His ake WiI1 Have Two Candies 'sp. Soe attE a re and pro Mrx. A. R. Vingin. Tornnt-), Mavis ix attending the Uni- r wasa gestof Mrs. W. L. versitv nt Manitoba, Winni- son. Paterson, Concession St., last peu-. Mr. anthseas ron wee. Cngrtultios an d Mr. and Mrs. M. Hallowell, webetM and Mrs. Bill Wade were:R Mrs. William G. James, wishes ta Miss na er utt eernag Stra Poite laie, ue. spnt hewha celebrated her 90th birth- afternoon. The hanse races weeknd ithher othr-i- daY on Sunday, October 2lst. scheduled ta take place, there, law, Mrs. Geo. W. James, Many gfs flowers anveaura vnn, a ab Horsey Street. hast of cards ofcf n becaue of ra Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Edger, tions and good wishes werel r.Nra ct eun Debby and Randiv, Peterbon- received. A birthdav cake was Ila ough, were visitos with hii presented to her by Mrs. Wal- ed h me fa M m nal H s mother, Mrs . W. A. Edger, ter Murrav on behaîf of hier ptlo udy Wel1M.an St., on Sundax'. nieces and a nephew. Birth- Mssns. Harold Bunle>' and g B'ýavIeCoa oi-T. Henderson wene at Lake ed. BWi'snil hrlSce day cake aod ice cream w ere ssoe teweed ty provided the music for the served toaail patients of Mrs. Knii vrteweed o lanniversarv service at St. McDonald's Nursing Home, Mrs. Bill Vade won the, foes Paul's United Church, Cold* 34 Spadina Rd., Toronto, thelluck>' voucher dawn at Pa-' s Spins o Sna> eein.ice cream being the gift et ter's Store, Satunda>' evening< A. . Mrs. McDonald and ber staff.: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender -- .e Mr .B ihi eundMss Werr bas been a patient son and famil>' with Mn. and P'(a hom anMonav tte s~nd-in the nursing home for sev- Mns. C. Brown, rnatored ta ing a week itbssoaneral years. Bronte Sunda>' and vissted î daugbterinawM.ad Mrs________ M. and Mrs. R. Bowen. u Douglas Nichols of Kingston. Mn n r.Caec s tioa ~TT1??MrenandMfannlawre ndayl Mn. C. H. Haddyv, Miss Lena meradfriywr udy..... Ha.ddy, Miss Agnes Haddv,'~'JIJ JYIIJ visitons witb Mrs. Herb Gi-.a and Mrs. K. Butchen, Toronto, nmer in Bowmanville. w werk recent get fMs Mrs. Trueman ersn Miss Joan Walkey w Noliman S. B. James and oth~ eundhm rm Mmr guest at the Challice - Leoen r relatvesl Hospital, last Wednesday. wedding, Saturday maann(a ~~~~~~~Mr. and MrsJhnCatn n.ndMs. S. J. Lancastentihe Catholic Churcb Part: aind Dorella, Mrs. Arnold Hope, and attened the recep- .nd on Kntand iss ar-Wade Mr.andMri-. H. E. tion laten at the Lions Club. o n B e l m a n , T o r o n t o , v îs it e d W a e , M iso n W l e ,M. a n d Ms e(a L n d n Bwn StMreetR duLin te MnnyBnne M.MnrMs.h .tands' wddngan Lnes- weeknd.Wallace Boughen were among an>' recenti>'. Mrs.Fl.S. indverbasthose tram this district wbo Mn. and Mrs. James Adanis, ý returned ta bier home in Na- attended the Tunke>' Supper Toronta, vis;ted Mn. Andnew N3. panee after a weeks holidaY at Weleyville, last week. 'Reichnath on Sunday. M wit he daghtr ad sn- Mn. and Mns. Raymond Tini We would like ta jain with' in-lw, n. ad Ms. Hrrvwere guests recenti>' of Mn. the famil>' in congratulating Ake an Gay.and Mns. Ed. Rowe, Peterbar- Mr. Reichrath, who on Wed- Mrs. Bert Colwell and Inwin ough. Regular monthly mreet-1 nesday, Oct. 24, will celebrate apent the weekend with Mn. îng of Clarke T.S.A. was belid 'bis 83nd bithday. end Mrs. Ted Colwell and at Newtonville School, Wed- Mn. and Mns. Harry Wade tîiUkArx- Susan, Toronto. On SunidaY nesday night. Mn. W. J. Han- motoned ta Woodstock and In- th> ilsetthe day ih ok Peterborough, was an glewaod aven the weekend. relotives at Bond Head. over-night guest with Miss. Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Walkey _ Mn. ameTnible, a su lv and Mn. Tupper John- and Joan were Sunda>' nigbt . . dent at Eastern Pentecosta! stan recently. supper guests with Mn. and Bible College, Peterborough, Mns. H. Trirn speot a few Mns. Norman Gower, Osbawa. spent the weekend witb his, days last week at Mr.,1Bailey's, Mn. and Mns. Phil Gilmer parents, Mn.r ndMns. E. W. Castieton. and Blaine taok an overnight .r.r.sJ Tnimble, Ontario Street. Mn. and Mns. Rex Thomp- trip ta the St. Lawnence Sea- i~ Mn. F. E. (Ted) Pethick of son. Toronto; Mr$. Walter wv Grosse Point Park, Mich., and Cauch, Onono, and Miss Ha- 'Mn. and Mis. Jim Gilmer Young Master William Franklin Porter, son of Mir. and _Mrs. Murrayi Mn. C. H. (Bud) Pethick of zel Bannie, Oshawa, were re- and famil>', Part Hope. wre, Porter, Newtonville, will celebrate his second birthdav on Mondav, October 29. Toronto visited their sister. cent visitons with Miss Ber- Sna inrget tMn. He is the gnandson of Mr. Milton Rrown of Oshawa atidc the laie MNrs. B3rown, Mrs. Ina McNaughton, Qucen tha Thonipson. n. Bud Jnes. was aiover ________________ Steeavnth ween. Mrs. M. Walke 'v retunned night guest with Mrs. W. H.! Mn. andl Mr.q. Dan L. Dud- home tram Bowmanville Has-,Jones, Fnida>'. "N eso a ley' have returned tram Las pital Iast week. Mn. and MÀri. Douglas Sigs-"N e so Nal. Vegas wbere thev attendcd Friday visitons with Mn. andwarth of Edmoanton, werpi the marriage of thein daughteîr Mns. W. C. Robb, were Mn. avernîght guests with Miss Jane and Mn. William Boyd and Mrs. P. J. Duff of Toronto. Anne Nesbitt, Sunda>'. enroutep Francis on Saturda>', Octnber Mn. and Mrs. Ken Jo>'. Ton- 'ta Flonida ta spend' the win-'P p l r M s o c p i0 1 M r q D o oth E w n g ,D a v id o f M n. a n d M ns. C lin te n T h e a n n u a l c b ld re n s , H a llo - end. T)n thv ewiog, atoBrown. we'en Party wili be held a andDiaa Lnnelef Maton Quite a number tram this usuai in the Sunda>'Sbo UM on landebea, att or er en d pistgct of ethe y CSeklnigt. nc~erning Custom s 'in1 India oIs imonng ec fr sevndisrc teddteOfficiai Auditorium next Wednegday' Irtg ten days with her sister, High Sehool, Frida>' evening. nh. adMs WlndWod P Mn.andMns Wm Leis nd Mns. R. Bruce is a ptent were Sunday guests with Mn Mr. and Mns. John Marshall Mn. and Mns. Sidney Lan-!famnily, Toronto. M e y R t r p a e and daughter Patti, Mn. and; casten motored ta Quebec on! Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Wade Mrq. Wm. Leask, Susan, Ricky Satunda>' ta attend a conven- wneamano hs tedng Sanie cf the misconceptions the sm-artest men have receiv- valur, rean the North~ Amer- ~nd John David, ail of Osh- tien of several days duratian.er the uda' even ening 'er-about India that are prevalent ed thein educatian at Xa vien ican scttlers used hanse dung $Ça, were dlinner guests ot A presentation and dance!a> evcea:1dl.i ot meiawr ds olg, and rcmanked that il as fuel ypars ago, but I assureý .heir mother, Mrs, M. E._ was held in the Comnmunit>', Mns. Lamne Todd spent the pelled in a witty and graphie rnust be truc as Natisb La- you 1aias a' omthn LeaRk, Ontaria St., on Sunday. Hall Saturda>' evening in- hon- iweekennl witb Mn. 