n Te Canadil Rotariai From Si During The Bowmanville Club'., International rerent]y was agamriaj cess. It was enjo\ F foreign stridents, w 1 the Universit.v of To' post-gradLlate studie: interesting young pi pregented six differfe tries. There were fi P5akistan, tu- ( fron Leone, five from Ir from Jamaica, one fi 11R and one from Ho Rex Walters. ciai the rinternational S Committee, was In ( arrangements for th end. T'his annuaý e become one of theî of the Rotar v vear ,ai nensel.v cjvdbv tarians and the-ir Annesý, as we]I as bv% ing students. R ON FRI. and SA Show starts 7 pa "Hey "Escape Yul Bryr SUN., MON., "Light ii an State.5man, B;owmnanville, Ort. 24, 1962 ar-v Girls' Ciass were Marie _____ ________ ____ - IVinrent, Janet Ogie, DebbîeitI lWilson. Donna Hurlbert and HolY Gvel 1Cartwright Council j Promo*ed to th e Junior ns E te t i S u en s1Primarv BoYs' Class were October Znd, 1962 the closing and barricading of Gary Selleck, Michael W;I- Township Court of Appeai the easement or right-of-way 0 ~ liams, George Mitchell, Neil was called for 1 p.m.. October over the southerl >v 18' of Pla'n lx O verseas (ountries old Mountjov. Wayne Watson,'dozen appeals for tax refundlsurfaced township road -th Garv Snowden, Robert Top-, or adjust.ment. Council to)ok'Coletnan Crescent. He stated ping. Roger Hancock, Richard oath and for the next hour that Council could be held. Melch and Tommny James. 'dealt with the appeals, which responsible for anv active par- Inte nat onal W ee endEntering the Senior Primarvl adjusted or refunded taxes ticipation they had taken, as Int rn ti na W ek ndGirls' Ciass were K a t h vý due to dogs haviag died or this right-of-way was dfn Brown. Gloria Mountjoy, Paï- buildings burnedi and in the itelv. recorded on the Plan of e Rotar. Onl Fridav cwening thete inarvelous vieuw from the ti Rosnak, Diane Barnett, few cases to error on the Roll. subdivision as a private right- Weekend were three. informai gather- 1tower on Look-Out Hill, and Chris Skuce. Carol Ann Ste- The Court approvedi of the re- of-wa >v for the use of ail lot great suc- ings for the foreign studentsalso visited the original Mc- venson and Sandra Mitchell. fond or adjustment of over Owners in Plan 287. ed by 1.3 and their hosts and hostesses. Laughlin home-stead near T',.- Promoted to the Senior $600 et tax monev%. He also stated that the re- ho are at The president of the local rone. There they saw the barn PrimarvY Boys' Cless, whose, Regular meeting of Council moval of the fence at certain )ronto for Rotarx- Club, Dr. Keith BUl- where carniages were made. new teecher is Grant Spencer, .1 followed Court of Revision, spots on the edge of the towvn- s. These lett, and his wife, Mr. and and it was explained to them xvere Dennis Werrv. Reggie with ail members present and ship road had resulted in )eopie re- Mrs. Rex Walters, and Mr. Ihat from this samail begîn- Davis, Joe Wright, Tom Flin- Reeve Gibson in the chair. damages to lot owners, pro- eut coun- and Mrs. Stewart McTavi>h ning the great General Motors toff, Wendal Williams, Neil A lairge delegation of 40 orpertv and counicil or whoever, four froin entertained for themi in their of Canada business developed. Mahaffex', Garth Pascoe, Jerry m o r e persons representing eaused same would be requtir- n1 Sierra homes. The gala dinner party foir Ring and Dale Maschke. cottage owneîrs in Plan 237 ed to make restitution. Se'.