In the Estate of GERTRUD ANNIE VIOLA DOW&N. .A1l persons havtng dlairr Rgainst the estate of Gertrud Annie Viola Down, late of th Town of Bowmanvillc. in th County of Durham. deccasei Who died on or about the 10t day of September. ,AiD. 196, are herebv notified to sendj to Roy Clinton Lunnev. Bow rnanville, Qitari o, administra tor~ ie stte of Gertrud Ani ~a iow n. deceasec oun oir' f r the ].--th day November, 1962. partic Ulars of their claini. Imrncdiatc'ly a fLerthe 15th day of Nolbr 96' the assets of t he lestairix wi be distrbuted amongst th parties entitled thereto, hav ing regard nnlv tb daimrs c wnich the said administrato shall thon have notice. Dated at BowmanvilIe, thi 35th dayv of October. A.D. 196 Strike & Strike. Bownanville, Ontarin. Solicktors for the Administrator 42- "For QUALITY Cars - SEE 'McQUEEN MOTOR SALES . LEIMITED - EarlIcQMecen, Pres. 219 KING ST. E BOWMANVILLE Authorizcd I)aler for MG SPORTS CARS MORRIS - RAMBLýER 1961 Pontiac 4-Dr. 6 c yI. autornatit. One ol4ner car in 'ihovi- average condition. 1960 Chev. 4-Dr. 6 cyl., automatir. (Custom ,radio, etc. O)ne o'.wner, lov mileagte. A-1. 1959 Chev. 4-Dr. fi cyi., standard shift. (;ood automobile. 1958 Pontiac 4-Dr. 6 cyl., standard shift. Local, one owner car. New car cond<it i on. Ail ahove automobiles carry our own Quality Vsed Car G tiara nt ee. "le have on dispiay over 50Ïth er makes and nmodels 'to choose from. 1'rotccl vou r ait tonobi le âgainst winter %veather... Under-Spray Now '.24-Hour Towing Service Service Station INMA 3-3401 Aftcr 11 p.m.- MA 3-5645 We are noiv a recognized member of N. A. L. Ouîr Sheil Service Station is open daily un tif Il CONTACT: EarI MoQueen %Vcldon Brown Bud Ig JiimiCromnbie Sales ~ I Magistrate's CoL Tueàday. October 30th. 1962 ýava ad i ad beci s_ Noics s Francesco Dionisi, 64. 196 decided le rs Notics Lost McCaul St., Toronto, was as- inut OshaNva. lie sessed a fine of $25 plus costs yIlecur gi , :)EUANNOVNCENMENT .. LADYS Wittnatier gold wrist of $3 for stealing appies from 1 thbeacourtteds b: watch. black leather band, the farm of John Rickard on nltbu acpîdb niiMR. BUD VIRTUE near BýeaN-er Lumber or Sev- Highway No. 2.LinlRw 0 de, *ihst noneta r ae-Nno ens .R Pat- Corneil forIlviolations of he1 ihst noneta dav. Oct. 17. Cali 623-3645. tbld the court of being on pat- e asrmccc W he la now operatirag Reward. 44-1* roi and seeing the mari pick- leývsrnaie hej --igteaps.todv tuntil Novemib ýhFINA Te deng ned The apefn s Ithcsaidlie thouglit Service Station TedesnWntd ' s defnc sty; 2n, the, oruriaer 7:00 146 Lib rty St eet Sou h In the Estate of didn't think they w ere doin g m nvli ,a d ex w-I 4 iet Sre ot Gertrude Aninie Viola Down, any wrong taking a few ap- was set rielit. A de B OIW M A NV1i lNOTI ~.dCE O A LEdpies. every nighlit.,is dGAS 011, - IA'BRICATION NO TEN0D E Said the Magisti-ate ini con- owNv home and sta Of I vVTNE ~ictUng,*"I f your defence \va' h( e os t0o work t ic- GENERAL REPAIRS NOTlICE 15 HEREBY CdV- carried far enough, in x'our dayý. i.cese Mchrîc EN thiat s"aied tenders in ac- reasoning, you could take a Roger Ciood\\-rîl LdesdMehri 4:-2 tordance xith the Conditions farmer's cow from the field.trStetasul :2,of alehceinfte se ot