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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1962, p. 4

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4The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Oct. 24, 1982 EDITORIAL COMMENT A Crisis that Hits too Close to Home The United Counties Emergency Measures Co-ordinator Gordon Wright would have na difficuity this Tuesday morning obtaining complete co-opera- tion in his efforts. After U.S. President Kennedy's television address Monday evening, this nation's people are think- ing more seriously about bomb sheiters, reserve food, etc., than they have for mnany years. We would almost guaran- tee there will be a run on the super- markets this morning as housewives utart a bit of hoarding. The situation is far from humorous. For the first time it has brought the po ssibility of nuclear war close ta korne, a fact that shatters our corn- p]acency and leaves us wondering what wil] corne next. -President Kennedy was unsmiling and most seriaus on television as he told of the construction of medium and long range communist missile bases on Cuban soil, and the steps he had taken ta put an immediate ship-enforced biocade of Cuba into effect. His words sent chilIs up his listeners' spines and awakened long dormant fears in every- one's heart. Such actions could easiiy provoke war. Ail that wauld be needed would be one Russian ship whase captain refused to allow a search, and the battle would be on. Unfortunately, the timing of the President's address lef t roam for the sceptics and those who are close ta politics to wonder how much this crisis had to do with the U.S. Con- gressional elections in November. Ac- carding to reports, Mr. Kennedy has been under considerable f ire during the campaign for his Cuban poiicy and his oppanents have been receiving con- siderable support for their criticism. Coincidentally, the current Reader's Digest, in the mails this week, reprints an article from U.S. News & World Report that lays the blame for the present commnunist build up in Cuba squarely at the feet of the president. Had he flot refused to allow 'planes to provide air cover for the Cuban in- vaders in April, 1961. the Castro regime would have been destroyed and the present situation averted. The invasion, apparently, was that close ta succeed- in.Now, we shall wait with bated breath for reaction f rom the Soviet high command. We believe they wilI, take the line that they wiIl remove the missile bases in Cuba only when the United States takes similar action with their bases surrounding the USSR. One may rest assured that the Cuban build up is part of a deliberate Soviet plan. They must have known that the Cuban bases would be spotted by US intel- ligence and bring howls of protest and some type of action by the United States government, election or no elec- tion. The big powers are certainly play- ing a dangerous game that couid in- volve ail of us in a nuclear holocaust. The next few days cauld tell the taie. Certainiy we shall ail stay glued to aur television sets, aur newspapers and radio as the events unfold in this most critical period in current history. Weii, another liquor and beer vote has came and gone. Bowmanville re- mains comparatively pure and can now relax for another three years. Unless, of course, the provincial government in the meantime decides toalater and relax the system of distributing alcohai- jic beverages. Which, according to rumnors, might well happen. It was definitely the quietest pleb- Iscite of its type that has been held in this community for many years. Yet a turnout of 73.4l',('.of the electors is a good indication that most citizens were interested and had an opinion that they wvanted to express with their ballots. This is as it shouid be. 1Frankiy, we were as surprised as rnany citizens when the dining lounge question was voted