- ndia, two On Saturdav arternocon ail the toreign students held hx' Promoted to the Junior near View Lake were present. eral members of Counicil re- rom Glha- tevstn idnt noe theloaRtryCu in theGil'Cas wr erI The minutes of the last meet- plîed to solicitor Proskv's ng Kong. a bstinurtuenth ne u-dinthe loloRota he C lub i rls'CBarbar Bro verly eing were read and approved charges that Council were locd iia ofrounding coun tr ys i de. Ed Dutchman Motor Hotel was McNally. N a ni c v Flintoffon otion, and ail business to believe that a large ma- S er 1 eYoungman, the popular Suo- memorabie. Dr. W. M. Rude!l, Alexis. Bremner. Carol Chat.- coreresorndten e ceed fîorm cdt thîspie l anerclosed, charge of erintendent Of the Durham a past president. was chair- ten, Elizabeýth Greer and Wen- Poreosk ndnPersky wh omce-ad hipiae Coun leno ho week- Forest, acted as the entertain- man. Others at the head table d,- Hitchens. .prosey nt tdelegati wo re- active i te Cucling not. veut has ing and informative guide for were Mns. Rudeil, their guest,' The teacher of the Junior prsent sedeeain r-ativi mnitciploeqipgofmeha 'ighlighis the trip. Faiz-Ur-Rehmnoii, Pakis t a n. os CasrsevdRap n i wstibouhtup10be muse nicia qrent a ai icl is im- During the buS trip the st- James A. Millard, Ottawa, and BarnCasrcie Rlh Cni eebruh pt enuedo etlbss ,ho Ro- dents viewed points of inter- Mr. and Mis. James Stut.t. amesot. I-Iae MDavisdBria date with regards to the dis- for the opening of the other Rotrv st.an inpeced heDuram c. udil ntcducd he amison BuceMaconadpute between the two faction-, accesses unto the township Rot, ves, ad ispcte th Drhamore . ges useaer, Mn. MilrdtheJohn OgI, David Rose, Bnian present. Reeve Gibson invited coad. the visit- and Ganacaska great rfrs us paeM.Mlad Starr, Donald Topping. Teddx' the deputation, headed by Mr. Poilard, speaking for tation -projet. They saw iie ivho lias had mianYvears uf Cnaig and Bruce Hancock.- solicitor Prosky as spokesman, the dozen or so cottagers who experience in the Externai Affairs Department. Mc. Mii- Entering- the Senior Girls' to, present their brief. M". had petitioned Council to lard gave a briliiant addiess Ciass were Margaiet Maid- Prosk.v tiist stated the opjec- close this right-of-way, raised I n anda Frigî olex"man, Brenda Hopkins, Anne tion of those he represented ti) certain arguments in their MA ~o 3-5389 orin olc Bishop, Janice Selieck and fvu n vnitouc NIANVI55L9The speaker expiained .the Normîa Woodward. B sies irclry cran dubts as troded A L ROWMA VLE derivation of foreign poiicv, P]ouoteneosthe Sci -- ___cert-inty u t st the rigt-- a lbu and how it deveiops. T h eC B oys Clasaw he Brueniriyo teAgtofwy u changing conditions through- Dous assw BueDale, Ccoun anc the larger delegation opposing ri- Do'nal WetheissueaswPas-adamant nc MT, OCTOBER 26 - 27 out the worid ail have a bear- idtWerr-ssDougas Pas-______ ing