wll ouwouidn't like it if the ed until Novenibce i2.' be rcceivcd b\ the undersign- saine îhing was done b o U was convicted at il I d up to 12 o'clock noon onst your home. sittinga of cotisitil \Vednesday, the l4th day of 0fNovenîbet, 1962, tor- the . pur- "Yet you cati come out here w.hile a minoir. c hse f he lmîs aîd roms-froni the city and regard far-m- WOold like 10In ioý ije> of the late Gertrude Annie ers as fair game. Ciimbing a plied the liquo.. Viola Dovri known as 139 Scu- fence and picking appies that Carl Tiîompsoli,1 lis gog Street, Bowmanville. do not beiong to you is theft. lau St. Oshawxa, 2FREE - SPECIAL 'l'lie samd lanîds have 132' There witl be a conviction." $-,l) îjîus cosis nil frontage, more or less, on both William Robert Bradlev, 26.,oim liquior'.whi GA BA E IC -U Sugg Street anîd Prospect 241 Drew St., Oshawa, and lic is on probilîn Street aîîdae approximateîy three 16 year olds were con- the Oshîawa Court 13 D, OV 7 ' 0 running from Scugog victed at an earlier sitting on mand uintit todayv -. Sath Sie i igle ailands is constructed a 01 stolen goods. tinuethle probatini six-rooni t'railne dwelling and They had come iito Bowv- Milmuav il. ALh 8 barn matîvilie on August. 301h tu O'Dcll Sti_ p!pjdt, THURS., NO)V.8 Te sa id piopeut as it cx- steal aasolitte 10 go on a fishi- [ailinigl tu t ai)0'111 'North ide odKincj.ts a' Ic date atud lîou of ing trip. They were appre- Octob'eu 27thî Norh id adKî , ale shahl be soId ltrce front ail hended by Constables Ander- P.C. D. Aiidt*îsoi T. K. STEWART ctîcunîbrance and charges ex- son and Bird with a chaise cc ani accidenitOn Wurs eprîert îit. cpt as otherwise spectfîed n lounge stolen from the home 1,() fi. uîouîiî ut il %Vrk Dpatem Sip.the conditionîsof sale. of Douglas Taylor, 20 'Fhird A !elvplîoiiî' po;,, A41.1\A full desciriptioni of Ilie S.buoki off aîîd 0; d TiOVNSI-IIP OF' U77LAiIKE popcrtNv and permiîssion to Gerald Tilk. 199 Jiames S.plioliîeliles vr miew anîd tuspcct bhe same Donald Woernîke, 175 Olive radiator lmd be Clerk's Notice of nip.v bc ohtaiiîed at anmîv time Ave., and David Cooper, 19t) and Amdr:oiî 'cIl prior to tue sale fmorn the James St., al 16 of Oshawa rail bo AbbnttîY t- First Postin:g of undet'signied. [were placed on suspended seni- Abbobt samd alieN 1 Coditins o Sal: tece otiue year. Thev art' honte Ifroni apat Vaters' List <1) l'lePiuchascr shiail be to keep separate anîd apart didtî't kiîov, hoNN. 1 Voters' List, 1962 illoNved lwcuît NI days front the fromi Bradley. None of tîteso Doke St. anîd lit, Tlownship of Clarke ' date of acieptatice of his tend- 16-year olds had been in trou- enîber hittmîîg bt' o 1 in the County of. Durliam i e h o itivestigate the tille to ble before. AIl at-c studemîls. beelcil clîkig aidc Notice is herebv given t bat tie puopertv- yamd make any o Bradie 'v was remntded ont 1iy li hil)îcîuil d f~ ~ haecopie it ecin itteîî objections tiiereto. ofcustocyLv utti I November uIt> ty %sS,23. D 9of HIe Voters' bist Act and()'l'iîe piti-chase amîd sale 13th. lie is bo gel rid of lus car .885. 