down. From the comments we had heard, some f rom surprising sources, we had almost taken for granted that this particular question would receive a much larger percent- age of the vote. We must have been talking ta the wrong people, that's ail. That the other three questions were turned down was na reai surprise. The cocktail lounge was ta some grouped with the dining lounge licence, but ta others obviausly was not acceptable for one reason or another. The beverage rooms were flattened as expected, ai- though those who should know tell us that this is a beer-drinking town. Odd- ly enough, the men's beverage roomn received fewer votes than the wamen's. Could be, some af the housewives didn't lîke the idea af their husbands going on their own ta these places. They wanted ta go along or hubby could stay home. Some citizens have criticized those jwho have taken a stand against the outiet extension, especially one local t rinister who made a strang plea from the pulpit for, dry support. We believe the critics are wrong and know full well that if we were a minister and had strong feelings against liquor or beer, we would go aillout ta stop any inroads. Surely, he should be praised for hav- ing the courage o! his convictions, even by thase who don't agree with him. Editorially, we did nothing this time, cither for or against the issues. We are not praud of this stand at ail but just couldn't bring ourselves ta write an editorial on the subject, that would be anything but wishy-washy. This is not good because we've always understoad that newspaper editors are su.pposed ta be outspaken and unswerv- ing on ai questions. Unfortunately, we didri't fech that way. If we owned The Flyirig Dutchman and had invest- ed a great deah af hard-earned money in it, we would be most anxious ta have it equipped with a cocktail lounge and dining roomn liquor and beer licence, if only ta serve aur customers the way they expected ta be served. This JOHN M. JAMES EDITO-PUBLISE $ 4.00 a Yeair, strictly in advance would be protecting an investment which is threatened by the construc- tion of new service centres on Highway 401. If we owned the Bowmanville Hotel, we know we would feel the same way. We believe we wouhd be right in aur thinking. Why should we be penalized in aur operation compar- ed with other motels or hotels in the province? It appears ridiculous that, morally, something cao be right in one area and wrong in another. The beer and aie drinkers here would accuse us of being snobbish if we favored the cocktaih and dining lounge licence and went against the beverage roams, and possibhy we are. Many o! the beverage rooms we have been in, especially when business was rushing, have been sickening. We haven't visited one for some time now and can only hope they have improv- ed, but aur information is that they haven't. How long it will be before this province wilh correct the situation we don't know, but it can't came toa s000. Io conclusion, we should say this. Alcoholic beverages have neyer, in aur opinion, donc anyonc any particular good, except financially, for those who make and seli it, or the tax collector. Thcy can be rcfreshing and relaxing, wonderful for warming up parties and for creatîng a false sense of well-being or a brawl. They are good for sbim- ulating the action o! the heart and now and again for indigestion. They'rc superb for forgetting one's troubles and great for breaking Up a home or getting into car accidents when they get eut of hand. But, they are here ta stay appar- ently, so0 the sooner we lcarn ta live with them and treat thcm with respect and moderation the better. Obviously, less than 60',('o! bbc citizens of Bow- manville who voted don't feel the bown is yet ready ta accept further outlets. And there isn't a thing anyooe cao do about it until 1965. HOW ARE VOUR BRAINS ? Read this sentence: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RESULT 