on this. he as9serted. crie, Bob Smith, Pat Rose. RAY J. DILLING - theiî- demand that all bari-i Latcoilee8:0Douglas Wiibur, Clare Skuce, Chartered Accountant cades be îremoved and thati ni Lstcoplte8:<) Mn. Miliard also discussed ]an Hancock, John Simpson 93 Church Street the right-of-wav be ceopenedý th ra nlec fthe adDulsMngmt" MArket 3-3861 for their future enjoyment. Le ' w s "United Nations and NATO un Fntering the Youing Peoi s EO1D.AMSBOK Council, after one hotir ut the foreign po 1iicY out this ePe ENRJMSBOK )eand the Starliters country, and added that diplo- CI 1as,, were Linda Hopkins, Accounitants - Auditors discussion, finall- expresseci >emacv i S essentiai. He aiso em- Sx'îvia Woods, Janet Bremner, Trustee in Bankruptcy their desîre to wîthdraw sup- Tommyv Ogle. Tedd\- Broclc Suite 205W 725-9953 portorapvl filht tLOpaizfed te acitaan cci l- 'lan Wright, John Davis, La - Oshawa Shopping Centre had been done and unrged the tai fixiiiiy i a im rct\1 Flintoft, Michael Huirat, W....CO IN - two grouIpS to tr'v for a peace- i an ceuirmen offonîgnJohn Rose, Gordon Chatten ful and amnicable settiement. from Zalirain" poiicy in recent years. anCBobvDal. edcFoor a t hearadcuci1ertui ner Sa Nlneo (Coor)Mr Milad w s tank d a d bCvDal.econd Aco untnt A recess was decaed lu col for, Sa N o (olr M clletard dwasshankd 'The Mothers' Auxiiar\- of New Lbrary Building teat n O2clrgefi forshisn exellent aes, adth lt cus n b ed Cr ig&Tcprn Ssbid adieu tb the depitations a usinteidws held. meecoti ngdrcufeld C or.Kng e Mne 3-3612 -and Proskx of Pcoskv & Pro- Many inquiries were made by their tirst meigrskt v:i hoeMret331 TUES., WED., 7:30 p.m. the *students, who expressed tYeLEwFRIHal ofDthe The meeting1-cesumed a__ ! 3%) their appreciat ion of his ,-with 14 members present. A, FID NER Temtigrsreda3:1 lightening and co-opeî-atîve A report on the summer's & COMPANY p.m. with the reading of cor- replies.activities inciuded rate-îng at Chartered Accountants cespondence. n. the P iazza OSida afternoon a de- the '20th Giudes' and Brow- A letter fîroniMr. Treu eHavilland, R. Brazzi, iighttull.v anî-anged attennoon nies' Motheir and Daughtec Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy J. Laughlin of Aucora, ad- arnlto, Y Mmiex ta nd ecetio ws hld x~Banquet, a Parents' Night focr64 Km ing him the reey on pas larnilton, Y. Mimieuxte Bodmanviile Roarv l b the boys' gi-oups. help vith 6 ig St. E. 728-7371 ighmta eetvo as E eletfauefr the lades h nofhvisi ting sClub the Kýedron Countrv Style_ Oshawa, Ontario ing thcough Blackstock a Excllet fatre or helades n hno oftheviitig su-Supper, and assistance %vith -MONTEITH - MONTEITH- numbec of Young bovs were _____________________ dt entr tte. Lins. H.B.mun,*- sending the Scouits tu the sum--- RIEHL & CO. making fines in the Faý- ty ente. rs.H. .Mondlisnmec camp in Halibucton.s 135 Simncoe St. N., Oshawa Gî'ounids and verv near to the and Mns. Willianim ogansrn. oncl euen wece the convenons. $10 was voted to the u.c.w. Chartered Accountants irnsad orclrqet A profusion ot iovelv falOf the ehuî-ch foc the uise of 728-7527 cd Clerk to cepiy' and to thank flwrs\er ii,?ial' a-th huc kthePacîniens: him for his intenest and to ittes eriol iuwi-swer aristcalv a- te ciiih ktchn lon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. also advise the Boy Scout As- Atles eritolraîîged as decoration of the It was decided to send iC. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. suciation ot the incident. Contains Vitamins lar~ge entrance hall and spa- presentatives to a studv G. W. Riehi, C.A., RIA. A lettez' from Alex Car- and Minerais cnous meeting roomn An au- course being field In Toconio (Licensed Tr'ustee) ruthers, M .P.P.. in forminig toe 1.98 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 tumnial and harvest motif was on Octobeî- 25th. G. E. l'nethewey, C.A. memrbers of Council that thr- e tfectivel >v carried eut in the A second Cub Pack lias R. F. Lightfoot, C.A.__ Prime Minister ut Ontario ------- decorations. The stage wds been foî-med thîs tal, inder WILS-ON &- BUR ROWS had adxised him that the ) RC S Privine adorned with a pictunesque the leadership ut Mr,;' Bi-uice CatrdAcuDp.o diainaeio OW PRC S oe ranîgement or a lange cornu- MacDonald. The A *Pack CaeedAcontants pDepa.ofEdtio rn aer uow Nose copia filled with cherry scar- which is stili led bv' Mrs. Ro l 14 Ringa St. East, Oshawa, Ont.peaedwgau thi n- IRISMAS ARDS Drop Ro-quest to set up a Board r.f New Designs 10 let appies, a niapie "w i t h bert Dale, is in îîeed ut help- Partuens: Education for this T1ownship. gorgeous autumn leaves in aIl ens. The Scouts are in need ot Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Letters tirom Miss Mabel of 50 cards - 98e the blending shades of the a new Scoutmaster, as Mr. G.donBuosCA Brc and Mn. Win. Johuston of 32 cards . . Drita season. A gil-t container was William Werrv wishes 10ne requG.stedothe CouncilC.AtoBap- lîm Botties 790 Tablets aneî-flonig ith gf oden frit, sign ' andi is on îy continuingPoe72-54pr-ove certain î-oad \vork on ave 2 for 98c 1.25 - 2.25 lnpecutbexhieOnuintil a replacement is thrnpnixrale pnopectx'. A fter ilgtcomplete 49e - -ditodi a enr ftefud C h i r o p r a c I1c the deleguation t î oday, Cln stage w ,as gracefull *v ent)wîued TheAscito again voteti cil, on the advice ut the Road- ss Tray Set 1.99 Ornai xx îth vines and tlowers. Mrs. lu take uLp Mr. Frank Han- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Supecintendent, decided thal -up Mirror ----- 88c CoId Caps. K. N. Mor-ris, wifc of the im- cock'q offer to sell Macluto.ih Chiropi-actor municipal equipiuent woulcl rie Blanket __ 17.88 1.39 mediate past president of the ape9tracmisoo Office: nu lorîoer be available for- s ~~~club, was responsibie for al a0pcensfo a ummsl.sîoc 15 Elginî St., cor. ut Hot'sey St. pîivate ups adttth ------ -------- the wonderful decurations. twsanucdhtSti Phone MA 3-5509 municipaîity would nul cu- VICKS FORMULA 44 A tas,-cinatinigl.v shapeti barn- gIt wlars lîîîo(îîîetat Sc Office Hours: B,,' Appointment pt vt rvt nepie l)S 1.19- 1.89 boo bird cage containiua .9---- - A letten fcom the Secretan' le 1.49 VICKS R1'B 64e - 1.09 largendRotai-ot-eblîie nI'r"ixvas Scoutheon Cb tinioî-sthrDe nii a ofetSt. Christopher*s Cottagers supcde fomth ciln" c venitnega. opav -thnAssoc. cequesteti ec r t a i ni ES 1'ieks COLIGH SYRUP 69o the centre ut the couru. Theceang.. DR. WV. M. RIIDELL, D.D.S. brushing on their road andi 1'ICKS TRI-SPAN TABS. pentectl appointed tea table Afler the business ssin 75 Ring St. E. Bowmanvilie was declared attended 10 bx was centred \vith an exquisite Rev. Ronald Lov'e gaxe an in- Office Huons: the Ro a ds Supeciotendenl. 