11) Pole ýiiii thuai1 have postecd tmp at mvlheteti a (1cr cceptance of a and must bring proof oif ils lROSS RLltii :B(,( office at Orono on Ille tlîirtieth' tenîdeu shaîl bec cumplcted on sale. Stl, awuence si, ciay of October, 19622. the ]ist ot' before lb' 30t1î day of i Mgistrale Raxtet' commîentî- pleadecl gtilt\v I of-al] pet-sons entitled tb vote Novenîber. 1962. aîîd al d- id "'So tany times W, find divtitig whviiic îîuî n tlle saicl Mu iipality atijustmeît.s nf insurtance and hoe things happening toda.v. t1 cnitllarc ýMunicipal Electtoins and (batîtaxes shail be niadf, as of the Young people boy cars. The lic11,inu iil a laice such list remains lhere for in-closing date. payments are so higli that lhey lus tesid(ýncui spectinît. ~(3) The payiiiemîtterrils Ofdo tiot have enough monev u oîsaIoini And i1lîcrebv cal] n po i i a I." tencder shal I be al icastrmn them and 50 tbe.v g0o uit fthie couirt tîtat 'otcrs ho take iirediate prc-oi-th tah otîtli a-1 steal gasoline. tfOtbrli i cecdings to ]lave îîny omissions atîce of the purchase prîce to "Baiy syc aeial,-accdenb ai l or errors correc'l;ed accol.dimîgbC. aecuredcbioa tirsh morîgage 10 taw, the last day for appeal 1ti ner .paale îoa cnito esttn fv bcngthie thirtcemîth dav of:years after the ciosing date. yers ago, 1 catînot give you Novenîber. 1962. (4) Ex-erv tenîder- shah hoe probation. X'ou have a Iengthîy Dpted ibst'uiel a fn wiiigamu shall contain: record with two ternis ini the ta) Ilie muanie amui aidreof,0ofpenitemtiary. 1 am concerned__ October Ille.tue cnderer: that a 26 year old should have il. E. MILLISON, (b) the amoumî)t of te tender three 16-year olds with Ihîmi. L / Cierk eif Oie Nwttl particulars of dlownî pay- You wilI gel rid of this car Jf Tiownship tuf Clarke Ment. amoLmnt of motgage, and you will nol purchase ano- S interesl and due date of mort- ther for two years. Youi should, gage, if applicable, have some consideration foi-' VVtd t Bu Esc a cheque payable to the your mother. Wantd toBuy stat ofGertrude Antnie Viola "S0e bas been the backboîe e Down as a deposit of elîher of the family as the pr-e-sen- 200) BALES 0taw . C. Van ýote-tenîli of bhc total piur- tence report indicates that Belle, 623-718~8. 44-1i chase price o tiue-lOin 0of the your father is flot stable. Ho cash payment on ciosing ini the goes away for two or three JiUNIOR girl's bicycle, in good event a nortgage for the months at a stretch atnd spends1 conditiotn. 623-57238. 44-1, balance of the puIrchase price vrhat money lue does make , - MEDUMoula-s sze cslis gîveui: mostly on liquor. At. '26 years IrnI box to are. goied a ti() a sbateniemit 10 the effect of age you should be assisting.' dition Phone263-h45. b4e tenderer submits 10 You ho back hore on thue 3th diton hon 26-245. 4-Ithese conditions of sale as of November and 1 wili de- $100 PAID foi' brass framnes. 1if the saine weeue part of bis cide what 1 wili do with you lever action rifles, other ohd tende r. theut." rifles and hlani glîtîs wanted. (5)Scaled tenider-s niar.ked William Poutet-, 20, 79 Stomne1 Phoo 28554.418 Tendet- DoNvit Estate' shall be St., Oshawa, was remanded delivered ou mailed postage out of cusîody uintil January ALFALF7A hay, two or îiiree prepaid bo the undorstgned, 151h, 1963. Ho had been con- hundrei bales, preferabIy sec- c/o Messrs. Strike & Strike, victed on a charge of theft ofi ond cut. S tate pnice. ýApply 38 King Street, West, BOW- gasoline. His pro-sentence re- I A. E. Wilson, Bethamîy. 