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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1962, p. 10

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~> 10 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmarîvllle, Oct. 31, 1962 D urham Potatoes ?Best in Many Years !"-im ports Decline Twenty-six samples of pot- atoes fromn as many potato growers in Durham Counîy were recently tested with the potato hydrometer for dry mnatter at the Bowrnanville of- fice of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. The average Was 20.7 per cent. This is the highest on re- cord s'nce such tests were Started more than ten years &go, and indicates the im- provement in cooking qualit i of locai]y-grown patatoes. 111 4act, this year's crop is excel- Ylent in texture and fiavour, Honor Rural Hydro for Farm Program RogY tie .bcbng white and fluffy. They icompare favourably with any >others grown anywhere an the continent. Highest in the test xvasa samople of Netted Gem vaietv grovn by Deibert Olan of! :\iilbrook, with a test of 23.1: per cent. Fred Yaungman, Pan-: typool. was next with a sam- pie of Sebago testing 22.5, withi Winston Olan's Sebago var- iety very close et 22.3 per cent. It is encouraging ta note 1 that local growers are nowv supplying a greater portion of the local requlrements. In fact, not only because of quality, but aiso price. cansumers 'have been turning more and more ta Ontario grown pote!- 0CS. Reports from the Maritimes this year indicate very unfav- ourable weather conditions, resulting in late planting last Spring, disagreeable harvest- ing conditions and heavy lass- es from discases such as late blight and fusarium rot. For these reasons, it is expectedi imported potatoes in aur stor- es, ,may be .on -the decline. with farm rooflng and siding made from Alcan aluminum! Aluminum's heat-reflecting properties keep build- ings cooler in summer-warmer in winter. And scientiflo evidence shows that hogs gain weight steadily-even in the hottest weatber-when 8heltered by aluminum! Theyivon't need extra feed in winter, cither, to keep warmn. Alurninum helps maintain winter temperatures that make hogs grow healthily to market weight in jig time! Ahunminum henefits you in other ways, too. Lt protects your property for more than a lifetime . . . it neyer rusts and so, never needs painting or regular maintenance ... and its lightweight strength niakes it easy to handle-quick to apply! Ask your Beaver Lumber dealer for complete information about farmn roofing and siding made fromn Alcan aluminum. It's a sure way to increase your production-and your profits! Free Long-Range Weather Foreenst When you see your Beaver Lumber dealer, he'Il give yau a long-range weather forecast for the month ahead as well as informative literature outlining the features of aluminum roofing and siding. And remember to ask him about coloured aluminumn siding, too-now available in 5 attractive coloni-. and white. Visit your Beave Luniber dealer 8oon! BEAVER LUMBER LGIL I >. F In top photo, C. E. Crease, Ontario Hydro's Central Region Consumer Service Engineer, (2nd right) presents farm plaque to W. Rex Walters, (centre), Bowmanville R.O.A. Manager, for the Area staff's dvnamic farm eleetrificatiort program. Look- ing on are John Moles, Hydro's Farm Sales Manager (left), Doug Tideman, Farm Sales Representative of Y A CK BREO UC3H Bowmanville R.O.A. staff, and Bill Cooke, Ontario '» Hydro Central Region Farm Sales Supervisor. In PLUMBING and HEATING lower picture, Mr. Crease shows the award ta members Division Street South 1 96 KING ST. E. of Bowmanville Hydro's Rural Operating staff. MWA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE -OntariaoI{ydro Photos V.V 4I~~M NOW IT'S THE PONTYPOOL We extend aur most since congratulations ta Mr. Laver SUPER6-20 Thomas and Miss Ann G *SUPE 6m2O bank who were married int United Church here on Sý urday. Out of town guestsi cluded friends from 0v, byPIONEER Sound, Oshawa, Lindsay, Tc onto and other points. Wea glad that this young coup ~ I wIll reside in our village. IT S 30% FASTER ! wCongratula tio n s ta i George Van Dam who w reetyawarded top pri se s MO TON SO for is tobacco. liI -11Phone MA 3-2279 Thc potato crop bas be harvested without any frc RR. 2, Bowmanville damnage. Reports indicate good crop and choice qualit Xmas trc cutting and bî ring has started for the Ame can trade. Demand has be DEAL D YS SP CIAL good îand most growers ha, ~DEAL AYS SECIAL sold their 1962 crop.ou EXTENDED TO NOVEMBER l7th nmn- were udyvst man of Tyrone. This coupon is worth $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ozzie Whitný on the purchase of ony new ! of Oshawa spent Sunday wi Pioner cainSOW.Trad ns Mr. an([ Mrs. R. J. Payne. Men1hers of iVanvers Chur( are accepted on this offer UitdCucWonme ........which expires Nov. 1 7,1i962 thh oM. and Mi The-v enjoyed slides shuo% by Mrs. Alan Wood, teaci, ENJOY COMPLE HEATING SERVICE FROM . check these important advantages: *B-A SOLAR HEAT-scieîîtifically compounded ta give you maximum heat value and dlean burn- ing efficieflcy. *B-A SOLAR P.A.C.-f ree anti-corrosion treatment of your fuel oul tank. AX a B.A BUDGET PLAN-easy L ýj payrnents for heating ail * ANNUAL TUNE-UP PROGRAM-keeps yu heating unit in peak operating condition. * D EPEN DABLE DELIVERY-automatically ad- justed to weather condtions. * B-A HEATING FINANCE PLAN-for both new furnace installations and conversions. Low down payment-small carrying charge-five years to E. A* VIRTUE & SON Phone COlfax 3-2431 Tyrone Ontari MORRISH ce On Tuesday, October 23rd, Elsie Harness. SatIsfaction was mre at 8 p.m. ini the Sunday School, expressed upon the balance Gi-there was a large gathering after ail bis were paid. It teof U.C.W. from. Welcome( was a long tiring day for all a-Charge. Mrs Lloyd Kellogg in charge of the booth. The in- xvas. convener. A short business xveather was perfect, the sales wen session was held by each were brîsk and very littie was or- group. left over and this was sold ipe Mrs. Harry Beckett, presi- among the helpers, soft drinks den ofMorishU.CW. on-were returned. The thanks den ofMorishU.CW. Oflfrom members flot present ta Mr.iducted the short business ses- ilintebohwrex vassion. A report in connection hl ntebohwr x lZC Fil the recent Port Hope pressed. ,rz alPair was given by Mrs. The November meeting is scheduled ta be held et Miss enofCrcdeScoiMran M. Beckett's on Tuesday, Nov- eat Mrs. Wood visited several ember 2Oth, at 8:15 p.m. li cauntries this past summer. Thre resignation of Mrs. Lty. Harry Beckett as leader of the b01 Mr. Larry Bradley bas re- Mission Band, (Messengers), eri- Icently secured a position with was accepted. Mrs. Morton en'the Reforrns Institution at Hendersoni conscnted ta take ~ve illbook.this position aver. Mrs. Beckett Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sharp bhas held this Leadership for a fig- 'and Mr. and Mrs. Harry number of years and it was torsilHardy of Toronto spent tire with regret the resignation ing- xvwcekend in the village and, was accepted, this conceluded xvere guests at the Thomas the business. i Gilbank wcdding. The devotional period was ithi Itally Day Services will bel in charge of the U.C.W. Wes- held Sunday, Oct. 28, at 2:30 icyville. Hymn 168: "Jesus, rch pnm. Cliildren of the Sunda% With Thy Churcli Abide" was t -t Sclhool xvill