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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1962, p. 14

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4 lh s Canadian Statesmra. Bowmanvilie. Oct. 31. 19(32 Fine Costumes at Kinette Dance q e ~F3. 'E -- Four of the prize \vinfling costumes at the Ki S;aturday are shown hem-e. Upper photo includes Mr. )Right photo, Mr. end Mrs. Jim Barclay ia their Mex.i WALLPAPER jNEW STOCK JUST ARRJVED Frm 40c u GOOD SELECTION OF' BETTER QUALITY WALLPAPERS Exclusive Patterns Clearing Remnants AUL TYPES 0F PAINT Let us help you witb your decorating probleîiis. No obligation 42 years in decorating business ABERNETHY'S PAINT and WALLPAPERU MA 3-54: ANOTHER FI RST by ...Oshawa Wood 1 Al PRECISION » BUILT DOG HOUSE $22 Sturdy 2" x Mlodern Rau Itemova for easy clk J.MNo. Specially built for the fainihy pg Size 3" 6" x 3# 6" x 2' E - Must be Seen to be Appreciatg USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AN A SmalI Deposit WiII Bold for Christmi OSHAWA WOOD PRODU COURTICE SHOWROOM Phoneo;Z'8-161 1 * ** ln wlich the deceased wP9 O B T A R I Sle were timose fromn Local 1 89 Rubber Workers; The C. LUCIUS HOOPER MRS. JOHN J. IRELAND Royal Canadian Legion; Good- The eat offormr Fre.Folowin a rie iîless , earReceiving Dept. and Pre-- Thedeah o fome Fie, ollwin abrif ilnesparings Departments 2432. Chief Charles Lucius Hooper the death of Mrs. John J. Ire- 2433, 2437; Catholic Women's occurred suddenly at his land, Carlisle Ave., occurred League and Hoiy Name Soc- home, 55 Temperance Street, in Oshawa General Hospital, iety: Friends and neighbors Bowmanvilie, on Tuesday, Oc- on Saturday, Octaber 20, 1962. of Carlisle Avenue. lober 23, 1962. He was in his Boin at Hillier Ont., the de- The funeral service was, 78thyea. ,ceased was the former Mabel held from the Chapel of the Bora at Bowmanv~ille, lielLuella Cunningham, daugh- Northcutt & Smith Funera; wasthesonofthelat Jon er of the late Wilbur and Home, Bowmanville, on Mon- wase thasnofltele CJohnerLina Cunningham. Her lîus- day, October 22, and was con- and atteaded school here. In band, John J. Ireiand. suir- ducted by Rey. H. A. Turner 1905 he married the former Vives.-fS.Pu' Uie hrh Rose Ana Larkin who pie- Mrs. Iieiand hiad resided in Intermient was la Bowmanvifle deceased hlm a few years ago. Bowmanville for about 25 Cemeter3'.s Mi. years and before coming ta Palîbearers %vere eew M.Hooper xvas a nickel'Bwavîehd îe aOh Stanley Jackson and 13arrv buffer with the Bowmanvilleý Bwanil alveinOh Oliver and dear friends'PLÂ Foundry Comnpany Ltd., and. ýman Bottrel. Jîmn Botà ti' when he retired some years Survivîng besides her hlis- Len Wilson and Bob iPW 1ago with 47 vears' service, band, John J. Ireland, are _________ held one of the longest ser- three sisters and one brother. Mis. W. Bowers (Rhea) of Hydro Generates Interest vic rcors ithth fondv.Wellington Mrs. George Bid- Ontario Hydro's power de- The deceased joined theý de <Nina) of Oshawa; Mis.' velopments are a major tour- Bowmianville Eure Depart- Fred Thompson (Gilberta) of ist attraction. Approximatelv, nment on June 19, 1911, and Port Hope, and Jack of Mapie 1,500,000 persons will tour gen-* was appointed Fire Chief on Grove. ierating stations, visit Hydro Januaîy 1, 1937. He continued Among the beautiful floraildisplays, and watch film and as Fire Chie! for 21 Years, re- tokens, evidence of the esteemn slide showings during 1962. tiîing in 1958. ______________________________ iThe late Mr. Hooper was a life-long resideat of Bowman- ville and a member of t.B1owmanville ýJohn's Anglican Church.Ki a s Heis survived by three sons! lu and une daughter, Frank, Or- will present ville, Roy and Eva (Mis. G. Widdecombe). ail of Bowmaa- i The Toronto Musical Show ville. 