'and Mrs. address b> Asbish Sen, Cal- harm>', presideot af Rotary'- better ta do than spend their' or of Mn. and Mrs. Glen Sta- Don Stapleton and famuly' cutta, India, in an address at International, xvas one of this tire folloxving (OWS withi Mn. and Mns. C. Birtwistle pleton. Gifts included a china: the Juncheon meeting held by institutions students. baskets," hie laughingly told Sr. and Mn. J. Pridding, al of aieadtblancars - the Bowmanviile Rotary' Club Ashish Seun compcted with bis audience. Cheghire, England, have re- tîowered hassack and ciothes ~ ~ at the Flying Dutchman Moton 350 candidiates in District .5, lie also spokc of bis amuse-: tu.nned home atter a tw0- hamrper. Éou tceHtel on Fnida>', Oct. 12th. Ida o aa> FelIow- nment on secing Hollywood- week visit withMnd Mr .M. and Mrs. ElMcEwen Rex Waiters, chairman et ship, and won the contest bv a made films dealiag with Indiaî Birtwlstle's son and daughter- a ni d faniily, Peterborough, L th e International Service Com- wide margin, Mn. Walter,; that show mena bing an beds in-li(w, Mr. and Mrs.Cln were Sunda>' visitars at Mn. H0Me & Sc hiOOD1 i ttee, a nd a past president said. le thon accepted a of nails, andci'Yogis standing' BiWsl n ate. Cecil Burley's. Homfa the club, intnoduced the Rotary' District 707 Scholair- on their heads in the midst of The annual meeting of tbe Membens of the Women's guest speaker. He told the ship, and iq naw a post-gnad- traffin in the streets. 'l'he Brachcf heCaa- Institute were quite pleasedLDrry Rotaians that Ashish Sen was tiate student at the linivcniyu oiSho fpyia dian ancer Socitv was h l i the results of their mis-Pln born in Calcutta, Bengai, of Toroato. The local Rotary axaricises, but the-' are flot on Tbursday, Octoher 18, a, cellaneous auetian sale at the IndiR, 20 v'ears aga, and made Club is anc of those in District perfanmed in public, but in Mcauhln al, s aw .Communit>' Hall on Saturday South Courtice Home and the long 'tnip f1mi India ta 707. cae neye an ynae on a Thseatenin fon hre in- afternoon. Nearl>' $60 was re- School Mad ln tter:aaals ot y 'plane. As hie bas berti just thrree c fnI, aad <-luded Menn. Harr Feemnalazed. apening meeting in September He added that this great wees iiCaaa M. en Wîofiihooslead magzine Pruedentrcf He aw Fmanie Mrs. Bessie Walkey, BoDw- ta stant a librany in their journey was Mn. Sens finst ;-id hae had wondened jusicoti sae luh abt rasdnch OfMthe B. Sxen Mr. w.maîîville, was a visiton on, school. if cwslalfight. xvhat aspect of India xvould cai ta toilubl thatbtht MrainaldMr. B 'r, M . ta, Studa>' with lber daughten, As ours i nccolIda litroaulegi tat whe MatrCaas mih good reading bocks are at a "Om ust speaker alsa bas most iolerest Canladiats wlîa Mrs. G. ad, Mrs. W ton"u ie. iacc-tenths ado ntarie ethe wun- M.Candls. d.Roepith.M. Soe'si ea record of international serv- hea \as invited ta speak ta Ille man and Mns. S. Durîn. Mrs. Ptroogwr audy;liked ta have good books avail- iebmef.H îdth nv lub. Jlilokped paratian aorbisformation presented resulîs in Grti, hdcf Womnen Ser- Peterorough, r. tne e ra' , bet h hide u ilege of being of considenabl uRh loe aailhiabe a tase picture, the speaker viesgor Oeari spae-viMsitons a .LanceasRte's. able ta he childr en duihgassistance ta retugees tram literature on India, hae Cx-poinfed aut. vies or Otania w'a speker Mss Drell Lancster~ seool burssa w e he'Tibet in India. Mn. Sen hclp- plained. . tcdc teto atî for te occsion.staying with Miss Dariene fiiie h wn thn, cd in the collection cf food, -I fouiid ta iaalistc that iln'jumaii Thley n . G. Camaro Quig-parentsaewcin e. be h a.Ibe tcoid readna tausethor, clathing and other necessities and books do siot giv.e a back- sneîd an) cxceadingly short 1ev an Mrs.Quiglc wercparent are n Queec. , pane ime reding book for t he Tibetan refugees," Mn. ground Iiat is realistie about t; iiîi cuir'.ada gussof Mn. and Mns. Man- Mn. Raymond Bruce and the pure enjoyment of it' Waltens stated. mv country. 