir. . F. C o evs t e m i f b n r rs ' A s so c ia tio n h e ld i s P u d , a l f t o n . a n :and Glen Virtue the brides- monthlY meeting on Mandav, Misý. G. E. Ptii-dv aiad famil\v, 'maid. The wedding march wa, October ]5t'h, at Cowanviile port Hope, and *Mr. and Mis playedi by Mrs. Russell Hall-Sho.Frd mih fOha. !man on the piano. Mr. Holmes, the area in- Dancing was enjoyed. Mr. spector, discussedi many co-MCA and Mrs. Bruce Milne opened mon problems encountered by., this part of the program by the teaching profession. He dancing t hl e "Anniversaryý urged the me b r a bc gF s E alng fo Waltz", and they received such difficulties ta the atten- great applause. tion of the graup, enabling CUTS, BURNS, BOILS, DavidMime n behif ofal al present ta Pool their know- the relatives and friends ex- led.e and expeiences for an INFECTIONS tended their best wishes and expeint aîfcor atg-Z congratulations to his par-, outo.Antiseptic /'6cc~P ents, and made the presenta-1 The teachers are looking - tion of their gift of a movie forward ta their banquet R camera and projector ta Mr scheduled for November. We Buy Mecca and Mrs. Milne. Bath Mr. and anticipate for aur calleagues b0 tinor tub Mrs. Milne expressed their and their guests a pleasant thanks for this generaus pre- social eve.ning. sent, and for the wonderful MrlnAmtag party. Everyone then sangM Press Rerter. IG Nw l "For They Are Jally Good______________________________ Fellows". A deliciaus lunch was ser- x'ed. Thase who assisted the hastesses in serving were Mrs. i a e sud l iMrs. Russell Halîman, Mrs. Glen Virtue, Mrs. Jack Hay-1 es and Mrs. Clare Wakelin.i Susie: "You mnust not be Relatives and friends cf'discouraged. Ini this world of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Milne tram Bawmanville, Toronto, ours there's a man for every ýAlliston, Oshawa, Pickering1 girl and a girl for every man. and Markham attended the enjoyable party in their honorn You can't improve on an ar- rangement like that." Successful1 Millie: "I don't atilm C W L Bazaar 1 gt inon tr' us H el on Friday' Ed Leslie CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Permanent Pleats? The word "permanent" in this connse The Catholic Women's Lea-, gue Bazaar beld in St. Jos- tian la relative. Rarely la there a permanent pleat. eph' Hal o FrdayeveingMaple Grove Home & School Association was a decided success. The BAZAAR and TEA - East Maple Grove Sehool many attractive booths wit SATURDAY, NOV. 24 2 to 4:30 pan. their tempting wares were well patronized and a large crowd of customers enjoyed zM ýA 4 ;_» the event. The C.W.L. presi- <.C rW M.e den te Mrs.Mal Henn. The lst vice-president, Mca. James Faim was in charge of the Sale of Home Baking. She was assisteti by Mms. W. Law- rie, Mca. Stewart Chisholm, the immediate past president, waa convenor o! the Novelty Booth. The many original ar- ticles were popular, anti the draw foc the novelty Christ- mas tree was won by Mca. T. Waltar. Mrs. L. Harticastie was the' convenor of the Country Store witb its lovely plants, fresh ,vegetables, eggs, jams, pre- serves anti pickles. Miss Tina Hughes was in charge of the Candy Booth, anti the tiraw for the pretty bone china disb f111- ati with homemade futige was The convenor of the Relig- ioua Articles Booth was Mms. J. E. Randi. She was assisteti bîy ber daughter, Judy, anti Misas Linda Masterson. The wianer of the special dmaw at this booth was Mrs. Peter Verleysen, R.R. 1, Hampton. Mca. G. W. Lee was the Ap- 'on Booth convenor. Hec as- sistants wece hem daughter, VIns. Ernest Rashotte anti Miss V!srgaret Mahaney. The prize fr the draw at this bootb was won by Mca. John Kileen. Mca. Bert Payne was the convenar t! the Kaitteti Gootis Booth, and the draw for the pair of pretty kaitteti alippens was wan by Mca. R. Sherry. The Fancy Wock Booth ton- venor wss Mca. Henry Eikeas. lira. John Murphy was in bharge of the fascinating Touch anti Take Table". She vas assisteti by hec daughter, Margie. 'Phd Fislipond %vas a centre of attraction tor the yuu ng- people. Miss May Cowles was the coavenor. Miss A v a Thampson was la charge of the Freshie Booth. She was saisteti by Miss Dinae Piper. Donald Sheehan was the firtunate winner of the Spec- ial Draw. His prize was a $751 Crtificate foc an order from ny Bowmanville store. Mca. >elbert Headsbee, the C.W.L.1 treasumer, anti Mrs. Floyd Mc,; :inîey, the secretary, were' tie convenors o! the Special Mrs. Ben Touw was in barge of the Guess the Num- er of Beans Contest. This was 'on by Mrs. A. Vasna, who imre closest to the actual ta- al of 784 with her guess of Mrs. John F. Brown was thc ea convenor. The beautifully ippointed lace covered serv-1 ng table was centred with an ýquisite arrangement of dah- ias in golden and wine shade,ý ri a silver bowl, and ligýhtedj )v li white tapers ini a pair ) silver candelabra. Mrs. John r-mstrong, Orona, and Mrs. lercy Cowan presided over Le teacups. Those who assisted the con-' ,nor in serving were Mrs. Ian H. Osborne, Mrs. Jack ;hill, Mrs. William Joli, Mrs. Lonald Haynes. Mrs. Banner: >as!tant and Mrs. Ray Craw- ord. WALLPAPER BARGAINS GOOD "BUYS" IN ROOM LOTS and REMNANTS A NEW "STYLIST" SELECTION Both Ready Pasted and 'Regular Priced f rom 45c - 99c Exceptional Values Also in Better Grades ... THE ENGLISH LANCASTER CANADIAN D.B.L. and S.M. and AMERICAN PAPERS PREPARE FOR WINTER! Have those broken Iights rcplaccd in your storm sash. WE OFFER FREE DECORATING ADVICE 42 years in decorating business ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER FIRTH MEATSI 47 King St. E. i~1.X :1-3081 TASTY. MEATY PORft BONES25 FRESN 9 LEINSTORELÔcE HEARTS29L ACON jlb SWIFT'S TENDERED BE ROUND STEAKc OR ROAST i or RUMP ROAST 7 STEAK or ROAST BONELESS, LEAN SIRLOIN O C STEW 5 C T-BONE l EFl WING 85 EE1l Home Freezer Specials!1 FRONTS Cut and HINDS 4 c Wrappedc lib ~FREE! 51 BREAD 6;or$1 P. CHRISTIE'S BROOKSIDE ýl 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 47 King St. E. 1 MA 3 --5091. SPECIAL TREAT . . . SPECIAL 'VALUE ! 1 for sl

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