5, The Orono Mrs. James E. Richards, News Editor !Mr. and î Wa\ nele \ CIiaîçî.e Duuîjan Mr. 1n , %, S(,\ lotr, Mr. and Mi Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Donî Dunicai i Utaw a h i'hiapsuî i. 'Jn u Horace Best and sons on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reu.'raird Mrs. Hiarold Hancoc mett Halow'endane o da. . Markham: Mr. and virs. Star-'cil l \le. ,inete Tallwe'n dace '11 Mr%. A. E. West is stayîing and Mrs. Frank Osmond. with ber brother Mr. Kenneth ican garb. Dean and Mrs. Dean, New-i --Photos bv Rehder castie. Mrs. West has been illi at lier home for the past two mconths. J Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Eustace Kinett s Ho U of London weie weekend "guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond. tMAasq uerade etnilAnvra S- The Bowmanviie Kînette Reg. Sutton were MVr. ancI' Club's tradîtional aîînuai Mas- Mrs. Geo. Bowers, Nestieton;ý querade Dance, which was Miss Muriel Reid, T[oronto; held at the Bowmanvilie Bad- Mrs. Wyven Reid, minton Club on Saturday Mrs. Walter Woolley, Bow- evening, was a marked suc- manville; Mr. and Mis. Ken-l cess, although there was not as nedy Gray and David, Cad- large an attendance as in for- mus. I mer years. Everyone present Mr. and Mrs. Neil Camieion enjoyed a delightful evening. and hec son David Moffat of IMrs. Doug Ruttan was the Indian River cailed on Mr. general convenor, and the and Mrs. Wm. Moffat on Su-n other members of the commit- day. L ER were Mrs. Keith Conneil, Mrs. Arthur Fredrick Oakley of Harry Collacutt and Mrs. Halifax and Mrs. Oakley, the Iy l.i~ Robert Guthrie. former Miss Elizabeth Afna 1I Qu ia]iI The festive decorations in Reid of Kirby on their mar- the large clubhouse xvere ail niage, Ocoe Oh asi. in the seasonal H-allowe'en John's Chapel, Fort Prince of moi.Cats, witches, owls-, Wales, Hemer, Germany. Girls' anîd 1Inants' and crows adorned the wa]ls. Mr. and Mis. Staniey 5ev- and a huge straw stuffeci mour, Toronto, visited hisý scarecrow with a pumpkin aunt Mrs. Wni. Seymour un NK E S CK head was prominenti 'v piaced Sunday. lan uln\ oui, lvi \'l anid ]i. next 10 the orchestra. Bill Mr. and Mis TLuther Barra- Miller's Orchestra, Oshawa, bail spent Sundav with Mr. Sî ii-s 1 t1) oî provided popular mnusie forlivrnd Mrs. Rob,.' Barraball,1 dancing. !Judy and David, Mapie Grove.i 3 pr. $ 1.00 Mr. and Mis. Fred Cole and MCongratulations to Mi. and ' Mrs. Mult Corson weîe the co)5- Ms.* Morley T. Richards, the turne judges. The prize win- former Miss Jo Arna Ruthler-: ners wcre: 1. Mr. and Mrs. ýford of Kirby, on tiei mai- TOVVELS Frank Osmond, snowman and',nage Saturdav, October 27th, , i\îin Ixt '/ ndfashioned bathing beauty; in Orono United Church. Rey. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rigg, an IBasil E. Long officiated. VllsI elephant; Mr. and Mrs. James!'Miss Ruth Gordon, Chier lis aS Barclay, Mexicans; 4. Mr. and Operator of Orono Teiephoîîe8cea Mrs. John Strachan. Spanish Company Limited, is in Duiiii-8c a Doni and Robin Ilood. ville at the head office taIo_____________________ study the operating of a diai switch board which xvii be, ODDS 'n' ENDS instailed ini the Orono 'i'le- phone Office in 1963. larmîs -Neckiaces - Hi ocie us Mrs. R. R. Waddcii and lier B guest Mrs. Agnes Darlingturilm2 rc of St. Mary*s, visited Mr. and M rc i Mrs. Darlington, Kingston. Mis. Wyven Reid, Bowman-, ville, is spending this wveck with Mr. and Mis. Reg. Sutton. TheHam Runon a~ GLOVE and SCARF SETS lieid on Saturday ta the 1.0. 11 L8298 1ciîU O.F. Hall. Mr. and Mis. Burîns KiltI-C a ng t$19 mner and sons, SI. iVarys, spetCla ng t$19 lhe weekend with Mr. a nd Mis. ______________________ Wmn. Mitchell. Mr. and Mis. Russe]] Vati Short Ends of Iiorrie, Whitby, visited Mis. D E S P IT Products ~~Fred Tamblyn on1 Sunida..DESPI PCoucsongratulations to Mirs. of o îdclot hi her birthday last week. uni t ipi ions m t'i Mr. and Mirs. Jack DaVis and thiree daughters, Bow- Cle'ar*ing at mranvilIe. spent Sundav with i 4 Mrs. D. N. Myles and Mr. Le- 35c yd. or 3 yds. $1.00 ýRyMyles.