0F YEARS 0F SCIENTIFIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPER- IENCE 0F VEARS. Now, count aloud the F's in that sentence. Count bhem ONLY ONCE- don't go back and count them again. DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER until you have made the conrt. There are six F's iii the sentence. One of average intelligence finds thi-ee of thern. If you spotted four, yeu'rc abave average. If you gat five, you can tomn up your nase at maost anybody. If x'au gat six, you're a genius and bon gond ta be wasting lime on foolishness such as this.-Smiths Falls Record- News. GEO. P. MORRIS BUSINESS MWL $5.50 a Yomr ln the United States The Town of Bowmanville wi Il return to EASTERN STANDARD TIME at 12:01 a.m. ,Sunday, October 2Sth On thiç date ail citizensý are requested to turn their dlocks and watches BACK one bour and thus change f rom Daylight Saving Time to Eastern Standard Time. Ivan M. Hobbs, Ma yor, Town of Bowmanville. Report from Ottawa By Russell C. Honey, M. P. The Throne Speech debate'er a common meeting placeithe government by Social whîc hadoccuied he Husefor Liberals and Social Cred-1 Credit on ail division, let the since it opened on September itors. Thrown together in the New Demacratie Party in the lobby, the LiberRIs can pick happy psto htte i 27thwasforal] adpte bythe intentions of the Social flot have ta vote confidence in a voting pattern which was Credit Party an any impend- the Diefenbaker gavernment. estab]iShed in three previaus'ing vote. Press reports last Had they been manoevered votes and the Social Creditýweek of some dissatisfaction into doing sa, Mr. Douglas, in members in the Chamber vot-liwithin the ranks of the Social his candidature in Burnaby in ed with the gavernment tolCredit were confirmed by offithe October 22nd by-election give it the margin of victory.1the cuff discussions with Social might have been given some Political speculators on Par- Credit members. Bernard uncomfortable moments. liament Hill suggest a cavert!Dumont, the Social Credit. As interesting as these understanding between the l member who was named by speculations may be, ti ey Conservatives and Social Cred- !the Speaker ]ast week re- don't further the busiSst of it ta avert an early election. ported an adverâe reaction ta the nation. With the debate This, in the end, may turm out his party's support of the Con- in rep]y ta the Speech from unhappily for bath. It seemsiservative government, which!the Thoecnldd h probable that when the nextUthey had pledged ta oppose Hause of Commans was able election does corne, Social'only a few months ago. It was ta turn its attention ta new Credit's roie will he far frnm rather significant that five legîslation. The first order of helpful ta that party's candi-,Social Credit members were business was a Bill ta aid dates. :absent for the final votes an Canadian exporters by increas.. Seating arrangements in theIthe Liberal and N. D. P. ma- ing the lîmit of liability of the House of Commons place&tions, including the Deputy Export Credits Insurance Cor- Social Credit on the same side Leader, Mr. Caouette, who had pora tion from $200,000,000 ta of the Hause as the Liberal a canvenient speaking ar- $400,000J,000. Other praposed mnembers. The N.D.P., although; rangement. business is an amendment ta farming part of the opposition,' The autamatic support of !the Food and Drug Act, as- because of the scarcity of seats the gavemnment by the Social! sociated with the recent tiWsi- on the left of Mr. Speaker,: Credit party appeared ta bel dornide scare, and an ameMd- sit on the same side as thelparticularly inept from thel ment to the Farm Credit Act govcr nrnent. Trhis arrange- stand-point of those who like ta increase its lending capac- ment makes the members' ta speculate on political ity from $300,000,000 ta $400,- lobby ta the left of