44-1* manville, Ontario, solicitors for port was not good. Ho has dis- lte estate, so as 10 be in their posed of his car and was at'- ipoultry, goSe feathers, feallu- day of Noveniber, 1962, at tho meantime lis condctcl s 1 o e---- o r ticks, scrap mron, rags, hour of 12ý o'ciock noon. Ichocked, lie is tot 10 boy or metals and raw fors. Phone (6) The highesb or amîy tend-lown a car. RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. er wiii not jecessarilv be ac-' James Brockmaîî of Oshawea, 4- ceptci. pleadled guilty to stoalimug gaso- 48t OtiY C . hNNEN~, line frorn IH. Dean, R.R Iý ALL kinds of live poultry, Admnistt'ator of the 'Newcastlo on August 1010. to teathers, new goose and duck Estate of Gertrude Annieisîtaîmng tools from Raiplu Da- aiso old fe;athor ticks wanted. Viola Doxvn, deceased, vey in Darlington oin Au gost H-ighest prices paid. M. F'1att, 48 King Street. West, î2tîî. 'Fo being in possessionu"1~.î Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r Il fBowmanviiie, Ontario. ofpat f 0emoeAsI)e coilot 2-tftrom a break-intî 1 a Pepsi-' iCola pop dispenser, on August ' lit 1 assaulling R. Fallis ai NIoriey - Upi to 6.î: Be 'ge r tldt lite coumt thla4 j '~lie had been drinkitg and luad 2 PRICES ONLY -2 *q. pulled off. lie wa fined $50 YODUR CHOICE . . . s Uspended for fth rcc Thomas Tendamn. 16, New- '888 $rastle. was brought. bofore the Court for being in the Town of Bowmanville at 10:30 3 2 ________4 8____p.m. oni October 27th. He is3 oni scspended sentence amîd3 . m mIone of the conditions is that lho O . MA ~tay out of' the Town of Bow-F Ae KRAMP rnanville. O lie was picked up aI thue LIMITE ~"1 ~ Mentortal Park Club Flouse dlt a dance by P.C. R. Parker. T 317 KING STREETI. IE. 1~' lie was comtinued on proba- ltion when hoe bold the court i lihat lie was enroule 10 Osh- ITenders Wanted ~~**~4*J l or TOWNSHIP 01'Vtnli l'r eating plant at Townhi Garage. Tenders bo be recete- ed ah Township Office tmp 10 12 o'clock noon, Nov. 16. Plans Ifr1 and specifications available at F Township Office, Blackstock, o or from Road Superinte ndent.OS MERLIN SUGGITT, : R.R. 2, Nestlebon, ",72 Roai Superintendcnt 'Announcement hiui iI' j il iltoit t, iSt lt t: ut vu imuti Ic C u u il t ia 'lt t e' l icenrze nuniber b re- The Catîadian -tatt,,rmn, Ilowvmanvhie, Oct. il,1?!A2 rport ho Ille police deparîment,. - - -. . T' v , vere approaching Lib- crItv St. oui Chcmrch ah a fasl (l rate 0f ped, 'v. cn the Bee 1- lionc rea f- ,> Mis. Biggs lut 1he Beers veit - Cie t, tule ceai'. Thet Beerý NMixinror okey Practice 'Iimes 3londay. Nov'. 51h, 1961 plillicch:îcav anud Mrs. Btggs a. Nov. 3rd, 1962 ~lO-55 îi aosau Cc '.asc on foot. Thucu H Bcu topedami wem Mr.,7:041 - 7:50an Rangers amd Bisouts. iB Bggt muîcîîionîcîthie police._e Wtg 6:00 - 6:50) P.mîî-Bomnbers. Beet s sharhei drivitîg a\vav-8:OO - 8.50 an.- Canaduatis,16 aga-t.Mus. Biggs huad a hold. and Brouiis. Clean ie.':t0 - 7-50 amui.ý Cubs aiid cuthe Hie olr bc'ihuis tinte aîîd 9:00 - 9:5(hat) liacks ali Pirates. sule lielu c1Io iclu until Beers Rockets. :( 1 i ,ci>a- puile i itit Dci Bos n. 10:00 - hi0:50 a i. î tduans Tîgers. Beut ýz was fiuîed a total of atnd 1Houmets. Cleati and flood. 