____________________ 1 Mr. and Mis. Robt. Knox Si cý have retcîrned [romi Nipawit.B ASIRE C EA A C ýSask., and are with Mr. and R S I ECL A N E Mrs. Chas. Knox. Ms j.ý Visiting wiilh Mr. John Pat-,Mit iî toMr. and Mrs. RoY Patton, foi a tewv days lasi week was 89c ea. their cousin 'Mr. Stevea Tait. ______________________ Toronto, and togetheir visitedý triends iin Milibrook. Kendai , White Fitcd Lehîvered ýandCour and attended the B D S E T Wednesday evening. c2" frakne %%ih Dr. and Mis. Keith TaYior, I\îaiDule i/ îchwall Exterior Nancy and Bonnie, Brampton; :Mr. aad Mrs. W. E. Taylor, S eila 18 a 'rigRqurd oronto; Mrs. M. Chionard, S eila 18 a ntingRequied> Mr. and Mis. C. Caveriy, Mc-ý hibe Gable Roof ýArthurs Milis; Mr. and Mrs.ý Special Selectioiî of Girls' eaig n ovn!John Kerr, Fort Stewart were'\HT ~anngan mvig!Sunday visitors of Mi. andWHT BLOUSES 210> Roof Shingles Mrs. Marshall Chatterton. Among the many out of In i ~zts from 7 iii i1.. et! . town visitors attending thie services at O ion o United Clcaîrim, amt Church Centeaniai Annivers- e - ary on1 Sunday were: Mrs. 77c ea. or 2 for $1.50 MEIMORIAL HOSPITAL &AY PLAN WEEKLY REPORT ïas DeiveryFor the week of Oci. 22 - 28 as Deiveryinclusive. Admissions 5 Births, 4 male, 6 female Wi (15 LTDO Discharges 1,1 5 King Street East Minor operations 2 t Phone 728-1617 Emergency treatments 16i Visiting hours 3 - 4 p.m. and ta 8:30 p m. Irs. to; )k, The futîerai service was' heid from t.he Morris Funeral C hi a p e 1, Bowmanville, on Thursday, October 25th, and was conducted by Rev. Arnold C. Herbert of St. John's An- glican Church. Interment fol- towed la Bowmanville Cerne-ý terv. Amnîg the many beautiful floral tributes, evidence ofý the esteem in which the de- ceased was held, weîe thosel from the Bowmanville Fire Department, Bowmanv 111 el Memorial Arena, BowmanvilIeý Foundry. and J. Anderson Smith, Newcastle. Palibearers, aIl present r former members of Bowman- ville Fire Depailment, xveie .Messrs. Walter Hackney, Wal- ter Hately, Frank Smith, Frank Bottrel. Frank Calver and Thomas Lvle. 'Flying High '62" Satu rday," Nov. 3rd and again on Fri. & Sat., Nov. 9-10 Bowmnanville Town Hall Ti'ckets availabie from Kiwanis Members Show wilI be featured by special parade on Sat., Nov. 3 at 10:30 a.m. - starts corner of Church and Temperance to Sctugog, King to Liberty and Cburch hack t) Teimpleranice St. c7G4 NiVTJ C MIDwSEA SON CE SETS Blouse, I.ow Prices Gi rls' BLOUSE and SOCKS atching Arnel and Cotton Orlon Stîetch Socks Sizes 7 - 14. Reg. $2.98 Clearing ai $2.29 set Girls' PRE-TEEN SLIMS izs8 tii 14, Gold, Black, and Bine. Reg. $6.98. Clearing ai $4.77 Girls' Faîl and Winter DRESSES izies fromi 4 to 14. Reg. $3.98 to $6.98. Clearing ai $2.77 to $4.77 G'irls' W INTER COATS and COAT SETS Sizes from 4 to 14. Reg. $19.98 la $24.98 Clearing $16.77 to $19.77 Ladies' FALL BLOUSES Sizes 10 ta 20. A good selection with Savings f rom 25% to 50% s IRONING and LE BOARD COVES PAD SETS Fîts ail boards Reg. Value $1.37 set. Clearing at $1.00 set Special on Substandard ELECTRIC BLANKETS " Double Size " Elec'trical parts first qualiiv " Sliglt imperfections ini blanket $12.88 ea. CHENILLE BEDSPBEADS Sol id colors - Double size Reg. $8.98 Value (Sl',earing ai $6.99 Ligbter Weigbt CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Double size - Sofld colot s Reg. $4.98 Value Clearing ai $3.88 GIRLS BLOUSES Sizets 7 to 14 - Reg. $2.98 Clearing ai $1.93 SOLIIY FOAM PILLOW4 Standawd size. Reg. $5.98 Value S pecial $4.77 ea. You.tig Aduits' and Ladies' CAR COATS Sizes 7 to 16. Reg. $19.98 Value Cltearing ai $14.88 Ladiesf Acetate Jersey Shift DRESSES Sizes brokenfrom 10 io 2o Special ai $2.99 ea. '.Oý L14ER gowmanvill, IL l ing St. Iv. Big ValuesJ -T 1

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