12.9.5 1.35 floral ar-rangement, and iight- teresting taik on Religion and 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily The other requests would have c d by tlu tapers lu a pair of the Scout Movement. Closed Satunday and Sunday to be directeti to the United [tidnutt Cleer Sheen 69c, 1.49 beautitul antique candelabra l'he 2(fth Birownie Park en- Office Phone - MA 3-5790 Courities Roatis Depi. \vit.h pendant cris.-tal lustres. jov~ed perfect fallxxveather for 1-louse Phone - Newvcastle 3551 A notification f roni bbc' (Foamvy Shave Crea 1.95 Mca. Keith Billett, xite ut a "hîke anîd xiener roast at DR. E. MI. SISSON- Clerk ot the Peuce dealt xx li m.the pi-esideol ot the Buwmani- Mr. C. Joîclan's camp, nurth L.D.S., D.D.S. Jury-\ Selection on Octuben m uville Rotacv Club, andi Mis. G. east out flptn, on Saturdax- Office in bis home 10th, also Royal Proclamatiun M uKEdxvin Mann. wife ut the lst afteriioon. 100 Libeîtx' St. N., Bowmanville establi.shîng Fine Preverîtion I ice-president, presideti oxer On Friclav ex'ening Mrs. Phone MA 3-5604 Week October 7th to 131h iu- thbbcteacups. Those xvho as- William Rosnak entertaîned Office 1luns: cluisive. I L N G FSsisted iii serving Vs ene Mr-s.te girls of hec Siînday School 9 ar..lu 6 p.in. daiiy A letter troru the Secretarv- LGWEFT Ruindle and Mns. Murrison, cnassa at hec home. Mns. Stan- Closeti Wednesday SuuidlaY or the High School Board ne- ý11r.* çT %DIP MMý the îteiinaqtiunal Senxîce Hlot Water Bo ( a ran teed 88c - 1.29 - Sominex L( Tahlets 1.50 - 2.50 (lu Glant Boxf ~pogc~ Box 97e Vacuu -_____69 Su Florirnt Flash] Spray HOSte 1.69 size Make. 1.39 Electi Plastie Coated PLAYING (CARI D)ouble 1.98 - Sinz] TINMEX IWATCUI (iuarantccd 7.5-9.95 - 10.9,5 New Sharknpoo H (rilliette Razor ami com PHODR MA 3-5695 D Can' of a Foc PROTEIN - 1 QI. o)r 13 fishi. CALCIU'M - 1 Qt. o rang RIBOFLAVIN (V' 1 QI. spinna THIAMINE (Vitati tuî n t., - t 111-ank emi li o a î I viited n ut onuilg, lPort -.- - 10deer h(titng season !alliiit h-hn h ocl[ope andîti jjebut forng t . wavleon the fîrst full week nf No- Rteihopîtlub anme ntnes rrPhones: Office MA 3-5688 x'be itainB2 -R otars' lb mandembers ýtoebpas! :5 xears hlîesti sd-ýd Residence MA 3-55513 ebr Fic h O 2 ' 2 l k s . e q uao r 1 5) l h . t î î n h î t v î o m n n î n v e A r s a o . a n d i w a s a n M I S S A P H A . H O D G I N S 1 l t , V M i < i t eh o 2' lh. hef o 15eggs vile.adhérent of the Unitedi Chuîrch. Barrister, Solicitor Sunt iviiîg, besides bswfe 4 Notacy Publie TTT P uit 7I~'jf fi ai fjycI 14î',Frank ~ St. Bowmanx'ilie O IU R 1 Pt. Fluid NliIk . . . equals 4 slices of i'vhole w~heat bread. CARBOHVI)RATE - 1Ictup of milk contains Ili tSp. Stugar. TRY A QUART 0F MILK TOI)AY Nature's Most Nearly Perfect