Mr. Speak- manoevers. The support ofý0ô0,000. £,etters Jo &Ahe &Iitor * ear Editor:--the above matter could bepaper, as it is high time the GOD AVETHE UEE : s tie rporer fom he mplemented, one is ta ezonelpublic found out how they are ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____Darlntn a no present ati the property, and the other ta en e rs nt d atd o e ___________________________the________________________ Counicil meet-1 make an amendment ta hiTedsusinlstdoe iglast Friday, 1 should like zaninig by-law; bath of which an hour, participants being L M______________ to report on that part o the, les rqire a long drawn the counicil, the solicitor, Leif- fmeeting which was taken ~ ut.ý process especially wnen'fers, his mother and sister, I v~jgby a delegation who attended thre are members on Counci] Stewart Preston and myseif, isupport of a resolution pre- who seem incapable of cam- and twenty athers afforded '~' ur nr an ' ~sented rta Council on behaîf cf prehending the urgent need silent support. 1 hoo efes of ather human beings. We, the public, believe that Thedreouiffers. as Il- Being spokesmnan for the aur councilIors should be aur For the pst year r more,, anguage;anotherTheiresolutionusewas asorfob-tanelegationS:I haveatexpressed sxprpokesmanes nat n auror bosss. Forthepas yer o moe,'lanuag; aothr prio whn cusethepoo Haitat c los: ur feelings ta Council, thatVl'hey should remain in touch in he ublc pint an oter Frech beid the spotlight, but! Quebec is treated like a se-! Wereas Theodor Leiffers il is evident we have placed with us, and reflect our think- in~~~~~~ tfoulirrnt n oh i a eewheitenatiE-ýonlheraremctyn.If that is so, 1was operating a commercial ar ofieceinte m ng that they should be in- meithr emst e frithseea wheitenatiEnond e rte citizen. tablame, for enterprise in a commercial 1peciple. deendent thinkers and have determined effort to foist the! language over most of the; being sa insular, uncooperr,,,- zone, and whereas by circum-ý Having brought this matterithe courage «f their convic- learning cf French on Cana- globe. Why, even the unsmi1- tive and clannish. If Quee stances bevond his contrai his ta public attention we have tions and not refer ta aur da's population, an the sup- ing Russian, Gromyko, is is economically backward, the uieswsdsr d btiuae ulcoiinad meetings as just so much "hog po.iio that this is aIl weI starting to talk ta press me-Qubciartaba -te tr, and whe-a adla i stand solidly behind aur de-I wash" as Couneillor Comnishi need ta make us a united na-I porters in bial'tingy Englisb, have been controlling their're-establishing his B13 od y!mn htrgrls fwa~dd tion. Bosh! Two officiai lang-1 We in Canada, dont' e t w destiny for more than sbo'p" deprives Theodor Leif-'ee aigb-a xssTe hnImd ttmn nages and onie disgruntled learn French any more than !three centuries-what's hold-. fers and bis father, withiLeiffers should not be denied that "remernber, yau will have ethnie group are what has a dag needs twa tails. We ing them back? We, in On-I whomn he xvas partners, 0flthe right of earning a liýving ta take the cansequences," Mr. kept Lis snapping and snarling now have the ridiculosse-trihv noed publicîtheir sale means cf liveiihood,1the way he knows how and Cornish asked: 'lis that a at each other for the past tacle of a mem-ber cf Parlia- ownership cf Hydre for a ha' f! and wbereas his application Ion the premises he previousîy threat", and I a.nswemed lit is couple of centuries. ment crabbing because gov- century; Quebec is only now for a building permit bias been1 occupied. a Promise", and he epeated 1, for one, haven't anx' par- errniental cheques are nat toying with the possibiiit .I pending sinceJuly, naw there-, Reeve Riekard stated me- his question and rèceived the ticular hankering ta iearn a issued in French as well as Some people get goose pimn-' fore the Dariington Ratepay- etdytathsb1e