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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1962, p. 5

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1 -- f -- - The aainfa na,.w ,nll, e.2,16 ITricks and Treats J ~ Iby Aileen Get your book out and ready 1of water and drop in one nt to paste this littie item in it- those handy concentrated chi- with chickens the way thev cken bouillon cubes. I like the Ilre today, practically a must Wyler's brand-cover '"casual- on the weeklv menu. and ths iy" with a piece of aluminum ia NEW, NEW way to rassie foil and place in olver at 30îl, with them. and a wonderful or 325. Baste it once in a whilc, item for the club day session but leave it for at least an with the gis. because you cao hour, longer if you like. It i,ý prepare them, pop îhem in the deiicious, this I promise anco oven and almost for-et about more like old time chîckei them- and the best eating' than any recipe I know of. since chiekens stopped being The trick this week is * runarounds and are now ai When boiling caulifiower, tu.- cageçi UP hurr%,-up item. . nips or onions, two answer. ~'-en brcast, le-s, or for the unfortunate odor wh*dX,. hieken. but cut up in these delectable vegretabie- 8erving piecez. Wash care-,have, one a tabiespoon full o! fully and div on paper toweis. vinegar to the water, the other MeIt 1U lb. butter or margar-,a large cube of dried breadi. ine in a large casserole. Crush added to the pan, it works' (and 1 mean crush, use a Nov a littie quotation from* paper bag '4 pkg. Rice Kris- Robert Louis Stevenson. sha- pieý. Dip ,he moist chieken des of our school days! "There, pieces in the meited butter. is an idea abroad among mo:. Then in the Rice Krispiez, a] people that they shouili n-ake sure pieces are well cov- make their neighbors good. ered. Place serving side up in One person 1 have to roake the casserole, sprinkle weil good is mysif But my duty with sait, and cbicken loves to my neighbor is much more pie 't of black pepper and a neariy expressed by saying litý* paprika.* this gives it a that I have bo make him béau tiful coloer. There should happy, if 1 mayv. Robert Louis be quite a litile o! the melted Stevenson. butter or margarine in the bot- Ano 00w again. happy week tom of the casserole. Add Io you ail. about four or fîve tablespoons' Ailepn. TYRONE The Manse famiiy, Mr. and itine Brent, Presq Reporter Mrs. J. L. Dugan and Rev. Enla Vivian, ail girls 8 to 12' Chrii Dugan, will be "At rie welcome. Horne" to members a n d Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley,ý friends of the Tyrooe United Foxboro; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Church coogregation on Sat-Iliai- Bradd. Oshawa, were urday, October 27th, from 2 last week callers o! Mr.-. Flor-, 'clock until 4 oklock in the lence Scott. afternoon and from 7 o'clock 1M.adMs .A o",,a' until 9 o'clock in the evening. MnadMn.JARoea. Thelades f te LngSault were Sunday caliers o! Mr., The adie ofthe ong and Mrs. R. Honey, Port Hop(, 50 Club and the Salem U.C.W.anasoistdM.nd r. wiii be on hand to serve re- freshments thus enabling the A. Lightle, Cobourg. family to be free Io meet and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilîs ai- visit with their ni new tended Solina Thank-Offering friends. Service on Sunday and svere The 'Junior Mr.',group got tea guests o! their son Mr. and âwa -, on targ ne Mrs. W esley His and famnily. the splendid direction of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCoy D. Drain and Mr. Loran Pas- and family visited on Satur-1 coe. There were 6 members day with his mothen, Mrs. present, Kenneth Sawdon, Percy McCoy on Sunday, her, John Hamilton. Roy Young- granddaughter Miss Carolyni rn-an, Jehn Wood, Sammy Rey- Oliver and friend, Fenelon1 enga and Allan Vivian . Theme ýFalîs, were callers. -"How Cao the Bible Be Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wperr.y, Used?" Thene was an interest- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Werrv,: Ing programme (oliowed bylMi. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar. ai-ý gaines. Theme next week:,tended the 35th wedding an-i "Mean 1 n g Of the United niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Church Seal." This group for Clarence Rowan, Bethany, on boys 12-15 is a new venture: Saturday evening at the home and we wish it every success. :o! their daughten Mr. and Mrs. The many activities in Ty- Kenneth Sturman, Seagrave. rone United Church are mak- Mr. and Mrs. W. Jewell and Ing it something of a challenge sons visited Mrs. J. Bradshaw,! to ind both trne and space to Betty and Dorothy, Toronto. 1old a meeting. However. and Mrs. Jewell attendedl the' everyone seerns 10 be happy Trousseau Tea at the home o! about the whole thing and ar-:Mis. Erie Moore, 2351 Kibbon ,rangements are now underway St., Burlington, for her daugh- Intormi a Couples Club on the ter Maxine, who is beîng miar- charge, watch foi- the announ- ried this Saturday at Burling- terrent, ton. There was a splendid at- A speedy recoverv 10 Mr. tendance at the Sunday moro-: Herb Carneron who under- Ing service and Sunday Sehool, i went surgery at Oshawa Gen- when Rev. Chris Dugan. blid eral Hospital last week. the children's story on Electrît- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mur- Power and also based bis spr- phy visited her cousins Mr. rnop un Power, the splendid and Mrs. T. Hilton, Oshawa. ettrdance in the choir, along Mr. and Mrs, A. Evans, Osh-! wvith their anthern and organ- 'awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. E.' ist Mrs. G. Brent, "gave ail A. Virtue. muchfoo fo thogbt" .Mr. aind Mrs. Lloyd H-armer' The minister and choir wiil attended a Birthday Party for i bc 'e.s t Brougham Uni- Fis dad, Mn. Stanley Harmer: ted Cliurch on Sundlay even- and Mrs. Harmr-, Clankson, i,, where Rev. Dugan wili be Saturday evenîng. preaching both the afternoon John Virtue and Alvin and evening services, howeveriJohnston enjoyed a wveek's there will be the usual ser-1vcto oo n hog vice at Il a.m. in Tyrone Uni-!New York City and othzar ted Church. points. Thirteen Explorer girls met Mrs. R. Burgess returned In the church for thein firstihome Tuesday after spendingý meeting o! the season on Oct. a week with ber sister Mrs. Ith under the leadership oi':Gertrude Stephens, Wiilow- Mrs. Edna Philp and Mss3.1 dale. Jane WoodIey. The followiîgý Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy,ý offîcers were elected, President'ýBrooklin, were Sunday cail-! Maxine Aildread, Vice-Pres. ers of Mr. and Mis. Harold, ,ynda Malette. Secretary Ir-'lSkinner. ,ne Reyenga Treasurer Chris-j Mr. and Mis. Oliver Hub- bard, Oshawa, were Sunday teagust o Mn ad rsfA o lStore at the cor ner for 44 yeans last Thursday, Oc'. GINGER ALE 18 Mr. and Mrs. J udc and children, Bowrnanville, -more wcne Saturday e'-ening visit- flavorors of Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Park. flvrMr. Kenneih Kîlmer e -mors turned home fnom Princess sparkle Margaret Hospital, Toronto. -mref4 on Saturday, feeling quite -morehapoy and contented to be for home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park visiî- your edMr. and Mis. James Park. .otn.y Peterborough. Mrs. G. Niddery, Miss Mr Niddery, Hamnpton, accorn- panied M. and rs. \Valier at Lindsa v on Sunds v and were tea guesis of Walter and Loveme Rahrn. Mr. and Mrs. Treu-Én Scott and family, Garden Hill. were tes guests o! Mr. and Ars. H. StaintQn. Brian Annis, Kemptville, QUARTS-lit, 2 FOR 35e ývisited at bis home. SIX 12 OZ. BOmiLS 41« Bible Study every Wednies- PLU DEPOSIT da v ening ai q p.m. ai T'.