Food If It's Glen Rae . . . It's Good 1 Glen Rue Daîry PHONE MA 3-5444 BOWINANVILLE i El iabeîb >, Poi t ope. Mins hliiîeitced foc lasI \xeek) Johnltiax es i(Anie) c. i ave- The iîewx ternui inte Suii - luek : M rs. Joli i McCormauk dav School aI Kedron Uiiitezl (Esîter), Fluishinig, N Y.; Mrs, Chumreh goiuIndttii-\va ' voiSu jj- Douglas Tut or i Griace I. Bow- dat' murning, when Suiperîi- mariville: Miss V'iola Cttter. tendent John K. Gloten pni-- Bowiniaîiille: 'Or s. Rolandt sided oter' tbc Promoîtioti(.iex - Monnisoi (Marie)i. Gra flou: eîcîses, antd inattetof the 51- Leslie utlif .uid:Ha ccv ut dents were poruoied lu nett Bitffa loi N.Y.: Johîi utCo!- classes. lu each case the si îî- bornec anti Guidon of Ocutît>. dents passet I hroutgh x.%hite T-enrî',o gaîdchildrcci pînket gales fruru theîir formner anti 14 greal-giandtchilti en classes lu be [cccix cd b'- thetir aiîsutte iietex eauti, as h tittia 11< "flie h iieî,u I s cxce xxtî shic; kiîîs saîtg Opeti le f Galte Mors uesj Pr'unolîet fiorsi te Nt Homle.B 'taî' lou wî'd- Ch1ass buo te K .ndcrganletî Chasa xx ere Barnt caisîavitet;da%-,October 17, and wxx i Allait Starn, Kennv Tîtomas oîult tRe.E ' ut Bai-ba ra Treguntia, Michael la"dtiof Nexx'-caslle. Itreî Pettes. Stephetu Bai nett. Be%- ettbon '. heiwCem - Y ccliv Pascue. Wcndy Willîamsi, Nwon- l e Sharon Robintson, Eddt' Wod- Pailbeaiers we ce Mcssrs ý %vacrd, Mary Elien Glover, lI)- Bert Pugh. Hart c S. Briltîn. t:vA cbe ainti Torv HoxcardQin'e. Frantk Mi'- Knigb et Genr--e W. Graham andi Enterin& the Junior Prim-1 Eric Wicks, al of Newcaatje, E. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.B. Bannister, Solicitor King St. E. Newcastle Phione 22'46 Houts: -5:0 -Wed., Sat., 9-1 -M o-r g a ge s SADIE 1A'MILTON -.ORONO Phlione 1 c 16 Firsl Mortgage Fonds Residences - Farms Business Pro-perties Mort gage Loans Prompt, cotîrteous service HIAROLD) C. PEI>WELL Real Estate anti Murtgage Broker i a- 1>' Phione 3856 Op o0m eifr y KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bownmanviiie Otfirf- lhoirs: Rv appointment Mion - Tue-s. - Thtns, - Fri. Telephone MArket 3-3252 E DN A 1. R E N I'CK MiVsa Etiîa 1. Reii)wick. fo: nîanv vears a mnember of lter staff ot bbc Secuitt' First Na- tional Bankiin Reilatis, dieti on Saluî-tav atter alieîu illness. She xxas lte ouitgen(haigii- ter ut the late Mn aiad M i - Herbent W. Renwîek andi thr- great-grantidaughtcc ut Hei - bcdt Reiiwickt(1779-1869) xvho carnie xith bis tamilv fcom Dumtnieshine, Scotlanti. ;ili '1833 anti settîcti the tarmin ., a cea at bbc lunctionoruthtii Gravel Roati anti the Fourîli Conceession ut Clarke Twt sh ip andi ktîoxn lrtcablx fou genei'attuns as Rixik u n ers She %-a.- a past presideuit andi aI the lime of hec deabh a cornent member ot the Busi- ness% & Protessional Wornan's Cluib. She wxa.a also a memben of Greenspot Wonan's Ctlb and the Amnecucan L1egion WQ'.