s n aerpy language that wilI make me English. l'il betlinany of those pies whenever some bad- ers Assn. in a general meetingilwa that the by-law is a guide Reeve Rickamd ealled for a sound as though F'm talking pseudo Frencbmnen ini Quebec tempered, petulant pea-souper lduIy asemb]ed do hereby un-Ifor orderly develapment, but motion in conclusion, which tbrough my nase. If that's have been casbing aid age and threatens ta, have Quebec se- ainimous]y resolve: ýcommon sense should prevail was finally made by Cauncil- wbat the 'pea-soupers" want, baby bonus cheques without cede framn the other nine pro-1 'That the Couincil of the and individual cases warrant ]or Cornish "that the matter tbey cao have my share of it. batting an eye, foi- quite a vinces. Let the'm go! And sec Tawnsbip of Darlinglon takeispecial consideration. Deîputy- be turned over ta tihe solicitor Even a political party bas go' wbile, aithough many cf themi how they make oui withoui immaediate steps necessary ta Reeve BlIanchard backs hl.m ta deal with it as soan as pos. imta the act, and is advocating are illitemate in bath English the liberal baby bouesa1 ensume that a building permitlup on this assertion. sible." evr . anse f, , n .. ..,2.. Frnc. "v d . 'v' '". '-t h"' m nid isucitathwtji o he- hee s smehig e MryBuai three being exposed ta French. if they were written in San- cOýf usgare hel'ping ta provide- dore Leiffers." jwreng when it takes molts aAdmitted, that if a persan ik senit, anand which they aiypear to need Mm. Allan Strike, solicitor to spur them ta action even 1E V R O wheme anly French is known, Another act cf stupidity, at t boîster a sagging economy. 'for the Townsh.ip, was present in an emergency.I aknowledge cf the same han- Ottawa, isanMPcmpe- If my king abandoned theýand voiced his sympathies for Councillor Comnish attempt- EL EÀO guage would be a valuable as- ly bilinguai, insistin.g on his colany where I lived, as cal- the Leiffers and stated that ed ta read aur report ofth A speedy recovery ta Mr.. set, but as this is generally right ta address tbe House in lousiy as their rotten L'ouislthere are circumstances that last Ratepayers meeting, me- Jake Van Dam Sm., whoai..% considered to be a British French, altbough he knows he did, I'd not only renaunce the the planners do not forsee, ferring to it as a lot of '"hog presently in Port Perry has- country, why not make Eng- wili net be understood by flag, but the language andý such as this particular case, wash" which he was sorry ta pital. lisb a compulsory language, many cf tbe members unies,- most cf the customs cf the' but that there are ways and see being made public and ta Mrs. Balfour Moore wel- or if a second language seemns there is ait instant and rapid- l'and af niy ancestars, and be means cf overc oming such which I replied that fmom now COrnes hem sistem Grace, Mrs. essentiai, wbhy not make it tire translation made. The like the citizens of the United ýdifficuflties. on there will be mare "hog Darryl Cordelle of B.C., who Chinese? After ail, there are whole rotten mess is simtpiy a States, l.e. make a nearly newl w osbesltosl:ws"(sh aî t ntei pnigavstwt e seven hundred million Chin- matter cf religia-pahities, andisociety embodying few of the, friends and relatives "down 'esc, and if those people star' it dosent take mucb guessuiing bamnacles cf the aid ship ofi Ieîlunm east", having flown fmom Cal- ta spread out aver the world, to figaure out the niigger in the state. gary this last week. It was it might be pretty handy ta woodpiie. Bilingualism is good, buti - ur pleasure ta call an these bc able ta speak their lingo. People off Anglo-Saxon ami- twa 'official" languages in!hsial akls ero There was a time when gin keep rushîng ino prînt,] Canada is just plain crazy. aur a homb e frolathyeaconst IItalian was the International and beating their breasts be- I'm agin