- l'one United Church. Rcvý M-t Chri-. Dugan in charge, ail are welcome. You Con Serve Your Family PLAY DOMINO WITH ELI.EN FLOOD (Lefil AND PAT MURRAY EVERY WEEKDAY FROM 9:30 TO 10:30 A.M. OVER CFTO-TV CHANNEL 9 ONLY AT DOMINION DOMINO CHOICE TOMTOES RICH MELLO Peanut Butter DOMINO LIQUID SOAP 16-o,. 1.nity Jar j33C 12-o7. Tn27C Ti 47C STOCK UP AND SAVE 2c Off LbyDeep Browned 1-i Beans -Pork 3 Titi Aylmer - with Peetin 24-cii. Strawberry Jam Ia r Reeves - Sliced 10l-07. Mushrooms i Pu rit an MEAT BALLS 3 Golden Dew 1-lb. regMargarine 4£1.k Beehive 16-oz. Table Syrup 2 MI 49 c 39C 59C 85C 59C Mix'em or Match'em STOKELY'S FANCY PEAS or 10-oi 9 Cream CORN 4'i,59 STOKELY'S FANCY Wax Beacns A Ioz £1 Cut Green BeanSI Ti,,61 STOKELY'S - 2c Off PinPneappe 1 39z DOMINO INSTANT COFFEE 2-oz. .1a r 6-oz. .ja r 8-oz.. .Ja r 29c 75c 95C DOMINO FANCXY o Tomiato Ju4eTî R'45c Hilltop HARVEST P ni ofl Cream BISCUITS"36Bi2.97C HALLOWE'EN SPECIAL Alla n's Hallowe' en Ail a ns Kisses Hallowe'en POPS Ballowe'en Pack Chiclets Gum Dare's lHallowe'en JELLY BEANS Weston's Hiallowe' en Suckers M cCorm ick's SHELL - OUTS McCo(rnii ck's Assorted Pumpkins Beaver PEANUTS- in shell Dominion - Plain MiIk or Choc olate Bars Pkg. 7 Pkg. f of 101 59 C Pkv.fl of 100 98C 12-oz. f Pkg. 29 C Pkg* f s of 3io 29c Pkg. *f of 60 79C 12-oz.. f s Pkg. 279C 16-oz. 3 j Pkg. 3 C Peanut Milk 5 Bar f Pack 3 C FRESH BAKERY PRODUCTS RIC HMELLO White BREAD RICHMELLO SCONE ROLLS 24-oz. Loaf 201C Pkg.~ of 12 23 C Ail Popular Brand $ GO9 CIGARETTES Carton of 200's COUPON DAYS:'V SBRING THIS COUPON TO YOUR FRIENDLY DOMINION STORE IN BOWMANVILLE FREE HALLOWE'EN PUMPKI N With Purchase of $5.00 or Over - COUPON EXPIRES OCTOBER :31, 1962 Valites effective at your Dominion Store Limited, Bowmanville, until closing tinie, Satird ayN. Octoher 27th, 19(i2 AMPLE ELLEN FLOOD5, Co-star cf the Domino TV Show soys: 'Every family has ts own likes and dishikes, Its own tcistes and preferences. You con always be sure of finding the brand youn famiy lîkes ai Dominion, because Dominion stocks ail the famous nctîonally-advertised brands. Plus n-îony hiqh-qi.olity low-price prodiiets packed especiaily for Dominion. And everythîq "au buy ai Dominion ... ln every deparrment is backed by Dominions uniconditional r"nteof satîiartin or money boc-k!" DOMINION1 Guaranteed Quality Meats FRESH GRADE A ROASTING OR FRYING PRE-DRESSED - 21/2 to 3 IL Averagec CHIC-KENS 392l FRESH GRADE A WHOLE CHICKEN CUT UPc CHICKEN inai BASKET 452l CHOICE - MEATY PORK HOCKS 252l CALDWELL' SKINLESS WIENERS 452l CALDWELL'S - 24. BOLGNACHUBBS EACH 49 c Fresh Produce Specials ONTARIO GROWN No. 1 3-lb.c CARROTS Poly Bag 1 ONTARIO GROWN - HALLOWE'EN 1.b SNOW or ADDIEC Bac,5 M(INTOSH A~ LJ5 CALIFORNIA SUNKIST ORANGES SIZIE 11B's DOl. 79c Frozen Food Specials Combination Deal DOMINO FANCYI DOMINO FANCY1 DOMINO FANC SIiced Strawbi POLAR KING CHIPSTEAKS SIMPLOT POTATO GI III iH LI NER Cod Fiesh Stiec EFREE PARKING while you shop lO-oz. pkg. 15-cz. pkg. 4-E>'. pkg. SI>ECIAIÀ Bl!47c SPECIAL 2'69c SPECIAL 4'99c Pkl!. 32-oz. 8-oz. Pkg. 39cl SPECIAI, 0 2'59c erries EMS ks Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited ix unconditionally guaranteed Io give 100%/'0satisfaction. French Cut Green B3EANS Roman Green BEANS 1- 0&. 24, 1082 Ê&K-

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