1 read in a book M ntecut-,ada se-Il Stace'v aven the weekend. Grandaughters Linda and Dale This, cf course, bas not been Ile said that Mn. Seni was that ladians cansider (0W dung te\, laaretliin aifferinteard ssbe oay xen.T educatdsaI t.iFrncis.avien50ivauablethiatpeapt fol Rev. Qtiglev, a for-mer paston Gibson motored out ta Ban- POssbet n xet Teduae tS.FacsXve ovlal la epefi hene, returnned as guest speak- croft Saturda>', wbere tbey Home and School bave bought College in Calcutta, and at the low cows with baskets ta gath- ci nlv 'ataltm he disko\- en for the 128th anniversar>' attendedi a banquet and 25th severai educationai sets pre- universit>' thera. Hae addcd an it. ai-ort sta,,, hat tte n oofrisnc atSt Puis aiedwedigannivensan>' celebra- viously, but it was etteta i ni epe a ta etai 'r<wdn a sos aa haote so service% S t.Pu' ntdwdigtlte- ti ni epesyta "etii,,cwdjgbsanot more. than 24 boums dura- Chunab last Sundav. Rev. lion in bonar of Mm. and Mrs. need now was for gaad enjo>'- Quigley, a native cf lanver- Dati Bruce. The>' etunned able books. Bocks wcll wmitten *~tian.aw-litnadpori naess, 'Cape Breton, Is na'. home on Sunday. that would lead the student an Trw-lpanr rga conipleting bis 25th year in Mrs. Iva Farrow returned ta search out and rend more Spec ,u;çsieai tifiruiig, aiidmedical ne- the ministrv as muîister aît talier home at Croaked Cneek land more. The parents Icl l u_ e v ce vtraigaicw l dvaîed, Mn.re Division Street United Chureh. on Sunda>' aften R two month's 1wouid be ver>' frustrating tonr a k C 1 v i- seai-ted Haao entionr Owen Sound. Thciîr daughtor absence. Mrs. Clar'ence Fantlow a child ta bave the desire ta 31,ri',GIitSd.dHimprax-n men tionn -, m1ead, but not have the oppor-M a k S . P u . eimrvmntnagclu- tunit>'. aIpmthads. and the malanit>' EFO M E C UR H ~akorbokstathO tabrotun doubtsad Gd tea wenust midtof thipeopeand f ha boitu risiadn Rfre booeeting.ookse outhed ber and acl ' .iselv. Despite ail ta dop a plrumb une la the Church. Atter the opening Seigg tret ownavileated orioaned as the parentsliîve aur lives. aiake imiportan~t ollawen of Christ. theminutIes cf the pneceding Scio tet onavledesired. decîsioîîs and act on iimitecd Mn. Beaton with bis ladies' meaeting were ead and ap- Bev. John C. Verbhrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister A aeless bakesalideya knowledge. chair delighled the eveniag p-o\,ed. T'..o ne'." nembers TelphneMA3-02 Wndn ndMn. rtPats Mn. Quiglev said that i audience '.vth "Lift Thine, were welcamaed, the Rev. John ichange. The mone>' obtain-: this present day of science and Ev-\es," and as guest soioist, Ronieril of Counticeanaud the :d tram this wouid pravide speed we stili know x'er.v lit- Mn. Ross Metcalf af Hanmon>' Re%-. Percy Page of Hampton. WORSHP SEVICE ïýmore books as well as shelv- itic Of manY things,-wbat is United Ciiurcb stirred hi The Mamorial Day Service 9:0 a.i. Enlis ~ing. The sheives will be put lite, %vhat is deatb, toe aianv audience witiî the rnadition af and varlous matters concern- 9:00 ani. - nglis up in the teachers' room. questions caiiiot be answei'- 'Plie Lord Is Mx' Light," in ing il, were dis;cu.ssad. 11:00) a.ni. - Holland i Plans were aise nmade for cd. We do know that God is bis powerfLil teniîr voice. The îter-Ciîunch Fellow- 1eiing the ground for~ scboal the cneatî'.e force hahind ail At the