- man's Aîîx.iliar- Unit 108, 1 la i surx-ived hy- hec si5z- Lione ttes Hear Hazel Samig qnl Mc,;. Ethena Exvert. ter %1zs~ Lena R. Renwicîk. Txvontexv members,Mr. Rcdlsntis. andi coiiss NssI £ ,BBllue Kemp apid Mca. Elinore Ethel Lockbact and NMrs. ,bohri iietaîilS of TH.thno, xccwccm' F e r g i s o n . e x v a s t c : ' u r . A - i t b t h ' c u b Ia oka rt and Mcrs..on Custpekr rsDoth W O A\ \IClle utCobourg. aea Suîl BwNni . .at imband- gve antin . i M cs. Lesie NIeGee andi familv. The Boxx maux î-le 1. inucîtes orive cndinteesi'aiou 01*o1o, anti Rev. aîîd N R- ieldt i teir negulan dîoncen phasts et the %vock accom- dohh arvie ani fmi.,meeting iit the Lion,. Coni- plisheti b\ the Nothumiben- Detroi, Michgati.ntiv Centre on Tuiesda.v, landi anti Dui'hami T.B. Assor- Fueal servies q d cobn1. Mrs. Eva Hockîni, iatiot. TustaxOcobr ,atIlCt h, îel-lceipresîdeutj. Wnico b uk u' a.m. froîn Fm ouoi-St. Pier- xxas lu bbc chair. xxhîlîis (f heltiaIccîy dmeet t elatsCliapel. R e v. -rcsident Honkins, exeçU-i- m. x-as Mca. C. Birtxvistie oif Mark L. Atîdrexxs ,of bu-e F:-tiv,'e for tbe 1962-63 terni Eganw.xho xx-as a gucat of Pnesbvlerian Chuinch. nffiue'( 1tb- as toiloxvs: ltIVice - Pesîdent. b1,er dauglhitii-lu-law. Mrs. c. Mrs. Fran Aluin *2d Vice-Pre- Carol Bi'lxxistlc. PaIlbearens x t Fred G. sdtiel . Carol Bîrtxvistle: Following the mieettig, the Honev, Gaîl W. RoYcce. Tbeo. Secnetar ' vMcs. 'Marie Mose.ý: neniaintier of the ex'ening wa% Dieust ant i-Lrice Bushnîell, Tre-isicer. Mrs. T'hellma Les-!spenIt folding mnateriai and Bîînial xxas in HiIbau!e -Me- lie: Directors, Mrs. Lticx-Ohi- stufinug' T.B. Christî-na eAl niocial Park., Retitauts. xci- Mrs. Eloi s e Kilmicr, Mi's.l ei\veiopcs.ai 1 BEST BUY' - YOU SAVE 4c!-1. Package ROSE BRAND MARGARINE 21c BEST BUY - You Save 18c! - 10e 01f Pack - 212 11h. tin 77c 3c OFF PACK - You Save 7c 1-lb. Pkg. DOMESTIC SHORTENING 31c BEST BUY! - YOU SAVE 24c!- LIQUII) - 12-c OFF PACK! 24-oz. MAPLE LEAF DETERGENT 67c BEST BUY! - YOU SAVE 2.5e - INSTANT - 10c OFF PACK 6-oz. Jar MAXWELL HOUSE Coffee 895 BEST BUY! - YOU SAVE Ile! - POUCH PAK MONARCH Cake Mixes 4for,55c BEST BUY! - YOU SAVE 4c! - Mail ini 011cr for Astrowing - Order Fornis at Red & White Large Package OGILVIE OATS Minute or Instant 45C BEST BUY! - YOU SAVE 6c! Pkg. fif 60 RED ROSE TEA B3AGS 79c rMAPLEFLEAF -EXTRA LEN - MID 5 9 C 'NUapie 1< af '3lapie I caf W cil Streaked -1. F'lat Pkgr. Nlild Sca'onecl BACON Ib.79c Wieners Ib.45c M%,APIF LEAF - "VAC-PAK" LUNCH MEATS 4 for89C ',%ac, & ( hccse c ken Loaf -Piekie & Pimcnto - Olive Loaf I RF Si D 'IL I Best I>uv - 'n u Save 6c -3c Off Pack Sunbear ite.-lar 35c - 121 to 1 kg . Maplce ef 8-oz.Pkr. BUTTER RUFFS 31c CHEESE SLICES 2.7é l'ature! - l'ou Save 4c! - 3e Off Pack 'u Save c! - ancx Qu tliti 49-o7.. Tin Maple Leaf 8-02. Tumhler ORANGE JUICE 39c CHED-R-SPRED 33c Vrîu Savec 10c!' York 15-ni. 'Tinsm %lap1e Leaf IN'rdgcçtMild Mrdlumn Old Fancy PEAS 3 for 49c Cheese 49c 55c 59c 5c Off 12 oz. 12 oz. 12-o:. F . r lRî ' ou Save !:;(,! 12-07.. Tin Pack Pku. Pkg. Pkc. KA&i MEOT N r7 FEATI RF!- 'ouSae- KAM MEAT 2 for 7 c Nw FasvOpcnimg (an ,- N1iIIonaIrc, BIRDS LYE FROZEN F<>iS SARDINES 2 for 55c BEEF - <'HI('KIN - TI'RKEY Savcefa 6oIR! 1ou Save 4e! 15-o:. Tin DINNERS 59c Bon AmiiJet Spray 65c SAVE 9c! 6-oz. Tirns FEATrlRE! - You Save 10e Or n e Juc fr8 c Nem., Kiten loor 16-oz. 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