9:00 -9.5<) 1.1n. I Iîîtkics andr S78 imd givemi txco weeks tg 11:00 - 11:.50 a.1n. G iants anîd iFy pa~Aiteuîti , i 12 daYs un Royapls. 10001 I2:00 11min - renlet- gaoY 12:00 p12 t. Raims aid bramice Day Scrî ice at Ceno. 12:01Red,)32 - 12v ikng.tapit. W-si-y -i 22 atv ikiugs12:001 - 12 Sit p.mîi, Leafs atit u5u~w. t s cîavfi- 1:00 - 1:51) p mi. Opttsa Beau-s. eda total of 7 for dnivitig Maroomus.1:) tS)p.î. amesni ie wtt ctpriOuJuî2s.2:00 - 2:50 mm. Comiets aid Boys Trainîing School. crita joitîci A.A. amui ac- Gemerais. '240)- 2:50) pamn- Braves. I trd îw 0 us vif sdotg 30_ 3:50 CaiuLcks amîd 20 3:50 p.mî.- Midget All- fici uiik . lie is aI leid ing Mt. Royals.Stsan Ac. ~ igcîau v mi s ____________________________________________________and___Aces____ \Xiitîu 1.)uîuias Bui' vi,19 42ý li-u St v as assessed a holail fS*25t andcigiccuLtliNoveîu- ber )th to pa,\. lie was a-I uusl'i bv P.C. Jolîuî Biî'i whoý ut.poiiud o a c-ali about a' 1 'iuia:, Stitiex s 1,uuîci. i.' tc flMtil,. Bout sa-idlile lîad taketi tutt, :t I a ~ iuei q utirfroin ionme. licý Ilr ivtd tcm coliceal bis age. B1el dii I:. t". . .cldi'l k,1o0wwh liîe had been Il' u' utt' cij ii lu ligu llî x îDotialdLatie. I~~i l. D .t . ,'u u i 1 ov xclie\' . : \\.as a.scýsedco csîs of Si i bit uea ppeauei foru 'tult' ldav cutia chistgoof althbie Eas't Beach. 10'i \i I, ut,, " k'.ý! On 't: i 'I lt il ' ,'t t . i t l..~ i~ . , I t" t ' t "j., "', t t.:, . t"' t" k t,,' t, ' t:' 'k S . tu(ui) e L itb1 ît\ 11Ile cotut t. Ile 'ahIdi lIat lieliai a a ntwlîo wkcou Ici tt'st iivtc lial Doxvney cxa: cv-i ttugl.\ couîvictei. This' t1ittutu fot'iiOuiv liveci inii îeý tuttapi' antri cylîin le nîovei t1t tk ttlc,\ý s ixetc bitukcn C,)i:t aiît ltitie Crut AI- ttc li oltcîud ho ai-, ut hlic' it1l11V tliltil DOWc- t ucý )îroiugîitt1h i-tniaiu) to leshi- ioý ne\xo- piîlc'ste lItI lute tati Itisi i dutys of woik tti-,c atnid diint kauul 10lose a Tîtuci lie tliiew'ilie $27 iown ont thtecesk anditheMai ia te uîtceut' i hum o puck ki utp aid prosentuit t proper-1'. If c ,vtxanl t c act like a lit- tu' littk\"' said île Court, 'TiI hi.tkc o lake xoti otut to thoý catiispaii k vomi1 NO Cf PAYMENTS UNTIL DYKST RAS Phone 823-3541 VARIETY F OME ELI!E FOODS SIDE PORK1 PORK LI VER (Neare as hiandy as y ouur telephone) 2 îbs. 99C FRESH - LIOME-MADE SAUSAGE 2 Ibs. 99C S ALE TEA SPOONSj1 CELERY 3 lbs. 99C LEAN - ENDERI CUBE STEAKS onîy 99c lbo onyl79c ea 2 for 25C LET us HELP YOU! JUNE lst 1963 )NOVE IMPROVE November is Home Improvement lime! P L-",', PLANS IDEAS ATERIAL - ju '-'-.~ 'z-, '-i I Y. v DON'T LEI' 1,ACK 01" IEADY CASII STOP YOU ... MODERNIZE NOIV! HOUSES COTTAGES CABINS SGARAGES Et(@ ASK ABOUT Patios Bathrooms - Kitclmens Recreation Rooms -AND- Dens -Dormers Wall Storage Roof inc - £idinu tVICE ...QUALITY ...DEPENDABILITY IAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. ,HAWA BOWMANVILLE COURTICE AJAX 8-1617 728-1611 728-1611 Zenith 2-9600 44-1 L CALL OUR ..*. HOME MODERNIZATION DIVISION For Complete Remodelling Service Il YEARS EXPERIEN(E IPROTE(T YOU! Storm Doors Storm Windows "'4, CONSULTANTS TO SERVE YOU! FRESH FRESH rowinî BU %ffou vu m la *wmoumm RW