lose of the e'.euing ship Mleetings \vere given dur 7:30 p.iin. - Engiish fr ink. Mn. Fred Wright aller- these things and that we mu-t>* service ail prescrit wvere ini- consideratioii. "lic datles for Proclairning the Whoie Ceunsel of God !'ed bis equipment for thîs. have faîthin lii anad ii'.c vited ho the Soinda>' School these meetings were tuxed for ~4The president then cailed 'auir li\,es bv tbe teachings o, om hm arcplionwaJaur.8-ladteRe' on the teachers, Mn. Robent Jesus Christ. Ha reminded b is held foc Rev. anîd Mrs. Cam- Gemaid Grahîam, of Mllok <j Store>', Miss Cookman and audience tiiat the power we cran Quigle>'. Tbe.v wcne de- was confirmmd as the guest, "Back To uoa Hour" Broadcasis Mrs. 'Honnick, ta sa>' a few ! read and use la the eyes of ligbted 10 reîiew acquaint- speaker. wordsz. esus is heid bv God. We atîces with thir i i-an'.' tiensds Arrang-ementsq wene madel CKLB, Oshawa, nt 9:15 p.m. every Stnday a The meeting was closed iust believe and realize that in Bowmaavilie oven a cup oh tam 'lue next meeting, afttr' CKFH, Toronto, nt 7 &.m. wiîii tbe Queeîî. Lunch was1 God is and God noies. tea anid efrshaients sarvi.d which ilha Rex. Percv Page senved by members et the ex- Re'. Harold A. Tîîrtiuer, hv the ladies of the congrega- nrdfcd the proceedings withI es cutive. iminaster. was ini charge oftbte tson. prayer. I social& Phone MA Zompetitive Prices Plus Personal Service Values and Reminders Effective Ail This Week BAB) AQUA SEAL:1 DOVE FLUSI HEINZ STRAII I.D.A. BABY C INFANTOL DI &JBABY &JBABY POLY-VI-SOL SWIFT'S BAB TRI-VI-SOLso, ( UT s eWEEK BABY PANTS 39c, 59c R.A.BYES - 1.09 [NED FOODS 3 f or 32c COUGH SYRUP 60c )ROPS 1.50, 2.30, 4.10 SETS 1.50, 2.50, 3.75 OIL - - 79c, 1.10 .50 R.. - 1eg. 5.25 4.29 3Y MEATS 2 for 45c c.c. - Reg. 4.25- 3.39 NIVEA Hand Lotion A new beauty treat for your bands. Soft, supple bands are assured by NIVEA H-and Lotion. Like Nivea Crenie It contains Eucerite.. Handy Squeeze bottle. 49t, 89c Money Saving SPECI.ALS Effective to Oct. 27 Aqua Velva Reg. 1.25 1.07 BRYLCREEM 'with Coinb Reg. 79e ----57c BUFFERIN Reg. 79ec ----- 67c CREST Tooth Paste Reg. 1.05 87c DRISTAN Reg. 2.25 B..A rndad Caps. 1.2i 5 2.29 daciChst R 1.5 .s2Gas I -Rg 590 Floor Wax 45c, 2/89c SPOT Reg. Remover 33c, 59C CHRS3/7MAS098 90 - Reg. 2.98 VITA DIET- 2/4.99 HOLLSETWit oOD HAIRSELY S-O Rg.79 2bc BRECK - - 59c SLIDRINPO RegLarIKRIN SReuAZE.3 SRuAZE9 VEgLIN e TVATHEFASE-Rg 1.97 GLEEM - 39C -99e 59C 79c Reg. 49c HA Shat iReg. 69e 37c ALO ampoo 57c Nivea Cream Reg. 1.33 PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia Tabs. Reg. 79C ý. 67c Home Pe Reg. 2.00 Prmanent 1.47 IDA VITES QUELLIDA IDA VITE CAPSULES COUGH SYRUP LIQUID 4.95 3forll.88, 1,50 2o.49 New Giouryflllr nid sli Oes ~SOMEMINGJJtmn * help you start the day with - important vitainsi Lady BrookeT your meals May Iack! Shos CosmetioN 19 fa.hînn hade-s! a Won't crack! It's just goo common sense ta FaîIyappiî-d! a Lastamnonthà!. niake sure that you get essntal Chng o. 1( - rs often as Y0U v W lh Vitamins you normally nced daily.Cmpe7adBro'"heCo Don't Lake chances! Take new Cmlt ayBok'So O BREAKFAST VITAMINS. Thcy Sup.. Metic Sh(>e Colour 'Kit Contains: ply important vitamins some cf 1 bottîh paeh or rolour, S195 your meals May ack. Eacii tny, cie~nnr and wax! r casy-to tske BREAKFAST VITA- 1<I n l ottlte.. of r lour $1.35 ea. )MINS tablet gve ou nne vitAddtî<,nallenrndwx .9e mins plus a good suppiy of ion. AAdtoa -I-nrad a 4 a GET ff AT voua 90 DAY SUPÇ'Y $2.94 Éôn avT~~ Àle1 fi 30 DAY SUPPLY $119 h~cao