it! Several Yehvetonians at- andj- tended Anniversary srie I OBITUARIES In Bethany on Sunday. Mr. and Mms. Rae Malcolm hI the D im MIS LUCY GRAHAM and the Harvey Malcolms vis- The death of Miss Lucy1 Scarbaraugh on Sunday after- Gnaaha ccrre at emorial floaon Ifc>. She had been in failing heaitb. ýbrother James McMullen and D ist nt P st 'or wo yars.Forthe past two weeks, I've'ing this appalling fartnigbt. Ilthe Howard MeMuilens while From The Statesman Files ýand Mrs. George Graham cflif there's such a thîng as a oct just an aid crab, as the Norman Argues. ____________________________________________Newcastle, she was bornala bachelor with two great gai- kids and I had firmhly beiieved-________ the family home on the Thirdumphing eilidren, 1 have. No,'for years. During the hast 25 YEARS AGO 49 YEARS AO Line and was educated at my wife baso't ieft me. Noth-!decade, she bas informed ils, E N Z R <October 28, 1937) (October 30, 1913) Brawn's Public Sehool and atling as exciting as that. at ]east twice a week, that we, Dr. Albert E. Aluin who has Mr. James Gale, Erin, spent Newcasthe High Sehool. I hado't been left ahane with! are a trio cf "fihthy bums"l or The Evening Unît of United been Assistant Bacterioiogist Su:nday wîtb bis family here. The deceased resided at R.R.Ithe kids fer yeams-not since'atemmiatively, "dirty sîaps.'; Church Women held their at the main labaratary cf the Miss Nellie Pattinsan ot 3 Newcastle (Base Line) for they were quite smail. ln'She bas toid us faithfuhiy, and Autun Thankofferinig meet- Department of Heaitb, Taron- Lilian Massey Seheol, Toronto, 43 years witb ber brother, those times, we ail enjoyed it ta aur faces, that we are self-!îng in the Christian Education ta, is being transferred on spent Sunday at home. ',Milton, who predeceased ber thuroughiy when Maim went ish, thoughtiess and usehess.Centre an Tbvrsday, Oct. l8th. in 19595. She was a member cf away foi- a few days. Not We just shmugged it off. Weý Mrs. Allan Down, U.C.W. Nov. 1 st as 'Director cf the Miss Mabel Bomand's sale c the Presbyterian Church. only did we get the Oid Battie- thaught ail wamen talked like President, opened w i t h a Provincial Branch Labratory furniture Saturday was veryý at Fort William, and aiso largeiy attended and thingsF Surviving are one sister, axe off aur necks, but revert- that, '"Tbanks'giving Thought" and Pathoiogist for the tbree hos- ýsold weli wîtb auctioneer Tale'Flossie, and a brother, Edsahi, cd joyfuliy ta the pigs that! Well, let me be bbe first ta conducted the business period. pitals in Part Arthur and Fort atth h:mr bath of Newcasthe. lmen and smali children really admit publicly that she was We eantinued aur Bible ýat he hrrimr. . lre a heat. rigbt. At least, she was rightlstudy on the "Church of Christ William. Dr. Aluin is a son Mr. Alfred Ayre bas dlone' Evidence cf tbe esteem inrea bar. anid t te kis. 7t's nco- laJersln Crnh n of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred exceedingly wcll at the Fail which the deceased was beld1 We ate whatever weabout h is t no-i rslm nCrnh n Alli ofHampon.were the rnany beautiful floral;ever and wherever we pheas- ceivable that two chihdren wbo Our Church of Today." AlncfHmpo.Faims thîs seasan wîtb bisitokens. led. We let the dishes pile uip bave been tmained for yearsl Ladies divided ino three Misses Dorathy Cahoon aand flock cf Southdown sheep.1 The funeral service was heid lin the simik and the dirt pile'in the gaod, ahd-fasbioned1 groups under the leadership of Amine Buttery' entertained at a He made 2:36 entries and won frcmteCae c h ot- pa h înr iheua n itesc1nuty cleanli- Mrs. Bruce Dawn, Mrs. Angus crystal shawer nin hnour cf 222 prîzes -- $802 in money dfeec.W oetesmý.sh1flesadoeineMDnl n rý,BbBy ,Miss lMae Lamb, Re-. N., brideamd six dipiomas and a bronze cutt and Smith Funeral Home iffrce. We w ts ani ns ea lpfulness and cdieun