bc in thre choir and foliowed by the readîng of S. rs. DSsist in the rcst of thre se Mark 9- Verses 25 ta 29 by t1y. vie. 1Virs. Austin. Lession thought vice. Ail things are possible ta J licrithem that believe". Prayer by ~Lr iVrs. Clarence Nicholîs, sala -Fareste rs hy Mrs. C. Nicholîs, accom- panicd on piano by Mrs. H. Reev os. I nstall N\ew ~Mis. Lloyd Kellogg then introduced aur guest from Ca- <g.bourg, Mrs. Elsie Stanyer h ficers gave us a short address, sub- Jeci takcn from the book novi Officers of Maple Leaf Cir- l'nu(!! in use by U.C.W. The cie No. 193 of the Ancient Or- 'Lord and the Way, "Why der of Foresters were instali- Slhould I Go ta Church?"1 (2) ccl for the comning year in an What" is the Church for?" imipressive ceremany at the, Mrs. Eana Barrowclough meeting of the organtZlation leader of the panel from Wes- beld in the Union l l on leyvilie discussed this "Are we Thursday evening. District- as enthusiastic as we should be Deputy High Chief Comipan- as members of aur mission in ion Rena Bathgate afficiatcd. Life?" Those installed by the Dis-! The Study of Missions led Itrict-Deputy were Chief Com-!by Mrs. Lloyd Kellogg of Wel- jpanion Rose Dickinson, Suh- corne, assisted by Mrs. John tChief Cornpanion Poily Tkatch,CnelyMr.C stu, rs ISecretary Hilda Humnphrey, Harvey Osborne and Mrs. who is alsa Iligh Outer Guard Newton spoke of Missions in of the Provincial High Circle, Rang, Kong and Korea, illu's- Chalai Ala Prfet, iht trating the different mission Gupide Evlyna erd, Lcftfields by the use of maps and Guide JenWord, I ne r pictures, this was al Most in- Guaid eryea Hughe, IOutner teresting. A list of quertions Guard Eileen Large, Stand- -vsgve aai rsetpr ard Eearer Karen Vesna and taining ta the Rim of East Af- Pianit Aurey ate.rica. A few were answered at Pianit Aurey ate.the end of session. The meet- Chief Companion Rose Dick- 'ing closed with prayer by Mrs. inson then ceremoniously in- Lloyd Kellogg. The Rev. Mac stallkd District Deputy Rena C. Freeman was a sulent listen- Bathýgate in the office of er. Maple Leaf Circle No. 193i A deliciaus lunch was ser- Treasurer for 1962-63. On. be- yod by the ladies of Zion and hall of the local Companions Morrish U.C.W. the presentation of a beauti- Avt ftak a îe fui banc china cake platit by Mrs. Newvton for use of a golden stand was made ta schoo], the lunch and ail at- District Deputy High Chief tending the meeting and in- Companion Bathgate by Chief struction given as ta the pro- Companion Dickinson. cedure af the new curriculum .Following the business meet- by Welcomne and Wesleyville in,' a social hour was enjoyed, merobers. Mrs. Kellogg clased antd a deliciaus lunch was ser- 'the meeting with iprayer. yovd by Chief Companion Dick-ý Mrs. Vera Anderson attend-' 10inson and Companions Minnie ed the Audio - Skîllshop held 10Wisemnan, Aima Perfect and un Cobourg United Church iKaren Vesna.i Hall on Monday, October 22nd.' for economny right down the fineSave moneyin stye -and comfort-with a '63 Ford. There are three wonderful ways to do it! Falcon makes it fun to be thrifty! Fairlane is trim and terrific with a price tag ta match. And this year, there's a big new economy size Ford 300, with the room, ride, power of the great Galaxie. Or, treat yourself ta the elegance of a Galaxie or Galaxie 500, and stili get your share of the savings. Ford's service-convenience features and outstanding warranty for 24,000 miles or 24 months, whichever cornes first, make it the value leader ... uîght down the line! . 'N 5~ t -'t PHIONE MA 3-3388 1BOWMANVLLICI1 t j 1/ FI 'ee 200 Dundai St. W. I lWHI TBYONTARIO SEWYMTRSLd hne6859 . 1

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