ain, l, hc be&utI a *PRESCRIPTIONS ... I.DA. REMEDIES* ALEX. McGREGOR DRUGS 5 KING ST. W. - PHONE MA 3-5792 gis stay1ng %with ber for@ whluntil she feels strang-1 f er. 9ersoflal Mran were Sunday overnight guests *of Mr. and Mrs. Art Bonnett \3-3303 and famnilv, Applewood Acres. Mrs. Lena Ovens returned ,home Sunda>' from visiting --.her granddahughter at Clark- n of future citizens. The Canadian Statesman, BowmanvIlle, Oct. 24, 1962 7 The iniprovements he had7 [ntioned help ta combat any YELVERTON G1 va peiul n remarked. Communists mend tinsd.As an Dale te .empt ta mislead thase who FodSisn n aewr -e suffering from poverty, (Iritended for last week) ýDavid Staples of Lifford and id the intellectuals wha Plowing Match fervaur has the Harvey Malcolms. ,npathize with the poar. by taken over a few of aur ciji- The Wilsons called at h omisng conmxc mprve-zens this week. Those motar- R-ass Beattys' of Steynor ta ýnt for the man in the street. mig the 150 miles near :Owen, view' their beef feed lot enteio' The speaker paid tribute ta Sound for a collection of pen. !prise. Misses Anne, Norm'a îe wonderful work of the cils and notebooks included'and Barbara Wilson spent the otary Club in India whichýthe Jack and Norman Wilsons weekend with the Vincent is had outstanding success'-,vii spent a whole weekend's Jacksans and the Carl Smith& iraugh the establishment af well deserved vacation, the of Bethenv. adent Councils at the uni- Howard Malcoinis, TerrY and Sorry ta repart that Mr. Jas. rsities. These fanm a bul-- MeMullen had a faîl recently, ark against cammunistic in- ta our club. Tt speaks well cracking same ribs. Mr. Mc- uences. Rotary Cl.ubs. in for our lcadership," Mr. Mullen celebrated his 95th iia are now organizing sum- Rehder said. birthday last July. AU join in r organizations for youth in' Don Morris, secretany of wishing him a speedy recov- siness, agriculture, and the the club, read a letter express-, en. Likewise ta Mr. Gordon neral field of labor, he add- ing the appreciation of the Robinson. hospitalized in Pet- 1. Nurses Association of Me- erborough. A vote of thanks to Mr. Sen marial Hospital, Bowmanville, Mr. Aif. Jlackson of Brook- - his informative and inter- ta the Ratary Club for the, lin was a Sunday evening din. ting address was moved bv:,generous donation af $2,500 nen guest of the Art Rowans. H. Strike. President Dr. for the furnishing of the nurs-___-__ eith Billett, alsn expressed es' lounge in the haspital.* The' preciatian ta Mn. Sen, andletter wvas witten b>' Mrs.,Memorial Hospital resented hini with a cap>' of Laura Butter>', sec'y-tneas. of even Paths to Peace", a book thEý nurses' organizatian. \Veekly Report blished b Rotary Interna- The birthday of George nal. Stephen xvas celebrated b>' his For th, wek of Oct. 15 21 Tom Rehder announced that fellow Rotaians. Guests pres- inclusive. the meeting of the lst Bow- ent at the luncheon meeting Adisog6 ianville Boy Scouts Company', were: W. R. Kerr, Barrhead,Adisn .6 hich is sponsored by the local Alberta: Rex Wynn. Brant- Binths. 6 male, 6 female- 12 otany Club, Stephen Jeffery:ford, and Jini Bantlette, Scar- Discharges - . 68 d Paul Welsh received theborough. President Billett Major operations- 21. ihest honor in Scouting pnesented a Bowmanville Ro- Minor operationq 1 ýen the>' became Queen's tary Club banner ta Mr. Kerr Emergency treatments ---22 outg. "'This is an honor ta ta take back ta *the Barrhead Visiting houns 3 - 4 p.m. and outing in Bowmanville and Rotary Club. 17 ta 8:30 ,p.m. 1 - Regý EX-LAX