nc . .McDc D an Mrs. Bo Bry Boxvmaaville, on Tuesdav, Oc sesfrdy.I a eloîdb elay itu-as r.MDnh nrdý cf tbis week. After an ad- niedai. Pretty good record for toe tai wscnutdholiday, even thaugh we ailIheipful and lippy. ed this stLidy perio-d with suit- dress was rcad by Miss Ruth amie mail. tbr9h n a odce ways caught supreme heul Here and now 1 make some able thoughts on Bible Studv. ilamcock. a former classmate, lhnspector W. E. Tiliey, MA., by Rev. Fred Swanmi, assisted when the boss gai home,. r;promises. Neyer again wvill I Findiogs were presented ta the bride was presciited witti Principal R. D. Davidso and yvRv Sat Itrenea walk out of my shoes and the entire Unit by Mrs. Doug- mciav Luseful anid lovely gifts.;Misses Miminie Jeminings, 1111e in Lakeview Cemeterv, New- But something has happen-ileave them lying ln the middle!las Oke, Mrs. Glenn Piýckelt A dantylunh ws temiser- MLean Heen . Mrri, Nl~tflVhlCed since those days. Either'ai the kitchen. Neyer agalniand Mrs. Gardon Vin&on. This ed, Miss Grace Werry assist-[lie G. Gould, Greta Scott,ý Pahibearers. ail nepbews, I've grown a lot aider, or thelwill 1 leave empty beer botties part was closed with fitting Iîig the bostesses. Greta M. Wickett, lia Gould, were Messrs. George Gmaham, id have grown a lot more1and heaped ash trays ail overwadbyMsByns Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Hobbs',Vida A. Worden cf Central Alfred Graham, Wilbert Gra-ieoinplicated, or aur householdthe Joint. Neyer again will I The suggeMsed thme hym have movedto Bawmanvilc SCI1oo and Miss Fiera M. Gai-lbam, Melvin Graham, Ceci1 rageet have increasedihang my jacket on top of the fhe su.C.W, "Foni hi hat fromn Oshawa and are mow oce- braith cf South Ward Sebool Payne and Arthur Payne. immcnscly in complexlty. This'refrigerator. Neyer again WiII dwell behaw bbe skies" was cupxîmig the hause vacated by '.ere ini attendance nt the tm.I anofn twslsr ctepusywhýunInuinadpae b Mm. Chas. Bauinsali on Chuirch Teachers' Convention al Port DLTNA- ROI ut paoieIa f fn. t mns y ifot e ptuaouhsly wlnr sngla niDon ad cprayeli St. Mm r Hobbs bas been Hope. Higb School teachers DATN .MRRI tion exhausting. I've neyer piness of the kids. and hand McDnad eloed tb .agent for Singer swn l nat attend thîs year Suddenlv, al the age o! -,2. been sa glad ta see anynne as ber that old bromide. "They 're metn chimies fer many years. Mr. Clarence Mîitton amrivedi Dalton Arthur Marrow died 1 was ta see the a id Trnuble'just normal cblîdren." A F rien ipre ehmnt 'Mrs. J. .T. Scott, Stonehenge, home Mondam morning fram alat b'is late résience, 747 Dov- 'n Strife when shf, walked In. Never!, om we rfesnnt Sask., ik visiting hem sister,;verY leasant tbree- months',erý r ad Trne nFi the other evenil and %tartedý were served by Mrs. Lloyd Mrs. C. W. Bhow,. and ber 'iisit wîvtb relatives in Cama- day. Augusi 10, 1962 glarinz around ta see %%,bat And T do further promise. ýRon moter Mr. . H Ohomewall anid Devonshire, Emi. M.Mro a oaa kind of a mess we'd made. Ithat forevermore bereaftem, 1cl hmeadMi .Mt mOhawa . M.H sbreland. he-, Mily rrewsideceongrala Inthe aid days, cookiag was will pick up my sockswasb -lf Mrs. (Rev.) Sidney Davison It s reported that Toronto; Street, Bo'wmanville, in 1890'tua wbcn 1 was lcft in charge. the ring off the bath tub, wipe, viste fmens i Wndsr. and Eastern Electric Railway[' wsth o f b aeThere was flair and imagin- my feet at tbe door, and farce' imT A SNOD" vistedfrindsin indor. bas given up the option held Jasand Ada he oro.the eatioa,vionad areyintekstahl t heih- Mm. and Mrs. Fred Bima- on bbc vacant lot across the i tesnd Ba' nvlePulcviinanraieyoitekist hi itHheds- comb an Mr Gafied' 1attnde Bon-ianvile ublc iOurmenu. We migbt start off es evcry night. With a wbip,, cobin r afedstreet from Methodist Chumch wt ow fPbatgr-ifne e Brîmacombe, Taranto, vîsitedfo hcbistonsato aand High Schools, and was a:wt olc alu aa fne e on %vhmember o'! TsttinntyaUnidished wîth pineapple. Tbe And I bereby retract every, the formers sisters, tbe Misses,0be erected. Cebr b «. 'lf eaTpesad cecmam mdeaounrnnteadoue Brimacombe and Mrs. T. B. MisVans rckisie c course rnigbt tom eout ta solde emark I have ever g Penfoumid an Sundav. Scugog St., bas been succcss-' He is survived by bis WltC' We'd wînd up with cholocate heing a soft toucb. It's not. i Mr. H. S. Cobbledick, Orono,'fually moved north across therBertha and son Ralph, and ýbars and pop, or cherry tarts Looking after a bouse and' is supplying as teacher at Stirl- 1C.P.R. tacks and on bier loi also a sister, Mms. Rama B--land French tries. The kids raisiog a family ýis ail right1 ing for Mr. W. K. Etherington1adjoining Mr. James Courtice's son. He was prcdecased b.vilovedi my caoking, and there for the hirds --- birth them,1 who is ia the hospital for an on west side cf Scugog St. Mr. a sisteEaadaboher,wsnerascphtive. edtemfrafwwe,'4 operatîca for appendicitis. Miss'A.C Hoffman did thbcjob. Robert, Somewhere in the interven-!then kick them out and maya Nelle Mntgmem, Cbur. Te Bwmavile Hosptal Prior la bis deatb, thede ing years, these youngsterrlta a new bouse but ilb formerly cf Bowmanville. is-is more than full, 23 patients' ceased expressed a desire ta bave been ruined. Tbey 1ve cruishes the sensitiv p imits cf also supplying in the samel -the largest number sincehave twentv-eigbî sets ot tumned ino horrible littie con-1sucb people as m e an d ail 1h sebool for a teacher an sick'opening--are being camed for. horseshoes donated ta the formists. They waat meatlhousewives in the land. leave.; Mrs. A. H. Scobel has re- Bowmanville Museum a nd the and potatoes and regularl However, every skeleton bah Sidnev Casbourn wvas eleet- cently sold two cf ber Persian horseshaes were recentlv Pre-idessert and milk and ail that its closet, and there&s a blark cd president cf the A.Y.P.A. kittens, ane a fine orangelsented ta the Museum. Tbev!sort cf junk that dîrties a lniot lou for every silver lining. et St. John's Anglican Churcb tabby, Don Patrick, going ta weme band ferged bv hir, fa-lof diishes and is also prcttylWith this in mind, and in the on Monday night when tbc Toronto, and bbc other a fine;ther. wbo was a bhacksmitb dul). And in hetween meais,light cf the iast twa weeks, L annuai meeting was bcld. black specimen. Don Great-om i King Street and Silver1 they bave 12 littie snacks each, iknow that, sbeuhd I be tumnedi Starkville: Miss Nellie Sbutka heart, going ta Syracuse, N.Y.!Street, Bewmanvilhe. for ocar- stmewing a sordid trail ofout cf my present job, I couid bas retumrd from visitiag 10 Enniskîllen: Miss Hazel Pas-:ly 40 yeors. The shocs were coakie cnumbs, banana skiaslcasily flnd another. capable,, O-hawa. coe bas gone ta tcach at a nickel plated in 1910 hy tbc and apple cames from one end'middie-agcd housekeeper; will- "You dîdn't my anythiig Tyrone: Miss Eva Yorke ea- scbooh near Dunville, supply- Bowmanville Foundrv Ca. and cf tbe bouse ta tbe ather. ýing; cx pcrieccd cook; good about taking my ehwu tertained a number of friends;i ng for Miss Bessie Sparling,'wr aeb m.,a 0 *wihcide;tahv n o'g~~ y h" at a Party Wednesday teacher. .j 'Morrow in 1896. . - 1 1 did learnaone thing dur-'salary; no scrubbing.i t s 'r t. j s. e r Post Plebiscite Commentary ~be ~!4n4b mn ~t4tt~1rnflt Durham Countysx Greart Family Journal Established 108 years ago ln 1854 AIma Incorparating Thé Eowmcmvihh. News The Newcastle Independent The Orano News «Authorlizd ne SecOnd Clas Mail by th@ lest Otite. DePt., Ottawa, and for payment et postage te catsh" Producad every Wedneaday by THE JAMES PtJBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62e6 King St. W., Bowmanwille, Ontadfo GEO. W. GRAHAM ADYTG. MAMAGU SUBSCRUPTON ]RATES

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